Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry Volume 2016, Article ID 4156293, 16 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/4156293

Review Article : Recent Highlights on Pharmacology and Analytical Methodology

Mafalda Jesus,1 Ana P. J. Martins,1 Eugenia Gallardo,1,2 and Samuel Silvestre1,2,3

1 CICS-UBI, Health Sciences Research Centre, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilha,˜ Portugal 2Laboratorio´ de Farmaco-Toxicologia,´ UBIMedical, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilha,˜ Portugal 3Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (CNC), University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal

Correspondence should be addressed to Eugenia Gallardo; [email protected] and Samuel Silvestre; [email protected]

Received 8 September 2016; Revised 8 November 2016; Accepted 17 November 2016

Academic Editor: Angela Chambery

Copyright © 2016 Mafalda Jesus et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Diosgenin, a steroidal , occurs abundantly in plants such as Dioscorea alata, China, and Trigonella foenum graecum. This bioactive phytochemical not only is used as an important starting material for the preparation of several steroidal drugs inthe pharmaceutical industry, but has revealed also high potential and interest in the treatment of various types of disorders such as cancer, hypercholesterolemia, inflammation, and several types of infections. Due to its pharmacological and industrial importance, several extraction and analytical procedures have been developed and applied over the years to isolate, detect, and quantify diosgenin, not only in its natural sources and pharmaceutical compositions, but also in animal matrices for pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic, and toxicological studies. Within these, HPLC technique coupled to different detectors is the most commonly analytical procedure described for this compound. However, other alternative methods were also published. Thus, the present review aims to provide collective information on the most recent pharmacological data on diosgenin and on the most relevant analytical techniques used to isolate, detect, and quantify this compound as well.

1. Introduction addition to this high synthetic relevance, diosgenin itself has several important biological activities also with great interest The use of natural products, including steroidal compounds, for the pharmaceutical industry [5, 7, 11]. In fact, diosgenin has been growing not only as therapeutically active agents has been described in the literature for its pharmacological but also as lead compounds in drug discovery approaches potential, including the interesting underlying mechanisms [1, 2]. As a relevant example, it was discovered several years of action, thereby confirming and extending the knowledge ago that a number of steroidal and from its usage in traditional medicine. In this context, share interesting anticancer properties and a relatively safe mainly over the past two decades, a series of preclinical and usageprofile[3–5].Amongstthesecompounds,diosgenin, mechanistic studies have been performed to understand the a well-known steroidal sapogenin which originated by the real importance and benefits of diosgenin against a variety of hydrolysis of the dioscin (Figure 1), which can pathologies including metabolic diseases (diabetes, obesity, be obtained from several plants, namely, from Dioscorea, and dyslipidemia, including hypercholesterolemia), inflam- Trigonella, Costus [5–7], and Smilax species [8], is classically matory diseases, and cancer [5, 7, 12]. Altogether, the results used in traditional medicine against a variety of medical from several studies have been implicating the potential use conditions. This is of high industrial importance and of diosgenin as a novel multitarget based chemopreventive or has been subject of interest to many researchers worldwide therapeutic agent against several chronic ailments. over the years. In fact, most of the therapeutically useful For these reasons, it is of high interest to develop efficient steroidal drugs, including sex hormones and corticosteroids, strategies to concentrate diosgenin from its natural sources areproducedinasemisyntheticfashionfromnaturalprecur- as well as drug dosage forms to allow its administration sors and predominantly from diosgenin [9, 10]. However, in [1, 13], either isolated or in plant extract. In addition, several 2 Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry

O H O H O H H H H H O HO H H H O O Diosgenin HO OH Dioscin O O O OH OH O HO OH OH OH Figure 1: Chemical structures of diosgenin and dioscin. pharmacokinetics studies [14] involving this compound have carcinoma(HepG2andHCCcells)[6,25,29],gastriccancer been performed in the last years. As such, the development (BGC-823 cells) [30], lung cancer (A549 cells) [31], breast of analytical methods to detect and quantify this important cancer (MCF-7) [6, 32–34], and human chronic myeloid steroid in different matrices assumes major relevance. leukemia (CML) (K562 cells) [1]. Moreover, several studies Therefore, the most relevant analytical techniques used suggestedthattheknownanticancermechanismsofaction to isolate, detect, and quantify diosgenin, as well as the most of diosgenin are associated with a modulation of multiple recent pharmacotherapeutical data of this compound, will be cell signalling events involved in cell growth/proliferation, presented and discussed in this review. differentiation, epithelial-mesenchymal transition migration, and apoptosis, as well as oncogenesis and angiogenesis [12]. 2. Pharmacology: Recent Data Within the various phases of tumorigenesis, diosgenin seems to be critical in inducing apoptotic cell death and avoiding Diosgenin is a steroidal sapogenin known for years for its their malignant transformation [3, 5, 12]. More specifically, interesting bioactivity, and accordingly a large amount of the diosgenin antitumor effects have been demonstrated, for studies has been performed to explore its potential interest in example,tobemediatedthroughp53activation,immune- a large variety of medical conditions. In fact, this compound modulation, cell cycle arrest, modulation of caspase-3 activ- is known to possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant ity, and activation of the transcription STAT3 signalling properties [15] and can be useful, for instance, in blood and pathway [6, 7, 25]. In this context, important studies have cerebral disorders, allergic diseases, diabetes and obesity [16], shown that diosgenin inhibits the proliferation of osteosar- menopausal symptoms, and skin