Catalogue One Hundred and Ninety-six ______

PART I - Books published before 1716

1 [BRACCESCO, Giovanni] GEBER [Jabir ibn Hayyan] De Alchemia Dialogi II. Quorum prior, Genuinam, libroru[m] Gebri sententiam, de industria ab authore celatam, & figurato sermone involutam retegit, & certis argumentis probat. Alter Raimundi Lullii Maioricani, Mysteria in lucem producit. Norimbergae apud Johan. Petreium, 1548. £1,650 First Latin Edition; 4to. (190 x 150mm), pp.(128), signed A-Q4 (Q4v blank); title lightly soiled, intermittent light stain in lower gutter throughout, but generally well preserved in lightly crumpled early vellum; twenty leaves of good writing-paper bound in at end with seven pages of early ms. notes 'De Natura... Epistola quaedam Bernardi Germani...' & 'Fragmentum Bernardi Comitas [?]', evidently by 'Francisco Billiod in constancis Vittoria' who has signed pastedown & head of title; later(?) inscription on title, 'Ex Bibliotheca Joannis Boyum / Sinatoris Dolani 1617'. Later (18thC?) book label of 'Dervieu, Libraire, rue du Caire... près la rue Saint-Denis; a Paris' with extensive ms note in French of similar date regarding the authorship of these dialogues. The prefatory 'propositiones' are headed: Expositio librorum Gebri et Raimundi, ex Tuscanico idiomate traducta ... incerto authore. Dialogus primus, pp.(11-112), first appeared in Italian, Venice, 1544, as 'La espositione di Geber'. Lignum Vitae (pp.113-127) was first published Rome, 1542, as 'Il legno della vita'. These Latin versions by Guglielmo Grataroli were included in the translator's compilation 'Verae alchemiae ... doctrina certusque methodus', published in Basel, 1561. Whether a true translation from an Arabic text subsequently lost, or a later summary of Arabic chemistry, 'The works of Geber were the medieval alchemist's text-book and vade-mecum. They are very clear and free from mystery... [& may] be truly regarded as the most important means by which Arabic chemical knowledge became available to the alchemists of medieval Christendom.' F. Sherwood Taylor, The Alchemists. 2 [HARLAY-CHANVALLON, Francois de] Archbishop of Paris. The Condemnation of Monsieur Du Pin his History of Ecclesiastical Authors.... As also his own Retraction. Translated out of French... Charles Brome and Will. Keblewhite, 1696. £30 ONLY EDITION, 4to., pp.(2)31(3)adverts.; first & final leaves slightly browned but a good copy; disbound. Wing H776. 3 LOUIS XIV. A Memorial from his Most Christian Majesty, Presented by the Count de Briord, His Ambassador Extraordinary to the States General of the United Provinces, at the Hague, December 4. 1700. Containing his Reasons for Accepting the late King of Spain's Will, in Favour of the Duke of Anjou. Printed, and sold by J. Nutt, 1700. £45 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.15; disbound; numerals just cropped from head of a2 due to misalignment, light browning, otherwise well preserved. Wing L3128.

UNRECORDED EDITION 4 [SEMPILL, Sir James. SEMPILL, Robert] A Pick-Tooth for the Pope: or The Pack-Mans Pater-Noster. Set down in a Dialogue, betwixt a Pack-man, and a Priest. Translated out of Dutch by S.I.S. and newly augmented and enlarged by his son R[obert] S[empill] Printed by Robert Sanders... Glasgow, 1695. £350 16mo. (123 x 75mm), pp.34; browned & soiled throughout with old repairs to bottom margins of many leaves, clipping several letters & catchwords but with loss of just two letters on A2v; 19thC half tan calf, drab boards, lettered along backstrip; upper hinge cracked but board secure. Book label and pencilled signature of the Scots antiquary 'D[avid] Laing' & the 1875 woodcut ex libris of Glaswegian lawyer, antiquary & bibliophile, David Murray; two old bookseller's descriptions pasted to fly-leaf. Sempill's 'clever satirical attack, outrageously partisan in tone, against the church of Rome', was first published for his son in 1642. Sanders printed a Glasgow edition in 1669 (Wing S2495) but we can find no record of this later edition. 5 WILLIAM III. The Treaty betwixt The Most Christian King, The King of Great Britain, and The States General of the United Provinces, for settling the Succession of the Crown of Spain... in case his Catholick Majesty die without issue. In English and French. Printed for A. Baldwin, 1700. £25 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.(4)18; margins browned; disbound. Printed in columns with parallel French & English text. Wing W2488B. 6 WITHER, George. Abuses Stript, and Whipt: or Satyrical Essayes. Divided into two Bookes. Printed by Humfrey Lownes, for Francis Burton, 1615. £550 8vo., (148 x 98mm.), pp.(346); first section (title & epistle A2-5) have been trimmed & mounted and perhaps inserted from another copy (c1820); title & final leaf browned, a few corners repaired (without loss); LACKING engraved frontispiece & preliminary blanks; early ms. notes on blank title verso & final page; handsome early 19thC tan calf, morocco label, backstrip gilt. Armorial bookplate of Henry Francis Lyte (author of 'Abide with Me' & many other hymns) whose extensive library of old English poetry & theology took seventeen days to sell in 1848. Later oval library mark of John Fricker. STC 25896. PART II - Books published 1716-1832

