MARY CHENEY LIBRARY mnuDAT. jume lo, it a iPAOE SlXTEE!f iianrifrster ligraUt l■aOB^yNatPl le f o . a < w . Anthony Salvatore o f 90 Walnut panonaga In ordar that tto praa plaints from the ■treet waa honored with a bachelor Annual Meet ent paraoaage at tto rear of tto Paper Salvage about oollsetloo special attention About Town party laat eveninc at WilUe'a Orlll church may be used for Sunday has been given to that acetloa for M Center atreet The ftoup of adiool and aoclal rooms. Thera Is over a month now hot flgims **55o9 nddUvaa and friends who attend- Of Nazarene 'a balance in the treasury and tto Increase Here show tlttls Ghaags as to aanmat o f I Cak rack Na. 9T of St Kair'o ad preaented a purse of money to paraonaga fund on hand for thla papsr ooBsetlbla and In May th ^ cbuich win told Ito aannal outlnc Mr. Salvatore. He and Mlaa Mar- project. ssetlsa ahowsd a loao ovsr AprIL Sunday, June 1 #, at tto lodft tn faret Furphy of 197 Hackmatack Offlcere Elected Iff' Msmehaetae-^'A Cky o f riB oge Chmrm Center Sprl^ park. PorwiU atreet will be married on June Splcndicl Reports Are The following officera were May Collectioii Is 37 will be weJeomo to attend. 24. Read; 10 Per Cent In­ elected for the new church year: P. C, Better Than Thai M) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAT, JUNE 11, 1948 (SIXTEEN PAGES). pMCBPouBonni i Truateea, Norris Ford, Tennyaon M f l : ( YOU LXVIL* NO. I l l The Men’o FeHowohlp of the The delivery truck involved in crease in Members McFall, Jamea Wilson, Edward During April Church o f the Naaareno wUl meet the three-car acAdent at Bolton Swain and Thomas Thompson; TABLE PAD tomorrow evening at 6:S0 o'clock Notch • yeaterdav morning waa Btewarda, Mrs. Mary Davis, Mias at the church, and leave for a aup- owned by the Benson Furniture Rev. James R. Belt, minister o f Gertrude Wilson, Nelson Kilpat­ Papsr collections for the hospital DtstHbatar tar Prineipala in H i^ Sdmol Gommen cement per and OMita pro|tr»m at Colt Company of this town and waa the Church of the Naxarena, rick, Matthew MacDonald, Mra. KadM d tto highest total sines V-J pa^ Hartford. registered in the name of Arthur served as chairman o f the annual Norrla Ford, Mlaa Anna French Day for tto p u t month of May, •SOHMER Marshall Asserts 150 Danes Drowned , Benson, .^aterday a report indi­ meeting of the church last night. and Mra. Harold Rlckert; church Moocdlng to Ray Cooper, cbalK Phoii; 6 11m^; mu I'ewiiPiiae’ Reports were given by the Sun­ wan of the paper aalvags commit­ The teachera' meetlnf of the cated that Hichard Norton was the school board, Mlaa Ethel Hewitt, •GULBRANSEN owner. Mr. Norton is employed day school superintendent, Tenny­ Mrs. Edith MacDonald, Mrs. Flor- tee. Total collected was M.ISO /O DAY i.f ! . - i r SalvaUoa Armv Sunday achool son htcFall, the young people's •WURLTTZER wUl be held In the Citadel tonipht by Benson's and the truck was in enco Wood, Mrs. Ruth Underhill pounds or T8%. This was an In- Cuts Would Bring i president. Miss Marian Janes, and at t:15. Adjutant Atwell atated to­ hia custody at that time. and Mrs. Kay DoUn; delegates to creaas o f S% over AprU. •HARDMAN ' the Mlastonary Society president, District Assembly, Mrs. Jean Bell, OoUsctlon by eectlons and per- When Ship Explodes day. ____ I Mra. Harold Rlckert. 1 Manchester Juvenile Grange and Mlae Marian Turklngton; al­ oentagu were as follows; North­ Alice Cofran will hold its regular meeting Fri­ These were followed by reports ternates. Mra. W. T. Perrett and west, 10,790 pounds or 66% ; T^e Infant Jeaua of Prague I of the budget treasurer. Mrs. ‘Risk for Failure’ Mothera Circle t^lll hold ita flnal day June 11 at Tinker Hall at 7:00 Mrs. Edith MacDonald; Sunday northeast. 10,340 pounds or 84% ; p.iii. Plana will be made for a pic­ j Mary Davis, the parsonage fund achool superintendent, Tennjraon Southsast, 21,920 pounds or 100%, Readings Daily meeting o f the aeason thla eveniny < treasurer, l^om as Davidson, and at the home of Mra. David Kerr of | nic to be held at the end of (he McFall; church pianist, Mlaa Ger­ and Southw e^ 8,180 pounds or 02 199 Charch 8 t Hartford INC month. All memberi are reminded ' the church treasurer, Miss Ger- f « v . da Bell trude Wilson; assistant pinaiat, Secretary ReeaDs When After Mine Struck t Short atreet. i ' tnide Wilson. %■ Faraitara sad Urges Senate to bring pictures for the scrap­ Mrs. Florenco Wood. la order to check several com- Telopheae i-2024 • Program