MARY CHENEY LIBRARY mnuDAT. jume lo, it a iPAOE SlXTEE!f iianrifrster ligraUt l■aOB^yNatPl le f o . a < w . Anthony Salvatore o f 90 Walnut panonaga In ordar that tto praa plaints from the ■treet waa honored with a bachelor Annual Meet ent paraoaage at tto rear of tto Paper Salvage about oollsetloo special attention About Town party laat eveninc at WilUe'a Orlll church may be used for Sunday has been given to that acetloa for M Center atreet The ftoup of adiool and aoclal rooms. Thera Is over a month now hot flgims **55o9 nddUvaa and friends who attend- Of Nazarene 'a balance in the treasury and tto Increase Here show tlttls Ghaags as to aanmat o f I Cak rack Na. 9T of St Kair'o ad preaented a purse of money to paraonaga fund on hand for thla papsr ooBsetlbla and In May th ^ cbuich win told Ito aannal outlnc Mr. Salvatore. He and Mlaa Mar- project. ssetlsa ahowsd a loao ovsr AprIL Sunday, June 1 #, at tto lodft tn faret Furphy of 197 Hackmatack Offlcere Elected Iff' Msmehaetae-^'A Cky o f riB oge Chmrm Center Sprl^ park. PorwiU atreet will be married on June Splcndicl Reports Are The following officera were May Collectioii Is 37 will be weJeomo to attend. 24. Read; 10 Per Cent In­ elected for the new church year: P. C, Better Than Thai M) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAT, JUNE 11, 1948 (SIXTEEN PAGES). pMCBPouBonni i Truateea, Norris Ford, Tennyaon M f l : ( YOU LXVIL* NO. I l l The Men’o FeHowohlp of the The delivery truck involved in crease in Members McFall, Jamea Wilson, Edward During April Church o f the Naaareno wUl meet the three-car acAdent at Bolton Swain and Thomas Thompson; TABLE PAD tomorrow evening at 6:S0 o'clock Notch • yeaterdav morning waa Btewarda, Mrs. Mary Davis, Mias at the church, and leave for a aup- owned by the Benson Furniture Rev. James R. Belt, minister o f Gertrude Wilson, Nelson Kilpat­ Papsr collections for the hospital DtstHbatar tar Prineipala in H i^ Sdmol Gommen cement per and OMita pro|tr»m at Colt Company of this town and waa the Church of the Naxarena, rick, Matthew MacDonald, Mra. KadM d tto highest total sines V-J pa^ Hartford. registered in the name of Arthur served as chairman o f the annual Norrla Ford, Mlaa Anna French Day for tto p u t month of May, •SOHMER Marshall Asserts 150 Danes Drowned , Benson, .^aterday a report indi­ meeting of the church last night. and Mra. Harold Rlckert; church Moocdlng to Ray Cooper, cbalK Phoii; 6 11m^; mu I'ewiiPiiae’ Reports were given by the Sun­ wan of the paper aalvags commit­ The teachera' meetlnf of the cated that Hichard Norton was the school board, Mlaa Ethel Hewitt, •GULBRANSEN owner. Mr. Norton is employed day school superintendent, Tenny­ Mrs. Edith MacDonald, Mrs. Flor- tee. Total collected was M.ISO /O DAY i.f ! . - i r SalvaUoa Armv Sunday achool son htcFall, the young people's •WURLTTZER wUl be held In the Citadel tonipht by Benson's and the truck was in enco Wood, Mrs. Ruth Underhill pounds or T8%. This was an In- Cuts Would Bring i president. Miss Marian Janes, and at t:15. Adjutant Atwell atated to­ hia custody at that time. and Mrs. Kay DoUn; delegates to creaas o f S% over AprU. •HARDMAN ' the Mlastonary Society president, District Assembly, Mrs. Jean Bell, OoUsctlon by eectlons and per- When Ship Explodes day. ____ I Mra. Harold Rlckert. 1 Manchester Juvenile Grange and Mlae Marian Turklngton; al­ oentagu were as follows; North­ Alice Cofran will hold its regular meeting Fri­ These were followed by reports ternates. Mra. W. T. Perrett and west, 10,790 pounds or 66% ; T^e Infant Jeaua of Prague I of the budget treasurer. Mrs. ‘Risk for Failure’ Mothera Circle t^lll hold ita flnal day June 11 at Tinker Hall at 7:00 Mrs. Edith MacDonald; Sunday northeast. 10,340 pounds or 84% ; p.iii. Plana will be made for a pic­ j Mary Davis, the parsonage fund achool superintendent, Tennjraon Southsast, 21,920 pounds or 100%, Readings Daily meeting o f the aeason thla eveniny < treasurer, l^om as Davidson, and at the home of Mra. David Kerr of | nic to be held at the end of (he McFall; church pianist, Mlaa Ger­ and Southw e^ 8,180 pounds or 02 199 Charch 8 t Hartford INC month. All memberi are reminded ' the church treasurer, Miss Ger- f « v . da Bell trude Wilson; assistant pinaiat, Secretary ReeaDs When After Mine Struck t Short atreet. i ' tnide Wilson. %■ Faraitara sad Urges Senate to bring pictures for the scrap­ Mrs. Florenco Wood. la order to check several com- Telopheae i-2024 • Program Deviged He book. A groad income o f over 813,000 Uon. Thla was followed by "a ^ waa reported. Items worthy of Bizabla love-offering” for the Said 'tliere Wag No Veeael, CariTiiig 400 Miss Betty Erickson, daughter I note were the home and foreign parsonage family. Favor Giving of .Mr. and Mra. Howard Erickson, I miasiona budget o f 82,000 and the It was alao voted unanimously Ortainty Aid Would Paaaengera Go«a Dow^ of Smith street. Wapplng. was I Eastern Nasarene College budget that the church purchase a new Survivors Reveal Atlantic graduated from the Art School of . of over 8800. all overpaid. Regtore Enrope to Military Aid 10 Minntea After Beh Fashion. Hartford, yesterday, I Gala la Attendasre where she has been taking a three- It was also noted that there had Full Economic Health ing Ripped Apart ia Ronga and Fuel been a gain o f 30 per cent In the year course in fashions and illus­ SHOP HALE'S SELF SERVE Vandenberg Asks Quick Kattegat in Dawn E » tration. Miss Erickson was grad­ S\inday school average attend­ Washington, June 11—(ff) Bedlam of Panic uated with the 1949 class from ance. and a 10 per cent gain in — Secretary of State Marshall Approval of Resolu­ plosion; Many Save church membership. HALE’S OIL Ellsworth Memorial High school. asserted today that House At a previoua church meeting tion to Pave Way Aalborg, Denmark, June 11—(0 )^ Fight To Reach RaU Lives by Diving from The Ladies' Aid Society of the the Rev. J. R. Bell had been giv­ AMD HEALTH MARKET c u tsjn fundi wo^ld make, R egen Rev. Seha B. Reaaegy —A bedlam of pamc wax described 1 grabbed my trousers, rushed en a unanimoua three-year recall Headquarters To Help Enropeans Oareljm Deck of Sinking Ship Covenant-Congregational church the European recovwy pro­ VaMtetertaa Oemmeaeemeat gpeeker today by survivors of the Danish to the deck and jumped into a ver­ L. T. W OOD CO. will meet tomorrow evening at fi as pastor of the local congrega- FOR gram a “calculatad i riek for V e a s a I "KJoebenbava” which itable bedlam. Men and women o’clock with Mrs. John L«rson of failure." He recalled that Waahington, June U —<8> ■truck a mine thla morning and fought to reach the rail. Others Aalborf. DenmariL June II il BtascD SU TeL 44H 80 Main street. FOR THESE FOOD VALUES Senator Vandenberg (R., Mich.) tried to get away from the rail when the program waa de­ sank with 400 aboard In the Katte­ ^ (JPi — About 160 Dan^ Housing Fate while crow members were pushing vised, he said there was no urged the Senate today to help gat. drowned today when the pea- 'organlnad the peace” ao thla coun Value Time, Choose First survlvora brought aahore people into the water. 1 climbed Old Fashion cOTtotaty It wauM ruturn Burop* a ladder in a frantic race egelnet senger veseet Kjoebenhava Daisy-Maid try won't have to uaa force to help were landed from the DanMi tank­ HEALTH MARKET to economle health—that It en­ Up to Second er Dengulf Lube at Hals. Tbey Inrushlng wetera, wiien tbs KJot- struck a world war II REAL tailed a cakvlatad riak. keep the world on an even keeL Life’s Work Wisely, were a mleerable group at exhaust­ benhavn went down. and blew up In the Kattegat Urging Vandenberg eaked quick approv­ ed. wounded men end wooMn. Most ”1 won and clung to the ladder The veeeel, carrying 400 pas- al o f a reaolutlon paving the way PACKARD Cheese PLUMP, MEATY SLICED aj>pearad before the House Group of them did not know arhether kin­ Just above the water, exhausted sengere, went down 10 mia- ESTATE B u tte r Senate Appropriatlone committee for American poUUcal and mili­ folk with them on the vaesel arere beyond belief, for two hours until which ie holding hearing* on the tary eupport to Burpoean natlona help arrived.” ntes after the dawa exidoaioa 1946 and 1947 H. S. Grads Advised deed or missing. ripped her apart. Is Our Greatest EBP fuade voted by the Houee. Joining hand! agatnet poaaible Surprise Democratic They told of seeing frantic pae- Botoead aad Daogliter MleelBg 4 Door Sedans F o w l He and othen ara urging the Oommuniat aggreaelon. sehgere Jumping off the founder­ Another eiurvtvor, Mrs. Halle ta Drewa to Baeaw Basic Value I lb. B a c o n Senate to tnereaee tboee funds He la chairmen o f the Senate Victory Puts All Major ing veeeel. sonM artth children in Jensen of NIbe, wea bystericaL 8to o f aleeplBg paeaeagets ExccOent groap of hw and Insist that the Houee agree Foreign Rrletiona Committee Rev. John S. Kennedy lg their erma. had been on vacation in Oopeahag- wBed to ttotr bertha ■UMge, like Bcw ears When Foa bay it, aeD it to the booeL which drafted the reeolutlon call Graduation Speaker News Tidbits Provisions of T-E-W "I waa asleep to my berth below cn with her husband and two-year- Many saved their Bvea by aivtaff ready for Uaaediate ieliv- or trade it yoa waat atosl- Ranges, Refrigerators ib. The House slashed heavily the Ing for etrengthcnlng of United deck end was aarakened by a Ur- old daughter. Sbe said she did net from tto deck of tto rinbtog vow money the administration aaya la Natlona prooedurea. He eald ita Culled Froai (/F) W Irss Measure Into Bill rifle buiat foUoared by a rumbling know wbat had become at them. ■■L ery. Meet of tkea are aiBBi value for yoar aMHiey. Washers and All Oth­ Sunlight * As 295 Receive Di- 49 needed for foreign eld. Exactly adoption would ahow the Senate nolee.” eeld Helge Peteraon. a bus- "The lest time 1 saw aey hue T to l.e e i-toa rise mer, ewaefi egnipped with raiie^ heat­ Whea Vow Engage The how much It cut la dlxputed, but has not loot eight of the peace plomag This Morning Washington, June 11 — (F)—A ineae men from Aalborg. band.” ehe sobbed, "was when to by the Uattad SteaxsaMp Oa (D. er Appliances Cniineac premier tells legMature F. D. 8.) was an nete fro« Oto er. AO fa ly reeaaiitieaed FI^ESH soma estimates run up to 83,000,- problem in voting to draft young surprise Democratic victory in ‘T did not realtoe what had hap­ leaped Into tto eea with our little C r is c o men for military aervice. Chine cannot expect peace for two daughter tn hie erme. A UtUe later penhegan to Aalborg, JeUaad. Jarvis 000,000. Calling on youth to realise that pened, imtU I heard the eound of aad gaaraataed. Priced lew “ It la necessary to make It years . . . Democrats plan lavlah one Republican-dominated House The company Electrical Parts B u tte r LAMB Before Marehall took up the Illimitable time 1s not before them ■plashing water through the corri­ I Jumped myself end was taken ea tar laid i aale. plain that we ere not preoccuppled entertainment program tor k committee today put the fete of board a raft, but I waa washed imes of 301 su Organizotion w JW ItALCcou betUe before the Senate group, to choose and waste as they enter at Philadelphia convention . dor followed by ertee from e wo­ 3 lb. can SPARE with bomba end bayonets," Van long range housing legislation man apparently In agony. I away from It and floatad for what them craw DMsabera To do aay af tbaaa traaaae- Paul O. Hoffman, aconomlc co­ adulthood, the Rev. John 8. Ken­ Oae horse dice in 114 mile race and Service denberg said. nedy, addresalng the Mechester thought she arax eeaxlck. but sud­ aeenwd an endlees Ubm toiora X preeeed fear that the teat all tioaa yaa get ataslaiBni FOEES operation administrator, put In called ‘%oaad AaaweP* from Gillette to Douglas, Wyo. squarely up to a second O. O. P.- ira deoiaed. BRUNNER'S High school graduating class at denly I knew everything. was taken aboard tto tanker.” ealae hacked by a hi| If your troubles are elec­ Whole Or Half some Ilcka for the administra­ He called the reaclutlon Loodoa aaaoaaoee Count Berna- controlled group. Divan went to warii quMkhr. S58 Eaat Ceater St. RGBS tion’s figures.. the fifty-fifth annual commence­ dotte has asked Britain informally but toag after they began Otto I or^ 8 1 - 2 5 Bound enawer to aeveral crlUcel ment exercises thla morning at the Eleven Democrats, voting solid­ T e L ilM trical, we haye the equip­ Hoffman, a Republican, told the necaealtiea o f foreign poUcy.” He to provide air, land and aea trans­ ly and with the help of three Re­ aearch. there ware ao reperta that ganhatloa Expert Gutter State theater, urged that the portation to help aupervlae Palea- ment to make quick teats. senators; added that It "offers new hope for publicans, took full charge o f the any new survivors had bsai n . graduates ca^ully choose, and tlne truce . . . Atomic Energy A nd "I believe it would bo moat aecurlty end peace for ua and for 37-member House Banking com- picked up. Genuine electrical parts for Lihhy*s unwise end ehortxlghted to cut others under the United Nations.” Immediately follow the road to Commlesiuner Robert Becber dae- Armed Truce Begins Raeeue erawe eaM alas eocpew Jarvis Rsolty Co. ambition's fulfillment. cribes ■'operation bootstrap,” new ndttee late yesterday. That body an cars are carried in etock. Leader Repairs the appropriation for thla year Proclaiming that ‘‘another world approved, by a 14 to IS vote, all were picked up by patroOtog o a fl REALTORS Ritx below the actual amount author- war will not be our fault,” Ven- Thlaks o f Btaay Roads atomic project that eecKs to make at eea. N otio« . the major provisions of the Sen­ t54 Ceater Street Galyanised or copper gut­ CORNED WELL TRIMMED ' iaad.” denberg eald the reeolutlon spclla At your age e person does not its own fuel while producing heat Corned merely think that UUmlteble time and electricity . . . Oompromlse ate-passed Taft-EUendcr-Wegner In Palestine Today T el 4 1 » Or 727S ters and leaders repaired Would Hit ladustry Plam out In plain end elmple manner The Best vaaMriMte teaeS toam Zoaiag Board of Afpoala BEEF TONGUE ” Amerlca'B role In collective le before Mm," Rev. Kennedy said. epproprietlon bill carrying record Housing bllL from tto acena ef tha dtaaxter was NORTON or replaced promptly by Crackers He eeld the House cuts would 'He also thinks that a numbariass sum of 8678,000,000 for hundreds Emphasis on Private Eaterprlae f virtually eUminata plans to put pose#.” tto PaaMh toahar iM p d f ltob% 1h accordaaaa with Cha ragnlfo- Smoked and entrancing variety of roads of fiood control and navigation The T-E-W measurf aims at ELECTRICAL • B eef Burope’e Industry back on ita He empbattcally denied that It Brings Glimmer of Hope which UUllWMf i ilBEr

MANCHi^STEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. FRIDAY. JUNE 11, MANniZSTER P.VKNTNO RZWALa M ANCH UlVi. COHN. FRIDAY, JUNE 11. 194S raUay aa< tha lowar Oraat lakaa ig I Itama. Anyone who wtil contrib­ Ooolar atr axtandad from ■uch a M ft n ay leave Um arUclaa ute artMea to be sold Is aahad to waatwartf to tiM Rocky at the Oentar pareonagn for ahip- contact aiw moabar e€ the com- queaUwMd after the ktIUng. The confeaosd setting the Sre and also others w,n released. McOuflic Ire Loss May the one on April t In temporavy Todnv mlttes. Homt Beoneaalea a o i» Let Awarded Degree Admits Killing tturaa in tha warm baR Arthur Ptnney, ehalnaaa aUttoa an mbera are lira. A rtln r id he ptaimad to fUe murder hcadquartera trf the Atlantic Fleet _____ ranyad freai around oC the KosM Beonomica Oonrait- Finney, Mr. and Mn. Service as arges against Wheeler today. Submarine force which reaulted __ 100 mark in the gulf region Reach $20,000 la aa eatlmated $38,000 damage. ClHe^ie. Jinw 1 1 -^ — TIm The Rev. John E. Post was ia> tee of Boltoif Orange, announcea Mack, Mrs. Anthony Manet _ Dixie Soldier to 00 and above at aome cities as Mra. John Massay, Mra. Oiug) Opens San^y wlB not ha queationed farther by »•** fair o^••r mo*t « f th* appointed by the Southern Nsw the aelectlon of Saturday, June Ur aortli as southern Iowa. -dth as tha data for their Straw­ Brondolo, Max Hutchlnaon / and New LondsO, June 11— the board. Commander Oamphell emntry toiajr. England Conference of Methodist Disabled Veterans Peraonal property looses from Sat­ said. Thara waca local ahourars and ehurches at their convention last berry supper. Meet loaf, scal­ Fred C. Mohr. They m being MytHerj Solved by ;TIm gaiitlMm hair of tii« coun­ thundershowers In scattered sec* aaaiated by Mra. Keeney Hutchin­ FOOD Rdda aa Uawd WiR Act Tha commanding officer aaH loped potatoaa, etring beans, green as our urday night’s* Sre at the Subma­ tions of Wlsconsta, Mtchlyan. Tex­ week in Brockton, Maas., to serve Open Convention this morning in view of the fact ter M *Mt w M ltor wid tompora- the Quarryville church. This will salad, rallt, coffee and plenty of son. Misa Orsce and Miaa Gladys Aa Andkmeertt Sales Confession of Bridge­ rine Baas Bwy boost the damage Un«a wore noar mt4-oummrr as, thf central Rocky mountain Bhorteake will be served at the Tedford, and Anthony JIaneggta. the seaman bad signed a full con- region and the Pacific northwest. be Mr. Post's third year with tha to 83S,«ML Comdr. J: H. Camp- feasion be would doubtlem recom­ oMalM Bordiwar^ to tlw Ohio Oommudlty Hall between the Rain or Shine port Madiinbt New Haven, June 11—— The church. He was also re-appotnt- beO. sealer board raemher of the mend to rear Admiral Jama* Fife. ed to serve the Methodist Society hovra of 8:80 and 7:80 p. m. Te Held Cenventlad In Oetebei Disabled Amerloaa Vetorane and Following the supper, John Law­ Hartford. June 11—OH—^The CA VEY^S SwalaSborOk Oa,. June l l —— investigation, revealed today. Jr„ commander of the AUantie Its Women's auxifiary opens Ita r.S“ of South Coventry. Mr. and Mrs. The Mencboeltr Fnlt and V«gi F W t Submarine force, that Post make their home In the par­ ler of Manchester, will conduct an Connecticut State Bapioyaa aan 45 Eaat Contor Strost Tha atjrstoty surrounffng the slay- 37th annual State convention here After a careful study of facu con- auction for the beneflt of the dation will bold Its annual e « table PnduMvV Marhettiw Am Whltmoyer be tried by general ilON^... HIR iSI sonage at South Coventry. elatlm, Inoorporetod, will Sunday today, but the delegates are not eemiag the fire, he aald, the hoard Orange. Everyone In the oora- ventlon in Hartford on O ct 3 and tag a f a SO-jraar-oU Georgia aol- court martial. A t the closing session of the apan tha wbolaaala narkat m Slated to get down to builneee nn eoneluded an evidence points to mualtj la Invited to donate ai^ 8, It was aanduneed last night B **Ev9Ty BiU a Taste IM igM * diar has baan solvad by the con- tU tomorrow. Conference. Bishop Lewis O. Hart­ Ckattor Oak atraat for tha Sf- fasRon of a New England machin- the fact that the confession made man. ordained Mr. Poot a deacon tides or aubmt them for sale on ecutlvs Secretary Bernard McCua- RepreaentaUvee from 38 DAV a cemmlaaion basis. arangara taaath year. Aa uaual, aad aiaoa tta, tha Georgia Bureau oC Int by Robert Brcnden Whitmnyer, ap­ In the MethodUt*church. Mr. and bar aaid that 400 dal^toa repre­ l a r g e , CHOICE SELECTION OF MENUS » A u w w n tba Slat markat opening, tba aae- posts and from 30 posts of the will Da aahad to oontributa bued senting a total anenberahlp W Ontton reported last night prentice aeaman of Brooklyn. N. Mrs. William A. Perrett of Quar- Uoo wm be bandlad by Robert M. auxiliary were scheduled to regis­ Y., is a true one. gooda, canaad food and atmilar 8,800 wlU attend. . llM New Bnglander, 87-year-old ter between 0 a. m. and 4 p. m. r/iille were among,thoae who wlt- FOR BOTH LUNCHEONS AND DINNERS BARN D A N C E Raid and Bona, auettoneera. Oaorga P. Wheeler of Bridgeport, Whitmoycr, who reportedly ne.gged the ordination. a The opening hour will be 3 pjn„ A past commanders* banquet WANTED Erery FrMgy Night Oonn„ admitted In a aigned state- and a torch light parade by the The Ladlsa Benevolent Society and Bales will be held daUy under mant, aald LL BUI McDuffie of the of Bolton Center church will serve cover, rain or ahtne, Satmtlay ax- “Trench Rata” are on tonight's Experienced aewing am OBI, that ha beat ArUe McMUIan program. chiRe operainra and hand .■i: Strawberry Desaert Thursda.v, NOW OPEN— TwiUfht to Midnight Best of Beverages From Our Bar oeptod. ot Surrency, Oa.. with a stout June 34 from «:30 to 8:30 p. m. All leadiag atrawberry varletlea, Tomorrow win be taken up with atwcni. Aim girls for tnia- Brddle/s Bam plaee o t wood and later dranoO in the parlsn room of the church. VhM BL B iL MdnetaenbOaM. freahly picked and uniformly a business session and military eallaneona table positiena JUST ARRIVED- packed win be offered, under the ilia body onto railroad tracks balL and Senator Brian McMahon WIOR'S Str.-nwberry shortcake and coffee NOW PLAYING near BmUsy. Apply will be served between those hours Evtry FrMay Night new ruling, being offered only in j. i' ' ’'4i W” f>’ e ^ (D „ Conn.) will be the principal (Thm SsU DANCING NIGHTLY — 8:15 P. M. to IS M. 34 quart eratee until the late aea- RSmalaa StoawB Alang Traeka speaker at the convention baaqtwt by Mrs. Thomas C. Johnson and Whaalar'B atoteaient said the Suggests an FROM NEW YORK CTTY her committee: Mrs. Richard Olm­ gon. Mlaa IM ea M. FerreS Sunday. • •t ED MIRANDA FOURTET Terme are cash, aad thoae de­ beating took place on May 34. Five sted. Mrs. Heni7 Metkmough and Sf. M ar/i Hall- days latar McMillan's remains Mrs. Richard Alton. Reservations (X Song O f siring to pay by check must pre- Misa Helen Marie Ferrell, daugh­ Declare Extra Dividend Mala Streat Baal Bartfard aent aatlsfactory dnanda] ratmga were found strewn along the IDEAL GIFT may be made by calling Mrs. W il­ fbatartag One af ter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fer­ tracks. Relatives told authorities 200 NEW DRESSES liam Roberts or Mrs. tochard A l­ Shahorazodt'' which nuty be obtained tbrou ^ Torrington. June 11—(JTt — Dl rell of 157 Birch street was a oonaultatlon with the Menchoeter they had not missed the soldier be­ rectors of the Torrington Oora- ton. The reservation liat will member of tli# graduating class cause they heUeved he was on his FOR DAD in—xvenna Da oa Omhm< and Trust company I which eervee aa pany at a meeting here today de­ Sizes 9 to 15 and 10 to 20 clof •> the night before the event. of St. Joseph college. West Hart­ way to begin a re-enllstmcnt at Tlie Military Whist sponsored u Denlevy. AAlee laai“ Bleada auction market cashier. ford, who received her degree of clared a regular dividend of 45 d” wttb M t m niret IFDrIo- CAVEY’S OM Louie Andlslo of this town has New Brunswick, N. J. centa and nn extra dividend of 30 by the Ladles’ Benevolent Society Bachelor of Science from the Most Lieutenant McDuffie said Wheel­ earlier this week resulted in a and Teni N M ■Ami m et, been named auction master by the Reverened Henry J. O'Brien D.D., cent* payable July 1 to stock of .Association. His dutlea will he to er’s statement recounted that he record June 31. profit of about $38. Mlaa Eliza­ ASm. VSe. Tax toetadad Bishop of Hartford at Commence­ and McMinan quarreled and fought beth Bralnerd, Mias Elsls Collins, Fm • Trato—Bambw i-«a a i settle any d'aputes or differences ment exercises In June 11. Coning Smt, Jnno IS that arise between buyer and sell­ after a round of road bouses near One of Burgundy’s most famous Miss Helen Berry and Mrs. Har- Miss Ferrell is a graduate of Baxley. The soldier, a private bert Hutchinson arranged the par­ er. Manchester High School in the vineyard* date* hack to and Is ft “IVY” Robert M. Reid and Sons also first class, had returned to Baxley named after the Emperor Charle­ ty. In addition to prlsaa awarded i II H Alvaays Som ething class of 1044. to visit his mother. for high and low ta''1°«, three door with Joaa Feataiae. Harhart will be auctioneers for the 10 magne who lived toward tho end Wheeler was one of five persons prizes were awar^ ' during the Maivlirt^aaKMtotrtcto year old New Haven Farmers' Co- 0 of the seventh century. New at the Club Operative Auction Aaaoclatlon evening. Refreabmenta o. cake chase of the building plus the starting Sunday at 8 p.m., on and coffee « ’erc aerved. Also: “ SUgbtly ScaadaloM“ IMD. necessary conversion costs. South Orange street, New Haven. Olen Roberta, Genaral Sacratary With Fred Brady aad The opinion, however, said that The aalas also are held rain or abatement of taxes to be paid the of the Connecticut Council of SbeBa Ryan shine with Onanctal ratings to be city could not be done as the Churcbea, will be the guest speak­ established by contact with Asso* authority was “not a tax payer" er at the Bolton ,Congregational wiuM, mmi TO eoRTON^ dation President George E. Hln- and Its payments to the city were ...... 4 . „ church on Sunday, \Iune IS at the dlnger, Dunbar Hill road, Hamden. father “ in lieu of taxes.” morning worship. He will apeak Take A Good Rest Todoy No sales are scheduled for Satuc- The opinion was addressed to K HMILY. . . WVT m H on the total picture of tha work days In New Haven. State Housing Administrator of tha Council of Churcbea Includ­ Prentice White. ing Tolland County, state, federal Treat the family with one of PauFa de* V. . 10 yODR COMING and world councils. Everyone Is Don't Forget Tonight welcome to attend. Life in Prison SHAVIMNSnil licious hot Pizsas for dinner. Try one, STARTS SUN.t Gary Oaeaar la ( The members of Bolton Congre­ AT THE “CLOAK AKD DAOOUr “0M at40,50,60?” gational church will be aaked to plain, combination, anchovy, Mozzei^ PhM “mORIM LADT” Faced by Boy LO R D C A LV m A sum’s ides of a rtfftti gift! remain after the Sunday morning It’s tbs shaver that is wianiag worship to vote on the admission alii, or pepper. All delicious. —Mm , Ym ’i« Crazy Amsrica through the enthatisim of new members. BOLTON LAKE HOUSE Napa, Calif., June 11 — (8’) — Dm -i Mu m iS iSm i m Sw i »«. w y s u it tiuiiigi o f the MEN WHO USB IT ! Only Thlrteen-year-old Richard Thomp­ M M*. X'uN m I m Tr«u * iriiissiri n m M d . ol The Rev. Oswald Schrmg of Bol­ ■en >M voun ■uiiM M *ku • Mnl* p-DptM In Special Gift Box $4.54 5th Sunbeam Shavemaster has the one Served Every Friday and Saturday Night son faces a lifetime in prison. ap will) c a n kw C o m . Ko fom a MWIIut.d. sfflootn. Single oral bead with ton Congregational church states tMs<4.uH. druiiMu neu. Tbcr ratsiMS oM-iiiM AvanaUa A t AU Package and Drug Stores Orders Put Up To Take Out While Richard chewed bubble MM to MUo. lilt: IMit mtw M run r«uf«. ooatiaaoas.snsviag-suffaca and a poslUva program for peace >ls gum, Superior Judge Mervln Lem- OHm «oMUM apMUl leU«, u ffm S kr Pap- DIstrlbated By tba powerful seU-Maitiag “ real’’ tha contintied tending of supplies Join In Th« Fun and Frolic With THE tan. M pap ap boiTVblMi X aM u 40. jn, hart yesterday found him guilty of 00 )UM kuuM am uM wl M oM U rtam o: nwl. BRBSOOME DISTEIBITORS, INC. motor. The fast, new easy way to to overseas needy. The following first degree murder. Richard con­ ncMimtIii,. TMa It tm u in n . ■talM Ttm “ np- 3S5 Newfield Ave„ West Hartford pet a quick, dose, SATURDAY NIGHT FEATURE btooMP", niu MW MWW la tax “ Bla mim m ' to articles are wanted: men's wom­ fessed that he drowned Vema Sue Mlp TuMtloa with atw vltor. —lArd Calvert 88A proof. fi5% Orala Neutral Spirits comfort - shava en's and chlldren'a clothing of all Flip and His Conn. Wranglers SHERIDAN TTr timoM, Rlmolatliis. iBTifontlas o « m ANOTHER GRANb BIG SHOW Asklns, 8, In a creek to keep her Toole ToMm hr aow rlsor. rluUty tad (hwtou.. Calvert DUtUlers, lac., N. T. & each moraing. \ . 9 9 k aorta, ahoaa and rubbars, bedding yaonnr" M lot. tbx nrr day. Oairra 0 from telling her parents he had Everybody’s Raving About The raia imx. Kaw laindurtMT alaa aow aaly toa. Wa have Sunbeam and sewing equipment of all kinds molested her sexually. He plead­ For aala at all diwi atana ayarywhara. TheM articles may be either used On Sbturday Night, Tha Evar Popular “ Mystery Tune Contest” Some features of our Shavemaster in ed guilty to a murder charge. a beautiful trav- For Your Dancing Pleasure newly decorated and Richard will be turned over to sling cate. Get Lou Joy and His Joymokers the youth authority, which will Toailors aow. He’d . modernised restau­ keep custody of him until he Is 31. Uito k..$2S.90. The Teddy Page Trio Then he will be sent to San Quen­ M anchester rant that has made the ei«e«r We Faatura: “ Everyone Dancep When He Plays’* tin prison. He Is not subject to Sheridan the talk of the death penalty because he was Barber's THE BEST AND LARGEST STEAKS IN TOWN under 18. CLEANLINESS Remington The boy's confession related that p l N I i s I m CALL' «195 FOR RESERVATIONS the town. Association As Always—Enjoyment and Fun For Everyona after he killed the girl April 16 he •Special Noon Day bicycled to town and went to the Schedule Of Mininnni Electric Rozor In b a b y 't Telephone .^19 Manchester movies. isiN L^rb«>nn with Wine Charges flilrt fall Opinion Eases Haircut ...... 85c $15.75 up 75c. ChiMren’s Haircut ...70e THE BAG! Maneheste/s •Full Course Dinners Housing Task Shave ...... 50c Schick from $1.00 up. Effective Monday, June 11 Hartford, June 11—<8”)— An at­ It’s “In the Bag” when you If You’re In a Hurry Fovorffe •Try One of Our Sir­ torney general'a opinion today par­ rely npon ear neleatlfleally Electric Razor tially eased the task of the Water- hnpro\-ed laaoderlog! We use Bring Them In . . . Charter Oak Restaurant loin Steaks bury Housing authority which /he best sappHea aad ma- NOW Eads SATCBpAV hopea to convert the old “ clock $15.00 up fftwW vivpvnw Orchestra ehlnes, aa weQ aa the latest SH IRTS Tiret Btanchaater Shimtog 120 CHARTER OAK STREET Served With French Pried shop" factory building Into 350 FOR SALE modem methods. Seed os all Potatoes and Salad dwelling units. your washable weambles and LAUND ERED n a Award Assistant Attorney General Jo- tofM l— |w M V* th« FiN-uotlon “ HOME 5 f g o o d FOOD” household famlshlnga. Parfo $ 2 .0 0 o r $2 .5 0 aaph A. Hoffenberg ruled that the On Cornell Street 24 HOUR SERVICE Rolls Rozors vyDICK TAYLOR ★ According To Size authority there could use money Near Campfleld Road W Ipts blnaMi •v«ntl...fameui Jiffon-Navobind* His Trumpet And His Orchestra from Its housing bonds, which are $15.00 up AMa rnada wMi fraa-twingbig tapa loop* for Home Made Ravoli, Spaghetti •Home Made Muffins, guaranteed by the state, for pur- New House—6 rooms, 2 FEATURING planing diapan. Soft. Sturdy. Adiustable to grow* Pies, Puddings and unfinished, fireplace, open Breaded Veol Cutlet, Chops staircase, oil burner with THi MOOmilZtO tag bodipi. you mr fold boby'a aMrt toil ★ BUNNIE BREW STER ★ Pastry. steam heat. Mob MS Day GLADI naotly bock . . . out of wat's way for alaaplng. ON THE VOCALS CASH-AND-CARRY PLlTSt Oena Autry la •Now Serving Fresh Tel. 2-0786 DISCOUNTS Steaks and Chicken For CaU aad DeUvery Wrih to y n ...... 85g “SADDLE PALS” STEAKS • CHOPS • ITALIAN POODS Strawberry Short* 25 Palm Street Mat At fiOd—1 ^ At T:td Service . o COMPLETE DINNERS • D IA L S41fi LEGAL BEVERAGES PROM OUR BAR cake. Special Tonight and Sat. — Pizza The Old Fashioned Kind ■1 it’ g. “i; When Minutes THE PROPERTY IN •Seafood, Fresh Daily Count E f lS T lU O O D Cooked As You Lika It WHICH WE LIVE IS fA^T MXMtfliHli OAK GRILL Hava voar doetoi toto TODAY Thm SAT. Roalcs oollOB SO OAR STREET TEUI894 NEEDED BY •See how we serve pheae hla preacrlpttMi “STATE o r THE UNION” 6 and 44 Conn. ST. JAMES SCHOOL Spencer Tracy K. Hepbom fresh Brewed Coffee. to WeMos's aver oar prt- % W e A re Pleased T o ALSOi “CUBLBT* la Color Yon WUl Enjoy This Service vate profeealnaal wire for liamodlato ideNwry to We must move immedi­ GET YOUR CAR READY FOR Feature—1:48, d:80. 8:88 •If you like atmos­ ately and therefore need a Announce The The fa vorite for Three OeneroHons phere you will find it rent suitable for 4 adults SUMMER DRIVING! Last Show Tonight—8i8d at The Sheridan. WELDON'S and 2 children. IN BOLTON • 2 MILES PROM MANCHESTER 001 MAIN STREET Please CaH 8095 FORMAL SATURDAY NIGHT •Enjoy your dining Sandy Beach Ballroom HUNT out including Sun­ GALA FLOOR SHOW— PLUS Park For Rent BROS. day to. the restful RE-OPENING CRYSTAL LAKE Any Day. music by . USED CAR PRICES ARE SKY HIGH RockviOe A R T M c K A Y and hts Orchestra Anytima MUZAK WE BUY and PAY THE LIMIT Of Our Completely DANONG EVERY For Any Only At The Sharidiui BXCELLENT FOOD AND DRINKS SUNDAY Occasion In Manchestar APPROX.'PRESENT DAY VALUES Remodeled Shop OsOerlsi Tu Baaouata aad Waddlag Fartlaal For A ll Makes and Models — For Best Medela Fully Equipped it tato our nodm i furagt Music By C I P C ^ ^ •For your dancing Veri-Thln“ Standi»h' The “ Aristocrato’* CaD Man. Week Day's 382.W8atardaya 8815 Maks 19.39 1940 1941 1942 1946 1947 pleasure on Saturn 13971 MU m 4 l*t lu ra«4y your cur for tba Roller Skatinff Nightly tely tcc.c.i. *v OAF. eioMOUs, ourrfM N o o a u x v FORD 900 1000 1100 1200 1600 IdiiO • •v .a .B i. OF thAMOULAMiyS NUOMtST STARS day nights we fea­ •fcu roadu—put it in tip-top ahape CHEVROLET 900 1000 1100 1200 1700 2000 Monday, June 14 • TOM8 OF naPMAHW • Amwiap AWIMAt ACT* ture the Royal Four Vari-Thlo“AKot’’ for aufe, UMooth aunimer drivlnc- • MAM4IFICINT NOnm • tAM JUNOU O U m CHRYSLER 1000 1100 1200 ISOO 2000 2200 H * a 4 ^ IT • IXFm raiinTtlAM • CAVAiCAM Of OOWNS orchestra. i.w .l aadU E««ryone adll tall you “You nakr a BUICK 1000 1100 1200 1300 2000 2400 2 to 9 P. M. • AUHAUm. ACaOtAW oa •E xeellen t faciUties RfGUT turn whan you turn in hart.'* OLDSMOBILE 1000 1100 1200 1300 1900 2400 THI 4-WHIIL-DRIVI UNIVERSAL "JEEP" w orWi all day. all year <•. ia tha “ A GENTLEMAN’S AGREEMENT” for Parties, Ban­ PONTIAC 1000 1100 1200 1300 1900 2200 YOU ARE CORDIALLY H am ilton , I.oiiiir. field as a tractor . . . on or o6 the road for hauling and towing. Coiafon* TENTS 100°o FLAMEPKOOFED quets, Wedding Re­ 8TUDEBAKER 900 1000 1100 1200 1800 2100 E lgin, B ulova, IL’iirin- able and easy -to operate, it lets you stay on the job for boura orithoot ceptions, etc. NASH 900 1000 1100 1200 1700 2000 INVITED TO CALL becoming exhausted. When work in the field is done, tha ”Jaap la MANCHESTER— DOUGHERTY FIELD ami other iiutiuiialh ready to ucklc almost any other job-hauling produce, parbapa, lowing To see that Momo has an evening of Re- •Visit Our Tropical ONE DAY ONLY--MONDAY, JUNE 14 We Buy Cara Drive In— a cattle uailcr or bclpiag out in scores of ways. As a toobUa poww laxtion ond a delicious Dinner served courte­ advertised watcher. MORIARTY Cocktail Lounge. and Tnicka Phone In— unit, the "Jeep” with power- take-off can operate vimiallj any piaoa • 2—PERFORMANCES DAILY—2 of AH Makes, CALL Or Write In. ously ond efficiently at — powac-drivea form maefaioary. Come in and sec the "Jaap” OOV.> , i BROTHERS Afternoon 2 P. M.—Evening 8 P. M. ft's Smart To Yean and. We WID Buy On Tha Uanl At Cantor And B>««d Doors Open One Hour Earlier Types, Your Car I Adndsaion— Including Tax: Go To Tho Regardlcaairf 7-8144 Over the TELEPHONE SIRS ADULTS ...... *0e Condition Phone---- WIACVIA/ DeCORMIER MOTOR SALES The Dinihg^of Distinction CHILDREN UNDER 1 2 ...... &0c ^SHERIDAN- WIOR^S F abr’S RESERVE SEATS ...... >0c ^ I M A N C fa p m COO) XND GIFT SHOP Jewelers 22-24 MAPLE ST. Auspices: Anderson-Shea Post 2046, V.F.W.' Tel. 3847 or 3802 CAPITOL MOTORS, INC. SOSUlfMER 8T. MANCHESTER 888 MAIN 8T. HARTFORD 977 Mala St. Manchester it .


