The Delius Society Journal Spring 2002, Number 131

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The Delius Society Journal Spring 2002, Number 131 The Delius Society Journal Spring 2002, Number 131 The De Ii us Society (l~egistered Cha1ity No. 298662) Pull Membership and Institutions £20 1w1 Yl'<11 UK students £ 10 1wr yt>m USA and Canada US$38 pt•t Vl'<rt J\frirn, Australasia and Pat Fast £23 pt•t yt'iH jJ/'('<; irl l'l1 t Felix Aprahamian Vice P1cs1rlc11ts Liotwl Catlt'V BA, PhD Meredith Davit's CBE Sir Andrew Davis CBE Vernon Hundley MJ\, FRCM, D Univ (Sun cy) Richard Hickox FRCO (CHM) Lyndon Jenkins Tasmin Littk• FGSM, J\RCM (Hons), I Ion D. Li tt, DipGSM Sir Charles Mackerras CRE Rodney Meadows Rohc1 t Thi clfo ll Chnirmnn Roger J. Buckley Trcns11rc'1 nnd Mcmbc•rsl1ip Secrctnry Stewa1t Winstanley Windmill Ridge, 82 Highgate Road, Walsnll, WS I 3JJ\ Tel: 01922 633 11 c; Em;.1il: delius(n Sccrctnry Squadrnn Leadl•t Anthony Lindscv l The Pound, J\ldwick Village, Wl•sl Susst>x P02 I 3SR Tt'I: 01243 824964 Editor Jane AnT1our-Chclu J7 Forcsl Close, Shawbirch, 'lClford, Shropshire 1'f5 OLA Tel: 0 1952 408726 Etnail: jancAnnourChcluC< Website: Email: ddius0) TSSN-0306-0373 Ch;1ir 1non's tv1(•ss<tg('.......................... ............................................ ..... .... 5 Editorial..................................................................................... 6 NfI'ICLES Margaret llanison In C'onwrs<1tion, by John Amis............................. 7 Delius in Harrogate: A Strnv of Fr m r ;md Confusion, bv Malcolm NC'<'S<tm 11 Another Forgotten Ballet, by Ian McPlwrson .md janL' J\1 mow Chelu....... 19 F<trlyVisits to Limpsfield, by Jeff Driggers............................ ...... .. .... 28 THE ESTELLE PALMLEr MEMORIAi HJND ....................................... 37 1932: DEUUS'S 70TI I BIRTHDAY IN THF !'RESS............................. 40 DELIUS SOCIEn MEETINGS London, 24 April 200 I. ...................................................................................... 44 London, 20 Scptl•mber 2001..... ....................................................................... 45 Midlands, 20 Octolw1 200 I . ..... .. ............... ... ..................... ..... ............. ... .. .. .. 48 London, 23 October 2001..... ............................................................................ 49 London, 22 Novcn1be1 200 I.. ........................................................................... 5 J Wl•st of England, 9 Febrnmy 2002.. .. ............................................................... 53 London, 12. Ft'bl LWIV 2002..... ... ....................................................................... 5:.1 CONCERT REVIEWS 29 September 200 I, Wigmon.' Hall, London, J11tcrmczzo from fr1111i1110rc a11rf Gerda ............................................................... 57 6 Novcmbc1 2001, Royal Festival I fall, London, Songs of S1111set ................... 58 23 Fcbruaty 2002, Derby C<tthed1al , Sm Drift................................................. 119 RECORDING REVIEWS The Beecham Collection: A Village Romeo 1111d /11/ict, Songs c~( S1111sl't, Somn112 .... ........................................................................................................ 60 Sir Thomas Beecham Conducts Delius: Appalacltia, North Country Sketches ctc, Sony...................................................................... 63 The British Music Collection - Delius: Violin Conccr to, Pi<lno Concerto de, Decca.................................................................................................................. 67 Great Violinists S<imrnons: Delius & Elgat Violin Conn?1tos, Naxos. ... 68 BOOK REVIEW Willin111 W11/to11: Muse of firc by Stl•plwn l loyd..... ......................................... 69 DELIUS ON CD, VIDEO AND DVD - and JOURNAL l3ACK NUMBERS.................................................................. 72 NEWS FRC)M AMERICA................................................................................ 74 OBITIJARIES Derck Cox, Glen D<1lling Hc.)y, Ralph Nicholson........................................... 77 MEMOI< IES FROM TI IE ARC! flVE............................................................... 83 l'vf!SC'ELLANY..... ............................................................................................. 84 I.ETTEi<TO TI fE ED ITOR, Tony Noakes....................................................... 90 DELIUS RAD IO LISTINGS, Septembc1 2001 to Pebrua1y 2002................. 91 TI IE DEUUS SOCIETY ACM 2002..... .......................................................... 94 FORTI lCOMJNC EVENTS............................................................................. 