
Determinants of Polybrominated Serum Decay among Women in the Michigan PBB Cohort Heidi Michels Blanck,1 Michele Marcus,2 Vicki Hertzberg,3 Paige E. Tolbert,2'4 Carol Rubin,5 Alden K. Henderson,5 and Rebecca H. Zhang3 1Biological and Biomedical Sciences Division, Nutrition and Health Sciences Program, 2Department of Epidemiology, Rollins School of Public Health, 3Department of Biostatistics, Rollins School of Public Health, 4Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA; 5National Center for Environmental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

and other lipid-rich tissues, such as the skin Accidental contamination ofthe food chain in Michigan in 1973 with polybrominated and . (PBBs) led to the establishment ofa registry ofexposed individuals in 1976. Seram was collected There are two previous reports of serum and analyzed for PBB at the time of enrollment and for targeted studies in the following years. PBB half-life in women. Both of these stud- We used the archived PBB data to study the elimination ofPBB and to identify factors associated ies were conducted using data from the with elimination. A total of 380 women 2 16 years of age who had an initial PBB level of 2 ppb Michigan PBB cohort (12,13). The Lambert and at least two serum samples drawn when they were not pregnant were induded in the analysis. et al. (12) study was based on two serum The mean initial PBB level was 20.9 ppb (median 4) and mean time between the first and last measurements from 15 women . 20 years of measurement was 4.2 years (range 0.5-11.1). PBB was assumed to reach equilibrium in the body age with an initial PBB level of at least 5 ppb before substantial amounts were eliminated and before the first serum measurements were taken; and whose previous value was greater than therefore, the entire body was modeled as a single compartment for PBB with exponential decay. the current value. This small study found a Subject-specific decay rate estimates were regressed on predictor variables icluding initial age, median half-life of 12.0 years [95% confi- body mass index (BMI), smoking history, breast-feeding duration, and parity. In women with an dence interval (CI), 4-97]. The analysis by initial PBB level < 10 ppb, the median half-life was 12.9 years; in those with > 10 ppb, the medi- Rosen et al. (13) included 51 women . 18 an half-life was 28.7 years. Decay was sigificantly slower among women with an initial BMI at years of age with two to four PBB measure- or above the median (BMI . 23). The caculated half-life values are estimates ofdecay and can be ments and an initial PBB level of at least 20 used to estimate body burden of PBB at various points in time other than at the time of serum ppb. This study found a mean half-life of collection. Key wordk body mass index, decay, elimination, half-life, pharmacokinetics, poly- 13.0 years (CI, 6.3-infinite) and a median of brominated biphenyl. Environ Health Perspect 108:147-152 (2000). [Online 7 January 2000] 18.5 years (CI, 9.5-40.1). In the Rosen et al. btph://ebpnetl.niebs.nihbov/docsA2000/108pl47-152blanck/abstracXthtmnln (13) study, the estimation of half-life dif- fered in men (14.2 years) and women (infi- nite years) in the highest quartile of body A mixture of polybrominated biphenyls degradation, and accumulate in fatty tissue. mass index (BMI). Neither of these studies (PBBs) was manufactured in the United These chemicals include DDT and its degra- examined the effect of breast-feeding dura- States in the early 1970s under the trade dation product DDE; 2,3,7,8-tetra- tion, pregnancy, or smoking history on name FireMaster (Michigan Chemical Co., chlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD); polychlo- PBB elimination. St. Louis, MI). PBBs were used as fire retar- rinated biphenyls (PCBs); and PBBs. The The objective of the present analysis dants for molded parts, such as the Michigan PBB cohort presents an opportu- was to determine the decay of PBB in the cases of televisions, typewriters, and business nity to study the elimination of one member serum ofwomen with a broad range of PBB machines. In 1973, an industrial accident of this class ofcompounds from the body. levels and to determine whether a number resulted in the inadvertent substitution of The Michigan contamination episode ofcovariates, such as age, BMI, smoking his- FireMaster for NutriMaster (feed-grade involved a mixture of PBBs; however, the tory, pregnancy, and breast-feeding dura- magnesium oxide), a nutritional supple- main congener was 2,2',4,4',5,5'-hexabro- tion, are associated with PBB elimination. ment, into livestock feed. In the following mobiphenyl (6), which is called PBB153 This analysis may also aid in