Finnish Flies of the Family Therevidae

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Finnish Flies of the Family Therevidae © Entomologica Fennica. 3 March 2006 Finnish flies of the family Therevidae Antti Haarto & Kaj Winqvist Haarto, A. & Winqvist, K. 2006: Finnish flies of the family Therevidae. — Ento- mol. Fennica 17: 46–55. An illustrated key for the 17 Finnish species of Therevidae is presented that in- cludes six species recorded from neighbouring areas. Distributions of the Finnish species are discussed and presented in maps; evaluations concerning the threatenedness status of Finnish species are included. Antti Haarto, Zoological Museum, Section of Biodiversity and Environmental Science, University of Turku, FI-20014 Turku, Finland; E-mail: antti.haarto Kaj Winqvist, Zoological Museum, University of Turku, FI-20014 Turku, Fin- land; E-mail: [email protected] Received 31 January 2005, accepted 13 July 2005 1. Introduction book on lower Brachycera (Stubbs & Drake 2001) lacks many Finnish species. The most ac- Flies of the family Therevidae belong to the sub- curate key for determining Finnish Therevidae order Brachycera and are relatively large Diptera. was presented by Lyneborg and Spitzer (1974); Unlike Asilidae, a morphologically and biologi- this key covers the Czech Republic fauna. cally close family, adults of Therevidae are not The purpose of this article is to provide an up- predatory and lack the deep groove between the dated key for the Finnish Therevidae and some eyes characteristic of Asilidae. species found in the neighbouring countries. The In Finland, there has been very little informa- distribution and habitat associations for each spe- tion published on Therevidae. Frey (1911) listed cies are briefly discussed based on the few avail- some of the oldest records for the lower able distributional and ecological data. Aprelimi- Brachyceran flies. In their exchange-score cata- nary understanding of the Finnish Therevidae logue, Frey et al. (1941) recorded 13 species of fauna was obtained during the autumn 2003, the Therevidae as being Finnish but using names that Finnish museum material of Therevidae was are currently invalid. Hackman’s (1980) checklist checked for a Brachycera checklist (Kahanpää & included 20 species of Therevidae. Winqvist 2005). Three species listed by Hack- After the turn of the new millennium, a new man (1980) appeared not to belong to the Finnish wave of dipterological interest has begun in Fin- fauna: both European Cliorismia species had land. As large and conspicuous flies, Therevidae been recorded In Russian Karelia, and Thereva can be considered a suitable group for research, circumscripta (Loew) is a more southern Euro- but there has been a lack of updated taxonomic in- pean species. Now there are 17 species of There- formation. For example, the Therevidae key for vidae known from Finland. the European part of Russia (Zaitsev 1988) leads There remains a lot to be discovered about this to unreliable or inadequate identifications of elusive fly family. New studies are needed to ob- Finnish Therevidae. Furthermore, a recent British tain a more profound understanding of the distri- ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 17 • Finnish Therevidae 47 Fig. 2. The middle Fig. 1. (A) The antennae of Dialineura anilis and (B) Acrosathe femora in anterior view annulata. of Acrosathe annulata male. Fig. 3. The head of (A) Dichoglena nigripennis and (B) Psilocephala imberbis males. Fig. 4. The tip of aedeagus in lat- eral view. (A) Cliorismia ardea and (B) Cliorismia rustica males. butions, ecological associations, and conserva- Female: Frons with a continuous or divided tion status of Therevidae species in Finland. shiny black callus (frontal callus) Thereva 4a Knob of halteres light 5 4b Knob of halteres dark Spiriverpa lunulata 2. Key to the Finnish species 5a Male: Middle femora with usually 2 of Therevidae anteroventral bristles (Fig. 2) Female: Erect hairs on tergites 5–8 black The following key covers all the 17 Finnish Acrosathe annulata Therevidae species and six additional species 5b Male: Middle femora usually without (listed within brackets) that have been found from anteroventral bristles Scandinavia, Russia or Baltic countries. This key Female: Erect hairs on tergites 5–8 white is based on our studies and literature (Lyneborg & [Acrosathe baltica] Spitzer 1974, Stubbs & Drake 2001, Zaitsev 6a Males 7 1988). 