7 ARISTOTLE. [pseud. William SALMON?] The Works of Aristotle, The Famous Philosopher. In Four Parts... A New and Improved Edition. Printed [by W. Sears] for Miller, Law and Carter, [1820s] £45 12mo., pp.300; frontispiece & several woodcut illustrations; two page corners singed just clipping one letter of text, otherwise a remarkably good copy of a book often read to death; contemporary (publishers'?) 'tree' sheep, ruled in gold on backstrip. Comprises: His Complete Master Piece... to which is added The Family Physician; His Experienced Midwife; His Book of Problems (concerning) Man's Body; His Last Legacy. 8 BECKFORD. STORER, James. A Description of Fonthill Abbey, Wiltshire. Illustrated by Views, drawn and engraved by James Storer. W. Clarke...[& others] 1812. £350 FIRST EDITION, Large Paper Copy, folio (330 x 230mm), pp.(2)24; extra-engraved pictorial title, six engraved plates & vignette at end; faint staining across lower margins but a well preserved copy of this deluxe edition on heavy wove paper of Storer's pictorial record of Wyatt & Beckford's string & sealing-wax folly; the letterpress extracted from John Neale's Views of the Seats; contemporary marbled boards, rebacked in tan calf. 9 BERKELEY, George. Alciphron: or, The Minute Philosopher. In seven dialogues. Containing, An Apology for the Christian Religion, against those who are called Free-Thinkers. Printed for William Williamson, Dublin, 1757. £75 Pp.(12)370 + 'Just publish'd' advert. leaf at end, title verso, eccentrically, also lists 31 'Books Published by Wm. Williamson'; woodcut vignette & head-piece; a good copy in contemporary calf (worn but serviceable), re-backed with morocco label; ms. book-label of John Fricker. Written during Berkeley's residence in Newport, Rhode Island, 1728-31, and clearly influenced by his experience of the American scene. 10 BROOME, William. Poems on several occasions. The second edition, with large alterations and additions. Printed for Henry Lintot, 1750. £120 Pp.xiii(3)adverts.,248; engraved frontispiece by Vertue; woodcut initials and decorations; first & final leaves a little browned, otherwise a good crisp copy in contemporary calf, neatly rebacked. Despite the claim of the title, this is actually a re-issue with cancel title-page of the first edition of 1727 for which Lintot had paid Broome £35. Confusingly, an augmented second edition had appeared in 1739. Broome's literary fame rests largely on the eight books of the Odyssey which he had translated for Pope, earning Johnson's praise for his smooth versification. He fell out with Pope over the £500 paid for his work & gained a place in the Dunciad for his pains. 11 [BURKE, Edmund.] A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. for R. and J. Dodsley, 1757. £950 FIRST EDITION, pp.viii(8)184; with the half-title; some spotting of first & final leaves and light soiling of title & half-title but generally well preserved with large margins; contemporary calf, morocco label & head of backstrip sometime expertly renewed, short split in upper hinge but reinforced & secure; old ownership signatures of Mary Cecil & Anne Campbell. Burke's first work of importance winning praise from Johnson, Hume & Reynolds, while Kant describes Burke as 'the foremost author [in] the empirical exposition of aesthetic judgments'. 'His enduring achievement was to have tackled a difficult subject in a fashion accessible to any educated reader.' DNB. Todd 5a, 500 copies printed. 12 [BURKE, Edmund.] A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. The Fourth Edition. With an introductory Discourse concerning Taste, and several other Additiona. for R. and J. Dodsley, 1764 £220 Pp.ix(7)342; title lightly browned, otherwise a very nice large copy in contemporary full calf, old inked titling on two sections of backstrip; contemporary inscription from 'John Curling to Captn. Wm. Curling' at head of title. [Captain William Curling died in 1788 and is buried in the Church of St. Matthew, Bethnal Green.] 13 BYRON, Lord George Gordon. Werner, a tragedy. John Murray, 1823. £55 FIRST EDITION, second issue; pp.viii,188; slight browning but a good copy with the half-title in later half calf; hinges worn but serviceable. Originally intended to be issued with 'Heaven & Earth, a drama', this second issue adds 'The End' to the final page. 14 [COLLIER, Jane] An Essay on the Art of ingeniously Tormenting; with Proper Rules for the Exercise of that Pleasant Art... The Second Edition, Corrected. A. Millar, 1757. £165 Pp.(2)iv,234; engraved frontispiece; title slightly age-browned but a good copy in contemporary calf, extremities worn but sound, neatly rebacked with morocco label. Arguably the first extended prose satire by an English woman, this wicked pastiche of 18thC. courtesy books takes the form of a mock manual of advice which instructs the reader in the arts of tormenting. Collier offers advice on tormenting servants, humble companions and spouses, and on the education of one's children to be a torment to others. Written in the satirical tradition of Swift's Modest Proposal and doubtless an influence on the young Jane Austen, Collier's Essay first appeared in 1753. Two further editions appeared fifty years later. The author was the daughter of Arthur Collier, the metaphysician. Heltzel, Newberry Library Courtesy Books, 391. 15 CRABBE, George. Poems. Third Edition. Printed for J. Hatchard, 1808. £35 Pp.xxvii,258 + advert. leaf; 16pp. Longman's catalogue for June 1st, 1808, inserted at end; occasional browning but a good uncut copy with the half-title in original boards, backstrip sometime crudely reinforced with paper strip, front free endpaper removed. First published the previous year, this edition was based on the extensively revised second edition which appeared in August, 1808. Bareham & Gatrell A9. 16 DALRYMPLE, Sir David. Annals of Scotland from the Accession of Malcolm III surnamed Canmore, to the Accession of Robert I. Printed by Balfour & Smellie for J. Murray, Edinburgh, 1776. £65 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.(8)401; some light spotting, worming in boards just invades first & final leaves, but well preserved in contemporary tan calf, morocco label; hinges cracked but boards firmly held on cords; ex libris David Murray of Ballymenoch. A second volume appeared in 1779. 17 EMERSON, James [later Sir James Emerson TENNENT] Letters from the Aegean. In two volumes. Henry Colburn, 1829 £320 FIRST EDITION, 2vol., pp.xvi,244; viii,266; large folding engraved map of 'Greece & part of Turkey', aquatint plate of the windmills at Syra by Fred. Catherwood, and several vignettes; slight browning but a nice set in contemporary half rose calf (faded to tan); double morocco labels, marbled sides; extremities rubbed but sound & attractive. An enthusiast for Greek freedom, Emerson met Byron and saw action in the War of Independence during his travels in 1824. Elected to the Commons for Belfast in 1832, he supported Grey and then Peel before serving as civil secretary to the colonial government of Ceylon from 1845-50. He contributed articles on Tarshish, Trincomalie and Wine-making to the 8th. ed. of Encyclopaedia Britannica. 18 FIELDING, John. Fielding's New Peerage of England Scotland & Ireland.. Introduction to Heraldry: with The Genealogical Descents, Intermarriages of all the Sovereigns in Europe, &c &c. Printed for John Fielding, 1784. £85 FIRST EDITION, 12mo. (135 x 80mm); 2vol. in 1; pp.(8)vi,183(19),84; frontis., engraved title, dedication & 77 engraved plates of arms; neat repair to frontis., final leaf lightly soiled, otherwsie well preserved in mid-19thC tan calf, morocco label, gilt rules; early ownership inscription 'Mrs Manwaring' and later armorial ex libris with ms. caption 'Hawkesbury - Kirkham Abbey - 29 Octob. 1898'. 19 GALIGNANI, Giovanni Antonio. A Collection of Historical and Literary Anecdotes, Memoirs, Poetical Fragments, Bon-Mots, etc. Third Edition. Sold at Galignani's English... Library, Paris, 1817. £55 24mo. (128 x 78mm), pp.(2)2,234; occasional light soiling but a nice copy in contemporary tree calf, morocco label; neat repair at head of backstrip. An anthology culled from the Galignani's Monthly Repertory which first appeared in 1810, this 'third edition' is evidently a reissue of the previous sheets with two new preliminay leaves. We can find no copy of any edition in Copac or the British Library; Worldcat lists 1810 & 1818 'Fourth Edition' but not this. 20 [GALT, John.] Ringan Gilhaize; or The Covenanters. In three volumes. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1823. £85 FIRST EDITION, 3vol., pp.(2)308; (2)324; (2)323; tear in one leaf repaired without loss; a sound set bound without half-titles, neatly re-backed, morocco labels. A relatively uncommon title which was apparently not reprinted until 1870. Wolff 2399. 21 GOSDEN, Thomas. Impressions of a series of Animals, Birds, &c. Illustrative of British Field Sports: from a set of silver buttons, drawn by A. Cooper, Esq. R.A. and engraved by John Scott. J.H. Burn... R. and S. Prowett, 1821. £180 FIRST EDITION; printed title, two advert. leaves and 16 engraved plates of vignettes with hunting motifs, accompanying text 'extracted from Bewick and Daniel' within engraved tablet & border; slight edge browning but well preserved in original blue boards (surface-worn) engraved label (browned), sometime neatly rebacked. A printed label on pastedown recalls the evening spent by Scott with Gosden when the artist promised, 'if you will be at the expense of a set of silver buttons for your shooting jacket', to engrave 'representations of the various animals of the chace', to rival the buttons said to have been worn by Napoleon on St Helena. 22 HAFEZ, Shi ra zi. RICHARDSON, John. A Specimen of Persian Poetry; or Odes of Hafez: with an English Translation and Paraphrase. Chiefly from the Specimen Poesos Persicae of Baron Revizky... With historical and grammatical illustrations, and a complete analysis, for the assistance of those who wish to study the Persian Language. A new edition, revised, corrected, and enlarged, by S. Rousseau, Teacher of the Persian Language. Printed by and for the Editor... J. Sewell, Murray and Highley, and J. Debrett, 1802. £180 4to., pp.iv(ix-)xx,86 + advert. leaf; edges a little creased & dusty but a well preserved uncut copy with large margins in original blue wrappers, worn, sometime neatly rebacked. First published in 1774, this edition was much enlarged with additional notes by the Rev. S. Weston. Printed in English & Farsi at Rousseau's Oriental Press, Wood Street, Spa Fields. Prelims eccentrically paginated but complete as issued. Contemporary ms. note laid in. 23 IRELAND, William Henry. The Confessions of William Henry Ireland. Containing the particulars of his fabrication of the Shakespeare Manuscripts; together with anecdotes and opinions (hitherto unpublished) of many distinguished persons in the literary, political and theatrical world. Thomas Goddard, 1805. £140 FIRST EDITION, pp.(8)317(19)index; frontispiece & facsimile plate (spotted); a sound copy in later cream buckram (browned), morocco label; hinges & edges rubbed but sound ex libris H. Tootal Broadhurst. 24 [IRELAND, William Henry] Scribbleomania; or, The Printer's Devil's Polichronicon. A Sublime Poem. Edited by Anser Pen-Drag-On, Esq. Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1815. £135 FIRST EDITION, pp.viii,341(3) adverts.; title in red & black with vignette; prelims. slightly soiled, otherwise a very good copy in later 19th half calf, top edge gilt, others uncut; a little rubbed & scuffed but sound. 'A jog-trot satire on all kinds of authors and publications: science, politics, art, novels, poems, and so forth. Among those mentioned are Coleridge, Wordsworth (who is respectfully treated), Southey (who is not), [Monk] Lewis, Scott, and Byron.' Chew pp.17/18. The extensive notes are perhaps more entertaining than the verse of the notorious Shakespeare forger. His range is sufficient to require a 20pp. index. 25 KNIGHT, Frederick. Fredk. Knight's Crests of the Nobility & Gentry of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland. Designed principally for the use of Artists. Simpkin & Marshall, [c1830] £85 FIRST EDITION, lg.4to., (320 x 260mm); 30 engraved plates including title, each with 12 heraldic figures; rather foxed throughout, first four leaves with water-staining & damage (largely confined to fore-edge), otherwise sound in decorated boards, rebacked in green cloth, morocco label, new endpapers. Extremely scarce; Copac gives Bodley copy only; NSTC adds Library of Congress. 26 LEYBOURNE, William. The Ready Reckoner; or, Trader's Sure Guide... Twenty-third Edition. F., C., and J. Rivington [& many others] 1808. £35 12mo., pp.viii,232; a few corners creased, occasional marks but a generally well preserved copy of the original pocket calculator; modern calf-backed marbled boards, morocco label. 27 MACNEILL, Hector. The Scottish Adventurers, or, The Way to Rise; an historical tale. In two volumes. Second edition, with alterations. Blackwood, Edinburgh... 1812. £135 2vol., 12mo., pp.viii,287; (2)296; some light spotting but a good copy in contemporary half calf, marbled sides, neatly rebacked with morocco labels; margins of two leaves repaired. An uncommon excursion into prose by the Scottish poet whose popularity was well deserved according to Byron. This second edition appeared in the same year as the first with amendments explained in an epistolary epilogue...'You have viewed the whole work as a Novel, or modern romance, whereas, the chief object is to illustrate the improprieties and absurdities of our modern education in this part of the kingdom...' No copy in B.M.; NSTC lists 1st Edinburgh & New York editions only. 28 [MOORE, John.] Edward. Various views of human nature, taken from life and manners, chiefly in England. By the Author of Zeluco. In two volumes. A. Strahan... T. Cadell, and W. Davies, 1796. £120 FIRST EDITION, 2vol., pp.(4)519; (4)596 + errata & advertisement leaves; contemporary speckled calf, morocco labels; hinges cracked & some wear at extremities, but sound. The second novel of the successful surgeon who spent five years on the grand tour with the young Duke of Hamilton and established a literary reputation with his 'View of Society & Manners in France, Switzerland & Germany' of 1779. 29 PITTS, John. BROADSIDE BALLAD. BANG UP! [Single slip broadside verse.] Printed and sold by J. Pitts, 6, great st. Andrew street, 7 Dals [sic], [c1830] £45 Single slip broadside on Epsom races, 265 x 95mm, drop-head title with headpiece woodcut device; well preserved. Not listed by Shepard. 30 PITTS, John. BROADSIDE BALLAD. In the Bay of Biscay O! [Single slip broadside verse.] Printed at Pitts Wholesale Toy Warehouse 6, Great st. Andrew Street, 7 Dials, [c1830] £35 Single slip broadside, 260 x 90mm, drop-head title with worn headpiece woodcut of the man in the moon; well preserved. Not listed by Shepard. 31 PITTS, John. BROADSIDE BALLAD. New Langolee. [Single slip broadside verse.] Printed and sold by J. Pitt's, 14, Great st. Andrew Street, 7 Dials, [c1810] £35 Single slip broadside, 250 x 95mm, drop-head title with headpiece woodcut device; well preserved. Not listed by Shepard. 32 POPULATION. Abstract of the answers and returns made pursuant to an Act... intituled, 'An Act for taking an Account of the Population of Great Britain, and of the Increase or Diminution thereof.' Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 2 July 1822. £135 FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.(2)xxxv(3)551(3)158; some light water-staining affects first & final leaves and some fore-margins, otherwise well preserved, uncut in modern blue boards, paper label. The third of the reports prepared by the statistician John Rickman after the census in 1801, 1811 & 1821. 'He devised the methods to be employed... arranged the abstracts of the returns and of the reports made by the clergy upon the parish registers, contributed many notes upon the results shown by the census, and made elaborate calculations as to the population of preceding periods.' Leslie Stephen in DNB. 33 POPULATION. [RICKMAN, John] Abstract of the answers and returns made pursuant to an Act... intituled, 'An Act for taking an Account of the Population of Great Britain, and of the Increase or Diminution thereof.' Prliminary Observations. Enumeration Abstract. Parish-Register Abstract. 1811. Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed, 2 July 1812. £95 FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.xxxi(3)511(3)200; a very good uncut copy in modern boards, retaining original printed label (worn). The second of statistician John Rickman's reports on the census in 1801, 1811 & 1821. 'He devised the methods to be employed... arranged the abstracts of the returns and of the reports made by the clergy upon the parish registers, contributed many notes upon the results shown by the census, and made elaborate calculations as to the population of preceding periods.' Leslie Stephen in DNB. 34 PRIOR, Matthew. The Poetical Works... Now first collected with explanatory notes and memoirs of the author, in two volumes. for W. Strachan [& others] 1779. £65 First collected edition; 2vol., pp.xxviii,420; (2)xviii,287 + errata; engraved frontispiece and vignette portrait in vol.1; a very good copy of this handsome edition in contemporary speckled calf, upper hinges cracked & backstrips rather worn but sound. Prior's Poems on Several Occasions ran to many editions but this is the first collected edition of his works, edited by T. Evans. 35 [RADCLIFFE, Anne] The Romance of the Forest... embellished with engravings on wood. J. Limberd, 1828. bound with: [DISRAELI] Henrietta Temple. A Love Story. Baudry's European Library, Paris, 1837. bound with: COOPER, J.F. The Red Rover, A Tale. J. Cunningham, 1839. £35 Three works bound together; pp.(2)150 + 9 near-half-page wood-engraved illustrations; (2)320; 146; some foxing to prelims. of first two works, otherwise well preserved in contemporary half calf, recently rebacked & labelled. The Cooper & Radcliffe printed two columns per page. 36 ROSCOE, William. The Life of Lorenzo De' Medici, called The Magnificent. The third edition, corrected. [In two volumes.] A. Strahan; T. Cadell jun. and W. Davies, 1797. £85 2vols. 4to., pp.(2)xxvi(2)320,136 (appendix); 312,112(11) index; engraved portrait & 14 engraved vignettes including many medallion portraits; a nice copy of this handsome production, the two volumes bound together in contemporary diced calf, gilt backstrip; hinges cracked but sides firmly held on the cords; bookplates of Sir Thomas Hesketh & Easton Neston. Includes 111pp. appendix of Lorenzo's poetry & prose in Italian & Latin. 37 RUSSELL, Lady Rachel. Letters... from the manuscript in the Library at Woburn Abbey. To which is prefixed, an Introduction Vindicating the Character of Lord Russell Against Sr John Dalrymple, &c.The second edition. Printed for Edward and Charles Dilly, 1773. £110 4to., pp.(4)lxxii,216; a nice copy in contemporary half calf, marbled sides, backstrip elaborately gilt with repeated tree & leaf ornament, morocco label; bookplates of Sir Thomas Hesketh & Easton Neston. 'Her constancy to her husband and efforts to save him from the fatal block, togerther with her Letters... have embalmed her memory in the hearts of thousands.' Allibone. 38 RUSSIA. STOCKDALE, John [Publisher] Costume of the Russian Empire, illustrated by upwards of Seventy Richly Colopured Engravings... Printed by T. Bensley... for John Stockdale, 1811. £1,250 Folio, (350 x 250mm); extra engraved hand-coloured pictorial title, letterpress titles, contents & introduction leaves in English & French; dedication leaf and 72 hand-coloured stipple-engraved plates numbered 1-70 + 5* & 20*, all but 14 with accompanying leaf of letterpress in English & French (as issued); occasional faint foxing, one section heavily spotted (plates 29-33), otherwise well preserved in handsome contemporary full morocco, decorated in gold & blind on sides & six compartments of backstrip, all edges gilt; ownership signature of 'Thomas Tyson Junr. Empingham, Rutland, 1820'. Printed by Bensley on 'Edmeads & Co. 1809' paper. An important record of the Russian Empire under Catherine the Great; 'the subjects are partly selected from Müller's interesting Description of all the Nations of the Russian Empire [i.e Johann Gottlieb Georgi, 'Déscription de toutes les nations de l'empire de Russie', Müller, St. Petersburg, 1776-77], and partly from the invaluable Travels of Professor Pallas. The engravings are coloured with the greatest correctness; and in... [the accompanying text], recourse has been had to the labours of Müller, Pallas, Coxe, Fisher, [&] Krackeninikof...' Based on Harding's edition of 1803, the plates of which Stockdale evidently took over. Abbey, Travel 246; Hardie p.153. 39 SALMON, Thomas. A Short View of the Families of the present English Nobility; with An Index... The Second Edition, Enlarged and Corrected, so as to exhibit a view of the present state of the Peerage. Printed for William Owen, 1758. £55 12mo., pp.(4)279(9); worm slit in head margin of first few leaves, foot of title just cropped, otherwise a good copy in contemporary calf; hinges cracked but sides secure on cords. 40 SCOTT, Sir Walter. Halidon Hill; a dramatic sketch, from Scottish history. Edinburgh: for Arch. Constable, 1822. £30 FIRST EDITION, pp.109(3) notes & blank; modern paper boards; lacking half-title, light foxing on title but a good copy. 41 [SCOTT, Sir Walter] St Ronan's Well. In three volumes. Constable, Edinburgh, 1824. £55 FIRST EDITION, 3vol., pp.(2)310; (2)325; (2)323; occasional slight spotting but a good set in contemporary half calf, gilt; neat repairs at head & tail of vol.1, extremities rubbed but sound; ownership signatures of Henry Michell Wagner. 42 SKINNER, Rev. John. Amusements of Leisure Hours: or Poetical Pieces, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. [with] A sketch of the author's life, with some remarks on Scottish Poetry. Printed by John Moir... and sold by Stuart Cheyne, Edinburgh; Alexander Brown, Aberdeen, 1809 £45 FIRST EDITION, 12mo., pp.144 including errata & 4pp. glossary; portrait attached to front endpaper; a good uncut copy in original drab boards, paper label, a little rubbed but sound. The 32pp. Life includes two letters from Burns, who thought highly of Skinner, here published for the first time. 43 TANNER, Thomas. Notitia Monastica; or, An Account of all the Abbies, Priories, amd Houses of Friers, formerly in England and Wales. And also Of all the Colleges and Hospitals founded before AD MDXL... Now reprinted with many additions by James Nasmith. Cambridge: Printed at the University Press, by John Archdeacon, for John Nichols, 1787. £180 Folio, pp.(6)lx(792); portrait frontispiece by Vertue; occasional browning but a nice copy in contemporary calf, backstrip gilt; sometime rehinged & endpapers renewed, extremities a little worn but sound & attractive. The best edition of this important record. 44 TASSO, Torquato. Aminta. Favola Boscareccia. Appresso Prault, In Parigi, 1745. £55 16mo., (135 x 80mm.), pp.xiv(2)103; engraved title with decorative border & vignette & 8 fine copperplate vignettes; a nice copy in contemporary speckled calf, backstrip gilt; bound without half-title. Brunet notices Prault's 1768 edition but not this. 45 [VOLTAIRE, Jean François Marie Arouet de.] La Pucelle D'Orléans, Poeme, divisé en vingt chants, avec des notes, Nouvelle Edition, corrigée, augmentée & collationée sur le Manuscript de l'Auteur. [no publisher, no place] 1762. £85 16mo. (123 x 92mm), pp.xvi,303; a very good copy of this well printed edition with fleuron ornaments & vignettes; contemporary calf, morocco label; extremities worn, upper hinge cracked but board firmly held; ex libris Joseph Granville Stuart Goff [of] Hale Park and Edward F. Lydall. Originally written in 1730, Voltaire's risqué version of the tale of Joan of Arc was first printed in a pirated edition in 1755. Over twenty piracies subsequently appeared until, impatient of inaccurate texts, Voltaire completely revised his early manuscript with a preface (by 'Don Apuleius Risorius' i.e. Voltaire), five new cantos and a rewritten final canto for the first authorised edition, printed by Cramer, Geneva, with plates by Gravelot. This smaller format piracy is unillustrated but includes the new preface and cantos. 46 [WILSON, Sarah (Atkins)] Early Recollections, or Scenes from Nature. Intended for Children. J. Harris, 1828. £110 FIRST EDITION, 12mo., pp.(4)175; engraved frontispiece; slight spotting but a nice copy in contemporary roan-backed marbled boards, lettered in gold; a little rubbed but well preserved. 'A prize for great attention & improvement given to Miss Hudson at Miss Wade's School June 16th 1828.' Includes a 'Tour into Derbyshire during the Holidays'; 'A Hasty Trip through North Wales' & 'Excursions among the Lakes of Cumberland and Westmoreland'. Evidently scarce: Bodleian copy only in NSTC, no copy in Osborne Collection. Moon 981. 47 WOLLASTON, William. The Religion of Nature delineated. The fifth edition for J. & J. Knapton, 1731. £90 4to., pp.219(5); fine portrait by Virtue; contemporary mottled calf, morocco label, speckled edges; hinges rubbed & surface of sides rather pock-marked but sound; internally a fine copy. A version of the 'intellectual' theory of morality of which Samuel Clarke was the chief contemporary proponent. The title is signed by John Leveson Gower. The portrait does not appear in the earlier editions. Part III - Books published after 1832 a. Literature & History CLODD, Edward. Books from the library of Edward Clodd and his descendants of Strafford House, Cragg Path, Aldeburgh. Including presentation copies of his books and those of his friends, several with autograph letters and other association material.

