AN46CH21-Kulick ARI 26 September 2017 7:48 Annual Review of Anthropology Human–Animal Communication∗ Don Kulick Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, Uppsala University, 751 26, Uppsala, Sweden; email:
[email protected] ANNUAL REVIEWS Further Click here to view this article's online features: t%PXOMPBEmHVSFTBT115TMJEFT t/BWJHBUFMJOLFESFGFSFODFT t%PXOMPBEDJUBUJPOT t&YQMPSFSFMBUFEBSUJDMFT t4FBSDILFZXPSET Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2017. 46:357–78 Keywords First published as a Review in Advance on August animal studies, animal communicators, animal training, ape language, 7, 2017 companion species, ethics, pets The Annual Review of Anthropology is online at by
[email protected] on 11/02/17. For personal use only. Abstract Since the demise in the 1980s of research by psychologists who attempted 041723 Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2017.46:357-378. Downloaded from to teach human language to apes, a range of other perspectives has arisen Copyright c 2017 by Annual Reviews. ⃝ that explore how humans can communicate with animals and what the pos- All rights reserved sibility of such communication means. Sociologists interested in symbolic ∗This article is part of a special theme on interactionism, anthropologists writing about ontology, equestrian and ca- Human–Animal Interaction. For a list of other articles in this theme, see http://www. nine trainers, people with autism who say they understand animals because they think like animals, and a ragbag of sundry New Age women who claim an-46-themes to be able to converse with animals through telepathy have started discussing human–animal communication in ways that recast the whole point of think- ing about it.