,. HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY BENCH AT AURANGABAD SELECTION PROCESS FOR THE POST OF CLERK The candidates, whose names are enlisted in the enclosed list, are directed to scan copies of the following documents ( .pdf file only) and send it to this office by E-mail on E-mail ID (
[email protected] ), during the period from 24/11/2018 to 3/12/2018 (5 pm). The scanned copies of documents submitted/sent by the mode other than E-mail or received via E-mail, after aforesaid date, will not be accepted. If any candidate does not comply the aforesaid direction. his/her candidature will not be considered for the Selection Process. A List of documents which are required to be scanned and sent (by E-mail) by the candidates Sr. Particulars of the documents No. 1 Print out of the online application or applications (if more than one application is filed), as the case may be, affixing photograph and putting signature in the places provided thereto. 2 E-receipt of Rs. 300/- paid through "SBI Collect". 3 Certificate of proof of Date of Birth [School or College Leaving Certificate/Birth Certificate/Secondary School Certificate (Sanad) ] 4 All Mark Sheets and passing Certificates / Sanad of 10th Std. 5 All Mark Sheets and Passing Certificates / Degree Certificates of the Graduation / Post Graduation / LLB (3 yrs & 5 yrs course i.e. mark-sheets of all semesters of BSLiBLS of 5 years LLBCourse) / LLM. 6 Certificate about prescribed knowledge in Computer Operating issued by the University/Institute, as mentioned in the application/advertisement.