The Acorn December 2007 The Sevenoaks & District Motor Club November PCT at Stoneacre Farm

Clockwise from top left: Suze Bisping, David Balderson, Jay Grossmith, Clive Cooke and Richard Scott Club Contacts

Club Contacts Sevenoaks and District Motor Club Ltd. Club Contacts PRESIDENT: J Symes VICE PRESIDENT: V EIford

ACORN MAGAZINE December 2007

The Editor, Committee and Club do not necessarily agree with items and opinions expressed within ACORN magazine


CHAIRMAN, Chin, TROPHY RECORDS [email protected] KEEPER:


SECRETARY, Andy Elcomb, MEMBERSHIP SEC: [email protected]

TREASURER: Clive Cooke, [email protected]

COMPETITION SEC. Ian Crocker, WEBMASTER: [email protected]

SPEED LEAGUE David Balderson, CHAMP CO-ORD: [email protected]


CHIEF MARSHAL: Philip Fawcett, [email protected]

SOCIAL SECRETARY: Daniel Whittington, [email protected]

PRESS & PR: Suze Bisping, [email protected]

PRESS & PR: Steve Thompson, [email protected]

WEB ACORN: Ralph Travers, [email protected]

Website -

PLEASE NOTE: COPY DATE FOR JANUARY ACORN WILL BE 13TH DECEMBER You can e-mail copy to [email protected]

Wednesday 19th December 2007 Seasonal Noggin and Natter—Bring a small silly gift for the ―Bran Tub‖. The Buttery at The Bull, Wrotham from 8.30pm

I will also accept copy on disc or CD-Rom; on paper (typed or handwritten) or by ‘phone for juicy gossip.


or me November was almost impossible, nother year drawing to a close and with two events and a forum to run, but it all in all pretty successful for the club all went OK. December will be nearly as A despite the loss of two of our rallying F events early on, Kent Rally and Rally of Kent. The 12 busy with two important meetings, one to start the cars have been well supported though as was the re- ball rolling for Cadwell Park 2008 and one to re- cent 20/20 rally so all is not lost in the South East. It view the Speed regs. for the area with the other may be early days but Scatter rallying seems to be associations and interested parties – and there’s enjoying a bit of a revival finally, with the latest event, Christmas to think about too! organised by our friends at Maidstone and Mid-Kent The 2020 Rally at last has come to something, Car Club, seeing 12 crews out and enjoying the and because of its success there may be a few lanes...yes that’s right...12! Read what MMKCC’s Tom more clubs trying something similar. Thanks to all Solomon has to say about it on page 8. who entered and helped on the night (we actually Ian Crocker will be organising the next one on had two senior MSA executives marshalling 13th December, more details can be found in his col- umn on page 4.

which should have kept them all in order) it was The Borough 18 MC’s December 12 car will proba- worth all the effort and we’ll be back next year. bly have gone by the time you read this, hopefully it The forum with Ian Davis of the MSA was well will have been another successful and well supported attended by our members and friends from club sport event. The next one will be on 11th Janu- ASEMC and Weald and a wide ranging discus- ary, run by Croydon DMC and will start out of Wester- sion on club motor sport took place. Several top- ham Garage. If you can’t compete, please offer your ics were taken back to the MSA by Ian so we’ll help with marshalling. Pete Turner is the contact for see what becomes of them. I know he was seri- the evening. So for more details check out the details ous because the following day he had reported on page 7. on the various issues to the MSA Company Sec- The November PCT went well with 35 entries on the day and it was great to see so many young drivers retary, Rob Jones, with a view to progressing turning up to have a go. By young I mean under 17s them further. My next course of action on these and several not quite old enough to drive but having a will be to press for change through the Regional go in the bouncer’s seat. I have been on a learning Committee – the debate goes on. curve with the organisation of PCTs but it wasn’t too Although the negotiations are still in their early steep and the couple of boo-boos I made weren’t stages, there is progress with Crystal Palace enough to get me the sack apparently! Damn! Must thanks to the effort put in by David Balderson – make bigger boo-boos in future! another member who’s learning not to answer the Chin is doing the final round-up of points for the phone to me! We can’t say any more than that at Annual Awards evening on 2nd February. Have a present but watch this space. good search around for any results you may have yet to send to him and get them in the post. Same goes Our December social will be the best time for for any stage or road rally results you may have for the all of you with annual returnable pots to bring Club Championship. These need to go to Iain Gibson them back to me. I believe that it will be a gentle for him to finalise the results table for drivers and co- Noggin & Natter and it would be good to see lots drivers/navigators. of you there to tell us what’s going on and your Socially, the Clubsport Forum last month was very thoughts on anything motorsporty. well supported as Chin has already said so thanks to As an aficionado of road rallying, it has been a everyone who made the effort to come along, some sadness for many years that I have become too from quite a distance too. sick to navigate; I used to enjoy that side of the Actually someone made a suggestion about asking car although I now thoroughly enjoy driving. Well, the team to come along and perhaps do a PCT or Autotest—although that may not be weird just to see what would happen, Andy Kilby and I enough for them. Perhaps if we suggest they are entered the November Raspberry Regularity 12- th given £50 to spend on a suitable roadworthy vehicle to car run by Blackpalfrey MC on Sunday 25 No- do the event in that might help. Lots of competitors in vember with me navigating in his MGBGT. Much clubsport do this (well Andy Elcomb does), although to my satisfaction I was able to call the entire mostly to do the Preston Road Rally in, as cars aren’t route without feeling sick and enjoy a good roast worth much at the end of this legendary car breaking dinner at the finish. We weren’t too hot at this event (usually one of Andy’s vehicles!) One day I regularity lark and just poodled along at about the would like to attempt day! average speed set and we came 5th out of 7. If the MSA want a role model to get women into Great fun - if a bit turgid at low averages. motorsport, they could do no worse than ask comedi- enne Jennifer Saunders, who on a recent edition of So you can do anything if you try – make that Top Gear, became the 2nd fastest Star in their rea- your motto for 2008. sonably priced car, just behind the high waistbanded Merry Christmas and a happy competing New music producer, Simon Cowell. Absolutely Fabulous! Year to you all. Anyway here’s wishing you all a very Happy Christ- mas . Chin Dawn Travers - 2 - COMPETITION CALENDAR 2007/08 FORTHCOMING EVENTS

DATE EVENT ORGANISING CLUB / Contact LOCATION Status Champ Round The start is The Weald (B18 MC): Roger McKenzie 01732 12 Car Rally Bull Inn at at 7th December 884312 Email: CS Map 188 Wrotham, Map [email protected] 188 Stoneacre Farm, Weald MC: (Maidstone & MKCC): for regs con- Stoneacre Lane 9th December PCT CS tact Bruce Jenkins, [email protected] Otham, Nr Bear- stead, Kent Thame MC/Middlesex County AC: Check the 8th/9th Rockingham Rockingham, website for regs and more details: Nat B December Stages Northampton Start The Bell 13th December Scatter Rally Weald (7Oaks): Ian Crocker 01892 546006 Kemsing from CS 7.30pm

7Oaks&DMC Social Night: The Buttery at 19th December Social Seasonal Noggin and Natter—Bring a small/ The Bull, Social silly gift for the “Bran Tub” if you wish. Wrotham Blackpalfrey MC (Weald MC): Contact Andy 6th January 12 Car Regularity Gibson 01227 792740 or email CS 2008 Run [email protected] Starts at Croydon DMC( Weald MC): Peter Turner 01883 Westerham 11th January 12 Car Rally 623465 Mobile: 07778 857160 or Email: Garage and CS [email protected] finishes at the Crown, Knockholt The Buttery at 16th January Social 7Oaks&DMC Social Night: Quiz Night—TBC The Bull, Social Wrotham Weald MC (Maidstone & MKCC): Tom Solomon 07836 636622 [email protected] or Tom 17th January Scatter Rally TBC CS Thompson/Dennis Usmar 01795 477755 – maps 188/189 Hadlow Manor Saturday Social 7Oaks&DMC 2007 Annual Awards Dinner Hotel, Social 2nd February Hadlow Blackpalfrey MC (Weald MC): Contact Andy Sunday 12 Car Rally Gibson 01227 792740 or email TBC CS 3rd February [email protected] Weald (7Oaks): Chin 01732 823132 15th February 12 Car Rally TBC CS [email protected] Eastbourne & RMC (Weald MC): Tim Smith Sunday 12 Car Rally 01424 222662 or email [email protected] TBC CS 17th February Map199 1st car away 7.01pm

