Volume 6, Issue 4 SOLAR ECLIPSE NEWSLETTER Page 23 ART AND ECLIPSES established in history with customs and norms. These Andean Indians also had established a great deal of accuracy in solar observations and calculations. But the question still remains, did isolated indians have a way to know what time this eclipse would start? Did they, in- stead keep a fire burning all day? (unlikely at this altitude to keep gasoline burning all day) If they did know when... then how? Jen Winter From: Michel-André Levy Do you really think that a logical behaviour, when an eclipse is announced, is to light fires ? I don't think any of the list members ever did so during an eclipse. There are various reasons for keeping a fire burning during the day. In the alti- plano, I suppose it can be cold. Or may be they wanted to cook something.... So, I would not say that the fires were "obviously" lit because of the eclipse. Michel-Andre LEVY From: Vic & Jen Winter, ICSTARS Inc. > I don't think any of the list members ever did so during an eclipse. ....by the Indians. From: Glenn Schneider <
[email protected]> The Aymara Indians also In 1981 I observed the TSE from a site near Bratsk, Siberia, along with hundreds oif other non-Soviets (this was back in the days of the USSR), selected by a local/governmental coordinating and organizing traditionally told committe). They thoughtfully were going to provide a post-eclipse lunch at the site. To do so they erected not to look at some rather large open-fire grills, and during ingress partial phase began to cook mounds of shasliks the eclipse.