psrenta o f members, member* of to CRL School of Electronics, Inc., WtUtom aan, 48, o f 81 Park hla 88 years of aervloe tn Oto the Recreation Board and other in Hartford. STJcr ***"*-“ ‘^"“ h Weymouth. Moae. CtotboUe Charitable bureau hara. Extended Forecast T o Gel Much W u n a —i« i9 Tw o Women Many Tributes From the RL Rov. John F. Cal­ Rockville elty officials as guests. Thera w ill Change In Spenker OeneMwed "Big Offer" a r f iM m w irrM T —la m Both Dowdfaig aad Raaeon were ba dancing from 8 to 11 p. m. with OfOelalB of the diviakn said ohaiged toehnteally wttk reekleee lahan, vicar-geaaral o f tha Hart­ Due to the fact that Mayor Cyril w u m ^ it ih Today *a Radio n a w a —see M ic by Bud Hewltt'a orchea- Coleman of Hartford la unable to Boaton, June 11—(ff>—Extended Federal Work that, laaater as penoetlaM nStt- Auto Viclimff driving, dald Kcofran. and held in For McGovern ford dioceee. McGovern received a tra. cone to RonkvUle on Monday eve­ forecnat for tke five day period tary huaiaeae to o______$7,000 hoU pen d i^ an inquest scroll Inaeribcd at tha Vatican at t ' ' ■ Ntine Joins Oaarga B. Freaaaaa ning, a change has been made in June I I to 10 iachialve: plying eaginao and parta fte io A the time o f hto knighthood. a number mnot be - - Monagr. Callahaa represented the. Oaorga B. Freeman, 47, of Put­ tha Elks’ Flag Day speaker. For­ Tempernturra iiL New »»«gte»A w Noted Catholic Layman nam, form erly of RockviUe. died mer Governor Wilbert Snow of United Aircraft Offi­ "Wg order." «S« RockviUe Youth Hdd Most Rev. Henry J. (YBrlaaL Health Group during the next five dny period, Dri^eWiUAid bishop of Hartford. i f Wednesday at the Hartford hospl- Middletown will deliver the Flag Snturdny throogh Wednesday, cials Announce Parti­ A t Hamlltan Standard dtvtolon, VhNtC-HInt Hnnt: News. 7FDRC—Mr. Ace and Jaae. In Death of Pedes­ And Dean o f State's taL He waa bom May 27. 1901, in Day address. will average within two degreea offieiato aald advance iafermatloa W 00(^-R6ttlaed M toe Bpeok; 7FKNB—Newa; Spotlight oa From the RL Rev. Lao M. Fhm Vemon, the bob of Edgar and Waldermere MUkum cipation in Orders coming to them intHratt their 1890 caub. Star. trian at West Haven Polish Children Journalists Honored esteemed chaplain of the Knights m of the aenaonel normaL Tke pres­ IU Margam Hurley Edith (Patera) Freeman. He ent below normal period will con­ products will be on a mAjorlty of weirs—WONB J n l» Box. WONS —^Thoro’a Ahraya of Columbus, ha rseeived a modal laavaa hla father. In Manchester; Waldermere MUkum, 39, o f 48 tha planes ualng propeOara. presented to him by the Charitahio Standard ^ j i Vemon avenue, died this morning tinue through the week « id and Hartford. June 11—iff)—United W TIO—Baekstoge Wlfa. Wemaa. West Haven, June 11 — un — Hartford. June 11—OW—A cam­ Bridgeport June 11 — utt — To Be in U i the Rock* Ma wtfA Mra. Ruby (Robertson! They alao felt that on a peaca- 6 tl»— W T H T -F a t Man. bureau. at his home. He was bom SepE higher temperatures win follow Aircraft oorporatloa offlciale to­ Automobile acddenu. one of them paign to ooUert shoes and clothing James L. McGovern, of Bridge­ Freeman, of Putnam; five broth- time baato, their dlvtolca was in W KNB—Newa: $40 BequeM w n o —Band o f America. oocurtfng when a driver eald he Gov. James C. Shannon, Mayer ▼iBe OrfaiM»R<>n era. Arthur o f New Haven. El- 7. 1908. at Brooklyn, N. T.. the eon for the rest of the period. day announced lU Pratt aad p ort noted Roman Catholic toy- nf the late Alexander Milkum and Some normals for this period hne for huge m ilitary operaUa I w thtoe. WOOC—Muale Box; Headlines. owerved to avoid a rabbit kiUed for.nepdy children In Poland waa Jasper McLevy and church aad bertus of , Harold of Whitney Engine and Hamilton The IJOO figure called for by ui and dean of OonnecUcut'e state dignltarlee also were to»eak- Hadnaia..Juaa n —(SpwiiU)- Mrs.. Anna Handler Milkum. Ha are: Boston and Now Haven 00, W nC r-Stena Dallaa. StlS— two women in Weet Haven durl^ launched last night -by eight chap- Watharsflald. Carl o f Manchester. Standard Propeller divtsloas In Air Sacretary Symington, diOO— ' te n of the Pollm JUnioe 'league In joumaUato, was honored here tost era. John of Hartford; alx alstcra, Mrs. had been a resident of Rockville Providence 68, Nantucket Island WKNB—Marina Story. the m ght Mlas M a f g i^ Burtoy, R. of for five years, coming here from 61, Concord, N. H. M, Burlington Beat Hartford are in Iln f for aOb- ever, does not induds aircraft WDEO—Ifuale ‘off the Record. Connecticut. Dr. Gene H Classyn- night at a testimonial dinner George Andrews, Mra William purchases expected to be on- Stas— Miaa MUdred Oarlaon. 86, o f ^ $2.50 Yd. Order Now Whils A i« MaacMstor has JeiiMd tha R aff Broad Brook. Besides hla mother 64, Portland 62, East port 55, Mantlal m ilitary peacetime buel- WOOC—Newp; 1800 Chib. WDRC—Danay Themaa; Newa. Woet Haven, waa Injured fatally eki, honorary preaidont said the which waa attended by 700 per­ Bralnard o f Manchester, Mrs. eaa nconoed later by the Navy. drive woidd start June IS on a sona, . including dignitaries from « r tha Roclnrtlla Public Health Edith Chappell o f Boaton. Mrs. he leaves two sisters, Mrs. John Greenville 59 and Presque Isle 59. WTR*—Mmootaad; Newe end WONS—Leave It to the Qlrto; at 1:18 am ., when ehe feU out of Parai M L Stanat of Broad Brook, and Mra. Rainfall amotmte will range The etatenent came after Air Becretary aymlngton aald It ‘ Westlwr. ■tate-wida heals. the church, state end city. LO A M Loadi"ff Nunliiff Aaaoctatloii. repUdn* Walter Robertson of Hartford, would hr a y w beforo deUvary BiUy Rose. an automobile la Ocean avenue. M n. U W. Shapard, tha former Nils Sorensen of Windsorville. from two to six tenths o f an inch Secretary Symington made known W n e —Lorenno Jenea PoUoe S argt Joeeph Pox and Depots fer the collecUon have McGovern, associate editor of FOOD SALE Mra Stedman BakarvUla of Ware- of tho new planes would begin, I tig WTHT—This to Tour FBI. The Bridgeport Post-Telegram 'ICISi Barr Pananoarakl artio re* The funeral will be held at the occurring aa acattered abowera la in WaMilngtoo that the Air Force w n c —Domocratlc Steto Oon- PoUeenton Harold Walker eald been established in New Britain, COARSE GRAVEL DELIVERED $1.2S YD. houae Point, Mra Curtis Basker- U in the market for eouee UOO adding that most of them will not West Hartford. Meriden. Thomp- and president of the Connecticut SATURDAY — 9:80 A. M. RgBod to ba aunrled. ville o f Manchester: aeveral nieces Ladd Funeral Home at a time to northern New Iktgland on Friday WONS—Two-Ton Baker. vcntlon. Robert Oaroa, 28, of East Haven, mas Hurlay U a graduate of be announced. Burial will be in and aa more general rain through­ new planes os n step toward band­ be ready until after mld-1950. ^^WTOC—Toung WIdder Brown. sonville. New Haven. Brietol, Fair- Aasoctatsd Press, received many HALE’S STORE and nephewa The funeral w ill be S iS S - told thorn Mtoa Cartoon fen when tributes during the program for St. Raphaara hospital. New Haven held Saturday at 2 p. m. at the the WtndsorvUle cemetery. out New Ragland near the end of ing up a TO-group force. the door o f hla car unexpectedly field and Waterbury. DAUGHTERS OF UBEBTT Pratt aad Whitney dlvinkm will The krypton lamp developed WDRC—Frank Morgan. his recent elevation as a Knight of In the claaa o f IMT. While at White Funeral Home. Burial will Funeral Saturday period. WPJIO ■Boheti^. Lewto. WONS—Gabriel Heetter. swung open as ha swerved tharp- L. a L. I. Ne. 188 SEWERS, DITCHING St. Raphaara ahe was a student be In Grove HUl cemetery, The funeral of Ferdinand A. fumUa engtaee and porta fOr during the war can pieroe a thou- W W C —Junior Dtoc Jockey. ly to avoM hitting a rabbit run­ SL Gregory by Pope Plu* XII and Septic tank* aaS 6ry weOa iuttaltoS. about 400, or one-fifth, of all the 8aad feet o f denes f ^ . WKNB-r-Newn; 840 Re^eet WTHT —Break the Bank, with the New Haven WIS AttaiM Auetles Mathew.son, 73. of 207 Elast Main Tax M MllUen w n o —People Are Funny. ning acrooo tha road. The officeru Unable to Find street, wUI be held Saturday at 2 Hofinee Vlsitliig Nnrsa Association and A number from Rockville ere Stl5— aald Caron waa charged with* vio­ . Equipment for Hire Tmck-Shovel aha ***“ also taken Extension p. m. at the Ladd Funeral Home. Hartford, Juno 11—i d —Con­ 'WON8—aports. lating motor vehicle towa held In planning to attend the auction Wanted WTHT—Btoryland. WONS—News. Trace of Plane Oouraas in Public Health Nurs­ sponsored by the Tolland Grange Rev. Adolph Johnson, pastor of the necticut dtixona paid Unde Sam $1,000 ball pending an inquest Crawler Shovels — Bulldoaers — Trucks ing at tha Umvanrity of Connec­ Rockville Baptist church, will olB- over twenty million dollara too W n c—When a Girl Harriee. StSS— on Saturday, June IS. at the Tol­ WDRC—Adventures of Oaxla Tw e D riven Held ticu t Mias Hurley is a member land Grange hall starting at 10:30 clatc Burial w ill be In Grove much In inomo taxon fo r 1S47 but it S ilA w . Two drivers ware held In con­ Castletown. Isle o f Man, June JOBS FOR MEN of tha Amarcan Nuraaa’ Aaaocia- Hill cemetery. ha sail been returned. Acting In­ FOR TRULY DISTTNCTIVE FLOORS WOC(3—Muale Lett. and Harrlctta. NUSSDORF CONST. CO. a. m. for the benefit of the Grenge. Expert Menders WONS—Information Please nection with the death of Mrs. 11—0P|—A plane carrying a pilot tioa, tha Oonnactlcut State There will be a variety of artlclea ternal Revenue Collector Thomas WONS—Superman. Frances Boslmuski, 81. who was and seven passengers o'verahot the 87 DECRFIKLD DRIVB TBU MANf Nurasi* Association and S t Ra- He Rolls Dp Miles F. Griffin said yastarday. Griffin WI'HT—Teiry and the Ptratee. W THT—Shaiiff; RoU Ckll. offered and refreshments w ill be Armatron^t Linoleum w n c —W alU Time. killed while walking acroos U. S. runway at Ronaldsway airport Skilled and Semi-Skilled pimal*s Hospital Alumnae. sold. said the exact figuraa of the re- W nC—Fertla Faeee Life. Highway No. 1 laat night Police­ here last night loomed into the Sydney, Auatralia — (JT} — C. •tSS— IStoS— Th Pfsaaat Play Awarded fimds was 880,M1,799 and the " with Apply man Edward Keegan said Mra. sir end dtoeppeiued. •Qsliiilil m s Dreamer” will be Two members of the Clees of Johnson of Maryborough (Vlc- number of persons receiving re­ WDRC—Old Reoerd Shop. WDRC—Evarybody Wins. Boxlmuald, who was not identified The Royal Air Force, volunteere praaaDtad toaJgM and Saturday 1948, RockviUe High school, are torta, Auatralia i recently bought funds waa 516,799. WCCC—HeadDnee; Tunee for WONS—Meet the Press. unUI today, was knocked under a and llfeboata in surroundlngx DRILL PRESS OPERATORS nights at Uievemoo Grange baU receiving acAolarahlpa, Mies Polly a steamroller from the Melbourne Cuatom Featuri Stripa Veto. WTHT—Boxing, truck driven by Kenneth Dowding, waters failed to find any trace of fo r tha haaeSt o f the First Con- Risley, valedictorian of the class City Council. He drove it the 112 Saxony Sewing Room WONS—Captain Midnight w n c —Mystery Theater. Jr., 20, of Rockville, and eeconde the plane or its occupants tn RADIAL DRILL PRESS OPERATORS gregatleaal church of Vernon and o f 1948, has been awarded a six miles home to Maryborough, aver­ W TH T—Sea Hound- 16:86— later waa hit by a ear operated by nightlong search. tha Vernon Orange. The four htindred agd fifty dollar acholar aging five miles an hour and BEDARD’S FLOOR COVEBINO West Main Streat w n o —Juot Plain BUI. WDRC—SpoUlght RevieMT. MILLING bfACHINE OPERA'TORS act play Is a comedy by Fulton ship to the Connecticut College for taking a week for the trip. HU PHOWB a-oaaa » IB S SCHOOL S ifA — WONS—Memory Time. TURRET LATHE OPERATORS Ourslar and Aubrey Kennedy and Women at New London. Philip BteemroIIer burned up 18 tegs of WDRC—Lum and Abner. WTHT—American Sports Page, the foBowlag U tha cast Clara Bliss of Somers has been awarded coke, two tons of wood an da lot M. T. Stevens ond Sons Co. WKNB—A) DeCare. Wn U s V €3 tey . She aras bom in Waleii. for the grsdn«|es. Yard Dryers $5.95 WONS—Anower Men. Main .Street — East Hartford. Hours 8:00 A. M. to <2> Mass., daughter o f M ichae^and WTIC — NaVonal Open Golf ther information phone William E. Goodchild, Jr., Man­ And beneath tbrir beauty Power Mowers W THT—Sereno Oammell; Cas- Tournament. 4:45 P. M. — Mondays through Fridays. Bridget (Oody) Delaney~aTid had PLAN tlee in the Air. ager of the Rental Service Bureau at Manchester 4168. lived in Rockville for 15 years. i i the amazing new •Hand Mowers w n c — Profeaeor Andre Schen- And, if you wish to make out an application stop in at She leaves two nieces, Mrs.-Dom­ DnraPewer Mainspring. SpeciaK Liberal Trade-In Allewnnee On Tear OtS Miwera ker. Reseiwes Decision on Rate* the Rental Service Bureau office at 869 Main Street, ‘ SORRY. $UT IT!S 600P.M*AND I WANT TO inic Tarao and Miss Irena Con­ It eliminates 99% of wetefa nor. hotk of Rockville. Funeral RUBBISH BURNERS $2.98 We Service All Makes Of Outboard Metera, Fewer and WCCC—Concert Hour. Manchester, or if you prefer, they will have their rep­ PRATT & WHITNEY MAKE A LON<» DISTANCE TELEPHONE CALL** repairs due to carbon ttcel Head Mowers aad Ah’ Oeeltd ffngiuee 8i«&— Hartford, June 11—OPl—The aervicea win ba held Saturday at State Public Utllltte* coromlselon resentative call at your home and explain their service 10:45 a. m. at the Burke Funeral WDRC—Lowell Thomee. msbupring failures. haa reserved decision on the peti­ to you. Landlords will 6nd that the Rental Service Hoorn and at 11:15 a. m. at St. •National Sickle Bar Mowers WONS— Rainbow Rendezvou*. AIRCRAFT fes, Umtsf Len^ Distance Rafts art in tH eef Bernard's church. Burial win ba *Tatsn$FMita0 w n c—Three Star Extra. tion of motor freight esniera to Bureau wiD provide efficient service by phoning Man­ ^ y < change their rates inside Connect­ in St. Patrick’s cemetery, ’Ihomp- •Pincor Electric Hedge Trimmers 7:69— chester 4168-—^ y or nighL East Hartford 8. Connecticut Bvtnin^ after 6^aHriiy Sundaf sonvOls. WDRC—Beulah. icut to conform with ICC rates. MELVIN G. COX The proposed changes would causa School BaaebaR •Briggs & Stratton, Clinton, W KNB—Newe; Man About ’Tha Maple Street school besebaU Hardware and Service Station Town; Italian Hour. increases in charges for small vol­ ume shipments and decrease charg­ team w «n tha adwol baeebaU lea­ 275 MAIN Sl'REET PHONE 6161 engines WONS—Fulton Leaie, Jr. gue titls Thursday at the Recrea­ WTHT—New*, es fo r large volume shipments. The The Rental Service Bureau tion PMd wbM it defeated the •Gonld ShaUow and Deep Well Jet i v n o —Supper Club. petition was filed by ths Eastern Motors Freight Conference, Inc., Bast school. The Maple Street Water Pumps 7:1.1— school team baa won all of the WDRC—Jack Smith Show tha New England Transportation Tel. 4168 and the New England Motor 869 Mail! St., Manchester. seven games in the league spon- Everyone levee the bllow y Ught- •Parker-Springfield Lawn Sweepers WONS—Tello-Teat. Co., sovad ^ the Recreation Board. In JOIN OUR nees and luxariona warmth of St. W THT—OHdren’e Hour, Rate Bureau, Inc. an effort to complete the playing Marys Blankets of aO new woo'-, FATHER’S DAY 'Disston Chain Saws w n c —Newa of tha games before the closing of BLANKET CLUB new being ehown In exquisite new 7 :S (^ behool, the following games are colon and bindings. SUNDAY •Gonld Water Pumps WDRC—To be announced. aehadultd for Saturday: ElU ng^ WONS—Henry J. Taylor. va. Bast school at • a. m.; Tol­ “MAYFAIR” ...... 11(1.95 JUNE 20 WTHT —Lone Ranger, land va. St. Barnard's s t 11 s. m.. DOWN •Stewart Cattle Clippers “PARAMONT” ...... $14.95 w n o —Yankee Tarne. snd pomlbty at S p. m., St. J » WCX3C— New*: Rue* Morgan sqdi’B wlU^^^ Soou^r^ “SUPER” ...... $13 95 and Martha TUton. “PREMIER” ...... $12.95 7 :0 — Ths dnal dsnetng elsss qion- WEEKLY JCup I t o * eeeSp A*il-eed-*ml»r«d Capitol Grinding Company sored by ths Rodevuto Rsersstkm WONS— Inaide of Sporta. (All With Sntln Bindings) w n c —U. 8. Marine Band. Bosid will ba hdid this earning st e t ^ Open For Yoar ConTealcnet the East School aaditorliim with On Sstardays Until 4:30 Daring April aad May Jewelerii BEAUTY SALON 38 Main Street Tel. 795R THE TEXTILE STORE 533 Main St. ' Manchester Public A. L. 8LOCOMB, Prop.

913 MAIN 8TREBT NEAR THE BANK Her ^sir^irg'faM eiy«Niry. M m so* Setback Party * Otva youTMif beuutihil qa>hi. wjmjfmimtfl IS PROUD TO PRESENT----- GiffffB fcy ABirrsoB fWits ntumMooklns Aasiltary. No. SMS g o l d e n BLONDE HAIR • ••• -Ija: EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT AT V. P. W. HOME PtESIY OF HOT WATER...DAY AND MGIliT HaiielMStor Grtcn • EGINS S PriBHit RofrasbaMots! Hm kalr Ilf Maaar wHh P lo y ta ir s ta rts s t 8 iSO a h a r f coNnnoNmo oa MR. PAUL $1$6 EMINENT LOWEST Complete JEWELRY in iCs field! Y e s . .. with the eeleetion o f your HAIR STYLIST Heoting Service wtth the HOTPOINT AUTOMATIC ELECmiC Gorham Sterling. . . ntufactian and pride o f posKWOO are youra. . . forever. . ' Faraaees RepairedtM l and SALE WMcrdh To Women of Manchester ~ Select your Gorham pattern and buy VacaoBi Cleaned Prescription Pharmiicy WATER HEATER a few pUce-actringi now. Then, ai you match Today, when real value means and add.. .ate it grow bveber 901 Main St. Tel. 5321 CHEVROLCT T. P. AITKIN & CO. most to every American fam ily, Phoas 87M BatpalstasleHiatla licctrle w td id K y c a A Mr. Paid tcill specialise in Hair Cutting and Permanent Wat- Chevrolet continues to offer the lowest-priced Is Wtatsr Air fif ^MReCe ( aepslre aad |s- line be drank ftom fimeek I Notice ing. Mr. Paul of passenger cars in its Raid os well as —Celred* Hiutlng Unite end the only, line of cars giving BIG-CAR QUAUTY CHEVROLET IS FIRST in dollar volue as it’s first Aotenwlie Tenpwetnra CqntroL 2 1 . 0 0 A yuMlC hearing wtu b « bald by AT LOWEST COST! Yes, Chevrolet gives more in registrations. lesneartaM—oeets bat e ftw cents lor $ Th « Town Ptannlng (Tommtoalan n day. Fnly BMUnlid. o f HaachveUr.' Monday, Juaa 81, Several value, any woy you look at it, any w ay you •R*e.o.arM.oe. 1948 at 8:00 P. M.. In the Mualoi. Reg. 1.06 to 2.50 each pal Building to consider a requeat Haircnfa and to ^extend the B Zone Northerly Hairstyles bv from Middle Turnpike Eaot to a A ll First-QnnBty! line drawn parallel with the Mr. Paul $139-75 Southerly s(de of HoUieter Street. To suit your . Phw, Rarringa, Neck- 290 f9et Southerly therefrom and pcrtMMiallty. 52 Gal. Size Xtoatarly from Summit Street to tocee. Barrette*, Choker*, . i. a line drawn parallel with the Biueetots and Senrf Pina, Easterly side of Summit Street, Come in today for your tree copy 886 feet Eastcriy therefrom. of Hotpoint’s new booklet... "Rec­ frem one of Americn’e top Ai|M> to consider a requeat to .J GHEVROUiT ipes for Hot Water.’’ Opuham* OowMH _ O..IWU Obuwm e n la ^ the Buslheao Zone South bousea Mnny are buying Cm WMUU tu W lU le U) M ef Locust Strset to Include aU or •ieV* new fe r Xmne heenuea part of the erea extending West­ f u n ! O N L Y V g i DO YOU WANT YOUR erly slang the Southerly aide of -Hpfpoinj- m eet Items have n non- Price «fcewe L o ^ t Strset from the present 00NGIATIJLATI0N8 tt |sf e »« »l*«* Business Zone a dtotanca o f 87 Permanents $8.50 up Harvey Haircuts $1.00 u|!» tnrnlshnbie Bnl*h! •(unif eea M m A / - J l f l l TO REGISTER? SEFINSABIUTV AOO«REO OV mduJir* feet, mors or leas, thsnes South­ 40 VBARO ERFERIBNCBI r«d. Ten. erly fn ^ Locust Strest 104.47 feet to a point, thonco Eostorto 67 I feet to tha p r^ n t Busin saa Zona ALSO . . . thence. N otthcriy 104 feet, more The or toss, along tho W esterly boun 11.00 GROUP a dsry of that sons to tho p ^ t of begtqning. BEAUTY SALON Johnson Brothers Reg. 1.98 to 5.98 Town Plan n in g Oonuntotoon, CARTER CHEVROLET CO., Inc. ' ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ClMitoa W. Holman, Dewey-Richman Co. Chairman. 311 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER ’M i ALL SALES FINAL! 985 MAIN STREET—TEI-. 8951 AMPLE PARKING 1068 MAIN ST. TEL. 6227 MEN'S WEAR. Carl W. Koron. tSSMAIN ST. Jewelers—Stationer9--Silvemnitlui Secretary. w m m m m m m m Si M (^ d i«ster, .CenB., June 8, 1048.