21st February Scatter Rally Weald (7Oaks): Ian Crocker 01892 546006 TBC CS

For further information contact :- Competition Secretary: Ian Crocker 01892 546006 email: [email protected] Speed League contact : David Balderson, 01689 601661 email: [email protected]


e reach the end of another year, with just a few events Thursday 13 December 2007 W left in the calendar before we start the Start from The Bell at Kemsing new calendar of 2008. from 7.30pm One of the few remaining events in 2007 is the last Sevenoaks Organiser – Ian Crocker Sevenoaks scatter rally, taking place on December Email: [email protected] Tel: 01892 546006 13th. This event starts from The Bell in Kemsing, the club’s old social venue, at 8pm sharp. I am running Thursday 17th January this event and shall make the navigation nice and Maidstone – Tom Solomon easy to try and encourage some new faces along. Email: [email protected] Tel: 07836 636622 The area has some cracking roads in it and this will be an ideal event for any newcomers to try. Thursday 21st February Turning to next year I attach the club’s 2008 calen- Sevenoaks – TBC in the meantime:

dar below. Unfortunately there is no sign of the much- Email: [email protected] Tel: 01892 546006 anticipated Crystal Palace event but the eagle-eyed amongst you will spot that we are visiting North Weald 3 times next year and only two of these will be sprints! Thursday 20th March We have decided to promote our first ever Autosolo at Maidstone – Tom Solomon the airfield we all know and love. For those of you Email: [email protected] Tel: 07836 636622

who do not know what an autosolo is, it is a sort of cross between an autotest and a sprint. It takes place Thursday 3rd April on a sealed surface (the main runway), is all in a for- Sevenoaks – TBC in the meantime: ward direction (no reversing), and has a maximum Email: [email protected] Tel: 01892 546006 distance of 60m between turns – so it is mostly 2nd gear. You do not need a licence, helmet or overalls so Details of start venues and maps to be pub- there is no excuse for not entering, especially if you lished in due course. Please keep checking have a company car! the club website and calendar in Acorn each

Date Status Name of month. Event/Venue In the first instance the contact for the 23-Mar Car Trial Clubmans Stoneacre Farm Weald clubs for the Scatters are as above 06-Apr Sprint Nat B North Weald for each organising club. 08-May Autotest Clubmans Farningham 22-May Autotest Clubmans Farningham The BLACKPALFREY MOTOR CLUB of 05-Jun Autotest Clubmans Farningham KENT Ltd presents the 19-Jun Autotest Clubmans Farningham 2007/2008 WINTER SERIES of 12 CAR REGULARITY RUNS 03-Jul Autotest Clubmans Farningham The Series comprises seven events to be run 17-Jul Autotest Clubmans Farningham on the following dates:

27-Jul Autosolo Nat B North Weald Sunday 6th JANUARY 2008 31-Aug Sprint Nat B North Weald (CoC Chris Winter) Sunday 3rd FEBRUARY 2008 13-Sep Sprint Nat A & B Cadwell Park (CoC John Fowler & Tom Ash) Sunday 2nd MARCH 2008 12-Oct MV Trial Clubmans Kent—various (CoC Dave Hughes) 14-Nov 12 Car Clubmans TBC Sunday 6th APRIL 2008 (CoC Lee Busbridge & Craig McGurk) 16-Nov Car Trial Clubmans Stoneacre Farm Sunday 4th MAY 2008 (CoC Charles Anderson & Charles Harrison) Dec Scatter Clubmans TBC These events are open to members of the Blackpalfrey Since the sprint season finished I have been Motor Club of Kent, the Historic Rally Car Register, the karting 3 times, once with Sevenoaks at the evening Weald Motor Club, the MG Car Club and the TR Regis- that Suze Bisping arranged. Great fun, and we are ter. planning a forum outing – just something informal – in The events are suitable for ‘older’ and ‘newer’ cars and January. If anybody is interested log on to the chat are designed to be good fun and good navigation prac- forum and look for the karting thread. tice. All events in the Series will be run,in Kent, on Sun- Have a Merry Christmas. day mornings and will finish at a Public House for lunch. Further details can be found on throughout the Series…. Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells

- 4 - MEMBER’S ARTICLE MEMBER’S ARTICLE MEMBER’S ARTICLE Motorsport in the Channel Islands and 4 wheel transport in between. My Tasmin and Richard’s Chimaera were the only TVR’s competing. aving previously accepted an invitation from The finish line at Le Val des Terres is halfway Guernsey Kart & Motor Club to compete in Le round a right hand up hill bend which is taken fast in Val des Terres Hillclimb in 2005, Christine and third gear. The timing lights are recessed well into the H bank in wooden boxes. This gives drivers two I, along with fellow Sevenoaks member John Kemp, returned this year taking in two additional events in choices. You can either lift off and under steer into the Alderney, where Gee and Roy Dawson joined in the left side bank or power oversteer the back of the car fun into a bank of your choice. Competitors found the fin- ish line a great place to watch some extremely brave driving. The earth bank was eventually eroded away The Channel Island hoppers leaving the timing box exposed. Club “Captain” Harry Teal then gave it a good knock with his XR2 putting out the lights. And the eight year old karter bettered — — my time. — SPEED EVENTS OVERSEAS SPEED EVENTS SPEED EVENTS OVERSEAS SPEED EVENTS I finished about a second apart from Richard on our OVERSEAS SPEED EVENTS quickest runs and felt we had put up a reasonable show and beaten the Transit. We noted that everyone else was using racing slick tyres. The motorbikes used tyre warmers powered by noisy petrol genera- tors. We were extremely well looked after by the other competitors and the organisers particularly local pa-

John Kemp and the Jedi — May the force be with you! The fun started when Christine and & I met up with Richard and Carolyn Blacklee other TVR enthusiasts on the Condor Ferry out of Weymouth. Although we didn’t know it at the time many of the ferry crew are motor sport nuts, with several competing. We were encouraged to rev the TVRs in the hold so the crew could enjoy a V8 rumble.

The first hillclimb, Le Val des Terres, is a windy hill

road out of St Peter Port. It was just a few minutes from our hotel. Breakfast in the hotel at 7am and be- ing ready for scrutineering by 7.30am was quite a change from the usual 5.30am start to reach some distant venue in the UK. Being a small and friendly motor club everyone helps with the organisation. Richard, Chris Guy (a thologist Chris Guy who arranged the tickets and ac- Sevenoaks member living on the island) and I had commodation. Chris, who shared a Jedi drive with done our bit the previous evening setting out crowd arch rival John Kemp, was to set a new Class record barriers, bales etc. This gave us the chance to check at the Alderney Sprint. Roy was kept busy scrubbing out the hill from the back of the club’s Transit. Suffice the Jedi slick tyres between runs. to say we suspected the van probably got up the fear- Heather Robilliard, the secretary of the meetings, is some hill quicker with its full load of helpers, and with a larger than life character who couldn’t have been the back doors wide open and flapping, than we were more helpful. going to manage during the event. We had been warned in advance to take it easy as The course consists of 800m of blur basically. Le Val des Terre was just the warm up and the real Granite cliff faces both sides of the “tunnel”, very lim- fun started on the super fast roads in Alderney. ited visibility with sun glare, lamp posts, kerbs, walls, We watched our cars being craned onto a freighter banks, entrance gates and manic commentators. with some trepidation. We were to follow two days Somehow we survived unscathed after five runs but a later in a “Joey”. number of cars had It was quite a Easy does it! corners knocked off relief when the and the wrecker truck cars were sent was kept busy. off. Parking is a The 130 competitors bit of a nightmare ranged from 60cc in St Peter Port. cadet karts driven by The island bus eight year old chil- service is excel- dren to 7,600cc sand lent and enabled racers, with exam- us to join several The youngsters— aspir- ples of most other 2 treks to interest- ing Lewis Hamiltons.

