Fort Saskatchewan 1973 Dec C to E
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Greenwood Fred 696-2141 McGhie Mrs Mary 696-2250 Sutherland William 696-3585 38 BRETON Grzyb Mrs Stephanie 696-3654 McMartin Gregg 696-3836 SwarU W 696-2251 Breton Elementary School 696-3567 Grz^ Ted 696-2227 McNab Ian Alsike 696-2171 Sweet Leo A 696-3761 Gunderson Die Westerose 696-2161 Meade Clifford 6%-2208 BRETON FOODS LTD 6%-3610 Meade Fred 696-2253 T BRETON GENERAL HOSPITAL 696-3731 H Meade Leonard 696-2191 TREASURY BRANCH 696-3664 Breton Golden Age Friendship Centre .. .696-3824 Halushka Mike 696-2255 Mental Health Alberta Information & Tripp AJ 696-3874 BRETON HARDWARE & BUILDING HAMWEE DR C Phys 696-3676 Referral Edmonton—Call Long Distance Tryon George A .-.696-3847 SUPPLIES .696-3587 Residence 696-3814 (No Toll Charge) & ask for. .Zenith 06031 Tryron Mrs Anne 696-3775 Breton Hotel Company Ltd 696-3528 HANSON GONNAR Back Hoe Work ...6%-2103 Miller Edward S 696-2282 Tutty AC 696-3682 Hanson Hans 696-2162 BRETON M & M STORE 696-3555 Miller V 696-3854 Twaits GA 696-3500 BRETON MEDICAL CLINIC 696-3676 Hanson Lena 696-2102 MiUhell 696-3820 Or C Hamwee res 6%-3814 Hardy John W 696-2203 Mockerman Ernie 696-3834 V Dr M Corrigan res 696-3846 Hatt AE 696-2271 Mockerman 0 696-3646 Vande Voorde Charlie 696-2215 Breton Recreation Centre 696-3561 Haugerud Lawrence 696-2241 Monteith JR 696-2113 Van de Voorde Edith 696-3813 BRETON SALES & SERVICE 696-3524 Heft John 696-3875 Moorhouse John 696-2128 Variety Salvage Store 696-3864 Breton Sand & Gravel Ltd Heidt Richard 6%-3522 Mossop Jesse N S 696-3638 Yard 696-3830 Road Maintenance. .6%-2287 Heighington Oliver 696-2277 Muller James 696-3803 Village of Breton 696-3636 Breton Tire Service 696-3794 Heinrich Leonard 6%-2190 Murray Farms 696-2211 BRETON TRAILER COURT 6%-3668 Herman Mrs Marte 696-3694 Murray J 696-2288 w Waldron A J 696-3774 Broks Geradus 696-2245 Heslop Donald A 696-2174 Myles Eli 696-2268 Webster Gordon 696-3804 Buchan Terry 696-3640 Hoare Leonard 6%-3766 Myrby Chris P 696-3630 Buchanan George 696-3501 Holland Ken 696-3534 Myrhaugen R 6%-3678 WESTERN DECALTA PETROLEUM Burris Ray Wm 6%-2145 Hooks Ellis 6%-2106 LTD. .696-3781 Buyar Victor 696-2146 Hooks Mark 696-2126 N Westling Mrs Arthur 696-3505 Hopgood Mrs Cecil 696-3662 Nelson Edward 696-2266 Westling Theo 696-2107 c Horvath George Box5 .6%-3572 Nelson Mrs Hulda ..696-3697 Wheale John 696-2223 CP Air Reservations Depl—Call Long Distance Horvath James ••• .696-2201 Nelson James 696-2226 Whitelock B 696-2151 (No Toll Charge) & ask for. .Zenith 3900 Hough John 696-2133 Nelson Mrs Minnie 696-2246 Wieting Stephen M 696-2111 CAiwcnCAMERONn BROS OILtransport& WATER LTD. Hunter John F - 696-2264 Nordlund Eleonor .696-3825 Williams Cecil 696-3880 696-3585 Huyghe George .,...696-21% NORTHWESTERN UTILITIES LTD Williams Robert 696-2213 Campbell J R • 696-3690 Huyghe John 696-2236 Natural Gas Service—Call Long Distance Williams Walter L 696-3608 Canada Cities Service Ltd 696-3618 (No Toll Charge) & ask for. .Zenith 07228 Wilson H H 696-2205 696-3687 I Wilson Hugh E 696-2165 Gas Plant IMPERIAL OIL LTD d Wing Lee L 696-3644 Canadian Pacific Railway Edmo^ 696-2204 Distance (No Toll Charge) &ask for Zenith6%-368307155, ImpeyImpey HThomas A Oufton Lyie J 6%-2104 Wynnyk Waller 696-3689 Cardium, p7^*^' 6%-3693 Ing Walter 696-2225 P Y Carlson R t Pacholko AS .