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KCGM showed its ongoing 2013, with roles for shop helpers, continue to run tours and provide commitment to local tourism this information personnel and tour information about our operations month, relocating the Super Pit Shop guides. Training will be provided for on Boulder Market Days. Now based to the Hannans North Tourist Mine. anyone who would like to help out at the Eastern Goldfields Historical The move is designed to assist in and hours will be recorded under Society (next to Loopline Park on the revitalisation of the existing Hall the KCGM Volunteers Programme. Hamilton St), tours leave hourly of Fame attractions as a sustainable This is a great opportunity to be from 9am-12pm. After the tour, tourism destination. The Super Pit part of a new and exciting venture, volunteers at the historical society Shop is now open to the public, and develop new skills and have some stage a dry blowing demonstration, other attractions at the site will be fun while meeting and working one of the methods used by early reopened in stages as maintenance with a range of great people. To miners in the region, and there are and repair work is completed. get involved contact the Super Pit historic records and homemade Shop on 9022 1664 and register as a treats on offer inside. There are still volunteer. plenty of opportunities for KCGM “THE MOVE IS Volunteers on Boulder Market Days Although the Super Pit Shop as tour guides and helping out on DESIGNED TO ASSIST has moved from Burt Street, we the tour desk. IN THE REVITALISATION OF THE EXISTING HALL OF FAME ATTRACTIONS...”

While the ownership and long term future of the tourism assets is still being reviewed, KCGM is happy to take on this initial role as caretaker of the facility. A big thank you to the KCGM Volunteers who helped get the new shop and Hannans North grounds ready to open, collecting enough leaves and rubbish to fill a whole skip. There are plenty of opportunities for volunteering at the Super Pit Shop in WELCOME MESSAGE

total movement, which peaked in September IN THIS ISSUE: when we exceeded both budget and forecast. Having achieved a significant improvement in High Performance total tonnes moved, we then needed to shift Maintenance Vehicles 3 our focus to tonnes. This was achieved by prioritising the deeper cutbacks in Chaffers New Merchandise 3 and Trafalgar. At the close of the fourth quarter we have caught up on budgeted recovered Employee Profile - ounces and are forecast to exceed shipped Matt Leske 3 ounces. Cyanide Destruction Project Processing also had a very challenging 2012 Update 4 and worked very hard with Reliability all year to make up a deficit in tonnes processed. They Mine Technical Services are looking to achieve near budget throughput by the end of the fourth quarter. We saw some Initiatives 4 Welcome to the sixth edition of The Dirt very good examples of people living out our Newsletter, the first edition for 2013. KCGM Core Values 4 Core Values to achieve this goal. We had a big year in 2012, with many Our safety performance over 2012 was challenges and what are euphemistically somewhat disappointing with 23 total referred to as interesting times on the reportable injuries (TRIs) by year to date. local and global scale. However, it was evident over 2012 that hazard After some set backs early in the year reporting and awareness increased steadily, caused by weather and availability issues, and the severity of injuries is lower. we have worked across the operations One of our key goals is always to send to catch back up to our 2012 budgeted everyone home safe every day and being a physicals. It is a testament to the great zero injury site. As the new year begins please culture and team work of everyone on take a moment to remind yourself of whom and this site that we have pulled together what you stay safe for and encourage those to try and achieve this goal. One of the around you to do so as well. key highlights of 2012 was seeing teams across all the disciplines working together In 2013 we will need to continue to build on the to find and implement solutions. 2012 improvements across site to ensure that we deliver our budgeted physicals. The mantra In April, Open Pit held a for all of us must be “Plan the work and work workshop to look at ways to increase THEDIRT the plan”. total movement from the Open Pit. Out DONT JUST READ IT BE of those work shops came five mining I would like to take this opportunity to thank PART OF IT. improvement projects (MIPs) in: everyone for their huge effort over the past The Dirt is produced year and to wish everyone a healthy and great 1. Drill and Blast 2013. I also look forward to working with you in and edited by the ESR 2. Payload 2013 striving to regain the number one position 3. Mine Planning Department. of being the largest producing operation 4. Dispatch If you have any news, 5. Front line Supervision in Australia. photographs or stories to Ian Butler contribute please contact As these five projects progressed we 9022 1664 or email began to see a steady improvement in Operations Manager [email protected] For more information you can also contact: EVENTS Peta Jurgens, Community Relations JANUARY 2013 Coordinator 1 New Years Day T: 9022 1195 20 Boulder Market Day E: [email protected] 26 Australia Day