- 5 - MEMBER’S ARTICLE MEMBER’S ARTICLE MEMBER’S ARTICLE ing places. speaker commentary whilst walking round the coast- Once on Alderney after a 15 minute flight we line. Tony the commentator was never short of a word walked everywhere as the cars were held at the docks or two of advice. He recommended that I switch to M to avoid frightening the locals. & S tyres as I spent so much time on the grass. He The Friday Sprint was held at Fort Corblets. This referred to Richard as “one of our older competitors” comprised a slightly downhill blast in third gear which didn’t go down too well! through an S bend followed by a second straight. The Having already entertained us with an excellent air Chimaera was crossing the line on the rev limiter in display at St Peter Port, the Red Arrows over flew Al- third at 96mph. My Tasmin was consistent at 92mph derney returning from another event. They saluted us and our times were within three tenths of each other. with smoke over Fort Corblets. The Battle of Britain Inevitably the sprint course was not as easy as it Dakota had previously circled the hill climb at quite low sounds and there was plenty of scope for disaster if level. you made a mistake. The public roads were sup- There were approx 75 competitors in Alderney so posed to be closed for the event but this didn’t seem we had plenty of timed runs. We packed up a little — — — to stop local traffic trundling through! The official pho- early to get to the front of the queue for the boat back SPEED EVENTS OVERSEAS SPEED EVENTS SPEED EVENTS OVERSEAS SPEED EVENTS SPEED EVENTS OVERSEAS SPEED EVENTS tographer was seen vaulting an electric fence pursued to Guernsey. We needed to be reunited with our cars by an irate Guernsey bull. at St Peter Port in the morning ready for the Condor The Saturday Hill Climb at Fort Tourgis was ea- back to Weymouth. gerly anticipated, the highlight of the week, a classic The presentation evening on Alderney was quite an 845 metre motor sport hillclimb. From the start you event, continuing well into the night in various hostel- snatch second gear before a late apex left hander, into ries. The speeches included a summary of the week’s third past the Napoleonic Fort, lift (or brake heavily if activities. An unprecedented 71 records had been you are in a TVR) into a sharp left hander followed broken in the perfect weather conditions. We were immediately by an even sharper right, and into fourth told the story of a bemused customs officer when the for the final left hander then a long uphill drag to the cars were unloaded in Alderney. The dock worker unloading the Chimaera shut himself in and couldn’t find the switches for either the door or the window. The Customs Officer apparently told him to stop muck- ing about as he wanted to search the car. Then of course they couldn’t open the boot either! On collecting the cars from the docks we were dis- appointed to find some transit damage. The tie ropes had taken paint off both cars. The Condor Crew told us Alderney Shipping had tried to cram all the cars

and trucks on one boat to save a second journey. We were sad to leave our many new friends and return to the chaos of southern English roads on Sun- day night. The organisers seem very keen for us to encourage other UK competitors to make the trip next year. If anyone is interested John Kemp or I will be Bit of a breather for John, Roy and David pleased to make the introductions.

distant finishing line. David Balderson We expected the steep climb to suit the V8 power. However the run up to the finish seemed to take for- Text extracted with kind permission from Richard ever. Gravity held the Chimaera back to 94 miles an Blacklee’s excellent TVR Car Club article hour (Tasmin 86mph) (the local policeman was kindly providing the commentator with our terminal speeds from his speed gun). The secret of a fast run at this hill is to get a quick exit from the esses. Richard and I tried everything to slingshot the cars, including 2 Sevenoaks and District MC wheels on the grass. Unfortunately we couldn’t get presents its within one second of the slowest of the “Westfields” in 2007 Annual Awards Dinner our class but we did both beat something called a Ti- on ger 2100. You really need slicks to be competitive at this event and we were sliding too close to the scenery Saturday 2nd February 2008 at for comfort at times. Mind you not as close as a num- the Hadlow Manor Hotel, ber of competitors who spun off for miles through the Hadlow, Kent. gorse and rocks resulting in a fair amount of damage. We were amused to note the public road was closed Tickets will be available soon priced by parking the club’s van sideways across it – can’t £25.00 per head from Viv Elcomb.

see that happening on the mainland. Summer Autotest Series Awards to Our wives found plenty to do whilst we were com- presented on the night. peting. Alderney is such a tiny island they could keep themselves up to date with our progress via the loud-


ovember's forum on club motor sport, with our Chin and Ian Davis from the MSA, was a useful The next event in the series: N and interesting exercise. There was healthy 11th January 2008 discussion on various topics and Ian took away a list Start at Westerham Garage of items we would like the MSA to work on. I am sure Signing on from 7.30pm with first car away there will be further reports in this publication and more of these events in the future. 8.01pm December is traditionally Festive Noggin and Nat- Peter Turner 01883 623465 ter. This year we may have some fun activities as a Mobile: 07778 857160 or

bonus so please come along and help us see out the Email: [email protected] year in style! We will be having a “bran tub” so if you would like to bring along a wrapped small gift to pop in (could be silly or useful) it would be very welcome. Regulations for the rest of the series are We hope to start 2008 with a quiz to test the most now available from the website at: agile of minds. The remaining social dates are listed below with the current thinking so you can at least put them in your diaries. 15 February 2008 Sevenoaks & DMC For future events, in 2008 and beyond, your input in the form of ideas would be greatly appreciated, and 14 March 2008 Borough 18 MC

if anyone has any ideas for an event they wish to or- 11 April 2008 Central Sussex MC ganise/run, please let me know! Organisers for subsequent events to be Daniel Whittington confirmed , please keep checking the club website and calendar in Acorn each month. In the first instance the contact for the Club Social Calendar Weald clubs for the 12 cars are as follows:

2007/08 Croydon: Peter Turner

th Tel & Fax: 01883 623465 Wednesday 19 December Mobile: 07778 857160 Seasonal Noggin & Natter Email: [email protected] Bring a small silly gift for the Bran Tub From 8:30pm in The Buttery at Sevenoaks: Chin The Bull, Wrotham, Sevenoaks, Kent Tel: 01732 823132 (Home) TN15 7RF Email: [email protected] Website: Borough 18: Roger McKensie 2008 Tel: 01732 884312 Email: [email protected] Wednesday 16th January Quiz Night Central Sussex: Matt Fowle TBC Tel: 01273 551145 Email: [email protected] Saturday 2nd February Annual Awards Dinner Eastbourne and Ram MC are organising Hadlow Manor Hotel 12 cars events to which Weald Members are invited to join in, on the following Sun- Wednesday 20th February day evenings in 2008 with first car away (half term holiday week) 7.01pm. For start information call: Tim Scalextric Evening TBC Smith 01424 222662 Wednesday 19th March Or email: [email protected] Competitors Open forum TBC Sunday 20 January 2008 Sunday 17 February 2008 Wednesday 16th April Sevenoaks & District Motorclub Annual General Meeting


here were 12 entries for Maidstone’s recent scatter which is a fantastic turnaround for the once floundering format. Congratulations to Nigel & Rosemary, well done to Ray & Gavin for such a close second. T Special mention to Jay & Craig who handicapped themselves by not arriving at the pub till 40 minutes after everyone else had started - and on their 1st ever scatter. The phrase "Steep learning curve" springs to mind! I'm sure things can only get better now!

Tom Solomon Maidstone & Mid Kent Car Club

Results Maidstone & MKCC Scatter Event 15th November 2007

Position Driver Club Navigator Club Points 1st Nigel Mead SDMC Rosemary Mead SDMC 240 tiebreak 14 — — — 2nd Ray Lane MMKMC Gavin Lane MMKMC 240 tiebreak 0 NOVEMBER NOVEMBER NOVEMBER 3rd Nick Powter BLCC Glyn "Willy" Williams BLCC 200 4th Lee Thompson MMKMC Simon Thompson MMKMC 180 tiebreak 30 5th Maria McKenzie B18MC Roger McKenzie B18MC 180 tiebreak 14 6th Richard Olsen MMKMC Emma Olsen MMKMC 170 7th Mick Rose BPMC Karen Savory BPMC 130

8th David Johnson MMKMC Naomi Annetts MMKMC 110 9th Brian Grant MMKMC Thomas Grant MMKMC 50 10th Jay Grossmith SDMC Craig Broadway SDMC 10 O.T.L. Dean Marley MMKMC David Gill MMKMC 220 Retired: Matthew Wood MMKMC Gary Wood MMKMC

- 8 - MEMBER’S ARTICLE MEMBER’S ARTICLE MEMBER’S ARTICLE The 2007 Season Sunny was exactly like the Micra to drive, the only dif- ference really being the size of it so was an easy tran- o, it’s nearly the end of my first season of com- sition – though the size did catch me out once when peting and I’ve managed to do more than I had attempting a slalom bit. It was another good day out, S originally hoped. Two trophies, one retirement anyway. and many other results later and it has been a pretty I suppose this is a good opportunity to apologise to reasonable year. any marshal who has ever had to collect a cone which My first event started off back in March, with the I managed to knock over this year – I know it has hap- 7oaks PCT at Stoneacre. As some often remind me pened a few times, which is also proven by the orange [cheers guys…] I’d managed to fall flat on my back in marks on some of the underbody of the Micra…..! As the mud within about 5 mins of arriving at the venue well as collecting stakes when reversing down hills on so it really wasn’t the best start. I had never been to a PCTs….sorry all. club / grassroots motorsport event like a PCT before The day after the whole day autotest I took my ARDs test at Snetterton as I was — — so I had no idea what to expect. It was a steep learn- — planning on racing at Silverstone SEASON ROUND SEASON ROUND ing curve, and good fun, and even I was surprised at SEASON ROUND what a Micra and other cars could actually conquer. I in the middle of August. I got to had a reasonable result, about mid-class I think, and play in a VX220 which was good the sprint at North Weald was the following weekend. fun and I passed so I then ap- I was looking forward to the sprint, and spent the plied for my Nat B Race license. day before sorting the car out – new tyres to comply A half day testing up at Brunting- with the regs etc. It’s only about 45 mins from where I thorpe in the Vee gave me a bit live and so one of my more local events. I started off of a feel for RWD and a single pretty gingerly as I had no idea where the car’s limits seater in preparation for the Be 750MC meeting at Silverstone on were, which showed in my first times. A WR on the very afraid! th second practise run was frustrating as one of my aims 18 August. I managed to have my first proper spins as well as getting it - - for the day was to not WR but there we go. I finished - UP UP pretty low down, but I had managed to knock 16 sec- properly sideways at Bruntingthorpe and my only wish UP onds from my first run time to my best timed run which was that there would be no rain at Silverstone on the

