(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Overview and Scrutiny Board, 27/11

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(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Overview and Scrutiny Board, 27/11 Public Document Pack OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY BOARD Overview & Scrutiny Committee Agenda Date Tuesday 27 November 2018 Time 6.00 pm Venue Crompton Suite, Civic Centre, Oldham, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1NL Notes 1. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST- If a Member requires advice on any item involving a possible declaration of interest which could affect his/her ability to speak and/or vote he/she is advised to contact Paul Entwistle or Sian Walter-Browne at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. 2. CONTACT OFFICER for this agenda is Sian Walter-Browne Tel. 0161 770 5151 or email [email protected] 3. PUBLIC QUESTIONS - Any Member of the public wishing to ask a question at the above meeting can do so only if a written copy of the question is submitted to the contact officer by 12 noon on Thursday, 22 November 2018. 4. FILMING - The Council, members of the public and the press may record / film / photograph or broadcast this meeting when the public and the press are not lawfully excluded. Any member of the public who attends a meeting and objects to being filmed should advise the Constitutional Services Officer who will instruct that they are not included in the filming. Please note that anyone using recording equipment both audio and visual will not be permitted to leave the equipment in the room where a private meeting is held. Recording and reporting the Council’s meetings is subject to the law including the law of defamation, the Human Rights Act, the Data Protection Act and the law on public order offences. MEMBERSHIP OF THE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY BOARD Councillors Ball (Vice-Chair), J Larkin, Leach, McLaren (Chair), Taylor, Toor, Williamson and Curley Item No 1 Apologies For Absence 2 Declarations of Interest To Receive Declarations of Interest in any Contract or matter to be discussed at the meeting. 3 Urgent Business Urgent business, if any, introduced by the Chair 4 Public Question Time To receive Questions from the Public, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution. 5 Minutes of Previous Meeting (Pages 1 - 10) The Minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 16th October 2018 are attached for approval. 6 Minutes of the Health Scrutiny Sub-Committee (Pages 11 - 18) The minutes of the Health Scrutiny Sub-Committee held on 10th September 2018 are attached for noting. 7 Minutes of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) Housing,Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Pages 19 - 26) The minutes of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) Housing, Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 13th September 2018 are attached for noting. 8 Minutes of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) Corporate Issues and Reform Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Pages 27 - 36) The minutes of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) Corporate Issues and Reform Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 18th September 2018 are attached for noting 9 Minutes of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) Economy, Business Growth and Skills Scrutiny Committee (Pages 37 - 44) The minutes of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) Economy, Business Growth and Skills Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 21st September 2018 are attached for noting. 10 Youth Justice Strategic Plan 2018/19 (Pages 45 - 80) 11 Gambling Policy Review (Pages 81 - 118) 12 Safeguarding Boards Annual Reports (LSCB/LSAB) (Pages 119 - 262) 13 Single-Use Plastics (Pages 263 - 280) 14 Thriving Communities and Place Based Integration (Pages 281 - 286) 15 Oldham Local Plan - Oldham's Monitoring Report 2017/18 (Pages 287 - 402) 16 General Exceptions and Urgent Decisions The Board is requested to note that there were no decisions taken under Rule 16 or 17 since the last meeting. 17 Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme (Pages 403 - 416) The Board is requested to comment on and note the Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme for the 2018/19 Municipal Year. 18 Key Decision Document (Pages 417 - 432) The Board is requested to note the latest Key Decision Document. 19 Date and Time of Next Meeting The date and time of the next Overview and Scrutiny Board meeting will be Tuesday, 22nd January 2019 at 6.00 p.m. This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 5 OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY BOARD 16/10/2018 at 6.00 pm Present: Councillor McLaren (Chair) Councillors Ball (Vice-Chair), J Larkin, Leach, Taylor, Harkness (Substitute) and Curley Also in attendance: Dami Awobajo Head of Business Intelligence Neil Crabtree Head of Service for Public Protection Paul Duffy Complaints Manager Andrew Moran Assistant Director Finance Merlin Joseph Interim Director of Children’s Services Janet Ray Clinical Commissioning Group Designated Officer Katrina Stephens Consultant in Public Health Fabiola Fuschi Constitutional Services Officer 1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Toor and Williamson. Councillor Harkness was present as a substitute for Councillor Williamson. 