Camrose 1986 Mar a to C

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Camrose 1986 Mar a to C Calgary Reception Archive Copy Please Return 5 wetasKiwin &area USE THE YELLOW PAGES INDEX yellow pages r. I TOTAL COMMUNICATION.S ^ ' Telk^mmunicatiofiS march 15,1985 area ciie.40al A mmber of T Canada' 4 AGi Tefecommunications A member of Telecom Canada mii / M 22 ALDER FLATS Athabasca UniversityAttiabasca - Call '0' County Of Wetaskiwin No 10 Wetaskiwin GOVERNMENT OF ALBERTA (Contd) Operator (NoCtarge) & AsitFor .... Zenith 22273 -Call '0' Operator (No Charge) & Ask MANPOWER Examination Requests- Cal '0' Operator(No For Zenith 22270 Career Information Hotfine-Call'0' Operator Ctiarge) & Ask For Zenith 07164 D&N FOODS Buckiake 388-3842 (No Ctiarge) & Ask For Zenith 22140 AubinJudy 388-2275 Danyluk Alex Box26 388-3786 SOCIAL SERVICES ft COMMUNITV ALDER FLATS Autocal Edmonton - Call '0' Operator (No S— also Rocky Mountain Housa Darroch John 388-3095 HEALTH Ctiarge) & Ask For Zenith 22249 Dennis Norman 388-2405 for other customers Child Abuse Hot line 24 Hr Emergency - Bachand Tilda 388-3794 Devaney Tom 388-2479 Call '0' Operator (No Charge) & Ask located in this area. Bagley John Buckiake 388-2374 Dille Howard 388-3748 For Zenith 1234 For dotaiM ACT Listing*: Bailey Eric BoxSlB 388-3010 Dodman Norman 388-2308 Widow's Pension Program - Call '0' SM Pags "1" Doty Wifliam Buckiake 388-2203 Operator(NoCharge) &AskForZenith 22001 SERVICE CALLS BAKER FUNERAL Drader A C Box218 388-2295 TOURISM ft SMALL BUSINESS DIRECT DISTANCE DIAUNG 1 Drader Fred J Buckiake 388-3931 Travel Alberta LONG DISTANCE DIAUNG 0 CHAPEL LTD Drayton Valley Ambulance (1981) Ltd 'Dial Alberta' Within Aberta (No Charge DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE FOR 5302 SOAv Wetaskiwin 352-2501 Drayton Valey - Call '0' Operator (No Charge) Dial) 1-800 222-6501 Local Numbers & calling Banack James 388-3944 & Ask For Zenith 22037 Small Business Equity Corporation (No areas listed below 1 411 Banack Louie Buckiake 388-3911 Dubois Armond A 388-2409 Charge Dial) 1-800 262-9054 Numbers in other Alberta Baraniuk Jim Box352Breton 388-3091 Dunn Morris Box66 388-3062 Gravautzki B Buckiake 388-2474 Locations Dunn Norman 388-3935 Groves Doug Boxl47 388-3012 (No Ton Charge) . .1 5S5>1212 Bartman John Buddake 388-3084 Batiuck Adam Boxl02 388-3784 Dunn Tom 388-2389 Haggaii Edward 388-2249 Numbers outside Alberta Becker Marvin W Buckiake 388-2221 Dunn Tom 388-3955 Haggart John 388-3846 (No Toll Charge) Becker Melvin 388-2245 Elder J Buckiake 388-3791 Haggerty Jim Boxl683DraytonVa!!ey ... 388-2259 1+Area Coder 555-1212 Becker Raymond 388-3063 Elliott Chris Boxl764 388-2382 Haluszka Ben 388-3094 REPAIR SERVICE Becker Raymond RRlWinfiekj 388-2135 Elliott Robert BuckCreek 388-2286 Hammer Eckart 388-2310 (No Ton Charge) 1 + 611 Becker W Buckiake 388-3820 Elmont David 388-2345 Hammond C 388-2163 ASSISTANCE 0 Beer Florence 388-3730 Energesis-Control Systems Ltd langiey B Hammond Dale Box94 388-2161 BURIED CABLE LOCATION Begg Clifford Box75Bucklake 388-2324 C- Can '0' Operator (No Charge) & Ask Hammond Darrel Boxi42 388-3761 Phone 1-800-242-3447 Bekourt Joseph D BudcUke 388-3830 For Zenith 08897 Hammond Don Box73 388-2270 BUSINESS OFFICE BeNer Kenneth 388-3073 Enns Bob Buckiake 388-2363 (No Ton Charge) ... .1 + 425-8630 Hammond Garry 388-2155 Bebher Don 388-2301 Environment Council Of Alberta -Can 'O' Hammond James 388-2273 (Hours 8 AM to 4:30 PM Berger Erhard 388-2213 Operator (No Charge) & Ask For Zenith 06075 Hammond Leonard Monday to Friday) Bidniak Metro 20wPointBeadiBucklake . 