I think it pretty impressive. day. A month or so later in May, and it was time for the The forecast didn’t look too bad for the race meet- 7oaks Summer ing, but unfortunately when I got up early that morning Autotest Series. everything outside looked very wet. Having arrived at The plan had the circuit and done signing on / scrutineering etc it been to only do was time for qualifying and the track was still damp. I a couple of left the assembly area and everything was fine – and events as it’s a the rush when foot flat to the floor coming down the bit of a hassle National Straight was mega. Coming up to the left to get to Kent hander at Brooklands, I was starting to get a pull from on weeknights the guy in front and was right up on his gearbox. I de- what with living cided I’d take his inside as he’d left room. Unfortu- in North Herts nately, what I didn’t realise [and there were no flags for…] was that and working in London, but in the end I did all of the Having a go at Sillystone rounds – two of the evening ones in Daren Hall’s there was oil Nova [thanks Daren!], four of them in the Micra and down at Brook- the final all day event in Dawn / Ralph Travers’ Nis- lands so the oil san Sunny [thanks both!]. and damp condi- My first autotest went incredibly well – it wasn’t the tions resulted in a nicest conditions with rain and mud, but I managed a half spin before I 3rd in class and picked up my first ever competition was on my way trophy. I was very surprised but at the same time very again. With hind- pleased! Unfortunately the result wasn’t going to be sight, maybe I repeated in another autotest this year. Problems with should’ve settled the Micra cutting out and not starting meant it didn’t into things slightly instead of going for the move but turn up to all events, and was interesting driving there we go. Daren’s Nova knowing what it was capable of, just not Qualifying went quite quickly and I wasn’t last! By in my hands. I also attempted to learn the art of hand- the time I had eaten lunch we were being called to the brake turns which I’d never done before – but certainly assembly area for the race. I strapped myself into the still a lot of room for improvement. car at which point the nerves hit me, especially when The whole day autotest was planned usefully for sat in the assembly area for what felt like forever as me at least, as the 40th anniversary meeting for For- the race before was red flagged. The race itself wasn’t mula Vee was taking place just down the road at too exciting, I made a poor start and dropped right Brands Hatch meaning Saturday was spent at Brands back and ended up pretty much racing on my own but and I completed each afternoon test once on Sunday as the race went on my confidence in myself and the so I could get down and see some of the racing. The car grew, with no further spins. Again I didn’t finish last and was 31st out of 36 starters.

- 9 - One week later and it was back to North Weald for we did the tests at that venue and then headed off for the 7oaks sprint on the August Bank Holiday week- a day of fun around Kent. end. For once, the weather was great and results wise It was interesting to compete with tests that other clubs had set out as they did differ slightly. I think I North Weald – a sunny bank holiday! had a pretty good day in terms of not collecting stakes / poles at PCTs and cones on autotests so there’s a positive to take from it…….! The timing was reasonably tight and we made the final venue at Sto- neacre with a few minutes to spare, before heading back to the pub in Wrotham for a roast dinner. It was a really good day of cheap, club motorsport and I for one hope it happens again next year. Having been speaking to Chin in the pub after the Weald Trial, I decided to navigate for him on the scat- ter that following week. Again, we weren’t last and managed to make it round to most of the clues with a couple of wrong plots, but I’d like to do it again now I have more of an understanding with what it’s about. it went my way too, a 2nd in class so collecting my sec- The most recent event I competed on was the ond trophy and nine tenths off “the man to beat,” Mr 7oaks event back at Stoneacre, where my Dad also Nigel Mead in his Polo. The different layout was epic double drove the car. Unfortunately, I decided to run fun in the Micra and the class was close all day, with early on all of the tests to make sure he could get plenty of shopping cars such as the Micra, Polo, Su- round in time, and that was definitely a big mistake as zuki Swift etc. It was all down to the last run – having all of the tests really dried up and he got better results. been sat in 2nd spot most of the day I’d dropped to 3rd / Next time, I shall do things differently! 4th and really had to nail it. I made a mistake which I I’ve only got one more event to come this season thought had meant I had lost it but I managed to get and that is the 7oaks scatter in the middle of Decem- the job done and pick up 2nd spot. ber – and this time I’ll be driving. I’m really looking for- It was shortly after North Weald that the Micra’s ward to it as again will be different to anything I’ve intermittent starting and engine cutting out issues done before and this time I’ll get to be in the driver’s started again. I decided to take it to the Chelmsford seat. MC whole day autotest anyway and hope it would be This year was supposed to be a year of choosing ok. Unfortunately, after it died in the middle of a test what I really enjoyed doing to cut down a little next and wouldn’t start a few times I decided to retire, enjoy year – by 2008 I will have done sprints, scatters the sunshine and watch the rest of the days goings on. [driving and navving], PCTs, a multi-venue trial and a Part of the original plan at the beginning of the year circuit race. I’ll have to look at adding another disci- had been to compete in the end of season Formula pline or two next season…..! I’ve managed to fit in a Vee race at Snetterton at the end of September. Due fair amount of other motorsport related activities as to time constraints and budget not allowing for testing, well, having done some marshalling [Goodwood, 12 I withdrew my entry a few weeks before the event and car, a gymkhana etc], some actual “work” for a couple so didn’t make it. Having raced at Silverstone, but of publications and some pure spectating amongst lacking in confidence in the car and knowledge of the other things. circuit, I really wanted to test to have a better result There are some plans slowly being formed involv- over the weekend, which unfortunately this time was ing a new car for the 2008 season but we will have to not possible. see what happens with that and what exactly I decide Having not managed to finish an event since the to do next year. North Weald sprint, I was really looking forward to the Thanks to all those that have organised, mar- Weald Trial in the middle of October, which was a shalled and done multi-venue A good 1st season haul anything else to trial made up help events run this of autotests year. Thanks also and PCTs. I to those who have admit I found offered advice as it quite and when needed, strange hav- all much appreci- ing a naviga- ated. It’s been a tor telling me good year, the rd Fun on the Weald Trial where to go highs being the 3 and I proba- place in the autotest and 2nd in the sprint, and thank- bly annoyed fully not too many lows but certainly at times things Matt no end with my continual questions demanding to could have gone better. I’m looking forward to next know where we were going next! It was a pretty early year, and hopefully will improve on this year’s perform- start to arrive at the normal 7oaks autotest venue at ances. Farningham for sign-on and scrutineering, but after that was completed and we’d had a driver’s briefing Suze Bisping

- 10 - FROM THE COMMITTEE FROM THE COMMITTEE FROM THE COMMITTEE TRK Twaddle So if you know of any event not listed – speak now or forever hold thy peace (or you can hold your piece if t is nearly the end of the year so it is crucial that you must!) you get any results that I’ve not had to me as soon The Rose & Crown is all but run with just the De- as possible so that I can finalise the tables ready cember Scatter to come and, as he’s won these I events before, Nigel Mead is likely to get the trophy. for our Awards night in February. The events that I have so far are: Member Points Nigel Mead 254 Date Name Daren Hall 240 12-Jan-07 CDMC 12-car Andy Webber 228 18-Jan-07 MMKMC Scatter Chris Judge 216 20-Jan-07 Carpetbagger Darren Tyre 206 04-Feb-07 Southdown Stages Rosemary Mead 150 04-Feb-07 B19 PCT feb Steve Hatton 146 08-Feb-07 SDMC Scatter 10-Feb-07 Wydean Rally Stephen M Thompson 145 — — — 16-Feb-07 SDMC 12-car Chris Penfold 144 TRK ROUND TRK ROUND 16-Mar-07 B18MC 12-car Kevin Ablitt 134 TRK ROUND 25-Mar-07 7oaks PCT Stephen Dann 130 31-Mar-07 Horiba D'Isis Ian Crocker 130 01-Apr-07 North Weald April Roy Nicholls 130 05-Apr-07 April Scatter Clive Cooke 126 07-Apr-07 750 Saxmax Jay Grossmith 126 13-Apr-07 Census 12-car 13/April Ralph Travers 125 15-Apr-07 Cadwell 07 Sam Collins 121 25-Apr-07 Pirelli International Rally David Balderson 116 - - 25-Apr-07 Pirelli National Rally - UP UP Suze Bisping 110 UP 09-May-07 MMKMC A/test 9 May Martyn Ellis 108 10-May-07 Evening a/test