understanding months, many Michigan residents unknow- under the numbering system of Ballschmiter the elimination of PCB153 (the analogous ingly ate animal and dairy products that had and Zell (7). Monitoring of rat feces has been contaminated with PBBs. Once the shown that > 90% ofan oral dose ofPBB 1 53 PBB contamination was is absorbed Address correspondence to M. Marcus, 1518 discovered, public (dose range 1-30 mg/kg) (8). Clifton Road NE, Room 460, Department of concern prompted assessment of possible Results from numerous animal and in vitro Epidemiology, Rollins School of Public Health, adverse health consequences in exposed indi- studies have shown that congeners with at Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322 USA. viduals. A pilot study was conducted in least four bromine atoms undergo little or no Telephone: (404) 727-8010. Fax: (404) 727-8737. 1974 and a registry of exposed individuals metabolism in animals or (91; there- E-mail: [email protected] was established in 1976. Details of the inci- fore, the Michigan individuals were mainly We acknowledge the assistance and cooperation been to In of the staff of the Michigan Department of dent and the cohort have described exposed virtually unchanged PBB153. Community Health. We also thank V. Burse, W. previously (1-5). the absence of metabolism, elimination is a Zheng, and the staff of the Michigan Public Health There is renewed interest in the possible slow process. Some PBB is eliminated Institute for their role in data collection. health effects of PBBs because of through feces and hair. In women, PBB can This study was supported by grants R 825300-01-1 their potential role as endocrine disruptors. be eliminated through lactation. There is also from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Endocrine-disrupting chemicals include a evidence that some PBB is transferred to off- and ROI ES08341-01 from the National Institute The of Environmental Health Sciences. The Centers for family of structurally similar halogenated spring during pregnancy (4,10,11). Disease Control and Prevention provided funds for organics that have the ability to mimic or highest PBB concentrations in the body are the maintenance ofthe PBB cohort. block normal hormonal activity. They are found in adipose tissue, but it can also be Received 14 May 1999; accepted 2 September widespread in occurrence, resistant to detected at lower concentrations in serum 1999.

Environmental Health Perspectives . Volume 108, Number 2, February 2000 147 Articles * Blanck et al.

PCB congener), which is a major compo- measurements were obtained from January 10 years between the first and last measure- nent of human milk samples (ranging from 1976 to May 1980 and samples for the last ments (n = 16). Inspection of the graphs for 12 to 43% oftotal PCBs) (14,15). PBB measurements were obtained from these women did not reveal any evidence for February 1977 to January 1988. multiple body compartments involved in the Methods Information on covariates that were elimination of PBB from serum. This is con- Study population. From 1976 through thought to influence elimination ofPBBs was sistent with the data of Wolff et al. (24), 1978, the Michigan Department of Public obtained primarily from a 1997 telephone who showed that equilibrium between Health (Lansing, MI) enrolled into an expo- interview of participating adult female mem- serum and adipose tissue was probably sure registry > 4,000 persons who primarily bers of the cohort. The interview included reached by 1976-2 years after exposure. All lived on or received food from farms that detailed questions on pregnancies and breast- of the serum measurements used in this had animals with at least 1 ppm PBB in milk feeding duration. Archived data were used to study were taken at least 2 years after expo- or tissue fat. During the initial enrollment, obtain participant age, height, and weight at sure. Because of a lack of multiple measure- informed consent was given, a health ques- initial PBB measurement, as well as smoking ments on women with low PBB levels, we tionnaire was completed, and a serum sam- status in 1976-1978, 1990-1994, and 1997. were not able to graphically assess whether ple was drawn and later analyzed for PBB BMI (in kilograms per square meter) was there was a dose-related transition from linear and other chemicals. Additional serum sam- used as the measure of adiposity at initial to nonlinear kinetics. ples were drawn at other times from some PBB measurement. Statistical analysis. Because there was no members of the cohort for various reasons, PBB measurement. PBBs were measured apparent metabolism of PBB153 and there including for use in follow-up studies per- in