Therevidae (Insecta: Diptera)

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Therevidae (Insecta: Diptera) Fauna of New Zealand Ko te Aitanga Pepeke o Aotearoa AUA AISOY GOU MEMES A SI A OECIO / ĪΕ WĀAGA MAAAKI UU Mou Ae eseac Cee iae ag Aucka ew eaa Ex ff M ogwo ieco (Caima OW Suea Gou Maage Sysemaics A Maiso Secio eae Eomoogy Cptd fr thn Sttl Grp K Cosy Cuao Aoo Coecio M S ugae eomoogica sysemais UIESIIES EESEAIE M Emeso Eomoogy eame ico Uiesiy Caeuy ew eaa MUSEUMS EESEAIE M ama aua isoy iisio aioa Museum o ew eaa O o 7 Weigo ew eaa OESEAS EESEAIE awece CSIO iisio o Eomoogy GO o 17 Caea Ciy AC 1 Ausaia SI A OECIO MAOI AISOY COMMIEE M oma — gāi Kui Ms K e aa — gai Wāua Ms Wiogi — e aawa Μ Wake — Wakaoea M Μ Kea — e aawa SEIES EIO AUA O EW EAA M C ua SI a oecio / e Wāaga Maaaki uu Mou Ae eseac Cee iae ag Aucka ew eaa Fauna of New Zealand Ko te Aitanga Pepeke o Aotearoa Number / Nama 24 Therevidae (Iseca iea yeog Department of Entomology, Zoological Museum University of Copenhagen, Denmark tl ddr l M Unvrttprn 15 1 Κς bnhvn DSIR Plant Protection I Te Whanga Manaaki Tupu Auckland, New Zealand 199 Cataloguing-in-publication citation / Whakatoopu taa kua perehia - oona maarama tika YEOG eeiae (Iseca iea — Aucka SI a oecio = e Waga Maaaki uu 199 (aua o ew eaa = Ko e Aiaga eeke o Aoeaoa ISS 111-533 ; o IS -77-3- I ie II Seies UC 59577(931 Date of publication / Waa taa kite perehi See ies i i oice i suseque umes / ioia e aaui Igoa aiaa kua eeia me ooa ama Suggested form of citation / Tohu maarama aahua tika yeog 199 eeiae (Iseca iea aua o ew eaa Ko e Aiaga eeke o Aoeaoa 24. Front cover / Aro mua e isec eice is / Ko e gaaaa ei a Aaaycus ioaus, mae / aae Ais oiaga: es emoe, SI a oecio Te Waga Maaaki uu. © Cow Coyig eae o uicaio y e Seies Eio usig comue-ase e ocessig Iayou a iig Moi e y UiSeices asIaio Cee AuckIa • ie y G i imie WeIigo uise y SI Ia oecio / e Waaga Maaaki uu M Ae eseac Cee iae ag AuckIa ew eaa OUA SUMMAY E WAKAOOGA ΜΑ ΤΕ MAEA Cl / Krh InSCt Ordr / Ot Diptera Family / Whaamere eeiae Iusaio /Wakaaua (a aa /io Anbrhnh secies; ( ua / uugougou A. r (c au mae / (a aae akeke A. nntt, 3 Artt hn: (, b f nbr ( lr. hrvd r tltt-fl r dtrbtd rldd th E nh n n hrvd r n nr - rn hndrd f p n h jr zrphl n hn t t tn n t hrvd rn h Atrln/Onn rn prbbl th tth tth t -rrh n t K t rht n hrvd th n ttd p nn p rt t t Ahtrr n thn n-frth f th hv fr bn drbd hn Mnn-a-K E n r p t t o h lnd fn f hrvd pll rh n t [p] t t E t h t koaa n rltn t th z f th ntr nd ll prbbl o t hrvd t rrt t hυ prv t pr bt 1 p hn fll xplrd Ah h hn t h h n t hrv- h fr l tht fr th ntr Erpn fn At d rn n r p t t th r prnt 9 p hv bn drbd nd nd 5 f t t t rrt trt tn th fr th frt t rlt f th rvn f th t t tp rt Orp t I tn fl e n t n t nr - t n h 9 p r pld n nl thr nr f h t ht t hn h Na rn tn