aging; it can also have a coma cells by inducing apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in G1 protective role in cardiovascular diseases (such as thrombosis phase [35] and also inhibits the proliferation of breast cancer and atherosclerosis) [17–22] and, more importantly, in cancer cells (MCF-7 cells) through the induction of the proapoptotic [5,11,23–25].Inthissection,aselectionofthemostrecent p53 protein and an increase of caspase-3 levels [6, 36]. In discoveries on the pharmacological interest of diosgenin is addition, the proliferation of PC-3 human prostate cancer presented. cells is inhibited by diosgenin in a dose-dependent manner, reducing cell migration and invasion by decreasing matrix 2.1. Anticancer Activity. The development of cancer thera- metalloproteinase expression which reveals the potential of peutics from steroidal compounds has been an attractive this compound in antimetastatic therapy [23]. Diosgenin, due choice for medicinal chemists and many active molecules to its antioxidant activity, affects the growth of A549 lung have emerged [2, 26]. cancer cell line and downregulates hTERT gene expression In this context, several preclinical studies investigated in these cells in a time dependent manner. Therefore, this the effects of the diosgenin as a chemopreventive/therapeutic sapogenin could constitute an interesting approach for lung agent against cancers of several organs, and this has demon- cancer therapy [31, 37]. The diosgenin-induced apoptosis of strated the high interest of this molecule as a potential HEL cells (human erythroleukemia cell line) was related antitumor agent [5, 7]. In fact, the anticancer effect of to COX-2 upregulation. In addition, this apoptosis induc- diosgeninhasbeenstudiedinvarioustumouralcelllinesand tion was accompanied by an increase in Bax/Bcl-2 ratio, it was evidenced that this bioactivity depends both on the cell PARP cleavage, and DNA fragmentation [38]. In the COX- type and on concentration. Thus, for example, diosgenin has 2 deficient K562 cells, the inhibition of NF-kappa B nuclear antiproliferativeactivity,namely,inprostatecancer(PC-3and binding and p38 MAPK activation are involved in the DU-145 cells) [23], colon carcinoma (HCT-116 and HT-29 diosgenin-mediated signal cascades for inducing/regulating cells) [24], erythroleukemia (HEL cells) [27], squamous carci- DNA fragmentation [39]. Other authors also demonstrated noma (A431, Hep2, and RPMI 2650 cells) [28], hepatocellular that this steroid inhibits the proliferation of this leukemia cell Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry 3 line via cell cycle G2/M arrest and apoptosis, with disruption 2.2. Anti-Inflammatory and Immunological Activity. The anti- 2+ of Ca homeostasis and mitochondrial dysfunction playing inflammatory activity of diosgenin is a known relevant effect vital roles [40]. Moreover, diosgenin not only produces cyto- of this steroid and has relevant interest in a variety of toxic effect on human chronic myeloid leukemia cells (K562 pathologies; however, its mechanism of action is still unclear. and BaF3-WT) but also induces autophagy accompanied by In this context, Jung et al. [45] observed a reduction in reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and mammalian the production of several inflammatory mediators, including target of rapamycin (mTOR) signalling pathway inhibition. NO and interleukins 1 and 6, in murine macrophages which Further studies also demonstrated that the inhibition of hadbeenpretreatedwithdiosgeninandstimulatedwith autophagy potentiated the diosgenin-induced apoptosis [1]. lipopolysaccharide/interferon-𝛾.Inaddition,theinhibitory Diosgenin inhibits the STAT3 signalling pathway in the effect of diosgenin on superoxide generation was investigated human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells, leading to the in bone marrow activated neutrophils (in the mouse) and it suppression of cell proliferation and to chemosensitization, was evidenced that this steroid potently and concentration- and caused arrest at the G1 phase of the cell cycle and induced dependently inhibited the extracellular and intracellular apoptosis through caspase-3 activation and PARP cleavage superoxide anion generation. Moreover, this effect was asso- occurred [41]. In HepG2 hepatic cells, this steroid induces ciated with a blockade of cAMP,PKA, cPLA 2, PAK, Akt, and apoptosis through the Bcl-2 protein family (Bcl-2, Bax, and MAPKs signalling pathways [46]. bid) mediated by the mitochondrial/caspase 3-dependent As atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease pathway. Furthermore, diosgenin also generates ROS and whose progression depends on the expression of adhesion leads to oxidative stress which might induce apoptosis [25]. molecules on vascular smooth muscle (VSMC) cells, the anti- Furthermore, the colorectal adenocarcinoma cell line HT-29 inflammatory activity of diosgenin in this condition was issensitizedbydiosgenintoTRAIL(TNF-relatedapoptosis- also studied. In this study, it was observed that this steroid inducing ligand) induced apoptosis [24]. reduced the adhesive capacity of VSMC cells and the TNF- Diosgenin also has antimetastatic effects; for example, it 𝛼 mediated induction of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 in VSMC was demonstrated that it can inhibit the migration of human by inhibiting the MAPK/Akt/NF-𝜅B signalling pathway and breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells, at least partially, by sup- ROS production [17]. This explains the ability of this com- pressing Vav2 protein activity [42]. Additionally, angiogen- pound to suppress inflammation within the atherosclerotic esis is an essential process for the development, invasiveness, lesionandtomodulatetheimmuneresponse.Veryrecently,it and metastasis of solid tumours and is dependent on the was evidenced that diosgenin regulates adipokine expression action of angiogenic factors, namely, integrin and VEGF. in perivascular adipose tissue and ameliorates endothelial In this context, it has been reported that VEGF expression dysfunction via regulation of AMPK which can also explain in PC-3 cells is reduced by diosgenin in a dose-dependent its capability to protect endothelial functions against inflam- manner, suggesting that this steroid can inhibit angiogenesis matory insults [47]. by interfering with this factor [23]. All of these results have In addition, the effect of diosgenin on modulating food shownsignificantlythepotentialuseofthiscompoundasa allergy was investigated in BALB/c mice and a suppres- new therapeutic agent against various types of cancer. Thus, sive effect