July 23, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8241 was also an advocate of the Head Start pro- incorporate the 279 acre Wildflower Center Atlantic during 1941, fighter pilots aboard gram. into the University. the USS Hornet in the South Pacific during Johnson’s press secretary from 1963–1969 For twenty years spent 1942, and American forces in China during was Liz Carpenter, a fellow University of her summers on the island of Martha’s Vine- 1943; Whereas many of Tom Lea’s paintings Texas alumna. Carpenter was the first profes- yard renting the home of Charles from World War II are in the United States sional newswoman to be press secretary to a Guggeinheim for many of those years. She Army Center for Military History in Wash- First Lady, and she also served as Lady Bird’s said she had greatly appreciated the island’s ington, DC, and are loaned to exhibitions staff director. natural beauty and flowers. worldwide; In 1970, A Diary, Lady Bird On October 13, 2006, Lady Bird Johnson Whereas, when accepting the Republican Johnson’s intimate, behind-the-scenes account made a rare public appearance at the renova- nomination for President of the United of Lyndon Johnson’s presidency from Novem- tion announcement of the Lyndon Baines States in 2000, George W. Bush quoted Tom ber 22, 1963 to January 20, 1969, was pub- Johnson Library and Museum. Sitting in a Lea about living on the ‘‘sunrise side of the mountain’’; lished. Beginning with the tragic assassination wheelchair and showing signs of recent health Whereas Tom Lea’s painting Rio Grande of John F. Kennedy, Mrs. Johnson recorded problems, Lady Bird seemed engaged and today hangs in the Oval Office at the White the momentous events of ber times, including alert, and clapped along with those present at House; the Great Society’s War on Poverty, the na- the ceremony. Whereas Tom Lea’s works are found tional civil rights and social protest move- Mr. Speaker, in the last year the state of throughout Washington, DC and Texas, in- ments, her own activism on behalf of the envi- Texas has lost several of its greatest sons and cluding in the Rayburn House Office Build- ronment, and the Vietnam War. Indeed, Lady daughters: Governor ; Senator ing, which displays his portrait of Sam Ray- Bird Johnson and her husband were cham- and Treasury Secretary Lloyd Bentsen; col- burn; the Smithsonian American Art Mu- seum; the Museum of Art; the El Paso pions of civil rights and were instrumental in umnist and progressive icon Molly Ivins; and Museum of Art; the University of Texas at El the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 now Lady Bird Johnson. Paso; Texas A&M University; and the Uni- and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. I know that The Lone Star State mourns the loss of our versity of Texas at Austin; her comforting words and her encouragement favorite daughter and it will be grieving for Whereas Tom Lea painted several notable were part of the decision making of President some time. But the memory of Lady Bird murals, including the Texas Centennial Johnson as he made some critical decisions Johnson will never be forgotten so long as the mural and, under the Department of Treas- during some difficult times regarding the civil flowers bloom in the capital city of our nation ury’s Section of Fine Arts mural competi- rights of individuals who had been discrimi- and along the highways and byways of the tion programs, The Nesters mural for the several states, especially her beloved Texas. Benjamin Franklin Post Office in Wash- nated against for most of the history of this ington, DC; the Pass of the North mural for country. Long out of print, the paperback edi- I strongly support H. Res. 553 and urge my the Federal Courthouse in El Paso, Texas; tion of A White House Diary will be available colleagues to do the same. the Stampede mural for the Odessa, Texas again through the University of Texas Press in Mr. DAVIS of Illinois, Mr. Speaker, I Post Office; the Comancheros mural for the Fall 2007. yield back the balance of our time. Seymour, Texas Post Office; and the Back She was acquainted with a long span of fel- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Home mural for the Pleasant Hill, Missouri low First Ladies, from Eleanor Roosevelt to question is on the motion offered by Post Office; , and was protected by the United the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. Whereas Tom Lea was also an accom- States Secret Service for forty-four years, DAVIS) that the House suspend the plished author and illustrator whose works rules and agree to the resolution, H. included the two-volume