2 GREAT NEWS HIGH PERFORMANCE NEW MERCHANDISE MAINTENANCE VEHICLES The Super Pit Shop has two new books in stock, which are ideal as Looking for the latest in high performance the throb of a powerful engine, KCGM’s gifts or mementos of the local area. vehicles? Look no further than KCGM! By the time HPVs are focussed on high performance of a The Kalgoorlie-Boulder Pure Gold you read this, electricians and fitters in Fimiston different kind. Moments photo book is a collection Maintenance will be travelling around the in a of images which captures the spirit fleet of HPMVs (High Performance Maintenance These little beauties deliver efficiency, of the Goldfields. With its small Vehicles). While you might normally associate reliability, economy and versatility. Solar- size and price of $10 it is ideal for high performance vehicles with race tracks and power operated and battery-charged, the HPVs are carbon neutral electric utility travellers and tourists. Fields of Gold vehicles. Their all-aluminium chassis do not is a hard cover coffee table book, rust and are light-weight, resulting in longer photographed and compiled by local battery life and cheaper running costs. With resident Charlie Nolan, and is a a carrying capacity of more than 500kg they beautiful keepsake which documents have more than enough room and power to the beauty of the region. carry all the tools of the trade.

Charlie Romano, Maintenance Superintendent is excited about the recent arrivals. He said, “the HPMVs provide tremendous environmental benefits, radically reduce our maintenance costs, and offer plenty of safety benefits to boot”.

EMPLOYEE Matt Leske, Continuous Improvement and working with various teams to Superintendent, joined KCGM in May assist in delivering results.” 2012 after extensive Engineering and PROFILE Business Improvement experience The Continuous Improvement with BHP, both at the Ravensthorpe team bring a broad range of skills MATT LESKE operations and the Kalgoorlie Nickel and experience to their roles, with Smelter. expertise in mining, processing and finance. Matt encourages input and Continually improving is one of ideas from everyone, saying, “we KCGM’s Core Values, and the key focus are always looking for new ways to of our Continuous Improvement team make KCGM better and we’re open is to look for ways we can produce to suggestions from anyone onsite. more gold at a lower cost in the safest We want to get as many people as way possible. Matt and his team are possible involved in improvement committed to improving efficiency projects across site, no matter how big and productivity across our entire or small the idea. organisation, an undertaking which requires understanding and experience When Matt’s not improving our of all aspects of our operations. This business, he can be found stalking diversity is what attracted Matt to the the keyway and snaring baskets for role and he says, “we’re all constantly the Goldfields Giants in the State learning about different departments Basketball League.


CYANIDE DESTRUCTION PROJECT UPDATE KCGM’s Capital Projects team proudly sizzle to congratulate the team on a job well constant focus on safety was reflected in unveiled the completed Cyanide Destruction done. a final count of zero LTIs and MTIs over a Plant at Gidji, marking the successful delivery A strong partnership between KCGM project of more than 20,000 man hours. With of a concept conceived from a site water personnel and local contractors delivered the commissioning process well underway, balance study. KCGM General Manager this $8 million project on time and within plant operation is expected to be up and Russell Cole conducted the ribbon-cutting scope over a 12 month planning phase and running in mid-January. Congratulations to ceremony, which was followed by a sausage six month construction phase. The team’s the team on this tremendous achievement!

MINE TECHNICAL SERVICES INITIATIVES With a work group of 16, including 11 Our Geologists have also been focusing on Graduates, the Geology team is gearing up for advancing our blast monitoring efficiencies, an exciting year in 2013. Sitting high on the with Project Mine Geologist Simon York priority list is developing improved lithology travelling to New Zealand to present our interpretation. Simply put, the project involves technical developments to a team of industry mapping different types of rocks in order to experts. Identifying how dirt moves during target higher grade ore; delivering more gold a blast and where different quality material and less waste. KCGM Senior Mine Geologist has been dispersed optimises the direction of shovel operation and digging location. Ben Hinkle said “increased accuracy in ore modelling means better quality ore and more of it, increasing efficiency and profitability.”

KCGM CORE VALUES SITE SAFETY December Core Values Awards PERFORMANCE Communications Matt Kempin, Mining Engineer: came Cameron Knox, The November site safety statistics are Technician: responded to call outs into work on his day of annual leave to now available and ready for viewing on from his colleagues and accompanied complete an urgent job disrupted by a the KCGM Intranet. operators to solve issues as they arose. power outage that day.