on the intestinal inflammation was evidenced, there has been considerable effort to continue assessing the including the occurrence of diarrhoea, the infiltration and role of diosgenin and some of its chemical analogues as well as degranulation of mast cells, and the presence of mucin combinations of diosgenin with other bioactive compounds containing goblet cells in the duodenum. In addition, it was in modulating growth and proliferation of various types demonstrated that the in vivo antiallergic activity of dios- of human tumours and in the evaluation of its potential genin is associated with the suppression of IgE production mechanism of action. As a relevant example, the combination and mast cell infiltration and degranulation [48]. of diosgenin and thymoquinone has antiproliferative and A recent study demonstrated that the administration apoptotic effects on squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), in a of diosgenin provides a significant protection against the synergistically way, and thus could be a novel strategy for monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension in rats. In the development of potential antineoplastic therapies against squamous cell carcinoma [28]. fact, diosgenin treatment preserved hemodynamic changes An interesting novelty in this topic is the integration of and alleviated oxidative stress, inflammatory, and apoptotic diosgenin, as well as other interesting potential drugs, into markers induced by monocrotaline. This protective effect nanoparticles, in order to drive diosgenin to its site of action could be mediated through preserving eNOS expression and to increase its pharmacological bioavailability. In fact, together with inhibition of iNOS overexpression [49]. diosgenin functionalized iron oxide nanoparticles, as well as In addition, the suppressive effects of long-term dios- hollow manganese ferrite nanocarriers encapsulating tamox- genin treatment on phthalic anhydride-induced skin inflam- ifen and diosgenin, were developed as potential therapeutic mation using IL-4/Luc/CNS-1 transgenic mice with luciferase tools against breast cancer [34, 43]. Also in this context, Li et cDNA regulated by human IL-4 promoter and enhancer al. [44] prepared, characterized, and evaluated a nanoparticle of IL-4 (CNS-1) was also evaluated. The results verified platform based on poly(ethylene glycol)diosgenin conjugates the correlation of IL-4 with suppression of this steroid in for codelivery of anticancer drugs as a promising drug skin inflammation induced by repeated dermal exposure to delivery system for cancer therapy. phthalic anhydride [50]. 4 Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry

As osteoarthritis is characterized by progressive destruc- of hyperglycemia, hypercholesterolemia, and hypertriglyc- tion of articular cartilage and synovial inflammation, dios- eridemia was observed, as well as improved levels of the genin can also be of interest in this disease due to its antioxidant enzymes SOD and GPx and a minimized level of anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating properties. In lipid peroxidation. The adipogenic activity of diosgenin was fact, it was demonstrated that this steroid inhibits IL-1𝛽- influenced by PPAR 𝛾 and PPAR 𝛼 [59]. Furthermore, the induced expression of inflammatory mediators, including antiatherogenic effects of this steroid can be explained not metalloproteinases 3 and 13, inducible nitric oxide synthase, only by a reduction on intestinal cholesterol absorption but and COX-2 in human osteoarthritis chondrocytes [51]. In this also via suppression of the MiR-19b induced downregulation context, it was also demonstrated that diosgenin increased the of ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 in macrophages [66]. expression of VEGF, angiopoietin, and endothelial tyrosine This compound also has a positive effect on the endothe- kinase receptor and therefore can be a molecule of interest in lial dysfunction associated with insulin resistance by means rheumatoid arthritis [52]. of an IKK𝛽/IRS-1-dependent manner and therefore can be useful in the prevention or treatment of cardiovascular 2.3. Anti-Infectious Activity. Diosgenin was also investigated disorders involved in insulin resistance and diabetes [19]. for its anti-infectious effects, namely, against fungi, bacteria, Later it was demonstrated that chronic administration of protozoa, and virus. Concerning the human pathogenic diosgenin to diabetic rats has a hypoglycemic effect and could yeasts Candida albicans, C. glabrata, and C. tropicalis it was restore vascular reactivity via endothelium-dependent and found that this steroid has weak antimicrobial activity against independent mechanisms and at least partially by offsetting all the tested organisms [53, 54]. In addition, diosgenin also lipid peroxidation, apoptosis, and inflammation [16]. has low to null effect against the fungi Aspergillus flavus, In another study it was demonstrated that, after admin- Aspergillus niger, Trichoderma harzianum, and Fusarium istration of diosgenin to diabetic rats, the activity of glucoki- oxysporum. On the other hand, this sapogenin exhibited sig- nase decreased, while the activities of glucose-6-phosphatase nificant susceptibility against various Gram-positive (Bacillus and fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase in the liver have increased. subtilis, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, and Staphylo- Furthermore, amongst other positive changes in several coccus epidermidis)andGram-negative(Escherichia coli and parameters associated with diabetes, the supplementation Salmonella typhi) pathogens [55]. In addition, the antiamebic with diosgenin decreased blood glucose levels in diabetic activity of diosgenin against Naegleria fowleri trophozoites rats when compared to the group of rats fed with normal at the cellular and molecular levels was also investigated. diet. This result correlates with the previous reports stating Interestingly, it was suggested that diosgenin has activity that diosgenin has hypoglycemic properties [21]. In this against the surface membrane and the nf cysteine protease of context, other relevant enzymes in diabetes were modulated N. fowleri trophozoites. Moreover, the toxicity to mammalian by diosgenin [67, 68]. cells caused by this steroid at therapeutic levels was lower Interestingly, it was evidenced that fenugreek seed than that of amphotericin B, the drug used currently to treat extracts have hepatoprotective effects which could be associ- N. fowleri infections [56]. Furthermore, diosgenin revealed ated with diosgenin acting through attenuation