annotated history longer than anyone else in history. The King Ranch (published in 1957), in addi- Lady Bird Johnson was awarded the Presi- Res. 553. tion to four novels and two non-fiction dential Medal of Freedom by on The question was taken. books, of which, The Brave Bulls (published January 10, 1977. The citation for her medal The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the in 1949) and The Wonderful Country (pub- read: opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being lished in 1952), were adapted as screenplays ‘‘One of America’s great First Ladies, she in the affirmative, the ayes have it. for motion pictures; claimed her own place in the hearts and his- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, Whereas Tom Lea during his life was hon- tory of the American people. In councils of on that I demand the yeas and nays. ored with several awards, including the Navy power or in homes of the poor, she made gov- The yeas and nays were ordered. Distinguished Public Service Award, the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- United States Marine Corps’ Colonel John W. ernment human with her unique compassion Thomason, Jr. Award, and the National Cow- and her grace, warmth and wisdom. Her lead- ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the boy and Western Heritage Museum’s Great ership transformed the American landscape Chair’s prior announcement, further Westerners Award; and preserved its natural beauty as a national proceedings on this motion will be Whereas President and Mrs. George W. treasure.’’ postponed. Bush are serving as Honorary Chairs of the Johnson then received the Congressional f International Advisory Board for the 2007 Gold Medal on May 8, 1984. In addition to the Tom Lea Centennial Celebration, a month- HONORING THE LIFE AND ACCOM- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, her long series of events in the Southwest that PLISHMENTS OF RENOWNED seeks to ensure that the richness and diver- name has been lent to the Lady Bird Johnson ARTIST TOM LEA ON THE 100TH sity of Tom Lea’s legacy will nourish genera- Park on Columbia Island in Washington, D.C., ANNIVERSARY OF HIS BIRTH tions to come; and which was founded as a result of her efforts Whereas Tom Lea’s war diaries are to be as First Lady to beautify the capital. Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I published by Texas A&M Press in 2008: Now, After former President Johnson died in move to suspend the rules and agree to therefore, be it 1973, Lady Bird Johnson remained in the pub- the resolution (H. Res. 519) honoring Resolved, That the House of Representa- lic eye, honoring her husband and other Presi- the life and accomplishments of re- tives honors the life and accomplishments of dents. In the 1970s, she focused her attention nowned artist Tom Lea on the 100th an- Tom Lea. on the Austin riverfront area through her in- niversary of his birth. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- volvement in the Town Lake Beautification The Clerk read the title of the resolu- ant to the rule, the gentleman from Il- Project. From 1971 to 1978, Johnson served tion. linois (Mr. DAVIS) and the gentleman on the board of regents for the University of The text of the resolution is as fol- from Connecticut (Mr. SHAYS) each will Texas System. lows: control 20 minutes. On December 22, 1982 (her 70th birthday), H. RES. 519 The Chair recognizes the gentleman she and actress Helen Hayes founded the Na- Whereas, 100 years ago on July 11, 1907, from Illinois. tional Wildflower Research Center, a nonprofit Tom Lea was born in El Paso, Texas, to GENERAL LEAVE organization devoted to preserving and reintro- former El Paso Mayor Tom Lea, Sr., and his Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I ducing native plants in planned landscapes, wife Zola Utt Lea and spent the majority of ask unanimous consent that all Mem- located east of Austin, Texas. The Center his life in El Paso; bers may have 5 legislative days in Whereas Tom Lea served as an accredited which to revise and extend their re- opened a new facility southwest of Austin on war artist correspondent for Life magazine La Crosse Avenue in 1994. It was officially re- during World War II, traveled over 100,000 marks. named The Lady Bird Johnson Wildtlower miles as an eye-witness reporter, landed with The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Center in 1998. On June 20, 2006, The Uni- the First Marines on Peleliu during 1942, and objection to the request of the gen- versity of Texas at Austin announced plans to accompanied American forces in the North tleman from Illinois?

VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:43 Aug 15, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD07\H23JY7.REC H23JY7 mmaher on PROD1PC70 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H8242 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 23, 2007 There was no objection. ‘‘Rio Grande,’’ to the President, so he From painting national and world Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I could hang it in the Oval Office. The leaders to his celebrated painting of his yield myself such time as I may con- painting remains there today. wife, Sarah, which includes El Paso’s sume. In addition to great critical acclaim, Franklin Mountains as the backdrop; Mr. Speaker, as a member of the Lea’s lifetime of work has earned him from his critically acclaimed novels to House Committee on Oversight and the Navy Distinguished Public Service motion pictures based on his written Government Reform, I am pleased to Award, the United States Marine Corps works; from his depictions of the her- join my colleague in the consideration Colonel John W. Thomason, Jr., Award, oism and harrowing circumstances of of H. Res. 519, a bill that honors the life and the National Cowboy and Western World War II to his award-winning mu- and accomplishments of renowned art- Heritage Museum’s Great Westerners rals in post offices in El Paso and ist Tom Lea on the 100th anniversary Award. across the country, Tom Lea has left a of his birth. Therefore, let us show our respect lasting impact on our Nation as a H. Res. 519, which has 79 cosponsors, and gratitude for this great American whole. was introduced by Representative by passing H. Res. 519 to honor the life Obviously, Tom Lea is a national SILVESTRE REYES on June 26, 2007. H. and accomplishments of Tom Lea. treasure and a creative genius. I want Res. 519 was reported from the Over- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of to thank my 79 colleagues who have sight Committee on June 19, 2007, by a my time. signed on as cosponsors to this legisla- voice vote. Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, tion. Mr. Speaker, I commend my col- it is my pleasure to yield 21⁄2 minutes So today, Mr. Speaker, I urge all col- league, Representative SILVESTRE to the gentleman from Texas (Mr. leagues to join me in honoring him by REYES, for seeking to honor the life REYES), the sponsor of this resolution. passing this resolution. My community and accomplishments of renowned art- Mr. REYES. Mr. Speaker, I thank the of El Paso, Texas, was lucky to be ist Tom Lea, and urge the swift pas- chairman and the ranking member for home for such an icon, and the Nation sage of this bill. their support of this resolution. as a whole is a richer, more interesting Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of As a representative of the 16th Dis- and more beautiful place because of his my time. trict of Texas, I rise today in honor of vision and his mastery. Mr. SHAYS. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- a great El Pasoan and a great Amer- b 1645 self such time as I may consume. ican. Mr. SHAYS. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. Speaker, in celebration of the I have on the floor beside me two pic- such time as the most distinguished 100th anniversary of the birth of Tom tures of paintings by this great Amer- gentleman from Texas (Mr. SESSIONS) Lea, I ask Members to join me in hon- ican. His name is Tom Lea. He hails would like to use. oring the life and accomplishments of from my district of El Paso, Texas, and Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I thank this remarkable American. Tom Lea has left a lasting impression on the Na- the gentleman from Connecticut. I also was a painter, muralist, illustrator, tion as a whole. rise with my colleagues who are here writer and war correspondent, whose One of these paintings, ‘‘Rio from El Paso, Texas, and also the gen- work continues to captivate and in- Grande,’’ this one right here, was spe- tleman from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS) to cel- spire us today. cifically chosen, as has been stated by ebrate the 100th anniversary of Tom Born in El Paso, Texas, in 1907, he my good friend from Connecticut, by Lea’s birth. As a person who lived in El showed an early talent for art and left President Bush to hang in the Oval Of- Paso, Texas, for a number of years, I home to study at the Art Institute of fice. As you can see, this is a beautiful also became aware of Tom Lea from Chicago. While this began a pattern of representation of the rugged landscape living in San Antonio. Much of his art- world travel he continued throughout and the environment of our wonderful work was displayed in San Antonio on his life, Tom Lea’s home was always Southwest. a regular basis. Texas and the American Southwest. The other is a portrait of Sam Ray- Tom Lea for many years painted pic- His paintings capture the spirit of the burn. It is probably the most familiar tures of the mountains and beauty that West and show a vibrant life that to many of you, as it hangs in the foyer surrounds not only west Texas, but thrives in seemingly barren land. of the Rayburn House Office Building. I southern New Mexico also. El Paso is Lea put his education to good use as venture that you would be hard-pressed the beginning of what is called The a muralist for the Works Progress Ad- to find another artist who could so cap- Pass of the North, where two great ministration. His works include the ture the tenacity and formidable na- countries come together, the history of award winning ‘‘The Nesters,’’ which ture of this great Texas lawmaker and Mexico and the history of the United adorns the Post Office Department former Speaker of the House of Rep- States, and where these two great Building here in Washington, and the resentatives. countries meet at the Rio Grande portrait of Sam Rayburn on display in