Sub 8 David Woodiwiss - Submission Number 1 DAVID WOODIWISS PO BOX 2032, BOULDER, WESTERN AUSTRALIA, 6432 PH: 0408 909 333 FAX: 08 9093 3355 Email:
[email protected] To:- The Standing Committee on Legislation:- Inquiry into the Mining Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 Postal Address:- Mr David Driscoll Parliamentary Officer (Committees) Standing Committee on Legislation GPO: Box A11 Perth WA 6837 Phone Number: 08 9222 7404 Fax Number: 08 9222 7805 Email Address:
[email protected] PROSPECTING and SMALL MINING ACTIVITIES MINE SHAFTS, SMALL OPEN PITS, PROCESSING PLANT AND ASSOCATED INFRASTRUCTURE Introduction Prospecting and small mining operations by way of shafts and small open pits is the long established method of operating by prospectors and small miners. This is common to all goldfields and in particular to Western Australian Goldfields since mining began here over 120 years ago in 1885 Mining Amendments Act 2015 These proposed Amendments are for the benefit of the large corporate miners. The Amendments ignore the needs of the small miner. The following gives some background detail to the operations of the small miner Prospecting and Exploration Prospecting for gold takes place in many ways. Examples of these are the sampling of rock chips and soils, loaming, augering, pitting, costeaning, drilling, dishing, dry blowing, detecting and assaying of samples and rocks in the quest for a source of payable quantities of ore. When there are good indications that gold, or other mineralisation, has been discovered, the small miner will sink a shaft or excavate a small open pit in his quest to find an orebody.