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FLORA-FOG MALATHION-LINDANE~-A~CCEP-TF.:W: SEE LEFT PANEL FOR~~:!~~: and PRECAUTIONS ~ • , DANGER! KEEP OUT OF I~EACH OF CHILDREN! . e·. ... '---. FLORA-FOG MALATHION-LINDANE~-A~CCEP-TF.:w: SEE LEFT PANEL FOR~~:!~~: AND PRECAUTIONS ~ . -'­ . PRECAUTIONS b-'7---~¥ £2rl-l~ : r 1IT. t • . 00 ANTIDOTES: £12 AL INS£CflClOE . " .' ~' ...... -.. mm~ TWo F~D' ':0' DEN'flCIDE ACI . I If swallowed: Give a tablespoonful.of salt 111 a glass of warm water an ...... ,..,.... X'" • t, " F'';~' :.;,~ ":""'~'C pOISON R&G1S~!a\' repeat until vomit flUid IS clear Have vlCtml lie down and keep qUiet FO" •.. '. .. Call a physIcian immediately I ED ...~jNt-i. HO~• ....1~~~---- If on skin: Wash immediately with soap and water GREENHOUSE FOGG.lNG INSECTICIDE Atropine is antidotal FORMULATED SPECIFICALLY FOR liSE IN THERMAL FOG GENERATORS HIGHLY CONCENTRATED INSECTICIDE FOR THE CONTROL OF INSECTS AND MITES DESTRUCTIVE TO GREENHOUSE ORNAMENTALS, SUCH AS CARNATIONS, CHRYSAriTHEMUMS, ROSES, SNAPDRAGONS, AND GERANIUMS WARNING: NON·INJURIOUS TO EITHER BLOSSOMS OR I-OLIAGE WHEN USED AS DIRECTED • Poisonous by skill contact. If)i1alatlon. or sWillloWlnql RClpidly .:Jbsorued Will DESTRlY through Sklnl Do not get If) eyes. Oil skll1 or on clotlHn~1 In case of Red Spider 1'v1ltes. certain ether !]lItes. Aphids. Le.lfilOfwers. Thrips. Ntlltetiles. I'vkdlyhlJf:5. CucullltJer 8eet:es. ChrysilntllelllUiI1 contact, immediately remove illl contamtnatf'd clothlnq and flush sktn l ('itt 1\ll1il'r~. Orchid Wee,;iI. Plt),l1€' Mt ths. and Soft Sc.lle Inst~ct5 or eyes with plenty of water for at le.lst 15 minutes For eyes. get ACTIVE INGREDIENTS 100": , medical attention I Do not breathe fO~1 W d~h thorouqhly with SOilP and Malathion ............................................................................................ 10" , 00 dlll 1 f:ttlyl dlt!lloptlO'>ph,lte of dlPthyl water after handling and before eatlllq or Sllloklf)g. ch(]nge to clean Gammil Isorller of Benzene Hexachloride (frolll llnd;wp) ....... <j .. 'liprC,lpt()~lIl r-1natp clothing Keep away from heat and open flClIllC ALWAYS WEAR A Petroleum Distillatet .......................... ....... .. .................. 8·) .. , : Low pllytnt(l'lc >'rppn!louse fO~'.r,Irl~'. Oil GAS MASK OF A TYPE RECOMMENDED BY THE U S DEPART RECOMMENDA nONS MENT OF AGRICULTURE FOR PROTECTION AGAINST MALATHION FOR ALL APPLICATIONS, CAREFUllY FOLLOW DIRECTIONS f or USC' ()N THE RIGHT PAN! l Of THIS LABE L. ALSO AND LINDANE OBSERVE ALL . PRECAUTIONS" LISTED ON THE LEFT PANf'L. • It 15 recummended that greenhollses. contalnmg orrlilnl,~ntal~ susceptible to 1115P('I IIr PI.tp dtta('k be trpated wrth ,>IIher thiS prepilrallon or one of the othl~r FLORA FOG GRcENf- OUSE FOGGING INSECTICIDES or MITICIDES on J '(!lll,,1\' baSIS even If no apparent IIlsecl ,nfestat,on eXists 1 hiS I; In accordance With !.jood prpventatlve control prilctlces Seller's guarantee shall ue limited to the terms of ttll' label and sub CAUTION TO AVOID DAMAGE TO PLANTS. DO NOT FOG GRElNHOUSESWHEN THE INSIDE TfMPfRATlJRf EXCEEDSRO F, lect thereto, the buyer assumes any risk to persons or property iHlSlflq OR UNDER CONDITIONS OF HIGH HUMIDITY. OR WHEN BLOSSOMS OR FOLIAGE ARt Wf T {Jut of use or hnndllng and accepts the product on tiles{' terms Formulated Exclusively For Geiger Corporat/·on. Harleysville, Pa. A PRODUCT OF ....... ~ ..... , USDA REGISTRATION NO. 6218-15 BALTIMORE ~~1it MARYLAND -- CHEMICAL CO.:-..... _____ ACCEPTED WITH COMMENTS • • ----~-----------------------------------------. ....1 DANGER! KEEP OUT OF I~EACH OF CHILDREN! ":.