human serum using gas chromatography were no serum measurements taken during formed fiom 1982 through 1987 and for with electron capture detection (18-20). the initial distributional phase (24), we additional tests at individuals' requests. The denatured serum sample first undergoes modeled the entire body as a single compart- Cohort members with higher initial PBB an ether-ethyl or hexane-ether extraction ment for PBB; therefore, assuming a linear levels were more likely to have multiple mea- and is then passed through either a Florisil one-compartment open model for PBB surements because they were oversampled in or Florisil and silica gel column (20). elimination, the initial and subsequent various follow-up studies (12). In 1997, a Quantitation of PBB was based on PBB1 53. concentrations of PBB are therefore related total of 2,262 women in the registry had at The size of this peak in the serum sample is by the following formula: and measured relative to the size of this in a least one PBB measurement 1,407 peak t) = e t (62%) had two measurements. We used the control sample containing a known weight Q CO measurements from these 1,407 women for of FireMaster (18). The methods of PBB where qt) represents concentration at time the current study. detection used in this study have coefficients t, C0 represents PBB concentration at initial To be included in this study, a woman of variation of 7.1-14.0% and recovery time, and X is the rate of decay. If both sides had to have at least two serum PBB measure- ranges of80-90% (18). are log-transformed a linear relationship is ments taken at least 6 months apart while the PBB levels < 1.0 ppb, the LOD, were obtained: ln[Qt)] = ln(C0) - Xt. Thus, given woman was not pregnant, she had to have assigned a value of 0.5 ppb. This level was a set of successive PBB measurements, i.e., been at least 16 years ofage at the time ofthe chosen because it is halfway between zero [C(tl), ..., Q)] on a participant at times initial measurement, and she had to have had and the LOD and allows for log- [tl1..) QJ a rate constant, X, can be estimat- an initial measurement of at least 2 ppb PBB transformation of the data. This technique ed from the slope of the linear regression of (Table 1). We chose 2 ppb because it is twice was used previously in a study of PCB- ln[C(t)] versus t (25). The corresponding the limit of detection (LOD) and allows exposed women (21) and, in highly skewed half-life is then equal to tl12 = ln(2)/-A, the generalization ofthe results to the majority of distributions (such as the present data), it is time after which the original concentration the cohort. The age and pregnancy criteria an appropriate estimation technique (22). has been halved (26). were imposed because both may affect mea- Kinetic estimation. To explore the kinet- Using a linear regression of the natural sured PBB levels (16,1]. The level of PBB in ics of PBB elimination, we used a technique logarithm of all eligible PBB measurements a child's serum decreases as the child grows known as the method of residuals or feather- (range 2-9) versus the time since first level, because ofdilution caused by increasing body ing (23). We first graphed lnPBB1 tO ki i.e., lnPBBI tO ki = Boi + B1,(time) + e.,we weight. Pregnancy may cause the mobiliza- against time We then attempted to extrap- estimated the overall decay rate (Xi = tion of chemicals from storage tissue to olate the terminal straight-line portion ofthe -B,) for each woman. Because of its posi- serum, resulting in inflated serum levels (16). curve back to the taxis. We did this for the tively skewed distribution, the PBB level was Using these criteria, 380 women were eligible serum PBB profiles of women with at least loge transformed for use as a continuous for this study. Samples for the initial PBB five serum PBB measurements and at least variable in the regression analysis. Table 1. Female participants by inclusion criteria Table 2. Characteristics of PBB serum samples included in decay analysis. in the Michigan PBB cohort eligible for the serum PBB decay analysis. Mean time between Serum Samples Mean initial first and last No. Criteria samples (n)a (frequency) Samples (%) PBB level (ppb) PBB level (years) 2,262 Females enrolled in the Michigan PBB cohort 2 240 63.2 6.7 2.7 1,407 At least two serum PBB measurements 3 84 22.1 13.9 6.3 950 Initial measurement . 2 ppb PBB 4 35 9.2 33.8 6.7 5 14 3.7 106.7 9.2 943 Initial and last measurements > 6 months 6 2 0.5 396.5 10.2 apart 7 2 0.5 56.5 6.5 737 At least 16 years of age at time of initial 8 2 0.5 321.8 10.8 measurement 9 1 0.3 933.0 10.2 380 Measurements known to not have been taken Total 380 100 20.9 4.2 during pregnancy aPer individual.

