MCPS Broadcast Blanket Distribution - TV FPV Rates Paid December 2014

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MCPS Broadcast Blanket Distribution - TV FPV Rates Paid December 2014 MCPS Broadcast Blanket Distribution - TV FPV Rates paid December 2014 Peak P(ence) Non Peak Progs Non Progs Rate (per P(ence) Rate Peak FPV (per Non Peak FPV (covered (covered by Source/Short Manufacturer Source Link Period weighted (per weighted weighted (per weighted by blanket blanket Licensee Channel Name Code udc Number Type code (YYMMYYMM) second) second) minute) minute) licence) licence) AATW Ltd Channel AKA CHNAKA S1759 287294 208 rvm 14041406 0.041 0.0246 Y Y BBC BBC 1 BBCTVD Z0003 5258 201 rxv 14071408 66.521 33.26 39.9126 19.956 Y Y BBC BBC 2 BBC2 Z0004 316168 201 rxw 14071408 25.801 12.9 15.4806 7.74 Y Y BBC BBC ALBA BBCALB Z0008 232662 201 ry1 14071408 5.806 2.903 3.4836 1.7418 Y Y BBC BBC HD BBCHD Z0010 232654 201 ry3 14071408 6.095 3.047 3.657 1.8282 Y Y BBC BBC Interactive BBCINT AN120 251209 201 rvp 14071408 16.937 10.1622 Y Y BBC BBC News BBC NE Z0007 127284 201 rxz 14071408 8.865 4.432 5.319 2.6592 Y Y BBC BBC Parliament BBCPAR Z0009 316176 201 ry2 14071408 7.339 4.4034 Y Y BBC BBC Side Agreement for S4C BBCS4C Z0222 316184 201 sc9 14071408 8.567 4.283 5.1402 2.5698 Y Y BBC BBC Side Agreement for S4C BBCS4C Z0222 316184 201 sge 14071408 8.567 4.283 5.1402 2.5698 Y Y BBC BBC3 BBC3 Z0001 126187 201 rxt 14071408 12.144 6.072 7.2864 3.6432 Y Y BBC BBC4 BBC4 Z0002 158776 201 rxu 14071408 9.573 4.786 5.7438 2.8716 Y Y BBC CBBC CBBC Z0005 165235 201 rxx 14071408 10.41 5.205 6.246 3.123 Y Y BBC Cbeebies CBEEBI Z0006 285496 201 rxy 14071408 10.834 5.417 6.5004 3.2502 Y Y BBC Worldwide BBC Entertainment Africa BBCENA Z0296 286601 201 sdn 14071408 5.556 2.778 3.3336 1.6668 N Y BBC Worldwide BBC Entertainment Nordic BBCENN Z0300 286619 201 sdq 14071408 1.068 0.534 0.6408 0.3204 N Y BBC Worldwide BBC Entertainment Pan-Europe/MiddleBBCP East Z0314 124703 201 sdx 14071408 2.272 1.136 1.3632 0.6816 N Y BBC Worldwide BBC Entertainment Poland BBCEPO Z0292 286627 201 sdi 14071408 2.962 1.481 1.7772 0.8886 N Y BBC Worldwide BBC HD Pan Europe/Nordic BBCHNO Z0303 286635 201 sdt 14071408 9.757 4.878 5.8542 2.9268 N Y BBC Worldwide BBC Knowledge Africa BBCKAF Z0297 286643 201 sdo 14071408 8.818 4.409 5.2908 2.6454 N Y BBC Worldwide BBC Knowledge Nordic BBCKNO Z0301 286650 201 sdr 14071408 1.622 0.811 0.9732 0.4866 N Y BBC Worldwide