Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday sdfsd asdss

Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast , & Cereals Cereals Cereals Cereals Cereals Cereals Baked Beans Pain au Chocolate Croissants Bacon, Sausages & Pain au Chocolate Croissants Bacon, Sausages & Toast & Preserves Toast & Preserves Toast & Preserves Baked Beans Toast & Preserved Toast & Preserves Baked Beans Juice Juice Juice Toast & Preserves Juice Juice Toast & Preserves Yoghurt Bar Yoghurt Bar Yoghurt Bar Fried Eggs Yoghurt Bar Yoghurt Bar Fried Eggs Scrambled Eggs Poached Eggs Boiled Eggs Yoghurt Bar Boiled Eggs Poached Eggs Yoghurt Bar Fresh Tomatoes Fresh Tomatoes

Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Packed Lunch Lancashire Hot Pot Chicken Breast with Pasta Bar served with a Chicken & Mushroom Crispy Battered Fish Packed Lunch Ham or Cheese Vegetable Paella Chorizo choice of Sauces: Casserole served with Mushy Ham or Cheese Baguette Potato Wedges Leek & Cheddar Wrap Beef Bolognaise Roast Vegetable Peas & Chips Baguette Bottle of Water Creamy Mashed Swede Mashed Potatoes Tomato & Mushroom Casserole Mediterranean Bottle of Water Crisps Selection of Fresh Roast Carrots Garlic Bread Boiled New Potatoes Vegetable Wrap Crisps Chocolate Bar Salads Selection of Fresh Selection of Fresh Buttered Cabbage Garden Peas Chocolate Bar Piece of Bread Salads Salads Selection of Fresh Selection of Fresh Piece of Fruit Fresh Fruit Bread Bread Salads Salads Fresh Fruit Fresh Fruit Bread Bread Fresh Fruit Fresh Fruit

Supper Supper Supper Supper Supper Supper Supper Loin of Pork served with Deep Fried Scampi with Roast Pork served with Creamy Beef Jacked Potatoes served Beef Burger Traditional Lasagne Sauté Mushrooms & Chips & Peas Crackling & Apple Stroganoff served with with Chilli Con Carne or Chicken Burger Vegetable Lasagne Cider Sauce Vegetable Chow Mein Sauce Boiled Rice Baked Beans Vegetable Burger Garlic Bread Vegetable Moussaka Selection of Fresh Vegetable Wellington Five Bean Casserole Skinny Fries Selection of Fresh Seasonal Vegetables Salads Roast Potatoes Crushed Potatoes Tuna Mayonnaise Selection of Fresh Salads Sautéed Potatoes Fruit Salad Mixed Vegetables Selection of Fresh Coleslaw Salads Selection of Fresh Bread Selection of Fresh Salads Grated Cheddar Fruit Fool Bread Salads Salads Selection of Fresh Bread Fruit Jelly Chocolate Sponge with Bread Salads Bread Chocolate Sauce Lemon Posset Bread Bread