148 Volume 108, Number 2, February 2000 * Environmental Health Perspectives Articles * Serum PBB decay among women in Michigan

To evaluate the predictive value of same regression model. In this analysis, This was not a phenomenon restricted to the covariates, the covariates were regressed splines are used to describe the kinetics oflow lower concentrations, as might be expected against the subject-specific decay rates (X5) PBB doses and to describe the possible depar- due to greater measurement error near the using multiple linear regression. Participants ture of the higher PBB dose kinetics (31). LOD. The proportion of women with no who were missing information on any one of Knots for this analysis were based on visual decay based on their initial PBB level were as the covariates were excluded from the analysis inspection of plots of mean decay versus PBB follows: < 4 ppb, 32.2%; 5-10 ppb, 23.2%; (n = 41), resulting in a total of 339 women level (i.e., the rate of decay increase was 11-20 ppb, 35.5%; 21-100 ppb, 18.7%; for the multivariate analysis. The mean PBB roughly constant until it reached approxi- and> 100 ppb, 23.1%. level among those participants with values mately the initial PBB level of 10 ppb, at The decay rate was slower, resulting in a for all potential predictor variables was virtu- which point there was slowing of decay). longer half-life, with higher initial PBB levels ally identical to the mean PBB among those Partial F-tests and adjusted X2 comparisons (Table 3). Characteristics of the study popu- participants missing at least one predictor were used to assess whether alternative regres- lation for multivariate analyses are shown in variable (5.52 vs. 5.75 ppb, t-test p = 0.84). sion models were more appropriate than a Table 4. Table 5 shows results for the final The covariates examined were initial PBB straight-line model. Collinearity and regres- multivariate model. Models with linear and level (continuous and tertiles); age at initial sion diagnostics were performed on the multi- quadratic splines (with knots at 10 and/or measurement (continuous and categorized as variate models of decay rate. Diagnostics 90 ppb) did not improve the fit ofthe model < 18, 18-50, and > 50 years of age); BMI at induded plots of both studentized and jack- (data not shown). A second-order polynomi- initial measurement (continuous, median, knife residuals versus the predicted value of al model of initial PBB level was more and tertiles); smoking history between first decay rate. The residual plots revealed eight appropriate than a straight-line model. We and last measurement (ever- versus non- gross oudiers that were more than 3 SD from found a slower PBB decay rate in women smoker); number of full-term pregnancies the mean of the residuals. These outliers were with an initial BMI above the median (p = between first and last measurement (con- determined not to be data entry errors and 0.03). The number of pregnancies was of tinuous and categories of 0, 1, and . 2); and were removed from the multivariate analyses. borderline significance (p = 0.06). A com- total breast-feeding duration in months Plots of the residuals versus predicted value of parison of the number of pregnancies as a between first and last measurement (contin- decay rate did not reveal any gross violations continuous variable from 0 to 4 and as a uous and tertiles). The total duration of ofhomoscedasticity. We analyzed Cook's dis- continuous variable by collapsing women breast-feeding was calculated as the number tances and leverage values (h) for influential of months the child was fed mainly breast predictor values. We also assessed delta betas Table 4. Characteristics of serum PBB decay milk plus half the number of months the (the difference in the parameter estimate on study participants included in multivariate child was breastfed with supplementation. deletion of the corresponding observation) of regression models. This equation was based on work by Rogan high leverage values. Variance inflation factors Variable No. % et al. (27) and Wickizer and Brilliant (28). and condition indices did not reveal collinear- Age All main-effect variables were induded in ity problems. The main effect covariates (age, <18years 47 12.4 the initial model. All biologically plausible BMI, smoking status, breast-feeding duration, 18-50 years 278 73.1 two-way interaction terms were added to the and number of pregnancies) were kept in the > 50 years 55 14.5 BMI initial model to assess effect modification. final model presented here because their influ- <23.0 188 49.9 These terms included age x smoking status, ence on elimination, regardless ofsignificance, > 23.0 189 50.1 age x breast-feeding, age