* ..696-2154 Young Rrqr 6%-3692 696-3537 Insurance Exchange The—Call Long Distance Pachoiko Andrew 696-3890 CaS FloiJ Tovm" Foreman .... -•-•- (No Toll Charge) & ask for. Zenith 08649 Palliser Hotel Reservations Calgary— Carson Flo^ 696-3628 Intervac International Vacations Ltd Call Long Distance Zurawell Andrew 696-3887 Carson myes 696-2262 Edmonton—Call Long Distance (No Toll Chcirge) & ask for..Zenith 66014 Carson RW ^ •••••;';" ' 696-2286 (No Toll Charge) & ask for. Zemth 06034 Paschoiko Alec 696-2155 Chapin Theodore .6%-3545 Pecknold Eric .696-2187 BRETONA— Clark Jam« 6%-3643 Phillips Garry Camwood 696-2295 See Edmonton and Vicinity Telephone Directory Clark James Insurance ..... .696-2175 Jackson A E 6%-2130 Pinyoo Mrs Freda 696-3855 Coates Wayne 696-2115 Jackson Dan C Norbuck 6%-2109 Pittman Robert M 696-2173 Jackson Donald ..696-2150 Plau Virgil 696-3671 BREYNAT—See Wandering River Coble Dale ^ 6%-2137 Jackson Norman 696-2267 Colby George POLICE RCMP 696-3502 CONNELLY-McKINLE^ 848-2363 Jackson Pat 696-3841 If No Answer Dial "0" Operator Jackson Stanley 696-2247 (No Toll Charge) & ask for. .Zenith 50000 BRiERVILLE—See Lac La Biche Conradson Fr^k ....•••- •yy-- .696-3757 JohnsonJacobsenBob Earl 6%-3758696-2129 Polischuk Lloyd ...• 696-3629 Power Ken 696-3607 CORBl®'^'' 696-3846 Johnson Gordon 696-3550 Power Larry 696-3835 BRIGHTVIEW--See Wetaskiwin """"^Ji'ledoc NO 25 JOHNSON REALTY & INSURANCE LTD Powers Dan 696-3771 County " Breton High School..696-3633 5108 5lSt. .Drayton Valley 542-3990 Prentice Roy Sr 696-2214 696-2149 Johnson W A Trir Crt 696-3668 Purdy C R 696-3776 BROSSEAU—See Two Hills COX F . • - •* •. !; 696-3553 Jones Mrs Edna 696-3815 Purdy WL 696-3536 Graig Mrs James A ... Jones Robert E 696-3660 Q BRUCE—See Holden 696-2235 K DUALITY GULF SERVICE 696-3675 Davies Art •' 696-2233 Kaita Fred 6%-3674 Kanda John 6%-2185 R BRUbERHEIM_„., seivw valley insurance AGENCY Kiland 0 .696-3823 Raauk Mrs Doris 696-3591 Raines L ;696-2281 For instructions on how to use the Dial Telephone, DRAVTOVVA^/Bldg. Drayton Valley 542-3072 King Charles 696-3563 see Page 2 at the front of this Directory. 696-3842 Kiss Alex 6%-2206 Rays Cafe 696-3601 oROP-IN restaurant (BRETON) 696-3801 Koziara Frank .'. .696-3885 Reid Mrs Eleanor 696-3767 gSlhljMrsEva .... .^ Remy Lome 696-2131 SERVICE CALLS Koziara Wally Oil Agt 6%-3571 Direct Distance Dialing T Kraychy Raymond D 696-3884 Remy Lome Box 352 696-3691 y^s-^all , &ask for. .Zenith 15000 Kugyelka AS Reputakowski A 696-2112 Long Distance D Eai {No Toll Charge 6%-2135 Kugyelka John 6%-2170 Rleck Donald 6%-3778 Directory Assistance D Fkstrom Allan .6%-3684 RiUhle E 6%-3788 Robinson Willard 696-2167 Repair Service ....Dial "0" (Zero) lliuk OUM ;• 6%-3763 Lacoursiere Armand 696-2202 Roos James Contr 696-2108 & ask for Repair Service Fiuk ...6%-2209 Ulonde Alfred 696-3688 Assistance D lllls Cecil •••;;; 6%-2229 Lang Lloyd G 6%-3526 Royal Canadian Mounted Police—^See Police RCMP Ernest 696-2291 For Buried Cable Location, before giilf Lansdell Norrls .6%-3549 Rustand Edward 696-3862 ciiis ivcJ' 696-3856 Larson Henry 696-3622 digging. Dial "0" (Zero) & ask for F IS '. 