Banker, writer and anthropologist, Edward Clodd cultivated a wide circle of literary and scientific friends who periodically met at Whitsun gatherings at his home in Aldeburgh, Suffolk. An early disciple of Darwin, Clodd knew Thomas Huxley and and wrote biographies of all three. His 'Childhood of the World' and 'The Story of Creation: A Plain Account of Evolution', helped to popularise their ideas. A keen folklorist, he was also chairman of the Rationalist Press Association and a keen member of the Club, organising the transplanting of a rose from Omar's tomb to FitzGerald's grave at Boulge for the Centenary meeting. Prominent among his literary friends and correspondents were , Meredith, Hardy, Gissing, H.G. Wells, Edward FitzGerald, and , while , Laurence Gomme and Holman Hunt would regularly join his literary gatherings at Strafford House.

PRESENTATION COPY 49 CLODD, Edward. The Childhood of the World; A simple account of man's origin and early history. New edition, rewritten and enlarged. The Macmillan Company, 1914. £20 Pp.xiv,240; original maroon cloth, extremities lightly rubbed. Inscribed by the author to his grandson: 'Dennis Edward Clodd; from his loving Grandfather.' 50 CLODD, Edward. Myths and Dreams. Chatto and Windus, 1885. £25 FIRST EDITION, pp.x,251 + 32pp, Chatto catalogue for January, 1885; original blue cloth, extremities rubbed but sound. Inscribed by the novelist and man of letters, Grant Allen, to 'Fredk. York Powell MA Oxford from Grant Allen April: 1885.' Edward Clodd's Memoir of his friend, published in 1900, is still the main source for Allen's life. 51 CLODD, Edward. Primitive Man. With illustrations. George Newnes, 1909. £15 12mo., pp.206; frontispiece + 87 text figures; very good in original blue decorated cloth of Hodder & Stoughton's 'Useful Knowledge Series'. First published in 1895. 52 CLODD, Edward. The Story of the Alphabet. With ninety illustrations. Revised Edition. Hodder & Stoughton, [1913] £20 12mo., pp.234 + advert.leaf; original decorated cloth of Hodder & Stoughton's 'Useful Knowledge Series', faded & a little marked. Ownership signature of the author's son, H[arold] P[arker] Clodd, who has pasted in a newspaper cutting on the Appleton-Century 1938 edition. 53 CLODD, Edward. The Story of the Alphabet. With ninety illustrations. Revised Edition. Hodder & Stoughton, [1913] £20 12mo., pp.234 + advert.leaf; original decorated cloth of Hodder & Stoughton's 'Useful Knowledge Series', faded & a little marked. Ownership signature of the author's son, H[arold] P[arker] Clodd, who has pasted in a newspaper cutting on the Appleton-Century 1938 edition. 54 CLODD, Edward. The Story of the Alphabet. With ninety illustrations. George Newnes, 1900 £15 FIRST EDITION,16mo., pp.234 + advert.leaf; frontispiece and various figures, facsimiles & tables throughout; a good copy in original decorated blue cloth, extremities rubbed but sound. 55 CLODD, H.P. Aldeburgh. The history of an ancient borough. Adlard, Ipswich, 1959 £35 FIRST EDITION, pp.xvi,160; 16 plates (two folding); a good copy in original blue cloth & frayed pictorial dust-wrapper. Several cuttings laid in. Ownership inscription of the author's son & editor, D.E. Clodd. SB 3547. EDITOR'S COPY 56 CRABBE, George. The Poetical Works. with His Letters and Journals and his life, by His Son. In eight volumes. John Murray, 1834. £180 FIRST EDITION, 8vol., engraved frontispiece & extra-engraved title with vignette by Finden after Stanfield in each volume (including views of Aldeburgh, Orford & Woodbridge); original brown cloth decorated in blind & lettered in gold at head of backstrips; small chip at head of one backstrip, a little wear to extremities but in far better condition than usually found due to the fragile nature of this early example of publisher's cloth. From the library of Edward Clodd of Stafford House, Cragg Path, Aldeburgh. Bareham & Gatrell A48. 57 CRABBE. AINGER, Alfred. Crabbe. English Men of Letters. Macmillan, 1903. £65 FIRST EDITION, pp.viii,210 + advert. leaf; backstrip a little faded but a good copy in original red cloth. 3pp. autograph letter from the author (from the 'Master's House, Temple. E.C') to Edward Clodd (at the Savile Club), dated July 30 - 1901. Having been commissioned to write this memoir for Macmillan's Men of Letters series, Ainger asks if he might stay with Clodd in September to 'revive my recollections [of Aldeburgh] under so competent & experienced a guide'. 58 [GARDINER, Alfred George] Windfalls [by] Alpha of the Plough. With illustrations by Clive Gardiner. J.M. Dent, 1920. £65 FIRST EDITION, pp.xvi,270; frontispiece, decorated title, illustrations & decorations throughout; name cut from endpaper, otherwise well preserved in original two-tone cloth. Ownership signature of Edward Clodd on half-title and 4pp. autograph letter from Gardiner thanking him for his 'kind assurance that you had found my last windfall up to standard... Indeed I don't mind confessing that your earlier letters largely encouraged me to go on the aforesaid thin ice again... With kind regards to Mrs Clodd who, I hope, does not remember me as a too embittered politician...' 59 [HAYNES, Edmund S.P.] More from a Lawyer's Notebook. Martin Secker. 1933. £35 FIRST EDITION, pp.240(4); a good copy in original half cloth, marbled paper sides, paper label. With a typed note from the author to H.P. Clodd at 51 Fenchurch Street; 'Have you seen a copy of 'More from a Lawyer's Notebook'..? It contains a reprint of my article about your father.' 'One either likes Aldeburgh or one does not... Edward Clodd's home (which was certainly Liberty Hall for his guests, many of whom were Liberal stalwarts, but was paradioxically known as Strafford House) stood almost on the shingle and one heard without ceasing 'the melancholy long withdrawing roar' of the waves just outside.' Review from TLS, 19/10/33, laid in. 60 KIRBY, John. [CANNING, Richard. Editor] The Suffolk Traveller. The second edition, with many alterations and large additions by Several Hands. Printed for J. Shave, Ipswich; and sold by T. Longman, 1764. £110 Second and best edition, edited by Richard Canning; pp.xvi,340; four folding engraved strip road maps but lacking the frontispiece map of the county; some light browning but a sound copy in contemporary calf, neatly rebacked retaining old morocco label. Ownership signature of Edward Clodd at head of title with his five-line ms. endpaper note on Kirby. SB 355. 61 MOOR, Edward. Suffolk Words and Phrases; An attempt to collect the lingual localisms of that county. Printed by J. Loder, Woodbridge: for R. Hunter, 1823. £140 FIRST EDITION, pp.xx,525 + advert. leaf; a good uncut copy in original boards, neatly re-backed; ticket of 'Newby Bookseller Cambridge.' Ownership signature of Edward Clodd at head of title & several ms. notes on endpapers together with news-cuttings on dialect matters. Tipped in is a 4pp. letter to Clodd from fellow folklorist Camilla Gurdon, dated May 9 / [18]92, discussing, inter alia, the meanings & etymology of 'skillet', 'Flet-milk', 'first foot' and 'mardling'. SB 2080. 62 REDSTONE, Vincent B. [Editor] Memorials of Old Suffolk. With many illustrations. Bemrose & Sons, 1908. £65 FIRST EDITION, pp.xiv,288(4)adverts); half-tone plates; some spotting as usual but a sound copy in original cloth, gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut; backstrip faded. 14 essays, the majority by Redstone, on Roman & Saxon Suffolk; Riots & Ruins; Orford & Framlingham Castles; Suffolk Schools; & Witchcraft; &c. Edward Clodd's copy with several annotations in his hand. With a 2pp. MS letter to Clodd from R.A. Roberts, dated 14 Jan., 1926, on his plans for the restoration of Orford Castle, and two press cuttings thereon pasted in. SB 551. 63 REYCE, Robert. HERVEY, Lord Francis [Editor] Suffolk in the XVIIth Century. The Breviary of Suffolk by Robert Reyce, 1618, now published for the first time from the Ms in the British Museum. John Murray, 1902. £55 FIRST EDITION, pp.(8)300; large folding genealogies of the Wingefeild and Waldegrave families at end; a good copy of this handsome production in original decorated parchment-backed crimson cloth, top edge gilt, others uncut; backstrip a little worn as usual with chipping at head & tail, but sound. Ownership signature of Edward Clodd with a few annotations in his hand. SB 750. 64 TRIPP, H. Alker ('Leigh Hoe') Suffolk Sea-Borders. Illustrated by the Author. John Lane, 1926. £30 FIRST EDITION, pp.xii(2)254 + advert. leaf; illustrations in line throughout; a good copy in original green cloth. Inscribed by Edward Clodd to his second wife: 'To my Phyllis: Suffolk born & bred E.C. 11.6.27.' Clodd had married Phyllis Maud Rope, daughter of Blaxhall farmer Arthur Mingay Rope, in 1914. End of Clodd Collection