i'; attituda, tha g ift o f a mental rud- commercial airlines after the Van- Ana$theiic$ May prognus "Fro and Oan" at 8:48 atiM win I ba offered should ba eantaeted tar-proposal, Driscoll aaid. NetUier port disaster. Their planet oper-, p-aa., e. a. L aids weedd diacteaa the propoaed Jail Sentence l|«ul|M trr foMd to the troubled mood of Housing Fate Papers Record Made Annual Strawberry tlona. 1 FENDER ate out of flniem airport. SO mtlee Back' T aft's race for the RepubUcan M n. Prod Waram, who te chalr- new rates of pay. tbe times. KUl Moih»r*» Love Anti-Truman Feeling south o f Portland. ■r«atdent.aJ neminatlou ia based Supper on Friday isa o f the committee win alao Replaces Fine Cntiing Hrralft "It is too probable,” said Wash­ Ths U. 8. Weather bureau warn­ Up to Second largely ea Caasreae' reoerd, sloes hava sharge of the kitchen. She Union Seen Likely w o rn ed that tha unruly Columbia rlv- Lendoo, Juaa 11——Rehart er valley tomorrow, driving flood- suggsitBfl today ‘ that anax Rep. Clarence Brown, ,Uie Oiij May Be Given Airing To Reject Offer B;. Meffette, 48, who appaated a House Group thctics glvan mothon during Taking Foim MathoiSat chmrdi win serve their famous QuartyvUte baked beans, Boad of M ice Oommiaelonen dreadful conflict is to be sus­ watcre at Portland to a new lB4t Beaverbrook Admits senator's eampaign manager, c.t- drunkan driving flna eC $118, chlldMrth may kill tholr lova itesteer. rolte, strawbarry rttort- heard chargia against five police­ tained. But If, to please the peo­ high—80 feet The level waa 29.05 ed thla record when he to lj a annual atrawhanry anpper at the swapped the fine for a 80-day Jail fo r the chUdraa they palwteM CIO aald that, white tlw ernai* caka aad ooffaa. Mrs. Samuel Dun- Waterhiiry, June 11—(BV—The men here test night and then re- when the first crest struck ths (OBattBoefl frefli Page Obc) Pablication R un as (Cnatteurd rrons Pago O nt) •eatence In Supartor court hare "aa= h^ ?ar ple, wo offer whst we oursolvea ly boar. news oonfaranea yaatarday Ta . a Some Delegates Ready aatlon has not taken an official ehnreh on PrWteg, June 18. atert. tep win have charge of the dining American Brum company haa an- •erved decision. The commleelon- Oregon metropolis Juns 1. y aeterday. disapprove, how can we after­ Dr. Jamas Arthur Haidflskl. P ropaganda O rgans ehancaa o f gatUng tha jiomtaallon position OB prealdewtial canAl- lag at 8:98 p.SL Tha Quanyvltte roam and Mrs. Hernid Lee wUl nounead aa o ffe r to the P rogrea- ers heard chargee of aasault Canada's b*g Frasher rtvsr rods an looking up. Tb Show Sentiment at greaa in 1N7—overturned the eub- Isctursr in , psychopathology break a Dixie flUlbuatcr on thla (M ea, "It ta laMtadrirtood that servo aa boateoe. Decorations and alva Metahrorha council (CIO) of brought agalnat Lt. Dewey Car^ Moffetts, an agent for a New TRUSS FITTING wards defend our work? Let \u a new high for the year—24.71 ladteff atrawbairy Mtppar haa al- atltute housing bill offered by and msntal h y g lm at London dvll right! propoaaL "The lasue la aow plain," Brown Preaidant Truman ia not tha tickets will ba jakan cars of by an Bcreaa tha-honrd wage Increase penter. Patrolman Edward Smith York Inaurance firm, waa arrested create a standard to which the feet—along Imperilled lowlanda London, June 11 — Hefoart Hutt and Mrs. Albert Hol­ proodmatehr 8,000 employes. waa charoed against Sgt. James la wMch a West Haven woman 8te W M a u p n o M American and Canadian author­ Bdta, told a Royal InvaatigaUng om tm t • » Matt ...... HMU event la in the hand o f Ood.” Wolcott had hurled a charge of vary psrpstusUon of tha ma­ ing biUa may see the light of day Republlean Cm grese during 4he The news releaae aald that aonto dinner in the fan. Aa in provloua man «1 ll be In charge o f the sale John J. Driaeott. aecretory-treas- Keith and Patrolman Robert Me was serlouaiy Injured. He waa oon- tie tfotoerp. end aS lypro elaffto ities ordered new evacuations as commlaaton he runa hia newa- if Oongreae oemes back after the fl «•••••••••• *2 Theee words from Washington "eociaUam” at the public housing ternal fssUng” may dspsnd last two years." CIO leaders had "mentioned" years, a ante wffl bo conducted la o f aprons. urer o f the onion, aaid last night •ler. vlcted In B ^ tn Town court and I the Columbia and Fraaher main­ papara purely as propaganda or­ political cenventlona, the Repub- Hartford. Jime 11—(P»— Tbe inT lun and sluma clsaranco provlalona o f upon tho nas o f padn kUlsrs He added that T a ft la “ better Douglas and Gen. Dwight Eteen- connection, with the supper ei th fi society has act a Ihnit on t ^ t the union had received the of­ fined $115. .1 M seem, in large part, responsible tained relentless pressure on levees gana fo r hla araptra vltwa, IL waa licana probably wUI leave Praal- Democratic Stete convention .1 X the T-E-W MU. although oim o f during ChlldMrth. suited to represent the Republican hower as prime poaatbtTlUea. wilt include the Pantry Shelf, a the number they can accommodate fer an^ while not formally rejeet- The open-hearth furaaee for Hla counsel said that he wouM wSSy. •!,•...... for the feet that the convention, saturated by weeks of high wat­ diacloaad today. dent Truman plenty of room to opens here tonight with some del­ Ortlaow*. _0«0. Tow •• .tll-Wi iU aponaora to flenator Robert A. Dr. Hadflold’s latter eallsd party on Its rscofd ia Congress" Connery Benewtag Plghi tobte o f homebaked foods and can' but will take reaervationa until Ing it, probably would do so "as making steel was invented by appeal the Jell senten9e to the Su­ .11100 er. Tha pubUaher'B teatlmony, given talk about what they didn't do. egates reported ready to give anti- at Woo.. roroiQ ...... when It flnslly obtained ita quo­ T aft o f Ohio, a leading Q. O. P. for “further sdantlflc Investi­ than anybody alas. In seeking the poet of nattenal nod goods. A table o f aprona on that limit te reached. Mn. Herald Inadequate.” William and Frederirh SieaMns In preme Court of Rrrofs and Judge Quinn's PbamMcj* The 5.SOO residents o f Sumas on M a n h 18, waa puMlahad by The Democrate are expected to Truman'aentlment a public hear­ rum for buslneu, did concentrate preetdentlal aspirant TTie original gation o f tha matter In hu­ Moat Nsvtse Battemtaa committeeman, Connery la renew, which the womM have worked for Lee, and Mrs. John Erickson, Tha union has aubmittcd a coun- England In 1858. jTroland fixed bond at $500. prairie in British Columbia were Hla Majaatys Stationery office. bear down hard In their platform ing. TIU ABSuaxTCD PIUBta Wolcott MU would have deleted man mothers . . . bafora wa Harold E. Stessen, one of Taft's Ing a fight he waged unauoeeea- not upon the question o f who told to flee their 20.000 acres of BeaverMrwk, who owna the maas on auph things aa Inflatloa eon- . State (teairman John M. Bail­ Tbt PrMi to ueiiiowoir these provlalona along with one launch on a wholasala admin­ rivals for tho nomination, told a fully In 1986. Also mentioned for fertile farmland, protected from a circulation Daily Itepreta and ey of Hartford, slated for re-elec­ MtiUM to tka MO might or might not accept its calling for Federal aids for farm istration of anasthatlca . . .” trola, a minimum wage bpoaL eo- reporter that all eatlmates of first the poet, but not an open' •U Mwa Otapatfhaa rraOltad l« n or 32-foot wall or Fraser water by Bvaning Stendai^ told the com- cial aacurtty expansion end aid to tion to hla post, waa aratioua to work, but upon an effort to make home buUding. Tha SoclaMst govammant vote atrength at the G. O. F. ecn- avowed candidate, te O t M •M atfearwiM ertiDitO «> the flve-ml!e Veddsr canal dike mlaaiOB he tan The Express "pure­ education. avoid such a davelopmenL MO alao tba Weal aave publielwd Mr*. Its own work good. In thst day, Oaoglit By 8orprlae has baan promoting uaa of ly for tho purpoae of making prop- vention have had to be rcvlaed be­ He told reporteni yesterday he Mahoney of Windeor, teng a * system. The Canadian N avy said Republican leaders conceded pri­ partial anasthatlcs. Haalth Mr. Truman alao marked down All ntbto of r»iHibl»Oi.tloo of •ooelai ss in this, there must have been agynda aad with no ether obJccL cause o f “ the changing picture e f favored the election o f an un­ power In Seventh district elretea. the situation was "deteriorating" vately they were caught by sur­ Minister Anaurln Bavan re­ the issue o f publle vs. private AtMatelwa aero'n. ei» tiao faa*»^0- "Propaganda.” he aald, waa on all the front contendero." pledged delegation to the Nation­ Oonnery'a candidacy has be a terrific tendency to fear that in this district about 80 miles up­ prise. One said two committM De­ ported yeaterday that mld- power aa a likely campaign sub­ "Meet Summer "particular Uauea, my own issuea, PrevlOiuly, Stessen had claimed al convention. If antl-Truman- opposed by U ew ellyn G. Roae, ftell aa alinai oi N. river Vancouver, B. C. wlvea uaad them In mera than ject In a renawal of hia Mtter ideals too high and plana too am­ mocrats had given firm commit­ laniea I have advocated all these 840 votea on that ballot. Brown Ites try to get the State conven­ former New Canaan Demoermtie taa, loo. In the hard-pressed lower 'Col­ 48,000 cases last yaar, com­ feuding with what he has called, bitious would be beyond public ac­ ments that they would oppose the yaara." eatimated that Taft will get 312 tion to adopt a resolution endors­ town chairman, who. In a letter to . Half-Way" ■apraeaBlatwee: Tbe umbia valley, U. 8. Army engin­ public bousing provision o f the T- pared with only 30,000 the the "worst" (tengrees. Stete Chairman John Bailey, eri' JallM Hatfeava Opaeial Acencp-Na* ceptance. that the public waa Ha listed theae as empire free toward a nomination for which 848 ing their stand. Bailey said, there eers ordereo evacuation of Diking E-W bill. year before. "Ltetanlng to Power Lobby” tiriaed Ctennery’a political record Taffe. UtoaatA Oatroit aad Boatoa. without intelligence of Its own, trade, empire ctistonu union, "em­ are required. Gov. Thomas E. Dew­ etmoat certainly would be a coun- •ays House aad District 13 near Kelso, Wash., 40 Although the dramatic voting In the third of the five major of recent ycam. pire unity for the purpoae of secur­ ey's supporters atuek to their con­ ler-move to pledge the 20-vote Cterdea lUUtlUCKH AVDIT BURBAD o r that people were automaUcsUly miles downstream from Portland. occurred behind closed doors, com­ •peeches achedulad on hla waatern The convention will nominate It adjoins the South Kelao district, ing peace, and if necessary for tention that they will have more delegation to the preeldenL It’s CmCtilJITtoKB mittee sources said these three Re­ tour, the president told a SeatUa BEDROOM WEEK against progress and change. 30 candidates to the National con­ from which 5,000 previously fled. Forcl Plante making war." than any other candidate on the Another Threat to Harmony FM UataM PnatiBO Uonpaaa. Ik . Washington did not know the an­ publicans — Stratton o f lUtnoia, Tha publlaher said his papers op­ audience yesterday tbak a lot of first teat. Another threat to 'harmony at vention. Of this total, 10, will aHBwaa a* Ooaaelal raapoaaibiltty tor Damage Beyond 8100,000,000 Jiardie Scott of Pennsylvania and lawmakara are "UsUnlng to the have a full vote each while 20 wlU swer. He did not know whether Refugees from these areas posed British pcrticipstlon in the Dewey wound up hla Dixie dele­ the convention centered about tbe tyBatTOBbiMi arron appeartaa la aO- Hull of Wisconsin—Joined the 11 In Shutdown M arshall plar.. adding "it began private power lobby.” gate hunt yeaterday with a fresh post o f national committeemar. have half-votes each. aaitlaaawata aaO otbar roed-eeat atadlum where 000,000, O f his papers’' present position has wobbled "from appsaaemant to wa.x t*a? only avowed candidate to gentina nr Russia would accept a During the morning the commit­ the 18-ccnt hourly wage Increase Mr. Truman spoke waa leaa than World Federslism In Interaatlonal affairs, he said bluster and back to appeaaament" xiicceed him. but other unannounc­ world constitution. He did know The Red Cross said it still has tee voted 14 to 12 against sub­ pattern extended to 10,000 hourly­ half-filled. There will be a meeting of the Presenting the largest not found a trace o f ' 50 persona rated employes of the Packard "W e are on exactly the same Seek Maryland SsppoM ed ranrtluatex have atrong sup­ Andover branch of .the American stituting the Senate bill. lines aa we were In 1938. We do But there waa a big turnout at that his responsibility, and the re­ since the Memorial day flooiding of Motor (ter Co. Staaaen, who came to Washing­ port. The national committee­ Red Cross In the (tenferenCe O f four or. no one expected the I Only Hull and Stratton tided on not want war, we do not think Bremerton, aeroae Pudget sound. man Is elected by the delegates to sponsibility of the convention of Vanport, war housing city of 18,- A t the same time, the company There the preeident aald ha double ton yesterday to. plead for a re­ House on June 14, at 8 p. m. Foderal Oonvention aummoned to that tally with the Democrats, one war Is Inevitable, we think wm* versal of the House cut in foreign tho convention, and there which he was s member, was 700 near Portland. The number on of whom was absent. |added from 975 to 9300 to the Hat that Waahlngton atate votera will The regular monthly meeting of Rioet in Philadelphia, May 14, can be avoided if the nittiona will aid funds, returned to Baltimore was a p.ibllitv they would de­ selection of Bedroom Values clear, and that It waa to produce this "critical list" waa 131 yester­ prices of all its cars, beginning be "auckerO" enough to believe the Volunteer Fire department The afternoon meeting was ait down together In leoson. And to bid anew for convention support lay acting on the matter until a 17S7, arlth the queation of regu- day but the others checked in. one called only lur the form ality o f re­ June 14. Republican leaders who will "tell will be held In the fire house to­ ita own best possible result and at the same time we are appre­ from that state. later date, avoiding a rumpus at latlng nAYlgatlon Ita pretext for family from as far sway as New porting out tht W olcott bill. Give Up Other Dcnuuida >-ou what a great (tengreaa they night at 8 o'clock. offer the beat governmental solu­ hensive and saying "build up your Taft, in addition to hia radio th» State convention. Jersey. Vanport's known death Scott Switches Vote The CIO United Auto Workers have been." (terl Hanaen, Manchester, will eiilBtenoe, to Accotnpllah anything arms” because "we are apprehen­ broadcast, waa booked to addreaa Aiiti-Truman sentiment haa in- Ten Years! tion it could devise for the prob­ toll remained four. But when the group met. Demo­ gave up all other demands on preach In the (tengregational iB the direction of improving sive." Newspapers Give RepUes the Union League club in Philadel­ been voired in (tenneclicut by lems of the day. Thousands of troops and civil­ crats renewed their firing, and Packard in accepting the IS-cent Commenting on the Investiga­ On top o f the (tepitol hill re­ church on June IS at the regular tlMoe things arhich were basically phia at noon and the Junior Cham­ C.,erter Bowles, former OPA chief If the world today has much to ian volunteers kept up their cease- Scott switched his vote. ^ booat in an agreement extending action to hla “worst (tengress" 11 o'clock service. William Phil­ tion, the publisher said: ber o f (Commerce tonight who Is a candidate for the guber­ antng In the American Oonfed- lesa battle to hold the dikes. For Wolcott, gloomily announcing through Aug. 1, 1950, it waa dis­ crack of Wednesday, tha two lips preached here on June 6. learn from these historic proceed­ “The press seems to me to emerge , 's Gov. Earl Warren, natorial nomination; by the (ten- cTBcy. So far as there was any the most part they were holding the committee action,^ conceded closed. The raise becomes effective erge with extraordinary credlL If newapapers Mr. Truman referred Malcolm Crook, newly appoint­ ings among the early Americami, carrying his campaigns Into New nccut Chapter of Americans for Lift the arms to You'll be thrilled to see hew complete a bedroom selection their own. in spots even making that his own bill had been changed June 7 if the pact Is ratified by that I would leave the preaa to aa the “worst in the United ed pastor o f the local church, will trend visible in the policies of the York, plugged for Federal aid for Democratic Action, and by the there Is St Watkins . . Just like old times . . and delighted the one thing It needs to learn the soft levees firmer. to embody "about everything In members of U AW -C IO Local 190. as It is, since they ure doing a States" gave their repliea. C'annectlciit C lu Political Action preach for the first time in that with the special June Bride Bale prices which you will find individual state govemmenta, it education and a government-spon­ capacity on June 30 when he will most Is thst the craven tolerance Dikes guarding British Colum­ the T-E-W bill" except the pream­ General Motors spokesmen said good Job. I would let them continue The Chicago Tribune aaid In a ni'nmlttoer everywhere throughout the store. sored health inaurance program. assume the duties o f that position. waa toward abandoning altogeth­ bia's Lulu Island held last night ble. the layoffs next week could be to do so.” front-page editorial today that: 1'rgea Douglas as Fhvorite Non of half remedies, the Umltleaa ap­ He waa Interviewed on a television Mr. Crook haa moved hla furni­ adjust the back of er the h > ^ and ineffective asso- under the combined aasault of the In addition to the public housing, blamed on steel shortages resulting Beaverbrook declared political "Thanks In no amall measure to The ADA bus proposed Supreme peasement of seemingly powerful program last night. ture into the parsonage. A typical 1948 value Is this Eighteenth Century bedroom, of­ Fraser and the year's highest Pa­ slums clearance and farm hous­ from the last coal strike. Intelligence among readers has The Tribune, the people o f thla Caiirt Justice V'llliam O. Douglas datioB of the Articles of Confed­ Indiana does Its dslagate pick­ There was a town meeting In fered to Manchester for the first time this week! Exactly ss traditions and prejudice^, are not cific tide — 14.4 feet. Lulu holds ing aids, the Senate and the new The lack of production parts was risen and that political Judgments nation know Mr. Truman fo r the former Yale law school professor, eration. That system didn't work; ing for the June 21 O. O. P. con­ the Town Hall on Saturday night, pictured . . slelgh-type bed with pierced head board, four necessary standards for human Queensborough. New Westminster House bill piovide: responsible for today's Ford shut­ In Britain .ire "krener and sound­ nincompoop he Is and for the vete- ss s favorite son presidential can- that was enough of attempts at vention with the selection of seven June 5, at which time action waa irawer chest, and a three drawer dresser With separate mirror. suburb of 5,000 population. 1. Renewal of government mort­ down. company officials said. er" than 'ormerly. ateallng, graft-protecting, gang­ didnte. this Outdoor Chaise political beharior. It is possible. delegates-at-large. The RepubUcan taken on the budget aa prepared Matched mahogany pl>-woods and aoltd gum wood unity. Golumbia Goes I'p Eight Inches gage Insumnce on new home con­ At first the OM layoff will af­ ster-paroling Pendergaat man that .Senator Scott W. Lucas of Illi­ Instead, to raise "a standard to primary also nominates candidates by the Board of Mnancc. It waa true enough that there In ita Canadian headwaters, the struction. fect 50 to 40 plants, Inbludlng fab­ he la." nois will deliver the keynote ad­ which the wise and honest can re­ for governor and other state of­ Guests at the home of Mr. and were men who had done a lot of Columbia went up eight Inches in 2. Liberalization of home loan ricating divisions and all Michigan Plaque Dedicated The other paper. The Spokane dress at the opening session of the pair." and thus offer to people, terms, inrludlog special loan ar­ assembly lines. Other assembly Spokesman - Review, commented fices. Mrs. Howard Spear on Sunday Yes . . alniopt magic! As yon recline and tiiiiihiwg for themselves on the 24 hours and increased the men­ convention tonlTht. were the latter’s brother and sls- rangements for veterans coopera­ plants will eventually be that the president spoke In “a mo­ Connecticut Democrats mean­ want to change the position of the back . states and nations the clear choice ace to the partially flooded To Honor Atwater Boiwles was the first Democrat, ter-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Martin 3 PIECES tion. It waa even true that tives. compelled to close for about a ment of heated partisanship." while prepared for their party's of prominence In (tennccticut to downward or upward . . merely lift the these themselves know to be right smelter city of Trail. B.C., 330 Nelson, South Woodstock. r men had figured out, for 3. Guaranteed annual Yeturns week," according to a corporation July 12 meeting by picking a 20- miles cast of Vancouver. Another Reply Expected announce open oppoaition to At a meeting Of the Ladles' Be­ arms! Back adjust.s to perfectly horizontal C and inevitable. for big scale Investors in rental spokesman. Middletown. June 11— (JP>— Still another reply to Mr. Tru­ vote delegation/. President Truman. The former tfeeinselves, the need for some A t Creston,' B. C., 120 miles far­ nevolent Society, the newly-elect­ position for sun bathing. Cool white enamel The World Federalists believe housing. The only Ford assembly line Members o f the Wesleyan faculty O PA chief said In a speech that greater and closer unity among ther east. 900 Americans and man waa expected tonight in a na­ ed officers took charge. Mrs. Don­ 1 5 9 .0 0 4. A hou.sing research program workers to remain on th ^ job ^o- today honored the memory of Dogs probably began to bark finish; rubber-tired whecl.s; water-repellent theirs Is the strong and right and Canadians fought to save the last tion-wide radio broadeaat from he favored Truman’s program and ald Smith, president, opened the the states, and had come to the 5. Special grants for building ^ day were those at Dallas, Tex.. At- Prof Wilbur O. Atwater, one of only when they bseams domesti­ would support him If he were leatherette covers in red, blue or yellow, inevitable Idea of our time, to dikes. The district's 10,000 acres Philadelphia bv Senator Taft (R- meeting by reading a paasaga of the university's most famed chem­ private conclusion that what the o f .farmland has been reduced to homes for paralyzed veterans in I lanta, Oa., and Long Beach. (teUf Ohlo). Taft will apeak on the NBC cated. nominated, but that he believed scripture and leading In the uni­ piped in white. which the wise and honest must wheel chairs. Work interruptions continued to istry teachers, and Harry Lee Malory of their times really dlc- an island of about 5,000 acres. I the president's popularity had so son reciting o f the Lord’s Prayer. repair if the choice Is offered "This la a significant victory | plague the Briggs Manufacturing Duncan. waned that he could not be a sue- tatad was a bold and daring move A heavy thunderstorm hit Port­ Business transacted included the for the vetv'rans and for the com The faculty dedicated a plaque cesaful candidate. Other type.s of Outdoor riiBi.'^e Longiic.s at them. They think the United land last night. In minutes streets Ck)., while company and union ne decision to make plana for a Into aa entirely new form of gov- mon people of America," aaid In the Hall laboratory of chemla- Bowles was present at the ADA States has, in Its own history, im­ were awash and gutters over­ gotiators attempted to reach a Strawberry Featlvnl for which $39.60 and $49.50. en on eat RepreaenUUve Boggs (D.. La.), a wage and contract agreement with try. which read: "TTie Atwater Just as you have the under part of your ear treated convention where a resolution pelling guidance which bids it be flowing. It was not expected that occasion committees were appoint­ Qsorgs Washington, for In- member of the Banking commit­ pay boosts based on the IS-cent fund for research in chemistry— with rubber to prevent rust on the metal parts, you al­ urging the nomination of Douglas ed. A committee was aprolnted the nation which dares offer the local storms would make the river tee. j established in 1926 by Harry Lee waa adopted. During the w’cek staace, in a private letter—not a situation much worse, but gener­ pattern. so should have the body of your STATION W AG O N to investigate the poaaibluty of Said T aft of the House commit­ During a t^vo-hour negotiating Duncan in honor of Wilbur Olin A D A State (teairman John R. pubiio pronoun cement—wrote in modem world such a choice. al rains would. treated to prevent deterioration. Remember, wood purchasing chairs for the new ao- Did you know that tee’s action; "I’m glad." se.38ion yeaterday. the llrat in three Atwater, professor of chemistry, Ewrett sent letters to all state Rehabilitation efforts brought cial rooms at the church. Shades von can buy Watkins FniTltiirc. 1TS6 that "W9 ars either a united days. U A W leaders promised to 1874-1907." bodies need attention every six months 'to a year to convention delegates asserting hope to both the U. S. and Canada. I are to be purchased for the parson- Floor 0>vcrings and Draporie.pen tha queation o f 843 Main Street Rubinow BniMinff crowned king of America. I unteer Fire Department will be LENS IHH*LI(‘ATED build a constructive peace in the type o f construction in the near a general pay adjustment only Telephone 2-4156 Nothing elsf quite gives a room the way-down-Ea.^t homo.6.00. Chest of Drawers %.60. They looked at one another, and June 8. This la a newly organised seeable future for schools, recrea­ quist, Hartford; Mrs. Doris Mc- adjounad until the next day. Be­ Breaks Today association and (Jhief Nelson la a tional facilltiea, highways, and Carthney, 94 Middle *rurnpike, Johnson ing than Joined only by a few in­ charter member. other Municipal Improvements west; Walter Rawaon, 88 Hyde AMESITE DRIVEWAYS N e w J0 0 % Wool Face Following the Grange meeting And dividual SolaggUs, and no quorum that cannot be put off much long­ street; Mro. Anna Smith, 48 Jan­ POWER ROLLED (Ooatlnaed Iron Page One) on Monday night all attending er If we Intend to continue to sen street; David Fraasr, Box 411. sd d ll agates, from Delaware, were Invited to the home 04 Mias maintain the wonderful progress Manchester; George Willard, 85 Ordtra taken now! Spcctalizina in parkinR areas and North Carolina and New Jersey, ing the 943,000,000 Reynolds alum­ Olga LIndholm. Here the Grangers o f the past 10 years. Who Is to Ulley street; Frank Dart, 48 Del- Anderson fa s stations. Work Guaranteed, Time payments Aeranfcd Giamorug they adjourned for another, day. inum p lu t. enjoyed sociability and refroah- carry the Increased tax burden? mont street. Meanwhile, the highest wateri menta as guests o f the Misses A ad so it went on, with the for- Tha average taxpayer cannot af­ Admitted today: Ann Paralli, PAINTING AND ' . Free Estimates of the flood rolled toward the Lindholm, Anna. Olga, M ary and ford to pay much more than he is 399 Adams street; Kathleen Ko- aaal upswing o f tbe convention be- Portland araa. • DEIXIRATING ' their brothers, Edward and Olaf. now gayth f ‘n taxes of one kind sak, 160 BiaaeU street; Mrs. Elisa­ lag daily postponed, for lack of a 2-4 yn. Your *'Extra Bedroom^' The break unltashed Columbia or another. The most logical an­ beth Phillips. 11 Walnut atraat; waters which had wiped out Van- Inttrinr and EsIeHor Work DaMaio Brothers For avary room in the home. Sturdy all- gaasum of states, unUl May 25. swer to the above question lies in Thomas <)ulah. 58 Qrandvlaw port Memorial day, then cut • Pnvlnf Contractors Since 1921 By Sue Bnraett wool face for luxury feeling and longer 4kMrea days after the date of the the Beld of new, planned construe, street; Francis Donahue, 181 West ^25 Hixhiand St. through a cross-dike and flooded To Repair House I'tl. N2I2 Cute' aa a button and so prac­ tion o f commercial prupartles. and Center street; Miss Reoa Cahner, fa ll Maneheatcr 7991 Anytim? wear. Cushiony jute base. Choose from CML to the east over the Portland mea- Oak St. Ttl. ABM tical—this week's ABC Special tha possible expansion of existing Rockville. Pattern (A ) Self-color floral in beige, blue, It was during this uncertain dowa racing plant before being gives you a darling little atm dreae S4S6 Simmons Wrecked by Fire facillUas. Discharged yceterday: Mrs. for tiny girls with a Jacket to pre­ roae, wine oy green, or (B ) Multi-colored and dfomal interlude, when even halted by a second croaa-dlke. t; By Mrs. Aane Labot W a know that you gentlemen, Lydia Lampahlro, 300 Porter vent too much sun. She’ll love the floral in blue, roae, tan or green ground. This eecond-dlke was the one street; Oscar Forand, RookvIUe; Oteerful big fruits to decorate tha appsaranee of^^ delegates Repairs to one of the buildings as i planning body, also have the petticoat ruffle— easy sewing. Why that gave w’sy this morning, let­ Discharged today; Mrs. ISisa- outdoor luncheon cibths, napKinp. Hare’s the rug value you've been waiting asMMd daubtfhl from "tey to day, heavily damagad by ths May 8 walfaro o f the Town st heart, but not make several verslona. Hide-a-Be(J 198-00 ting the old floodwetere race far­ beth Cowles. 28 Unden stroet; BROILERS AND place mate and dinette curtains ere for . . only $29.96. You’ll be amazed at how whan those delegates who were on ther upriver to the east behind the general alarm fire on Spruce due to opposition from various Pattern No. 8828 comes in alMs embroidered In “gingham" croas sourcaa, you made an honest mla- Domenlck Vaaco; 229 Oak 2, 3. 4, 5 and 8 yeara. Slxe S. drcaJ^ much rug you get fdr ao little money! Ap­ ^ hbad wsra tatermally discussing main Columbia river barrier. street have been authorised by street; Oscar Forand, Rockville; ■titch. Simple needlework and eo Building Inspector David Cham­ taka. No one will hold that against SuUy*8 Tavern 1 3-4 yards of 35 or 39-inch; bolero proved by Good Housekeeping Magazine, Luxurious e.xtra full-size bed. You ' thatr proapaetlva task, aad often G om trv CInba Uverrua Henry Gryab, 57 Kerry street; Su­ ROASTERS effective you'll receive compU bers. William Ruaaall arill repair you, but we feel that this parti­ and ruffling, 1 yards. sleep on, an entirely separate inner- In addition to the airport, two san Andrews, Glastonbury; Wal­ Oreaaed, cleaned and wnshrd. mente galore on your handwork. lag otto another to be cautious, cular error should be rectified and For this iiattera, send 25 cents. country clube were overrun—AI- tha building at Spruce and Birch ter Waddell. 301 Main street; Wropped In eellnphane and heM 172 West Middle Turnpike To obtain hot-iron tranafers for spring mattress. Smart two-cushion they provoke opposition to ths change o f sone should be In coins, your name, addreaa. aiae derwood aad Riveralde. So were atreate at an eatimated coat of |5.> Richard and Robert Champ, Rock­ In deep freose for vonr oon- •even dealgns, color chart for em­ Lawrop sofa by day, covered in color­ granted, if the general welfare of deeired, and the Pattern Number broidery and' stitch Illustrations ir w ork and produce something Broadmoor and ColwooO, noth 000 with A. Satryb of Rockville ville. venlenen. No wnlHna. to Sue Burnett The Mancheater for Gingham Cross Stitch (Pat ful blue waffle weave. In heavier cover ■tnU ar anothar iMgbt refuse public golf courses. In the area are doing the work. W al. and roof Uis town IS to be considered. Births yesterday: A son to Mr. Delivery la Man cheater , Eveolng Herald, 1150 Ave. Amerl- tern No. 8484) send IS 'cento in the Blue lake raaert and about 5,- will be rebuilt and nine rooms will Respectfully submitted, and Mrs. John L ^ c b , 24 Maple • t $919.00. naedpb—It was during this in- ttotweay MarntaKs egs. New York 10, N. V. coin plus 1 cent postage. Tour 000 valuable commercial faima ba ropairefl and rodscerated. Uanebester Board of Realtors, street; A daughter to Mr. and Steamed Clams 35/ WilTKiniS M a tu s h e d e i '^fasBMl ported that Cteorge Wash- producing tullu and gladlola bulbs Eraaat R. , Machall has bean Edward W. Krasenlcs, D e n t mlaa the Spring and Sum­ Name. Address and the Pattern Mrs. Ernest Meyer. BlUngton; a med Fashion — batter than ever Mada perhaps the groat- aad gardim truck. The total area granted a permit for erection of Sec’y. Number to Anne Ctebot. The Mgn- •on to Mr. and Mrs. Dtoilal B** H. A. FRINK with special features, smart atylea cheeter Evening Herald, 1150 Ava vipt.sf in Ms gifts to his country. la about 10,000 acres. a four-room dwelling on the east P.8. Thla letter is entirely un­ vino, 142 Pearl atraet. Sullivan Ave. WappInB Friday Night mnm —free pattern printed In book. 25 Th4 mlle-aquare Portland-Cel- tide of Broad streSt to cost 810.- solicited and has been submitted nue of tha Americas, New York 19, words, a gift of Death today: Mrs. Anna Andru- TW. Mato 1189 Attar 4 P. M. cents. N . T. umhle. alroori w'ss Shsndonad bv 000. iw ly sftar esreful eonaiderstKm. lot. Wanning. s .Vi- " " 'V

