© Entomologica Fennica. 27 June 1995

Thereva nobilitata (Diptera, Therevidae) reared from Boletales and Agaricales (Basidiomycota)

Olavi Kurina

Kurina, 0. 1995: nobilitata (Diptera, Therevidae) reared from Boletales and Agaricales (Basidiomycota). -Ento mol. Fennica 5: 186. (Fabricius) was reared from Chroogomphus rutilus and Cortinarius sp. in Estonia. Olavi Kurina, Zoological Museum, Tartu University, Vanemuise 46, EE-2400 Tartu, Estonia Received 2 December 1993, accepted 10 February 1995

Therevid larvae are predaceous and even canni­ 24.V.1992; mycetophagous Diptera emerged in the same balistic, and may be found in sand, in dung, container: Tarnaniafenestralis (Meigen) () under rotting tree bark or in decaying wood 7d'd' 4QQ, Pegomya geniculata (Bouche) (Anthomyiidae) 8d'd', P. maculata Stein (Anth.) 34d'd', Pegomya sp. (Anth.) (Krober 1932, Cole 1965, Irwin & Lyneborg 51 QQ, Suillia bicolor (Zetterstedt) (He1eomyzidae) 1d', S. 1981). According to Lyneborg & Spitzer (1974), atricornis (Meigen) (Helom.) 2d'd' 2QQ. - Puhtu, the larvae of T. nobilitata are known to feed on Chroogomphus rutilus (three fruiting bodies in one con­ the preimagines of Hymenoptera and Diptera, tainer) 18.IX.l991, IQ emerged 24.V.l992; mycetophagous especially on those of the families Mycetophilidae Diptera emerged in the same container: Exechia separata and Tipulidae. According to Krivosheina et al. Lundstrom (Mycetophilidae) 13d'd', Exechia sp. (Mycet.) 4QQ, Botanophila silvatica (Robineau-Desvoidy) (Antho­ (1986) larvae of Therevidae have been found in myiidae) 7d'd', Anthomyiidae gen. sp. 3QQ. the dry remnants of Aphyllophora1es. Dialineura anilis (Linnaeus) has been bred from Polyporus species (Krober 1932). Therevid larvae have not References been recorded from fruiting bodies of Boletales and Agaricales. Cole, F. R. 1965: Family Therevidae.- In: A catalog of I succeeded in rearing from Thereva nobilitata the Diptera of America north of Mexico. Agric. Handb. the fungi Chroogomphus rutilus (Boletales) and 276:348-354. Washington, D. C. Cortinarius sp. (Agaricales) kept in plastic con­ Irwin, M. E. & Lyneborg, L. 1981: Therevidae.- In: McAl­ tainers covered with nylon gauze. Pure peat was pine, J. E. (ed.), Manual of Nearctic Diplera. Res. Branch used as the substrate for pupation. The imagines Agric. Canada, Monogr. 27:513-523. Hull, Quebec. emerged after the pupal diapause. This emer­ Krivosheina, N. P., Zaitzev, A. 1., Yakovlev, E. B. (Kp;moweHHa, H. n .. 3ai1ueB, A. I1 ., 5!KOBJieB, E. E.) gence suggests that the larvae feed on larvae of 1986: as fungus-destroyers in the forest of the mycetophagous Diptera. European part of the USSR.- Moscow. 310 pp. The Thereva nobilitata material was collected Krober, 0. 1932: Familie Therevidae (Stilettfliegen). - in Estonia from Abruka island and from the terri­ In: Die Tierwelt Deutschlands. 26. Teil. Zweifli.igler tory of the Puhtu Ornithological Station south­ oder Diptera V: 100-122. Jena. east of Virtsu. The material is deposited in the Lyneborg, L., Spitzer, K. 1974: The Czechoslovak species of Thereva Latr. (Therevidae, Diptera), with the de­ Zoological Museum in Tartu. scription of a new species from Hungary and Austria. Material: Abruka island, Cortinarius sp. (two fruiting - Acta Sci. Nat. Mus. Bohem. Merid. Ceske bodies in one container) 1O.IX.1991, 1 d' emerged Budejovice 14:13-42.