of endoplas- to be an interesting molecule in some viral diseases. In fact, mic reticulum stress and oxidative stress in type 2 diabetic due to its antioxidant activity, diosgenin can be useful in HIV rats [69]. patients with dementia [57]. In addition, this steroid exhibits Asdiabetescanalsoleadtoimportantchangesinrenal antiviral activity against Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) in in vitro function, several studies were conducted in experimental studies. Since diosgenin can reduce plasma cholesterol and models to evaluate this situation. For example, in a study HCV requires cholesterol for an efficient replication, this on renal tubular fibrosis it was demonstrated that dios- effect can be associated with the inhibition of viral replication genin, because of its anti-inflammatory effects, also played [58]. a protective role against high glucose-induced renal tubular fibrosis possibly by means of the epithelial-to-mesenchymal 2.4.EffectsinDiabetes,Dyslipidemias,andObesity. Concern- transition (EMT) pathway [70]. Also, the effectiveness of ing other relevant biological activities, according to several diosgenin as an antioxidant agent was evident, for example, in vitro and in vivo studies, this phytosteroid possesses from its effect on the renal antioxidant system and oxidative protectivebenefitsagainstmetabolicdiseasessuchasdiabetes markers such as myeloperoxidase and lipid peroxidation. and obesity [16, 19, 59, 60], metabolic syndrome [61], and Therefore, diosgenin exhibited a protective effect on the dyslipidemias, including hypercholesterolemia [7, 21, 62, 63] kidney in diabetic rats, implying that it could be a potential In fact, diosgenin can be useful in the treatment of dia- candidate for treatment of diabetes with renal associated betes by promoting adipocyte differentiation and by inhibit- complications [60]. ing inflammation in adipose tissues. Therefore, diosgenin maybeusefultoimprovethepatient’sconditioninthe 2.5. Anticoagulant and Antithrombotic Effects. In in vitro and glucose metabolic disorder associated with obesity [64]. In in vivo models it was demonstrated that diosgenin exerts this context, in other experimental models, it was observed antithrombotic activity via inhibition of platelet aggregation that diosgenin led to a reduction of plasma and hepatic and thrombosis and by prolonging APTT, PT, and TT in rats triglycerides in obese diabetic mice and may be useful for the in a dose-dependent manner. This compound also prolonged management of diabetes-related hepatic dyslipidemias [65]. bleeding and clotting times and increased protection rate in Furthermore, in diosgenin-treated diabetic rats a reduction mice, again in a dose-dependent manner [22, 71]. In addition, Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry 5 more recently it was again demonstrated that this steroid and matrix most usually used in extraction processes for further a structural analogue act by inhibiting platelet aggregation, analysis. However, other matrices can be involved too, includ- which prevents blood coagulation [72]. Due to this interesting ing cosmeceutical/pharmaceutical herbal formulations, plant effect, an amphiphilic supramolecular prodrug consisting of cell cultures, and also rat plasma samples [86–89]. However, it a diosgenin derivative (theophylline diosgenin) and uracil is important to highlight the difficulty in detecting this type of terminated poly(ethylene glycol) was developed to enhance sapogenins in biological fluids due to their low concentration drug solubility and to prolong its systemic circulation. Inter- and lack of a chromophore in the molecule [86]. At the estingly, not only was a better antithrombotic activity and moment, to the best of our knowledge, there are still no platelet aggregation compared to diosgenin observed, but this validated analytical methods for the detection of diosgenin system had also low toxicity [73]. in human biological samples.

2.6. Others. Another important effect of the antioxidant 3.1. Plant Matrices and Herbal Formulations diosgenin is its potential interest in the protection of car- diac cells from hypoxia-reoxygenation injury which can be 3.1.1. Extraction Procedures. Several research studies con- mediated by ATP-sensitive potassium channels and through cerning the isolation and purification of diosgenin, mainly modulation of cell prodeath (Bax) and cell prosurvival (Bcl2, from plants, have been performed. In general, direct acid heme oxygenase 1, and Akt) molecules [74–78]. hydrolysis of dioscin and spontaneous fermentation or enzy- Recent studies indicated that diosgenin may protect matic catalysis followed by liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) or against bone loss, namely, in experimental models of senes- solid phase extraction (SPE) are the most commonly used cence, menopause, and retinoic acid-induced osteoporosis techniques to obtain diosgenin. However, these procedures [79–81]. However the mechanism of action is still not clear can have disadvantages such as low efficiency, need of high but can be associated with a modulation on the receptor volumes of solvents, and contamination of the extract with activator of NF-kB ligand/osteoprotegerin ratio [80]. potentially toxic solvents and sometimes long extraction The effects of diosgenin in a mouse model of Graves’ times are needed [90]. For these reasons, other methods have disease were also investigated and it was observed that this been developed to extract diosgenin, namely, from Rhizoma steroidcanrelievegoiterthroughtheinhibitionofthyrocyte dioscoreae, involving supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) proliferation. In addition, the mechanisms for this action (using supercritical CO2) after acid hydrolysis, followed by involve the suppression of IGF-1, NF-𝜅B, cyclin D1, and high-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) with PCNA expression [82]. evaporative light scattering detection (ELSD) [91]. In addi- As a natural antioxidant, diosgenin is known to have tion, the previously referred to conventional techniques were neuroprotective effects and to improve some aging-related optimized using multienzymatic catalysis in combination deficits, namely, memory improvement. Thus this steroid has with acid hydrolysis, allowing obtaining high purity dios- potential interest in neuropathies such as neurodegenerative genin (>96%) from Dioscorea zingiberensis C. H. Wright [90]. diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease [5]. In this context, Moreover, a focused microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) it was demonstrated recently that the