388-2468 FAIRWAYS WEST GOLF COURSE Boxl455DraytooValley 388-2329 EMERGENCY CALLS Black J Box65 388-2366 LTD 388-3060 Hammond Ricky Box237 388-2333 ("911" DOES NOT Black Robert 388-2127 Feyersaenger Alfred Boxi43 388-3783 Hansen AJ Box597DraytonV3tley 388-3917 APPLY) Blades Ron Boxl32 388-2307 Fisk Larry 388-3803 Hansen Glenn Box597DraytonVaiiey .... 388-2305 POLICE— RCMP Blanchette Marcel 388-2489 Fitzgerald Gerald Boxl22 388-2437 Hanson Robert Box28 388-2264 Emergency/Complaints 24 Bogart Garry Box2162DraytonValiey ... 388-2167 Flinkman Reino Boxliesucklake 388-2334 Hare FR Boxl3 388-2306 Hr Breton 696-3502 BohningBrianBoxi964DrWtonVaii^ . • 388-3085 Fontaine George N Box23Bucklake ... 388-3812 Hauser Morris J Buckiake 388-2114 Detachntent Breton 696-3520 Bohning Donald — 388-3771 Fontaine Melvin C Buckiake 388-3932 Hayduk Trucking 388-3886 AMBUUNCE Bohning Greg 388-2471 Fontaine Norman Box25 388-3785 Hayes Sindy 388-3946 Breton 1-696-3731 Bohning Lawrence Buckiake 388-2280 FOOTHILLS DOOR LTD Hensch G Box523 388-3764 Borle Gordon 388-2253 HOSPITAL Box95Bucklake 388-2321 Hoffart Chuck Bucklk 388-3774 Bossert Fred 388-2317 Breton 1-696-3731 Robert letoumeaures 388-2343 Hofiin Lawrence Box93 388-3982 Drayton Valley 542-5321 Bourk TW 388-3811 ForchukAlexanderBox32 388-3789 |•/^r>n••rAl LOCAL CALUNG AREA Bradshaw (Serry Box43 388-3930 Brown Gary 388-3919 Fofchuk Victor Box32 388-3921 HUbrl FAL Vou can caN without toll Ford Winis 388-2157 BRETON GENERAl charges from Brzus Rudy RRlWinfield 388-2129 Forsyth Edmund Buckiake 388-3790 Brzus Wayne Buckiake 388-2202 HOSPiTAi Breton 1-696-3731 Alder Flats to the following Foss Harvey Buckiake 388-3008 DRAYTON VAllEV GENERAL place Buchak Dave 388-3807 Buck Lake Agricultural Society Foster Frank D BoxSl 388-2148 HOSPITAI Drayton Valley542-5321 Drayton VaNey Foster Fred BoxSSBuckiake 388-2151 Just dial the listed number Buckiake 388-3855 Hotel Cafe Buckiake 388-3738 Buck Lake Gas Co-Op Ltd Foster Gary Box38 388-2251 Accounts May Ba Paid At: Foster Harry Box35BockLake 388-2141 Hovde Ted Buckiake 388-3813 Box89Bocklake 388-3913 any Treasury Branch or Foster Jim Buckiake 388-2241 Hughes AJ BuckCreek 388-2101 Chartered BaiA Foster Wilfred Boxa94 388-2485 IMPERIAL OIL LTD J l Seely Agent . 388-3889 Mountain View Store BUCK UKE HARDWARE Freeman Alvin 388-3948 Inglis Norman BoxlSBucklake 388-2121 Box37Bucklake 388-3070 Fricke Louise E Mrs Boxl54 388-2145 J L ft Sons Construction Ltd Box61 . 