x initial PBB, BMI was a primary objective of this analysis. All Smoker x pregnancy, BMI x initial PBB, and breast- analyses were performed using SAS 6.12 (32. Never 324 85.3 feeding x initial PBB. We used a = 0.05 as a Ever 56 14.7 cutoff for retaining variables in the model. Results Months breast-feeding < 3 months 314 92.4 Covariates that altered the estimate for PBB Descriptive PBB measurement information 3-9 months 13 3.8 exposure by > 10% were retained in the for the 380 females in the study group is > 9 months 13 3.8 model as confounders. Alternate regression shown in Table 2. Mean initial serum level Pregnancies models (e.g., second-order and spline mod- was 20.9 ppb (SD 78.7) and mean time 0 292 76.8 els) were fitted to determine whether they between first and last measurement was 4.2 1 63 16.6 were more appropriate than a straight-line years (range 0.5-11.1 years). A total of 140 2 18 4.7 more 3 5 1.3 model. Splines have been defined as segment- (37%) of the 380 women had three or 4 2 0.5 ed (piecewise) polynomials of order r, which measurements. The mean age at the time of agree up to derivatives of order 0, to r - 2 at the initial PBB sample was 33.7 years (range points where they join; the abscissas of these 16.0-75.2). Women with higher PBB levels Table 5. Results of the multivariate analysis of joints are called knots or break points had a greater number ofmeasurements. predictors of serum PBB decay. (29,30). Splines allow modeling of two or A total of 109 females (29%) did not Predictor Parameter more lines or two or more parabolas in the have a reduction in serum PBB over time. variablea estimate SE p-Value Intercept -0.227 0.044 0.001 Table 3. Decay rates and corresponding half-life estimates for all eligible females by initial PBB level. Initial PBB level 0.031 0.028 0.269 (Initial PBB level)2 -0.002 0.005 0.663 Decay rate (years-1) PBB half-life (years) BMIb 0.050 0.023 0.032 Initial PBB No. Mean Median Mean Cl Median Cl Pregnancies 0.038 0.021 0.064 2-4 ppb 205 -0.155 -0.086 4.5 3.5-6.2 8.1 5.1-infinite Age (years) 0.001 0.001 0.122 5-10 ppb 99 -0.099 -0.069 7.0 4.6-15.0 10.1 7.2-13.5 Ever smokerc -0.031 0.029 0.288 11-20 ppb 31 -0.052 -0.032 16.2 7.3-80.1 29.8 16.2-infinite Breastfed (months) -0.003 0.004 0.463 -0.023 21.6 17.4-28.5 30.8 14.7-73.5 21-1 00 ppb 32 -0.032 Effect of predictors on serum PBB yearly decay. > 100 ppb 13 -0.040 -0.026 17.5 9.5-106.7 27.2 12.1-212.3 `Variables continuous if not noted. bBMI (0, < median; 1, Total 380 -0.118 -0.051 5.9 4.8-7.7 13.5 10.5-23.2 2 median). cEver smoked (0, no; 1, yes).

Environmental Health Perspectives * Volume 108, Number 2, February 2000 149 Articles * Blanck et al. with . 2 pregnancies (0-2) showed that PBB level < 10 ppb had a median half-life variation over a range of PBB concentrations most of the effect of this variable on decay for PBB of approximately 12.9 years and appear to be similar (18,19). Specifically, rate is in women who had 3 or 4 pregnan- women with an initial PBB level > 10 ppb Needham et al. (18) found coefficients of cies. The effects of BMI and pregnancy were had a median half-life ofapproximately 28.7 variation for PBB of 8.4-13.8% for a target the same regardless of the model fitted. years. We found that PBB decay was signifi- value of 10 ppb, 14.0% for a target value of Neither age nor smoking was associated cantly slower, resulting in a longer half-life, 41 ppb, 8.7% for a target value of 164 ppb, with serum decay ofPBB. in women with an initial BMI at or above and 7.1% for a target value of484 ppb. In an Weighting the estimates based on the the median for this population (BMI . 23). interlaboratory comparison of PBB detection number of measurements per woman did A borderline significant effect was observed in human serum, Burse et al. (19) reported not substantially alter overall parameter esti- for the number of pregnancies. PBB decay that the Michigan Department of Public mates. A sensitivity analysis ofthe full model was slower and was inversely related to num- Health (the agency that performed the PBB that excluded females < 18 years of age (n = ber of pregnancies. No significant change in measurement in the current study) had the 293) at the time of initial PBB measurement the decay estimate was observed with age, following coefficients of variation for serum did not result in appreciable differences in smoking history, or breast-feeding duration. PBB: 3.2% for a target value of 5 ppb, 3.6% parameter estimates; however, BMI was only The fact that a proportion of participants for a target value of25 ppb, 2.2% for a target of borderline significance (p = 0.09), with a showed no decline in measured PBB over value of50 ppb, 3.1% for a target