Us Department of Justice Law Enforcement Assistance
If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at ~-,--,-.- ~-,-- -""!"!""' i • '.., - ---,-v... \' , I This report was produced as part of a program of Research and Training in U I'ban .I, Tramlportation sponsored by the Urban Mass Transportation Administration of the i, .. " Departlll~nt of Transportation. The results and views expressed are the independent products of university research and are not necessarily concurred in by the Urban Mass Transportation Administration of the Department of Transportation. This microfiche was produced from ,documents received for inclusion in the HCIRS data base. Since HCJRS cannot exercise University of nUno:'~ At Chicago Circle control oyer the physical condition of the documents submitted, I I Chicago, illinois 60680 the individual frame ~uamy will vary. The resolution chart on tl '" 1 this frame may be used to evaluate the ·document quality.' i I ". ,~,~, '~ 1 Ii 1,\ 25 1) 1.0 :: 111112.8 11111 . !:! I~ IIIII~ ~ ! gOLIQING IN'!'..~R-CO.MMUJ:TIll..." J.1.l Ii£ I w I:.i 1.1,0 MASS TRANSIT SYSTEMS~ .- ~.". _. .,' 7.-:.,,,,1 ~·;:""'=::·~==""'·'11 "-.":.!- ""'-'-,:;-'1t- ;-,_";::_;:._~' 1.1 "'u.I:. .... u - ,:1! ::{ 111111.25 111111.4 111111.6 ,I I Research Report No; 7 ( ~ > -_'," .," _. "', ",,,_;.''',,,.::;.rc::.,_ ...",.":.. ,, ,~.;. .!;L_'"'''''''''' ""', -. , ' MICROCOPY RESOLUTION n:ST CHART NATIONAL eWREAU OF STANOARDS-1963-A il ; f LJ Microfilmina procedures used to create this fiche comply with the standards set forth in 41CFR 101·11.504 by Points of view Dr opinions stated in ,his docuMent are P. S. Wallace, Master! s Candidate R. M. Buren, Assistant Professor those of the authorls) aud do not represent the official position or policies of the U.S.
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