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collapsed, its fragmented remnants existed here LATER GUPTAS and there, till they too. finally disappeared from Chandragupta II had two queens, the historical map of India by the end of sixth Dhruvadevi and Kuberanaga Govindagupta and centun ad. After the decline of the were the two sons of Empire, another line of kings with names ending Chandragupta (I from the first queen and a with ‘Gupta’ rose in the Magadh region. daughter Vakataka was from his second queen. However, there is no evidence of their Kumaragupta I ascended the throne after his genealogical relationship with that of the father Chandragupta II, in AD 414 Although not Imperial Guptas. The Vallahha in , the many details of his reign are ava,ilable, he ruled Gowda-padas in Bengal and the descendants of close to 40 years dunng which he performed the Pushyabhuti in Sthaneshwar became Ashvamedha , which indicates his military independent Simultaneously, another line of Towards the end of his life the Mukhari kings emerged m the northern was constant threat of invasion by the Hunas plains of Kanauj. Out of the chaos emerged the rulers. He died in AD 455. His son, powerful kingdom of Sthaneshwar. Towards the Skandagupta (AD 455- end of the century, the Maukari dynasty. 467)succeeded him. But Skandagupu had to face Mukharis defeated the Guptas and captured the a political crisis, because of the threat from the entire of the region. The Guptas then other heirs to the moved towards the east, where they came throne, during his 12 years of reign. The Gupta underthe influence of King Empire became brittle from within because of ('s father) of the political unrest and this opportunity was Thanesar (). The last king in the utilised by the invanding Hunas ruler. Maukhari Dynasty. Ghrahavarman, died Skandagupta is reported to have repulsed with without heirs and Kanauj passed to his brother- vigour and strength to save the empire. But this in-law Harsha (whose reign is discussed later). temporary set back for the Hunas who invaded When Harshu’s Empire fell, the Guptas again again succeeded in the long run. The heavy emerged under King Aditysen(AD 675). but expenses incurred the wars and civil unrest they were finally defeated by another Maukahri depreciated the Gupta currency. This coupled King of Kanauj, Yasovarma, in the eighth with the repehfed Huna attacks became the century. prime reason for the Elapse of the Gupta Gupta Administration Empire. The later Guptai were Puru Gupta. Much light is thrown on the nature of Baladityav Kumara Gupta II, Chandragupta Vikramaditya’s administration by Tathagata Gupta or Gupta, Kumara Gupta III Fa-hien’s narrative inscriptions that have and Gupta. By the Huna king Toraman hitlicrto been discovered. Vikramadityahimself and his son Mihiragula because powerful was a devout Vaishnvlie, but had appointed and'controlled central India for some time. By many people from other scots in high posts in then the descendants of the Gupta Dynasty ruled his court. His counsellor (mantrin) only apart aPataliputra as several states that were Shikaravamin and his minister of peace Saha- merged with the Gupta Empire had become Virasena) were Saivitis. His commander-in independent. After Vishnu Gupta the empire -chief, Amarakarddava, was a Page 1

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Buddhist. However, regarding the machinery of worship, devotionalism and the importance of administration we do not have many details. But the temple. Education included grammar, various inscriptions detail the following facts: composition, logic, metaphysics, mathematics, The king raja, was mostly nominated by his medicine and astronomy. These subjects became predecessor. The king was regarded as a highly specialised and reached an advanced divinity—Achintya Purusha (or level. The numeral system—sometimes Incomprehensible Being) and erroneously attributed to the Arabs, who took it Dhanadaa- Varunendrantaka- sama, which from India to Europe where it replaced the means equal to Kuvera, . and Roman system—and the decimal system are well as Loka dhama (meaning a Indian inventions of this period. Aryabhatta’s God dwelling on earth). He is assisted by the expositions on astronomy in ad 499. moreover, Chief Minister. Sachiva or Mantri, who was the gave calculations of the solar year and the shape chief advisor to the king. The post of Sachiva and movement of astral bodies with remarkable was also determined by heredity. There was accuracy. In medicine Charaka and Sushruta further a central council of ministers, also called wrote about a fully evolved system, resembling Mantri Parishad, but the existence of local those of Hippocrates and Galen in Greece. parishads has also been proved by a Barash seal Although progress in physiology and biology discovered by 'Block’. The entire empire was was hindered by religious injunctions against divided, into a number of provinces called desas, contact with dead bodies, which discouraged bhuktis, etc. which were further sub-divided into dissection and anatomy. Indian physicians districts called pradesas or vishayas. The desas excelled in pharmacopoeia, caesarean section, were governed by officers called Goptris and the bone setting and skin grafting. hukiis were usually governed by Uparikas or Literature and Uparika . The heads of vishayas were were given the last touch in this era as it saw the called Vishyapatis. These districts were further last phase of literature. Sanskrit was the divided into mandats, which were again sub- official language. The were composed divided into khomas. The village panchayats, during this era containing information on Hindu which were autonomous bodies, were pivotal in; sects, rites and customs in the classical Sanskrit handling the daily administrative affairs of the language. village. The Purupala or Nagaragakshaka looked Buddhist literature Buddhist literature after the administration of towns and cities. But Was translated from Pali to Sanskrit. Notable Parishads, the municipal councils or, writers include names like Arya Deva, Arya committees, were also an important element in Asanga, and Dignage. the machinery of the local government. Vasubandhu is known for the first book on logic, a Buddhist work. Gupta Literature Gupta Administration The most significant achievements of this period, however, were in religion, education, King— Paramadvaita, Paramabhattataka, mathematics' art and Sanskrit literature and Maharajadhiraj, Samrat; Chakravartin drama. The religion that later developed into Chief Minister—Sachiva, Mantri modem witnessed acrystallisation of King's Advisor its components: major sectarian denies, image Page 2