value of500 reduction from 0.050 in the full model to time is not surprising given the errors in mea- ppb, and 2.4% for a target value of 1,000 ppb. 0.040 in the age-limited model. The esti- surement and other unmeasured contribu- A kinetic study could properly character- mate for ever-smoking also changed from tors to decay. These sources of unmeasured ize the possible nonlinear elimination, much -0.031 in the full model to -0.043 in the error in our study include changes that could like that done to assess trichloroethylene age-limited model. To separate the effects of result in a lack of serum decay over time. (35). Previous PBB animal studies have pregnancy and breast-feeding, we analyzed These include changes in an individual's failed to use a range of dosing levels when separately the data for women who did not weight, the lack of lipid adjustment or the examining PBB elimination. A pharmacoki- breast-feed. The analysis of women who did fact that the serum samples might not be netic model in growing rats used a compart- not breast-feed (n = 295) resulted in similar fasting, continued exposure to PBB, medica- mental model to simulate the time course of directionality of effect for each of the para- tion use by participants, and age-related a dose of 1 mg/kg of PBB in rat tissues and meters; however, the parameter estimate was changes including lipid concentrations and feces (36). Tissues examined included adi- slightly reduced for pregnancies from 0.039 hepatic enzyme induction. We cannot elimi- pose, skin, muscle, liver, and blood. Scaling (p = 0.06) in the full model to 0.033 (p = nate the possibility that some individuals the model predictions to humans, this study 0.18) in the stratified data. received continued exposure to PBB despite estimated a half-life of 6.5 years for humans. Assessment of breast-feeding duration as public health interventions (e.g., manure In a separate rat study, the concentration of ever/never or tertiles of duration did not from some of the exposed cows could have PBB in serum and other tissues was deter- appreciably alter the results. The parameter been left on the fields, leading to potential mined in rats given a single dose of PBB (0.5 estimates for breast-feeding (ever/never) was subsequent exposure ofreplacement herds). mg/kg). This study reported that elimination 0.0303 (p = 0.49). The parameter estimates The unmetabolized PBB153 and its of PBB from fat and serum in the rat fol- for the middle and upper tertiles of breast- analogous PCB congener have an average lowed first-order kinetics (37). feeding duration were 0.0014 (p = 0.98) and half-life of at least 10 years (13,33). PBB, like Initial BMI values above the median -0.0469 (p = 0.45), which were consistent other highly persistent chemicals, is therefore (. 23) for the study group was associated with the lack of effect on serum decay assumed to be in equilibrium among the with slower PBB decay, suggesting that there observed with the continuous variable. organs and tissues before substantial amounts is a greater retention of PBBs in women with Half-life estimates of serum PBB in are eliminated (34) and was likely in equilib- greater amounts of adipose tissue. Michalek women with various scenarios are shown in rium before the first serum measurements et al. (38) noted that this might be explained Table 6. Two parts per billion is shown were taken in participants of the PBB registry by the affinity of the chemical for adipose tis- because it reflects the median initial PBB (24). Wolff et al. (24) suggested that PBB sue. Rosen et al. (13) found an increased level among women actively participating in equilibrium should have been achieved in PBB half-life with higher BMI in this cohort, the Michigan cohort in 1997. the Michigan cohort by November 1976. and increased PBB half-life with higher BMI Consistent with equilibrium, graphs of log- has also been found with TCDD, polychlori- Discussion transformed serum PBB concentration versus nated dibenzo-p-furans, and polychlorinated We estimated the decay rate of serum PBB time in years (in candidate women) did not dibenzo-p-dioxins (39,40). among women with multiple serum PBB suggest multicompartment effects; therefore, Increasing parity between the first and determinations between 1976 and 1988. a simple exponential decay model was used last PBB measurement was associated with Thirty-seven percent of women had 2 3 in the current analysis. That longer half-lives slower decay, but the effect was ofborderline serum PBB measurements and 29% of were found with higher initial PBB levels significance. Because transplacental passage women did not have a reduction in their suggests that PBB elimination may be a