16-May-07 MM

- 11 - FROM THE COMMITTEE FROM THE COMMITTEE FROM THE COMMITTEE The Tyrrell-Fleming Speed Trophy is another walk- The Chalky-White trophy for officiating at our over for Andy Webber, so he can take pride in beat- events looks like going to me for the first time since ing this year’s British Sprint Champion, Matt Oliver, at 1974 which means that it’s time I got a life! something. Member Points Member Points Chin 19 Andy Webber 906 Philip Fawcett 17 Jim Giddings 652 Andy Elcomb 15 Matt Oliver 548 Stacey Thompson 11 Bill Oliver 527 Mike Knapman 343 Colin Shipway 9 Gareth Richardson 294 Kerry Simmonds 9 David Balderson 291 Colin Billings 8 Daniel Whittington 267 Roy Dawson 7 Chris Fulke-Greville 260 Christine Balderson 7 Neil Armstrong 249 — — — Chris Scudder 7 Martyn Ellis 216 TRK CONT.../ TRK CONT.../ TRK CONT.../ Gee Dawson 6 Declan Armstrong 156 Rees Thompson 6 John Start 130 Andy Kilby 6 Stepen M Thompson 130 Chris Dennis 6 Ian Crocker 130 Stephen Dann 118 David Balderson 5 Gordon Franks 94 Daren Hall 5 Tom Murphy 87 Rob Waters 4 Darren Russell 87 Karen Webber 4 Russell Giddings 76 Rosemary Mead 4

Roy Nicholls 74 Clive Cooke 4 Joseph Druce-Smith 65 Viv Elcomb 4 Paul Goddard 65 Dawn Travers 4 Nigel Mead 33 Stephen M Thompson 3 Michael Druce-Smith 24 Keith Crocker 3 Keith Crocker 10 Steve Hatton 3 The Tyrrell-Flemming Non-Speed Trophy is likely Ralph Travers 3 to go (as I predicted earlier this year) to Lorraine John Kemp 3 Chappell who has been out and about rallying this Simon Waters 2 year, and sending me her results regularly – a good Judy Cooke 2 example to the rest of you. Mind you, a certain Stefan Tom Murphy 2 Davis is competing as I’m typing this on a rather large Hales Vaughan 2 event (for a 12- Martine Kilby 2 car!!) in Wales Member Points Andy Webber 2 and may score a Lorraine Chappell 451 few points at in- Daren Hall 240 Daniel Whittington 2 ternational level. Gareth Hurford-Jones 230 Ian Crocker 2 Stefan Davis 225 Leonard Calver 2 Kevin Ablitt 218 Ben Webber 1 Graham Child 173 Antony Wright 142 Claire Kemp 1 Rob Sartain 142 Darren Russell 1 Emlyn Hurford-Jones 128 Suze Bisping 1 Richard Lee 113 Sam Collins 1 Clive Cooke 85 Sue Billings 1 Mark Instance 76 Jennifer Klee 76 Steve Stringer 1 Aaron Wright 57 Jim Giddings 1 Chris Kemp 54 Russell Giddings 1 John Kemp 44 Richard Athow 1 Dawn Travers 40 Ralph Travers 40 John Symes 1 Claire Kemp 35 Martyn Ellis 1 David Balderson 35 Stephen Dann 30 Well, that’s it for now, folks! Don’t forget the Rosemary Mead 25 nd Nigel Mead 25 Awards Dinner on February 2 2008 at the Hadlow Matthew Randle 23 Manor. Book your tickets now. Merry Christmas. Chin 23 Lots more points in 2008! Antonia Hodgeson 20 Darren Russell 18 Chin Stephen M Thompson 10

- 12 - MEMBER’S ARTICLE MEMBER’S ARTICLE MEMBER’S ARTICLE 2007 – The Golden Opportunity prospect I was hoping for an interesting race. We were combined with the Sports and Saloons again, so a t the end of my last report was a bunch of wide variety of machinery was in evidence, on differing tasks to complete to make the Xsara quicker. tyres – this makes things far more interesting! Needless to say, work and personal commit- Race one started well, although the Mini that A started behind me passed me with ease around the ments meant that only a few things were done be- tween the September 8th Lydden meeting and the next outside of Chessons. Unfortunately before things weekend of sport, the 6th and 7th of October. I did man- really settled age to fit some of the polycarbonate windows down there were (supplied by Plastics4Performance) for some weight a few tangles loss and added safety. They are an excellent fit and resulting in Ca- curved to fit the doors perfectly. The tailgate glass and terham stranded rear side windows will follow sometime… probably in the middle of the hairpin, so — — after the November Brands Hatch meeting. — the race was FROM CAR PREP TO TRACK FROM CAR PREP TO TRACK I have cut some FROM CAR PREP TO TRACK holes in the front of stopped. Both each wheel arch James Lindridge liner to try to get and 7oaks man some cooling air Steve Dann into the wheel arch were involved to aid brake cool- but both lined-up for the restart, however Steve's car ing. Ducting is not expired on lap 2 as a result of damage sustained in currently possible. I colliding with the Caterham. On the restart I was sub- also fitted an ad- jected to a similar overtake from a different Mini so I justable fuel pres- settled down for an epic battle with a slick-shod Ren- sure regulator and ault 5 GT turbo. It was clear that the 5 was quicker out had this set up on of the corners so I had to really concentrate. We ran the rolling road at bumper to bumper and door handle to door handle for Sanspeed. The lap after lap. At times I couldn't even see him, but I result is a much could hear his turbo whistling away next to me! We smoother pull from repeatedly exited the Hairpin and rounded Paddock the engine, from side by side but we never touched. I used every trick low revs right up to in the book to keep my pace up, and I invented some new variations on the left-foot-braking theme! I held on the limiter. The power figure is a little over standard, th rd

but I am not that fussed about that just yet. The fuel for 9 full laps then on lap 10 I got 5 gear instead of 3 consumption has been degraded but we don’t worry on the exit to Devil's Elbow. Despite my best attempts about these things on a competition car, do we? Other to put him off, my momentum was lost and he pretty changes will have to wait until winter. much sailed past me up the hill. After just over one So to Lydden on the 6th October. It was a beautiful more lap it was all over. By the time we reached Pad- day, dry and bright, so no one could blame the dock for the last time my brakes were absolutely weather for any problems, could they? The morning cooked and I nearly threw it all away after touching the sprint was as enjoyable as it was challenging. I had apex kerb! plenty of work to do with damper settings so I took the As ever the grid for race 2 was decided from the opportunity to tinker during this event. The car feels a finishing positions from race one so the pesky Renault little bit different with the SG (super soft) compound was in front of me. A quick silhouette mini came sprint tyres, but only from cold as the tyre carcass is passed me on the entry to the hairpin and promptly the same as the GG tyres I use for racing. I finished a drove into the side of another mini… which made me slightly frustrated 8th out of 9 in class, but things will take notice, fortunately there was not significant dam- improve with time and a lot of hard work… not to men- age to either and they both continued. I spent the tion a few quid! whole race trying to get onto terms with the Renault After a lunch it was time to change to the harder again but despite getting close, I was unable to pass compound tyres and turn my attention to qualifying for him. I also tried to follow lapping cars through but he the BARC SE TinTops races. Practice highlighted a wasn't falling for that one! This time the brakes lasted few shortcomings in the very basics of handling and well and only a small amount of fade was evident, but some continued difficulties in gear shifting but I sol- there is still a problem. I had made some minor adjust- diered on in an effort to learn the car properly. Sadly ments to tyre pressures and damping based on the after around 4 laps a rather nice looking BMW E30 M3 previous race, and had slightly improved my best lap was put into the tyres in a big way at Paddock, bring- time race to race, so progress was evident, but I was a ing out the red flags. I felt that with more time I could whisker off my qualifying time, probably due in part to do better but this was not to be. Fortunately the BMW hot brake but mostly due to wearing tyres. driver was shaken and bruised but ok… the car was It was a busy day at Lydden but that's better then not, having bounced off the tyres and rolled, neatly standing around bored! By the time I'd put the road attacking just about every panel. I was not too un- tyres back on and packed the car up it was almost happy with 15th on the grid, and with a standing start in dark… winter was looming! I returned home, repacked the car and refilled my fuel cans in preparation for the