6b Females 11 7a Frons broader than anterior ocellus (Fig. 1a First segment of antennae thicker than the 3A). Abdomen silvery pollinose or black pedicel and flagellum (Fig. 1A) with silvery pattern 8 Dialineura anilis 7b Frons narrower than anterior ocellus (Fig. 1b All segments of antennae equally thick (Fig. 3B). Abdomen silvery pollinose 9 1B) 2 8a Halteres black. Abdomen silvery pollinose 2a Face hairy 3 Dichoglena nigripennis 2b Face bare 6 8b Halteres yellow. Abdomen black, tergites 3a Male: Tergites silvery pollinose and the hairs with weak silvery triangles on abdomen silvery white Pandivirilia eximia Female: Frons without callus 4 9a Femora completely black from base to apex 3b Male: Tergites without pollen to fully dusted Psilocephala imberbis with dirty yellow or grey pollen (usually 9b Femora with yellow apex 10 with a dark anterior and lighter posterior re- 10a Tip of aedeagus straight (Fig. 4A) gion), hairs on abdomen mixed dark (black [Cliorismia ardea] to brownish black) and light (yellow to 10b Tip of aedeagus S-shaped (Fig. 4B) white) [Cliorismia rustica] 48 Haarto & Winqvist • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 17 Fig. 6. The hind femora in posterior view of Thereva inornata male. Fig. 5. The tip of aedeagus in lateral view. (A) Thereva cinifera,(B)T. fulva,(C)T. inornata,(D)T. plebeja and (E) T. strigata males. Fig. 8. The hind femora in anterior view of (A) Thereva inornata and (B) T. nobilitata males. Fig. 7. The mesonotum of Thereva. 11a Femora completely black from base to apex 5b The basal part of hind femora without 12 posteroventral bristles 10 11b Femora with yellow apex 6a 2 pairs of dorsocentral bristles (Fig. 6). The [C. ardea and C. rustica] basal part of hind femora with 3–4 12a Tibiae and tarsi as dark as femora. Wing posteroventral bristles (Fig. 7). The antero- membrane with brownish border adjacent to ventral bristles of the hind femora usually wing veins Dichoglena nigripennis uniserial (Fig. 8A). Tip of aedeagus long 12b Tibiae and tarsi yellowish, lighter in contrast curved (Fig. 5C) T. inornata to femora. Wing membrane without brown- 6b 1 pair of dorsocentral bristles. The basal part ish border adjacent to wing veins 13 of hind femora with 1–3 posteroventral bris- 13a Wing membrane yellow basally. Large spe- tles. Hind femora with additional bristles cies (12–18 mm) Pandivirilia eximia outside the normal anteroventral row (as in 13b Wing membrane completely transparent. Fig. 8B) 7 Small species (8–10 mm) 7a Anterior part of tergites 4–5 with narrow Psilocephala imberbis dark band (more than half the lateral part of tergites 4–5 dusted with grey pollen) 8 Genus Thereva 7b Anterior part of tergites 4–5 with broad dark band (only half the lateral part of tergites 4–5 1a Males 2 dusted with grey pollen) 9 1b Females 14 8a Tergite 6 fully dusted with greyish pollen 2a All tergites light anteriorly, tergites com- (dark anterior transverse band absent). Wing pletely dusted with dirty yellow or grey pol- membrane greyish, veins light brown and len 3 crossveins weakly darkened. Hairs on the 2b Anterior region of at least tergites 2–5 dark 4 lower part of the occiput and parafacial 3a Knob of halteres brownish black. Tip of mixed with white and black T. unica aedeagus short (Fig. 5A) T. cinifera 8b Tergite 6 incompletely dusted with greyish 3b Knob of halteres yellowish brown. Tip of pollen (dark anterior transverse band pres- aedeagus long (Fig. 5B) [T. fulva] ent). Wing membrane whitish, veins dark 4a All tergites glossy black [T. atripes] brown and crossveins intensively darkened. 