sat- from the mother to the fetus is expected to PBB values over time. Women with an initial urable process at higher exposures resulting be a minor route of PBB elimination, this in different distribution patterns or, more result was unexpected. It is possible that the Table 6. Estimates of half-life in years for serum likely, that there are unmeasured sources of redistribution of PBB between organs and PBB in women with various scenarios. variability. In the latter case, there are exam- serum due to pregnancy results in a period Initial serum Initial Decay rate/ Half-life ples where nonlinearity may be difficult to dis- postpartum during which serum PBB may PBB (ppb) BMI years (years) tinguish from experimental variability (23). be increased or excretion of PBBs may be 2 <23 -0.169 4.10 We do not believe that greater mea- reduced. It is also possible that weight gain 5 <23 -0.082 8.45 surement error near the LOD accounts for after pregnancy may increase the reservoir 2 .23 -0.119 5.82 the shortened half-life in women with low for PBB storage and lengthen half-life. 5 .23 -0.032 21.7 initial PBB levels because the coefficients of Laden et al. (41) found elevated PCB levels

150 Volume 108, Number 2, February 2000 * Environmental Health Perspectives Articles * Serum PBB decay among women in Michigan in parous women, regardless of the number not have data on nutrition, medication, or PCBs. Starting in 1982, the pesticide scan ofchildren and age at first birth, as compared oral contraceptive use. method was used to detect PBBs, DDE, to nulliparous women (p = 0.001). We lacked information on changes in DDT, oxychlordane, trans-nonachlor, and Breast-feeding as either a continuous weight over time. When rats are fed a single mirex. Although the methods have changed variable or as categorized by tertiles of dura- dose of PCB153 and there is no change in over time, Kreiss et al. (54), who compared tion (< 3 months, 3-9 months, or > 9 weight, the decay is first-order with reversible the extraction and dual determination months) was not associated with decay. storage and total elimination (49). In rats methods, concluded that there was no dif- Studies of PCBs have found decreases of with a shrinking adipose compartment, the ference in PBB concentration obtained by 20-38% in maternal serum PCBs with each fecal excretion rate increased up to 10-fold the two methods. Specifically, they reana- 6-month lactation period (42,43). A total of and the skin became an alternative storage lyzed serum samples collected in 1977 by 35 of 85 women (41.2%) who had given depot (50). Wyss et al. (50) concluded that the combined method (n = 1,622) and birth during the study period reported some irreversible storage and limited elimination serum samples collected in 1978 by the amount of breast-feeding between the first in the rat was due to steady enlargement of extraction method (n = 609) to determine and last PBB measurement; however, only the adipose tissue compartment over time. the comparability of the results obtained. 20 (6% of the multivariate study group) Because weight was not assessed at each of The median difference between the 1,622 reported a breast-feeding duration of at least the serum draws, we only have initial BMI as paired PBB samples analyzed by the two 6 months. a measure ofadiposity, and we were not able methods was zero; the median difference in This study found a median PBB half-life to assess the effect of change in adiposity on 609 paired PBB levels by extraction and of 13.5 years. Although there is lack of good decay. It is possible that large fluctuations in combined method was also zero. The pesti- data on congener-specific PCBs, researchers adipose tissue mass due to intentional or cide scan method was used for better separa- in one study of 39 occupationally exposed unintentional weight loss, resulting in redis- tion of DDE from PCBs, with no change in workers in the United States collected serum tribution between adipose and serum levels, detection of PBB. in 1976, 1979, and 1983 and found a geo- might result in a lack of serum PBB decline We estimated a mean PBB half-life for metric mean serum half-life of 12.4 years for over time. In studies of TCDD, neither women in this study with an initial level of PCB153 (33). reported weight loss nor relative change in 20 ppb as 20.8 years (CI, 14.9-34.6 years) One strength of this study is that the percent body fat were associated with serum and median half-life as 28.7 years (22.3- results can be generalized to the majority of TCDD levels over time or TCDD decay, 41.04 years). Rosen and colleagues (13) the female cohort members because we respectively (40). However, Zober and reported a mean half-life