
World History Detective® Book 1 Ancient Civilizations

20. Persian Wars





Sparta and Allies Lydian Kingdom

Athens and Allies

10 A 1Although the Persian Wars were fought C In 490 B.C., Darius, still angry about the between the and Persians, they actually burning of Sardis, decided to invade Athens. began with the . 2In the middle of the sixth 11About 25,000 Persians landed at the Plain century B.C., the Greek city-states along the coast of Marathon, where they were met by a much of Asia Minor (present-day ) were conquered smaller Athenian army. 12The Athenians beat the by the Lydians, and their king, (ruled 560- Persians, who retreated to their ships and set sail 546 B.C.). 3Croesus minted using from for Athens, thinking they’d conquer Athens while the river . 4He was so wealthy that the its army was marching home. 13The Athenians phrase, “rich as Croesus,” is still used today. realized the Persian’s plan and raced back to Athens, and defeated again. 14Legend B 5Meanwhile, in Persia (present-day ), Cyrus has it that after the , a Greek the Great (ruled c. 560-530 B.C.) had united two warrior ran about 25 miles to Athens to announce, big tribes into a huge, strong empire. 6In 546 “!” (victory in Greek) and then fell dead from B.C., Cyrus and the Persian army conquered the exhaustion. Lydians, so the Greek city-states came under Persian rule. 7The Persians set up rulers in each D 15In 480 B.C., Darisus’ son, (ruled 486- city-state, made the Greeks serve in the Persian 465 B.C.), decided to conquer all of Greece. 16With army and taxed everyone severely. 8In 499 B.C., more than 150,000 soldiers and 600 ships, Xerxes some of the city-states rebelled and got help sailed into the eastern Aegean Sea. 17The Greeks from the Athenians, who conquered and burned were aware of Xerxes’ intentions, so Athens, ’s capital, Sardis. 9However after many years Sparta, and other city-states joined forces. 18The of battling, the Athenians stopped fi ghting, so in Athenians believed the Persian army could be 494 B.C., the rebel city-states were conquered beaten on land, but they feared the Persians would once more, by Persian King Darius I (558-486 B.C.). beat them on the sea. 19They needed time to build hundreds of ships to make sure Athens’ navy could successfully battle the Persian fl eet. 20So Spartan

82 © 2012 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • www.CriticalThinking.com • 800-458-4849 World History Detective® Book 1 Ancient Civilizations

Written Response Question

10. From the choice box, find the information missing from the table on battles of the Persian ars.W

Lydians Salamis Marathon Persia Plataea Greeks Xerxes Athenians Darius I Thermopylae Spartans 499 B.C. Athenians

Battles of the Persian Wars

Battle or Date Opponents Winner Lydians Middle 6th Century B.C. vs. ______Greek city-states ______& Persians 546 B.C. vs. Persians Lydians ______& Greeks city-states ______vs. Athenians ______& Persians 494 B.C. vs. Persians Greek city-states Darius I & Persians ______vs. ______Athenians ______& Persians ______vs. Persians Greeks and ______Persians ______vs. Greeks Greeks Persians ______vs. ______Greeks

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1. Scientists and Dating of History (p. 1) 3. Early Modern Humans (p. 9) 1. d, sentence 1 1. a. O 2. b, sentence 12 b. F 3. c c. O 4. b, sentence 5 d. F 5. d, sentence 5 2. a. F, sentence 14 6. d, sentences 3, 4 b. F, sentence 17 7. c c. F, sentence 25 8. c, sentence 9 d. T, sentence 25 9. d, sentence 40 3. b, sentence 20 10. Key points: Anthropology is the scientifi c 4. c, sentences 3, 16 study of man. All aspects such as physical 5. d characteristics, environment, and culture are 6. a, sentences 10, 15 studied. Archeology is the study of past human 7. a, sentence 9 life using artifacts. 8. a, b, c, sentences 5, 16, 21 9. a. O Scientists who identify and b. O evaluate evidence to produce theories about the past. c. F d. F 10.