65 BORROW, George [Translator] Ballads of all Nations. A Selection edited by R. Brimley Johnson from the texts of Prof. Herbert Wright. Alston Rivers, 1927. £20 FIRST EDITION, pp.xxiv,342; very good in original green cloth. 66 BROWNING, Robert. Jocoseria. Smith, Elder & Co., 1883. £25 FIRST EDITION, pp.(6)143 + 4pp. adverts.; a very good uncut copy in original cloth; backstrip slightly faded. 67 BULWER LYTTON, Edward. Alice; or the Mysteries. G. Routledge & Co., 1854. £20 16mo., pp.(2)302; bound with Bulwer's The Last of the Barons which lacks title-page; contemporary half calf, morocco label; a little rubbed but a sound copy of this 'yellowback' edition. 68 CAMBRIDGE History of English Literature. Edited by Sir A.W. Ward and A.R. Waller. [In fifteen volumes.] Cambridge University Press, 1932. £75 15 vols., each c.400pp. including index volume; a good set of this standard reference in original blue cloth. 69 CAMPBELL, Thomas. The Poetical Works. Illustrated by thirty-seven wood-cuts. Edward Moxon, 1849. £28 Pp.xii,343; 8pp. Moxon list dated Feb.1st, 1849, inserted at front; a good uncut copy in original blind-stamped cloth, minor wear at head & tail of backstrip, bookplate of James Oldham. 70 CANTON, William. A Lost Epic and other poems. William Blackwood, 1887. £25 FIRST EDITION, pp.x,215; a good uncut copy in slightly marked original maroon cloth, gilt; embossed 'with the Publishers' compliments' and inscribed, 'Lily Campbell T.S.V.' Born on the Chinese island of Chusan, Canton spent most of his working life in London & Glasgow as a journalist & poet praised by Max Müller & Walter Pater; best known for 'The Invisible Playmate', 1894 and 'A Child's Book of Saints', 1898. 71 CARLYLE, Thomas. NEWBERRY, Percy [Editor] Rescued Essays. The Leadenhall Press, [1892] £24 FIRST EDITION, pp.(4)125 + advert. leaf; a good copy in original cloth-backed boards, paper label; extremities rubbed but sound; Ex libris Alicia M. Amherst to whom this copy is inscribed '...from the Editor, Percy E. Newberry Nov. 1892.' Essays on Louis-Philippe, the Death of Charles Buller and six on Ireland. 72 CHURCHILL, Winston S. The Great War. Fully Illustrated with Photographs, Drawings and Maps. [In three volumes] George Newnes, 1933. £85 3vols., pp.1668 + 8pp. prelims in each vol.; half-tone illustrations & plans throughout; a very good set in original red cloth, gilt; slight wear at head & tail of backstrips but a sound set of this popular illustrated version of The World Crisis for which Churchill supplied a new foreword. Also issued in 26 parts. 73 COLLINS, William. Drafts & Fragments of Verse. Edited from the manuscripts by J.S. Cunningham. Oxford, 1956. £20 FIRST EDITION, sm.4to., pp.xii,50; a very good copy, largely unopened, in original cloth, paper labels, dust-wrapper slightly frayed. Annotated transcripts of the only known examples of Collins' verse in autograph manuscript; discovered among the Warton papers in Trinity Coll. Library, Oxford. 74 COOPER, Duff. Talleyrand. Oversattning fran engelskan av Hugo Hultenberg. P.A. Norstedt & Soners Forlag, Stockholm, 1939. £25 4to., pp.340(2); frontispiece; a very good copy in contemporary half tan Niger morocco, lettered & ruled in gold, top edge gilt, others uncut, by F. Beck & Son; differential fading to upper cover, otherwise well preserved with original printed stiff wrapper bound in. 75 COX, Edwin Marion. The Ballads of François Villon. Alexander Moring, 1917. £12 First separate printing; pp.24; original printed wrappers (lower wrapper scuffed). With a list of 43 French & 3 English editions. Reprinted from The Library, Jan. 1917. 76 CRABBE, George. The Poetical Works of George Crabbe. With Memoir [signed 'W.R.'] A New Edition, Illustrated [by Birket Foster] With a Life. G. Routledge, 1858 £35 12mo., pp.xx,466 + advert. leaf; 8 full-page wood-engraved plates after Foster; a good copy in lightly marked & rubbed original red cloth blocked in gold & blind with elaborate leaf, flower & Pegasus design on backstrip, signed J[ohn] L[eighton], all edges gilt. Inscribed by Edward Byles Cowell to 'Betha [sic] Cowell from Edward 1870'. Scholar, linguist and man of letters, Cowell was first Cambridge Professor of Sanskrit and close friend of Edward FitzGerald to whom he introduced the work of Persian poet Omar Khayyam. 77 [CROWLEY, Aleister] Magick in Theory and Practice. by The Master Therion. (being part III of Book 4) [i.e. complete as issued in original four parts.] Lecram Press, Paris [1929] £650 FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE in original four parts; lg.8vo., pp.xxxii,436; colour plate in first part, various diagrams & tables in Section 4; a very good uncut set in original printed red wrappers, a little rubbed with minor wear at head & tail of backstrips, insect damage at top edge of final section, but generally a well preserved set of the scarce first issue in original state. 78 [DALTON, James Forbes] Some of my contributions in Rhyme to Periodicals in bygone days. By A Septuagenarian. William Blackwood, 1860. £28 FIRST EDITION, pp.viii,180(4)adverts.; a very good copy in original maroon cloth, backstrip uniformly faded. Poetry from Blackwood's, Bentley's, Fraser's & Ackermann's Forget me not. 79 DANIEL, Mgr. Abrégé chronologique de l'histoire universelle. Nouvelle édition publiée et continuée jusqu'a nos jours par Ch. Marie. Paris, 1865. £18 Pp.(4)592; contemporary maroon half roan, matching pebble grain cloth sides, very good. Intended for the lycées it has the merit of being easy to read. Written during the second empire with a staunchly patriotic stance. 80 DAVISON, Francis. The Poetical Rhapsody: Edited by A.H. Bullen. In two volumes. George Bell, 1890. £35 No.180 of 520 copies, 2vol., pp.xcii,139; x,207; well printed at the Chiswick Press on laid paper; a very good set in original buckram over bevelled boards, top edges gilt, others uncut. 81 DEACON, Malcolm. Philip Doddridge of Northampton 1702-51. Northamptonshire Libraries, 1980. £15 FIRST EDITION, pp.212; 51 illustrations & facsimiles; a very good copy of this well-produced book in original cloth & dust-wrapper. An important academic study of this most influential Nonconformist who fulfilled an energetic ministry in Northampton in the second quarter of the 18thC. 82 DICKENS, Charles. REYNOLDS, Frank [Illustrator] Mr Pickwick. [Excerpts from Pickwick Papers.] Illustrated in Colour by Frank Reynolds RI. Hodder & Stoughton, [1910] £110 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.xvi,174(2); pictorial title & 25 tipped-in colour plates with captioned guards; a very nice copy of this Edwardian gift book in later half crimson morocco, gilt. 83 DOD, Charles R. The Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage of Great Britain and Ireland for 1852... Twelfth Year. Whittaker and Co., 1852. £24 Pp.657,35 (adverts.); woodcut illustrations of regalia; original cloth, gilt; lacks front free-endpaper, soiled & worn at backstrip & hinges but a good working copy. 84 DOUGLAS, Norman. Experiments. Privately Printed, 1925 £85 FIRST EDITION, no.137 of 300 copies, signed by the author; lg.8vo., pp.230; a very good uncut & partly unopened copy in original boards and defective dust-wrapper. A miscellany of stories, essays and book reviews on various subjects, including Arabia Deserta, Edgar Allen Poe and Charles Waterton. Badly printed on an indifferent laid paper, this was Douglas's 'first serious attempt at publishing his own work. 'The printers let me down dreadfully over that book; so that over 60 copies were not fit to send away'.' Woolf A24a. 85 DOUGLAS, Robert B. Sophie Arnould Actress and Wit. With seven copper-plate engravings by Adolphe Lalauze. Charles Carrington, Paris, 1898. £25 FIRST EDITION limited to 500 copies; pp.x(2)272(4); 4 full-page & 3 vignette engravings; a good uncut copy in original tan cloth, backstrip lettering faded. The leading soprano at the pre-revolutionary Paris Opera, but known for her wit as well as her voice; Arnould was friend to Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau & Franklin. 86 EDWARDS, Jonathan. HICKMAN, Edward [Editor] The Works of Jonathan Edwards. With a memoir by Sereno E. Dwight. Revised and corrected by Edward Hickman. [In two volumes] The Banner of Truth Trust, Edinburgh, 1976. £28 2vol., pp.ccxxxiv,691; (8)969; a very good copy in original buckram of this facsimile reprint of the Bungay, 1834, edition of the works of the great American philosophical theologian. Edwards played a critical role in shaping the First Great Awakening, and oversaw some of the first revivals in 1733–35 at his church in Northampton, Massachusetts.

87 EROTICA. Fashionable Lectures: composed and delivered with birch discipline by the following, and many other, Beautiful Ladies... The Fourth Edition with Considerable Additions. Printed for G. Peacock, 66 Drury Lane. [Facsimile reprint by John Camden Hotten, 1872] £40 Pp.120 + advert leaf; well printed on Whatman laid paper; original boards, neatly rebacked, edges a little worn but sound. No.7 of Hotten's 'Library Illustrative of Social Progress, from the original editions collected by the late Henry Thomas Buckle'. Copac lists BL copy only of this reprint, ESTC records no copy of the original 18thC edition. 88 ETIQUETTE. The Habits of Good Society: A Handbook of Etiquette for Ladies and Gentlemen... James Hogg & Sons, [1860s] £35 Pp.378 + 6pp. adverts.; wood-engraved frontispiece; a little browned but generally well preserved in original blue cloth, gilt; extremities rubbed, slight wear at head & tail of backstrip but sound. Evidently an early edition of this bestseller which first appeared in [1859]. 89 FELLA, Thomas, of Halesworth, Suffolk. Draper And Writing Master. SANFORD, Martin & BLATCHLY, John [Editors] His Booke of Divers Devices and Sorts of Pictures compiled between 1592 and 1598 with additions made at Dunwich in July 1622. with His setting up of the Robert Launce Charity in 1611. Edited by Martin Sanford & John Blatchly for Private Publication [Distributed by Claude Cox, Ipswich] 2012 £25 300 copies printed, pp.xviii,(162) facsimile,77 (commentary, elucidation & bibliography); new in green silk, gilt lettered, pictorial label. A beautifully-produced facsimile of this fascinating late-16thC miscellany of poems, songs, labours of the months, botanical drawings, emblems & calligraphic alphabet, with useful transcription and scholarly & extensive exegesis. Purchased in 1909 by Major Cecil Sebag-Montefiore of Stisted Hall, Essex, the Fella manuscript is now in the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington D.C. The 13pp. Launce Charity MS, also reproduced, remains in Suffolk at the Lowestoft Record Office. Prospectus available. 90 FREEMAN, Edward A. The chief periods of European history. Six lectures... with an essay on Greek cities under Roman rule. Macmillan, 1886. £28 FIRST EDITION, pp.ix(3)250; full calf, gilt backstrip & borders, marbled edges & endpapers, by Bickers; prize inscription and gilt badge of Bristol Grammar School on upper cover. Small piece torn from corner of half-title, else very good. Lectures delivered as Professor of History at Oxford by one of the great Victorian historians. 91 FULLER, Col. J. F.C. British Light Infantry in the Eighteenth Century, (An Introduction to 'Sir John Moore's System of Training') Hutchinson & Co., 1925 £40 FIRST EDITION; pp.xii,255; frontispiece & 7 half-tone illustrations; backstrip uniformly faded, otherwise a very good copy. 92 FULLER, Thomas. The History of the Worthies of England. A new edition containing brief notices of the most celebrated worthies of England who have flourished since the time of Fuller; with explanatory notes and copious indexes by P. Austin Nuttall. In three volumes. Thomas Tegg, 1840. £110 First Edition thus, 3vol.,,582; xii,584; xii,591; engraved frontispiece portrait & facsimile title of the original 1662 edition; a good uncut set in contemporary russet cloh, lettered & ruled in gold; early ownership inscription of 'Robert Philip, Maberly Chapel, London', at head of title. 93 GILL, Eric. JAMES, M.R. [Editor] The New Testament. Edited with an introduction by M.R. James... assisted by Delia Lyttelton, with engravings by Eric Gill. [In four volumes. Set in Gill's Joanna types by Hague & Gill, High Wycombe for] J.M. Dent, 1935. £35 First Edition thus, 4vol., pp.viii(2)165; (6)204; (6)217; (6)215; 8 full-page illustrations by Gill; endpaper maps of Palestine; vol.1 lightly creased throughout, backstrips a little faded, otherwise sound. 'Here is presented an edition of the New Testament in modern typographical dress. The text is the Authorized Version, unaltered as to wording, but set in straightforward form: the poetry as poetry, the prose as ordinary prose paragraphs. There are no marginal references; the verse numbers occur only at the top of the page, and the type is large, clear, and beautiful.' 94 GLEIG, G.R. Chelsea Hospital, and its traditions. In three volumes. Richard Bentley, 1838. £90 FIRST EDITION, 3vol., pp.xii,307; 342; 295; light spotting throughout, otherwise a good set in contemporary half calf, marbled sides, lettered in gold; minor chips to head of backstrips; from the Easton Neston Library. Having served in the Peninsula campaign and at New Orleans, Greig became chaplain of Chelsea Hospital in 1834. His history includes an account of British military history as reflected in its records and traditions, and many reminiscences of the Napoleonic Wars by surviving veterans. 95 GRAVES, Robert. The English Ballad. A Short Critical Survey. Ernest Benn, 1927. £28 FIRST EDITION, pp.139; slight spotting of first & final leaves but a good copy, paper label, backstrip a little faded; ownership signature of 'Ruari McLean, Hammersmith Dec. 1938.'