696-2228 Lavergne Eric .696-3643 s Zenith 07128 (No Toll Charge) t'" , .696-2249 Saubak Wm ....- 696-3852 Ellis Lavergne Television & Appliances 696-3843 Business Office .... Dial *H)" (Zero) 696-3822 Lee Mrs Colleen 696-3616 Saunders Edward 696-2117 & ask for Business Office • In'gel "oerryl B°x .6%-S31 Leveille RM 6%-3648 Saunders Jim 696-2217 (No Toll Charge) Engert J e Levers Mrs Gordon 6%-3583 Shave Edith 696-2101 Hours 8r30 AM to 5:00 PM Shave George E 696-2243 .696-2168 Levers Kennelh James 696-3660 Monday to Friday Wallace .6%.2153 LIndberg Edwin 6%-2216 Shave RJ 696-2183 iiientan TELEPHONE ACCOUNTS Simmers James 696-2244 MAY BE PAID AT; Sims Brothers 696-2116 t*^S«"Aida B Lindrd' .7;'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.!'.'.696-^ M. G. Christie Hardware -u^BM ONLY . .696-2222 Lorenz MM 696-2114 Smith AA Alisks 696-2197 Smith Allan R 696-2254 EMERGENCY CALLS FIR?. V 8 6%-2242 M Smith DWM 696-2234 Fire Alarm Only 528-^11 Snell Alfred 696-2164 Fiesher ® Macaulay Carol 696-3652 Police—RCMP Fort Sask 543-3737 Foster Arno'O 696-2122 MACLEODS FAMILY SHOPPING Snell Ernest 696-2143 Freeson A CENTRE. 696-3557 Snell Mrs Florence May 696-3586 If No Answer Dial "0" Operato/ (No Toll Charge) ' 6%-3756 R R Wilson Mgr res 696-2205 Snell Fred 696-2125 .,«,n Charles N !696-2248 Maltals Ernest 696-22% Snell Gordon 6%-2265 & ask for Zenith 50000 Sobon Joe 6%-2186 Ambulance Zenith 06116 "S".' sari Souther DonaM 696-2194 Marks Theodore S 696-3516 Stad A 696-3673 A GIBSON PETROLEUM M^PANY^ ^ Matheson RE 696-2124 Sladler PattI 696-2289 Abrams Les 528-3572 .696-3634 Matlson James 6%-3764 Air Canada Edmonton—Call Long Distance •ijl . 7.7.^i'.6%.3552 Staudt H 696-3637 mayhew motors ltd Staudt Randy . .6%-38S7 (No Toll Charge) & ask for .Zenith 07177 ' 5004 SOAv. Drayton Valley 542-3391 Stenger Melvin 696-3844 ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES ftollh^l -7 ^ Canada McAllister Mrs Mildred 696-3642 Stephenson Arthur 696-2166 Business Office—Dial "0" (Zero) McCartney Elmer 6%-3543 Stevens George 696-2189 & ask for Business Office (No Toll Charge) DistatKe (r«o Toll Charge) McCulloch Kenneth 696-2156 Stienke Emil 696-2283 AMBULANCE Edmonton—Call Long Distance tt ask for .Zenith 04000 McCulloch R M 6%-2176 Stout Roy 6%-3861 (No Toll Charge) & ask for Zenith 06116 ANDREWS-McLAUGHLIN FUNERAL CHAPEL Hauer Ludwig Box 87 .528-2362 Mobr Mel Box 878 Ft Sask ......' 528-3582 CADOMIN 39 (1964) LTD. 528-3521 Hauer Reuben R Box 187 .528-2442 Mohr Ron '. 528-3683 Edmonton Ofc (Collect) ... Edmontoo 426-0116 Hauer Wesley Box 87 . .528-3749 Moravian Church Parsonage, 528-3610 Snyder Bill Box 326 Lamont 528-2304 Arndt SUn Box 155 528-2370 Hennig Ambrose 528-3695 Snyder Dave Box 326 Lamont 528-2314 Amdt Mrs T 528-3507 Hennig Herman 528-3653 N SPRUCEROSE CHARDLAfS RANCH Hennig Reinhold 528-3606 Nanowski Frank Box 166 528-2405 Box 224.