wv. ■■■ WANrHftsriKR EVENfNG HTTRALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. FRIDAY, JUNE 11, IMS MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHB8TRK. U I N N . FRIDAY. JUNE 11. lU4t f i G R T ■asiAsfei of baked ham, bakad Ytani. — set no “ daadUiM” oner which the huBOBiilty but against God'a law of the next «lx month* «in determine night, spending 15 mlnutca over Groaoman, HcI«b Ann Kronick, Oa- the Syrian capital. A report from and homemade bUculU with Upholds Town sU t* would act, howavar. or dla- Local Resident Beth Sholom Notes Justlee, troth sad mercy. r>l Rottaar and Naomi Werbner. whether we are now itunchlng a Urges Senate otrawberrias. Seek Answer Elected Head true racovary program. ’ Damaacua said a Jewtah plane Manchesier Obituary cloaad any spartfic houatag piaas Wlad, BabM A r*ceptMfi win follow tbe aervlc*. dropped nine bombe there, meet Ob tMs day beautiful contlrma- The Republican b»'*lne»eman Anita Dtottc oatertalnad a num­ ha haa la mind. Receives Degree tkm aervlcea ara held in flowsr- Monday, June 14 at 10 a. 4a., M*- incendlarlea No caaualtlee nor ber of fricBda Wadnaaday a ft*^ O. m. Bala pets* Is fllJM S i said he could not preaunie to tell Favor Giving Daie Book Clerk's Action UponHousing The Feast *4 Weeks bedeekad Tbrnplm all over Ameri­ mortal (Tlskor) aervlc*. -Of Local Club heavy damage were eaid to have noon in observance of her seventh OMirt. the $aa par owolfc I C o n g i^ that any apeclflc »um Troy, N. Y. June 11—James F. JOM 1$. 14 ca. Tlw obildrm pledge thsmselve* payment. Cbwa la i should b# appropriated. But he ex- resulted. birthday on the 9th. ElaewHere on the eve of the Russian Colonel Stevanaon. of ManchesUr. was one ShoTuos of Feast of Weeks be­ to upheld Uwlr religious heritage. New stodlea r*r*al that th* prob­ praased 'belief any cut below the Mian Jacquelyn Loulae Bradford, D ratlis Militarv Aid armistice, the Egyptian defense Annua) ouUng TsH Cedars of Judge Wall Denies a of 415 candldaUa graduating to­ gins at sundown Saturday, June 13 The BabM then gives them hla able caus* o f , aurora boraalW, original authorization would be daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. State CIO Leaden to Btr*. Loniae Hawley I* ministry aald Bgirptian forcea kill­ Lebanon at Cardan Grove. day at Rensselaer Polytechnic In- and coDcludcs at sundowo Monday bleoaings with th* charge to ao or­ known as "Dortbern lights.” Is wttb a BL “ moat unwiae and ahortaighted. Monday. Jane 14 Bl4hM was graduated from the Mra, Writ of Mandamus in Put Isaue Squarely Reported Dead evening, th* 14th of Jun*. Tb* He­ der thalr Ihrsa that they will be ((?ontlnaMi from Pag* Oa«) ed at laaat 300 Jewa and took 10 Mra. CharletU (F ln l^ i FlOher, atltute'a ISSth commen(;ement. streams of hydrogen Ions or parti- Baerers Street. AaprwrtamtelyAi $$jm$ to 3BAM Baww President of Soropll- •T w1»h t > state moat emphatic- Hunt Brothers CIreva. Doughai^ Northfield Olrls School during brew date is the 4th of Stvaa 670S. pleaolag In the sight of God and In survivors priaoner In raising a 70, artfa ot Shepherd Flaher, tor* Common Pleas Court Ha received the degree of bache­ clea, swarming Into th* earth's at- at abMrt Wa per mtmtk. allv that money will n< t be spent . .. j brief Israeli siege of Nltaanlm# ty loL commencement exerclaea Sunday. Up to Shannon Today the sight of aaan. mists; Other Officers " k .. .nnir. NstionB armed force, aa provided Her grandmotter. Mrs. Frank BMrly of HartforcL died at her Pari*. June I I —(if)—Th# newa- lor of electrical en^neering. This feetival la one of th* old­ moaphere from the outside. AXDOVEB a n t 001.1014 three miles southwest of Isdud. Taraday.-Jaae IS Charles F.. Wilson, president of Ia thaoe troubled times this fes­ p r U ^ .^ h e aaair^d the com m it-| hv ‘ he charter, to back up peace Early a former ro d e n t attended home at DIamood Lake, -Olastoa- Town Clark Samuel J. TurMng- paper Franee-Bolr reported that est in the Hebrew calendar, and prepertto* avaltable far eltber ( ___ The Isdud aector, 33 mllea south Outdoor music fesUval at Edu­ Hartford, 9uq* 11—(g>)—Btata the General Motors Corporation, tival baa deep meaning to all Mrs. Xiouia* Hawlay of Cobum tee ; orders. the exerdaea with Mr. and Mrs. bury. Thursday after a long 111- ton was upheld In Conunon Pleas RuoaUn CMI. J. D. Taaeoyav (Tas- commemorate* the Harvast sea­ price* frwn SSjas to with | of Tel Aviv, la where the Jeers cational Square by school chil­ delivered th* commsneement ad- tMaklag persons. It is a clarion Mad waa alacted praaident of the 'No' matter what appropriation 3 Universal regulation and re- Bishop over the week end. Mias ncas. Bmidea her husband she court today in hla rafuaal to iaa'-ie CTO leaders came to Uie Capitol aojew) died In Soviet hands 34 son in Palastlne. It is called the *h*e* are fentfehed wtth alietfte ranges, lea claim to have surrounded 1,000 dren. High school choirs. Band hours after hla “ release" by Bri­ drass. can to duty, it ealla us to labor for MandMsUr SMoptlmist Club at its the Congress decide* to make, we du tion of armaments “ under ade­ Bradford sang the feminine lead leaves two sons, Francis 8. Flahor a certlflcat* for a liquor license to today with a straight "yas or no” Feast of Weeks because it com- etber feraltarek. L*cete4 near tok* wMl toha | Egypt! ahs- and chorus of 1,000 voicaa. tish authoritiaa. Stevenson is a member of Et* aU rightaous causes, and to help mmm hmdMOB maeting today at will spend only what we believe quate and dependable gtiaranty In “ Pinafore" presented by her of Devon Drive, this town, and Herman H. R. Wise and ethera, demand for atata action on the platea Sevan weeks from tb* day ANOOVEB—Bonto S-PraetleaBy new tH alary. 4 against violation.” This preaum- ra ll Te Open Gorge Graduation, HoUlater and Buck- In Beilin, Russians at th* official KapM Nu, nationary honorary when th* measure of new barley bring about that day when the love Murphy'* restaurant. Mr*. Haw ley will constructively contribute to A report to Amman from the land achool*. school and the Mount Herman William J. Fisher of Armnore. proprietors of the Pin* Drug Com* housiag problem. «M k garage to baieaaent h*4 air heal wttb cool bto « succeeds Mr*. Leon* Reed. Mr*. ablv would cover the American Pa.; on* daughter, M n. Eleanor Soviet News bureau oald: electrical engineering fraternity. waa taken to the Temple in Jeru­ and reverence for God will cover and bn* venettaa Mind* Let is 9T wNh 34T on ■ recovery.■’ Latrun front, some 15 miles west School for Boya during the pro­ pany In the Jarvis block on Center He Is th* eon of Mr. and Mrs. Alice Clampet was elected vice plan for International control of Wednesday, Joae IS gram. Mlaa B r^ ford has been ac­ M. Leeoe Walker straet of Man­ Harold Saalor, aacratary-treas- “That report is laughable— ex­ salem. On the 60th day the early tha aoxth, as th* water* cover the apportonc *p*| f*r a aman liaslarie Bala pitoa fBUMBt A b « ECA already has approved or Is of Jerusalem, said the Jaws had street. A writ of mandamtai aought Jaaaas W. Stevenson, of 35 Pitkin prsaldeiit; Mra. Mary Taylor waa authorizing S«3S,0O0,0Of» In com­ atomic weapons. Graduation, Barnatd and Green cepted at tha Eastman School of chester; on* stater, M'oa Margaret by Wiae waa denied by Judge uror, Btata d O council, said the tremely laughable. Let Fraace- wheat harveot la celebnRed. r ir Boontb after leqnli rd town. failed in a last-minute drive to schools. group would put this lasua squara- Bolr have such scoops." street, Manchester. rselected aecreUry and Mr*. Lil­ modity purchase*, or 78 per cent i Flimination of the Security open the Bab cl Wad gorge where Muale of th* University of Roch- Finlay of Manchsster and two Thomas J. Wall. Historicany this day cemmeano- Tha following sendees will be Aatomobila Dealets lian Guatafaon remain* aa treaa- oi _ the total European giant.s for t'ouncil veto from all questions ...... Tkanday, Suht 11 aater, N. Y. grandchlldrsn. She waa a member The Zoning Board of Appeata ly'up to Q o vm o r Bhanaon at this The paper’s Berlin oorraopond- ratea th* giving of the Ten Coaa- bald at Temple Beth Shojom; Sat­ the Arabs block the supply road Manchester Republican Wo­ ent said the BritlMi were compell­ urer. Mra Arnold Thompson is the | present qii.-rter ending June 3i» dealing with peaceful settlements | Jerusalem from Tel aV iv. Un The Claos of 194$ at the Center of Cbrinthlan Chapter, Order of had denied the Wise petition be­ afternoon’s oonferanct. mandmente to th* children of Is­ urday, Jun* 13 at 4 a. m.. Sabbath Garagas and Scnrict Statioas The Allen Reolty Compony - . , Jeruaalem from Tel Aviv. Un- ed to turn a former British staff new corresponding secretary. Mri. Hoffman reported. f intninatlonal disputes and also official advices were that at least men's club, host to County Asso­ School has received their class th* Eastern Star, In Hartford cause the drug otora waa within “ Wa want a daflnlU answer aa Perfect Marks rael on Mt. Sinai. It proclaims for sarvlee. Sunday, June IS at 9 a. m. BEALX04M ciation at Manchester Country member at the Allied OontrdI Reed was elected a director for Most of the rest will be approved Horn' admission of new member* 100 Jewa were killad. books and pictures. On Wednes­ Services will be Sunday at 3:80 1,000 feet of a liquor outlet. Act­ to wather and if so, whan, h* will all man and an ages that igno­ Shovuos service. Sunday. Jun* 18 laa CKNTBB BTBSBT Club. council, Igor Klein. three years and Miss Alyce Sails- py month end. he said, and m No Binding Effect The Syrian Army In a Damascus day Warren Schmidt, physical di­ p.m., at Holmes Funeral Home. ing on the opinion that the town's call a spaclal session if Oongrsss For Four Years rance, oppression, aupcraUtioii and at fi p. m.. Baa Mitsvoh service In MAxemomEB. ooNNscncirr The resolution, unanimously ap­ Friday, Jaae IS rector at the Unlveralty of Con­ 400 Main street with Oortnthian sonlng laws did net affect tha Is­ The Soviets, he reportad, initi­ bigotry are crimes not only against bonor of Gtorls Filler. Anita FHoxE MANcineam gisa bury, one year. ; the next qu.iitcr "we expect to communique last night announced laiu to act by adjournment," ba ated an exchange of Taaaoyev tor Reports of the officers showed become completely current." proved by the Foreign Relations Strawberry supper, Snd Con- necticut visited the achool to show Chapter In charge of aervlcea suance of liquor lloanaes Wise "the fall of Mlahmar Ha ’Varden." said. "Tha 4tat* has lad us around Klein, accompanied by thraata et that the club has enjoyed a good The EC.V thief gave this bre.nk- committee, would have no bind­ i Jewish settlament in upper Oalilee. gi-egatlonal church, S:00 p. m. tha class the technique of square Funeral borne will be open from sought to have Town (?I*rk Tuik- by tha nos* too long without bous­ Cambridga, Mi June 11—OP) SaturSay. Jaa* IS peraonal Injury to the BritlMi of­ —Jules a. Levin of Miami Beach. year under Mr*. Reed's administra- down of his original plans for rc- ing effect. Tlie Syrians previously had said dancing which tha group is study­ Saturday afternoon at 3:80 o'clock Ington Issue a certificate. This he ing. It's time, ws got something Rose Dance of Lakota Council, ing in preparation for commence­ until funeral time for friends. Bur­ refused to do and the case went ficer if the British refused to turn Fla„ has "pt, Trans-Jordan, Iraq, Syria, tended the double-header between William O. Holland held at the Country club. The malignant tumor, nearly a week of Y m Fuel Bill! nearly a year ago at the Memorial i tlvenesa of labor In Europe. Fuel program, stressed this nation's school'a Seventh Annual Spring Funeral services for William necticut can't come through with y . ------.u and raw materials can not be cut obligation t o , fulfill lU Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. the Detroit Tigers and tha Boston apeaker will be Albert Sweeton. after doctors had predicted that World’s first patented 4 Acres of Hardy Plants— Evargreena, Fnrit TYsaa. hospital. A t first one day a month program. Included In the program George Holland of I I Cottage an immediate good, low-rental he would die last Saturday. •For Demonat ration and Free without immediately reducing the to the European de­ Does Not Mesa W ar Ended Red Sox at Fenway Park, Boston. member of the United States Among th* ISO students who will an metal, *clf-*teriag waa devoted to the clinic, now two will be the traditional kinder­ street who died at his home Tues­ housing program like that under­ Tb* boy, who was retiuned receive the Bachelor of Arts de­ Estimate Phone days are necessary, aa its facilitiss present levels of production and | o-ocranes Last night Assam Pasha said Mrs. T. F. Little of New Britain garten grartur.tion exerclaea. The Agricultural Commission. His su'i- taken by New York state aome Window Boxes Nlled spent Sunday with her aon’s fam­ day were held yesterday afternoon home from a Boston boopital last gree at the 30th commencement of arc available to patlsnta In a wide exports." He went on; Extension of Battle the truer did not mean war would ubllc Is Invited. It 1* suggested at 3:30 in St. Mary'a cliurch, with Ject wUl be "The l>oUto Outlook." time ago,” the CIO official aaid not be resumed if "the enemy doe* week, had been given only two ConnecUcut College, Monday, June •torm Mth — M. A. Gough 2-9532 area, including Rockville. f^n^quently, the only thing we resolution is an extension of ily. Mt blankoU) be brought for seat­ Rev. Alfred L Wllllama offlciatlng. William Rublnow will donate tha "The Republican administration could do 8 to eliminate supplies ! maintain this coun not respect the truce conditions, Funeral servlcee for Philip Heft days to live by physicians. Since 14, will be Miss Jn n Handley, Or Writ* T* A. R. Rockwell An Information Center was also Sing. This piogram will be held The church choir under the direc­ attendance prize. there wasn't afraid, so why should N O T H IN Q of capiUl equ pment from the | ^ . „.jjrrship for world peace if they insist on creation of a of the South District were held on hla return a week ago Thursday daughter of Mr. and Mra. Francla Distrihator aaUbUahcd last fall la the House Monday evening in case of rain. tion of Organist John Cockerham, Connecticut under an allegedly he has refused food and slept with Handley, of 39 Robert road, and TO CHANOBi year'# p r o ^ m .” i ^ lU baal*. Zionist state or In case no agree­ Saturday In New Milford. The The North Methodist church The Bartlett-Bruinard Co. and Hale budding. Room 14. The Coventry Day School Annual and Mrs. Aida Adgms, violinist, progressive administration.” the aid of eedatlves. Nancy Goal**, daughter of Mr. N O T H IN G 50 Demlng Road WOODLAND GARDENS late Mr. Heft who passed away ■ABITORO 4, CONN. •obone 4133 whera peraona aua- crops In Europe will j ° r leader* hoped to ment is reached based on a solu­ Family Picnic will be held at assisted. school will hold Its annual picnic phone 4133. wnere peraon. _ ^ „ enough money on food resolution to a^pUon tion safeguarding Palestine's sov­ at hla home on June 1, la survived Governor Shannon has previous­ and Mrs. Sherwood H. Goalee, Sr., TO STORE; j^ tin g aymtonu may oonault the ”C3ark’* Sandy Bottom Picnic Tha bearers were Alexander Saturday. Jun* 22. at Forest Some of th* famed wineries of A Fraiact *f tbe F. C. BnaaeB Ca„ 168 WOODLAND STREET TEL. 8474 shipments to make a great differ-1 . , d,. ereignty and unity.” by his widow, Mrs. Fannie W. Haft ly indicatsd that thq sUta may of 45 (Church street. CaO Glastoahary 8128 community director, Mra. Leona Ground*'' in Mansfield Center Madden, David Stratton, William Park. Springfield. Buse* lalll leave Mlaa Handley’s major field et CtevelsBd Opaa Daya aad encs. Hoffman testified. He «ald ! Israeli government leaders have of this town, and four sons. have to "act” to supplement any Europe produce oa much In an en­ Reed on Thuradaya. Mra. Read la It would Improve European diets bale tomorrow on extension of the Sunday from 3-7 p.m. The Par­ FlaveU, John M cC ai^ey, Frank from the church at 9:15 a. m., and Federal action, or If none te forth­ tire year as a small California study was TCvernment. Mlaa Goa­ said they will insist upon the Blue ribbon awards In the Tol­ returning leave the park at 4:15 available aa a speaker at meetings by only two per cent. ! reciprocal trade act. ent's Council of the echool has McCaughey and David Addy. coming, to act anyway. He has winery bottles in a day. lee's was l^aalah. sovereignty and independence of land County 4-H Dress Revue Sat­ p. m. The pupile had auch * good by appointment and fllnia may i Believes Amount Justified Senator Taft tR-Ohlo), told a planned a full afternoon of awlm- Burial waa In the East cemetery. also be secured on raquest. reporter he "generally favor* " the Israel and upon the partition of urday evening were given to: Nan­ mlng. games, races and good lei time there at last year's picnic, A* to Japan. Korea and the Palestine, recommended by the cy Gates, Coventry; Sandra Net Y * l Boaebed Ryukyua. Hoffman Said he believed resolution. But he said he thinks lowship. The picnic will be can­ they wanted to go again. ICOME TO HARTFORD FOR THIS SALE— YOUR TRAIN OR BUS FARE REFUNDED!! Mrs. Ubert sUtad that the | it needs clarification In Some re­ U. N. Assembly last Nov. 39. White, Andover; Ellen Abbe, Bom- celled In case of rain. 150 Drowned the amounts requested by the In spite of this conflict, a Tel ersvllle; and Barbara Bchwarm, quota of $A,SM for the Manches­ Army are Justified. If ECA must spects. Goodwin W. Jacobson. Alton Th* Songster Brigade o f the ter area has not yet been reached, A Democratic spokesman, who Aviv dispatch said today hope la Coventry, all of Uw "beat dr*#a" Salvation Army will cancel its re­ assume the burden of this Far high in Israel that a permanent class; Lorraine McClstcbey, Ver­ Taylor, George and Walter Jacob- In Ship Blast tliat almost $500 is needed, and aa Eastern financing another $1.10,- cannot be Identified, said Senate iOn of South street returned Sun­ hearsal this evening. the time has been extended to party members would support It. peace will be worked out. non; Marjorie Tale, Andover; 000,000 will be needed, he said, In London. C. P. Mayhew, a top Elizabeth Parizek, WtlUngton, all day following a week spent at their July 1, she hopes those who have "otherwiae. It will Involve another cottage In Abbott* Village, Maine. When Mine Hit not contributed to the drive this assistant to Foreign Secretary of the "school draas" class; Anna severe drain upon the European Ernest Bevln, told the House of Mae Lane, Ellington, suit class; Friends have received announce' year, will do so. The contributions program.” Armed Truce Commons today Britain will not Dorothy Ward, Coysntry, pinafore menta of tho marriage of Mias (Oesttaaad from Page One) Ellington have not been as large in amount iTie G. O. P. committeeman pre- Dorothy Storey and th* Rev. 8yl LOOK, MANCHESTER, AFITR 50-YEARS, GOODBYE! recognise Israel during the truce. class; Joan Pagacli. Hebron, skirt as last year, but more people liave di^ed the senators will: class. A compumsntary blue rib­ vester Parker Robertson on June given to the larger quota. She said 1^1store the aid program to a 12- , Begins Today In reply to a labor member'* pany. It said, indicated only two Mr. and Mra. William J. Klotrr criticism of Bevln* Palestine bon was given to Betty Anne Daley 6, at the Trinity church on the who have occupied the apartment Hartford and Rockville had gone month baaU. ! Green In New Haven, where the ilfeboata were lowered before tho policy, he said such recognition of WUlington In the school drees vesael aank. In the Hughes home on Main over the top and Manchester may Restore most—but not all—of claaa. She la under the age neces­ Rc« Mr. Robertson was a former (Continued from Page Unc) would be "a positive act favoring Many ships In the area hurried street have moved to RoCleville yet be able to do so. Mra. Ubert the money which the House Indi­ sary for club membership. psT%r. The couple are on an ex­ one side.” to the scene and one. the Frigga, and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ryder and ' BARE WALLS! traa congratulated for her good RIGHT to rectly lopped off. FEINBERG’S MUST SELL Kev. John E. .Post baa been re­ tended wedding trip through the stronghold held by a full Arab Le­ Arab forces operating under a also owned by the D. F. D. S. com­ family who returned to EUUngton work. “ Our committee probably will appointed to aerve the local Me­ weat and be at their home at Other matters of business were cut several hundred million off the gion brigade. The Arabs reported high command in Amman got a pany reported that she had picked last winter and made their home cease-fir* order from that source thodist Society for another year 'Trinity Actes" In Plainfield. 'tMnaacted and It waa voted to tn- ECA program,” he said. ‘"They In Amman. Trana-Jordan. that the Mass, on May 1, 1949. Rev. Mr. up about 300 passengers from the with Mrs. Ryder's parents have today. beginning June 1st. The Southern moved into the apartment. The Mall the officers at a dinner meet­ won't get all they aaked for. But Jewish attack toiled and the Jews Robertson who retired on June 1 sunken ahip. Many of them, the Egyptian troops were ordered New England Conference of Me­ Ryder's have lived in Dover. N. ing. Friday avaning, June 35, the the cut won’t be anything like the lost at least lOb killed and a num­ thodist Churches, of which the lo­ ia a former local resident and fre­ Frigga reported, suffered -severe ca to be decided upon by Mra. House slash.” to stop shooting in a broadcast H., for some years after leaving ber of prisoners. cal society is a member, made an­ quent visitor here. wounds and others were suffering wley, the Incoming president, Senator Bridges (R „ N. H.), The Jews also reported capture from Cairo by Defense Minister from exposure. ElUngton. nouncement of the pastoral ap‘ Mra. Joseph L McBrlerty, Mra. e> w to has been Uia efficient committee pro>- chairman, said the of an Arab village and military Mohamed Haidar Pasha. A report from Aalborg aaid 88 Mrs. Arthur W. (Charter who polntmenU at the Annual Confer- Herbert Colburn, Misa Esther gram dialrman til* past year. group will hear secret testimony camp east of MaJdal, on the coast Israeli Prime Minister David members of the crew were res­ spent the winter in St. Peters­ cnc* held at Central Methodist Koehler, Mrs. J. M. Visney, Mra. I Saturday from Hoffman and mili­ south of Tel Aviv, in new opera­ Ben-Gurion announced, over the cued. Planes dropped lifebelts to burg. Fla., returned here Sunday j radio last night that Jewish for­ church. Brockton, Maas., tha past Ralph C. Hoffman and Mr. and tary spoksamen. Then it will tion* against an EgypUan spear­ passengers swimming In the sea. and la viaiting her daughter, M^a. cea had been given their cease­ week. A t the closing aesslon of the Mra. A. Harry Olaen are helping Marshall Asserts i start making its decisions on the head which they said ha* been cut Crowds of relatives of crew Horace S. McKnlght of Sadia I sums earmarked by ECA for the fire order. He said anyone in conference the aervice of ordina with refreshments at the 4-H Mills. off. The Egyptians said they tion took place at which time the members and passengers assem­ 16 nations in the program. Israel who broke the truce would Town Committee square dance The B-C group of women meat raised a siege of Nitsanim near Kev. Mr. Post waa ordain^ Into bled In front of the D. F. D. 8. Cuts Would Bring I Bridges said he hoped to have it be deemed an enemy and treated tonight from 8-11 p. m. at th* office In Copenhagen but the com­ Monday afternoon at the library completed Monday. Isdud. as such. the Christian mlnlatry bynhe im­ Church Community House In the i In the north the Syrian Army pany waa not able to furnish them to make plans for the last com­ position of a bishop's hands. Mr. Senator Taft (R.. Ohio) is re­ North District. Gilbert Storrs, munity supper of the season. I % s k for Failure^ announced the toll of Mishmar Ha Post, together with a number, of with any Information about the ported to be ready to go along with Mlaa Katherine Purdin. James T. The Woman's Council of tha Yarden. a Jewish settlement in other candidates, was made a local aurvlvora. ALL LIVING ROOM SUITE PRICES SLASHED NOW whatever amount is approved by Laldlaw and Mra. Wtnthrop Mer- Ellington Congregational church upper Galilee. The Syrians previ­ deacon, one of two ministerial or­ The only complete passenger (Caattaaed from Page One) the Senate committee. North Coventry riam are on the ticket committee. list was aboard the KJoebenhavn, voted at the meeting Friday to re- . REG. TO I289.0A But Vandenberg's campaign will ously had reported they had de­ ders of the Methodist Church. One-half the proceeds will be MAPLE OR MODERN SOFA BEDS stroyed this settlement Jewish Bishop Lewis O. Hartman, resi­ and company offlclala In Oipen* until the first Friday in Oc­ would liave upon Europeans Is not be won then. The ERP bill donated toward the Cruaade For tober. when work will be resumed Modem aad eoaveatloaal llv- must be guided through a Senate- bomb* dropped on the Syrian capi­ Children’s Day will be obserx’od dent area bishop, presented the hagen are trying to reconstruct It, probably the most serious effect at the Becon'd Congregational Children campaign; the other half, The Danish State railway put aa usual. The Council has had REG. TO 189.95 lag room oulte*, *ora aad He said the program waa aimed House conference to Iron out the tal of Damascus. newly ordained candidates with to the 4-H Town treasury. No Explanation of .\lert Church on Sunday morning at 11 their ministerial credentiala and three extra train* into eervice a very successful season and the choice of matching chair—al** at providing both material and differences between the two project la nearly finished and will- •omc 2-pc. irafa bed *ultr«. .\U Tel Aviv's air alert endad a o'clock with a program “ In the consecrated them to the work of The Annual 4-H Town Fair Is from Copenhagen to Aalborg. spiritual rcliabilitation and of the groups, and then brought through soon be sent to Its destination. at ncDKatloBal aatlag* la Ihla half hour after It sounded. There Garden” by the Children of the i th* church in a meaning ful ordin­ scheduled for August 24 at the They will atop en route to pick up two, the spiritual was the great­ the final teat votes In the Senate I Henry Frank 'Vogel, son of .Mr. <4alet and House. I was no explanation. The drone of Sunday School. There will be a ation service. A t the same service Church Community House in the relatives who will be carried to est. and Mrs. Henry Vogel of Somers 46-83 Junior cho;r participating In the Mr. Post's brother, the Rev. Avery North District. The next town northern Jutland free of cost “ I doubt" said Marshall, "that j a plane could be heard over the road and Ruth Cushman, daugh­ j city, but-no sounds of explosions. service also. A service of baptism D. Post pastor of Woodmont committee meeting is scheduled One official aaid about 200 of .the people of this country realize will be held early in the morning at the home of secretary M'#1 the paasengera ’ probably were ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cush­ iKiw much courage waa required Grants Local Man In Beirut. Lebanon, Premier Chapel in Woodmont Conn., waa They open Into fun * service. The last reheaaal for also ordained to the ministerial Esther Koehler In the North Dis­ asleep In their bertha when the man of Mountain road, Snilngton, tb y these western European na­ Riad el Solh told newsmen he had were married In the Ellington alze bed*. Complete Children's Day will bd held Sat­ order of deacon. ' Friends of th* trict on the evening of July 13. explosion occurred. The rest with concealed bed­ tions) to go ahead In the face of word from the front that Lebanese Congregational church Saturday Suit for Divorce troops, aided by Syrian* and Arab urday at 3 o'clock and it Is urgent Quarryville Methodist church In Mlaa Katherine Purdin and Mrs. traveled steerage and most of ding compartment. formidable and threatening oppo- that all teachers and children at­ at 2 p. m. Rev. John C. Miller, altton fram the strongest country , I volunteers, "attacked auccess* Bolton, of which tha local Mr. Post Wlnthrop Merrlam are serving on them spent the night In deck EVERY TABLE PRICE^LASHED tend this rehearzal. Is also pastor, were In attaadanee the refreshment committee June chairs. pastor of the church officiated. in Europe.’’ Walter F. Lalley, of 24 Harvard fully, reaching Nazareth and Following the ceremony a re-ep- road, waa this morning granted an Afula and thus dominating the The Community Grange Im­ at aeveral of tha servloea. 