diosgenin-induced followed by acid hydrolysis was developed by Kaufmann et al. cognitive enhancement in normal mice neurons is mediated [92] to extract diosgenin from fenugreek (Trigonella foenum by the membrane-associated rapid response steroid-binding graecum) leaves and roots. The preparation of plasma samples receptor (1,25D3-MARRS) [83]. In another study, the neu- for further analysis can be achieved through a single-step roprotective potential of diosgenin in a pentylenetetrazole procedure of protein precipitation (PPT) [86]. induced kindling model of epilepsy in mice was demon- strated. In spite of an improvement of the oxidative markers 3.1.2. Analytical Methods. Classical analytical methods [93] which was observed, the mechanism of this diosgenin action for the detection/quantification of diosgenin included tech- remains unknown [84]. niques such as spectrophotometry, gravimetry, and thin- layer chromatography (TLC). For example, through TLC 3. Analytical Methods the characterization of diosgenin from extracts of in vitro cultured tissues of Helicteres isora Linn.wasalsopossible Due to the extensive range of pharmacological properties, the [94]. In addition, as classical techniques presented some detection and quantification of saponins [85] and diosgenin drawbacks, other methods have emerged, in particular, more in different matrices became imperative. This is also impor- advanced TLC methods (e.g., HPTLC), immunoenzymatic tant to the study of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacody- assays (ELISA), GC, LC, UPLC, UHPLC, and HPLC, coupled namicpropertiesofthissteroidandtothedevelopmentof to different detectors. Nuclear magnetic resonance spec- pharmaceutical formulations containing it. troscopy is another analytical technique which can be very In this context, there are several analytical methods useful in the detection and characterization of diosgenin and described in the literature for the detection and quantification other sapogenins isolated from plants [95, 96]. of diosgenin and the most relevant of these are described in As a relevant example, an optimized and validated this section. method involving TLC that overcomes the background One of the first points that must be taken into account is interference problems in postderivatization was described by the matrix from which diosgenin has to be extracted. As it is Trivedi et al. [97]. This was achieved through the use ofa present in several medicinal plants [5, 7], these constitute the modified anisaldehyde-sulfuric acid reagent which allowed 6 Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry visualizing the spots and the quantification of diosgenin 10 accessions of fenugreek seeds produced in western Canada was performed by densitometry. Later, a validated TLC to assess whether genetic (accession) and environmental method for the simultaneous detection and quantifica- factors (site and year of production) influenced levels of tion of diosgenin and sarsasapogenin in Asparagus offici- diosgenin [108]. As another relevant example, Kaufmann et nalis L. was developed. In this method the plant extract al. [92] described an analytical method for the detection was acid-hydrolyzed and after a liquid-liquid extraction a of diosgenin in different plant parts (seeds, air-dried roots, densitometric-TLC was performed. The results were verified and both air-dried and fresh leaves) of fenugreek (Trigonella by HPLC-UV and HPLC-MS [98]. foenum graecum) using a microwave-assisted extraction and HPTLCisanadvancedformofTLC,havingdifferent capillary GC-MS. More recently, de Lourdes Contreras- enhancements aiming to increase the resolution of the com- Pacheco et al. [109] determined diosgenin contents by GC- pounds to be separated (e.g., using finer particle sizes in the MS in a tuber collection of Dioscorea spp. in the state of stationary phase and/or multiple developments of the plate) Jalisco, Mexico. and to allow their quantitative analysis by different detec- As a technique for universal quantification for routine tion/quantification systems (e.g., UV, diode array, and mass analysis in laboratory, it is not surprising that HPLC is spectrometry) [99]. Due to its advantages, this technique was probably the most used for the quantification of this com- also successfully applied to detect and quantify diosgenin in pound [110]. In this context, Table 1 summarizes different different matrices. In this context and as an example, Nagore matrices as well as different chromatographic conditions and et al. [100] developed simple, rapid, accurate methods using detection methods used for the quantification of diosgenin HPTLC and HPLC for the determination of diosgenin in basedontheHPLCtechnique.Clearlythemostcommon fenugreek seeds. Both methods were precise and specific matrices are, in fact, different plant species, mainly belonging and there was no statistical significant difference between to the Dioscorea, Smilax, Trigonella, and Tribulus genus, from them. Other HPTLC methods have been validated for the which diosgenin can be extracted. Other matrices include determination of diosgenin also in fenugreek seeds and in pharmaceutical forms (e.g., tablets, capsules) of herbal for- marketed formulations [101, 102]. In addition, by means of the mulations in which extracts of these species of plants are HPTLC technique, the diosgenin content in fifteen different present. Trigonella species was determined, including seeds and aerial Concerning detection, it is known that it is possible to parts of the plant, and it can be concluded that the seeds of combine HPLC with different detection techniques and that the species Trigonella foenum graecum present the highest mass spectrometry (MS) and photodiode array (PDA) detec- diosgenin level [103]. Interestingly, several authors also used tion ensure better information, as well as a rapid quantitative this technique for the quantification of diosgenin from andqualitativeanalysisoftheconstituentsinplantextracts Ayurvedic polyherbal formulations. For example, Keshwar et and herbal products [111]. al.