BBC Knowledge Poland BBCKPO Z0293 286668 201 sdj 14071408 1.54 0.77 0.924 0.462 N Y BBC Worldwide BBC Lifestyle Africa BBCLAF Z0298 286676 201 sdp 14071408 8.085 4.042 4.851 2.4252 N Y BBC Worldwide BBC Lifestyle Middle East/Nordic BBCLNO Z0302 286684 201 sds 14071408 1.854 0.927 1.1124 0.5562 N Y BBC Worldwide BBC Lifestyle Poland BBCLPO Z0294 286692 201 sdk 14071408 0.527 0.263 0.3162 0.1578 N Y BBC Worldwide BBC World News BBCW Z0011 124711 201 ry4 14071408 4.541 2.27 2.7246 1.362 N Y BBC Worldwide Cbeebies Poland CBEEBP Z0295 286718 201 sdm 14071408 1.331 0.665 0.7986 0.399 N Y BSkyB Challenge Eire CSCHEI Z0431 263899 206 sgb 14071408 2.617 1.308 1.5702 0.7848 Y Y BSkyB Challenge TV CHALLE Z0128 123846 206 sax 14071408 6.496 3.248 3.8976 1.9488 Y Y BSkyB Comedy Central PARAMO Z0078 130288 206 rzt 14071408 11.468 5.734 6.8808 3.4404 Y Y BSkyB Comedy Central Extra PARAM2 Z0077 285850 206 rzs 14071408 2.066 1.033 1.2396 0.6198 Y Y BSkyB Crime SKYCRI Z0079 232977 206 rzu 14071408 1.044 0.522 0.6264 0.3132 Y Y BSkyB EPG SKYEPG S0516 232910 206 rxk 14071408 0.003 0.0018 Y Y BSkyB Lifetime LIFETI Z0400 251621 206 sfn 14071408 2.881 1.44 1.7286 0.864 Y Y BSkyB Military History SKYMIL Z0177 230674 206 sbi 14071408 0.987 0.493 0.5922 0.2958 Y Y BSkyB National Geographic NATGEO Z0069 200123 206 rzj 14071408 2.462 1.231 1.4772 0.7386 Y Y BSkyB National Geographic Wild NGADVE Z0070 285785 206 rzk 14071408 1.22 0.61 0.732 0.366 Y Y BSkyB Nick Jr NICKJR Z0071 285819 206 rzm 14071408 2.456 1.228 1.4736 0.7368 Y Y BSkyB Nick Jr 2 NCKJR2 Z0072 285827 206 rzn 14071408 1.762 0.881 1.0572 0.5286 Y Y BSkyB Nickelodeon NICKEL Z0073 84600 206 rzo 14071408 2.779 1.389 1.6674 0.8334 Y Y BSkyB Nicktoons NTOONS Z0074 285835 206 rzp 14071408 0.94 0.47 0.564 0.282 Y Y BSkyB NVOD Barker Family SKYNVO Z0075 232944 206 rzq 14071408 0.005 0.002 0.003 0.0012 Y Y BSkyB NVOD Preview Channel NVODPR Z0076 285892 206 rzr 14071408 0.006 0.003 0.0036 0.0018 Y Y BSkyB Pick TV SKY3 Z0161 230625 206 sb6 14071408 23.305 11.652 13.983 6.9912 Y Y BSkyB Pick TV Eire CSPTEI Z0429 263873 206 sg0 14071408 1.056 0.528 0.6336 0.3168 Y Y Peak P(ence) Non Peak Progs Non Progs Rate (per P(ence) Rate Peak FPV (per Non Peak FPV (covered (covered by Source/Short Manufacturer Source Link Period weighted (per weighted weighted (per weighted by blanket blanket Licensee Channel Name Code udc Number Type code (YYMMYYMM) second) second) minute) minute) licence) licence) BSkyB Pick