31 during the evening meeting at When news of the disaster FAMED- REG. TO. 122.50 That was an obvious reference provement Contest committee held tion was held in Rockville at the to Ruaala, but he did not call the uncontceted divorce from Helen R. road from Jenin to Haifa." Haifa Holy O>mmunion vU l be held the Church Community House for spread in Copenhagen flags were MAKE INNERSPRING MATTRESSES their first setback party at tho at the Metiwdlat Chapel Sunday Tolland County Leaden with the lowered halfmast on all ships In Italian-Amertcan Friendship club. Soviet by name. Lailey. Mr. Lalley brought suit on la held by the Jews. Jenin ia U»e The couple left on an unannounced the charge of Intolerable cruelty, lop of the Arab triangle In north Grange Hail on Tuesday evening. at 9:15 a.m„ with the Rev. John local town committee aa hosts. the harbor. Aalborg city la also in “ If they feel they can not de­ Winners of {.rizes were aa follows: wedding tour and will reside on pend on us, we will have left them The divorce was granted Immedl-1 central Palestine, E. Post admlnlatorlng the sacto* The final set-back party this mourning. REG. TO 139.95 Men’s first. Edward Skllton; ment and reading the ritual for Mountain road where Mr. Vogel l.i In a perilous state of mind,” Mar­ ately on hearing the facts in the | Trana-Jordan'a King Abdullah season at St. Mary's hall Monday The DanJah state radio cancelled Men's second, Willard Green; that aervice. evening was under the direction building a house. shall added. case by .ludg* John M. Comley, j arranged to visit the Arab-held ok) ita regular programs to send out Mr. and Mrs. Charleq Hein, Mrr. Mr. Lailey was represented by ' city of JoniBalem totlay, coming In Men's third. Winfield Andrews Mrs. Fred BlsaeU will be aasUt- Zuelch and Mrs. Alix D. Proulx. news bulletins of the disaster. Senator Knowland i R-CalU) and Men’s -Door, Charles (Jhiiaten- Gustave F. Uerr and Miss Barbr.r -. Roymond A. Johruson. Mrs. Lailey ’ along the Jericho road under arch- Mra. Anton M. LaasSn and Prises were awarded as follows: 1 9 . 8 3 99 walant fiatebed table* aaked If failure of Congress to sup­ First reports received by the Sikes attended the (Srange mecti--g een. Wom«•u'^ First, Mrs. Lottie Mrs. Charles Benjamin at tlw Mrs. Annie K. MarUn of Wtlli- port the full ERP appropriation did not appear nor was she repre- I ps of palm leaves placed along the company said passengers Jumped at Enfield Monday ntghL Tlt-r CThooee from numerdua etyleo, ter every pn rp^ mem Thompson: Wemen’s Second. .Mrs. meeting Tuesday evening of Um mantlc, Mrs. Henry Mooers of would undermine the confidence of zented'ln court. ' highway for his passage. Cheering into the sea following the explo­ olde8t llvn g male Shaker of the ■omc floor and dUplay *ample* at give away pitoaa! Annie Martin; Women’s Third, Young Mothers' Club at tha home Pine Lake Shores, Robert Noble, the European nations. Mr. LAiley has an excellent war I crowds of Arabs gathered to hall sion. Company officials said they original colony of Enfield was t!i' Twin or fuU olze* with tarludcd In choice coven I Hur­ Mra. Grace Skllton; and Women's of Mrs. Blaaell. Francis D. Franz, Fred Jones of " I agree completely.” MarshMI record having served In the Navy 1 him as the king of Jerusalem, feared they were lost. They refus­ guest apesKer and being a n:an roU-edge, aide handle* ry! They'U go faatt door, Mra. Anna Andrews. Refresh­ The offer of the Boy Scouts of Pine Lake Shores and Mrs. Bessie rspUed. "It is the crux of the aboard a mine sweeper in the W ill Try To NegoUlte _PN m* ed to guess how many may have over 91 year* old waa a very Inter­ aad Teattlator*. Pacific 18 months. ments of lup-cakes coffee Troop 57 to aasiat with taking Strack. The parties will be re­ whole thing." i Swedish Count Folke Bern*- were served'by the committee fol­ care of the NaUtan Hat* Oommun- perished. esting speaker. He spoke ver- I dotte, the U. N. mediator, will try sumed in September. Support of the plan will be an lowing the eve^ilrtg's party. The ity O n ter groundb liaa been Distress signals were received dlstinctly and walked ciect and had to negotiate a permanent peace. YNSN (Yeoman Seaman let the appeaian«-t- of one many y-»--i SOLD OUT! “ expreaslon of Integrity and lead- next party is scheduled for Tues­ gratefully accepted by the build­ before the KJoebenhavn -.vent BIG CHAIRS MUST eralilpr” be added, while “ anything Public Keconis I He ha.s set up headquarter* at C3asa) Henry Walker Reed ar­ younger. He told of the hard­ day June ISth and is op'-n to the ing and grounds com i^tUe of tha down, however, and other vcaaels that raises doubts will have an ad- I Rhodes But In Amman. Trans­ rived at the home of his mother, ships they endured in the early REG. TO W tJ * public. organisation. Tbs troop ia .sche­ hastened to the scene. OUT GO 9 X 12 AXMINSTER RUGS Maple, Modern, Mahogany BEDROOMS MUST GO verae effect.” jordan's Premier Tewfix Abu Al- Mrs. Arthur N. Wood on Tuesday days but at last they were succetc- Warrantee Deeds The Coventry Fragment Society duled to meet Friday i t $ p.m. at It was later reported that one I Hoffman’s first formal appeal Paul A. Benson to Charles H .! huda predicted the Arabs might for a 15-day stay. He flew from ful In their undertakihgs. REG. TO 179.60 Beautiful S-plece bedroom will hold its annual Strawberry th* Center. San Diego, Calif. ship, the "Frigga” had arrived at t for restoration of tho full |5,S00,>> and Mary A. Cooke, property on ' refuse to sit at the same confer- Supper on Tuesday, June l-lth at The Ladles Aaaociation o f Ute Mr. and Mra. E. Foster Hyde •ulle* In all the wanted atylee! , Miss Isabelle Katherine, daugh­ the scene where , the KJoebenhavn and daughter Cynthia, and sons I 000,000 In recovery funds showed Autumn street. once table with the Jews, in line the Church Community House. First Congregational C%urcb have \t this nenaational Going Out ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L sank and was picking up passen­ Robert and David went to Cim- ! tliat machinery riilpmenta would Patrick McCluskey ct al to An- with a "traditional policy.” The The menu will consist of Baked announced their annual summer of Bualnes* price you can bay Flaherty, graduated Sunday aft­ gers. bridge. Mass., Wednesday where “ have to be reduced from $1,100.- thony Slogeaky et al. property at Arab states still are unwilling to Ham, Salads Rolls. Butler, Cofiee, sale will be held July 3 at the 4 1 . 2 9 • handsome maple or motorn ernoon from St. Mary'a hosltal, The company said the 1,668-ton th'v pttended the Corimencement 43 i 000,000 to $100,000,000 If the Sen- Oak and Clinton streets. accept partition, and the Jewa are 8-pc. bedroom! and Strawberry shortcoke. There vestry beginning at 3:30 p,m. Waterbury, with a class of 55 oth­ KJoebenhavn sank In shallow Maoalv* leuage cbolra , ate uphoMa the House slash, Paul A. Benson to \V. Harry just as unwilling to give It up. Plans for the affair will be com­ exerclre* at Radcitffe Oil’ ege. of all kinds that make will be an ad for this supper else­ er students. Attending the com­ waters, declared out of danger to Thc.'r daug'ete- ,Tosn. a st'-de-’ t i The House voted to spread the England, two pieces, one on Au- .Seven U. S. Naval officer* *r- where In tho paper, so watch for pleted at the all-day masting Heavy Tweed Axmln- perfect Father's Day mencement exercises with her shlppmg after they had been majoring In Engllah Uteraturr, 800,000,000 over 15 months In- tumn street and one on School, Hved by air In Cairo and left three tho ad. The sujpper will bo served Wednesday at the firahouse. atera In all-over M t- gUto! Hurry to far md of the 12 months authorised street. hours later for Haifa, to take up parents were Mra. Mary Sullivan, mlneswept since the war. '•e"e'ved he- B. A. degree. Return­ £ from 6:30 to 7 o'clock. Dayton H. Whlppls In charge of and Mr. and Mra. T. Leo Flaher­ The supantructur* ot the vessel tern*. Ixtvely colon beet selectloB! I kl; V by Congress in setting up ERP. duties as truce observers for Ber- the Men a a u b maating Tuesday ing home Wednesday night they tor every room. TU a would have the ^ e c t of cut­ Vyilson, property rear of Ridge nadottc They were briefed here by ty. Mlaa Flaherty graduated from la reported to be above water. were accompanied by Roger Cla»-’i evening stated that pralimlnary Litchfield High achool while liv­ ting recovery spending from $1,- ■**'**‘ ' ' Col. Thord Bonde of Sweden, head plana for future meetings and prO' Scores of ambulances were re son of Professor and Mrs. R. 1.. Jarvis Realty Company to It. ing in Bantam before moving here ported waiting In Hals, nearest Clark of the Unlveralty of W * . 000.000.000 to $2,000,000,000. of Beniadotte'a staff of military grams to be carried out wer* for­ Stanley and Carol C. ’ Lavallee, Sftorts Round tip | with her family In December. She conaln. who wilt be their guest for SOLID In advance of Hotfman’a appear­ ob.scrvers. The Swedish colonel mulated at that aesslon attended port, to help the first paasengera property on Edmund Blicet plana to continue work at the brought aohore by a flotilla of an a week at their home on Somers Must Sell CHROME DINETTE SETS MAHOGANY OCCASIONAL CHAIRS! ance, a Republican member pre­ left with a U. N. civilian employe By Hugh KuMerlun. Jr. by twenty-one Interested ptrsona, dicted the oon u n lt^ would heed Jarvis Realty Company to Tail- for Tran.s-Jordiin to serve as an hospital in Waterbury pending estimated l.OQO fishing vessels road. Rev. Henry K. Robinson of Put­ the State Board examination in aa of Senator Vandenberg (R- euez Szeluga et al. property on Ed­ Newark, N. J„ Juno ii - . x that rushed to the scene after dis­ The Friendship Class is plan- REG. TO 389.59 REG. TO I t * * * mund street. obsert'er. nam showed movies and gave a September. eh) and others and put back The cease fire took effect at 1 professional boxer whipped a tress signals were received. nlhg their annual picnic at the B Alexander Janua to Uotiag*. talk. E. Henry Sefton, Tolland Coun­ "Old Barnyard” the former home . asost of the cuts made by the a. m . e.s.t.—8 a. m. In Arab coup- swaggering slugger i to whom Mra. Don O. Churchill of tb* Planes are Uklng part in the fighting la what coiiies naturally) ty 4-H Club agent and the 4-H rescue operation and phyeiclans of Mr. and Mrs. Louie C. Schuldi House. Vaadenherg. chairman of T^’^b^ d r iv ^ '"'"* '* ^ ""Itriea. 10 a m. In Israel, which 1. Coventry. Day School announced Craftsmen with leader James T. When Tony Zale regained the from the surrounding villages, on Meadow Brook road in July. the SioaU Foreign Relations oom- Cottage Homes. Incorporated, to of Thursday that “ In " a Southern Laldlaw took a tour ot tho club 4 7 .6 3 2 4 ^ 7 ■dttoe, tmd b M fighting the re­ I world middleweight chnmplunship towns and qillagea have estab­ This haa been the claaa picnio Hlldlng 1. Johnson et a^ property , At that time. Garden" a aong and dano* festival members grardena Tuesday eve­ headquarters for aeveral years. 99 duction alnea tha House aetaA on Trabbc drive ^ ! the Trana-Jordan Arab Legion In from Rocky Grazlano night. to be presented by the pupila of lished emergency stations on the . . . That should be the end of It, ning. The club haa recently made M lu Mar'.on Preuue bee re­ I, AD D Marshall Aaaarta —3 ^larvla Realty' Company to Leo-! Jrruaalem tele- the school will be held Monday at a thorough study of garden pests beaches. turned from a trip to Virginia t> Tabular c b r a m a, • l l i Hoffman aaid food and raw ma- nild* M. and Henry J. Pope. Jr.. Amman, Trans-Jordan s for Tony’* triumph in their third 7:30 p.m., at the school. In eaaa of Nothing reoerved! Nothing In order to know what apray to her home on Mountain road. pereelaia top table aad held back! EverytUag muat go Klala must kaep flowing If property at Cooper Hill and Camp- cepltal. that the are* waa peaceful, meeting waa the most (lecl.sivc of rain the program sflll b# given use to eliminate harmful bugs. 4 ctiromr chain wttb all three exciting belting bees but A very fitting program v .n NOW! Only a abort time left la to survive, therefore the field road. * Random ShooUng Occurs Wednesday evening, Th* poatpona- Loretta Hill, age 14, of Grad* $ leatherette oeato aad sat i( ia doubtful that the public will carried out at the Memorial ser. before we cloce ear door* for­ raoovery goods would Farm Lands Exchange Corpora­ A dispatch filed from the old ment h u been nacaosary as tha in Center achool. South Coventry, Engagement ito h ecu t let it rest there . . . The fans like vice for departed membera at U'- ever! tion to BUla Coat Company, Inqpr- city said, however, random shoot- school has been unable to practice received an award of five dollars itogton Grange Wedneadav n 'f . porated, 1,059 fast on Broad street, tnfl want on In Jeruaalem for elx thrtUIng figh u and that's what out of doors during tha p w weak Hohl'Roberts daeriad tha poposal of clialr- Z*le and Oraalano gave them . . . In sayings atampa for her question iflBB Eunice Cushman Pllte'' n 1,330 fast deep to S t James's cem- minutes after the truce deadline, In prenaratlon for tho affair- submitted to the radio program: meniber of ElUngton Grange C8 ! Jbhn Tahar V. T .) of tha aUry. but then stopped. 8«m Flan, Tony's matchmaking An annual strswbarry juppar Ways and Maana oommlt- managsr, said a few days ago Uiat “ Mind Your Manner* ” of , New Mr. and Mrs voiin M. Hohl of 43 among; the 'CUinT'lon group that •MAti. nnurnnY Alaxandar Jarvis to Jarvu Real- A little later. Jewish Army head­ under the auspicoa o f th# O o v «- a t t e n d Enfield (Srang* Monday X4ST VCBMS AVAlUtnito thh lB C A eon* hack form er* three times 'is enough and that York. Her problem was "what I Princeton street, announce the *n- 22 VILLAGE ST. Coratr MAIN FREE property on Cooper quarters In Tel Aviv said word try Fragment Soctaty nf th# Sa^ work can a 14-year-old girl In tha I gagement of their daughter, EUta- nighL Wa'va aaaSa •rr**a*R •at* wtth a i***l i jM xt year if it runs out from tho fronts was that the truce Zale probably would take on Mar­ ond Congregational church la Near Stale and MORGAN cawiiaiir that e**i>lra jr**r** t* hay •• «*n **4 helow. afer HARTFORD %f*r\ ea-- Irrm,. II }•»* wl,h. t*e rat»o5. ‘ is here,’’ Hoff- who's want to aoe Zuie ami Ueidan at 5:30 p.m. and continuing until High school expenses?" The panel t*l Lake. Albert Gerard Roy of 51 Runee b -'-T the cease-fire hour. or tobacco phe wedding will take place in I years ago still stands at a park In drive and Marian Patricia Ryan ot The Jews announced their Air if they could see another Zale-Gra» 7 p.m. -fickcu will be available suggested chlld-caie MAX FEINBERG July, Boise. Idaho. rJkts of sxpaaditur* duriM 64 Buncs drive. t Korea ^mbcd< Damascus last Biano thriller at the hall. The menu la to amalet 1 faros. I I

•J' > ' V i * *• 1. - ^>- ■• ^ -,. ■ ' 1 ' ^ ■

MANCHE8TIMI CVBNiNG RERALD MANCHSmil. OONM. FRIDAY. JUNE 11. IMS 'Li'. iianc:h e s t e r e v e n in g h e r a l d . Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n . Fr id a y . Ju n e i i . i» 4 t MOKTXK daily mao SaUvariea. Kxtra pe:- epartmeat eannoC provide houee was not very oneoureging. H d l S tn hi IrMfiBCfi Hel aomel has been authorlaod bu n account of lack of aaatarlal.” Unitod Statao to giving ths Still Choosing After TBsaiay’fi Sterai Ip Sought Heneghan also aaked for mori Aa to hto raeeut appeal to tba careful study hut said May Fees* Aetien w o o f- earriem' decks. eoUoctien and re­ leparUnant that ha heads earrtera' It doubtful W(aahtagtoa On* Ira n du l l advantage ws: Bahavs it ar ■ofi—jiaha Oder- From Solons lay banes ou the street, and outab- laahs to paraalt hew earrtera to wrould to any forceroe which aightod la the U* plan. R asa: Murder Jury mfimi of 49 fitaaaaQ atraat Mahmeat ef three branch stationa to to work, and weuM appreciato might tT 8* c construed c as a suheti- prM Ow admirals and the gaaerah brought to the HcraM editorial Tha department replied that bi- jcccndhaad daaks aa a stopgap^ tute for the units called for in the ef the Big Five into aetsan. he igh chool orld rooms thla momtag about 10:98 Heneghan Cute ^Red •pectora wrtll survey tbe need for Mr. Heneghan told the congreo- charter and row buried in debate. Operating uadir tba eeuneO as T H S W Additional Man Pldiad« braachao, and that deaka cant be jional delegntlea "w* have faUed Informed circles expect Russia to the military staff conunittoe, these a raUe ef Tuaoday night’s hail- But 111 Woman fex* storm. In the ahapo of a alah Tape in Regard to provided In leaa thsm four month*. to receive any reply to this re­ oppoa* Lie’s plan. miUtary experts meet under eenffi- ef iw u * turclva hy nine Hcncghan’a stand to that pa­ quest." Prellminaiy reaction among the tions of the higtieat secrecy. Meet FRIDAY, JUNE 11 CoMpilcd by Stmlciita of HanclMoUr Hlgb SrtiMl Niw Hvlm iCfloa. FacoHy cused by Jndge Indieo. la which leavaa and H i^ o r d Postal Needs trons ar* oemplalnlng and that And as to need for three branch small countries was surprisingly Council delegates say they dent VOL. XV, NO. 3T graas arrra emboddad. This wras time to of the eaaqnc*. etotions he eltad aa i7 per cent chUly. These delegatee ar* uaually knew what lb* eMnmtttoe la doing. eila of oavaral r amainlng af­ Hartford. June U —(F>—Feeling In the letter he told congreee growrth In postal Misineee ainca the ones clamoring the loudest for Lie has said several tiroes that ha New Hava*. Jmm 11—on— W a the prasant post office building action. deean’L number el Jurars saleetad for the ter three days. be to "atjrmlfd’’ In trying to get men he bellevca “era would re- An makes ■wwingi 1 Will Chairman Poat Office department aid to bet- ceive prompter cooalderaUen If was opened, and the fact that In this’ caze their objections The eommltUa’a only eontaat Swiss Serenade Gift Chairman Heads Prophecy Address Oass first dtarsa anirdar trial of Wal­ Mr. Odermann bcUavas mors "cendltioas ar* growing pro- with the outeid* world to a month­ Heads Reception Who’s Who in ’48 hallstonaa fOU a t hU heme than tev the postal service. Acting taken up ^ you.” It wras tormed center around a fear that assign­ nadiiBes i A ■ 1 » • ter E. LtvaiUa. » , of WalHngfetd, Poatmaster John F. Heneghan “a matter of more than ordinary grcaalvely worae." ment of force to the council wrould ly communique. Usually about sta remained at 10 at noon today. any other place in Connecticut. touch off a series of tough dacto- Maea long, it gives tha name af the Best All Around...... EUaine Hauschlld ...... Torn Robinson To uae his own worda: "Tho today cut red upe by wrriting to latereet to a large number of Althoufh one additional maa people In the district iona to be becked up with military current chairman and notes that in your ho Most Studious...... Joan Coffin ...... Lee Powell was choatn for service this aaem- •ky Juot opened up over my hto cougieaamen. Admits Force Most Likely to Succeed. . Connie Rogers ...... Al Bradley home!” He declared It pelted In going beyond hto own de­ Henegtian wrote be had tried to mlghL Such atepa, they fia^ meetings ar* being held. • • m Elaine Hauschlld ...... Mike Vignone Having chosen ak their general Ing, a aroman pravloualy aalaetad "Oh to dance. On to dance Done Most for M.H.8.. yesterday, arms cxctiaed froaa duty from the roof to a depth of partment tor equipment Mr. Hen- cooperate wrlth the postmaater factory mi On forever and ever Most Thoughtful...... Elaine Hauschlld ...... w ait Grysb theme, "Our High School Learn­ over two feet. Members of his egban adopted en appeal proce­ generals order March 3 to better Needed by UN Best Mannered...... Dot Spalding ...... Bruce Wilkie ing and Its Amlicatlon To F»- by Superior Court Judea Kennotn To whirl and to swirl ture Problems,'' Oongtance Rogara, Wynne. own family and friends would- dure wrMch to rare in Hartford the eervlc*. "But I find himself And to stop dancing never.” Most Loquacious...... Grace Robinson .George Torrance n’t believe him until they anw though poatal veterans say it has somewrhat handicapped by the la- Reasonable raMiR Best Looking...... Lis Kirkpatrick ...... Ralph Aslnger valedictorian, and Carolyn fiomlk- Selected today was Michael Sul- (Centtoued frem Fag* Ona) ; t-1 With this poem as the theme, sen, salutatortan, addreased 'ha tivan. ef 90 Wefias atraat. Water- with their oam eyes the no- precedent la other perU ef the aMUty ef the Poet Offlee depart­ HELP WANTED Cutest ...... Pat Stevenson .John Mutty anmulation of hnllatoneo. T7»en emmtry. He told Oraaectlcut’e de­ ment to provide aeoeaanry * ^ p - the Senior Reception will be held .... Lil Adamy ... 'A' menibera of the graduatlAg Clasa bury, a retired fireman. Pravl­ nnall nations and paid out of the Can 2 ^ 1 9 V this evening at 8:30 In the High of 1948 and their guests at th t oualy ^cked luid excused area Mra. they began to urge him to toko legation In Waahington that Hart­ ment for this admirable purpoee, U. N. treasury Most Athletic...... Barbara Holland . . .Tom Robinson evideneea of what wma left ot ford poet office patron* feel "the and as a result the efforts to do school hall. An Alpine Serenade Best Dancer...... Jo Kucienaki ... . .Joe Accomero State theater this morning. Edna Keenay, S8 Newton atraat The firat reaction to Lie’s ids* has served as the inspiration and Carolya. whose talk was anti- the June fitk hnllstorm to the wmr to over" and that If anyone so are stymied.” M«n ond Women '•v Most Original...... Elaine Hauschlld . ..Bob Vice Meridea. after Judge Wynn* area ean get«atariato tho government “ImpeaUhle" TO Obtain Boaoa scenes of the Swiss mountains will Moat Popular...... Elaine Hauschlld . . .Tom Robinson Ued “Behind Ua" stressed the ex­ Informed that Mrs. Kaenay had Hemid office. decorate the hall. Blue stream, cellence of the training the grad­ Aa this to typed Uw wrat can. For two yonm It has boon "Im- Best Dresser...... Estelle McConkey . .Tom Givino been Btrlckan III last night Cbplaa af the letter went to poaaible" to obtain stool eoUection ers hung with cellophane tinsel Most Dramatic...... Nancy Moore .. .. Rich Morrison uates had received In their re­ Levlalle la rimrgad arlth stay­ spate ramnln oti the floor of FOR RENT Worir \n A Modern Air will simulate sUrlight from above. spective courees, as well as bring­ atonca as large as ntarbles that Senatora McMahon and Baldwin iMxea for new residential aieito. Wittiest ...... Janet Hammond . . .Lee Silversteln ing of StAAlay Slavlenskl. fit, • and RopreeentaUvon Sadlak and which roaulted he said la "Justified Ellsworth Mittens and his or­ Most Artistic...... Elsie Anderson . ..Bob Vice ing out the subjects and osuraea park caretaker at WalMnffford, fan from tha Mab. CondHidhod Laundry chestra will furnish the music for offered, am the thoughtful assist­ MUler. BaMwrtn and Sadlak are critlctom.” Copobinstion proffisMonsl Most Changed Since during an attempted robbery on membera ef the CSvlI Service and $ the occasion. The reception com­ Frosh Tear...... Norma Miller ...... Bill Davis ance of the faculty. She brought June 7, lfi47. During the wrar effort patrons offles and living qaart*ra. mittee. under the direction of out the faet that graduates of M. Poet Office cemmlttaoe la tbelr “graciously accepted euhetandard Bcneflta for foil tttoa amployatn. Free hoapitalixation Most Personality...... Pat Stevenson...... Mike Vignone IS New Seated In Bex with abangaa to emphasize air l eepeetlve hoaaaa. service.” But the acting poet- Cfintrally located. For par* George Emmerling, consisted of ...... Tom Robinson H. B. are sought after for poaltiotM Tbe selection of four jurors yaa- tlcnlaffi can tasarancfi. Free Uft inawanca paHcy. Vacation wHh pay. Walter Grxyb, Dick Hasaett, Bob Beat Excuse-Maker__ Jean Loftus...... Skip Keeney In the Hartford buslneM world terday brought to 10 the total power—and tha aelectiva aervtoa Objective to to provide Hartford master finds it to now dlfflcult Vice. Myma Richmond, Marilyn Most Poise...... Janice Whalen .Wes Smith and place well above avrnge In now seated In the box. Indlca- revival w paxn eartaln to be ap­ and ourrouadlag towaa with two "to have people bellere that the Wupperfleld, Penny Morianos. Most Happy-Go-Lucky . . Peg Heatley .... Skip Keeney mpetitive testing programs. The tlona are that only the 13 Jurors proved. TCt Oongraas said an aas- APPLY IN PERSON AT Elsie Anderson, Lois Olson, Betty | __ Doug Anderson kdnate is prepared to meet, not y. will be aelected. SUta’s Attor- phatic "no" to eonocripting youths JARVIS Killcolllna and Dick Brunette. j daaa C-ouplea: only acadenuc problema but also, nev Abraham 8. Unman has pro- ^ asllltary training in a aeparato Margaret Boyd through requirm courses In home Ariyaa and permanent program. NEW MODEL LAUNDRY a'Bitor Onyb Patrons and patronesses were; 1. Avis Beechler—Wes Smith. p o ^ that no altamkU Jurors ha REALTY CO. Mr. and Mrs. Eklson Bailey, Mr. 2. Sue Todd—Rich Morrison. economics, manual training, physi­ chosen, and Judge Wynns over­ n SCMMIT STREET MANCSESTER and Mrs. Arthur RUng, Mr. and 3. Pat Stevenson—Ralph Aslnger. cal education, personal econoniics, Tommy RoMnaaa, warn Nancy Phone 4112 Or 7X7S Beatrice Hopkins; F. Flnch-Mari- and personal relationships, the Burnham, Gaorge Torranea, Elalna ruled DefWisa Counsai Joaaph ARMY AND NAVY CLUB Mrs. Chester Robinson, Miss EUs- lyn Wupperfleld; Edward Weiss- 4. Connie Rogers—Bob Wood. Awards Presented Koletaky’s objaetion. ’48 History Related abeth Olson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles 5. Anne Hawley—John Peabody. everyuy problems of life which Hauschlld, Frank Paganl. Joan Dry Ice Used Jean Monast; Ame Carlson-Viola are sure to arise in the business Chosen yaatarday for aervtoa House, Mr. and Mrs. George Em- Nelson; Ralph Carlaon-Jane Vic- 6. Jean Thompson—Jim Tuttle. Monast, Vlncant DIaaa. Charlotta were: SNTHILACITS- merling. Miss lone Fellows, Miss 7. Helena Hare—Paul Latullppe. At Last Assembly and social worlds. The excellmt Worgan, Johnny Mutty and Pat Classroom Style kerman; Leo McCluskey-Mable opportunity to develop both char' Thompson. Victor J. Baker, a crane opar- MEW SUPER HUDSON SAUS HUDSON SOIVICI HUDSON SAUS Helen Estes, Miss Eileen McCar­ Hatfield; John Mutty-Helen Olek- 8. Vivian West—Art Genovesl- ator, of Wataihuty: Frank P. Nal- Fighting Fire thy. Miss Avis Kellogg, Miss Isa­ 9. Phyllis Townsend—Doug Anderson. With sad remembrances of by' acter and ability riven by the eX' The following varaas are rapra- sinsky. tra-curricular activity was men- santatlva of thoaa read Thursday egon, a raUrad ndlroad eonductor, 'Tour homtwork for Itat nlfht bel Worth, Miss Hope Henderson. Fred Bocchino-Margaret McKin­ gone days of happiness and fun at of Meriden; Mrs. Edna Kaanay. a Laurence Leonard and Robert tioned. In this manner the stu­ night: w u tho hiatory of tho C3aaa of ney; Richard Hewitt-Lorralne Le- M. H. S„ the Senior Class mat for dents of Manchester are learning houaewtfa of Meriden; and How­ Brings Heavy Rain in Rowland. Frad Bocchino, ear pHigs: "To ard S. Bowna, a retired broker of •t* r announcod Profenor Joseph duce; EHeanor LaChance-Don Duf­ 41 Wins, 31 Losses, 2 Ties^^ their last assembly of the year on to live and work peaceably togeth­ Freddy Bocchino, earplugs wa be­ No^em (^tario to Car Need Servieing ? Aooomero, head of the M. H. S. Those who attended were: fy; Edward MeVeigh-E. Judd; Bob er, regardless of race or creed—a queath, to give to his naighhora, so Guilford. BINGO Class Day, June 10. ’This assem history department. In the class Michael Vignone-Carolyn Son- Vice - Barbara Jones; Martin goal for which everyone at this Uiey’ll live in peace.” An additional panel of If ven Battle Forest Blase niksen; Gene Morlarty-Estelle Me- Mooney-Jeanette McKeown; Nor­ bly was devoted to the awarding time la striving. (Jarolyn oonclud- ire men reports to the court today history presented at lliursday's Conkey; Robert Jensen-^^rginla man Albert-Jean Picaut; Ralph Record of ^48 Sport Season Charlotte Hearns, Ice skates: at 10 a. m. In all 41, vantre- AT 8:30 SHARP Drive In At McCLURE Auto Company of prises to meritorious members ed her speech by asking the mem­ 'Why, oh why, (Charlotte do you Toronto, Jim# 11 — Dry ice assembly. “Who Is ready to re­ Battln; Gilbert Flavell-Betty Custer-Arlene Moake; Tim Eaton- of the Graduating Class. bers of the Clasa of 1948 to use men have been examined thus far Shaia; Douglas Anderson-Phyllls Barbara Hail; Elmer Morrison- like ice skating so? We’ve thought with the defenae challenging 13 wras reportsd today to have been N o matter what your car needs, weTi take cart of it, anything from a nat cite on the freshman year?” Manchester High school, on an abetter games of the season was a Principal Edson M. Bailey made tho knowledge they had obtained and we’ve thought and we really ulcd succesefully to bring a heavy Carolyn Sonnlksen meekly Townsend; Roger Schubert-Cath- Sally Armstrong; Ski Talarski- from their high school as the pow­ and the state four. In addition EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT erlne Corbette; Wesley Smith-A vis Pat Horn: Nassef Sawyer-Joan overall view, enjoyed an average 42-40 victory over East Hartford, the presentations. 