[104]developedandvalidatedanHPTLCtechniqueforthe In this context, several HPLC methods have been devel- determination of diosgenin in a polyherbal tablet containing oped and validated for the analysis and determination Tribulus terrestris. In this type of formulations there are other of sapogenins in several matrices including, for example, ingredients and excipients that can cause interferences in the HPLC-ESI/MS, used in the kernel cake of Balanites aegyp- analytical processes and thus it is of major interest to develop tiaca [112] and HPLC-ELSD-UV, involved in the analysis methods to overcome this problem. Featuring a linearity of species of Dioscorea spp. [113]. The quantification of range of 240–1440 ng, this method proved to be simple and diosgenin by HPLC-DAD-UV has also been accomplished fast for routine quality control analysis of diosgenin without in a Dioscorea polygonoides tuber collection from Colombian interference from other ingredients, excipients, or auxiliary Flora [114]. Recently, an HPLC-UV method was applied to substances. Another similar method involving densitometric quantify diosgenin in aqueous extracts of fenugreek seeds HPTLCwasdevelopedandvalidatedbyParameswaranand aiming to support the preparation of the extracts and to Koshti [105], showing a linearity range for diosgenin from 1.0 standardize the diosgenin levels for further use in studies of −1 to 3.0 𝜇g per spot. This study allowed the quantification of the diosgenin potential antifertility effects [115]. diosgenin not only from Gokshuradi guggulu but also from This technique was also applied to support the develop- two Ayurvedic formulations containing it. ment of methods to obtain diosgenin from dioscin present in GC-MS methods are also described in the literature. An natural sources. For example, Yang et al. [116] developed and important work in this context was performed by Taylor et validated a method for the quantitative analysis of diosgenin al. [106] which described the analysis of steroidal sapogenins in Rhizoma Dioscorea zingiberensis including a new approach from Amber Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum) by to hydrolyze dioscin avoiding conventional methods that capillary GC and combined GC-MS. Interestingly, diosgenin involve a long period of exposure of the plant to a strong was the main compound detected in seed and foliage extracts acid. For this, the cellulase enzyme promoted the release hydrolyzed with . Later, the same research ofdioscinfromplantcellsthroughthebreakingof𝛽-D- group used capillary GC to study and improve the conditions bonds of cellulose followed by a two-phase acid for extraction of steroidal saponins with various alcohols hydrolysis to supplement the diosgenin extraction. Then, RP- and the conditions for subsequent hydrolysis of the isolates HPLC-UV allowed the analysis of diosgenin of the prepared with sulfuric acid mixtures, using defatted seed material from sample [116]. Recently, in a study aiming to purify and char- Amber Fenugreek [107]. The application of this method was acterize a glycosidase obtained from a Gibberella intermedia successfully used to study the variation in diosgenin levels in WX12 strain the HPLC technique was used to determine Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry 7 [117] [118] [119] [120] g[93] −1 −1 𝜇 −1 −1 gmL gmL gmL 𝜇 𝜇 𝜇 0.7/2 10/30 0.3/0.8 ng mL 0.33/1.0 g 0.0372/0.1127 −1 −1 −1 𝜇 −1 gmL gmL gmL gmL 𝜇 𝜇 𝜇 𝜇 Linear range LOD/LOQ References 1–500 2.0–10 1.0–60 0.0625–1.000 50–1000 HPLC-DAD at 203 nm HPLC-DAD at 203 nm UPLC-MicroToFQ (ESI+) HPLC-DAD at 203 and 410 nm HPLC-DAD at 210 nm Instrumental analysis HPTLC and HPLC with densitometry: 425 nm m) 𝜇 × × 18 18 C C C ∘ ∘ ∘ 4.6 mm, m) × 𝜇 m) 4.6 mm, 5 𝜇 × column (2.1 column (250 18 18 m) 𝜇 Stationary phase: Waters BEH C Mobile phase: acetonitrile : water 92 : 08 (% v/v). Flow rate at 1.0 mL/min Column temperature: 25 Thermo Hypersil column (250 mm column (150 5 Mobile phase: 0.1% formic acid in water (A) and 0.1% formic acid in acetonitrile (B) using an isocratic elution of 82% (B) in 0–10 min. Flow rate at 0.3 mL/min Column temperature: 40 100 mm, 1.7 Mobile phase: acetonitrile : water 90 : 10 (% v/v) Flow rate at 1.0 mL/min Column temperature: 30 Chromatographic conditions HPTLC Mobile phase: toluene : ethyl acetate (7 : 3% v/v) HPLC Mobile phase: acetonitrile : water 90 : 10 (% v/v) Mobile phase: water : acetonitrile 15 : 85 (% v/v) Column temperature: room temperature Stationary phase: Phenomenex Luna-C Stationary phase: reversed-phase Agilent TC-C Stationary phase: C 4.6 mm, 5 4 SO 2 Cfor2h. ∘ in 70% IPA 4 C SO ∘ 2 LLE with 20% of H 20 mL of 95% , for 2 h. Hydrolysis with 20 mL H 15 mL of methanol at room temperature for 0.5 h Hydrolysis with HCl 10% under vacuum at 60 and hexane for 8 h 1Mat121 LLE (10 mL of chloroform) LLE with petroleum ether. Thecombined petroleum and NaOH 1M. Extraction process SPE (Soxhlet apparatus with petroleum ether, chloroform, and methanol) LLE with 10 mL of methanol mixed with 50% of Table 1: Analytical methodologies in different specimens for diosgenindeterminations means by of HPLC UHPLC. and 10 g 20 g 0.1 g 2.5 g 0.5 g Sample amount and species) Smilax Solanum species and Smilax Matrix Dioscorea related medicinal plants ( Root extracts and polyherbal formulations containing China Berries extracts and formulations containing nigrum Cultured cells of Dioscorea zingiberensis Cosmeceutical formulations Heterosmilax 8 Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry [121] [123] −1 −1 gmL gmL 𝜇 𝜇 —[122] 0.520/1.577 5.0–12/10-25 −1 −1 −1 gmL gmL gmL 𝜇 𝜇 𝜇 ——[100] Linear range LOD/LOQ References 2.0–10.0 15.0–550 25.0–75.0 HPLC-UV at 203 nm HPLC-DAD at 205 nm Instrumental analysis HPTLC and HPLC-DAD at 205 nm UHPLC-ELSD and DAD C C ∘ ∘ 18 2.1 mm, m) column 4.6 mm, 𝜇 BEH × C × 18 ∘ Table 1: Continued. 4.6 mm, 6 × (100 18 4.6 mm, 5 × m) column (250 𝜇 m) m) 8 𝜇 𝜇 Chromatographic conditions Mobile phase: acetonitrile : water 90 : 10 (% v/v). Flow rate of 1.0 mL/min Column temperature: room temperature. Stationary phase: Phenomenex RP-C Mobile phase: acetonitrile : water 75 : 25 (v/v%) containing 0.05% formic acid. Flow rate at 0.27 mL/min. Column temperature: 40 Mobile phase: acetonitrile : water (10 : 90 v/v) gradient mode. Flow rate at 1.0 mL/min. Column temperature: 30 Stationary phase: reversed-phase Symmetry C column (150 5 1.7 Stationary phase: Acquity UPLC Shield RP Stationary phase: Symmetry RP-C Mobile phase: methanol:water15:85(% v/v), gradient mode. Flow rate at 1.0 mL/min Column temperature: 30 (250 5 C ∘ C). 