TV Freeview SKY3FR Z0169 247082 206 sbb 14071408 0.707 0.353 0.4242 0.2118 Y Y BSkyB SDIC Sky Guide SDISKY Z0356 260788 206 ses 14071408 0.007 0.003 0.0042 0.0018 Y Y BSkyB SKY 1 BSKYB Z0082 41618 206 rzx 14071408 33.475 16.737 20.085 10.0422 Y Y BSkyB SKY 2 SKY2 Z0144 230641 206 saz 14071408 3.056 1.528 1.8336 0.9168 Y Y BSkyB SKY 3D SKY3D Z0199 316192 206 sbv 14071408 0.704 0.352 0.4224 0.2112 Y Y BSkyB Sky Arts 1 SKYART Z0066 232969 206 rzi 14071408 2.136 1.068 1.2816 0.6408 Y Y BSkyB Sky Arts 2 SKYAR2 Z0180 285678 206 sbj 14071408 1.438 0.719 0.8628 0.4314 Y Y BSkyB SKY ATLANTIC SKYATL Z0275 286445 206 sd4 14071408 3.773 1.886 2.2638 1.1316 Y Y BSkyB Sky Atlantic Eire CSSAEI Z0430 263881 206 sga 14071408 0.885 0.442 0.531 0.2652 Y Y BSkyB Sky Box Office PPV Events PPVEVE S0215 286346 206 rxi 14071408 0.01 0.006 Y Y BSkyB Sky Box Office PPV Movies SKYPPV S0015 232951 206 rxh 14071408 0.052 0.0312 Y Y BSkyB Sky CL/FF 1 SKYFF1 Z0150 285603 206 sb2 14071408 1.377 0.688 0.8262 0.4128 Y Y BSkyB Sky Customer Channel SKYCUS Z0080 232985 206 rzv 14071408 0.007 0.003 0.0042 0.0018 Y Y BSkyB Sky Intro SKYINT Z0399 251654 206 sfm 14071408 0.007 0.003 0.0042 0.0018 Y Y BSkyB Sky Living LIVING Z0120 84873 206 sas 14071408 13.776 6.888 8.2656 4.1328 Y Y BSkyB Sky LivingIT LIVNIT Z0129 286049 206 say 14071408 2.082 1.041 1.2492 0.6246 Y Y BSkyB Sky Movies Action & Adventure SKYMOV Z0058 232993 206 rza 14071408 2.391 1.195 1.4346 0.717 Y Y BSkyB Sky Movies Classics SKYMCL Z0061 285686 206 rzd 14071408 3.8 1.9 2.28 1.14 Y Y BSkyB Sky Movies Comedy SKYMCO Z0056 285694 206 rz9 14071408 2.098 1.049 1.2588 0.6294 Y Y BSkyB Sky Movies Crime & Thriller SKYMH2 Z0057 285736 206 rz0 14071408 1.637 0.818 0.9822 0.4908 Y Y BSkyB Sky Movies Disney SKYDIS Z0392 261513 206 sff 14071408 3.229 1.614 1.9374 0.9684 Y Y BSkyB Sky Movies Drama & Romance SKYMDR Z0064 285702 206 rzg 14071408 1.81 0.905 1.086 0.543 Y Y BSkyB Sky Movies Family SKYMFA Z0059 285710 206 rzb 14071408 2.551 1.275 1.5306 0.765 Y Y BSkyB Sky Movies Modern Greats SKYMMG Z0063 285751 206 rzf 14071408 2.042 1.021 1.2252 0.6126 Y Y BSkyB Sky Movies Premiere SKYPRE Z0055 230609 206 rz8 14071408 3.558 1.779 2.1348 1.0674 Y Y BSkyB Sky Movies Sci-Fi & Horror SKYMSF Z0060 285769 206 rzc 14071408 0.788 0.394 0.4728 0.2364 Y Y BSkyB Sky Movies Select SKYMIN Z0062 285744 206 rze 14071408 1.494 0.747 0.8964 0.4482 Y Y BSkyB Sky Movies Showcase SKYMH1 Z0065 285728 206 rzh 14071408 2.208 1.104 