hhAnbrhnh b fr th lrt th p hhtn t hr t ttht t h nd n n Mthrv h bn rtd fr htr t h hnt h r thr p nd fr r pld n Etnrhnh, a t rυ n t n th Atrln ffnt K hn n t n t n Adlt hrvd r rthr nrld fl vrn n n hp [nr] t K Anbrnh t n lnth fr 5 t 1 nd tl th th bd- r n hp; n t r n t nl nt rthr npl `frr h nb t K Mthrv tth hp h hn h nh- th n rt vrt f hbtt bt r rltvl ld n n t tr; hnh h n n rfrrd hbtt r tl rb nd nd n t h t rt Etnrhnh, tth bh nd l nd l hr nd rvr bd; ttr hp hhnn n th nr- o hbtt r l xpltd Ahtrr Adlt hv bn lltd fr Sptbr t Aprl bt nr n hrvd r rt t t t t bndntl n th nth f r vbr t t rn rt t r n p; t nn brr (ntnd vrlf (r hr tf Iusaio / Wakaaua Etnrhnh tn, l tn, 3 Artt hn: lr. o aaou e uuuuuu e uku E oo aa aaou i ga kaaiga maa egai kaaoe e io kiea aa Ko e oe-ai ko ga mooeueu o e aakau ko ga aa uu-oeoe o ga oo o ga akee awa koia a ga kaaiga e aigia aa E ooia aa oki ga waai maakuukuu Kua agoiagaakeke i e maama o eeema ae am ki Aaeia egai ko e aumai ko ga maama o oema ae am ki euee e waa e io kiea ai ga gaaaa ei Ko e amaiki e gaaaa ooii e oo aa i oo ig a oeuu i ga oe uga aaei e kakama e aee aa e aakia oki ki e kai i eeai gaaaa oke oki Ko e e see wom-ike aae ie i sa o oose soi aaua e ma ekau ga waaaga e wa o e uku I mua i ae ey moie a ae oacious eaos o isec e wakaeekeeaga ei uugougou ka uueke e aae a eawoms ey aea o e -segmee iaa eeei me e U Koai e wiki e υa aaei e oaga ecause e aomia segmes ae eac secoaiy o e uugougou I eeei waa ko ooa mae e maoke e cosice I e eua sage e oy assumes a U- auga e e oaii sae cuaue e ua sage ass o oy a week o Ko e iaia kia mu ώ e maaauaga e aa aa ki e wo a is eseciay ueae o esiccaio a o aauaaga me e oaga o ga eeiae o iu iiei aack y eaos ee is a gea ee o moe iomaio o e ioogy PAANUI MO NGA KAI-KOHIKOHI. Ka aaea ga akeke e o ew eaas eeiae kao ki e kuega akiai ki e uumomo aawii aaei e kiia aae Maaise a Me wakamaoke me ii oki OES FOR COLLECTORS. Aus ae eaiy caue y kia maaakiaki ai; meeaa ka maakuu ka kio ai ga um- swee-eig a ae aso oe ake i Maaise as um wakaioio i uga i e iaa a aua uuuu ea ey sou e esee o suy as y ie seci- ka kiea ai ko eewea uumomo gao Μa e aaai ki e mes; moisue ca ui e ie ae o miue ais o kuega aaai e ma ekau ooa maa ka aaea ga io me e oy wic may e eu i ieiicaio aae ga uugougou e ou Me aaai e a ki e wa a uae ca e coece y igoousy siig e o eemia o e oeoe aa ka mau ga io uui me ga 5- cm o susae i a -mes siee age aae a uugougou i oo i e aaai; ka kiea ai ga mo akuaku uae ae eaie i e siee a smae aae wi oki i uga i e oeoe i aaaiia ai Kia mau akiai ga aea o o o e sie soi aae may e caia- io i oo gogo kei kai eeai i eeai isic a sou e ke i iiiua ues rn t thth, Leif Lyneborg t hr Cntrbtr Leif Lyneborg tdd ntrl htr t th nn Cpnhn hh th trn t Unvrt f Cpnhn, rdtn n . Sn t . M t t 6 tn trn h t 6 h h hld th ptn f Crt f ptr t th