Curriculum Vitae Thomas B. F. Cummins Personal Data Address: Harvard Office Dumbarton Oaks Office History of Art and Architecture Office of the Director Harvard University Dumbarton Oaks 485 Broadway 1703 32nd Street NW Cambridge, MA 02138 Washington DC 20007 Telephone (617) 496-1094 (202) 339-6400 ext.6421 Email
[email protected] [email protected] Education B.F.A. Art History; minors in English and History. Denison University, Granville, Ohio, 1973. M.A. Art History (Medieval; minors: Pre-Columbian/Oceanic.) UCLA, 1980 Thesis: "The South Central Trumeau Figures at Chartres Cathedral: A Historiographic Analysis." Ph.D. Art History (Pre-Columbian) UCLA, 1988 Dissertation Topic: "Abstraction to Narration: Kero Imagery of Peru and the Colonial Alteration of Native Identity." Awards and Honors Getty Foundation Connecting Art History Grant: Afro-Latin American Art: Building the Field 2020-2023 Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences The Katherine Singer Kovacs Prize for an outstanding book published in English or Spanish in the field of Latin American and Spanish literatures and cultures, awarded by Modern Language Association, 2014. The Bryce Wood Book Award to the outstanding book on Latin America in the social sciences and humanities published in English, awarded by The Latin American Studies Association, 2013. 1 La Orden “Al Mérito por Servicios Distinguidos" En el Grado de Gran Cruz bestowed by the Republic of Peru, December 12, 2011 Getty Research Institute Fellow 2007-2008 Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences Stanford University, Fellow, 2005-8 declined Chair of Senior Fellows, Dumbarton Oaks 2004-2005, 2013-17 Senior Fellow, Dumbarton Oaks 1999-2005, 2010-17 J.