PRESENTATION COPY SIGNED BY M.R. JAMES 96 GRAY, Thomas & PENN, William. McDERMOTT, F. William Penn Thomas Gray and an account of the historical associations of Stoke Poges. Specially compiled for The Penn-Gray Society. With a reproduction of the original fair copy of Gray's Elegy in the Poet's own handwriting and 27 illustrations including 20 photographs by the Author. Printed for Private Circulation [at] The Arden Press, 1930. £45 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.xii,43; frontispiece & 24 plates & facsimile; some light spotting but a good uncut copy in original blue lambskin-backed cloth, gilt. Produced by the Society established to save the Old Manor House associated with Penn & surrounding land immortalised by Gray. This copy was presented to Revd. Mervyn Clare by M.R. James, then Provost of Eton, and T.H. Robinson, President & Secretary of the Society. 97 GRAY, Thomas. Poems. Privately printed for Eton College in the Riccardi Press fount of The Medici Society, 1928. £20 4to., pp.88 + colophon, printed on laid paper with titling in blue; edges a little browned but a good copy in original full vellum (darkened), gilt badge of Eton Coll.; top edge gilt, others uncut. Printed presentation leaf inscribed to Edward N. Sheppard by Cyril Alington, Eton provost. 98 GREVILLE, Sir Fulke. Life of Sir Philip Sidney etc. First Published 1652. With an Introduction by Nowell Smith. At the Clarendon Press, 1907. £20 Pp.xxv(7)279; facsimile title of the original 1652 edition: 'The Life of the Renowned Sir Philip Sidney with The true Interest of England as it then stood in relation to all Forrain Princes: And particularly for suppressing the power of Spain stated by him, His principall actions counsels designes and death - Together with a short account of the Maximes and Policies used by Queen Elizabeth in her Government'. Postcard portrait of Sidney pasted to fly-leaf; a very good copy of this attractive edition in Oxford's Tudor & Stuart Library; uncut & largely unopened in original blind-ruled boards imitating parchment. 99 GREY, Charles, 2nd. Earl. [GRACIE, John Black. Editor?] The Grey Festival; being a narrative of the proceedings connected with the Dinner given to Earl Grey at Edinburgh... and a corrected report of the speeches... Adam and Charles Black [& others], Edinburgh, 1834. £35 FIRST EDITION, pp.xvi,107; spotting of first & final leaves, otherwise a good uncut copy in original boards, paper label; backstrip worn. With an appendix of Addresses to the Noble Earl and other documents, as Scotland gave thanks to the architect of the Reform Bill. 100 GREY, Mrs [Elizabeth Caroline]. The Young Prima Donna. G. Routledge and Co., 1854. £25 16mo., pp.(4)252; contemporary half calf, morocco label, marbled sides rubbed but sound. First published in 1840, 3vols., this (Railway Library) edition is the only other printing listed in BM Cat. 101 HAGGARD, Andrew C.P. Women of the Revolutionary Era, or some who stirred France. Stanley Paul, 1914. £20 FIRST EDITION, pp.(14)375; gravure frontis. & 16 half-tone plates; a good copy in original cloth. 102 HAGGARD, H. Rider. Mr Meeson's will. Spencer Blackett, 1888. £65 FIRST EDITION, pp.286 + 32pp. publisher's catalogue dated Oct., 1888; a good uncut copy in original pictorial cloth, backstrip dulled with neat repairs at head & tail. 103 HIGHLAND LIGHT INFANTRY. Regimental Records of the 1st Battalion Highland Light Infantry formerly The 71st Highland Light Infantry. 1777 to 1908. Reprinted from the 1906 Edition. Dinapore: The Watling Printing Works, 1908. £85 Lg.8vo., pp.(4)234 + inserted leaf 114A/B; a very good copy in original tan sheepskin, double green morocco labels. Copac locates Bodley copy only of this edition and a variant (pp.227, Dinapore, 1907) in the Nat.Lib.Scot. 104 HINDLEY, Charles. The History of the Catnach Press, at Berwick-upon-Tweed, Alnwick and Newcastle... and Seven Dials, London. Charles Hindley, 1886. £75 FIRST EDITION, Large Paper Copy limited to 250 signed & numbered copies; sm.4to., pp.xlii(2)308; wood-engravings, woodcuts & facsimiles throughout, some tinted; a good uncut copy of the deluxe issue on laid paper, printed boards; extremities rubbed and a little worn but sound. 105 HOGARTH, William. The Works... in a series of engravings: with descriptions... by Rev. John Trusler. To which are added anecdotes of the author and his works by J. Hogarth and J. Nichols. Jones and Co., 1833. £75 4to., 2vols. pp.116(2); (2)(117-)224(4); frontispiece portrait & 108 steel-engraved plates; occasional foxing, water stain in top margin of vol.1, but a decent set in contemporary half calf, double morocco labels (1 chipped); rubbed but sound. 106 HURD-MEAD, Kate Campbell. A History of Women in Medicine. From the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Cemtury. Haddam Press, Conn., 1938 £135 FIRST EDITION; signed by the author, pp.xvi,569; numerous half-tone illustrations throughout, a very good copy in original cloth (a little marked & faded). 107 HUTTON, Alfred. The Sword and the Centuries or Old Sword Days and Old Sword Ways. Being a description of the various swords used in civilized Europe during the last five centuries and of single combats which have been fought with them. Illustrated. Grant Richards, 1901 £35 FIRST EDITION; pp.xxii,367; frontispiece and various full-page & vignette illustrations; a little rubbed & marked but a good copy in original buckram, gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut. Inscribed on fly-leaf by the British film actor Clifford Heatherley, His Majesty's Thetare, 1910. 'Given to me by my master Felix Bertrand on Winning of his Prize 1909-1910, from Captain Hutton, also a year's free tuition at his school in Warwick.' 108 KELLY, Michael. Reminiscences [of Michael Kelly of the King's Theatre, and Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. ... with original anecdotes of many distinguished persons, political, literary, and musical.] Edited with an Introduction by Roger Fiske. Oxford, 1975. £15 First Edition thus, pp.xx(14)396; 12 illustrations & facsimiles; very good in pictorial dust-wrapper of the Oxford English Memoirs and Travels series. Kelly, according to Lowe, was 'a noted singer, who was also a fairly good composer, but a very bad actor.' 'A very amusing work, by far the best addition to our thetarical history since Colley Cibber's Apology. It contains curious particulars...relating not only to the British Stage, but to the Italian Opera.' Lowndes p.1258. Lowe, Arnott & Robinson 3175. 109 KNIGHT, Charles [Editor] The British Almanac for the year of Our Lord 1860. [with] Companion to the Almanac: or, Year-Book of General Information for 1860. Knight and Co., [1859] £25 FIRST EDITION, pp.(4)96; 264(20)adverts.; a remarkably well preserved copy in original blue cloth, lettered in gold. Includes articles on: 'The Necessity for Elementary Instruction in Political Economy'; 'The Patent Office, Museum and Library'; The Naval Force of the United Kingdom'; 'The National Collection of Sculpture'; 'The Wreck-Chart and the National Life-Boat Institution'; 'A History of Comets', contd.; &c.; in addition to the usual mass of statistical information. 110 KNIGHT, Charles [Editor] The British Almanac for the year of Our Lord 1859. [with] Companion to the Almanac: or, Year-Book of General Information for 1859. Knight and Co., [1858] £25 FIRST EDITION, pp.96; 268(20)adverts.; a remarkably well preserved copy in original blue cloth, lettered in gold. Includes articles on: 'Sanitary Legislation in England'; 'The Indian Mutiny'; 'The National Collection of Pictures'; 'The Thames and the London drainage'; 'A History of Comets', contd.; &c.; in addition to the usual mass of statistical information. 111 LAMB, Charles. The Letters of Charles Lamb, with a sketch of his life. By Thomas Noon Talfourd. A new edition. Ed. Moxon, 1849. £45 Pp.xiv,414(2); portrait; original fine vertical ribbed cloth, silk finish, blocked in blind, gilt lettered on backstrip; lower cover slightly marked but a good copy. Originally published in 1837, this second edition was issued after Mary's death in 1848 to accompany Talfourd's 'Final memorials...' 112 LARPENT, Francis Seymour. LARPENT, Sir George [Editor] The Private Journal of Judge-Advocate Larpent, attached to the head-quarters of Lord Wellington during the Peninsular War from 1812 to its close. Third Edition. Richard Bentley, 1854. £65 Pp.xx,580; a very good copy in contemporary full green calf, gilt, with gilt badge & chromolithograph prize label of Craigmount House School, The Grange, Edinburgh. First published December, 1852, the author's prefatory reply to his critics in the Second Edition of June, 1853, is here reprinted. An important source according to Carola Oman, Larpent joined Wellington in 1812 as Judge-Advocate General and managed army court-martials to end of the war in 1814. Based on private letters to his step-mother and only published by his brother after the death of Wellington. 113 LAW. [OWEN, Aneurin. Editor] Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales; comprising laws supposed to be enacted by Howel the Good... and Anomalous Laws... with Indexes and Glossary. Commissioners of the Public Records, 1841. £135 FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.(6)xvi(8)1005; occasional spotting, small hole at foot of half-title, but well preserved in original green cloth, rebacked, paper label; circular stamp of Warrington Museum at head of title. An important text with Welsh & English translation in parallel columns, includes 'A few Latin Transcripts, containing digests of the Welsh laws, principally of the Dimetian Code'; also issued in 2vols. 8vo. 114 LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth. The courtship of Miles Standish and other poems. Ticknor and Fields, Boston. 1859. £25 Pp.215 + 16pp inserted publisher's catalogue dated Nov. 1858; a good uncut copy in original cloth blocked in blind, lettered in gold. Evidently the second edition with corrected version of line 3 on p.124. 115 LUKE, Sir Harry. Cities and Men. An Autobiography. [In three volumes.] Geoffrey Bles, 1953-56. £45 FIRST EDITION, 3vol., pp.252; 262; 254; illustrations in line & half-tone throughout; a very good set in the dust-wrappers (one a little frayed). 116 MELVILLE, G.J. Whyte. The Queen's Maries. A romance of Holyrood. [In two volumes.] Parker, Son and Bourn, 1862. £65 FIRST EDITION, 2vol., pp.(4)304; (2)254 + advert. leaf; first & final leaves spotted, otherwise a good copy in contemporary full calf, backstrips gilt with double morocco labels, a little rubbed but a nice set of Melville's historical novel of the life of Mary Queen of Scots. 117 MERCHANTS. BOURNE, H.R. Fox. Famous London Merchants. A Book for Boys. Virtue & Co., [1878.] £25 Pp.314; + 4pp. adverts. & 40pp. publisher's catalogue at end; 24 full-page & vignette illustrations; front endpapers renewed, otherwise a good copy in original purple cloth pictorially blocked in gold & black, backstrip a little faded. 118 MEREDITH, George. One of our conquerors. In three volumes. Chapman and Hall, 1891. £85 FIRST EDITION, 3vol., pp.(4)302; iv,320; iv,307; original royal blue morocco-grained cloth decorated in black on sides, gilt-lettered on backstrips; extremities a little rubbed and light fading on sides whence labels have been removed but no library marks; a very good uncut set as Sadleir 1700c with panel of Meredith's works printed on verso of front fly-leaf in each volume. 119 MERRIMAN, Henry Seton. Prisoners and Captives. In two volumes. Bernhard Tauchnitz, Leipzig, 1891. £15 2vols. bound in one; 16mo., pp.279; 279; contemporary roan-backed boards; rubbed but sound. 120 MERRIMAN, Henry Seton. The Velvet Glove. [bound with] Young Mistley. Bernhard Tauchnitz, Leipzig, 1902, 1889. £18 2vols. bound in one; 16mo., pp.286; 320; contemporary half vellum, morocco label, marbled sides; rubbed but sound. 121 MILITARY. CROOK, Capt. Ronald Lewis. Wartime Letters of a West Kent Man. The World War Two letters and related correspondence of Captain Ronald Lewis Crook, 6th Battalion, The Queens Own Royal West Kent Regiment, who was killed in action in Tunisia, 30th November 1942. Edited by Martin Lewis Crook. Privately Published [Distributed by Claude Cox Books, Ipswich] 2007. £12 FIRST EDITION, limited to 400 copies; sm.4to., pp.x,132; 20 half-tone illustrations, facsimiles & map; new in printed laminated card covers. A moving account, skilfully edited, with useful appendices. We are sole distributors of this book, trade terms available. 122 MILNES, Richard Monckton. Lord Houghton. Selections from the Poetical Works. John Murray, 1863. £30 FIRST EDITION, pp.viii,284; a good copy in contemporary half crimson morocco, gilt; extremities a little rubbed but attractive. 123 MINIATURE BOOK. Prayers for Every Day in the Week. By A Clergyman of the Church of England. Printed [by Charles Whittingham, Chiswick] for The Religious Tract Society, [1830s] £35 65 x 50mm., pp.127 + imprint; a well-printed 'Pocket Edition' in original crimson leather wallet, extremities rubbed & two small worm holes in flap, internally very good. One of a series printed by Whittingham for the RTS. Copac gives British Library copy of a 'second edition, 1835', but not this.