- 13 - next day – a drive to Essex and a day of sprinting at Debden. After the previous days antics at Lydden I arrived at DECEMBER’S PUZZLE CORNER Debden airfield a little bleary-eyed and very much in need of a decent breakfast. Smiffys food bar sorted SPOT THE DIFFERENCE that out but I had to make a few adjustments to the car. The exhaust was leaking a little at the front joint Study the first picture VERY care- and the usual change to soft Toyo R888's was needed. Thankfully the scrutineers would come to me fully then look at the second one. in the paddock so there was no need to queue up… very much my preferred solution! It was mandatory to Count how many differences you can walk the course as the final section through the kart track had been returned to a previous layout, not used find. for some years. To the keen eye there should be My first practice time was good for 3rd in class, my second was slower by 8 hundredths of a second, but 7 differences..... others were getting better. I was rather annoyed at my complete lack of commitment in some parts of the I could only find 6 so...... Good Luck!

course so a few tweaks to the car and some proper concentration saw me post a first timed run over 2 seconds quicker than my best practice and good for 3rd in class. Unfortunately all this effort was wasted with some silly mistakes in the final timed run, finishing 4th in a class of 8. The course at Debden really shows when gearing is not optimised… something that will need tackling as soon as practically and financially possible!

Daniel Whittington


Following the first meeting of the Organis- ing Committee in early October the provi- sional details of the event which takes place Membership Renewal on 22/23 February 2008 are as follows: t is that time of year again...the member- Opening round of HANKOK 2007 MSA Gravel Rally ship renewals will be winging their way to Championship and ACSMC/ASEMC and ASWMC you all shortly. Championships and Metro 6R4 Super Challenge. I Start: Canford Service Park – 18.25 Friday and Please check through the details and up- 08.30 Saturday date any changes as necessary. Importantly Finish: Bournemouth 17.30 Saturday please check that any email address we hold Route: 205 miles including 62 miles over 13 Special for you, is accurate and up to date. Stages Title Sponsor: Sunseeker Andy Elcomb Marketing Partners: Turbo Dynamics, Elliothire, VK Membership Secretary

- 14 - Sevenoaks & DMC 20/20 Rally Saturday 17th November 2007

DRIVER NAV CAR NO. PLACE FAILS MINS Dave Bushby Dave Clark 1 4 0 11 Rob Sparks David Town 2 1 0 0 Nigel Mead Rosemary Mead 3 13 3 33 Tim Smith Adam Rouse 4 10 1 31 Mick Rose Jason Mortlock 5 15 7 25 Nick Powter Willie Williams 6 5 1 7 Kevin Ablitt Graham Child 7 7 1 11 Doug Kingsley Robert Osborn 8 14 6 35 Doug Foreman Katie Foreman 9 16 26 29 Ian Mepham Ray Deacon 10 11 2 6 Maria McKenzie Roger McKenzie 11 3 0 9 Andy Miles Paul Hollingham 12 2 0 1 Richard Millbank Neil Allsopp 13 8 1 23 Simon Wier Alicia Miles 14 12 2 9 Howard Shaddock Keith Edwards 15 9 1 28 Mark Saunders Andy Hollingham 16 6 1 8

An Australian ghost story......

ohn, a University student, was on the side of the road hitch hiking on a very dark night and in J the midst of a storm. The night was rolling on and no car went by. The storm was so strong he could hardly see a few feet ahead of him. Suddenly he saw a car slowly coming towards him and as it drew level it stopped. John, desperate for shelter and without thinking about it, got in the car and closed the door, before he realised there was nobody behind the wheel and the engine wasn't on! The car started moving slowly forward. John looked at the road and saw a curve approaching. Scared, he started to pray, begging for his life. Then, just before he reached the curve, a hand appeared through the window and turned the wheel. John, paralysed with terror, watched how the hand appeared every time they came to a curve. He then saw the lights of a pub down the road so, gathering strength, he jumped out of the car and ran to it. Wet and out of breath, he rushed inside and asked for two shots of tequila. He then started telling everybody about the horrible experience he had just gone through. A silence enveloped everybody when they realised he was crying and....he wasn't drunk. About 15 minutes later, two guys walked into the same pub. They were also wet and out of breath. Looking around and seeing John sobbing at the bar, one said to the other, "Look, Bruce... there's the bloody idiot who got in the car while we were pushing it."


SEVENOAKS/ WEALD MOTOR CLUB 18th November 2007 PCT revised 20/11/07

CLUB : HILL NUMBERS : HILL NUMBERS TOTAL CLASS :1:2:3:4:5:6:AM :7:8:9:10:11:12SCORE POSN. Car No CLASS A A1 Chris Scudder : 7Oaks : 6 : 8 : 0 : 1 : 5 : 2 : : 0 : 8 : 3 : 5 : 10 : 2 42 97 12th MG Metro : : 6 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 2 : : 0 : 8 : 3 : 4 : 10 : 2 A2 Iain Gibson : 7Oaks 580042 030493 37 75 11th MG Metro : : 5 : 7 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 2 : : 0 : 3 : 1 : 4 : 10 : 1 A3 Emma Olsen : MMKCC : 0 : 3 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 3 : : 0 : 2 : 1 : 3 : 0 : 1 18 28 2nd Citroen AX : 010042 020001 A4 Richard Olsen : MMKCC : 0 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 5 : 0 : : 0 : 2 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 1 15 24 1st Citroen AX : : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 A5 Daren Hall : 7Oaks 010033 0201001 16 32 3rd Vauxhall Nova : : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 3 : : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 A6 Dennis Usmar : MMKCC : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 2 : : 0 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 2 : 1 12 37 5th Mini GT : 000143 0200101 A7 Ray Lane : MMKCC : 5 : 8 : 2 : 2 : 5 : 3 : : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 2 38 56 10th

Austin Mini : : 5 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 1 : : 0 : 2 : 6 : 1 : 0 : 1 A8 Vicki Lane : MMKCC 5 10 2243 022002 38 52 9th Austin Mini : : 5 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : : 0 : 2 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 2 A9 Vincent Mingay : Blackpalfrey :5:8:1:1:5:2: :0:4:2:0:0:2 35 48 7th Fiat Cinqucento : 520042 031001 A10 Trevor Mingay : Blackpalfrey :6:8:1:1:4:3: :0:3:2:0:0:2 36 49 8th Fiat Cinqucento : : 6 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 3 : 2 : : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 3 A11 David Clark :B19 031040 0300103 15 40 6th Fiat Panda : 020050 031023 A12 Gary Chappell B19 021050 021053 16 34 4th Fiat Panda : 021050 020023 Car No CLASS B B1 Suze Bisping : 7Oaks : 6 : 10 : 1 : 1 : 7 : 3 : : 3 : 8 : 2 : 11 : 2 : 4 53 98 16th Nissan Micra : : 6 : 9 : 1 : 1 : 5 : 3 : : 1 : 3 : 4 : 1 : 4 : 2 B2 Andrew Bisping : 7Oaks 580040 0244103 30 58 10th Nissan Micra : : 0 : 8 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 1 : : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 3 B3 Brian Grant : MMKCC : 0 : 2 ; 0 : 0 : 3 : 3 : : 0 : 3 : 4 : 3 : 0 : 3 21 43 4th Vauxhall Corsa : 080032 032004 B4 Thomas Grant : MMKCC : 0 : 9 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 4 : : 0 : 2 : 2 : 10 : 0 : 4 37 72 12th Vauxhall Corsa : : 0 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 3 : : 0 : 2 : 1 : 0 : 10 : 4 B5 Chris Judge 7Oaks 020112 0210103 11 42 3rd Mini Cooper : : 0 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 10 : 3 B6 David Judge :B19 :0:1:0:0:4:2: :0:2:1:0:10:3 20 52 9th Mini Cooper 080032 0210103 B7 Dave Johnson : MMKCC : 6 : 7 : 1 : 1 : 4 : 3 : : 0 : 3 : 1 : 4 : 10 : 3 47 85 15th Peugeot 205 : : 5 : 11 : 1 : 0 : 5 : 3 : : 0 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 10 : 3 B8 Jay Grossmith 7Oaks 181100 3413103 15 47 6th Rover Metro : : 0 : 2 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : : 0 : 4 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 2 B9 Bruce Aitken :B19 :0:3:1:1:5:0: :0:3:2:10:3:1 21 51 8th Citroen AX GT 020252 013403 B10 Gavin Lane : MMKCC : 0 : 2 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 3 : : 0 : 4 : 3 : 0 : 1 : 4 13 31 1st Rover 114 : : 0 : 1 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 3 : : 0 : 3 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 1 B11 David Balderson : 7Oaks 020120 020439 11 44 5th Peugeot 205 : : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 3 : : 0 : 2 : 0 : 3 : 9 : 1 B12 Steve Thompson : 7Oaks : 0 : 8 : 0 : 1 : 6 : 3 : : 3 : 8 : 4 : 0 : 5 : 2 36 78 14th Lancia Delta 091053 081083 B13 Tim Mountford : Chelmsford : 5 : 8 : 1 : 2 : 4 : 3 : : 0 : 10 : 4 : 3 : 10 : 3 39 77 13th Seat Ibiza : : 0 : 10 : 0 : 0 : 6 : 0 : : 0 : 3 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 4 B14 Dan Cuthbert Chelmsford 580054 021401 25 40 2nd Seat Ibiza : : 0 : 2 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 : : 0 : 3 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 B15 Lee Chappell :B19 :0:8:1:2:2:4: :0:3:1:0:2:10 24 64 11th Ford Fiesta 011050 0211164 B16 Jack Clark :B19 :0:10:1:1:5:0: :0:2:4:0:2:6 26 50 7th Ford Fiesta : : 0 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 6 : 0 : : 0 : 2 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 4 B17 Richard Scott 7Oaks 571053 5121012104 44 143 17th Peugeot 405 780053 3 41296

