Recipes created by Shine Project

Shine’s Healthy Eating Recipe 300 Prince of Wales road Book Sheffield S2 1FF

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Table of Contents fool ( serves 4 )

Pitta pizzas Ingredients • 300ml Greek yoghurt Tuna pasta bake • 2 tbsp. honey

Breakfast muffins • 2 tsp vanilla essence • 2 tbsp. canderel ( or any granulated sweetener)

Kebabs • 50g frozen berries curry Method • Pour the yoghurt into a bowl and mix well with the Mince tacos vanilla and honey Fruit meringue and yoghurt • In a pan gently heat the berries and sweetener until soft and almost a puree , fruit and chocolate drizzle • Swirl the fruit into the yoghurt mixture then pour Angel delight cheese cake into glasses Fruit fool • Decorate with fresh fruit and a drizzle of honey

2 19 Pitta pizza ( serves 4) Angel delight cheese cake Ingredients Ingredients 2 tbsp. Sunflower/olive oil • 1 pkt. free angel delight • 1 small onion diced • 300ml milk • 1 clove garlic • 4 sugar free digestive biscuits • 1 can chopped tomatoes • 1 tsp. melted butter • 1 tsp oregano • Fruit for decoration • 1 tbsp. tomato puree Method • 4 wholemeal pitta bread • Crush the biscuits and mix with the melted butter • Choice toppings- • Place the mixture in individual dishes/ ramekins ( should be enough for 4 individual portions) • Diced peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes,

• Press the biscuit mixture into the dishes using a • Chopped courgettes , sweet corn spoon • Choose one portion from below • Mix the angel delight following the packet instruc- • Diced ham (60-100g ) tions and place in the fridge until set • Chickpeas • Decorate with fruit of choice. • Tuna in brine • Small cube grated cheese

18 3 Pitta pizza Method Method

• Heat oil in a pan and fry onion and garlic • Sift the flour into a bowl • Make a well in the flour and crack the egg into it • Add chopped tomatoes, garlic and herbs mix well with a wooden spoon

• Bring to the boil and simmer for 20 minutes • Slowly add the milk and mix until it looks like single cream • Blitz with hand blender or mash with potato • Heat the pan until it is really hot add a little oil masher • Ladle 2 spoonful's of batter into the pan swirling to over the base of the pan • Using a table spoon spread sauce on to pitta • Cook until the is set bread • Flip over with the help of a palette knife or fish • Add choice topping and proteins slice

• Cook for another minute • Place on baking tray • Remove and add topping • Bake in hot oven ( 200c gas mark 6 for 15 20 • minutes)

• Remove from oven and serve with side salad

4 17 Tuna pasta bake ( makes 4 servings ) Pancakes Ingredients ingredients

• 2onions finely chopped • 120g plain flour • 1 bell pepper finely diced • 1 egg • 1 clove garlic crushed • 300ml milk • 2 cans tuna in brine • Little butter/ oil • 1can chopped tomatoes • Toppings • 1 tsp. oregano • Berries frozen or fresh • 120g dried pasta

• Drizzle of honey • Juice of 1 lemon

• Drizzles of melted chocolate

16 5 Tuna pasta bake Method Method • In a bowl mix a tub of Greek yogurt with 1 tsp vanilla essence

• Place 1 tbsp. of low fat Greek yoghurt into the nest and top with berries

• In a bowl mix together onion, pepper, tuna and • Drizzle honey

a squeeze of lemon • Grate chocolate on

• In a sauce fry onions and garlic

• Add tomatoes and oregano bring to the boil

• Simmer for 10 minutes

• Blitz with hand blender or mash with a fork

• Add the tuna mixture

• Serve with side salad

6 15 Breakfast muffins ( 4 servings) Ingredients Meringues

• 1 pkt shop bought meringue nests • 2eggs • 1 tub plain low fat Greek yoghurt

• 1 tsp vanilla essence • 4 rashers of

• 80g frozen berries • 75ml milk • 2 pieces of low sugar chocolate grated • 1tbsp vegetable oil

• Salt /pepper

• 1 can baked beans

• 1 can chopped tomatoes

• Vegetarian option

• Veggies sliced up

• Optional extras

• Mushrooms , peppers, spring onions

14 7 Breakfast muffins

Method Method • Brush the muffin tins with a little oil • Mix the low fat spread and flour in a sauce pan until • Place 1 rasher of bacon round the sides of a paste forms each of the muffin cases or sliced meat free • Stirring constantly add the milk slowly and stir until thickened • Beat the eggs and milk in a bowl and season • Add the onions, tomatoes and carrots and mix well • Pour the mixture into each of the muffin cases • Stir in the curry powder, cumin and coriander • Place in hot oven (200c or gas 6 ) • Bring to the boil • Bake until set 15 minutes • In a frying pan brown the chicken pieces then add • Remove to the sauce • Serve with 1/2 cup of beans, unlimited toma- • Simmer for 10 minutes then add the vegetables and toes and mushrooms cook until tender

• Serve with rice and a dollop of low fat yoghurt

8 13 kebabs Curry ( serves 4 ) Ingredients Ingredients • 200g lean 5% fat mince • 50g low fat margarine • 1 small onion diced • 50g plain flour

• 300ml semi skimmed milk • 1 bell pepper cut into large chunks • 1 can chopped tomatoes • 8 large mushrooms • 1 onion diced

• 1 carrot grated • 6 tomatoes halved

• 1 cauliflower cut into florets • 2 tsp. oregano • 1 courgette cut into chunks • • 200g chicken cut into bite size pieces Salt and pepper

• 2 tbsp. curry powder • Method • 1 tsp. ground cumin • Mix mince onions and seasoning together. Roll into shapes • 1 tsp. ground coriander

• 1 tbsp. natural low fat yoghurt • And thread on to a skewer alternating with vegetable

• 140 g cooked basmati rice /long grain • Vegetarian alternative– Quorn sausage, meat free chicken

• Place on baking tray and bake for 15 minutes

12 • Serve with salad 9

Taco shells with homemade tomato

Method sauce and mince ( serves 4 ) • Gently fry the mince and onions Ingredients • Add the herbs and seasoning • Pour in the chopped tomatoes and bring to the boil • 200g mince • Add the other ingredients and simmer for 10 • 1 can chopped tomatoes minutes • 1 onion finely diced • Spoon into taco shells and serve with salad • 1 pepper diced • • 8 mushrooms sliced

• 1tsp. Oregano

• 1 tsp dried basil

• Optional ingredients

• Corvettes, spring onion, carrots grated

• 8 taco shells

• Salad ingredients

10 11