124 MINIATURE BOOK. PRAYER BOOK. The Finger Prayer Book. The Book of Common Prayer... together with the Psalter or Psalms of David... Oxford: Printed at the University Press, [c1890] £28 Diam[ond] 96mo., 90 x 30mm., pp.599; printed on india paper and uniform with Oxford's 'Finger' New Testament; several leaves with adhesion damage in gutter, few corners creased but generally well preserved in original maroon calf, lettered in gold, all edges gilt over red; matching leather slip-case worn but serviceable; inscribed for 'Gertrude Colman 1st Jany. 1893...' A fair example of this curious variant of the miniature book format. See Bondy pp.131/2. 125 MORRIS, William. MAGNUSSON, Eirikr. [Translators.] Three Northern Love Stories and other Tales. New Edition. Longmans, Green and Co., 1901. £35 Pp.xii,278 + advert. leaf; a very good, largely unopened copy in original red cloth, paper label (rubbed & slightly chipped). The second printing of this collection which first appeared in 1875. 126 MOSBY, Colonel John S. RUSSELL, Charles Wells [Editor] The Memoirs of Colonel John S. Mosby. With illustrations. Little, Brown, and Company, Boston, 1917. £85 FIRST EDITION, pp.xxii,414; large folding map of the Shenandoah Valley 'showing the position of the armies on May 21, 1862', & 16 plates; a very good copy in original olive cloth; ex libris H.C. Henry. AUTHOR'S COPY 127 MURRAY, David. The Valuation Roll in Scotland and the Proposal to enter Land values upon it. J.B. Nichols and Sons, 1907. £30 First Separate Edition, pp.x,44; very good in original blue cloth lettered in gold. 'A reprint of a Paper read at the Glasgow Meeting of The Surveyors' Institution on the 23rd [of May].' The author's copy. 128 M[YERS] L[indo] S. [Editor] Music Cantelenas Songs Etc. from an early Fifteenth Century Manuscript. One Hundred Copies Privately Printed [for Lord Howard de Walden] by J. Davy at the Dryden Press, 1906. £85 FIRST EDITION, lg.4to., 100 copies printed on Whatman hand-made wove paper, title in red & black; facsimiles of original MS & music with transcriptions on facing pages; a very good copy of this handsome production in original limp vellum, gilt, green silk ties, top edge gilt, others uncut; editor identified by British Library.

COPY NO.1 129 OWEN, Wilfred. The Poems. A new edition including many pieces now first published, and notices of his life and work by Edmund Blunden. Chatto & Windus, 1931. £750 FIRST EDITION, no. 1 of 160 copies on Large Paper (150 for sale), signed by Blunden at end of preface; pp.viii,135; portrait frontispiece with tissue guard; a very good copy in original brown buckram over bevelled boards, top edge gilt, others uncut. Perhaps Blunden's own copy of this important collection with his 40pp. memoir and many of Owen's finest poems here published for the first time. 130 PAGLESHAM. HARRIS, Rev. J., HATCH, Rev. H.J., WISEMAN, James. The Paglesham Oyster: containing Tales of Fact, Fiction and Romance, Music, Poetry, Charades, Riddles, Enigmas, etc., etc., Arthur Harrington, Rochford, Essex, 1870. £45 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.(4)114(2); 5pp. of comic vignettes, 4pp. music original red cloth, gilt; lightly rubbed & worn at extremities, nick in backstrip, but a sound copy of this scarce provincial miscellany, printed at Chelmsford; Copac lists BL copy only. 131 PAULET FAMILY. SMITH, Commander S.N. Ancestors of Sir William Paulet, K.G. 1st Marquis of Winchester, Lord Treasurer. Also the pedigree of Rev. Daniel John Hopkins. Reprinted from Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, 1936. £18 Pp.(2)39; two half-tone plates; a good uncut copy in original printed wrappers, edges frayed & a little worn along backstrip but sound. 132 PEERAGE & KALENDAR. The Royal Kalendar, and Court and City Register for England, Scotland, Ireland, and the Colonies, for the year 1873. R. & A. Suttaby. [bound with] Companion to the Calendars...containing the present and last Parliaments...Abstract of the Principal Laws... Ridgways. [bound with] Ridgway's Peerage [& Baronetage] of The United Kingdom, [bound with] Index to the Royal Kalendar... Ridgway's, 1873. £120 Pp.(24)512; 254; vi,192 + 76 engraved plates; 168 + 45 engraved plates; 88 (index); a very good set of this massive compilation of the movers & shakers at the zenith of the British Empire; original full crimson morocco, gilt, royal crest on sides, all edges gilt. 133 PEERAGE & KALENDAR. The Royal Kalendar, and Court and City Register for England, Scotland, Ireland, and the Colonies, for the year 1832. Suttaby & Co. [bound with] Companion to the Calendars...containing the last and present and Parliaments...Abstract of the Election Laws... James Ridgway. [bound with] Stockdale's Peerage & Baronetage of The United Kingdon, Printed by T.C. Hansard for Suttaby & Co. [& many others] 1831. £120 Pp.60 (Rider's British Merlin); 408; 152; (4)188;150; extra engraved title & 110 engraved plates in Peerage & Baronetage; edge of printed title a little frayed, final section of plates stained but a good set of this massive compilation in contemporary full crimson morocco, gilt, all edges gilt; extremities a little rubbed, sides distorted by metal clasps but generally well preserved.. PRESENTATION COPIES WITH ALS. 134 PEMBER, E.H. Adrastus of Phrygia and other poems with The Hippolytus of Euripedes done into English verse. with The Death-Song of Thamyris... with The Oedipus at Colonos of Sophocles... with The Finding of Pheidippides and other poems. Printed at the Chiswick Press for Private Circulation, 1897, 1899, 1901. £55 FIRST EDITIONS, 3vols., each limited to 250 copies; pp.(8)218; (8)203; (8)226; well printed on hand-made paper; uniform original calf-backed green linen (backs rubbed but sound), top edge gilt, others uncut. Inscribed by the author to Charles Mason with 2pp. autograph letter, signed. 135 PITTS, John. SHEPARD, Leslie. John Pitts Ballad Printer of Seven Dials, London 1765-1844. With a short account of his predecessors in the Ballad & Chapbook Trade. Private Libraries Association, 1969. £15 FIRST EDITION, limited to 1600 copies; pp.160; many facsimiles; a very good copy in original cloth & glacine wrapper. 136 POOR LAWS. CAMERON, C[harles] H[ay], WROTTESLEY, John and COWELL, J.W. Two Reports addressed to His Majesty's Commissioners appointed to inquire into the administration and operation of the Poor Laws... and A Letter from Count Arrivabene, on the Management of the Poor in Belgium. B. Fellowes, 1834. £135 First separate edition, pp.(4)224; a very good copy in original cloth, soiled and hinges split but sound. Originally published in the Appendix to the Report of the Poor Law Commissioners of 1833. Kress 28703. 137 POWYS, Llewelyn. A Baker's Dozen. [With decorations by Mathias Noheimer.] Trovillion Private Press at the sign of the silver horse Herrin, Illinois, 1939. £28 FIRST EDITION, no.129 of 493 copies (298 for sale), signed by author & artist; pp.xxiv(2)187 + colophon; half-tone endpapers & frontispiece, decorations & 13 head-piece vignettes printed in blue; a very good uncut copy in original blue cloth, gilt, and slip-case. The frontispiece shows the author in the Swiss Alps where he died just as this book was completed. 'The pages bearing [his] signature had crossed the war-bound sea in a perilous trip, were hurriedly signed with his own pen and voyaged safely back to us... arriving only a few days before he passed on.' 138 POWYS, T.F. Fables... four drawings by Gilbert Spencer. Chatto & Windus, 1929. £65 FIRST EDITION, no.163 of 750 deluxe copies, signed by the author; pp.x,276 + colophon; frontispiece & 3 other line illustrations; a very good copy in original buckram, leather label, top edge gilt, others uncut, dust-wrapper lightly soiled & frayed.

INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR 139 POWYS, T.F. Mr. Weston's Good Wine. With drawings by George Charlton. Chatto & Windus, 1927. £135 FIRST EDITION, no.96 of 660 copies, signed by the author; pp.(8)316; five full-page illustrations in line; a good copy of this deluxe edition on mould-made paper in original black buckram, top edge gilt, others uncut; extremities rubbed but a sound copy of Powys' surprisingly explicit allegory of the 'wines' of Love and Death as St Michael visits the village of Folly Down to test its inhabitants. The novel is surprisingly explicit about sex considering its initial date of publication. Ex Libris Lionel Everard Napier, aptly inscribed on fly-leaf by the author: 'Every man who has imagination / and who lives in the country / is sure to find out some day / or other that he is a lover.' Theodore Francis Powys, East Chaldon, January 25 1930. 140 READ, Herbert. The Philosophy of Anarchism. Freedom Press, 1940 £30 FIRST EDITION, no.124 of 500 copies on Abbey Mills Greenfield paper; uncut in original boards, lettered in red; a little browned & rubbed but sound. Southwold bookplate of Donald & Irene Horwood with some pencilled underlining & marginalia. 141 RUSKIN, John. [Editor] [ALEXANDER], Francesca. The Story of Ida: Epitaph on an Etrurian Tomb. Edited, with preface, by John Ruskin. Allen, Orpington, 1883 £25 FIRST EDITION, pp.viii,94(2); engraved frontispiece; a good copy in slightly rubbed original brown cloth, gilt; ex libris Mary E. Eady-Borlase. 142 SHAKESPEARE, William. WELLWOOD, S. [Editor] Marina. A Dramatic Romance. Being the Shakespearean portion of the Tragedy of 'Pericles'. Grant Richards, 1902. £20 FIRST EDITION, pp.47; well printed on laid paper by Charles Whittingham and Co.; a very good uncut copy in original printed boards, paper label; backstrip a little worn but sound; ex libris John Russell Taylor. 143 SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe. Relics of Shelley. Edited by Richard Garnett. Edward Moxon, 1862. £110 FIRST EDITION, pp.xvi,191 + advert. leaf; 8pp. Moxon catalogue dated July 1862 inserted at front; a very good uncut copy in original mauve blind-stamped cloth, backstrip slightly faded & rubbed at extremities. Ownership initials of 'C[hichester] P[arkinson] F[ortescue], 1872' and his Carlingford bookplate. The first publication of verse & prose fragments from Shelley's notebooks, correspondence with Leigh Hunt and an essay on Shelley, Harriet & Peacock. 144 SIMPSON, M.C.M. MOHL, Mary. Letters and Recollections of Julius and Mary Mohl. Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1887. £25 FIRST EDITION, pp.xii,398 + 36pp. publisher's catalogue; frontispiece and 3 other plates; very good in original blue cloth; inscribed to Sir Edward Strachey 'from his affectionate Aunt M.A. Sykes, Sutton Court June 8th 1887.' Based on the letters of Mary Mohl, née Clarke, whose salon was at the centre of 19th century Parisian intelligentsia; her husband a distinguished orientalist. 145 SINCLAIR, Catherine. Modern Accomplishments; or, the march of intellect. Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., Ipswich: J.M. Burton and Co., [1855] £25 Pp.xii,368 + 4pp. adverts. for works published by W. Whyte & Co., Edinburgh; wood-engraved frontispiece & extra pictorial title; one leaf torn with loss at margin, otherwise a good copy in lightly rubbed original blue cloth, blocked in gold & blind. An important account of 'female eductaion and character', first published in 1836; this edition with imprint of Ipswich printer J.M. Burton, perhaps responsible for the prelims only, the main text with imprint: 'Edinburgh: Andrew Jack, Printer.' at end. Daughter of Sir John Sinclair, MP & first President of the Board of Agriculture, Catherine was her father's secretary from the age of fourteen until his death in 1835 'after which she began independent authorship'. DNB. 146 SKEAT, Walter W. [Editor]. The Lay of Havelok the Dane: composed... about AD1280... edited from the unique ms. Laud Misc. 108 in the Bodleian Library. Early English Text Society, 1868. £35 Pp.(6)lvi,159; minor spotting of first & final leaves; contemporary half calf, rebacked with morocco label. The second printing of the text which first appeared in 1828 edited by Sir Frederick Madden for the Roxburghe Club.

PRESENTATION COPY 147 SLAVE TRADE. SIMON, Kathleen. Slavery. With a preface by her husband The Rt. Hon. Sir John Simon. Hodder and Stoughton, 1930. £45 Pp.xiv,284; frontispiece; a good copy in original black cloth; flier advertising a Women's Rally, Feb.8th, 1939, at which Lady Simon spoke on Slavery, laid in. Inscribed, 'The Rev. Eric Butler from the Author Kathleen Simon 1930. I hold it a Christian thing to hate evil, to hate untruth, and to hate Oppression and hating them strive to overthrow them.' A worldwide survey of the estimated 4-6 million people enslaved in Africa, China, Burma, Nepal, &c. 148 SPARLING, Philip Smith. Historic lays, & minor poems. Phipps [printer], 1851. £20 ONLY EDITION,; original cloth, blocked in blind, lettered in gold by Westleys; slight wear to extremities. The preface is dated from Colchester & the dedication to the Rev. Stoney of Pateley in Yorkshire from a former pupil. Owes rather more to Macaulay than Sir Walter. 149 SPEAR, Charles. Essays on the Punishment of Death. Tenth Edition. Published by the Author, Boston, 1845. £28 Pp.237,10,4 (adverts.); engraved frontispiece; slight of first & final leaves but a very good copy in original blind-stamped cloth. First published the previous year, an immediate bestseller which established Spear as the foremost proponent of the abolition of capital punishment in New England and led to the founding of the Massachusetts Society for the Abolition of Capital Punishment. 150 STEGGALL, John Heigham. COBBOLD, Richard [Editor] John H. Steggall: A real history of a Suffolk man, who has been a gipsy, a sailor, a soldier, a surgeon... and is now a clergyman - a curate of many years' standing in the Church of England. Narrated by himself. Edited by the Author of 'Margaret Catchpole'. Enlarged edition. Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., 1859. £35 Pp.320; wood-engraved frontispiece & extra pictorial title; some spotting but well preserved in original yellow printed boards; extemities worn, sides darkened, neatly rebacked. First published 1857, this 'enlarged edition' was no.49 in Simpkin Marshall's Run and Read Library, subsequently reissued in Ward Lock's 'yellowback' Library of Popular Authors. Sadleir 577a lists the Ward Lock re-issue but not this.