388-3991 Buck Lake School Buckiake 388-3023 Gabriel William Buckiake 388-3929 J ft 5 Polled Herefords BoxSlBucklake 388-2198 A A D A C —See Mberta Aicotwi & DrugAbuse Garstad Ray 388-2204 Jacquest M 388-3877 Commission Geiger J 388-3892 Janke Carl Box52 388-3833 BUCK LAKE SERVICE & Gendarmerie Royale Du Canada Jaworski J 388-3081 agI SUPPLY LTD Urgence / Plaintes 24 Hr Breton 696-3502 Jeffcott Clarence J 388-2284 Box37Bucklake 388-3070 Detachement 696-3520 Jeffcott Jerry 388-2180 A Member Of Telecom Canada Gibbons Velma 388-3851 Jenson Paul lawyr For Detailed Listings See Page 1 BUCK LAKE UFA Giles Neil BuckCreek 388-3752 5039 45St .Rocky Mountain House 845-2828 Business Office (No Tol Cftarge) 1-425-8630 Norman lowe Agent Giilard Tim 388-2297 Johnson Elmer L 388-2238 Aberford Resources Ltd Box99 388-2368 Buckiake 388-3891 Glasei Art BoxSlBucklake 388-2327 Johnson Harold Box92 388-3863 Adier Heku 388-2237 Buck htountain Motors Ltd Shell Bulk Goebel Wiihelm 388-2371 Johnson Helen 388-2442 Air Canada (No Ctiarge DiaO .... 1-800 222-6596 RRlWmfieW 388-2229 Goerz Gordon 388-2247 Jofmson L Box177 388-2248 ANierta Alcohol ft Drug Abuse Bunn A 388-2183 GOVERNMENT OF ALBERTA Johnson Mark 20wPointBeachBucklake . 388-2468 Commission Burnett Ken Boxl07Bucklake 388-2131 ft OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICES JOHNSON REALTY & INSURANCE 5136 sist Drayton VaNey542-5669 Burnett Wain Buckiake 388-3743 TO BE CONNECTED TO YOUR LTD5132sist .Drayton Valley 542-5355 CNCP TELECOMMUNICATIONS aOSEST RITE CENTRE Johnson Roy 388-3772 ALBERTA GOVERNMENT To Send A Telegram Or Telepost (No Charge DIAL 'O' ft ASK FOR Zenith 22333 Johnston Mark Boxloo 388-3078 Dial) 1-800 222-6575 DEAF HEARING ft SPEECH IMPAIRED Jordan Hilda BuckUke 388-3916 TELEPHONES Pour Envoyer Un Telegramme Ou Telepost INFORMATION-T D D NUMBER Kaserman Alfred Box32Buckiake 388-2206 A Member 01 Telecam Canada Aucuns Frais-Composez 1-800 361-1872 (NO CHARGE DIAL) 1-800 232-7215 Kellgren Albert Box86 388-2436 For Detailed listings See Page 1 C P Air 505 Burrard St Vancouver B C (No ADVANCED EDUCATION Kellgren Dwight Box86 388-2426 Business Ollice (No Toa Cftarge) 1-425-8630 ChargeDial) 1-800 663-1444 AJberta Heritage Scholarship Fund - Cal_'0' KEN'S FURNITURE C P RAIL Operator (No Charge) &Ask For Zenith 22043 3904b56St Wetaskiwin 352-6183 Alberta Grain Commission - Prices (No ALBERTA PUBLIC SAFETY SERVICES Oiarge DiaO 1-800 222-6414 Carload Freight (NoCharge DiaO -1-800 232-9401 KingRoy Boxl3l 388-3960 Customer Credit & Accounts Centre (No Duty Centre-Emergency Disaster Response Alcock Uoyd BudcLake 388-3874 (No Charge Dial) l-BOiO 272-9600 Kiss Peter Box7Bucklane 388-3737 Alder Flats ft Lake Charge DiaO 1-800 661-9223 KneHer William Buckiake 388-3004 ComplianceInformation Centre-Oangerous Kindergarten 388-3734 Capaniuk Jim 388-3924 Knight Orville Box62 388-2173 Alder Flats Community Association . 388-3777 Capaniuk Max Box225 388-2283 Goods Information (No Charge Kramer Ernest L Buckiake 388-3883 AiderFlats Covenant Church Boxioo 388-3078 Capaniuk Myrtle RR2Winfieid 388-2158 DiaO 1-800 272-9600 Kramer HM BoxBBBucklake 388-2134 Alder Flats Gas Co-OpBoxiii 388-3773 Carruthers Daniel 388-2304 AGRICULTURE District Office Collect Rimbey 843-2201 Kramer Jack Buckiake 388-3871 AlderFlats Grocery Box7 388-3834 Central Air Conditioning Vancouver - Cal'0' Kramer M 388-2109 ENERGY ft NATURAL RESOURCES Alder Flats Legion Auxiliary 388-3840 Operator (No Charge) ft Ask For...'. Zenith 08879 Kramer Paul E Buckiake 388-2124 Forest Fires After Hrs (Cal Alder Fiats School 388-3881 Chaffee Navarro 3^-3082. Kroes Ben 388-3061 Alexander Leonard B<wiS7 388-2272 Chapchuk Benny J 388-3006 Colect) Edmonton
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