Mr. Lea’s legacy extends beyond the River. Tom Lea spent a lot of time the Rayburn House Office Building, and paintings that you see here, and I rise writing, talking, thinking, pushing for- I think on display right now in this today because this month marks the ward thoughts and ideas about these Chamber. Additionally, the Smithso- 100th anniversary of the birth of this two great nations, and embodied a lot nian American Art Museum, numerous acclaimed El Pasoan. The 2007 Tom Lea of that in artwork that I have several public buildings in Missouri, and edu- Centennial Celebration, which is a copies of. I have bought Tom’s books cational and government facilities month-long series of events, is cur- over the years. throughout Texas exhibit his work. rently underway all along our beautiful So today it is right and fitting that In 1942, Time magazine hired Lea to Southwest. the in its look- cover the war in the Pacific. Finding Mr. Lea is a celebrated illustrator, ing back, as we do on a regular basis, paint inadequate to capture the full novelist, historian, war correspondent over many great Americans who have story, Lea began his career as a nov- and muralist. His assignment with Life added not only to the artwork of Amer- elist while on assignment. He contin- magazine in the 1940s to draw a cavalry ica and the thought process, but also to ued writing after the war, and pub- trooper at El Paso’s Fort Bliss led to the lives that they lived. Tom Lea, a lished six works of fiction and nonfic- his role as an accredited artist cor- great Texan and American, who added tion, including a two-volume annotated respondent during World War II. Trav- not only a spirit to the men and women history of the King Ranch. eling over 100,000 miles through very who fought for this country in World Fans of his work are numerous and dangerous and faraway theatres of war, War II, but also brought that beauty include President George W. Bush, who he captured the American forces in the forward in artwork, the Franklin honored Lea by using a quote from an North Atlantic, the South Pacific, Mountains and places in New Mexico autobiography while accepting the Re- China, and Peleliu for the American with just stunning beauty that have publican nomination for President in public and for those of us that appre- sustained so many people. It gives us 2000. Shortly before his death in Janu- ciate his great artistry today. While an idea about why America is a great ary of 2001, Lea had the great satisfac- overseas, he also painted a portrait of Nation and why we must continue to tion of delivering one of his paintings, China’s Chiang Kai-shek. protect her.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:43 Aug 15, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD07\H23JY7.REC H23JY7 mmaher on PROD1PC70 with CONG-REC-ONLINE July 23, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8243 Mr. Speaker, I stand today in support today’s Catholic education parochial school that people of all political and reli- of this 100th anniversary of Tom Lea, a system, was named the first American-born gious backgrounds can join in applaud- great man from El Paso and a great Saint on September 14, 1975; her name ap- ing. community, and people who loved him pears on the front doors to St. Patrick’s Ca- Founded on April 8, 1808, the Diocese thedral describing her as a ‘‘Daughter of New a great deal and miss him even more. It York’’; and several schools are named after of New York has grown to over 2.5 mil- is a great day to say thank you to Lady her, including Seton Hall University in lion Catholics who are led by nearly Bird Johnson and Tom Lea, both great South Orange, New Jersey; 1,500 priests. The Diocese of New York Texans, on a beautiful day in Wash- Whereas the Archdiocese of New York is was established with the Most Rev- ington, D.C. currently under the spiritual guidance of His erend R. Luke Concanen as its first Mr. SHAYS. Mr. Speaker, I yield Eminence Edward M. Cardinal Egan, who bishop, and was elevated to an Arch- back the balance of my time. was installed on June 19, 2000, and elevated diocese in 1850. Upon its origination, Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I to Cardinal on February 21, 2001; the diocese included the entire State of have no further requests for time, and Whereas the Archdiocese of New York was originally comprised of the entire states of New York and New Jersey, an area that I yield back the balance of my time. New York and New Jersey, an area that now now covers 12 dioceses. In this vast or- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The covers twelve dioceses; ganization, the Archdiocese of New question is on the motion offered by Whereas, with 2,500,000 Catholics in its York includes 402 parishes, 278 schools, the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. fold, the Archdiocese of New York consists of and 3,729 charitable ministries includ- DAVIS) that the House suspend the 402 parishes, 278 elementary and high ing Catholic Charities, nursing homes, rules and agree to the resolution, H. schools, and 3,729 charitable ministries, and outreach programs. Res. 519. which include Catholic Charities, hospitals, The Archdiocese of New York has The question was taken. nursing homes, and outreach programs; and been the site of three papal visits and Whereas, throughout its rich historical The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the is home to the first Cardinal Arch- opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being past and up to the present day, the Arch- diocese of New York has been sustained by bishop of the Roman Catholic Church in the affirmative, the ayes have it. the beneficent efforts of countless parish- of America, John Cardinal McCloskey. Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, ioners and ministries, past and present, who The first American-born saint, Eliza- on that I demand the yeas and nays. have generously supported their community beth Ann Seton, was a member of the The yeas and nays were ordered. with abundant kindness and good deeds: archdiocese and founder of today’s The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Now, therefore, be it Catholic education parochial school ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the Resolved, That the House of Representa- system. Chair’s prior announcement, further tives commemorates the 200th anniversary of the Archdiocese of New York. In commemoration of their bicenten- proceedings on this motion will be nial, the Archdiocese of New York has The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- postponed. planned a year-long celebration of ac- ant to the rule, the gentleman from Il- f tivities to bring together the entire linois (Mr. DAVIS) and the gentleman COMMEMORATING THE 200TH ANNI- community, including an Archdiocese from Connecticut (Mr. SHAYS) each will of New York Day of Service. VERSARY OF THE ARCHDIOCESE control 20 minutes. OF NEW YORK It is with great respect for the ongo- The Chair recognizes the gentleman ing service to their parishioners and Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I from Illinois. the greater community of New York move to suspend the rules and agree to GENERAL LEAVE that I ask you to join in commemo- the resolution (H. Res. 345) commemo- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I rating the 200th anniversary of the rating the 200th anniversary of the ask unanimous consent that all Mem- Archdiocese of New York. Archdiocese of New York. bers may have 5 legislative days in The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Mr. Speaker, I reserve my time. which to revise and extend their re- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, tion. marks. it is my pleasure to yield such time as The text of the resolution is as fol- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there lows: he may consume to the gentleman objection to the request of the gen- from New York (Mr. CROWLEY). H. RES. 345 tleman from Illinois? Mr. CROWLEY. Mr. Speaker, I thank Whereas it is a tradition of the House of There was no objection. the gentleman for yielding me this Representatives to honor and pay tribute to Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I time. those places and institutions within the yield myself such time as I may con- United States whose historic significance I want to thank my friend from Con- has contributed to the culture and traditions sume. necticut for managing the time on the of our citizens; Mr. Speaker, as a member of the minority side for this important reso- Whereas, in accordance with this tradition, House Committee on Oversight and lution. In particular, I want to thank the House of Representatives is proud to Government Reform, I am pleased to my good friend from New York State, commemorate the 200th anniversary of the join my colleague in consideration of Vito Fossella, for introducing this im- Archdiocese of New York and its history of H. Res. 345, a resolution that com- portant resolution commemorating and faith and service; memorates the 200th anniversary of the celebrating the 200th anniversary of Whereas the Archdiocese of New York has Archdiocese. H. Res. 345, which has 61 planned a year-long series of events begin- the Archdiocese of New York, a history ning in April 2007 to celebrate their bicenten- cosponsors, was introduced by Rep- that is replete with so many tales, not nial; resentative VITO FOSSELLA on April 30, tales but facts, about the contribution Whereas the Archdiocese of New York is 2007. H. Res. 345 was reported from the of Catholics in New York, in particular also coordinating with Catholic Charities of Committee on Oversight and Govern- about the institution known as the New York to institute an Archdiocese of New ment Reform July 19, 2007, by a voice Archdiocese of New York, having at York Day of Service, to celebrate its history vote. one time encompassed the entire State of serving the broader community; Mr. Speaker, I commend my col- of New York and New Jersey, and now Whereas, on April 8, 1808, Diocese of New league Mr. FOSSELLA for seeking to York was established with the Most Rev- having a smaller imprint, but no less erend R. Luke Concanen as its first Bishop, commemorate the 200th anniversary of significant an imprint today. and was elevated to an Archdiocese in 1850; the Archdiocese of New York, and urge We think of the storied individuals Whereas, on March 15, 1875, His Eminence swift passage of this bill. who fervently shepherded their flock in John Cardinal McCloskey, the second Arch- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of the Archdiocese of New York, starting bishop of the Archdiocese of New York, be- my time. with R. Luke Concanen in 1808–1810; to came the first Cardinal Archbishop of the Mr. SHAYS. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- present day, Edward Michael Cardinal Roman Catholic Church in America; self such time as I may consume. Egan, who took the reins of control in Whereas the Archdiocese of New York has Mr. Speaker, today we honor the welcomed three Papal visits, Pope Paul VI 2000 and continues to this day. on October 5, 1965 and Pope John Paul II on 200th anniversary of the Archdiocese of We look back historically, particu- October 7, 1979 and again on October 5, 1995; New York, an institution that has con- larly during the Civil War, the Arch- Whereas Elizabeth Ann Seton, a member of tributed to the good of the region it diocese had a very long history going the Archdiocese of New York and founder of covers as well and the Nation in a way back to that point in time, and during

VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:43 Aug 15, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD07\H23JY7.REC H23JY7 mmaher on PROD1PC70 with CONG-REC-ONLINE