of 13.0 years (CI, included women at the lower range of the Papke (51) found that after severe weight 6.3-infinite) and median half-life of 18.5 observed dose of PBB; however, there are a loss, such as cachexia, blood levels of years (CI 9.5-40.1). Differences in inclusion number of limitations to our analysis. In our 2,3,7,8-TCDD increased. At autopsy of criteria may account for the differences in model, processes such as protein binding and dioxin-exposed individuals who died from half-life found in this study as compared to induction of cytochrome P450 enzymes were cancer and had reported weight loss in the that found by Rosen et al. (13), who used not explicitly incorporated. In addition, 63% months before death, blood levels of 2,3,7, only samples taken before 1983. Rosen et al. of women had only two PBB measurements. 8-TCDD increased from 17 to 32 ppt in (13) had a sample size of 51, with a maxi- Because the majority ofwomen had only two one individual and from 518 to 7,482 ppt in mum of four measurements for any one serum draws and some of the determinations another individual. The preautopsy blood participant and a 6-year maximum time were taken at intervals < 1 half-life, the medi- levels were taken 5 and 8 months before between measurements. Rosen's study an half-life and its corresponding 95% confi- death, respectively. Because regulation of fat assessed whether initial PBB level, first year dence interval is reported as a possibly less mobilization is not well understood, further of measurement, BMI, and age were predic- biased estimate (44). The broad confidence study of this phenomenon is needed to tors ofthe decay rate. Only BMI was predic- intervals around the median for women with determine how organisms handle unmetabo- tive of decay. The estimated half-life for low initial PBB levels in Table 3 probably lizable and persistent compounds (52). women in the highest quartile of BMI was reflect the short mean interval for these par- Another possible limitation of the data infinite. It is not surprising that initial PBB ticular women (Table 2). is that participants were not given instruc- level was not an important predictor in the Lambert et al. (12) showed that among tions about fasting before the serum draw. Rosen et al. (13) study because the inclusion members of the PBB cohort there was sub- There is no record of fasting status, and criteria limited the analysis to women with stantial variability in enzyme activity among PBB levels were not corrected by total an initial PBB level of at least 20 ppb. We women, as assessed by the caffeine breath lipids. Phillips et al. (53) observed higher found similar half-lives for women with a test. Much of this variability may be due to nonfasting levels of serum PCBs as com- broad range of initial PBB levels > 21 ppb. polymorphisms of the genes that regulate pared to fasting serum samples. It is possible The model developed here may be useful metabolizing enzymes. In addition, age, that the lack of lipid adjustment is likely to to other researchers who are interested in nutrition, hormone use, and hepatic disease add a small amount of error to the PBB reconstructing exposure levels to PBBs or to can affect microsomal substrate metabolism measurement in the current study, poten- similar organochlorines. In studies ofindivid- (45,46). Studies concerning age and P450 tially resulting in slower or stable half-lifes. uals for whom a single serum level is avail- enzyme activity are inconsistent and appear That PBB decline was not related to age in able, the level ofchemical at times other than to be substrate specific (47,48). Although age our data argues that an age-related lipid when the serum was collected may be esti- was not a significant predictor of PBB decay effect is extremely small. mated by use ofsuch a model. Because analo- in our study, Flesch-Janys et al. (39) found The PBB detection methods used in this gous PBB and PCB congeners are expected that increasing age was related to increasing study have changed over time. During the to have similar toxicokinetics, the results of half-life of polychlorinated dibenzo-p- years 1976-1978, the extraction method this study also may be relevant to studies dioxins and . These authors was used to detect PBBs. From 1978 to involving the more highly chlorinated PCB suggest that age affected P450 (specifically 1982 the dual determination (combined) congeners, particularly the commonly occur- CYP lAI and CYP 1A2) induction. We did method was used to detect both PBBs and ring congener PCB 1 53.

Environmental Health Perspectives * Volume 108, Number 2, February 2000 151 Articles * Blanck et al.

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