~ ..... ,..: .:" "., .~~. ..... .,~- .-----fr~ POISC,N • i • , FLORA-FOG. MALATHION-LINDANE ' .. ~ C E P ~ SEE LEFT PANEL FOR ANYIDOTES AND PRECAUTIONS ~ . ..... _17.--~1 DIRECTIONS FOR USE b2.11-,5 . : t~ ; . .- ,. ", .. -:.. • o;..~ ... ~.. VAL INSEC'flClOE . 1 . T~ F¥.DE.. lCa>E I.e! P~E"'ARATION OF GREENHOUSE ··r.,::f l.t'D 1\ODEN'tou REGIStER. ' . •,. '.'. ,'" .': C POlS .. .. .. 1: Close all windows. doors. and ventilators. 2. ~ Take all precautions necessary to prevent unprotected persons GREENHOUSE FOGGING INSECTICIDE from entering the treated area. FORMULATED SPECIFICALLY FOR LISE 11'1 THERMAL FOG GENERATORS HIGHLY CONCENTRATED INSECTICIDE FOR THE CONTROL OF INSECTS AND MITES DESTRUCTIVE TO METHOD OF APPLICATION GREENHOUSE ORNAMENTALS, SUCH AS CARNATIONS. CHRYSAriTHEMUMS. ROSES. SNAPDRAGONS. AND GERANIUMS 1. Calculate the area in cubic feet of the greenhouse to be treated. NON·INJURIOUS TO EITHER BLOSSOMS OR .. OLlAGE WHEN USED AS DIRECTED 2 Use one (1) fluid ounce of FLORA-FOG GREENHOUSE FOGGING WILL DESTRJY IN~;ECTICIOE per 3000 cubic feet of space Red Spld<'r ~1ItP5. cert-3ln cth~'r In!te5~ l\phlds~ Le,IHlOppers. Thrips. Ntllteflles. Mealybugs. CuclI!l1iler BePlles. CIHy'>.lntlle:llufll Ll'df "'1mer:;. Orlilid Weevil. Plume M( ths~ and Soft Scale Insects 3 Pour the amount of insecticide needed for the calculated area into ACTIVE INGREDIENTS 100% the formulation tank of the thermal fog generator. Malathion· ...................................................................................... ~ ...... 10°,{) 0.0 dlnoethyl dlthloptlospll,lte of (j,dhyl Gamma Isofner of Benzene Hexachloride (from LlIldane) .... ........ ....... 5'\, mercaptosucr natE' 4 Adjust the metenrl~l valve or onfice size in the formulation line to Petro leull1 D,stdlatet .................................. ~ ........................... ~ ......... 85"" t Low~phytotoxlc prE'enholl<;e fOPGlng all produce a dry fog Never apply a w~t fog A flow rate of 8 oz per RECOMMENDATIONS minute is recommended FOR ALL APPLICATIONS, CAREFULLY FOLLOW "DIRECTIONS FOF US[" ON THE RIGHT PANEL OF THIS LABEL ALSO Start foml'ng at one end of the house and walk down the center OBSERVE ALL . PRECAUTIONS" LISTED ON THE LEFT PANEL. 5 It IS recommended that greenhouses contalnlllg ornaml!ntal~ susceptlhle to Insect or mite attack. he treated With aisle. continuously movin~) away from the fan Do not over-apply i!lther thiS preparation or one of the other FLORA~ FOG GREENt-OUSE FOGGING INSECTICIDES or MITICIDES on a to the pomt where folla~)8 IS VISibly wet routine baSIS even If no apparent IIlsect Infestation eXists 1 hiS I; In accordance With good preventative control practices 6 For !Jest results. the greenhollse should remain closed for 1 ";­ CAUTION: TO AVOID DAMAGE TO PLANTS. DO NOT FOG GREENHOUSES WHEN THE INSIOE TE.MPERATLJRE F XC[[OS RO r. OR UNDER CONDITIONS OF HIGH HUMIDITY, OR WHEN BLOSSOMS OR fOLIAGE ARE Wf T hours after fomlmg The house should then be completely vertl­ Formulated Exclusively For Geiger Corporat,'on, Harleysville, Pa. laled for at least 1 hour before re-enterlng APR 0 0 U ,: T 0 F C"..:~~" . NET CONTENTS - 1 GALLON BALTIMORE 0Umf:1tt MARYLAND /CHEMICAL c~ ___ _ ACCEPTED WITH COMMENTS • .
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