1.3248 0.6624 Y Y BSkyB Sky News SKYNEW Z0162 233009 206 sb7 14071408 10.012 5.006 6.0072 3.0036 Y Y BSkyB Sky News Eire SKYNIR Z0403 251662 206 sfq 14071408 0.601 0.3 0.3606 0.18 Y Y BSkyB SKY NEWS FREEVIEW SKYNWA Z0081 285504 206 rzw 14071408 0.886 0.443 0.5316 0.2658 Y Y BSkyB Sky One Eire SKY1IR Z0404 251670 206 sfr 14071408 0.499 0.249 0.2994 0.1494 Y Y BSkyB Sky Poker SKYPOK Z0089 230658 206 sa1 14071408 0.046 0.023 0.0276 0.0138 Y Y BSkyB Sky Sports 1 SKYSPO Z0083 230617 206 rzy 14071408 20.79 10.395 12.474 6.237 Y Y BSkyB Sky Sports 2 SKYSP2 Z0159 285520 206 sb4 14071408 3.654 1.827 2.1924 1.0962 Y Y BSkyB Sky Sports 2 Eire SKYSI2 Z0406 251696 206 sfs 14071408 3.396 1.698 2.0376 1.0188 Y Y BSkyB Sky Sports 3 SKYSP3 Z0160 285538 206 sb5 14071408 2.065 1.032 1.239 0.6192 Y Y BSkyB Sky Sports 4 SKYSP4 Z0085 285546 206 rzz 14071408 1.727 0.863 1.0362 0.5178 Y Y BSkyB Sky Sports 5 CSBSS5 Z0426 263840 206 sg7 14071408 0.203 0.101 0.1218 0.0606 Y Y BSkyB Sky Sports Eire 3 CSSP3E Z0427 263857 206 sg8 14071408 3.131 1.565 1.8786 0.939 Y Y BSkyB Sky Sports Eire 4 CSSP4E Z0428 263865 206 sg9 14071408 2.92 1.46 1.752 0.876 Y Y BSkyB Sky Sports F1 SKYF1 Z0357 260796 206 set 14071408 2.049 1.024 1.2294 0.6144 Y Y BSkyB Sky Sports Interactive 5 SKYSI6 Z0149 285595 206 sb1 14071408 0.016 0.008 0.0096 0.0048 Y Y BSkyB Sky Sports News SKYSPN Z0158 285512 206 sb3 14071408 0.437 0.218 0.2622 0.1308 Y Y BSkyB The History Channel SKYHIS Z0090 230666 206 sa2 14071408 3 1.5 1.8 0.9 Y Y BSkyB The Pub Channel SKYPUB Z0223 230682 206 sc0 14071408 0.037 0.018 0.0222 0.0108 Y Y BT Sport BT Sport 1 BTSPT1 Z0401 251639 208 sfo 14071408 1.932 0.966 1.1592 0.5796 Y Y BT Sport BT Sport 2 BTSPT2 Z0402 251647 208 sfp 14071408 1.207 0.603 0.7242 0.3618 Y Y Peak P(ence) Non Peak Progs Non Progs Rate (per P(ence) Rate Peak FPV (per Non Peak FPV (covered (covered by Source/Short Manufacturer Source Link Period weighted (per weighted weighted (per weighted by blanket blanket Licensee Channel Name Code udc Number Type code (YYMMYYMM) second) second) minute) minute) licence) licence) BT Sport ESPN ESPNUK Z0274 286437 208 sd3 14071408 1.067 0.533 0.6402 0.3198 Y Y Channel 4 4SEVEN 4SEVEN Z0388 287302 204 sfc 14071408 0.464 0.232 0.2784 0.1392 N Y Channel 4 CHANNEL 4 CH4 Z0032 9151 204 ryo 14071408 28.529 14.264 17.1174 8.5584 N Y Channel 4 E4 E4 Z0119 157406 204 sar 14071408 4.829 2.414 2.8974 1.4484
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