ptr t hr tn t hr n. ll M f tht nvrt. K tt t th r npp nn ρ rnb h pblhd nrl n hndrd ntf n t nn pp t bnd t b nd ppr, dln nl th bnd nd hrvd. M t t 60 t t 80 ptn hrvd. In th 60 nd 0 h pblhd vn fld pp ht ht n t htn n d t trrtrl nvrtbrt fn f nthrn nd nrr tr Op t r t tr. trn Erp th hv bn trnltd nt vrl K hrt n pp th r. Na ln. r nb nttd th r `n nt tnbr tt nρρ aua eomo- l ndnv n , nd nflln r th ogica scaiaica i t t , , n t tt `Entnrph r, tthr th vrl r n npp Eomoogame thpp t r nh. rtr f Sndnvn Sn r nr. K h t Khhr t rh td fr 4 t 8. Wnn 0 Sndnv t t 4 8. ASAC h hrvd nn fr lnd r rvd Sxt-nn p n thr nr r rnd; ll p r nd Sxt-t p r pld n Anabarhynchus Mrt lr prphlt txn n hh th lnd t fr rltvl plrph ld Megathereva n n nd nd nld thr p; t tr-rp b fnd n th lnd Anabarhynchus t r p r tnttvl pld n Ectinorhynchus Mrt; th hv ffnt th th Atrln fn Snlt nd rph dtrbtn r ndtd nd t th dntftn f nr nd p r vn tl f th l nd fl trnl r lltrtd fr ll p On n nd fft-t p r drbd n hr n nn r prpd inAnabarhynchus: luridus Shnr nd modestus Kröbr ndr innotatus (Wlr nd thoacicus Kröbr ndr neglectus Kröbr CECKIS O AA lacustris n p laterepilosus n p Gn Anabarhynchus Mrt 1 5 latus n p acuminatus n p 3 5 limbatinervis Kröbr 193 albipennis n p 3 longepilosus n p arenarius n p 7 atratus n p 5 longipennis Kröbr 193 n p atripes n p 5 macfarlanei aureosericeus Kröbr 193 26 major n p 9 maori ttn 191 brevicornis n p 7 5 frontalis Kröbr 193 brunninervis Kröbr 193 28 megalopyge n p caesius Kröbr 191 28 51 microphallus n p 5 completus n p 9 monticola n p curvistylus n p 3 5 nebulosus ttn 191 diversicolor n p 31 53 neglectus Kröbr 193 5 dugdalei n p 3 thoracicus Kröbr 193 n nn dysmachiiformis Kröbr 193 3 nigrofemoratus Kröbr 193 55 embersoni n p 33 exiguus ttn 191 olivaceus n p 5 novazealandiae (Kröbr 193 ostentatus n p 5 farinosus n p 3 postocularis n p 57 femoralis Kröbr 193 35 robustus n p 5 ruficoxa n p fenwicki n p 3 59 rufobasalis n p flaviventris n p 37 59 fluviatilis n p 37 schlingeri n p similis n p fuscofemoratus n p 3 1 gibbsi n p 3 simplex n p 1 spiniger n p grossus n p 39 spitzeri n p harrisi n p 3 triangularis n p hayakawai n p 3 hudsoni n p 1 tricoloratus n p huttoni n p waitarerensis n p indistinctus n p westlandensis n p 5 innotatus (Wlr 15 3 wisei n p luridus Shnr 1 n nn Megathereva n n modestus Kröbr 193 n nn albopilosa n p 7 —7— (Megathereva co IOUCIO atritibia ew secies eei ies o sieo-ies ae isiue i a oo- bilineata (aicius 1775) 9 geogaica egios Aou secies ae ee ame Geus Ectinorhynchus Macqua 1850 9 wowie O ese 13 secies oigiae om e Aus- castaneus (uo 1901) 7 trla a Oceaia egios (Iwi yeog 199 u eimiay wok (see Ackowegmes sows a is cupreus (uo 1901) 71 igue eeses a mio ooio o e eisig secies furcatus ew secies 71 — oay oy aou 25-30%.
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