2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest received. 3 URGENT BUSINESS There were no items of urgent business received. 4 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME There were no public questions received. 5 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING RESOLVED that the minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Board meeting held on 4th September 2018 be approved as a correct record. 6 MINUTES OF THE PERFORMANCE AND VALUE FOR MONEY SELECT COMMITTEE With regard to Item 9 – 6-8 Weeks Breastfeeding Performance Review – Members sought clarification about the first resolution recorded in the minutes. This should read: the revised target of 40% for M860 CP 2.02ii (i.e.: percentage of all infants due a 6 – 8 week check that are totally or partially breastfed) be agreed. RESOLVED that, subject to the above amendments, the minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Performance and Value for Money Select Committee held on 23rd August 2018 be noted. 7 MINUTES OF THE HEALTH SCRUTINY SUB-COMMITTEE Page 1 RESOLVED that the minutes of the Health Scrutiny Sub- Committee meeting held on 3rd July 2018 be noted. 8 MINUTES OF THE GREATER MANCHESTER COMBINED AUTHORITY (GMCA) ECONOMY, BUSINESS GROWTH AND SKILLS SCRUTINY COMMITTEE RESOLVED that the minutes of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) Economy, Business Growth and Skills Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 17th August 2018 be noted. 9 MINUTES OF THE GREATER MANCHESTER COMBINED AUTHORITY (GMCA) CORPORATE ISSUES AND REFORM OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE RESOLVED that the minutes of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) Corporate Issues and Reform Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 21st August 2018 be noted. 10 MINUTES OF THE GREATER MANCHESTER COMBINED AUTHORITY (GMCA) HOUSING, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE RESOLVED that the minutes of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) Housing, Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 16th August 2018 be noted. 11 LOCAL GOVERNMENT OMBUDSMAN AND REVIEW OF COMPLAINTS SYSTEM Consideration was given to a report of the Complaints Manager which sought to inform of the Council performance in relation to enquiries received from the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO). The author of the report and the Assistant Director of Finance attended the meeting to present the report and to address the enquiries of the Committee. It was explained that there had been some recent changes to how the LGO reported upheld cases, with the view to make the decisions more understandable for users and other stakeholders and to ensure that only cases that had been passed forward for an investigation, following the assessment stage, were upheld. Since 2014, the LGO had also publically reported on Local Authority complaints performance. The number of LGO enquiries and Oldham Council complaints for 2017/18 were outlined: 1,261 complaints had been raised, 62 of these had been referred to the LGO by the complainants and eight cases had been formally investigated by the LGO. Six cases had been upheld and two not upheld. Oldham ranked as the third lowest local authority in Greater Manchester for complaints reviewed by the LGO. In relation to the figures reported, it was explained that a low percentage of upheld complaints,Page indic2 ated that the Council gave a robust consideration to the issues raised at local level. It was also highlighted that the LGO applied great attention to learning from complaints. This approach was shared by Oldham Council through its process to manage and resolve complaints. It was added that the LGO was keen to see that scrutiny members take an active role in considering the annual report. Members sought and received clarification / commented on the following points: - Changes to processes following a complaint – It was explained that, virtually, every case in Adult Social Care and Children’s Services would result in a change of how services were delivered; corporate complaints were less complex but the numbers were generally higher. A large amount of work took place with the LGO on these elements; they would make recommendations and many changes would take place. - Financial cost to the Council when the LGO upheld a complaint – It was explained that this year the cost was very low. There had been two cases without financial recommendations. Ordinarily, there were no remedies of a financial nature and the LGO required an apology from the Local Authority to the complainant and/or a statement concerning the lesson learnt from each matter that was addressed. - Signposting to the LGO – It was explained that Oldham Council operated a process that aimed to work closer with the complainants. If the Council position had been fair and reasonable but the complainant was still not satisfied, a referral would be made to the LGO. Other local authorities still used a two stage process.
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