4b At least part of the tergites matt 5 Hairs on the lower part of the occiput and 5a At least one posteroventral bristle in the parafacial white [T. marginula] basal part of the hind femora (Fig. 6) 6 9a Mesonotum greyish brown and usually with ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 17 • Finnish Therevidae 49 a clear dark brown central line. Hairs on ter- row transverse band or divided into two sep- gite 1 completely black or dark brown. Tip of arate calli 15 aedeagus short (Fig. 5D) T. plebeja 14b One wide, usually large, shiny black frontal 9b Mesonotum bluish gray and at most with a callus 16 diffuse dark central line. Hairs on tergite 1 15a Frontal callus a narrow transverse band that grey or yellowish medially. Tip of aedeagus is sometimes divided medially (Fig. 9A). long (Fig. 5E) T. strigata Anteroventral bristles of the hind femora 10a Hairs on scutellum sparse and completely uniserial (as in Fig. 8A) T. valida black. Hairs on abdomen predominantly 15b Frontal callus clearly separated on two parts black. Usually 1 dorsocentral bristle. Front (Fig. 9B). Anteroventral bristles of the hind femora anteroventrally usually without bris- femora nearly uniserial, but irregularly ar- tles T. valida ranged towards base (as in Fig. 8B) 10b Hairs on scutellum mixed yellow and black. T. unica Hairs on abdomen yellow laterally and black 16a All tergites light anteriorly, tergites com- dorsally 11 pletely dusted with dirty yellow or grey pol- 10c Hairs on scutellum and abdomen almost len 17 completely white 12 16b Anterior region of at least tergites 2–5 dark 11a Anteroventral bristles of the hind femora 18 multiserial (some bristles outside the normal 17a Knob of halteres blackish. Tergite 7 dusted anteroventral row) (Fig. 8B). Hairs on with grey pollen. The frontal callus sepa- scutellum not exceptionally dense and rated from the anterior ocellus (Fig. 9C) mixed yellowish and black. Usually 1 T. cinifera dorsocentral bristle. Front femora with 1–4 17b Knob of halteres yellowish.
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    BULLETIN OF THE Dipterists • CkAdrDTI jIm kit filiated to the British Entomological and Natural History Society NO 39MARCH 1995 ISSN 1358-5029 DIPTERISTS FORUM UPDATE The Dipterists Forum was launched at Dipterists Day on 12 November 1994 at the Natural History Museum, London. We now have a fully fledged society. How the Forum develops from now is up to the membership. The committee members are: Roy Crossley (Chairman), Alan Stubbs (Secretary), Jon Cole (Treasurer, coopted after the AGM), Liz Howe (Membership Secretary), Martin Drake (Bulletin Editor, a change of post title made at the first General Committee meeting), Patrick Roper (Publicity Officer), Stuart Ball, Steve Falk, Roger Morris, Chris Spilling (elected Ordinary Members), Brian Pitkin (co-opted Ordinary Member), Peter Chandler (BENHS Representative), Graham Rotheray (Dipterists Digest Editor). We held the first general committee meeting on 21 January at the BENHS rooms at Dinton Pastures, Reading. Some items we discussed are covered elsewhere in this Bulletin (Dipterists Digest, new GB Check List, changes to the newsletters), and Alan Stubbs covered many other issues in his report of the Interim Committee in the last Bulletin. Other "highlights" of the General Committee meeting were: Bank account There is a healthy balance, sufficient for foreseen commitments. BENHS have kindly agreed since this meeting that their honorary auditors will inspect our accounts when doing their own, for no charge. Constitution. We refined the draft that was circulated with the last Bulletin. A final draft will be circulated in the August Bulletin for approval at the next AGM. BENHS kindly have added the Dipterists Forum to their insurance policy at no cost to us.
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