PRESENTATION COPY 151 STRACHEY, Edward. Holy Matrimony, its Duties and Dignity, as set forth by The English Church. Darton and Clark, 1843. £35 FIRST EDITION, 24mo., pp.(2)xvi(2)156; first & final leaves lightly foxed; original cream cloth blocked in gold with cathedral design, soiled; neatly re-backed. Inscribed at head of title to 'Mrs Strachey from her Son the Author. Feby. 13 1843.' 152 [STRACHEY, Sir Edward?] An Account of Oxford In the Twenty-first Century. Reprinted from an original m.s. in the possession of the Editor. Shrimpton and Son, Oxford, 1878. £750 FIRST EDITION, pp.12; original printed wrappers a little browned. A gently satirical account of the university & its procedures with several acute predictions amongst the fantasy elements. Evidently printed for the author, probably- Sir Edward Strachey, politician & landowner, (now perhaps best remembered for his 1895 edition of Lear's Nonsense Songs & Stories), from whose library it came. A second copy, also purchased by us from Strachey's library, is now in California, but we can trace no other. 'I gave orders over-night to the sleep superintendent of the hotel at which I lodged in London to have me moved by the noiseless lift into a train that would reach Oxford about 9.30. I then took a sufficient quantity of compressed food to last me till the following evening, and retired to rest... I engaged a closed windowless car...called a Ruskin [its] purpose being to enable people to drive through the town without seeing its streets or buildings until they arrived at a certain bridge, from whence...a first view of Oxford was best taken.... Looking over Magdalen Bridge the first building on the right hand side is Magdalen College, with its tower and chapel. The tower is about a hundred feet high, and well proportioned; but to my mind much injured in appearance by the sewage arrangement at the top. The sewage from this end of town is by an entirely new process pumped to the roof of the tower, and then by a series of evaporating pans given off in the form of vapour...' More fun is had at the expense of University government, diurnal examinations, students' dependence on alcohol, the luxurious life-style at All Souls, and 'Keble College (derivation of name unknown), where farmers receive an agricultural education.' 153 TALFOURD, Thomas Noon. Ion; A Tragedy in five acts. Edward Moxon, 1836. £35 FIRST EDITION, pp.viii,120; first & final gatherings spotted, otherwise well preserved in attractive contemporary half crimson morocco, gilt. The best-known work of the advocate & literary executor of Lamb, Ion 'obtained a brilliant success from its own merits and the great acting of Macready.' Richard Garnett. 154 TAMBIMUTTU [Editor] Poetry London / Apple Magazine. No.2 Poetry London, 1982. £20 FIRST EDITION. 4to., pp.94; large fold-out poster poem (750 x 245mm) 'Hands' by Bryan Guiness, illustrated by John Piper who also designed the cover; 45rpm vinyl recording of Robin Williamson's 'Song of Mabon' in sleeve at end; very good in pictorial card covers. Also includes: Laurence Durrell's 'From the Elephant's Back'; George Barker, Elizabeth Jennings, Iris Murdoch, Brian Patten, Alan Sillitoe, R.S. Thomas, &c., &c. 155 [TUPPER, Mary Frances, Ellin Isabelle & Margaret Elenora.] Poems by Three Sisters. Hatchard and Co., 1864. £35 FIRST EDITION, pp.viii,207; a good copy in lightly marked original maroon cloth, gilt. Evidently the only edition of this family collection. 156 Ticket-of-Leave Man. Convict Life; or, Revelations concerning Convicts and Convict Prisons. Wyman & Sons, 1879. £110 FIRST EDITION, pp.(8)252(10)adverts.; a good copy of this scarce account in rather stained original cloth, rebacked retaining original lettering-piece. Much anecdotal material, assembled in the cause of reform of the penal system with the recently published Kimberley Commission Report in mind. Anon in Copac. 157 WALLHAUSEN, Johan Jacob von. Kriegskunst zu Fuss. [Printed in facsimile from the original edition printed by Hieronymo Gallero for Johann-Theod. de Bry in 1615.] Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, Graz, Austria, 1971. £55 Lg.8vo., pp.(4)(xvi)154; 143 illustrations in line, many double-page & folding; a fine copy of this well-produced facsimile in original leather-backed pictorial boards of Wallhausen's classic study of the art of infantry war.. 158 WAUGH, Evelyn. The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold. A Conversation Piece. Chapman & Hall, 1957. £40 FIRST EDITION, pp.viii,184; ownership signature on fly-leaf, but a very good copy in the dust-wrapper. 159 WEST KENT REGIMENT. CROOK, Capt. Ronald Lewis. Wartime Letters of a West Kent Man. The World War Two letters and related correspondence of Captain Ronald Lewis Crook, 6th Battalion, The Queens Own Royal West Kent Regiment, who was killed in action in Tunisia, 30th November 1942. Edited by Martin Lewis Crook. Privately Published [Distributed by Claude Cox Books, Ipswich] 2007. £12 FIRST EDITION, limited to 400 copies; sm.4to., pp.x,132; 20 half-tone illustrations, facsimiles & map; new in printed laminated card covers. A moving account, skilfully edited, with useful appendices. We are sole distributors of this book, trade terms available. 160 WHEATLEY, Dennis. Saturdays with Bricks (and other days under shell-fire) Hutchinson, 1961. £30 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.126 + author's note slip; frontispiece & 10 half-tone illustrations; a good copy of this eccentric combination of wartime memoir & brick-laying manual in rather worn dust-wrapper; author's autograph, cut from a letter to 'Dear Mr Hobson', laid in. 161 WHISTLER, Laurence. Armed October and other poems. With illustrations by Rex Whistler. Cobden-Sanderson, 1932. £25 FIRST EDITION, pp.(8)56; 13 vignette illustrations on tinted ground by Rex Whistler; some faint spotting but a good copy in original buckram-backed decorated boards (light mottled fading). 162 WOLFE, Humbert. Dialogues and Monologues. Victor Gollancz, 1928. £35 FIRST EDITION, no.215 of 250 deluxe copies on hand-made paper, signed by the author; pp.278; a very good unopened copy in original linen, paper label & faded dust-wrapper (with minor loss). Wolfe's first volume of literary criticism. 163 YEATS, W.B. The Shadowy Waters. Second Edition. Hodder and Stoughton, 1901. £55 4to., pp.57(3); original blue cloth, gilt, over bevelled boards, top edge gilt; slight rubbing to extremities but a nice copy; art nouveau pictorial ex libris of Helen Fisher with pasted in contemporary presentation note to her from 'Jas. Gallon'.

PART III - b. Travel & Topography

164 BELGIUM. DUMONT-WILDEN. La Belgique illustreé. Preface d'Emile Verhaeren... Librairie Larousse, n.d.[c1912.] £30 Lg.4to., pp.(4)iv,304; 28 maps (6 in colour), 13 plates (3 tipped-in colour) & 570 half-tone illustrations; original morocco-backed cloth decorated in blind; hinges rubbed but sound; splendid art nouveau title-page & prelims. in two colours. A poignant record of the Belgian empire at its height with detailed accompanying text. 165 BROWNE, Edward Granville. A Year Amongst the Persians. Impressions as to the life, character & thought of the people of Persia. Received during Twelve Months' Residence in that Country in the Years 1887-1888. With a Memoir by Sir E. Denison Ross. Cambridge, 1926. £65 Pp.xxi(2)650; frontispiece portrait & folding map at end; original red cloth, gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut; backstrip a little faded, otherwise well preserved; ex libris Hereward Brackenbury. First published in 1893, it is hoped that this 're-issue' with the addition of Ross' memoir, will enable Browne's account to 'take its rightful place among the great Classics of Travel'. 166 BUSTANI, Emile. March Arabesque. Illustrated and with maps. Robert Hale, 1961. £20 FIRST EDITION, pp.216; 20 illustrations & 2 maps; a good copy in frayed dust-wrapper, inscribed by the author 'To my friend Paul [Ensor] with my best... 17.8.61'. 167 BYRON, Robert. BUTLER, Lucy [Editor] Letters Home. John Murray, 1991 £35 FIRST EDITION, pp.(6)314; various illustrations in line; a very good copy in the dust-wrapper. 168 CAMBRIDGE. ROACH, J.P.C. [Editor] A History of the County of Cambridge... [Victoria County History.] Volume III. The City and University of Cambridge. Oxford University Press, 1959. £60 FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.xx,504; five maps & plans and various illustrations in line & half-tone; light spotting of first & final leaves but a good copy in original crimson cloth, gilt. 169 CANETTI, Elias. The Voices of Marrakesh. A record of a visit. Translated from the German by J.A. Underwood. Marion Boyars, 1978. £15 FIRST ENGLISH EDITION, pp.103; very good in dust-wrapper. 170 CARTOGRAPHY. TOOLEY, R.V. Landmarks of Mapmaking. An illustrated survey of maps and map-makers. Maps chosen & displayed by R.V. Tooley. Text written by Charles Bricker. Phaidon, Oxford, 1976. £25 Folio, pp.276; fourteen large folding facsimile maps in colour, many other illustrations; a very good copy in slightly rubbed dust-wrapper. 171 CLAYTON, P.B. & LEFTWICH, B.R. The Pageant of Tower Hill... Longmans, Green and Co., 1933. £15 FIRST EDITION, pp.xvi,328; coloured frontis. and plates & facsimiles throughout; front free