'The first award don't knom,' must you continue Judge Wynne excuaed many arbo rain down on a foreet fire in north­ to a complete everhaul. . If it’s expert automotive nervier you arc hwkinf raised her hand and, with a nod or possibly little better than aver- . one of the better teams In this which was the Marguerite Camp­ er to achieve the peace all desire. your reasons concealing, Willie you from the prof, cave a resume of Beechler; Elbert Carlson-Janet Coffin; Hugh Friend - Lis Kirk- (Connie continued along this gen­ expressed their opposition to cap- ern Ontario. Iverson; Ernest Noske-Arlime |)atrick; Bob Wood - Connie age year In sports. After a disas- district this year. Leo I^y taally bell Award for citizenship went to eral line of thought in her speech yau or Arendt you revealing?" ital punishment. The experiment was said to for. THIS IS THE PLACE TO DRIVE IN. the freahman activities of the trous period in sports in the sea- | edged Bruce Wilkie In the scoring Myma Richmond. Myma, through Jimmy Oaks, radiator cap: have been carried out last night ATTRACTIVE DOOR PRIZES! graduatlnc class. These Included Custer; Edmond Buric-Ann Erick­ flogcrs; Alan Grant - Janice sons of 194A-47 when M.H.S. knew | column after a long seasonal race her four years of high school, has entitled “Before Us.” explaining 0 » racetTUiK of now chairs for the son; Carl Hanson-Lorrstta Mc­ Whalen: Dick Heady-Mary Bea­ how the members of the clasa Your old car doesn’t run very In the Oogama area northweat of the taste of defeat much better i when both were neck and neck, proved herself to be Interested not smooth; it m l^t not go aaether Sudbury. It was part of a stub­ aMsinhly hall; the formln|[^of a Kinney; Paul Latulippe-Helene ton; Ray Flaherty-Betty McKin­ than that of victory and seemed | Nalatore Wla t o only in her school activities, but could apply the knowledge they yoatt council to which Ralph Hare; Robert Hutson-June Cham­ ney; Walt Grycb-CICI Moller; had receiv^ In high school In do­ lap; so put a new car under this Draft Action born fight sgainst fires that havs YOU CANT KAT IT never to bo on top at the end of a Improvement with the yesu-s re­ also in those of her country, as evi­ —a brand new radiator cap.” swept since May 35 over wide Aalnfer and Tom Robinson were bers; Mai LaShay-Elalne Haus- Marvin Browneii-M. Tracy; Bill contest. the Red and White once ; mained the pattern with Coach denced by winning the test for the ing tj)clr part in shaping the fu­ snr representatives; the opening chlld; Peter Smith-Joan Broder- Lawton-Marion Phaneuf; Herb ture of America and of the world. Ralph Azinger, Pat on the back: strctchea of timberland in north­ THIS TIME IT’S HUDSON more started their climb to the | Leo Bedrick’s swimming team prize. She stressed the fact that there “Moe and Pat . . . Moc and Pat, ern Ontario and Quebec. af Jmnole Inn for teen-age enter- son; Morgan Van Opstall-Alice Cruickshanks - Barbara Hewitt; top in the world of sports where ^ again this year as the team had The National Student (Contest on House ^Must’ tahunant; a drive to buy a “Duck" Emerson; Doran Charboneau-Bar- Howie Phaneuf-Anderson: David are many new fields to be con­ way back you fell for her charms; The uae of dry ice by forestry Come In and See the New HUDSON they might once again be recog- ; a great season, wdiming six out United Nations, which was spon­ quered. e%*en though geographical so here's a PAT on the back — YOU CAN t o ON IT tbr tho armed forces; voting for bara Conktn; Donald Crosacup- Macintosh - Elsie Anderson; S. nized as champions. To reach the ; of the nine meets and doing well sored by Chirrent Affairs CHub. re­ men and a Dominion weather ex­ riaslilent of the United States by -Dora LeDuke; B. Wright-Mary Hlll-Hasel Jones; Harold Whiting- boundaries have long since been though you'd rather have a PAT Supporters Confident of pert waa deecrtbed In a copyright­ It’a the Car Yeu’v* Been Waitiag For! top once more in one year is per­ in Individual competition meets. sulted In prises to the Juniors and reached. Science, only one of the In your arms." Select Your Greetings elactlon machine; and a revival of Miller; Arthur Turklngton-Bar- Barbara EHllngton; Robert Chris- haps too large a Job for one clasa Winning all their earlier C. C. 1. L. seniors who participated In the ed story in The Toronto Globe and tho Variety Show. bara Meannen; Robert Hilder tianson-Rena Perachlo; Harold many fimda open for advancement, Ricky Morrison, Driver’s man- Passing Measure Be­ Mail. The paper quoted the and therefore the present claas mectA the Red and White tankers contest. First prize went to Janis offers many challenges such ar. the uel: "Your driving has been far Paul R i^ y then recited on his brand-J. WlUlams; Roger WU' Dewey-Margaret Hemer; Dick looks to tho remaining classes to traveled to Middletowm to face the Rogers, a member of the Junior weather man, K. O. Pettit, aa say­ Ann rATuxB'S o a t leaeon, “The Doings of the Class liams-Dorothy Spalding; Robert Peck-Dolores Donse; William adaption of the new glue. Cycle- from tops, a constant problem for fore Adjournment ing. carry the Red and l^ite tradi­ Tigers and also their chances for clasa Second prize waa given to weld; specialized uses of plastics, Manchester cops; so here’s a book af *4f In th-- fore the experiment, but 16 min­ Handlersloan Anson; Adler Dob- Football Season an extremely close match, with a orable mention was awarded to ly allied with science, medicine IT W1U u v i YOU u o m ■tatf of a literary magaslne, "The kln-Joan Ostrows; John Camp­ ris-OoUeen Abom; Bob Hanscom- ’The Red and Vhlte. after a pro­ little hard luck, the M. H. 8. ducks Jennifer Rowley, a Junior, whose knock down any Innocent fools." House Republican leaders stamped utes later we say rain, and word Q ^ '* ; the OIrl Reserves packed Betty Ferris; Severo Repallie- presents new horizons to be reach­ Ann Erickson, a sailor doll: “A an emphatic "must” today on en­ bell-Ann Conder; William Arendt- pitious start in football, dwindled were set down in a heart-breaker entry was also of excellent qual­ ed In the discovery of new means to that it is raining very heavily Oviatmaa boaes for aoiVicemen; Charlotte Hearn; B. Tracey-Shir Meriiou Thrall: Diok AIves-Marton out at the end of the season but by three points. ’The C. C. I. L. ity. sailor doll to you we have gave actment ef a peacetime draft law there now." the croaa oountry team won the Dickson; Edward Kosokowskl- in which to combat disease. In to remember that ex-sailor about next week. ley Clampetr Arthur Oenovesl- still succeeded in winning half of meet found ten out of 14 Red and Quill prizes for outstanding this post-war world engineers will EaphOas "Ooud-Seedli.g" Theory Mew.Xnctand Championship; Sock Vlvlan W est Claire McNamara; Paul Risley- their games, four out of eight White swimmers qualifying and writing ability were presented to whom you rave.” Encouraged by the wrhopplng In an interview earlier, Pettit from liiWklH nnoented "Arsenic Mary T. Robinson; 8. Chmealdlng- be needed to carry on reconstruc Stella Roman, a star: "To Stella 78-to-lO vote the Senate gave its G. E. Willis and nut r.>M •• Andrew Winsler-Josephlne Ku- Playing ball under the auspices of nine copping ribbons, which la good Elaine .Hauschlld for upper class tion and restoration as well as the gave hto explanation of tha "cloud- Old Ellen Tofeldt; Don Cknde-Kathy Coach Walker Briggs and Assist­ In any man's language. Five suc­ poetry,'Rlchard Bowers for upper we give a little star. We know rolecUve Mrvice revival bill. House aecdlng" theory of making rain a“Now who has prepared the densM; Ralph Howard-Susan development of natural resources. she's pretty bright, but some night one of Son, Inc. Ferguson; Thomas Rolusio-Nonna Gilroy; Don Pendleton - Claire ant Coach Anthony Alibrlo for the ceeded in reaching the finals at claas prose, and to Barbara Quiltch New fields beckon in the line of supporters were confident of send­ with dry ice (aolldlfled carbon Junior year?" queried Professor Folsy; Robert McCann - Barbara first time, M. H. S. got off to a the C. I. A. C. meet and Spencer for under class prose. when she’s off far she'll need a lit­ ing a finished measure to President Aeoomero. Miller: Don Carpenter-Mary Don- communications and transporta­ tle light” dioxide): Connecticut's 60 wius ST. (immn loomoN) m. adlo; WilUam Slbrinss-Betty Kil- Johnson; Bob Jones-Peg Heatley. good start by tucking Leaven­ entered the New England meet. The D. A. R. Good Citizenship tion, as the airplane and television TVuman b/fore adjournment. "The • dry Ice form* nuclei Stanley IWarakl arose from his The following also attended but worth under their belts to the tune Uolfera Win II Award was given to Elaine Haus­ Elaine Hauschlld. a pair of Speaker Martin (R., Mass.) told ■eat In ^ badt aiul began; colUns; Edward Kucaynski-June have become common to all. Still wings; "Elaine likes a boy named around which the dropleta In the Hall; Frank Paganl-Valeria Car­ it was impossible to obtain the of 8-7. ’The following week the The golf season may easily be chlld. Elaine has proven herself other members of the class will en­ reporters the House bill wlU be cloud gather. Theae fraese into lorgttt Bob Bray hfoke the Croaa Coun- names of their guests; Eric Trot­ Red and White traveled to Middle- described as excellent, with, no to be a leader in her class since Mai. but he’s always l-avlng this called to the fioor Tuesday or tsy Bscdrd on -oar- home courae; men; Lae SUversteln-Jacquellne ter fields of personal relationships snow and fril from tha cloud, Seevak; Ralph Axlnger-Pat SteV' ter, Dorothy Daniels, Avis Lipp town and although the score 21-0 worry, as the M. H. 8. golfers her freshman year. As an officer In the hopes to cement stronger little gal the west and adventure Wednesday. He predicted It will malting aa fhay fall. Thla makea the band received new uniforms Shirley Cvie, Bill Ogren, Adele indicates a thorough shellacking ended the season with an 11 won, In Student CJouncll, and as Presi­ keep calling him and off he does paas with only one day of debate selections and alee now sweaters for Informal enaon; Bill England-Marion Ma­ bonds between the people of our rain faU on the area under the her; Eugene Rlchardson-Daw’n Malon, Gertrude Haberen, Evelyn for the Alma Mater, the Red and one lost, and one tied record. The dent of Senior "Y” Teens, she has own nation and those of other na­ go. giving in to his whim. Elaine This wrould contrast with six days ■1m; an FBI agent appeared In an Bums, Howie Phaneuf. Mary White threw many a scare into the Red and White barely missed du­ exhibited the leadership traits must stay home and paticntiv wait, cloud." aaasmbly; the Claas of '48 voted to Muraski; Arthur Buck-Jean Rei- tions. Connie concluded this por­ and three nights of Senate ora­ Tha genaral fir* altuation In Brown and Jeanette Wlmar, Tigers and played even better than plicating their winning of tlie C. C. which characterize good citizen­ tion b( her address with this para­ ves waiting and waiting that Is tory. standardise the school ring; the chenbach; George Vince-Carollne in the Leavenworth game, despite I. L. championship last year but ship. Nominated by her class­ her fate. So a pair of wings we northam Ontario waa reporttd a Student Oouncil established a sug­ Raimondo. graph : oommittee to Meet Monday little better, though the Miaalsaagl defeat. Plainville crushed M. H. lost their onl.v match to West mates, she won the faculty vote "Onr education is our tool for glv2 to yo\i. so when Mai goes out House Rules Chairman Leo E. gestion box In the halls of our Charles Peacock-Dorothy Tra­ S. 41-0 next with probably the Hartford. 10-8. whom they tied In over two other nominees. and Chapleau blaaea atill advanc­ sdMol; Joan Ooflln won the Amer­ cy; A1 Hagenow-Myma Richmond; International isin helping to shape the future of the west you can go along too.” Allen (R., ni.) said hto commit­ ed. Smoke waa seen aa far south best schoolboy team in the state. their second meeting. The Ciark Medal and the Ren.sse- world. It lifts our eyes to the far Jean Monast '48. tee will meet Monday to vote the ican l^ o n Oratorical Contest; Joe RIvosa-Doria McNeely; Bill Next came one of the highlight Tennis (3-4) laer Award for Science and Mathe­ aa Buffalo, N. Y. arrison s ofltoera In the clubs for *48 were Nemeroff-Joyce LaRose. horizon, of better things and gives House measure "up or down." The Soinanbis Tlienic games of the year. Burbank gal­ The tennis team's record for the matics went to Roger Schubert, us the skill and know ledge to i bill has been awraiting Rulea com­ as follows: High School World, Leonard Johnson-Marion Foun­ loped 75 yards for a touchdown to year was two wins and four who In not onl.v an excellent athlete Tho term "Bllasard" to eupposed BBIBTOL—MANCUXSTta—WaST BABTroaD Carolyn Sonnlksen and June Ste­ tain; Alan Olsen-Shirley Fogarty; reach that goal.” Poem Expresses mittee clearance since May 7. avenge a pre-year drubbing losses. but also an excellent scholar as On behalf of all the members of With adjournment tentatively to have become popularised during venson; T-Teena, Blaine Haus- Richmond Morrison - Sue Todd; Appropriately carried out of 34-0 by Bristol, by a 13-0 Place Second In C. C. I. L. well. • the severe wrlnter of 1880-8L chlld; Student Council, Ralph Bob Turek-Charlotte Worgan; Ed­ the Graduating Class of 1948 Con­ Junior’s Thoughts aet for a week from Saturday, the throughout the 1948 ".Somanhie" rout of the same team. Manches­ The baseball team rated right ’The Harvard Book Prize for nie expressed appreciation to Su­ bill cannot be debated in the Akliiger; Current Affairs, Lee 811- ward Klttle-Elleen Warner; Dick ter had an easy time romping up near the golf team in matters leadership and scholastic ability in varstein; Debating, R « ^ r Schu­ Barry-Ann Fltsgerald; Dave Tir- la the theme of relationship be­ perintendent Illing, Principal Bai­ Houa* unleas the Rules commit­ over EUist Hartford. 20-6. West of record by winning nine out of the Junior class was presented to ley, and the members of the facul­ The followl:,,*; poem, cxpres.sing tee approves It, bert;. Hl-T, Bruce Wilkie; Sock rell-Nancy Moore; A. Pedraxslni- tween France,^England, and Amer- Hartford caught the Red and 14 games and finishing second in Felix Sambogna. Felix has pro'vcd and Buskin, Richmond Morrison. Dora Keeney; Bob Papp-Carol lea. Thla theme waa chosen be­ ty for their guidance and patient the thougnis or one lunior st fne Hencs shortly after the Benats White on an off day the following the C. C. 1. L. behind Bristol. ’The hlnnaelf to be a leader In school encouragement. To the parents gradiistlon oi the Clans of 1948, voted In mld-aftsmoon yesterday, The Senior year was then pre Colbert; Frank Slater - Janet cause the book la dedicated to Miaa week and set them back, 16-6. ’The team, helped by the Infield of Dl- athlctick and popularity, as well as has been chfv.en to bo ptibllshed as sintsd by Student Roger Schubert Holmes; Bill Davis - Margaret maintaining a good scholastic she mentioned how very little Martto eaUsd AUen to a confer­ Jeanne Low, who has done much Red and White eked out a 6-0 win Battlsto, Burbank, Fox, and Dou- worda can express of the gratitude the underclass-men’s farewell to ence. Allen mid later Martin and cmtalned the following Itenu: Boyd: Dick Hasset-Jean Oordner through her French classes to pro­ over. Meriden and ended the sea­ gan, whom Coach Kelly named as rating in school. all feel for their love and imder- the senior rlnss. The football team received new Michael Gigllo-Loulse Perason son losing to Windham, 19-0. with Sweater Awards were gjven the had asked him for Rules commit­ mote friendly relations between his best infield y et w-on six while standing. To the undergraduates Thoughts at Graduation Time tee “cooperation” in getting the PAPER COLLECTION uniforms and new coaches; and Arthur Reichenback •- Jeanette these three countries. an Injury-riddled squad. I losing four, including a one-hit following boys who have earned I'he silent, 'hythmic rw's.ving of had the best season since 1943; Weir; Vincent Dlana-Oall John­ Soccer a Hiicceas six letters: Robert Dl Battlsto, the class leaves the responsibility Houae bill to the floor. The cover by John Mutty, ’48, performance over West Hartford of upholding the honor of M. II. 8. the mass Revtoea Earlier Statesnaat IN THE Bruce Wilkie tied in first place In son; Joe Accomero-Barbara Hol­ shows a globe surmounted by the A fairly successful, year waa en- by ’Little ’Train" Al Bradley in the Tom Prior. Bruce Wilkie. Tom In addressing the members of Of wln^cl.0.1 marchers, weaving the New England Junior Golf land; Ronald Mlnor-Janet Ham­ Jo y ^ in soccer also as the team C. C. I. L. competition. ’The "Lit­ Robinson, Robert 'Bray and Ed­ Allen' then revised an earlier French, English, and American the Class of 1948, Connie urged througn the arch statement that hto committee to Champkmahlp; both queens of the mond; Joe Sargls-JoaB Stewart fiags. Thla is in green and white. nearly duplicated the grldders’ tle ’Train" not only bore the brunt mond Kittle. them in going forth Into the adult And down (omlllar slsles to the n g h school Proma Elisabeth Gordon Keeney - Jean Oarrity On the page containing the pic­ record, ending the season with four of the pitching duties but almost The Scholastic Awards for out­ divided three waya—four membera Kirkpatrick and Pat Stevenson, are world to do the best in their chosen strains for the bill, four against, and four Donald Relchenback-Mary FeUce tures of the school appear the wins, four losses and one tie. The succeeded in pitching every ball standing writing ability, spon.sor- fields, fulfilling obligations to fam­ Of the old tiaditional "Tlumphal of the Class of *48; the Debating Dick Schubert-Nancy Burnham Statue of Liberty and Joan of Arc team was one of the best at M. H. game this year which is quite a ed by ’The Hartford Courant, went undecided. d u b won the state championship; ilies, to M. H. S., and to the coun­ Msreh” ...... ' Allen placed hto newest tally at SOUTHWEST SECTION Lester Baum-Connie Ellis; Wen done by Joan Broderson. Richard S. in the past few years due to feat. Whether tops in strike-outs to the following people: Two try. The flag of ’forty-eight shove the Sock and Buskin presented “Our dell Austin-Charlotte Cronin; Rod Hassett’s clever drawing of three numerous returning lettermen. or not Bradley is right near the awards to Jennifer Rowley, awards six for and six against Ha said Hearts Were Tounig and Gay"; to Janet Iversen, Joseph Hubblard, stage. he will not change hto "No" yota. McCann-Pat Vottero; Brad Hud caps, the English tarn, the French The highlight of the season was a top having struck out 19 batters The speakers stand amid the for­ sweaters were presented to Tom dleston - Genie Emery; Henry cap, and the American hat of Un­ S-1 win over West Hartford, a in a single game. The "Little Marshall Hodge, Gloria Ferrell, Pirate Loot Forms to break the tie but two others on Robinson, Bruce Wilkie, Bob Dl- staunch soccer rival, after an June Stevenson, Elaine Hauschlld, mal palms. his elds may. Cone - Tvonne Levesque; Aldred cle Sam, is on the introduction Train's” one-hit performance The respe 'tftil huih tofore the Battlsto. Bob Bray, and Ed Kittle Davis - Louise Lawrence; Oorrell page to the class of 1948. ’The In­ earlier defeat by the same team. against West Hartford was a one- and Barbara Hall. There ar* no fundamental differ­ UP for winning six or more letters In Spencer-Lols Olson; John Acker' troduction page to the clubs shows 6-2, marking the first time the Red i hour and 35-minute game in which ’The American Legion Award Senior Class Gifts president ences between tha Senate and t m r ig . sports; the Current Affairs Club and White has defeated the Hall wan given to Elaine Hauschlld and Speaks, nis voice betraying not House WUs, but aome provisions man-Lorraine Garrity: AI Boulais the English Bull, the Boston Bull Al struck out nine while passing niS qualms...... visited the United Nations; the Kathy Williams; Val Viano-Sylvia 4|nd the French Poodle. The names rivals in some time. onl.v one. Ralph Azinger. This award is will have to be oomproinued. Oiri Reserves changed their name In a setting of Treasure Island ’’Tie honor ore.akers' voices ringing Accomaso. of the clubs are printed around the Win 7 Out of 17 "The total record of Red and given on the basin of leadership, and to the tune of "Fourteen Men Both bills wrould expire In two to T-^hens; the swimming team Edward Hadbem - Margaret dogs. ’This is the work of Lee The basketball team of 1947-48 White teams for the 1847-48 sea­ patriotism, and scholastic ability. out. years, and both would raqulro twro enjoyed the best season of all made a comeback over the pre­ On a Dead Man’s Chest” the Class rhe pride that ewclla my heart ano enK Dower; Mickey Murphy-Jean Lof' Powell. The Introduction to the sons la 41 victories, 81 losses, and The faculty votes on students nom­ Gift committee presented the gifts years Of military aervtea for times; the Hl-T won the First An­ tus; Ross Shirer-COnnle Gagnon sports by Robert Vice depicts the year record of no wins by taking two ties which certainly Itn’t bad, inated by the seniors. prompts my te a m ...... enough men from 19 through 35 to nual Hl-T Olympics; the football Tony Brewer-Shirley Petrie: Alan different sports by showing men seven out of their 17 scheduled We’re looking to the next claas to Gloria Ferrell, ’48 to the members ot the senior class. For on* of these so bonpred is my bring the armed forces up to full team resumed night games at gsmes. The Red and White be­ Dressed In pirate costumes and kin. Knofla-Marion McGuire; C. Hll bowling, playing golf, football, ten­ even better this record next year gathered around a huge treasure authortoed strength. home and the baseball team play­ dith-Joyce Brock; Albert Canture nis, typical of America, and riding gan the season by trouncing the and gain another rung in the lad' And the other la a friend of many Cut Ufa of BUI ed the Srat'hlgh school night base­ Alumni in the season's opener but Uiiclergruib Hear chest, the committee gave gifts years...... Dorothy Hein; John Peabody bicycles, and running, typical of der in our climb to the top. ranging from a false wig to a can Amendmenta voted during Sen­ ball game in the state. Anne Hawley; Harvey Stein- Har­ France and England. failed to be a threat in the C. C. I. Marshall B. Hodge. The march across the sfage as ate debate cut the Ufa of t ^ t MU The history of the Class of '48 riet Schwarts; Ray Brown-Caro ’The fiags of the three nations L. M. H. S. had hopes of entering Final Will of ’48 of cream. each receives from five yeara to two, tacked on This is the time of year when vacations arc the has ^esn great, grand, and glor- 'also appear on the title page and the C. I. A. C. tourney at New The ten members of the Gift Red-bound diploma in his trem­ lyn Nelson; George Green-Marlon committee under the guidance of a Houae-approved measure rfi- kms and an era of prosperity to Schildge; Cheater Jackenowaky as a tall piece on nearly every Haven right down to the final bell Editorial bling hand • • vzmplng the court martial aystems students and faculty alike. Penny Morianos; E. Newcomb page. but finally lost out. One of the The CTlass Will of ’48 was pre­ Mr. Rowland and its chairman. "Our seniors", marching out into style — that is for you — I never get a Vacation! the world - - of the Array and Air Force, and The faculty advisor for the His­ An Innovation this year la the Edltero Express Thaaka ^ sented on Thursday, June 10, by outlawed the poll tax aa a re tory Oommittee was Miss Hope Commencement of the work thaj soft effect of the green ink being We, the retiring editors of the the CTIass Will 0>mmittee. along quirement for voting by man In­ Henderson. used. Other schools have had with the many other activities of each has planned. . While you arc away having fun, other folks arc Double Winner High School World, wish to ex­ Heads History Why must I weep upon this mom ducted under the MU. Wins Legion Award this and It has proved very suc­ press our moat heartfelt thanks to the seniors' last assembly. vj The Senate atoe votad to aUow cessful. ^ The present Juniors were of all who have made our publication Aa ..after four fine years, you recruiting of 35,000 allena in a home and keep me busy. Song Of Class Of ’48 The result of hours of work, the christened the new-made lords of “foreign” lagtoa’ 'and to raward pV’-' 1948 "Somanhls’' is a yearbook possible. M.H.S. graduate. To those connected with. ’The And I’m at last a senior? Ah, them with citiaenehip If their qer^ Tba class of '48 bad a diffi­ that merits admiration for the Manchester Evening Herald, who AH the boy friends of Joyce La- beraiise vice to aattofactory. There la no cult dmlce to make this year work ot the faculty adviser. Miss Rose were left to the girls of M.H. . similar provtolons In Houae MU. lone Fellows, editor-ln-chlef Ellen have printed our page unfailingly I’ll mias you, class of nineteen 1 really don’t mind though. 1 never get tired. la aatoctiag the music for their each week, and who nave cheerful­ 8. to be divided evenly. forty-eighu J. P. R, The Senate turned down a "puU aoog. The choice was nar­ Murphy, and the senior staff. ly put up with our variods short­ Billy Nemeroff’s golden trumpet the trigger" feature of the Houee rowed down to two composi- comings, wo wish to extend our was left to Harry James for safe measure which would require the Night and Day; Winter and Summer I’m always Reddy tkms, one by Walter Grayb and appreciation. keeping. Graduation Uahera preeident to start actual drafting the other tw Eleanor Winxler. Billy Frey Elected To the reporters and editors of Marshall Hodge’s ability to —after 90-day wait—by proclaim­ Tba dgaa finally voted by a High Basebfill Cfiptain ■J the World sUff. who have been write sports stories was left to all The following Junior poyg ing that the armed eervlees could to do your bidding. m ^ r ity In favor of faithful in handing in copy and in Sports Editors. served as tishera at the Grad- not get enough nton any other or Wlaxler'B muale. The Billy Frey, regular catcher composing numerous headUnea we All the chairs and d:sks in 33 nation exercisea: way. lyrics by Joan Coffin are as the past two seasons, has been offer our congratulations for a Job Main ware left to next year’s John Sheridan, Donald Hub- Sooght By Trumss In Meaan, 1 elected captain of next year’s well done. Seniors to be completely demolish­ hard, Ray Flaherty, Ronald Mr. Truman asked -Oongreas la “We' are gathered here to­ Manchester High baseball To the World tyt>lsta whose tre­ ed. Buckmiater. Joe Hublard, Har­ hto St Patrick’a day message to gether, team. Frey succeeds Bobby Di- mendous efforts are little known A bottle of ink was left the Jani­ old Symington, Donald Bchr- the lawmakem to vote for tai' For a final food farewell, tors to fill the Ink wells which are creased defense funds, n tsrapom- MONOA Y, JUNE 14 Battlsto and Walter Fox who but appreciated, we are extremely end, C im Pontillo, Al Rogers, ;To the yeara of fun and study, served as ' co-captsdns during grateful. always empty. Bud Hanson, Bud Burbank ry draft rtvival'and a permanent To the friends we love so well; the past season. To Principal Edson M. Bally and To Ralph Azinger’s undcrclau Tony Turkington, Edward Mc­ program of universal military aer- If you live oo any of the above alreets have your paper out on Mnnilav. :And^ arc pledge thee Alma the teachers of MHS go admirers were arsigned to Buddy Carthy. Ouurlie Minickf vice. T-' Frey also played with the Hater, American Legion Juniors and thanks for splendid cooporatlon In Burbank. Alan Andersen. Toifi KeBey, Thaae preparadn4S9 meaaurae Proetfidfi From Thfifi* Co Duct Iona of Pspar Servua To Buy New Equipment Fur Iha T he C onnecticut P ower C ompany re, the ebuM of '48, in Twlllgbt League competi­ making our page a suceass Charlotte Hearn's quiet ladylike Mario D lua, francla Biunip- were designed to back un this Msnehaatar Menwriai HospHsL are'll strive to b^ng new tion. He was one of the Red Last but by no means least, to manner was given to Merilou laakl, Marahall Warren, Lee country's inveatment la tha Ihiro- and White’s beat stickers dur­ our faculty adviser, Mlaa Helen J. Corcoran. Dny. ^11 Learie, Felix Sam­ peaa reoovtry program, aiawd at ^ w^name forever great.” Bstea for her excellent guidance Ski Talarski’r football talent boes, Alan Grant and Carl halting tho furthtr expanrien of Magactnea, Paper and Paper Cartons Picked Up ing the past two schoolboy Ruaelaa Oommuntom...... r-H -p . . campAlgM- and leadership through J**” ' MUtolowaky. ■alfk Aalager ■aaseklM we,express our utmost gratitude. (i^ttxned Vn Pafe rw*lv«> Jae' Aeeornera The money bUI went throuth— V ..f ;■


nas, kladnaaa, and atlil mora Mnd- naaa, Madnaaa and atlU mora kbid- MtuiehMter High Sehool Clan o f 1948 aaBauttlbia. Than u plamy la tfea conduct of otbars to vox ua aema- High School World UOMO mora than enough to in- ehael Joaepb Oigllo. ’ Kathleen •Nancy Moore, Penalope Morianoa, Williams Oil Service Leo Katkaveck Completes Athletic Career At N. C. StaH r • With H e w . Jamea Thontaa Moriarty, Elmer furiata us. But wa arc alwaya In­ Anne Gilroy. Thomaa R. Giovlno. variably, the loser whan wa speak m n ttr JtarJorM Aboen, Jo«n>b •Carl Edward Ooldanider, Walter George Morrison, Richmond Wil­ harahty and act meanly. Wa may DUtributorg of A «oon«e. UlUan K. Ad»mr, Nor- Orayb, Gertrude Julia Haberern, liam Morrison, *Ar1yne Moakc, Undergrads Hear •Ellen Murphy, John Lyneh Mut- thuB eaaa our ditpleaaura and aat- Old People’s Home M a Albtrt, Richard B. Alvaa, Barbara Jean Hall. Janice Halla- iafy what we aupposa to ba our day, ’ Janet Marie Hammond. ty- Nassiffs-PA^s House o f David C M W . Andarton. Dcuflaa An- Viola Carolyn Nelson, William keen Sanaa of justice. W’a may Scene of Prophecy Final Will o f ’48 Gulf Petroleum Prodiiett Zale KO^s Aronld Lealle Handler, Robert W. auppoaa that wa thus pay out CompUed Fine Recoil ' jifin n • * !« « linnaa Anderaon, Hanacom, Carl Lough Hanaen, He­ George Nemer^, James Francis Oakes, ’ Barbara O'Brian. William thoaa wtK> deserve a check or a Play Tonight H egei O. Aideraon. Bmeat W. lena Diana Hare, William G. Har- chaatenlng. But no. Usually we Shady Real, a rest home for the (Contlaued from Page Tea) To Play Here rla, Robert Dexter Harrlaon. Rich­ Carl Ogren, Alan Vincent Olsen, Range Oil Fuel Oil Anndt. *Dorla * Aaplnw-^l. Lois Olson, Francis Pagani, Ed­ hurt ouracivea. deal ourselves a aged, waa the setting for the In 1K)8 of Third Round w c n d ^ H. Auatin, Ralph Stanley ard Wayne Haaaett, ‘ Elaine Haua- was bequeathed to Ronnif Buck- With Wolfpack Teams ward J. Parciak, Josephine Lucille wouhd however aecret. Wa taka prophecy of the class of 1048. Burt Arms W m i first Gonteat AMnCcr. Alice Anne Backue, chlld, ’ Anne Hawley, Marjorie Paaquallnl, John William Peabody, the sword and wa perlah by the minister. Gulf Goioline and Motor Oils sptiin Cl Booked to Play Nassiff •HUnaret A. Backua. Shirley Lorraine Haxard. Charlotte D. Carlson. Lee Slh-erstein, Dolores The privileges of being Seniors nute o f tha fliat round, •Rina Peracchlo, Loulae Eleanor aword. Kindness la never amiss or Gorjryliid., Mlddlewel|^t lost tha aaoond utean Rocky Between Twi League Arms Uader |igt«tn at Lorraine Balktia, SUnley Michael Hearn. Leontine Margaret Heat- Persson, Shirley Mae Petrie, How­ unprofitable. When you speak to Donxe. Joyce LaRose, Dot Spald­ waa left to the eager beaver Jun Played in 101 Straight Ranavife. Walter Edward Barhier, ley, ‘ Dorothy Ann Hein. Robert ard Phaneuf, ’ Lee Edward Powell. othana when you speak of others, ing. Peggy Heatley, Kathy Wil­ lore although understood they can QualHy Products RepRins Title Before R iv A t Play at 6 •mcBt. H i noMfinad with the rad Ml Nebo Diamood Great AtUela Jr., Richard Henry Barry. Mary William Henderson. Barbara Ellra- BfiRketlMdl Gaaefi in Caroline Rose Raimondo, Jean when you act or refrain from act­ liams and Margaret Boyd were never surpass ths toilsome, vie 21,497 at Rapport But te tka third lala waa ab- Batting ,800 or bettor Is ■tocktega ta 1848 aad 18tt, waa Tlicreea Beaton, 'Aria Caroline beth Hewitt. Richard Warren Ruth Relchenbach. Eugene Ray­ ing be kind and you will be an torious class of ’48 sohrta maatar. Ha downad O m l- Waathor paraMttteg, (ha Nmasiff goal of every ball player in any waived to the Phillies bi 1844 aad The Mrong House of David baoe- Four Yean; To Playl Beechler. KorU Berxenaki, Beth Hewitt. Robert .Tohn Hildebrand, mond Richardaon, *Myma Ann agent o f grew’th. not destruction, the old people at the home who Marion McGuire's good looks Dependable Service Stadium Last N1|^t MaaMflcatlon or orgmdnsd nnd tka .Navy tha tonewiag year. Myrtle Bickford. ’ Jean Uicille Marshall Edward Hodge discover what their high school o for tha count o( aavan, tarloo Anna and PA bnsabaU Muba sriU baU team that wUl appear keto Richmond. Paul Sherwood Risley, a aheddar of light, not of darkneaa, were left to the Metro Goldwyn d hiae hsagtag on tha ropaa, tedepandent bneebell. CMcago’s BoUywos^ and bnck to the min­ PtT> Ball With Cape; BMwell. ’ Mildred Ellaibeth Binka. Barbara Claire Holland. Janet Louise RIatau. a promoter o f love, not of hate. classmates' have done through attempt to open tha aeoond round agatest the teoal NasMff Anna Mayer Studios Nswarh. N. J., Jane U —0 0 — and ended aeattara urlth n tre- of play hi tho Twilight League to- hapleaB White Sen, said ta ba tke ora, was next te Luplea’s carocr Betty Jean Blr^e, B.