- 16 - SEVENOAKS/ WEALD MOTOR CLUB 18th November 2007 PCT

TOTAL CLASS HILL NUMBERS - AM HILL NUMBERS - PM SCORE POSN. Car No CLASS C Club 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 6 : total 7 8 : 9 :10:11:12 C1 Doug Foreman : E&RMC : 5 : 3 : 1 : 1 : 4 : 3 : : 5 : 3 : 2 0 : 10 : 2 38 81 1st Triumph Herald : : 5 : 8 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 3 : : 9 : 2 : 4 0 : 4 : 2 C2 Katie Foreman E&RMC : 5 : 6 : 0 : 1 : 6 3 11 8 3 0 10 3 38 103 2nd Triumph Herald : : 6 : 4 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 3 : : 10 : 9 : 4 0 : 5 : 2 CLASS D D1 Clive Cooke : :0:0:0:0:1:2: :0:2:1:0:3:2 9 21 2nd MG Midget ; : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 : 2 : : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 4 D2 Colin Reynolds :: MG Midget ; : Retired after 3 tests CLASS E : E1 Ken Kimber : : 0: 0 : 0: 0: 5: 3: : 0: 0: 1 0: 0: 1 12 16 1st NSU TT : : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 2 : 2 : : 0 : 0 : 1 0 : 0 : 1 CLASS F F1 Ted Holloway : : 0: 0: 0: 0: 4: 3: : 0: 8: 0: 4: 3: 3 12 45 3rd Enigma Special : : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 5 : 0 : : 0 : 8 : 4 : 0 : 2 : 1

Congratulations to the award winners:-

Class A 1st Richard Olsen Class B 1st Gavin Lane 2nd Emma Olsen 2nd Dan Cuthbert 3rd Daren Hall 3rd Chris Judge

Class C 1st Doug Foreman Class D/E/F 1st Ken Kimber

Thanks to you all for coming along and, hopefully, enjoying your day in the country with us, despite the biting wind. Thanks also of course to our gallant band of marshals.

The next event will be run by Maidstone & Mid Kent Car Club on 9th December at Stoneacre again. Please support the event. Hope to see you all then.

Dawn Travers

PCT Gallery—7Oaks members enjoying their day out Photos by Colin Shipway

Daren Hall’s Nova Chris Scudder in the Metro

Steve Thompson & some impressive tyre smoke Clive Cooke tries out 2 wheels

- 17 - CROSS-COUNTRY 2007 Matador Tyres MSA British off-road championship The final round of the BORC Wheels 2007 in Radnor forest saw a good entry of 34 vehicles take on 9 runs of the high-speed tracks. CLIMB EVERY MOUNTAIN Drivers including past winners nother motor club – Oxford season for around £1500. Oh, and trials’ and there will be a list of Keith Lewis, Richard Kershaw – joining the list of those depreciation is minimal. five suggested classes, split and a name from the past, Acelebrating their 100th Another reason for the success depending on how many and Gordon Monaghan, were all still anniversary prompted me to re- must be the sheer enjoyment and which wheels are driven, and also in with a chance of taking the read a biography of one of their good fellowship. Recently I came on whether a car is over or under 2007 BORC title. previous presidents – William across a 1939 edition of Motor 12 years old. Morris. Two things struck me from Sport magazine (costing a massive I’d assumed that gizmos in the exercise. The first was how seven shillings and sixpence…for a modern cars would make any hill close the links were in the early year’s supply including postage) in climbable. Not so. In fact the latest days between manufacturers of which, referring to trials, it said innovations may actually make a bicycles, motor cycles and cars. It ‘Protests are not encouraged’. The car a worse climber. However, seems sad to me, considering that same spirit holds today. And as for from my limited experience in the we face many of the same the fellowship, well, people bouncer’s seat, I maintain that one challenges, that having once been salivate at the thought of being on development – a heated seat – is close, with few exceptions (like the the F1 hospitality gravy train but essential whatever the car. But Kershaw thought his chances Motor Cycling Club) the motor that doesn’t come close to the joy that’s probably just an age thing. of adding to his total of three cycle brigade and ourselves have of a bacon butty in the middle of I hope clubs will run events for past championship wins was lost drifted apart. the night on a Lands End Trial, the new classes and I hope too that with a poor result on the first The second point was how especially if there’s a bottle of they emphasise in any PR activity run, but he steadily climbed the closely trials were linked with the brown sauce handy. how trials can help develop car results as the event went on, to development of the motor car – It surprises me that sporting control. Add such events to the finish in 3rd place, scoring climb a steep hill on more than trials don’t get the TV coverage growing popularity of economy enough points to take the 2007 one ‘A’ road today and you’ll find they did in bygone days – they’d runs and we have a platform on MSA British off-road it was once used by early be more exciting viewing than which to build the message “Join a championship title. manufacturers to test their cars, Celebrity Chicken Sexing or motor club and learn to drive Details of the 2008 BORC not for speed but durability. whatever cultural delight the fey more safely and more Championship are to be So it’s not surprising that trials folk of TV are planning to inflict economically”. Not a bad thought announced soon at: have been an important part of on us next. to be putting across midst today’s and our sport for so long, and sporting One branch of trialling gets less frenzied coverage of green issues. www.BritishOffRoadChampions and classic trials continue to support than it deserves and that’s There’s one final message I need the side featuring production cars. to put across and that is to wish attract good entries, not least I 2007 Championship Positions: To try to redress this, changes are all enthusiasts a very Merry guess because costs are so low. A 1st Richard Kershaw 309 pts planned for 2008 to encourage Christmas on behalf of all 30 year old car worth around 2nd Keith Lewis 303 pts new competitors. The name is contributors to Wheels. Enjoy. £3000 has won two events this 3rd Gordon Monaghan 287 pts year and you could do a 12 event going to be simplified to just ‘car Stuart Turner

