RE-designing Access to Cultural Heritage for a wider participation in preservation, (re-)use and management of European Culture This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 769827. Deliverable 5.2 number Title Minority heritage pilot results Due date Month 27 Actual date of 21 March 2020 delivery to EC Project Coordinator: Coventry University Professor Neil Forbes Priority Street, Coventry CV1 5FB, United Kingdom E-mail:
[email protected] Project website address: Page 1 of 56 REACH Deliverable: D5.2 Title: Minority heritage pilot results Context: Partner responsible for ELTE deliverable Deliverable author(s) Eszter György, Gábor Sonkoly, Gábor Oláh (ELTE) and Tim Hammerton (COVUNI) Deliverable version number 1.0 Dissemination Level Public History: Change log Version Date Author Reason for change 0.1 21/01/2020 Eszter György, Gábor Sonkoly and Gábor Oláh 0.2 12/02/2020 Eszter György and Gábor Additional text added Oláh following peer review by COVUNI 1.0 21/03/2020 Eszter György and Tim Final amendments and edit Hammerton Release approval Version Date Name & organisation Role 1.0 21/03/2020 Tim Hammerton, COVUNI Project Manager Page 2 of 56 REACH Deliverable: D5.2 Title: Minority heritage pilot results Statement of originality: This deliverable contains original unpublished work except where clearly indicated otherwise. Acknowledgement of previously published material and of the work of others has been made through appropriate