Deviged He book. A groad income o f over 813,000 Uon. Thla was followed by "a ^ waa reported. Items worthy of Bizabla love-offering” for the Said 'tliere Wag No Veeael, CariTiiig 400 Miss Betty Erickson, daughter I note were the home and foreign parsonage family. Favor Giving of .Mr. and Mra. Howard Erickson, I miasiona budget o f 82,000 and the It was alao voted unanimously Ortainty Aid Would Paaaengera Go«a Dow^ I Eastern Nasarene College budget of Smith street. Wapplng. was that the church purchase a new Survivors Reveal Atlantic graduated from the Art School of . of over 8800. all overpaid. Regtore Enrope to Military Aid 10 Minntea After Beh Fashion. Hartford, yesterday, I Gala la Attendasre where she has been taking a three- It was also noted that there had Full Economic Health ing Ripped Apart ia Ronga and Fuel been a gain o f 30 per cent In the year course in fashions and illus­ SHOP HALE'S SELF SERVE Vandenberg Asks Quick Kattegat in Dawn E » tration. Miss Erickson was grad­ S\inday school average attend­ Washington, June 11—(ff) Bedlam of Panic uated with the 1949 class from ance. and a 10 per cent gain in — Secretary of State Marshall Approval of Resolu­ plosion; Many Save church membership. HALE’S OIL Ellsworth Memorial High school. asserted today that House At a previoua church meeting tion to Pave Way Aalborg, Denmark, June 11—(0 )^ Fight To Reach RaU Lives by Diving from The Ladies' Aid Society of the the Rev. J. R. Bell had been giv­ AMD HEALTH MARKET c u tsjn fundi wo^ld make, R egen Rev. Seha B. Reaaegy —A bedlam of pamc wax described 1 grabbed my trousers, rushed en a unanimoua three-year recall Headquarters To Help Enropeans Oareljm Deck of Sinking Ship Covenant-Congregational church the European recovwy pro­ VaMtetertaa Oemmeaeemeat gpeeker today by survivors of the Danish to the deck and jumped into a ver­ L. T. W OOD CO. will meet tomorrow evening at fi as pastor of the local congrega- FOR gram a “calculatad i riek for V e a s a I "KJoebenbava” which itable bedlam. Men and women o’clock with Mrs. John L«rson of failure." He recalled that Waahington, June U —<8> ■truck a mine thla morning and fought to reach the rail. Others Aalborf. DenmariL June II il BtascD SU TeL 44H 80 Main street. FOR THESE FOOD VALUES Senator Vandenberg (R., Mich.) tried to get away from the rail when the program waa de­ sank with 400 aboard In the Katte­ ^ (JPi — About 160 Dan^ Housing Fate while crow members were pushing vised, he said there was no urged the Senate today to help gat. drowned today when the pea- 'organlnad the peace” ao thla coun Value Time, Choose First survlvora brought aahore people into the water. 1 climbed Old Fashion cOTtotaty It wauM ruturn Burop* a ladder in a frantic race egelnet senger veseet Kjoebenhava Daisy-Maid try won't have to uaa force to help were landed from the DanMi tank­ HEALTH MARKET to economle health—that It en­ Up to Second er Dengulf Lube at Hals. Tbey Inrushlng wetera, wiien tbs KJot- struck a world war II REAL tailed a cakvlatad riak. keep the world on an even keeL Life’s Work Wisely, were a mleerable group at exhaust­ benhavn went down. and blew up In the Kattegat Urging Vandenberg eaked quick approv­ ed. wounded men end wooMn. Most ”1 won and clung to the ladder The veeeel, carrying 400 pas- al o f a reaolutlon paving the way PACKARD Cheese PLUMP, MEATY SLICED aj>pearad before the House Group of them did not know arhether kin­ Just above the water, exhausted sengere, went down 10 mia- ESTATE B u tte r Senate Appropriatlone committee for American poUUcal and mili­ folk with them on the vaesel arere beyond belief, for two hours until which ie holding hearing* on the tary eupport to Burpoean natlona help arrived.” ntes after the dawa exidoaioa 1946 and 1947 H. S. Grads Advised deed or missing. ripped her apart. Is Our Greatest EBP fuade voted by the Houee. Joining hand! agatnet poaaible Surprise Democratic They told of seeing frantic pae- Botoead aad Daogliter MleelBg 4 Door Sedans F o w l He and othen ara urging the Oommuniat aggreaelon. sehgere Jumping off the founder­ Another eiurvtvor, Mrs. Halle ta Drewa to Baeaw Basic Value I lb. B a c o n Senate to tnereaee tboee funds He la chairmen o f the Senate Victory Puts All Major ing veeeel. sonM artth children in Jensen of NIbe, wea bystericaL 8to o f aleeplBg paeaeagets ExccOent groap of hw and Insist that the Houee agree Foreign Rrletiona Committee Rev.
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