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Military Officers: (provinces) Commander—Infanity—Bhatasvapati Other Officers of Province—Bhogika. Gopta, Commander—Elephant corps—Katuka Rajasthanias, Upanko-maharaja Chief Treasury War Office— Districts of Province and its Head Officer— Ranabhandagaradhikorana Vishayas headed by Vishayapatis Foreign Minister—Sandhivigrahika of Headquarter of District—Adhishthana Mahasandhivigrahika Superintendent of District Magistrate—Samvyovahori and Central and Provincial Offices— Ayuhakas Village Elders—Maharattanas Saravadhyakshas Office In-charge of Families Asthakuladhi- Commercial Royal Officers— Dutaka (dutas) hKaranikas in local area (minimum eight Chief of Police—Dandapasadhi karana families) Other Police Officers—Chauroddhoraniko (for Village Headman—Gramikot thieves), Tax Collectors—Utkhetayita Chatas, Bhatas, Dandaparika, etc. forest and Forts In-charge— Gramika Provincial Administration Officers— Settlements In-charge—Agriaharika Kumaramatyas and Ayukfas Governor of Land Revenue Head Officer— Province — Uparikas, who governed Bhukh's Dharuvadhikaranika (provinces) Treasurer-Bhandagaradbikrita Other Officers of Province—Bhogika Gcpta, Village Accountant— Talavataka Rojasthanicrs, Upanka-maharaja . Record Keeper and Notary Authority— Districts of Province and its Mead Officer— Pustapata Vishayas headed by VishayapaHs Customs and Toll Collector— Saulvika Headquarter of District—Adhishthana District The Advisory District Council mainly Magistrate—Samvyavahari and Ayuktokas constituted of four members Village Elders—Moharatranas Chief, the Guild President — Nagarasreshthi Chief of Police - Dandopasadh i karana Other The Head Merchant— Sarthavaha Police Officers— Chauroddharanika (for The Head Artisan — Prathamakulika thieves), Chatas, Bhatos, Dandaparika etc. The Head Scribe—Prathamakayastha Provincial Administration Officers — Mayor of the City— Purapala Kumaramatyas and Ayuktas Governor of Important Officers of the Royal Courts — Province — Upankas, who governed Bhukti's Parthiharas and Mahaparthiharas

Jain literature Jain works were mainly in Prakrit Ashtadhyayi, Sanskrit grammar based on dialects. Vimala (who wrote the Jaina version of Panini’s work; Mahahhashya, Sanskrit grammar translated Ramayanan) and Divatara (author of based on Patanjali's work; a book on logic) are notable writers. Itihas and Chandravyakaranam, book of grammar by a Puranas were also translated in jaina versions. Bengali Buddhist scholar Chandragomia; Other notable works and authors of the Gupta Siddhanta by Aryabhatta, dealing in the era are Kaviraja by ; study of the solar system; Shakuntala, Malavikagnimitra, Meghaduta, Aryabhattiyarn by Aryabhatta, a study of Vikramorvaashi. Rutusamhara etc. by , arithmetic, geometry and algebra; Amamkasa by Amarsimha; Page 3

