The Hephthalite Numismatics
THE HEPHTHALITE NUMISMATICS Aydogdy Kurbanov 1. Introduction Arabic – Haital, Hetal, Heithal, Haiethal, Central Asia and neighbouring countries have a Heyâthelites. In Arabic sources the Hephtha- very old and rich history. A poorly-studied and in- lites, though they are mentioned as Haitals, tricate period of this region is the early medieval are sometimes also refered to as Turks. period (4th - 6th centuries AD). During this time, In the 4th - 6th centuries AD the territory of Cen- “The Great movement of peoples”, the migration tral Asia included at least four major political en- of nomadic peoples (Huns) from Asia to Europe, tities, among them Kushans, Chionites, Kidarites, took place. In South and Central Asia, great em- and Hephthalites. Discussions about the origins pires existed, including Sasanian Iran, Gupta and of these peoples still continue. Ideas vary from some small states. Across Central Asia, mysteri- the Hephthalites considered as part of the Hun ous new peoples appeared: the Hephthalites, the confederation to different other origins. It is also Kidarites and the Chionites, among others. Their uncertain whether the Hephthalites, the Kidarites origins are still debated. Some scholars suppose and the Chionites had a common or different ori- that they were part of a Hun confederation, while gins – that is, are they three branches of the same others suppose they had different origins. ethnic group or are they culturally, linguistically, Generally, the early research on the Hephthalites and genetically distinct from one another? was based only on written sources. They were The Hephthalites are well represented in their mentioned for the fi rst time in AD 361 at the siege coins.
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