of key models (including Moke SPORTS CAR RACING – AUTOSCENE and 1275GT). The text is In Camera 1960–’69 succinct, but doesn’t miss much ISBN 978 1 84425 400 2 REVIEWS FROM out and most of the special A magnificent selection of editions are identified. pictures makes Paul Parker’s Sports Car Racing in Camera GOODWOOD in impression: ‘He seemed to Hardcore enthusiasts will 1960-’69 stand out even before REMEMBERED 1948-1960 have no fear and appeared to hanker for a bit more on you delve into the ISBN 978 1 90101 906 3 take corners at the same speed abandoned projects (such as the impassioned text. With 250 Peter Redman, as the straights.’ A charming 9X which is covered briefly) packed pages, the Haynes title IM Publishing, £19.99 insight from someone who was and Mini-based cars such as the costs £30, has a foreword by Redman evokes Goodwood’s there from the off. Unipower GT, but that is a small quibble about a great David Piper and many heyday, through his MINI – A Celebration introduction. wonderful images from Le photographs and sketches – of Britain’s Best-Loved Mans starts to Birdcages on most of which were reworked Small Car BO’NESS – SPEED HILL the Targa Florio. A must for for the book and have a touch ISBN 1 84425 326 0 CLIMB all fans of sports racing cars. of Raymond Briggs about them. Graham Robson, Haynes, ISBN: 978 18705 19 73 1 There are more than 150 mono £19.99 £6.99 from Bookmarque photos – everything from 500 This hardback is superb value Publishing (01993 tiddlers to Ecurie Ecosse at under £20 for 160 pages of 775179). The hard-back COD FILLET QUIZ D-types and the V16 BRM, plus well researched and beautifully version is £15.99. 1. Name the drivers of the winning fascinating paddock shots (even presented pictures on Alec Bo’Ness was Scotland’s first Audi R10 at this year’s Le Mans 24 the VSCC’s 21st Birthday Rally) Issigonis’ small car sensation. dedicated motor sport venue hour race. – all with detailed captions. The Robson follows the story from and greats who gunned up the 2. Name the only British drivers ever to running copy is packed with the start through to the end of West Lothian hillclimb included win a World Championship rally. info, too. There are drawings of production of the ‘classic’ Mini Moss, Clark and Stewart. To 3. How many Grands Prix did the most of the leading drivers, in 2000, but even the Metro mark its 60th anniversary, Cosworth DFV engine win? brought to life with the author’s gets a look-in in the postscript. Kenny Baird has produced a colourful recollections. Prince Superb archive shots are fascinating 64-page paperback 4.Where did the McRae R4 rally car have its public debut? Bira only raced at Goodwood a intermingled with nicely with reports, results and driver ? few times, but clearly made an presented studio photography spotlights. ANSWERS ON PAGE ii Wheels 12/07 i - 18 - rally service area risk drive to raise the profile of management, rescue units at speed marshalling, particularly at MARSHALS MSA events and the use of catalytic British Touring Car POST converters. Roger Reed, Martin Championship rounds. news Chinnery and Gerry Blythe were The results of Team Wilson’s by the BMMC nominated to remain as the endeavours led to more than Marshals tend to be built for Regional Committee Committee’s delegates for 2008. 1,350 members of the public comfort and not for speed. No bad notes Responses to items from both putting forward their names to thing, in some ways. It keeps you the Technical and Timekeeping express an interest in becoming that bit warmer on windy circuits and in the middle of a rally stage, Bob Milloy writes: The third Advisory Panels included a motor sport marshals. meeting of 2007 commenced with gives you some added pushing request for all Associations to Wilson will collect the power when it comes to getting a Colin Hilton reporting on various review their Regional Rally prestigious trophy – as well as a car out of a ditch and means the matters including widening Timekeepers list. cheque for £250 – at the MSA’s dust should have settled by the time participation, junior competitors, Details of the various Inter- annual Night of Champions you arrive on the scene. the Licensing Department Association events were given ceremony. But, irrespective of whether we telephone system, Forestry and further information can be have the extra insulation and mass to bring to bear on an incident or Commission negotiations, obtained from individual not, we all need to be a bit more volunteer officials and the MSA Association contacts. MSA Club of the Year Foundation. The Chief Executive cautious about what we ask our Items raised by Associations bodies to do. then introduced Tony Venning The Aberdeen & District Motor covered passengers on Clubman Pushing and lifting can cause all from Jardine Lloyd Thompson, Club has won the MSA’s Club of status trials, smoking in the Year award, now sponsored sorts of problems if it’s not done the newly appointed insurance the right way or if we attempt it paddocks and service areas and by leading insurance broker JLT brokers, who gave a summary of the MSA’s approach to without having sufficient people or the company and its methodology. Sport, having taken the prize sufficient coordination. environmental issues. Allan Dean-Lewis gave details previously in 1994. Someone needs to take control of John Richardson updated the of the Club and Rescue Representatives of the club will any physical effort involving a Committee on the conclusion to Development Funds, a Women in receive a trophy and cheque for vehicle, they need to have a plan and the review of stage rally vehicle they need to communicate that plan Motor Sport meeting, the Next £1,000 at the MSA’s Night of regulations (K37), following to everyone who is going to help. Generation Forum, the Champions awards ceremony. various detailed revisions agreed That is all the more important, Volunteers in Motorsport “ADMC are both delighted by the Rallies Committee. when, as often happens on a rally questionnaire, child protection and proud of this award,” The meeting concluded with stage, there may be a mixture of officers and (in Stuart Turner’s confirms Club Secretary, Janet marshals and willing, but not both Nicky Moffitt and John absence) details of proposed Dickson. “We didn’t realise how necessarily experienced, spectators. Arnold being unanimously re- changes to Wheels (as reported in much support and respect ADMC In those circumstances it is elected as Chairman and Vice- November Wheels) and a review had in the motor sport world and important to gather your forces Chairman respectively for 2008. it just goes to show what can be before attempting to do anything of the Club Manual. and to check for any dangers – achieved with team work. It is a Phil Foster reported on the from fire or leaking fluids, from Midlands Associations’ liaison MSA Marshal very emotional time!” other competitors and from the meeting and various MSA-led of the Year Second prize, an MSA Flag vehicle itself, which could be initiatives. Trophy and £500 goes to perched precariously or have jagged Delegates reported on recent Peter Wilson has been voted the Cirencester Car Club. Third metal protruding from it. meetings of the Cross Country winner of the JLT Sport/MSA prize, an MSA Flag Trophy and The priority is the safety of and Rallies Committees and the Marshal of the Year Award 2007. £250 was awarded to yourselves and the competitors, it may be physically easier and safer Chelmsford Motor Club. The Safety Advisory Panel including Under the banner of the British to help the competitor out of the items on safety at cross country Motorsport Marshals Club, Motor Cycling Club was Highly car before attempting to move it – events, young passengers in Tyro Wilson led three colleagues, who Commended by the judges and not least because it reduces the trials, control tyres on trials, collectively became known as will receive a commemorative weight you have to move. junior rally drivers and co-drivers, Team Wilson, in a concerted certificate. If you are going to do a ‘Tarzan’ act then follow simple safe lifting procedures. Keep your back straight, make sure you have got a secure footing and secure grip, with no risk of trapping fingers or limbs, take a deep breath and use the power of your leg muscles. Make sure everyone is ready and that they act together – “Ready, steady, go” is better than “One, two, three” because half the people Europe’s largest show for motorsport and automotive industry will go on ‘three’ and the rest will professionals, people who are actively involved in the sport (such as go after ‘three’. And, last, but not least, arrange a competitors etc) and the motorsport fans who simply enjoy following signal and make sure everyone knows and being close the sport. what to do if it looks as though muscle power won’t be enough. MSA Marshals can attend the show on the exclusive Trade Days, QUIZ ANSWERS 10 &11 January – to find out more and register, visit 1. Frank Biela, Emanuele Pirro and Marco Werner WWW.AUTOSPORT-INTERNATIONAL.COM 2. Roger Clark, Colin McRae and Richard Burns and click on TRADE SHOW 3. 155 (Between June ’67 and June ’83) 4. Goodwood Festival of Speed 2007 ii Wheels 12/07 - 19 - Sevenoaks & District Motor Club Annual Dinner & Awards (including Autotest Series) Saturday 2nd February 2008

In the Hadlow Suite, Hadlow Manor Hotel, Goose Green, Hadlow.

Once again, by popular demand we will be returning to the Hadlow Manor on Saturday 2nd February to celebrate the achievements (good and otherwise!) of our club members in 2007.

The awards presentation will follow a three course meal, with vegetarian and special dietary options in the Hadlow Suite (the ballroom). There will also be a bar and other seating areas.

All welcome – why not invite your friends and family to a good night out with great food.

Like last year, there will be no band or disco, just good old-fashioned conversation with your fellow club members.

On receipt of your booking I will send a choice of menu together with your tickets and map. Please ensure you let me know your choice of meal before the 22nd January.

Tickets £25.00 each

7.00pm for 7.30pm, carriages at 12.00pm Dress: Smart casual.

For those that wish to stay overnight, accommodation is B&B – around £80.00 for two, around £55.00 single but please book accommodation direct with the hotel on 01732 851442.


Ticket applications should be sent to: Vivien Elcomb, The Cottage, Deans Hill, Bredgar, Sittingbourne Kent ME9 8BB (01622 884856) ([email protected])

Please make cheques payable to Sevenoaks & District Motor Club





Vegetarian or special dietary requirements………………………………………...

I would like……….. tickets and to be seated with…………………………………

- 20 - “Got any inside info about “This is the way to do it...” the best way up this hill?” David Balderson tries Suze Bisping and Chris Dennis 2 wheel drive

“When I nod my head, you hit it....” Chin & Colin Billings doing running repairs

John “C of C” Kemp with trusty sidekick Welly Woman - “Anything Suze can do, I can do better!”

Left...And anything Suze can do Dad can do better too! Andrew & Alison Bisping have a go.