-«rbara Ruth Holmes. Beatrice C. Hopkins, Joseph Vincent Rlvoaa, Grace And the growth, the light, the letters. neMipspers. snd the radio. Phyllis Towneend's curly hair weakeat foam ta the Wtasty Ctty te 184S. Ho played again lest year Also In the cast were a mailman, Oil Burner S^let and Service TRe fhamptoP who came b a ^ mdoun left to the head aftar a M t at the Oval teem carry Re own aot o f ritrivN- B y B ^ W . Toat Blackatone. ’ Willlani E. Bloviah. Margaret Katherine Horner, Louise Robinson, Thomaa Elwood love will come to you as well as was bequeathed to the Toni Wave te yaara, baa only ona playar wkn aad walhad off with eoost leagues j a gardener. Skip Keeney, and a Tonj Rais, chartad a fightlag fh- IdW mtentea. In between eH thte In tha Sret ganw between tbeae lights. Robert P. Boardman. Fred C. George Roger Hubbard. William Robinson. ’ Constance Rogers, John go out from you. You will be a Oo. la flirting with the JOO m uk. Be Meat Vikiskle Player award. Bocchlno. ’ Richard Bowera. ’ Mar- Bradley Huddleston, Jr., Robert nurse portrayed by Shirley Petrie. tara today over tha psoabata _ Blehment Oraalaao wept on two clohE NaaMlta, with "Lefty” The wen-known trsTSlteg Oreateat athlete to coaae out af I Earl Rogers III, Amelia Rogow- benefactor and a beneficiary, too. Bill Davis’ 18 <4 site dhoes were awtegteg. is Ulyaaas John Lupton. Jr„ for­ Tha fonntr Harvard star was team’s set consists of fourtaau n r e t Bovd ’ Alan Herbert Bradley. Lulh-r H\itson. Mary Ann lamon- The prophecy was s part of the form of Rocky rhajdsaii Person pitching n neat four-hitter -teMhestor ataco Joe MeCteafeoy Rkl. Stella Roman. Roger SL TMnga Tliat Pay ariUed to the Rec. to be used aa 341 Broad St. Phone 2-4257 merly of Mancheetcr. ready to gmt baseball last' year polea Four poise are eat up ta the Robert I^onard Bray. Joyce Brock. sco Robert F.rllng Gordon Jensen. class night exercises on Thursday. Bala, tha ondsidog, ragataad The orawd nnmbered Sl.UT te won by a 4 to 8 ooora. NaaMffs e to fM an the read to te M hi the i. George. John Sambogna, ’ Barbara K ln d n ^ , to ba crude about It. life boats. jert Stadittte, paid a groae of Currently on a hittteg streak mainly hei euai the aslary the outSMd, guaraatee4i« good vtew Joan Patrlcl.-i Broderaen. Marjorie Barbara Allre Johnson. Leonard pays. And ao do truthfulness and The prophecy begins with the tha wnrtd*s adddteweight tlUa by SBUst wia tonight If they hope to tmek worM te Leo Katkavoek. Tha ; Sanderson. A. Joseph Sargis. An­ Sandy Hansen's technique of ,ddS which was brought to which tectedea fifteen safeties in Btaia offered wouMn’t U the outSeldora The DavM*s Loulae Brown. Raymond F. Brown. Asel .Tohnson, Robert Louis .Tohn- conactantiouanaas. decency and coming of the mailman who brings **We Solve the Burning Question** kaarhlag out OtnaiaiMi, Just as he K remate te seeoad plaoa. A PA vic­ hMfey North Bad nativo wound up' toinette Sartor, ’ Marian Schlldge. annoying teachers was left to fcpdictad ba would, la tha third S40BAM by 1 4 0 ^ for radio aad twenty aevea etfietal trips with hia wife and three dangh' lighting system la oeoaldisud oaa Marrln Clark Brownell. Richard son. HstcI Marie Jones. Robert letters for Joyce, Dolores, MIggie, tory wmdd put them hito a tie for • htuUaat athleUe coraer ot North Joanne Marie Schieldge, ’ Carol generoalty. sobriety and goodnesa Roger Simms. round thair third encounter. US.000 tor uMvlo rights. Telavl- the wood at tbo plate. iMplan Is Jtensy Dykea persuaded Tony Jamea Brunette. Nancy Biirhnm. Andrew Jones. Dorothy Marie Ks- Now what doaa all this mean, snd Shirley. From her letter Joyce at that poMtton with the Arms. of the best ta the oountry. ChtoRea fitate OMIoge laat weak Ann Schubert, ’ Roger Edward The ability of Ed. Kuexynski ARhough St. lala tanmadlataly Mon was banned by tha proouit- Jerry WIBhUha, the leegue'e ooly a Mmdo under J06. He'S the to stay and be did. Ha batted. .841 BaU players the vIM- Evelyn F.’ Buma, John Frank minske. Robert Lewis Kaminski. Schubert. Harriet Schwarts, Wil­ what do thaaa Icaaona from a mla- learns that Fred Bocchino’s or­ only member of bis toaH near and ted the teague in runs, 147; whare ha exeeUed In baseball aad Campbell. Barbara Jean CarUon, chestra with "Wmie NemerofT as and Harold Whiting to get around ■raclalnisd 1m wouM aot ratliu. a. leading batter, along vrith Ross tots are aU ex-coUegiotiA ea- baokotbaU during his four yoara Jean Marie Kaaulkl. ’ Dora Louise liam Slbrlnsx, Lee Marvin Sllver- spent youth add up to but an af­ Ba oMhead to fight all cBescrs aad Zale weighed IBS 8-4 aad GraM- that figure which probably on- bits: 837; and total baaao, 883. In Elbert I. Carlaon. Donn A. Carpen­ Keeney. Gordon Francis Keeney firmation that life bears out ex­ star trumpe; player has been en­ teachers went to Ellerd Hulbert. Haugh aad Wtma Cwkaenaki are mteor, and ex-m«jor teagna ball of ooltegiatr oUgibUlty. steln. ’ Francis Xavier Slater, Cora The outstondlng singing voice dsdared: ano IM H for the match, set to plaine to aonte degree the dtaaaal addMoa Lupe coltected twenty cae ter. Shirley Carall. Oerard Robert •Arlene Alice Kelly, Betty Louise actly what you have been told in tertaining at night spots. She also tha power-hlttora with the sport- playera Two of the playon are Other sthletaa have eehteved Lydia Smith, Dorothy Elisabeth o f Wesley Smith was willed to *T fatl Uka I’m guliig tha other go 15 rounda. tag guoda foam, These three ahowlng of the Palo HOss to date. bonuro, thlrty-elgbt doubtaa, one Chatidelalnt, Betty Lorraine Chap- Kilcolllns. FJlxsbeth Torrev Kirk­ Smith. Wesley Raymond Smith, your churches? And what you are discovers that Alice Backus snd Mgned to minor loagua eoutroet* ■way honors at N. C ttato but Jamea Roach in hopes that he may way agate • - back to youth.** The betting odda favored youngsters are all batttag better Luplen bolds the dtettoetlen of denan throe boggors end drove In- while playing with the bearded m aif Bdwarl George Churllla. patrick, Henry Stuart Kissman. Lota Marie Smith, Lois Smyth. told In >t>ur churches is all based Doris Msc.'Ieeley are the owners fow have been sbowored srRh the sing the Alma Mater or Star Maresl Oordua ot Franco waa OraMano, aa champion, 5 to IS. than .400. being the only preoant day mnjor 110 runs. nlaa SMriey Anne Clampet. Florence Edmund George Kittle, Richard Lucille Smyth, ’ Carolyn Sonnlk- on this premise: that we go of the Manchester Dry Cleaners leaguer fratn the Ivy League. Lnpien aaeerted in New York nrolas aad cowiaeodatlon that Mae Coffin, ’ Joan Coffin. Carol where they have Joe Rlvosa’s Spangled Banner in at least one of tha boaor monUonad aa Bala’a Oraalaao was assured a puree of Husky Bail LavieaqiM who beat ARhough they haven’t appeared Katkai’sck has bean given by play­ Fmll Klein. William Barthold sen. ’ Dorothy Jane Spalding, through this short life on our way pcobabla asari opponauL prevldteg |1S0,000, aad Zale $60,000. OraM- The Chicago first baaenwa cap­ this week that fans cr. the West Anne Colbert. Barbara Loulae Con- to another and enduring life which daughters imployed. tlU assemblies next year. Rockville tai Ms only league start ta this section this aeaaon, they ers, coaches and teaclwro aad the Klonpenbiirg. ’ Lola Dorothy Kluck. James Correll Spencer, Joseph Osrdaa tahaa back tha fBuropean aao, whose real name Is Rocco wUl be oa the for NaaMffs, tained the Harvard baseball and Coast wouM anpport big Icoguc ball En. Harry C«mnolly, Jr.. Beatrice Edward Francis Kodea, Edwin Stanislao, Phyllis A. Stebblns. we must win by virtue. When we Dolores receives sn Interesting Michael Vlgnone and Bob Vico's wucnni bsakctball teams in 1988 and led clufaa. Ho admitted the playing te boast sevontoen wins as agiteiat wreae. He bowed out competi­ Alice Cooley. Shirley R'lth Crle. letter that tellr her that Cal Son- mustaches were bequeathed to the tltla from Cyrille Delaaaolt of Silvio BarbeOa, conwa fr o m with Ike Gorman behind tho plate. tear ioeeee during the aprtag Stephen Kosakowskl. Francis June A. Stevenson, Patricia M. are young, when the juices of Belgium July 10. Brooklyn. Zale, bom Anthony the Eastern IntercoUeglata League not as eooMatent ea that in the ma­ tive athletics aa one of the great- Robert Frederick Culver, Arlvne Krasntekss. Josephine Kucienski. youth bubble up exuberantly In us nlksen had an editorial In the Fuller Brush Company. Norm Beauregard will bo oa hand SMotha eet ladlriduels to ever don a Red Stevenson. Jamea Symington. Botk od tho ptavtoua fighta 6a- Florlan Zalaekt, Is from Onty. for fireman duty If neceaaary. in hitting for two years, te thoae jors bat- said there were plenty of Ruth Cuatcr. Barbara Eve Custer, Edward John Kucxynakl, Ralph Richard Earl Symington, Stanley we forget this or atore It on the "Dallas Day ' entitled "How to Janet Hammond and Dolores seaeotis, Tony batted .448 aad .4TS pitchers In the Triple A, A large crowd la eupoeted to end TThlte Wolfpeek uniform. Have and Hold <3ood Marks.” The twaon tha p o ia ^ sUsat Zale aad ted. AI Surowtee or Snap Server will Journey to Mt. Nebo Wednesday Dorbthy Ellen DanleU. Aldred Earle Kuster, Eleanor LaChance, Talarskl. Frances O. Thompson, surface of our mlnda. under tar­ Donxe's wit and humor was left to tha rough aad rugged (haaiaao GraMano was numbed, bruiaad, and on the baMs of tbeae perform- Katkaveck twice captained Wanaee Davts. William Henderson Joyce LaRoae. Paul Nathol Latu- paulin. like deck cargo. But as letters also revealed that Janet tho "Can You Top This" radio pro­ start for the Poles, with Bd Wclrz- Being in the American Longue gen in g to wltneoa Menihealai‘i fitete’s Soutliern Cbaforeace Jean N. Thompson, ’ Meiilou want Mx rounds, but Zala needed and bafOad after ha was revived bicki receiving. Both chuckers .anccs was Mgncd to a oontract Davla. ’ Elaine Maiie Demko. llppe. William John Lawton. Al­ Thrall. Marianne Ticmann, Suaan the decades alow us down and Hammond has the crowd rolling gram. with the Boston Red Sooc. Twenty cellar, Lupten feels rertaln that flnt night semi-pro heeeban gntoe championship basketball toama te Lillian Ethel Demko. ’ Vincent Leo only half that last nighL He and taken to hie dreaetng room. have won a gmna this year. Suro- bert Nathan Lea. Dora Aurore I>e- Nichols Todd ’ Ellen Marie Tofeldt. sober us up, wa find that it is liter­ in the sisle with half a comedy Geno Richardson, Tom Glvlno floored Oraalaao after leae than a He raoMvad a ooncuaMon and for four hours after the traditional with e few breska the Chisox win in e good number of yosuv. 1M7 and 18U sad pteyefi three Diana. Robert Jamea DlBattlato, act (the better half, Dolores, wiec beating Rockvilla, aad Server Tickets for this gases wIR go on duc. June Elirnbeth Lennon. George Young Torrance. Phyllis ally true and immensely import­ and AI Lea's strict obedience in a time hie reflexes ware gone. Tale-Harvard game of 1838, Ln- pass both Washington and SL aeoaons with the verMty beaeball Ahonal TYophy. xwutded kp tke •Marlon Lucille Dlckaon, M. Adler Yvonne Marie t.,eveaque. ’ EiiM- ant We are journeying to God cracked up First and is spending gym and swimming classes was downed the Aircraft te hla only sale tonighL You may purrkeee Ruth Townsend, Dorothy G. However, he wae pronounced Btart plen waa playing with Scranton Louis before the seeson doses for team after e year ef fireeluaaa alumni to the moat outataadRM Dobkin. ’ Dolores Rote Donre, beth Jane Lewla. Avis Marie Llpp. Tracy, Eric Gillespie Trotter, Remember that and, from these, her time at Shady Rest.) Haxel bequeathed to David Boyd and ta the Eastern League. sixth place. them from the announcer fit tlM play. He teevea behind a leoord of Marraret Anne Dower. Barbara *%beolutely okay" early today by Pete StauB, George Dlxan. and athtetao of tka year. Leo ateo ito •lean Marie Loftus, Nunxio Joseph ’ Robert Frederick Turek, Arthtir the bright and lively hours of Jones bought Travelers and "Dr, Robert Armentrout. his manager, Irving Cohen. Spelled Jlnuny Posx Wrong Agate West Side Oval. conaecutlve play In NirtNill and Jean Ellington. ’ ConaUnce Joan Lupacchlno, Helen Crotty Lyons, Moe Axinger Is running a sana­ Frank Klnel are tha leading sUck- evtevd the 80 and 8 Roclety TV*- LewTcnce Turklngton, James B. your morning, live In accordance The awesome collection of stars Reeky Got On Feat Uttle Rock waa the next stop 1 picked Rocky Oraaiano to beaketball which te une<|ualldd In phy for leadership aad achoiar- Xllia Suaan Eamea Ellla. Alice William Frederick MacDonald. 'with It. You will thus bring to torium for cats who run across ere with the eurprlMng Polea at Tuttle, Jeanette L. UUmar. of Bob Bray was bequeathed to all GraMano said he never got over this stage of play. for Luplen on the ladder to tha knock out Tony Zale before the •tote CoUago htetory. ehte in athteUee. Maa Emerson. Doria Ann MacNeely, Adella Kath this sad and stricken world what the streets ta pre'vent them from the astronomers and star gazers major leagues during the 1840 bell for the ninth round last night •Eugenia Emery. William John ’ Robert W. Vice, Jane Vlcker- the first punch which Zale landed Game time is g o’clock. Drew Rnve Nottaaa Katkaveok playod te top omit- rj-n Malon. •Lois Mary Masaey man, Michael Joseph Vlgnone, it so dreadfully needs, a touch of getting hit by Oldamobilea and of the underclass. semson. NSxt came LoifievlUo la and the Gary fighter upeet the pre­ Enrolling at North Carolina England. Marian Angela Enrico, —a left to the temple. Jean Arh-ne Matchett, Ellxabeth ratricla Marie Vottero, George the kingdom of God. May it be other types of cars. He is abley Dot Tracy's interest in building 1041 snd later the same season diction by belting out the clwm- Standings •tats la B^tombar 1841, Leo U»- •Ann Loulae Erlckaon. Merrill Rua ps.'2 in Night Game; boygaa. Wise.. Rodridaa fid tke The surface brightness of the to three games over) the N w (Only games ac^eduled). ing the 1846-47 season as a Junior ward as you stand on the thresh­ do about it. and that :s not to marched Into the auditorium to State Legislature and are going class of '48. League operates. Notional League. He w S ropert Life Job Wisely the processional. "Pomp and O r- To the teachers the class left WEST SPRINGHELD sun 1s 1,000,000 cendlepower per Cubs Defeat Giants; York Yankees and Philadelphia aad 33 gamea last eiaeow, 1847-48. old of a new and different phase waste lime. 1'lme is irrecoverable iqto rctiromerl. Senstcr Hansen square inch. Btoadtege From the time Loo hroko Into tho to the cape te Oegoberi and Irreversible. We are sure of cumatance'’ played by Miss Lor­ finally m j.le ‘ he World Federation their thanks for their untiring ef­ Pro Don Grauer of the local AthleUcs. of your lives. I am going to ask Bofiox Rout Indians Bobby Feller started for Cleve­ lineup aa a freshman ha was a reg­ A degree te awaiting Leo la only so much of It as we have raine Foster, a graduate of 1947. nucceed. Marshall Hodge l.a writing forts and" cooperation In aiding the Country Club carded a 68 round . (Oaatiaaad from Pago One) to face foiward by facing land but .was routed In the third W L Pot GBL ular for four years aad hte affoito toxtUsa this Buminer. Ho plaaa fo in hand at the Moment Use that The class theme, "Our Leading nports stories under the name of class throughout their school Wednesday afternoon. It waa his backward. 1 mean that I should inning when the Red Sox jammed Williamsport .84 15 .615 — contributed to tho fame ochteved merry Mteo NojrMa Hte sen od portion of It wliely and well, not American Cities.'' waa presented Merl W. Post. "Wally ’ Fox Is a career and hoped that they will best effort ovex the local course By Ralph Roden ^g^gglfiage joined in the National lika you to look at the next stage In song snd story. The music was Associated Press Sports Writer eight runs home. Scranton .. ...» 14 .580 1 by N. C State during the past two Roanoke Rapids te tte faU. Kat­ In your lives through the eyes of wasting it, not abusing it, but retired wlndoM cleaner. AI Bradley some day be able to raise the level Mnce coming here a year ago. Albany ...... 2 1 15 .583 college seasons kaveck plane to play" prolhaetenel 'Xntham. employing It with a keen reallxa- under the direction of Miss Antoni­ of the succeeding classes to that Johnny Bain snd Warren Spahn Righthander Joe Dobson went i*i Woteonw Extended ona who has already gone through is a distlngu'shed doctor In an in­ WE'RE ALL SET the distance fui Boston, scattering U t ic a ...... 3 3 17 .564 1 PInyod Froah BaoebaH baaketbaU aad then ooaeotttrate tlon of Its preciousness. This Is na Dziob, music director in South sane s-syl'in. Gloria Ferrell Is Frank Luplen saw the recent daae Preeident Michael Vlg- it ' I am the one. Windsor schools, assisted by Miss of the class of '48. once again are being called the nine hits to poet hie seventh tri­ Binghamton .17 18 .486 5 During hte eophomore year, Leo oa a liveUhood te textUea, peofor- particularly ncceusry In education. wrltlnc a Ho!l\-wood goKslri column, The Class Will Committee eon- none then aroee to extend the I was graduated from high Ijorraine Foster. Mis.s Elaine series between the Oiicago White Mr. Right tnd Mr. Left of the umph of the year. Hartford .. ...1 7 18 .473 8H acorod n o poteta on tha hardwood rtag research work te the tedoo- greeting to the hundreds attend­ school twenty-two years ago. In Now. and ii-r some years y e t >'OU Kupchunoa was aalutstorlen and and Ellen Ituiphy la In the White slated of Jane VIckerman. Alan Sox aad New York Yenkeea at Boston Braves' pitching staff. 'The Athletics also enjoyed e big Wllkee-Barre . IS 33 .361 814 court and was namad the Most try. .ire In the prime of your powers. TO GO! ing the graduation ceremonlea. the interval I have learned a few Miss Fenna Lee Fisher, valedic­ Hmsc. Bradley. Robert Turek. Arlyne Yankee Stadium and reported yes­ Sain and Spahn each won 21 inning in trouncing the Detroit Elmira ... •...1 1 18 J08 Vatuabte Player oa the team. BaaeboU offers have aloa eome The Infeliectual alacrity and llH A mutlcal Interval followed, things, often by hard experience, torian. Others who had essays Some ’ are authors. Robert Ciister Leonard John.son and terday his brother, Tony, was do­ games for the Braves In 1947 and ngers, 10-4. Phlledelphla pushed Aomitcaa 'The Mg, handaome lad played hte way from the Raleigh Chpo od with the High School orchestra which I wish I had known when I agility, Lie physical strength were Sally Stiles, Margaret Par­ f/swton and Leo MeChiakey col- Marshall E. Hodge. Lawrence Commrrcial and Home Refrigerator ing well with the Chisox. the National League pennant hopes •even runners home in the fourth Cleveland .. ...3 8 IS .688 freshman baseball oa a first base­ the Carolina Laogus His older playing Brahma’ "Hungarian was in your place. Let me tell you needed for close study sie at your ent. George Mellen and June Rose, labornfed on a book entitled "Forty Leonard served as faculty advisor. of the Bravta hinge on their dup­ inning. New York . ...3 7 IS .600 8 man but wad ewltMied to third brother, Mickey, to tho preoant Daaeea Noa. 8 and 8.” of them. It la true that we must command. They deterlarate, and I Merle Woodmansco gave greet- Ways to Skio School’’ srd Normen I Marshall E. Hodge, Service! Lefty Bray's softball team will licating that feat this year. Philadelphia now trails the sec­ Philadelphia . ’.38 18 .686 8 baae with the verMty to fill a gap ploying manager of tho Waycroes As theae numbers were conclud* meet situations at first hand, grap­ rather rapidly. They decline and I logs; Lloyd Hcvenor presented the '‘Sleeper" / IV,e»-t wrote on "Why I practice Friday night at 6 o’clock Both however, got oil to poor ond piece Yanks by four per- Washington ...3 4 34 AOO that existed at the hot corner. He G s. Bears te tha Georgia Fforida fade, all too fart. Bear this In mind 7)4 ad, Carolyn Sonnlkaen delivered ple wath them Immediately, and I diplomas, and Rev. Charles Crist Recovered from Insomnia.’* */ou don*'t hat e to call us twice for we’ll be there at the lower diamond at Memorial starts. Each won only one game centege points. The Tank's Dotrott ...... 3 3 35 .488 8 made Um grade Uka a rhamlSon IdiAgDOe and .vou will nut misuse them but At the close of the propheev’ and later played la tho wnttteM the Salutatory address. undergo the pain they frequently i gave the benediction. promptly after your first call. Service on AI1- Field. Lelty’s teem la having ss out of his first three contest. scheduled game with the Chicago Boston ...... 3 1 35 .487 8H BaMutbaU CbaA Bv Oua The High School A Cappelle involve, before we can have any­ direct them aright. Commander Victor Daley of the those at Shad; Rest are content to much trouble winnl:.g ss the Bos­ Saffi, the righthander, pitched White Sox in New York wae post­ BL Loute .. . . .18 38 .408 Ration League aad batted A4L claims "Loo to, withoat a douM, Choose Road of Life learn that each member of their* IIH Uncle Bam bockoaod Loo Into Choir next sang three numbers: thing but theoretical knowledge of ! Abe Miller Post. American Legion, Makv Rcfriveratoni by long experienced men. ton Red Sox. Being the owner, the Braves Into second pisce last poned because of rain. (3iicsgo ...... 1 3 SO .886 18)4 one of the daadt basketImU play­ Eriakay Love LIU" by Ro- At your age a person does not presented the American Legion class hes Pi.ade a place for him­ general and field msnsger, Rrey night by beating the St. Louts active service on July L 1848 aad ers rve ever coached aad ha*li eer- them. But perhaps I can give you Comaletc stork of pfirts assure you the quicktst The Washington Senators’ tri­ Natlsaal bo was asMgned to tho Navy V-13 herUon. the spiritual "Old Ark's a few hints, a f<*w leads, which, if merely think that illimitable time school awards to Fenna Lee Fisher self in the world Afiss Doris Kibbe WANTED la thinking serioualy of getting a Cardinals, 10-2 in a night game at umphed 5-4 over SL Louis Browne Nsw York . ...3 5 18 .868 — tately tho best guard 1 saw ta the Is before him. He also thinks that acted sa forulty sdviecr. program. Hte aoMgamanta raagad A Moverin’ " and “Benediction'' you remember them In days to and George Mellen, who were se­ possible scrx'cc. new msnsger for hie eoftball team St. Louis. in a night g-une at Washington Boston ___ ...3 4 18 .858 )4 a numberless and entrancing va­ lected by their claasmatea as the E. Emerv '48. It was the Braves’ fifth straight from the Renneelaer Polytaohale by Lutkin. come, will be of some profit to in an effort to get back in the when Frank Biscan walked Mark F*ittsburgh . ...3 5 80 .558 )4 InaUtute at Troy, N. T„ wbeto ho Vie SorrMO^eald. "Lee to An Interlude "Surprise 8>-m- riety of roads opens beckoningly most outstanding boy and girl of We have cash cus­ pennant voce in Rec League com­ victory and second In row over the Christman w>th the bases loaded BL Louis .. ...3 5 30 .556 one ot the moot ooMtotaxt fiildera you. ahead, and that he Is free to set )4 completed a course as aa alrernft pboay" by Haydn waa then played The Teaebsra the class of 1048. 1 A 40 s'’! Tb* • tomers waltinc to buy WAVNE PHILLIPS. Manager petition. Cardinals. Spahn. the lefthander, and one out In the ninth to force Phitedclpbla ..3 6 23 .531 I’ve over couched. He eeldom his feet in first one. then another, 3 Instrument mechanic, second claos by the High School Orchestra. It la conventional, on occasions The graduation exercises of the; IV |<> I ICIIIC stopped the Red Birds, 11-5, Wed­ in the deciding run. Brooklyn .. ...3 0 24 .455 8 makao aa error and you can al­ at hia leisure and at his pleasure. duplexes or flat* ('» to e epecialiet saa^m ent at Rock Constance Rogera delivered the such as this, to express gratitude Eighth grade of Union Grammar Call 5761 Don’t be surprised If Freddy nesday night for his fifth win and The Cincinnati Reds and the Clnctesnti . ...3 0 26 .485 ways count oa him to eeseo This Is a deiusion. There Is one mad and !> or 6 and 6) in 8 Island, Maine. Hero he worked valedictory address after which to our teachcra. We do this in school were held Wednesday after- [ Serafine oppoees Eddie Mlkucki fourth in hla last six starts. He Philadelphia Phillies were idle. Chlcsgo ■.. ...1 7 . SO .883 through at the pla^*? for each of us. This fact wc dis­ noon with 18 pupils receiving diplo­ good condition on the 8)4 with a guided mlaslte group to de­ tha claaa diplomas were presented rather perfunctory faahlon, much At Ted Hilton’s Saturday night on tha mound et waa knocked out once during this velop robots to fight tho Japo: by Senator Charles 8. House, aa we drop a token in the fare cover fairly caily, but generally not mas. Lloyd Grant presented the •fnllowinK streets. ' Robertson Park. Serafine is re­ skein but wasn't charged with the Teday*! 8« Lee started hto hateNtboB on- eerly enough to prevent a deplor­ After 34 months of actlvo servtca, chainnan of the Board of Educa­ box when boarding a bus. It is American Legion awards which ported set to pitch for Centre loss. rear at the local TMCA. Ha latar able squandering of time and en­ In spite of the damp and rainy Katkaveck wee honorably dto- tion as the diploma march "Pomp the indicated and familiar thing, went to Zula Mae Clerey as the l,aurcl. CheslnuL Motors with Mikucki on the hill The Braves are only a half game Sftorl Schedule | Hartford at Utica. playod at Mancheater H ade (aow ergy. Just which Is the way for weather laat Monday, everyone chaitted on May 3 ,184d. and Chivalry” was played. and we have no particular feeling most outstanding girl of her class, Church. Winter. Myr- behind the first place New York Cheney Tech) aad durtag hto final and to Myron Burr and Ronald had a "swell'' time at the aenlor O tneiuan for the Italian Ainericans. WUkes-Bam at WUllsmeporL The following Juas Leo waa The claaa then offered its Class about It. I did I t But In the us we may not discover until th« Giants and two percentage points yeah set a new atteool soorfog springtime is over and the summer Driscoll who tied for the honor of picnic which wa# held at Ted Hit- tic. Garden and Park. The British Americans will Friday, JOM 11 Elmira at Scranton. back on tha SUte campus Stota Song, composed by Eleanor Wlnx- course of the years since I com­ ahead of the Cards and Pittsburgh Binghamton at Albany. had a new coach, Evaratt Caas, mark od 881 potato te Ifi gaoMnte well along. Study yourselves. Take most outstanding boy. The selec- ton's in Moortus. Connecticut. The practice tonight at 6 o’clock at Pirates who ore tied for third Naaeiffs vs. PA’a. 6 p. m.—Oval. ler with words by Joan Coffin pleted my high school course, I cars, escorted by State police, left ML Nebo, Sunday attarnoon they Italana va. Indies 8 p. m.—Rob­ who had brought a bevy of hte own addltton to leadtag tla Tradere to counsel of the pntdent. Choose the tlona was made by the entire cla-ia • heime. hr- m place. stars from his provtoua coaching after which the graduate# sang waa. for awhile, put at teaching voting on secret ballots and Is the the high school at nine o’clock. Rlffeloff. 81 rant. face the WiUlmantic Elks at the ertson. ___ Cleveland (Lemon 8-3) et New their aoly Ctaoe B state ekaa#- Manchester Alma Mater. The ex- road for which you are best suited, The Giants were beaten, fi-4, by York (Raacht 7-1)—night. aaslgnment. Deeplto this Loo plonahlp. He waa a unanMnoua Along vrith the vast majority of first time In the history of the During the day student# enjoyed Flower, Ruasell. ’thread City. the last place Cubs in a day gome Oak Orill vs. VFW, e:15~Chsr- ereiaaa closed as the graduates Ili­ end do this With cool objectivity, Stock Place, Mancheater was a regular from the first to tho aeloeUoa on tho aU-toumey team people, I took It for granted that, award that there haa been a tie. volleyball, ping jsong, swimming, at Chicago while the Firates turn­ ter Oak. crhlcsgo (Papteh 0-0) at Boston ad out on the recessional march. not with a mind addled by egotism Haynes. Summit and last game on the schedule. at New Haven. He playod fint having finished a fairly long pro­ and all manner of romantic A t the Wapping Community canoeing, dancing, and horse-back- Egyptian ships ofFhoht 1,380 ed back the Brooklyn. Dodgers, SL Jamea vs. Spartans, 6:15 (Kramer 3-3)—night The address of Rev. John S. cess of education, I could teach riding. A turkey dinner wa# serv­ Wadsworth. B. C. were strengthened on the out­ Memorial. * St. Louie (Zoldak 3-8) at Phlla- Qalas Naay Banovs hose for thy Mechanics aad taber sophistry. S'.e what you are quali­ church Sunday, the Communion 4-1, in a night contest at Pitts­ During the 1946-47 season Kat­ with the local High ntes Durtag Komedy follows: and would have no difficulty in fied to do, then go to it as the Meditation given by Rev. Charles ed at five o'clock, after which ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ side by a set ot ropes called burgh. Saturday, Jooo 18 dehibia (Marcblldon 5-4)—ntehL Facing Forward teaching, and secretly expected to everyone left for home. “girdles’* which helped keep the Italians va. Motors^ 8 a. m.— Detroit (Overmlre 1-0) at WaMb- kaveck dtetiagutehed himself at hte Bchoolboy career hare be took arrow to the target. Crist was. ‘"The Power of Words." Spruce, Maple, Oak. Bob Feller Routed the cage sport. He won the Butler the co-ooemtlvo ooone aad ro- I have entitled this address be good at It. I found that I Do not make money your target In the evening the Youth Fel­ 'Thoae who accompanied the vessels water-tight and added The American League's front- Robertson. Ington (Masteraon 5-4)—night waa very bad at It. Indeed. I group on the picnic were Principal E I d r I d R e. Risacii, strength to withstand the pound­ Natlodal Anderaon Free Throw Trophy celved (Uplooias from both Man­ "Facing Fonvard " because both A life devoted to its arquialtlon Is lowship met at the Community running Cleveland Indians took a Monday, June 14 and waa awarded the Adam Hat found that I could not do It at all. Edson Bailey, Mis# Helen Estea, Rirch, School. PearU ing of the sea PA’s vs. Morlarty's, 6 p. m.— Brooklyn (Hatten 5-3) at Pltto- chester High and Mancheater dlseratlOB and custom required s sterile life. Money, you know, la Houae with the East Windsor 15-7 pounding from the Red Sox Trophy for hie outstanding con­ Trade. aoBMthlng of the sort Discretion still wince whenever I meet one only a fiction. In itself It Is noth­ group as their guests. They con­ Mrs. Richard Carpenter, Miss lone Poster and Holl. OvaL burgb (Oisanea 2-0). of the unfortunates who were vtc- Fellow’#, William Vaders, George LefUe’s ve. VFW, 6:15—Charter Ney York (Hansen 1-0) at Chi­ tribution to athleUcs at Stats He He also playod basoboB te the clearly forbade my being frank and ing. Its value Is Imposed from tin u e the discussion and study captained the team and scored TwUlfht Lioaitee with eevoral labelling it “ Lesson from a Mia- tlmlxed bv me. without, by social convention. Its of the topics. "What Is Jesus" and Emerllng. Wilfred Clark, and Mias Oak. cago (Hamner 0-3). lA’hlle i did not succeed in Isabel Worth. Cantor Congoa vs. fit James, Philadelphia (Rowe 3-3) at Cin- 188 potato in 81 games for a 6.4 teams notably Moriarty Brothors apant YouCb," which, aa you will worth Is simply as s means of ex­ the "New Testament's Teaching DO THEY GALL average. Leo te tho son of M rs Mary B. see, la really what it ought to be teaching, I dfd succeed in learning change. A certain amount of it la About War." Jarvis Zale Knew. He Had Rocky Memorial. clnneti (Peterson 3-8). —learning something which I had Boston (Votselte 5-3) at St. Other honor* were bestowed on Katkavedi of 74 fiterhweather caBad. Had 1 announced that as required for a decent human exis­ The Ladies' Aid will meet at Floore vs. Indies, 4:80—Robert­ Katkaveok at the close of the aea­ streeL my topic, 1 should not have been never graaped In all the time that tence and to make senalble pro­ the home of Mrs. Albert Sttlea Realty Co. son. Louis (Hearn 4-2)nlghL I had sat In a classroom; namely, A fter Landing First Blow aon when the Aasoclated Press ee- let Into this ball and probably not vision for the future. Friday for an all day sewing REALTORS YOUR CAR A Tuesday, June 18 tectod him on its first-team AU- Nattaosl Leagna that teaching is exceptionally hard Beyond that, it la futile and Morlarty’s ve. PA’n 6-p. m. — even into this town. And custom meeting to complete the articles mSURE 6.U Center Street fiouthern five and sports writers Batting—MuolaLJN. Louto J79; demands a vague but high-sound­ work, and any teaching (not mere­ may be harmful. Do not set your for the fair. Oval Italians, Indies WItL Newark, N. J„ Juno U —(ff) radio' announce re voted Leo Holmes Boston ATS. ing title which suggests that one ly the brilliant aort) is an art. hearts upon it If you do. you will Monday evening the outing com­ Tel. 4112 Or 7275 —^on a Uble, eith Vralner Whltey NB’e vs. Motors, 8 p. m.—Rob­ that the teaching role la a true JALOPPY? Tony 2tete was aa happy o a pre­ Blmsteln hovering over him. TTie to a first team poMtion on the All- Runs Batted In ■ MiiMal, 8L is going to make solemn pro­ find It a pitiless tyrant, enslaving mittee of St. Francis Men's club McRINNKY RROTHICRS OM OINAt ertson. Tangle Tonight vocation, a calling for which only 4POLD lim boy who had Juat won bU first room was sweltering and the Rock Southern Conference Tournament Loute 40; Klner, Pittsburgh 88. nouncements ab