80 mL of ∘ C. LLE with ∘ Extraction process 25 mL of methanol for 15 min 9to25mLof methanol diethyl ether HCl 3 N for 1 h100 at LLE with 75 mL diethyl ether 75 mL SPE (Soxhlet with water and ethanol mixture (1 : 1) for 72 h at 70 90 mL HCl 3 N for 1 h 30 at 100 1g 1g 0.01 g liquids Sample amount 0.5 g for 1mLfor solids and Trigonella Tribulus Linn.extract Dioscorea Matrix Seed extract of Trigonella foenum graecum Pharmaceutical forms containing foenum graecum Polyherbal formulation containing terrestres Rhizomes or tubers of various species and dietary supplements Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry 9 the conversion of dioscin from Dioscorea zingiberensis C. H. extracts of these plant parts 24 different saponins have been Wright to diosgenin by means of this enzyme [124]. found as well as diosgenin, which was found to be the sole A technique using high-speed counter-current chro- aglycone form present [126]. In addition, the qualitative and matography (HSCCC) in combination with ELSD was devel- quantitative analysis of diosgenin obtained from Aspergillus oped for the isolation and separation of chemical compounds oryzae-mediated biotransformation of Dioscorea zingiberen- in crude extracts obtained after supercritical fluid extraction sis raw herb saponins was described by Qi et al. [127]. In and acid hydrolysis from Rhizoma dioscoreae,acommon this study diosgenin quantification was performed by LC-UV, plant used in traditional Chinese medicine. The purities of while its identification was made by the ELSD method. the products were determined by HPLC and their chemical More recently, a microwave-assisted extraction and a structures were identified by MS, UV, and comparison with new determination method for total steroid saponins from standards [91]. Dioscorea zingiberensis C. H. Wright was optimized, vali- Li et al. [93] described two methods to quantify dios- dated, and compared to other conventional extraction pro- genin in Dioscorea zingiberensis cell cultures by using HPLC cesses. Diosgenin was quantified by HPLC-DAD and exam- coupled to photodiode array detector or with a microplate ined further by LC-ESI/MS after acid hydrolysis [128]. spectrophotometry technique. The LOD and LOQ values Immunoenzymatic tests, including ELISA, can also be a presented for the HPLC technique (resp., 0.0372 𝜇gand potentialtoolfortheanalysisofnaturalproductsincomplex 0.1127 𝜇g) are significantly lower than those achieved with matrices, including medicinal plants. In this field, Li et al. the microplate spectrophotometry technique (resp., 0.6111 𝜇g [129] developed an indirect competitive ELISA method to and 1.8518 𝜇g). Therefore, higher sensitivity was possible with quantify diosgenin, namely, in Paris and Dioscorea species. theHPLCtechnique;however,thespectrophotometryresults The diosgenin molecule, which is too small to be considered were in good agreement with those obtained by HPLC [93]. an immunogen, was conjugated with bovine serum albumin More recently, Deshpande and Bhalsing [94] also isolated, (BSA) to create the immunization. Then, from rabbits, a spe- characterized, and quantified diosgenin obtained from in cific polyclonal antibody was developed against diosgenin- vitro cultured tissues of Helicteres isora Linn. and plant parts. BSA conjugate. This method allowed a screening of several The analytical techniques used in this work were TLC, Fourier Chinese plants which have diosgenin as component [129]. A transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and HPLC-UV for similar strategy was also developed to detect and quantify diosgenin characterization and spectrophotometry for quan- sarsasapogenin, a steroidal sapogenin structurally similar to tification. In this study it was proposed that Helicteres isora diosgenin. However, a minor cross reactivity was observed, Linn. can be an alternative source of sapogenins, including namely, to diosgenin [88]. diosgenin, and it was evidenced that the amount of diosgenin In 2014, a new certified reference material for diosgenin obtained from in vitro cultured cells is higher than that using mass balance approach and coulometric titration (CT) isolated from parts of the plant [94]. method was developed and can be an important tool for the In order to increase specificity and precision and to validation of analytical methods. Thus, diosgenin has been reduce the analysis time and solvent consumption, the UPLC selected as a candidate reference material (CRM) for which technique coupled to different detectors was also applied the characterization was based on two different methods, to detect and quantify diosgenin. For example, an UPLC- mass balance and CT. In addition, an HPLC technique DAD-MS was developed and validated for the identification coupled with a diode array detector was developed and and determination of diosgenin in several plants, and the validated to be used as confirmation of the two previously presence of this steroid in three Dioscorea species and one mentioned methods. Therefore, it was stated that, by mass species of Heterosmilax was demonstrated. In addition, it balance method and CT method, the purity of the analyte was also suggested that D. zingiberensis can be an important was determined, presenting an average of 99.80% with an diosgenin source [117]. A UHPLC-based technique with extended uncertainty of 0.37% (𝑘=2). These methods, in evaporative light scattering detection (ELSD) was developed addition to ensure validation of measurement methods, can and validated for the determination of eleven steroidal also be used to improve the accuracy of measured data as well saponins and diosgenin from several species of Dioscorea. as control the quality of diosgenin in traditional herbs and The confirmation of the identity of these compounds was pharmaceutical formulations [130]. achieved through UHPLC-MS with a quadrupole mass ana- lyzerandanESIsource[123]. 3.2. Biological Matrices. Concerning biological matrices, up In addition, there are several studies reporting the quan- to date, to our knowledge, only two GC-MS with single- tification of diosgenin in medicinal plants by means of LC ion monitoring (SIM) mode methods have been reported to techniques coupled to different detection systems, mainly determine the content of diosgenin in the gastrointestinal MS. For example, the characterization of steroidal saponins tract of a lamb [131] and rats plasma [132]. Recently, the in Helleborus niger L. roots and sapogenin products of their UPLC-QTOF-MS technique was applied in a study con- fermentative transformation were performed by means of ducted in rat biosamples collected after oral administration n LC-MS [125]. The characterization of metabolite-saponins of saponins from tree Dioscorea speciesaswellasproto- from fruit mesocarp, kernel, and root of Balanites aegyptiaca dioscin (PD), pseudoprotodioscin (PSD), dioscin (DC), and was also achieved through the use of LC-ESI/MS and matrix diosgenin (DG). This study allowed comparing the metabolic assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight-mass spec- profiles of these saponins and diosgenin as well as analyzing trometry (MALDI-TOF/MS). Interestingly, from methanolic the levels of metabolites, by monitoring the chemical profiles 10 Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry ofplasma,feces,andurineofratsduring36hours.Inter- gravimetry, classical TLC, and more recent advances of this estingly, it was proven that diosgenin is one of the major technique (densitometric-TLC and HPTLC), ELISA, GC, LC, metabolites found in plasma and feces (excluding urine) in UPLC, UHPLC, and HPLC, coupled to different detectors, all examined groups of rats [133]. Furthermore, the UPLC- mainly UV, DAD, and MS. Of these, the HPLC method is UV/MS technique was applied to study the in vitro ADME probably the most used for the quantification of this com- properties of diosgenin and dioscin from Dioscorea villosa, pound. Most of these analytical methods have been validated including the stability analysis in biological fluids (gastric to current standards and have been used successfully in and intestinal fluids), intestinal absorption, and metabolic different laboratories mainly to evaluate diosgenin levels in stability. Remarkably, it was evidenced that dioscin has better different plant sources. Despite the fact that, for example, intestinal permeability than diosgenin and is converted to GC-MS and HPLC-UV technologies are well-known and diosgenininbothgastricandintestinalfluids.NophaseI accessible in most laboratories nowadays and thus widely metabolism was detected for both compounds and diosgenin used, the use of LC-MS has clearly increased over the last probably undergoes phase II metabolism [14]. few years and it is expected to continue to increase due A LC-ESI-MS/MS method has also been developed to its advantages. As it is expected that instruments will and validated to determine the diosgenin levels in plasma become even more sensitive in the future, the use of highly from normal and hyperlipidemic rats. Single-ion monitoring sensitive and accurate mass spectrometers will become more (SIM)wasusedforquantificationandtheLOQwas13ng/mL. widespread. Furthermore, as a consequence of the increased Sarsasapogenin was used as internal standard due to its sensitivity of analytical equipment, there is also a tendency structural similarity to diosgenin. The results showed an in reducing sample size, with clear advantages from the increase in the absorption of diosgenin in hyperlipidemic analytical point of view. rats when compared with normal rats [134]. Later, Taketani etal.[87]developedapurificationmethodforquantitative Abbreviations determination of diosgenin, dioscin, and protodioscin in plasma of fenugreek-fed mice, which consisted in depro- Akt: Protein kinase B teination of plasma samples, SPE with successive washes, APTT: Activated partial thromboplastin time and then analysis by LC-ESI-MS/MS. Moreover, the LC-MS BSA: Bovine serum albumin technique was used for bioavailability studies of diosgenin COX-2: Cyclooxygenase-2 protein in inclusion complexes with cyclodextrins in Caco-2 cell CRM: Candidate reference material monolayers and rat jejunum. Interestingly, bioavailability of CT: Coulometric titration diosgenin in the presence of 𝛽-cyclodextrin derivatives was DAD: Diode array detection near 4- to 11-fold higher than that of diosgenin suspension ELISA: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay [135]. The same research group evaluated, again by using LC- ELSD: Evaporative light scattering detection MS, the effect of diosgenin liquid crystals combined with GC: Gas chromatography cyclodextrin to increase the bioavailability of this steroid, GPx: Glutathione peroxidase after oral administration to rats [136]. HPLC: High performance liquid chromatography 4. Conclusions HPTLC: High performance thin-layer chromatography Diosgenin, a steroid saponin which is found in a number HSCCC: High-speed counter-current of plant species, is reported to be a promising bioactive chromatography biomolecule with diverse important medicinal properties, hTERT: Human telomerase reverse transcriptase including hypolipidemic, hypoglycaemic, antioxidant, anti- ICAM-1: Intercellular adhesion molecule 1 inflammatory, and antiproliferative activities. IGF-1: Insulin growth factor 1 For this reason, diosgenin is a potential molecule of inter- IKK𝛽: Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa B: est in the prevention/treatment of several diseases. However, kinase subunit beta the determination of diosgenin specific targets is of major IL: Interleukin relevance to further validate its applications in the prevention IRS-1: Insulin receptor substrate and treatment of health conditions. The high potential of this LC: Liquid chromatography compound, its analogues, or combinations of this compound LLE: Liquid-liquid extraction with others is already proven; however, it is important to LLOQ: Lower limit of quantification develop carrier systems, such as nanoparticles, to direct them LOD: Limit of detection to the place where diosgenin acts improving efficacy and LOQ: Limit of quantification reducing eventual side effects. MAE: Microwave-assisted extraction Due to its pharmacological relevance, several analytical MALDI-TOF/MS: Matrix assisted laser assays have been reported in the literature over the last desorption/ionization-time of years to detect and quantify diosgenin in different matrices, flight-mass spectrometry including natural sources and pharmaceutical compositions MAPK: Mitogen-activated protein kinases containing it, and also in animal matrices in pharmaco- MS: Mass spectrometry logical studies. These assays involved spectrophotometry, NF-kB: Nuclear factor kappa B Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry 11

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Journal of The Scientific Analytical Methods World Journal in Chemistry Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014 http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014

Journal of International Journal of International Journal of Journal of Bioinorganic Chemistry Spectroscopy Inorganic Chemistry Electrochemistry Applied Chemistry and Applications Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014 http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014 http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014 http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014 http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014

Journal of Chromatography Journal of Journal of International Journal of Theoretical Chemistry Research International Catalysts Chemistry Spectroscopy Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014 http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014 http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014 http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014 http://www.hindawi.com Volume 2014