Historical Paleontologists______Archaeologists______Anthropologists______geographers Neanderthals Both Early Modern Humans

taller than Neanderthals ______hunted ______5’ to 5’5” big bones ______study how ______places study ______fossils study prehistoric and study ______humans ______nomads had strong bones change and how ______to learn about historic ______people from their beginnings no brow ridges ______and their ______cultures. to the present. people in the past lived______during last ice age prehistory. ______brow ridges on skulls interacted with their better tools, weapons ______environment. ______emerged in Africa ______simple tools, weapons created Venus fi gurines ______walked upright failed______to adapt at end of ice age cave wall drawings using color ______2. Prehistory to Neanderthals (p. 5) ______gathered plants 1. c, sentence 5 adapted to end of ice age______2. a. 3 b. 1 c. 2 d. 4 3. d, sentence 17 4. The Middle Stone Age Through the 4. c, sentence 15 New Stone Age (p. 12) 5. a. O 1. d, sentence 3 b. F 2. b, sentences 14, 15 c. O 3. a, sentence 20 d. F 4. a 6. b, c, d 5. d, sentences 25, 26 7. c, sentences 3, 4 6. d, sentence 31 8. c, sentence 1 7. b 9. c 8. b, sentence 31 10. Key points: This is true because there are no 9. a. F written records, just fossils and artifacts. b. O c. F ______Neanderthals d. F 10. Key points: The people of the Mesolithic period developed better tools for hunting and raised animals for food. Existed during the last ______.ice age The people in the Neolithic period learned to farm, which led to the formation of communities.

______walked upright used ______fi re

used ______tools were ______nomadic

328 © 2012 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • www.CriticalThinking.com • 800-458-4849 World History Detective® Book 1 Answers

10. Battles of the Persian Wars 21. Peloponnesian Wars (p. 87) 1. b, sentence 5 Battle or Date Opponents Winner 2. a, sentence 1 Lydians 3. c, sentence 19 Middle 6th Century B.C. vs. Lydians Greek city-states 4. b, sentence 9 ______Cyrus the Great & Persians 5. a. F, sentence 16 546 B.C. vs. Persians Lydians b. F, sentence 13 c. F, sentence 9 ______Athenians & Greeks city-states ______499 B.C. vs. Athenians d. T, sentence 27 Persia 6. a. 4 ______Darius I & Persians 494 B.C. vs. Persians b. 2 Greek city-states c. 1 ______Darius I & Persians d. 3 ______Marathon vs. ______Athenians Athenians 7. d, sentences 12, 26

______Xerxes & Persians 8. a, sentence 20 ______Thermopylae vs. Persians 9. c, sentence 18 Greeks and ______Spartans 10. Key points: Sparta was threatened by the Persians ______Salamis vs. Greeks strength of the . They, and their Greeks allies, felt they needed Persians to attack. ______Plataea vs. ______Greeks Greeks 11. Key points: Some Delian League members dropped out of the alliance which upset Athens, so the Athenians attacked. The attack failed and Athens was weakened. The Spartans then decided the time was right so they attacked Athens again, starting the 2nd Peloponnesian army at again at Salamis

______War. ______Thermopylae Battled Persian Persians beaten Leonidas Xerxes ______and 300 Spartans B.C. to 465 ______486 walls Persia tear down dismantled democracy ______Sparta attacks with ______army beaten Athens 2nd war 413 B.C. beaten again ______by Battle of in ______regained smaller Athenian smaller Marathon city-states Darius ______558 B.C. to 486 Delian surrenders ______members quit Persian Wars Athens eventually some ______(against Greece) Persia Lydians taxes heavy rulers city-states

______in Peloponnesian Wars united army defeated ______Cyrus ______560 B.C. to 530 Sparta ______the Great League and allies ______Peloponnesian strong ______military coins Greek forced Greeks to serve in ______1st war 431 B.C. rich

city-states ______minted Lydian conquered navy very ______King Croesus ______560 B.C. to 546 Athens and allies ______Delian strong ______League

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