i. I


H rip W a n trd -> l’ CMiale 8A Artlrtaa fw Balt M MaHttuvr* srE f$ 63 fo r •MIe 72 tester was aaltad upon to at- General: “ Do you know who I tha Aaswsie UNlNEKbll.I.E FUI.KS AatomoMlce For Solo 4^Buoloooo Sonricoo Offorod 18' ••Florioto—»Nun«orioo IS the hattar e« as mtetaaewtta n?” I a BSlnlriar travel- BY r t m A i ! ^ g a r d e n TRA< rufta,'* Braody. VALUABLE —Omtral property ■ ■■ ml U B L IC STENOORAPHOl. IOITC MILUON plonU roodjr now: NICE WORK ter woman—8 day CAW Itm o Jara, IS dsosa, eoart ItetaBL Whea he The roolUa taohod at him blaak- oa tha IMO CHEVROLXr chib coup*, Oardsa Kteg. uravaiy, Plaaat Tkra 6-reom staglss t«s»-car gat and Nonsense r . M. Broderick, Rublnow Bldg. Cabbage, cauliflower, celery, to- wash, good pay. vacatlooa New stea. fm a ta Jeleo sirtraetor. Sense ir te f • -jeaL thOB twaod aad taag they gut Into a block. Good Uroo. A guorontood Jr„ w tu attachmonta. Hand aad rags twe lots m day eempeacy. mifl • aoperftata) caltad te a ooupta of Meads: Event of the Week Q a s n B e d Phono 3-1443. matoeo, peppers 8 kinds, snap- System Laundsy,. Harrlaoa OBoSSTt. wmeh turned on Um ouhject o f how cor, only 4405 down, boloncc 34 powqr mowsra. LAira adgsra. No agents Tat 3-3488 or 8088. Mothsr: *Tffhy iaaahter, w M la Tsatad that there waa aetMui Rooklo: *Tlay“ tellov teltawa. here's a dragona calendulas, slnnlaa, pe­ stresL the btabop had gotten Ms vocation. otty misses seven 7 foot ft montho. Bninner'o Loot Center O ra « eatskara. iMpttoi Orttiisag ywir hair aU oaMsafi a p f D l i M t w im m with Mas. good oaa A (Ssasrsl whs tearnit He cxMhMd at tangth. and than OSANPMs P -a ( ) etreet. Opw Mondojr ond Thvlm- tunias, asters, marigold, stock, LOVELY Ma-rooas Mmrl*. alea • 1 4Ma*t havo ttmoP Bnitar: ‘Tt's Um thta, air." (la . ------a W IT broken r m flic It. Will pick R E C E P n O N iar for doctor's ot- B attM U k Oa. 88 Mate atraaC CWl 736«. sailer try ta kisa you sgalnm your asked the adntater to toll ths story AdvertiMineoU doy nighta 'tU 10. lady slipper, blue lu e and condRloa, Sao loeaUon. Early ee- What a haoMjrod gterga*- a haaias whtapev)" •a t tadysMp up ond deUeer. Coll 3-4203. flee. Rsply in own handwriting to I dMa't taho ttam firoai my pIsM w lur* of hta esUlag. Botf-OomptacenUy paaalaa. Perennials, swebt Wil­ Box O, Herald. BOTTUBD Oes appMdaess. Bst- POWER L A W N monrsn, $78. 6- enpency. Only 89.300 tanas or DaiMbteri 'Tfo Mathar. Rs Just aw«aia880ta wagsa F o r S o le LOW DOWN Poymente, up to 24 liam, chrysanthemums, popplea the divino rspBsfl la all brevity: P « r R « i t W TLUAM 8 Oil aorvlee has te- d gas hot whtst bsatsn. hot- iL shrub sprayata, 91.66. Ibw a 81.000 down. For veteran who te alBP * «« aata 1 got IL" "The Lord had aood a f am " The monthe to poy. Dougloe Motor and American arbor-vHae, Glrbe Usd gas rangea, aottlad gas com- Ta tive MOM thought I thtak I shall asvar sat T o S e U stolled Petro Oil burners in many I WAITRESS Wonted. Apply te 8oton, lac., Katesr-Fraasr DoaL win quaUfy. OoodchUd IteaKy Deetor: "Aad a fiaraad goad bishop knitted hta brow In thought T o Bo t Solee olweye offers you o better! arbor^vltaa pinka blue spruca person. Silk a t y Diner, 841 Mala kteatton s t o ^ bottled gas best* or, 48 West Osatar atraat Os, 16 Foceot etreet Phone 7838 That woulfi oaro hava haousKt A hma who sulta m Ato a **r'; deol in the cleonest used cars.' Manchester homos. Hiey have Qrast wealth* ta the moral treas- Ihs bright thsught that should Aad y«t I waador tftharo bs thoa turn to the youag asoa. "I Japanese yewa Irish Juniper, street • n Manchester Pips and Supply. or Hertford 3-6T7.. sppoar In this paragraph w $386.' Yea. ond mechanicoUy good too. given the utmost eotlsfoction. mountain laurel, rhododendrons, SEVERAL nood power and hand A man who thlaks thesame of om. hava read the Bible aulte a few CLASMIKIKI) AI»VT. 1a& 1VL dSdS. completely forget'{ten who# a tlBMA but sa ter as I know, there Finoncing arrongements will For Complete burner eolao ond golden plumoea All vegetable moorers, ana Royal typeorrltar, 6-ROOM etegls in eaeeUent Grace M. (teok. Lsaviag amasy ia tha aaah reg- • I as aa MS ta only oae oceaalcti on which the O K I1 meet with your approval os you oervico ond on oasurod supply of and bedding plants 18c per dos- Help Wanted— Mala 26 KOBIUE PtaoM bdUo gas tor $88. Capitol <3rindtag Cbaipaay. repair. Prtoo llOJWO. 83JM6 eaeh. *T fiM at taho tiaw” — Gulf fuel oil Can 3-1387. Whoa 1 fiaotly camo can. tater at rioMag time ta unwise, as Lord said It# had need ter any­ t r M A M to 4 :4S P M may select the Moncheiter Trust |1 per hundred. Perennials tana aae Imbm, available now 88 Mata. Phono 7968. Moatbly poyntaat appremasataly many plaeso' o f huainMa have Abs Sued Ms wlf s. EIgte for dl> W ANTED —Two landscape men T b the moment when I must pause thing. A t Hta triumphal entry In­ Oo. with 4 per cent bonk rotes, different prices. Always open. Manehsster Pipe and Supply. 886. CaU 806f. H. O t a ^ A ^ learned.,, vorcs last fiaturday after she bora ALL A PPU A N C B 8 aervload and I at once. Muat be gooe graders. GARDEN TRACTORS, Btvady, Aad gtvs accounL A qynlcal-mlndod geatleman him trtMsts for the fourth time la to Jorusatam Ho ssM He had need or any other plan of your choice. repaired, burners, rafiigeratora, Phone Hartford 8-3091. East TbMphoae 6968 - 3-0668. Good wages. Phone 1-1681. Garden King, Oraveqr, Beaver 4- 8ACRIFICSNO, now R-roenL tern UnthoQt aay doubt was stsiMIng in front of an exhlhi- a row. Ite chaMOd her with bring of an aaa" Loot and Poond 1 Buy nr sell your cor at Douglaa ranges, waaharai, etc. ,U1 srorhl Hartford. 379 Burnside avenue. wheel riding tractors, with at­ uaflalahed, frame houas with m have had an the time there tleu of losal art telen^ tabled "A rt Tsachar: *Wha uras the amart- oveftioariBg.—IBokary Gap Post* —F. Mlbahe ta Quote. Motor Bales, 383 Main street. guaranteed. Metro Service Oo. Greenhouse and nursery. LOOM-FDCER wanted. Most bo ost Inventor T" tO S T —tody's block euede puree. 42 tachments Hand sad pow attachod garage aad antra let. was! ur. Tel Mancheotor 3-0388 thoroughly experienced on C A Fad aad Ftcd -A PupU: fThamss A. Edison. He Vicinity of Stole theoter FIniler 1M: PLYMOUTH deluxe sedan. FOR BALB —Tomato, cabbage ssooreik Lawa adgers Grass ImaMdlata aoeopaacy. Marcella H. Alexander. “ s s :en." ho announced to the at- bayBght Bavhig K. 4' X 4* box looms, 80-lnch SOFT Firewood for furnace. tandant la charge, “I sbohid think Invented the phoaagraph aad rad- ■uy keep money. Phone S332. A clean cor. Heater, defroster. and popper planta, 30c per dos. catchara. Capitol Grinding Oo. Smith, RaaRar. t-lS U . 46T8. . BWi O f Man / RAi *lO — BleetrlcsJ Appliance I wide with 28 ahaft gemhead. Bt Steve, •replase. 88 for two cord A rt would ebjecL and I can't lo so would stay ^ all Ths tiiaao atu out of Joint. Kelley's Service Center, 1« Braln- Servioe. repairs picked up and| 613 Keeney street 89 Mala strost OaU 7988. Oae of the greateot labor-saving When's a aua M^ptegT Oh. cuiaod agtte LOST— SplU ::ollle dog. Brown opportunity for right man. Write load, dallvared. niona RockviUo 6-ROOM ateglo on comer lo t This taama htm." Bight hta itaetrie bulbs.' ord Place. Phone 7383. delivered promptly. 30 years’ Tolland Fabric, Inc., Stafford property has deflaiU ponribUltleo fiavtces of today is toasoirow. Wbaa ho gets bald or gray? 0ns ptaco aty watch is wrong, Ith eome while, medium size, 563J3. When be puts on bifocals? Ahother ptaea It’s right. experience. John Maiofiey. Pboae! Springe, Conn. for buslneae location. CUl SOOSl long hoir. Anewere to Re*. Phone W AITINO For a new cor? Here's 3 1U43. 1 Wateut stiset Roofing Siding 16 Marical laatnis 62 How te reduce! Eat at a board­ DevolM a bay? —H. E ZImmemcan H. Grady, A|NBt Net Always ing bouse, and use good manners. 7001.______your opportunity to get modem, AUTOMOTIVE Mschanle. ( "Any Day Now Bsokstorca May Oh, novr, a mon’a slipping guaranteed transportation imme­ VENETIAN dited All ',1^ 1 r o o f in g — Spoelallslnf In ra- Garden— Faras— Dairy HIGH GRADB uood grand pUnoo. No. Wo do not get out of evory- Grit. Be SeUag Laos Btsp Tni snd Lad. LOST — Block occount book. al motors new ear sorvieo Dept FOR BALE — New excepUonel When all unswars A girt can always tell when a diately, and save 'money too. pairing roofs of all kinds, also Predocta 66 epotlsaa condition, known makes thlng just wtikt wo put toi IL There les hats atang with Novels.” But­ Woodbrldge etreet. Rewerd D. made to ordsr also roconaupn has an opportunity for a copalspabls completely modem 6-rooM sIih He meets with a roltor skate man ta ta leva with her by the way Select now from a group of 1P46 tng. Bast quality. HadaU Manu new roofs. No Joh too small or Also good spinets amall np- are i ^ t machine and puacb *To suspect a friend Is worse ting into ths drugstore buoineao. mechanic with good tools. This w e e k -e n d Special, annualo, 10 gle. Hot water heat with baea L «ft on the stair. he looka i t her when she Isn't Iforoholl, 38 Phelpi Rood and 1947 Packard 2 and 4-door Isrga. Good work, fair price. Free rlgkta. priced low. Free delivery. boards. than to be deceived by him." eh? facturtny Co.. 488 MIddls Tum- Is a steady year-in. year-out Job dos. ter $1, Including ainnlaa, radiatlos Sroplacs attadiad ga­ —Jdarjorte Anderson. looklag.—Bashange. sedans. They look and perform pUt East OaU 4888. eetlmstea. CkU Howley, Man Goes Plano Co„ 67 Aliya street "T POOND—Smoll ium of money on chastsr 8881. offering excellent working eoodl- aatars, snapdragons and others. Hartford. 8-6696. rage co m p le te plasterod. Three MICKEY FINN Mote etreet Thuredey eftemoon. like new cars suid can be pur­ Gdaml Workout! LANK LEONARD OIL BURNERS aarvlesd. Harcoj tlons In a clean, light shop with Tomato plants 10 doe for |1. flnlshed rooms and fuU tile batk Owner con heye some by clolm- chased on our convenient pay' ROOFING and tiding our special­ burners Installad. iSimacas clean­ new, modem shop equipment Rock garden planta and hardy 3nd floor. Downatalre lavatory. Ing ond poying for odvertiee- ment plan, srlth your present car ty. Now oalUnga and carpentry. 68 ed. Prue's Rumor Sanrlce, 881 Company paid hospltallsatioa. No poronniala at reasonable prices. Wantad—^To Bay AU windows are Curtis «t- ment. Mre. Fred Englond. OH as part payment—if you have HIgheet quality matarlala. Worh- Cooper street T s l 8471 days, recognised holiday work. 8H day McOonvlUe's Greenhouaea, 808 typo. Nice reeldantial let 8T 7M3. one. Bninner's, Bast Center manohlp guarantaed. A A. Dion, week vacation with pay. A pp^ 6184 evenlnga Woodbrldge street. Phone 8M7. W ANTED To Buy—Glrl> bicycls front 140* deep with emeoita street Telephone 8191. P. 8. Some Inc. Phono 4860. In person, afternoon or evening drive. A dompletely modem borne ta good condition. Cell 3-1108. AiinoancemraU l a w n Mowers, hand sad powsr, appointments. Balch-Pontlao, lae. built with the best of rreterials gu.rante«l with a new eet o f] .^erpened. repaired: Saws 188 Center street Manchester. Household Goodo 61 Down payment approximately super balloon tires...... oawB nieO,| PiMaakInw W ATKINS ProducU. June special. oil stoves clsansd. i—gaiied wash-1 M tStIRg— n a W P in g 17 Pontiac Dealer for ManehMter car. 84,000. Phone Mancheater 7788 FLUOR profeiviLs eolved srtUi PR IV ATE LY Owned clean Purchase 11-os. bottle of vanilla and Metropolitan Hartford. 1988.1943. Can 6500. or 5333. 1941 OLDSMOBILE 3-door sedan. Ing mschlnss. w ^ m s repaired. I q i v e T0*JR plumbing and hsat- 'iheleum. aapt.ali tile counter and focelve 1 lb. baking powder New paint, new set super balloon plckup and dellvary. Friendly tng The New Look' Change old EXPERIENCED wool press Expert workmansnip. free eetl' CALL QSTRINSKY 5879 for fur­ SINDAT Occupancy. 7-room sin­ or 1 IK butterscotch dessert or Urea. It's a honey. Look it over Flxll Shop. TsL 4777. water pipes to oopper tubing ^ Ik. of elnnomon for only 10c Steady work. Good pay. Bccal- mates. Open evenings Jana. nace removal, rags, scrap metals. gle. 3-car garage. HoUtster acbool St Brunner'a East Canter street | Clogged drains machine cleaned. oBtro, or 1 Ib con chocolate malt- lent working condtUons. In q ^ ' Furniture. Oak stiect Phone Top prices section. Dcimont Realty (Com­ Open 'til 10 Moadsy and Thurs­ Expert pump InstailaUon and re­ ity establishment Apply Man­ 9-lM l pany. 4366. after 6 p. m. 3-0683. ad for 30c. Also oteer Mg day night REFRIGERATION PhoiM your WaUins SERVICE; pair CaU J. rtygren ToL 6497 chester Cleaners, 38 Wells stroet WASHING Machines. UbarSl Rooms Withoai Board 69 PRINCETON STREET — Attrac- gaolar bow . Manchester S808. A 1947 PO NTIAC aadanatta. Heat­ Commerdk] trada-ln allowances towards new tive 7-room single, in line resi­ (too trial a i^ product with every er, radio, like new. 1947 Ford] Rooflng— Repairing 17-A Situationa Wastad— Speed Queen washers AU makes dential section. Has center en­ coiw:h, heater, radio, low sMleage. Domestic dspendably repaired. Pickup CLEAN Room for gentlemeh. trance hall, large living room Btesy terms. Cole Motors. TsL I SA L E }S : FcbmIc S8 I ROOFING and Repairing of aU service. 3-1578. ABC, 81 Maple Near hue line. Phone 2-3IS2. with fireplace, dining room, cab­ Undo. Chimney work, gutter M«Xi»si»i STKSiMt*. Im. 4164. I Cbiyaler AIrtenp W ILL CARE for children while StreeL inet kitchen and lavatory, 4 work Expert lepalra. Honeet parents work. In my horns oa HO NICE Pleasant room with kitchen FUNNY niISINRS.S 1938 FORD tudor, radio and heat-1 P H O N E 2-1226 workmanohlp. Satlafactlon guar­ privileges for rellsble couple. large bedrooms bath, shower, BY BER8BRBRGER PRISCILLA'S FOP BY AL VERMEER 8 W A NT BO—ltlde dally to Har^ hard street Phone 3-3737. WE BUT and M il good ui and immense closet space. Rsss- BOOTS AND HER IDDIE Phoooy! BT EDGAR MARTIN Hollywood Sarvloa 8tatian| anteed. Can Coughlin. Manchea- furaiturs combination radgas References required. Call 3-1484 ford, vtetelty Ooan. General. ment laundry facilities, automa­ Mt/i fm in s nom.. Thet k/a enet 1 canT \MAGtV2t tu o s o l a m o n until 9 p. m. IScientifle R e frig e ra tiim ter 7707. gas rarigea and boaters Jones’ after 5 p. m. OANciNO C '. v\«sowb VSbVL .\'VL 8U«t MNCb TO LOOK frrrm m * " * Turnpike West and tic oil hot water heat and brass The tying run en thir^, the bei/gsm esf a4A.%\ste.\ about tw i bOCtAv HOM t o VNAW .TAVK ,b\T AND « t NT TWNb ViSW Utb ALV you _60 Cottage StnMt SitnatlMifi Wanted— g^iralture Store, 86 Oak. Phono PROatteM TAW booth WRh BawthatM strost Hours 7:18 to CHIMNETS Rebuilt repaired end LIVING ROOM and bedroom fum- plumbing throughout OiUy 83,- Mnning run en secen&aelMotar 6808 General tracking. Reasonable at any time. 250 Hilliard streeL rage and breeseway. New five ALLE UUP B Tf.T. HAMLIN fniBBBIBOON rates. CaU Tenyaon McFall. doga. Delivery service. StreeL thte ona at Brunnet'a Bast Osn- w s HAVE Bnest naoortmenta of room, nearing completion. Will F t € THS4U WMIN ter StreeL Open Monday aad| kitchen Unoleums. Also tUa and Phans 7S1S. ONE USED Thor washing ma­ PLEAbANT Room for rent decorate to suit buyer. Inquire U AFIW MC CANARIES, GOLDFISH chine, In good mechanical condi- .a r r i ItIT CHEVROLET 4 DR. IKuradoy nlghta 'Ul 10. atea w vertoga. Manchaatar FloorlASHBS AND RUBBISH removed Breakfast If desired. Phone 3i Liberty street. Phone 8172. Uon. Tel. 7817. 2186. SEDAN IM S FORD 5-passmgsr convarU- ** Osttage otraotl Sand, gravat SO and loam. Gen TROPICAL FISH NEW 4-ROOM single, bath, aufo* B r iH n A Ms club coupe. Olaaming blaek • oral trucking. Range and fuel oU BIG 7H cu ft. electric refrigera­ matlc hot water, artesian welL Snlsk, Oka now, whitewall ttrso, FURNACES TsUorad to St your ______James Maert Phono 4833. Hendryx Cages tor, like new, used Uttlc, 8100. 58 LARGE Furnished room for rent. copper plumbing, winterised. On Charter Oak street IM S CHEVROLET 4 DR. radio, heater, etc. Very low mllo- t o M Van Qsap Broa. Phono I t h e AUSTIN A. Chambers 0 > , CaU 3874. good tar road. Price $8,500. 3891 gan. Phone 3847. PIANO, Furniture, gas stove and CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER SEDAN ata aarvlco, raasonabla rataa FOR BALE—Mixed puppies, in other articles. Call after 4:80, all A MODERN six-room house, 3 8 Cate strast APARTM ENT for mother and PRECRI.E AND HIS FRIENDS Step In. Son BY MERRILL G. HLOtMBlI Phono John Krtnjak 8166. Andover. CaU WlUlmanttc day Saturday. 346 North Main. unfinished, 1 year old, seml-alr 1940 PACKARD cenpa, 6 cylinder, Painting—Papering ■ 21 2614-J-l. daughter. Rockville 1769-Wl. condition, automatic heaL Rusco ID tel ♦fiOOD Niorrr. f w s r r PfilNCP.' Ak® FUOHTS model 110. Radio and heater. | storm windows, Venetian blinds. HAMLST lf41 BUICE 4-DB. SEDAN Household Scnrleca INTBH10K~and exterior palnUng. FLOOR MODEL radio, good con­ Owner transferred. Immediate AYg - OF ANJGEUS SlNO THEE 4] Good condition. CaU 3698. CUTE KITTENS need home. Ideal Bitainem l„ocntlon8 '.VILUINY, TOTHY HESTJ* ______O ffered______IS -A I paperhangtng, celUng reflnleh- pets. Houaebroken. Manchester dition. Reasonable. CaM 5883. occupancy. Call Manchester 8051 aL£T TWt 1940 CHEVROLET eoupo. A nlco ad. Man liuursd and property 2-2521. For Rent 64 after 7 p. m. for appoIntmenL DOOR SC t h e HOMECRAFT Shop. 29 damage Expert work. Edward R. FOR SALE—80-gal. domestic hot LOCKED.'* m i FORD t-DR. SEDAN car. Hoator. Kelley's Servloo Osn- water heater. Can be fired with FOR LEASE!— Elstabltshed gaso­ TH-E-E-ELRf tar, 10 Bralnord Plaoa. Phone [ Pearl streot brings you a gsnsr- Price. Phone 2-1008. 417 BLAST CENTER Street — 9 al handyman iservica. Screens coal or oU. Grates and burner line service station, handling rooms with tile bath, sxtra bath, 7308. Live Stock—Vehicles 42 ------made. Woodworking, floor tUo INTERIOR and exterior painting, availeble. (Tall 7218, or at 160 major brand product, moderate steam heat, oil burner, nice loL FOR SALE—second calf, Jersey Investment required. Write Box m i OLDSMOBILE OONV. laid; applUncea, motors, oU and paper hanging. W. Popofl. Gardner streeL ' ameslte driveway, 2-car garage buraara aervlcod, lawn mowers Phonf 6472. cow, calved 6 weeks ago. Gives O, Herald. can be yours. See us today, fog CLUB 1940 PLYMOUTH DELUXE sharpensd, pickup and dallvory 14 quarts of milk. Tel. 2-1500. . appointment to Inspect. Occu* 5-BURNER on stov^ InsuFated FOR RENT -Store near Main TUs kM evirjrtldiig. Tall us your troubles and tergat! QUALITY, settee, psney on completion of sale. 4 DOOR SEDAN GAITED Black mare. Western stieet. (Now Ward Farm Store/. them. Jamea A. Woods ThL 8- ‘• “ ‘'I* Albert Guay “The Home oven, $10. Tel. 6121. Arthur A. Knofla, Realtor. Ex­ saddle and bridle. Cai be seen 1800 square feet. Apply Mar­ 19 1S. j Gamers Painter." Complete in­ clusive agent! Brokers protected. IM l FORD 2-DR. SEDAN Black. Radio and heater. evenings. Jesse Hills, Gilead. low's, 867 Main street. terior and axterioi painting serv­ 878 Main street. TeL 5440 • A BUffooB nifty. CALL 8TRICK 3-9087. ice, paperhangtng, apraying and Telephone WilllmanUc 2374-Wl. THREE-PIECE overatuffed par­ for Uno- FOR RBNT~3-car garage with 5939. New motor reeoutly installed. laum laying. Servlca flOOT reflnishlng Sattsfaition lor seL Call 6941. of range overhead toft, easily convsrted bumors and odd Jobs. fuaraniesd. Free eetlmstea. Mi DIRECT FROM owner, pre-war TEN LAYING hsna for sale. Into any type workshop such as 1241 FORD 2-DR. SEDAN ' FULL PRICE $946 workmen fully insured. 21' dprucc (tell 4-room single with bath, full 2-9464. GAS w A tesr heater. Phone 8668 woodworking, bicycle repair or REl) RYDER Court's In Session RV FRED HARM4 N Just pveriisaldd. WEAVING OF buraa, moth bolaa StreeL sfanchester. Tsl 3-lSbS length attic, garage, screened aad tom clothing: ladtaa hoalny after 8:30. plumbing, business soned. tten- «4A'' a>4S AA£ ^ HOORAY FOR'^ Y ■S exterior painting, paperhanging, $13. In perfect condition. Call woodwork throughouL House In­ BUCKSKIM.f, BEACHWAGON roofing, floor sanding. R. EL Web­ STORE'For Rent—1,853 souare ft. palra and cleaning; nmbralla f - 88 Main street. (teU 7958. Suitable for any line of Imalnesa. sulated by Johns-Manville. Im­ NO 6 djrU niee. pairing; men's shirt collar and star. 6968. SIElBEntT Baby carriage aad safe­ SOLIMENE and FLAGG, Inc. Oak street. Phone 6494. mediate occupancy. Priced to cuff reveraal ansi rapIacamaaL ty gate for sale. CaU 2-0698. G. E. Refrigerator, monitpr top, sell. Write Box A, Herald. Marlow’s Little Msndteg Shop. REAP THE benefits of years ot excellent running condition, new­ 1240 FORD 2-DR. SEDAN Dodge and Plymouth Dealer painting “ know how " surface con­ SCRATCH. PADS 3" x 5" 18 cents \ ly painted, 878. Call Saturday or dition and failures analyxe In­ Anmuiei Bomea fm Rent 67 Just Hln,iiew. a Ib. Orders for $1 or more art Sunday. 3-1118. for Sale 73 • \ 634 CENTER STREET Boildinf— ContrmctliiE 14 terior and exterior. Floors sanded delivered. CaU 6393. FOR R E N T — July and August, and reflniabed. C. F. Charbonnesu. 3 WINDOW SHADES, 8H’ Wide; home In Manchester of Cape Cod AMSTON Lake. Nice, tree shaded .1240 FORD 2-DR. SEDAN I CARPBlNTBUt Work ot all kiiwi 164 Henry straa> Dial 3-9878. FOR SALE—38 chicken crates, one drop-leaf parlor table and fashion. Reasonable. Box_ W, lot, 50’ X 100'. Near lake. Priced On th ii Fve qient s fortune. C A LL 6101 OR 6102 Roofa stdtega, additlona ana al- good condition. Call at 811 M id­ to sell. Call Hsrttord 32-9188. W INTER Rates on painting and chairs, apartment sixe gas stove Herald. tarationa Atoe oaw conatnietlOB. dle Turnpike East. and electric washer, one btrdseye paperhanging. Ftee estimates. ATTELNTION Investors. A four- SlefferL Phone 2-0388. maple bureau with large mirror, c "-itiaL 1941 PONTIAC 6 CYL. 1938 (3HEVROLET coupe. Very I Wallpaper. Raymond Flske. family dwelling of 16 rooms, lo­ piano chair, parlor ^ - Wanted tr Kent 6*< 2-DR. TORPEDO good car. Radio and heater. | R E S lU E N ltA L and commeroliU Phono 2-9387. WICKER Stroller, (tell Manches­ cated on Biasell streeL An addi­ of dishes and \U kinds electric Kelley's Service Onter, 16 Brain- cabinet work, variety woodwork, ter 8063. STOKE MANAGER needs 3 to tional apartment of 3 rooms on With everything. and oil lamps. W ^buy and sell ard Place. Phone 7385. portable tools for rant. Shlpsbapo PAIN TIN G , paperhangtng, wall 5 iDom house or apartment. No third floor may be completed at paper removed by steam. Con­ WHITNEY Steeromatlc carriage good used furniture at 17 Maple Woodworking Oa I'hona S-09U children or peta Advise Kinney's, small cost. Property In good con­ ,*22J2!LEJaill!S12JS£iiA eowt 1B46 tv mk VIC FLIN T Something Does Happen RV MHHTHI IfTUI IF\ VXD RAI.PH LAX® 1941 CHEVROLET CLUB tract basis. Reasonable. Call 2- with mattress. Unusually attrac­ street. Phone 3-1089. 903 Main streeL dition. Potential gross Incoms 'AirBiOMT,'Y«r—wmmmmSBaamwi CONCRETE Ooatractor. Ratal And in the next room... COUPE 1935 CHEVROLET master coach. 0628. tive Also play pen and crib bas­ under present rent law, $1,680 If she know how sh# looked—putting on ntako-up in 'I'm not exactly Intortsted in tolling—I just want to 'MUOWO.VIC 5AVS Ing walls, landscape aad grading sinette with mattress. AU excel­ ONF DINING room set, $30. One ASkeO R7R ■?.' A Must go. $250. Phone 633L annually. Robert J. Smith, Inc., public!" , AAOlHCMURWaiQ WfiAT KINOOf AH ACT ^ Ditto. work, clnJer blocks, brick, aaptlo lent condition. Phone 3-1881. gas stove, 825. 180 New Boltonr Buainesi Property for Sale 70 learn how to porguado a folia te soli me a new csr!” 4MV uaiA HEADED i 1946 MERCURY 2-door sedan. tanks Installad. Fraa asUmatea Musical— Dramatic 29 road. Tel. 2-9206. 983 Main. Tel. S4S0.' . thisWAV. OOFSN'T ARE NOU FUTTlNG OH. j New car guarantee, low mileage, MODERN Fruit and vegetable SAf^ORA. SAVING VOU. givea Call Valantino Ballooel % PIAN O TUNING, repairs, recon­ lUT OUR W,AY IIY J. R. WILLIAMS Ol'R ROXRIMNr. HOUSE with M \ lOR HIMM'I.K don't know me 7 MANY MORE IN ALI, easy terms. 24 months. Brun­ LARGE, Gray Thayar carriage, THREE-PIECE wicker seL couch, store arqulpraent. Fixtures and 1601 80 Birch atraat ditioning, etc. John Oockerham, Suburban for Sal« 76 ner's, Btest Center street. Open A-1 condiUon. (tell 3-3106. chair and table. Also baby caz» 1939 Ford pai>al truck for Mie In WHV. n"5 WOT'O TH' EV £R VTH IN <3 EfeAO.EiR 0 A S C O M .*^ T H IS 28 Bigelow at Phone 4219. OKAY-MOT MATTER WITH Y E H .T H ' \ MAKES AND MODELS 'til 10, Monday and Thureday. VAN(30UR Construction Co. New riage. CaU 6917. Rockville, tariudte satisfactory JUNE 18 Occupancy, five room A S E E M S TO , IN S U L T S ' vgHATSMXJR HURRYf rlcKORL. ► I 30ST ^SETTING homes planned and built to your ROYAL PORTABLE typewriter. lease on premiaee to right buyer. A THIMG VOOf rr WORK FO R FOR SALE — Beauty-Rest mat­ year 'round house overlooking I M A K E TOO VOU eARELY GLANCfiOff IS AS .0EM1MBERBD oorr o p LA TE 1940 Bulck 4-door, clean speciflcatlona. Alterations, roof­ Like new. Special keyboard, $55. W/ROM& WORKS W R i sexiB B ooy Bonds—Storks— tress, 8-4 sisc, perfect condition Call' Hartford 2-4141 extension Coventry lake. Wra, Rublnow, WITH IT.' L E A N ON : AT M.V PAlsSIlNB— ^CAPRiC- An appointment u e e e condition and mechanically good. ing. Tima payments arranged. Tel. 2-9623. US.' ELSE "AM’ IT YOURSELF i TEL. 8864 Mortgager Phone 6429. 818. 848 Main atreeL SBE YOU CCXAUNIT fDSSiaLt^ lOUS AS — I'LL MAIL MV^SEFORfe ae Phone 6514. Phone 4886. 81 m a k e s YDO AN' THEN I TAKB IN ALL TUgk ' FOR SALE—3 large Uvlng room HERE — , H6 SnaTE-«3 1 .^ppQaisaL. ME THEY’RE I DETAILS IN Or I WE BUILD to order on your loL A BIG MORTGAGE Savings— You sliding doors. Telephone Rock CALL FOR MAD ’CAUSE OP YOOR TO S E o Motorcycles— Bicycles save 8300 to 1780 at 4 per cent Marhiiwrv aiM) rmta 62 ^ arnia and Ijind for Sale 71 Wanted->Real Estate 77 We're Open Till 9:00 Sound construction with the best vine 1951. HEU*.' , you DON'T PAlNTiNO./y*? 1H6 HOARD HARLETY - DAVIDSON motor­ Interest on your home. Insured TO BUY or sell real estate con­ N E E D ’EM ? OP ACORNS Thursdays of materials. Your plans or ours. 12-GAUGE shotgun,* three 28 cali­ SHOP AND COMPARK cycle. Buddy seat and aaddle Elatimates cheerfully given. Also high mortgages on homes. Before FOR SALE tact Madeiinr Snutn. Realtdr. bags. In excellent condition. you purchase . . before you ber, two 81 caliber rifles, am­ “ Peraonallaod Real BXtste tierv- remodeling. H. W. Larson, Build­ munition, one pair new 16-lnch POWER LAWN MOWER Model 48, year 1942. Price 1300. er. TeL 6870. build . . . or If you need i AVERY STREET tco." Room 'J6. Rublnoor Build* financing . 0.1 . and FHA Australian hunting shoes, one New LightweighL Smooth R«)nnlng Phone 3798. t9’’ OasoUne Motor. ing 3-1642 • 4879 24 MAPLE STREET loans arranged. Authorised by complete compressor and spray 23 ACRES i v a .'m i I t •.»..<« Alw Tho Law ______HI I.EM.tE II K.XFK gun outfit, nsw. Phone 6716. 6 - 699.96 Plus Freight HAVING HEAL BXtate prohiemat MANCHESTER Florist*—Narscrlcs 15 leading banks and insurance com­ w e tttTeR. imFOkTuohTiCYrwHiw x m m o Business Services Offered 12 panies. Call Conn A Conn Co.. 76 8 p. m. only. MONTGOMERY WARD Charles Maag’s rich fa rm ­ City and (arm property nought OITOOltr.MR. gmePLS WAR TUB ootM m e e m AiTMTfiOliB TRANSPLANTED VEGETABLE Farmington avenue 7-8297. Open and sold by tailing H. T McCann, MARQUOfl! OLB OP A OtPTgMOri OMB OWAU09HO M s ETJRNAC^ES Tailored to fit your BATHINETTE with tray. Good Phone 8161 land and hillside residential plants. Tomatos. peppers, lettuce, Saturday til noon sites. Bam and tobacco shed. Hsaitor l^ono Mantbastei 77(XL FOFFOP'g HOfPfiT AC05TIY IIIACtLIT. 79IMIUMNII home. Van Camp Bros. Phone celery, cabbage. aggplanL btoo- condition, $10i 8 teeter baby 5 H. P. ROTOniXER garden MAhOVBRNOU 1M8 PONTIAC eiub aadaa. Hob 5244. coU. Bnioaal sprouts. baoU, ate. chairs, $4 each; twin carriage, t l^ N T E D toloase, Boptr 1. three -radio, haatar, asat eovani, low tractor with reverha unit. $100 SKIPflkr Ftowertag pleats—aatars, po- Boatnnis Opporlaniticp 82 Whitney BteeromaUc, gray, $12; bedroom bouse with ' option to sdlaaEA Joat Uka nsw. Eaay ANTIQUES Reflnished. Repairing under llsL Toem Motors, lac., tuntaa snapdragona, salvia, Baby scales, Ivory metal, $8; 8 Kalaer-Fraser Dealer, 40 West MADELINE SMITH buy In year’s time. Beat of reler- tanm m to 3 years to pay. Brun- done on any furniture.-Tlemann, agaratum. verbena. marigoMa. BAKERY Route. Asking price II,- boys' Palm Beach EXon suits, Realtor encea. Reply Roger Williams, ^ aw'a, Bast Osnter straeL Open 189 South Main street. Phone 300, which Includes delivery O n ter street. atentaa, carnations, etc: Geran white, sises 8 and 8 , $3, TeL TeL 2-1642—4679 Box V. Herald. Til 16, Monday aad T l i u n ^ 8648. iuma, vinca vtnee, spikes U m i uuck. AUcc ensmpet, 39 Purasll 2-9210. LOOK No furthor for a small and window boxes Oiled. Four place (reari. Phone 4998 or 2- typo farm tractor. Hom It ' ia WANTED — TW-famlly ho-.i.o REFRIGERATION acres hardy planta such as 0880, or Mr. Mitten phone 6989. NEW AND Ueed Royal Portable tractor, plow, harrow, eultlvator. Boufiw for Sale 72 ' from owner. 8 rooms In u 3 J fid DEixaB. radio aad heater, typewriters, immediate .deUvery. apartmenL rssidentlal scc-tlon. hast IHN3A good ttess. Price -SfeRVICE delphinium, phloa, popplan 8925. Small typo walkln/* garden muma. Strawberry aad aspanik Uberal terma and trada-ina. Re­ tractors with and without ro- JUST Completing 6-room modem Bpaos for |day yard. No agon,a Domestic and Commercial Help Wanted—Female 85 MB gua plants Shrubs, fruit tress, pairs on aU makoa Marlow's, 867 verae with complete tools. See houae on Overlook Drive. Hot Write Box 8. HeraUL i-n water heat, garage, shade trees, ...A30S STILL. ia good, condition, PIELA'8 REFRIGERATION evergreens Woodland Gardena. WOMAN FOR hnuaowork. Ete- Main StreeL , or phone us for any sIsc desired. vX.RWiLLA'i®, HASN'T LOOKfi.D ^ pertenced. ’Full or part time. Ebi- Dublin Tractor Oo„ North Wind-' lot 75'x200'. -See Wm. Ksnehl. 11 — 1 and haatar. Best s a l e s AND SF.RVICE 168 Woodland street. Telephone UeRtl Uenild Adva. > B CTIMULAMT a t TMft RAlNtTlNtt a-//1 09U 7773. U Btreb BtraeL TsL 8-X438 6474. 1 cellent salary, cau 8088. 1 Keud deruJd Adv»; ham Road. WUUmontlo. 1 m s.

Ijn- - i