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Brahmasphuta Siddhanta and Khanda Khadyaka Ravanavadha (Bhattikavya) by Bhatti; by Brahmagupta dealing with the principle of Kamasutra, Nyayabhashya by Vatsayana; and gravity; Kavyadarshna, Avanthisundarikata by Dandi Brihat Samhita, Pancha Siddhantika, and Brihat Jataka by Varahamihara, dealing in astronomy, Kumaragupta I physical geography, botany and natural history; (Navanitakam by Varahamihara is a manual of Also called Mahendraditya, Kumaragupta prescriptions for metallic preparations (using ruled the Gupta Empire during the period AD from and mercury) for medicinal purposes; 414 to 455. The Bilsad inscription is the oldest Hastyayurveda by Palakapya deals with record of his reign and it cares to Gupta, 96 veterinary science and animal husbandry; Ghokoki, a travelogue on India, by Fa-hein; which corresponds to ad 415. The last known Parmanasamuchchya by Dignana; date his reiqn occurs on an inscription on one Mahayanasampraigrah, Yogachara and of his, silver coins, corresponding to AD 445. Bhumashastra by Asaga; Towards the end of his reign, a tribe in the Vasavadatta by Subandhu; Nerbudda valley, the Pushyamitras, rose in Uttararamacharita, Malathi Madhva and power to threaten the empire. Kumaragup'a's Mahaveera-charita by Bhavabhuti; successer Skandagupta defeated this threat but Mrichacatika by Shudraka, a drama on clay craft; Mudraraksha by Vishakhadatta, a play then was faced with invading from, the dealing with the king . north-west. The expense of'the wars drained Kiratharjuneeya by Bharavi; tne regime and Skandagupta is usually Vishnupurana, Shivapurana and considered the last of the great rulers. He died Bharthuharishataka by Bharthuhari; in AD 480 and, was succeeded by his son Dhutavakya, Swapanavasavadata, . Much of the empire was over Pratignayougandarayana and run by the Huns by AD 500. Narasimhagupta Madhyamavyayoga by Bhasa; Devanagri, compilation of four Vedas in was followed by Budahagupta and . script on palm leaves in AD 500 by The last recognised ruler was Vishnugupta, Vasukra (as chief editor); reigning from AD 540 to 550.

Gupta Arfs During the gupta age, the Nagara and the painting survive. The Ellora cave temples were Dravida styles of Architecture were prominent. started during the Gupta period. However, work Rock-cut caves, with novel ornamentation and on them continued during the reigns of the designs, were also excavated during this period. Vakatakas, Chalukyas and Rashtrakutas. Out of The art of painting reached a high level during the 34 , only 12 caves are Buddhist, this era. Gupta artists mostly painted incidents while three arc Jain and 15 ait Hindu. They built from the life of '"Buddha. Notable works are in a large number of high stupas in (Uttar the caves at Ajanta and Ellora (), Pradesh), Ratnagiri (Orissa) and Mirpur Khan Bagh () and Udayagiri (Orissa). (Sindh). Gupta architecture is also represented The painting of Mother and Child al Ajanta by many brick temples in , demonstrates the art of the painters during this Madhya Pradesh, Bengal. and Assam. The era. Originully, most of the 39 caves at Ajanta most famous is the temple at Bhitargaon (near had paintings, hul now only 6 caves with Kanpur) with moulded and decorated bricks. Page 4

Later Guptas In India Study Materials

Incidents from are inscribed and jain faiths received royal support. all over the walls and then pyramidal roof of this (g) The also marked the apogee temple Another important temple with 40 ft high of cave art and sculpture. towers is the Dashavatara temple near Deogarh. (h) Commerce and stimulated India intercourse with China and Many of the buildings of this era were south-east Asia at this time. demolished by the Muslim invaders who came (i) The Gupta Empire was supported later. Notable stone sculptures of the Guptas primarily by the land revenue ‘share’ include the Buddha at Samath and the great boar (tax) provided by India’s peasant () at the entrance of the Udayagiri caves; villages from every harvest. metal sculptures include the Buddha, an (j) For half a century after the collapse of the Gupta Empire, reverted 18 ft statue in Nalanda, Bihar and the Sultanganj to the political fragmentation before Buddha, a 7 1/2 ft statue in Sultanganj. the Guptas. (k) , one of the six schools of Notable Facts About the Gupta classical that Period emerged in this era, continues to be studied to his day. (a) The reunification of North India under (l) The political system of South India the Imperial Guptas in AD 320 and the should not be thought of as a group of regin of Harshavardhana of Kanauj competing, centrally developed comprised India’s classical age. bureaucratic state, as was case in the (b) The Guptas established their base of North. imperial power in Magadha, where controlled rich veins of iron from the Barabar Hills. (c) The Peak of Gupta power and cultural GK Study Materials PDF Download glory was attained during the regin of Chandragupta II. (d) Numismatic evidence attests to the All subject Study Materials PDF final defeat of the Shakas by the Download Guptas after which the Gupta Empire had direct control over thw parts of the Arabian Sea and the riches of Western trade. (e) Kalidasa’a Abhijnana Sakuntalam was a major literary work of this period. (f) During the Gupta era, Hindu, Buddhist 2018 Current Affairs Download – PDF Download

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