95 Thi~ snap of 1>clius fhhini: in Norw~y " ch:1r111:1crbuc (lf the m.111 who h.1, ;1Jw;1ys r~a.:t(d to ~:1tu1·c with the fervour of 1Jv , ptl~t. Ornnge ,grn\'c• in 1"111nda, riwr5 in Norway, 11111u1irains in AJ'f'''';"hin, tu\· tJ,,,, l'-c:flut"' in ··r:incc • ~uch H•·nes n$ ihc:1c ~r~ the b.ic k· i;rcund> :111.1in~t whkh one aces h:.t 1hc mnn and the n1co11· i1111 of hi!! JllU'iC. R11dio Tt1111>:; - '.!9 Scptcmbc1 ll/13 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE-------- As Rodney Me<idows has rernrdL•d, tlw fitst meeting of Tlw Delius Society took place on 14 April 1962 al the Gt'I man \MCJ\, Lancasle1 Galt', London W2, wi th thirty-five pcoplt' in <ittendance. The convenor was tlw lalt' lamented Roland Gibson, who h1.1d bt•en vigorously promoting the formation of such a society since the previous yt'a1. It mttst be admitted that those early d<iYs well' punctuated by a fow disappointments; however, tlw pioneers ren1arkablv manv of whom remain active members overcame the tempma1y difficulties and left us with the lwalthy and active Society that we contintll' to enjoy, forty wars on. Among the pimil'l'rs there were those, including himself, who ft> <l l t'd lhot the music of Delius might not swvive the death in 196 1 of its staunclwst champion, Sil Thom<is Beecham. Tlwre can be few among Lis who do not recognise lkt'cham as otw of Dt'lius's gr l',ltl•st inte1p1 clcrs, and we <ire frn tunatL' lo h<We more 1ecordcd evidence of this greatnt•ss <Wa ilahlt•, in the form ot ( D trnnsfcrn, than al any p1 cvious tinw. But during the ltic of tlw Socil'ly we haw SL'L'n - <1nd encomaged other conductms who h<1ve established lhcit own relationships with the scores, as well as new interprt•ters of the concertos, songs and chamber wmks. Another sign of the abili ty of Delius's music to su1viw on its own merits has been the wealth of international interest that has come to our attt•ntion throughout the life of the Society. As the }011mnl goes to p1 ess, a performance of A Mnss of Lifl' is taking place in Bonn. In late April a new production of I\ Vi/Inge' Romeo and /11/irt will l'<.'Ccivc a number of performances in Smdinia {and I hope to sec some of you there). Those behind this latest vent me have been in touch with both the Trust and the Society, and help of vatious kinds has bet'n willingly given. Though complact'ncy is never appropriate, we can he fairly content with wh<it the Society has achieved in its fir sl fot ty years. Above all, it has been a fornm fo1 vou, its members. What remains as vital as t'Vl'I is to l'nsurl' that new membc1s Mt' encouraged to join, especially th1 ough the new, all-pervasive medium of the Internet. Armed with our belief in the great and immortal artistry of Frederick Delius, we may, I believe, hope to survive <inothc1 forty years at least. 5 l have spent much time thb wintt•1 looking back ove1 the last 40 years of the Society, as 1evea led in the past 130 Journals, numerous Newsletters, and correspondence. l wonder if those prL·sent that first meeting of the Society in Ap1i i 1962 thought it would go Imm strength lo strength as il has - the sheer volu nw of letters that Stewart Winstanley, Anthony Lindsey and l receive is evidence of that. What becornes increasingly apparent if you read through the archive is that so many of those who were involved in the 'bit th' of the Society nre still membe1s ilfili are still actively involved. Roland Gibson wrnte in 1962: 'The vt•ty fact th\lt T sta1 tL'd a 1ww Dl'litts Society makes mL' wonder whether it docs not trncshadow a decline of my great liking for Delius' music, possibly being an expression of a feat of losing something precious'. Obviously, in this, H.oland need not have wrn 1ied, and the fact that so many of those who answert'd Roland's lettt'rs of 1961 and 1962, or who joined in the early years, arc still members is testament that their love of Dclius's n-1usic has stood the test of time. On behalf of we who nre mote recent members, I would like to th<tnk them all fo1 thci1 continued support of the Society, It constantly amazes me thot we seem to be making new discove1ies. In a sense, I think the transience of modern communication is such that we appreciate more than ever the importance of information - we need to share knowledge, and record evc1ything whilst we can. It is fo1 this reason that I am continuing lo include extracts from reviews, lcllers and books of the last ccnlu1y where they seem to have relevance. What good is an archive if we don't use it? T am especially pleased lo be able lo use the newspaper cuttings that were collected by the late Norah 13arnaby. 1 nm sure she would approve. As always, this issue is what its contribLttors have made it, and I sincerely thank them for taking the time to contact me. Special thonks go to those who have w1illen articles: John Amis, Malcolm Neesam, lan McPherson and Jeff Driggers. Please contin1.1e to send items of interest, and feel free lo write, telephone or email with
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