173 COUCHE, Edith. 'Neath Changing Skies in China. Illustrated by photographs. Zenna Missionary Society, [1931] £25 FIRST EDITION, pp.xii,49 + advert. leaf; 23 half-tone illustrations; a very good copy in original pictorial wrappers & glacine dust-wrapper. Much on social life & customs, women's roles, Buddhism & the Guomindang. 174 CROSSING, William. Gems in a Granite Setting: Beauties of the lone land of Dartmoor. Fourth Edition. Western Morning News, Plymouth, 1905. £28 4to., pp.220(4)adverts.; half-tone illustrations throughout; a nice copy in slightly soiled original white buckram blocked in gold; ex libris John Hadfield. 175 DOWNING, Antoinette F. SCULLY, Vincent. The Architectural Heritage of Newport Rhode Island 1640-1915. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1952. £25 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.xiv,241(3) + 230 pages of plates, folding plan at end; a very good copy in slightly worn dust-wrapper. 176 FORBES, S. Russell. Rambles in Rome. An archaeological and historical guide... sixth edition, revised & enlarged embracing all the recent excavations & discoveries. T. Nelson. Rome: S. Russell Forbes, 1892. £20 Pp.xxviii,370(2)advert.; green cloth, blocked in black & gold, upper cover slightly marked; c60 plans & illustrations, some full-page, and large map in pocket at end. 177 GIBBINGS, Robert. Iorana! Tahitian Journal. With wood-engravings by the Author. Duckworth, 1932. £85 FIRST EDITION, pp.142; forty wood-engravings of various sizes; a very good copy of this deluxe production in original cloth-backed decorated boards and pictorial dust-wrapper with design in green on ochre paper (lightly rubbed & soiled). This first UK edition of 1500 copies was published a few days after the Houghton Mifflin edition of 385 copies, signed by Gibbings. The dust-wrapper is decidedly uncommon and not mentioned by Kirkus (2b). The design is apparently that used for the endpapers of the US Limited Edition. 178 HAMILTON, Alexander. FOSTER, Sir William [Editor] A New Account of the East Indies. With numerous maps & illustrations. Now edited with Introduction and Notes... In Two Volumes. The Argonaut Press, 1930. [Facsimile reprint] N. Israel, Amsterdam, Da Capo Press, New York, 1970 £30 Two volumes bound in one; sm.4to., pp.(6)259; (4)225; 12 illustrations and 10 folding maps; a fine copy in original tan rexine. Still an important source for the period, Hamilton's account of his experiences in the East (1688-1723) was originally published in 1727. 179 HAMPSHIRE. ST. GEORGE, Sir Henry. The Visitation of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight 1686. Transcribed and Edited by G.D. Squibb. Harleian Society, 1991. £20 Pp.xvi,274(4); a fine copy in original maroon cloth. New Series vol.10. 180 HORSHAM. Picturesque Views of Horsham. Sold by S. Price, Stationer, Printer, Bookbinder, &c., 48 West Street, Horsham [c1890] £15 150 x 130mm., 20 full- & half-page views, retouched from photographs, presented concertina-style in original cloth-backed crimson boards, blocked in gold & blind; extremities rubbed but sound; 4pp. catalogue of views in various sizes tipped-in at end. 181 HUNTINGDONSHIRE. An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Huntingdonshire. Royal Commission on Historical Monuments, 1926. £25 FIRST EDITION, xliv.350; numerous half-tone illustrations on 166 plates, plans in line throughout & folding map at end; original printed grey cloth, short split at head of upper hinge, otherwise well preserved; ex libris Thomas H. Cocke. 182 JONES, M. The Story of Captain Cook's three voyages tound the World. Third Edition. Cassell Petter & Galpin, [1876] £35 Pp.viii,264 + 4pp. adverts.; 40 wood-engraved plates; a very good copy of this attractive production for children in original green pictorial cloth, gilt, all edges gilt; slight rubbing at extremities. First published in 1870. 183 KENNEDY, John. A History of the Parish of Leyton, Essex. With maps and other illustrations. Phelp Brothers, Leyton, 1894. £75 FIRST EDITION, pp.xvi,423; two maps & four other illustrations (one double-page); a very good uncut copy with large margins in original cloth-backed boards, paper label (chipped); extremities a little worn,inner hinges cracked, bu a sound copy of this standard account. 184 LANCASTER, Osbert. LAMBERT, Sam [Editor] London Night and Day. illus. by O. to where the other books don't take you. Architectural Press, 1955 £12 Fourth Edition, revised; landscape format; pp.104; illustrations in line throughout; a good copy of this ephemeral item in pictorial card covers, extremities a little rubbed but well preserved. First printed in 1951and reprinted for ten years. 185 LICHFIELD. PIPER, John [& others] The 750th Anniversary of Lichfield Cathedral. Souvenir Programme of Festival. 1195-1945. Lichfield Cathedral, 1945. £15 4to., pp.44; illustrations throughout iincluding colour plates of: pottery by Copeland, Minton, Wedgwood & Doulton; S. Chad's Gospels; & John Piper's 'The Ladies of the Vale, from the picture (of the cathedral) done for the Festival by John Piper'. 4pp. Order of Service for the Masonic Service on Sunday June 23rd, tipped-in at front; well preserved in slightly soiled original gold-printed card wrapper. 186 LUDLOW, John Malcolm. British India, its races, and its history, considered with reference to the mutinies of 1857: A series of lectures... [In two volumes] Macmillan and Co., Cambridge, 1858. £55 FIRST EDITION, 2vol., pp.xvi,319 + 24pp. publisher's catalogue; viii,390; original pink cloth, backs faded to tan, sides a little marked & rubbed, a few textual marks in prelims but a sound set of this uncommon work. 187 MANN, Ernest Simpson. The Kirn-Poke o' Farfar. Some interesting and not so interesting facts and photographs of Forfar... Forfar's Silver Jubilee Book. Printed by Oliver McPherson Ltd., Forfar [1977] £15 FIRST EDITION, landscape format, pp.(2)106; archival half-tone plates throughout; very good in blue buckram; ex libris Andrew Dudgeon of Inchgarth. 188 NEW YORK STATE. Agricultural Manual of New York State, arranged by counties. Compiled by Edith Van Wagner. New York Dept. of Farms & Markets, n.d.[1920s.] £35 FIRST EDITION, pp.857; 177 half-tone plates, maps, charts & text figures; a very good copy of this exhaustive study which includes information on history, industry, education & population growth; original green cloth. 189 OXFORD. An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the City of Oxford. Royal Commission on Historical Monuments, 1949. £25 4to., pp.xxxiv,244; 216 half-tone plates, folding plans throughout & map in pocket at end; original crimson cloth, slight rubbing at extremities but a well preserved copy; ex libris Thomas H. Cocke. 190 PIGOT'S Directory of Hertfordshire. [Extracted from Pigot's Directory of 1839.] £30 Pp.(171-)222; newly rebound in buckram-backed boards, morocco label. 191 ROSS, Sir E. Denison. [Editor] Sir Anthony Sherley and his Persian Adventure. Including some Contemporary Narratives relating thereto. The Broadway Travellers. Routledge, 1933. £35 Pp.xxxviii,293 + 8pp. publisher's list of the Broadway Travellers series; frontis. portrait from the engraving of 1601, seven other plates & two maps; a good copy in original buckram, backstrip uniformly faded, 192 SALMOND, James B. [Editor] Recording Scotland. Oliver & Boyd for the Pilgrim Trust, 1952. £12 FIRST EDITION, sm.4to., pp.x,168; 80 plates (30 in colour) by 40 artists including Robert Robertson, Robert Eadie, James Miller, G.P.H. Watson, Sir John Stirling Maxwell, Anna Dixon, Stewart Carmichael & Stewart Orr. A very good copy in frayed (& repaired) dust-wrapper, of this handsome accompanying volume to the 4vol. Recording Britain [England] series. 193 SHARP, Thomas. FRETTON, William George. [Editor] Illustrative papers of the History and Antiquities of the City of Coventry: from Original, and mostly unpublished Documents. Carefully re-printed from an original copy. With corrections, additions and a brief Memoir of the Author. Printed for the Subscribers [by Hall & English, Birmingham,] 1871. £120 4to., pp.xvi,239; frontispiece portrait, 5 plans + vignette; a good uncut copy in original cloth; rebacked with morocco label, corners repaired. Based on the original edition of 1818 of which only 'about twelve copies were printed for private distribution'. Only 130 copies of this edition were subscribed so it seems unlikely to have exceeded 250. 194 SINCLAIR, Margaret. Salt and Light. The Letters of Mamie and Jack Martin from Malawi (1921-1928). Kachere Text No.12. CLAIM, Blantyre, Malawi, 2003. £15 FIRST EDITION, pp.358(2); various illustrations in half-tone; very good in pictorial laminated card covers. 195 STARK, Freya. Beyond Euphrates [with] The Coast of Incense [with] Dust In The Lion's Paw. [Autobiography in 3 volumes, 1928-1946] John Murray, 1951, 1953, 1962. £35 FIRST EDITION of vols.1 & 2; pp.xiii,342; pp.xiv,288; pp.xii,298; title vignettes by Reynolds Stone, plates & sketch-maps in each volume; very good copies, vols 2 & 3 in dust-wrappers. 196 STARK, Freya. Ionia A Quest. John Murray, 1954. £15 FIRST EDITION, pp.xxiv,263; title vignette by Reynolds Stone; sketch map & photographs by the author throughout; a good copy in original cloth, backstrip faded at head & tail, dust-wrapper worn & repaired along top & bottom. 197 STARK, Freya. The Lycian Shore. John Murray, 1956. £20 FIRST EDITION, pp.xii,204; title vignette by Reynolds Stone; line drawings & photographs by the author throughout; a good copy in original cloth, backstrip a little faded, dust-wrapper a little rubbed & frayed. 198 STARK, Freya. The Minaret of Djam. An Excursion in Afghanistan. John Murray, 1974 £18 Pp.(12)99; sketch-maps and illustrations in line & half-tone throughout; very good in dust-wrapper. 199 STARK, Freya. Riding to the Tigris. Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York, 1959. £12 FIRST US EDITION, pp.xii,114; title vignette by Reynolds Stone, photographs throughout, folding map at end; very good in slightly frayed dust-wrapper. 200 STARK, Freya. Rome on the Euphrates. John Murray. 1966. £15 FIRST EDITION, pp.xii,482; 54 illustrations, 2 maps (one double-page, one folding); a very good copy in the dust-wrapper. 201 STARR, L.A. DUNSTERVILLE, L.C. [Foreword] Frontier Folk of the Afghan Border - and Beyond. Church Missionary Society, [1920] £25 FIRST EDITION, oblong format; pp.96; colour frontispiece and half-tone illustrations throughout from photographs by Capt. L.B. Cane; original pictorial boards, lightly rubbed & soiled but sound. Kipling's 'Stalky' is thanked for his support & foreword. 202 THOMPSON, A. Hamilton. The Cathedral Churches of England. With illustrations. SPCK, 1925. £12 FIRST EDITION, pp.xvi,235; 31 illustrations; some light spotting, otherwise a very good copy in original cloth. 203 WELLS, James. The Charm of Oxford. [Illustrated from pencil sketches by W.G. Blackall.] Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., 1920. £35 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.x,154; pictorial endpapers & 26 tipped-in plates on tinted mounts with captioned guards; a good copy in lightly rubbed original pictorial cloth. 204 WHARTON, Edith. PARRISH, Maxfield [Illustrator] Italian Villas and their gardens. Illustrated with pictures by Maxfield Parrish. The Century Co., New York, 1905 [1904] £180 FIRST EDITION, lg.8vo., pp.xii,270; 26 illustrations by Parrish (15 in colour) and 24 half-tone plates from photographs, all with captioned tissue guards; a very good copy in original pictorial gilt-blocked green cloth, top edge gilt, others uncut; extremities slightly rubbed. 205 WINCHESTER: its history, buildings and people. Second and revised edition. By the W[inchester] C[ollege] A[rchaeological] S[ociety]. Wells, Winchester, 1921. £18 Pp.(14)224; 10 line illustrations & maps (1 folding); a good uncut copy in original canvas-backed printed boards. Contributors include M.E. Antrobus & A.G. Macdonnell. PART III - c. Art & Illustrated including Children's Books

206 AHLBERG, Janet And Allan. Starting School. Viking Kestrel, 1988 £12 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.(32); vignette & full-page illustrations throughout; a very good copy of this charming book in original pictorial boards & dust-wrapper (edges bruised). 207 ARDIZZONE, Edward. Nicholas and the Fast Moving Diesel. Oxford, 1959. £35 First Edition thus, 4to., pp.(48), 46 illustrations, 21 with water-colour; a very good copy in original pictorial boards, dust-wrapper price-clipped and rubbed with two short tears and small loss at foot of backstrip fold. First published in folio, 1948, this edition follows the original subjects but all were redrawn and several new compositions added. Alderson 23.1. 208 ARTMONSKY, Ruth. P&O: Across the Oceans, Across the Years. Antique Collectors' Club, 2012. £35 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.264; 200 illustrations in colour; new in dust-wrapper. A nostalgic glance astern at the glory days of Peninsular & Oriental (P&O) both at sea and on shore. Drawing on personal recollections in the archives of P&O Heritage, Ruth Artmonsky looks back at the company during the age of empire and a bygone time when travelling P&O captured the imagination of writers from Thackeray to Noël Coward. 209 BAKER, Martin. Artists of Radio Times. A Golden Age of British Illustration. Ashmolean, Oxford, 2002 £15 FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.96; illustrations in colour & line throughout; very good in pictorial card covers, light crease in lower cover. 210 BAYROS, Franz von. von BRUNN, Ludwig [Editor] The Amorous Drawings of the Marquis von Bayros. [Two parts in one volume. With a preface by Wilhelm M. Busch.] The Cythera Press, New York, 1968. £35 Lg.4to., pp.238(2); illustrations in line throughout; a good copy in original black decorated cloth. 211 BEAUMONT, Cyril W. Ballet Design Past & Present. The Studio Ltd., 1946. £40 FIRST EDITION, lg.4to., pp.xxxii,216; several hundred illustrations including over 50 in colour; a very good copy in slightly frayed & marked dust-wrapper. 212 BLAKE, William. RUSSELL, Archibald G.B. The Engravings of William Blake. Grant Richards, 1912. £30 FIRST EDITION, limited to 500 copies, 4to., pp.229; 32 half-tone plates; intermittent light spotting but generally well preserved in original buckram, top edge gilt, others uncut; fly-leaf inscription, a little rubbed & worn at extremities but sound. 'Russell's pioneer work, now largely superseded by Keynes's 'Separate Plates'..., is yet valuable for its independent conclusions.' Bentley 603. 213 BLOOMFIELD, Diana. The Engraver's Cut. Twenty-six wood engravings chosen by the artist with an autobiographical note and bibliography. Primrose Hill Press, 1998. £12 Pp.(6)41; engravings printed on rectos only; very good in pictorial laminted card. Based on the Primrose Academy edition of 135 copies printed from the original blocks by the Rampant Lions Press in 1995. 214 BLOXAM, Matthew Holbeche. The principles of Gothic ecclesiatical architecture, elucidated by question and answer. Fourth edition. Parker, Oxford, [1841]. £25 12mo., pp.(8)254; wood-engraved vignettes throughout; contemporary half calf, newly re-backed retaining old label. First published in 1829 and much reprinted & enlarged with a 3vol. 11th ed. in 1882. This edition not in BM Cat. 215 BLUNT, Anthony. Philibert de l'Orme. Studies in Architecture vol.1. A. Zwemmer Ltd., 1958 £45 FIRST EDITION; sm.4to., pp.xiv,162; 67pp. of half-tone plates & 37 figures in text; a very good copy in original cloth; ex libris Martin & Jean Corke. 216 BOND, Francis. Gothic Architecture in England. An analysis of the origin & development of English Church Architecture from the Norman Conquest to the Dissolution of the Monasteries. B.T. Batsford, 1906. £30 FIRST EDITION, pp.xxii,782(24) publisher's catalogue; 1254 illustrations in half-tone & line and 469 plans, sections, diagrams, and mouldings; original buckram, lettered in gold, top edge gilt, others uncut; endpapers sometime renewed; extremities a little rubbed but a sound copy of this massive study. 217 BONNARD, Pierre. TERRASSE, Antoine. Pierre Bonnard Illustrator. A Catalogue Raisonné. Translated by Jean-Marie Clarke. Harry N. Abrams, New York, 1989. £45 First Edition in English, lg.4to., pp.319 + colophon; 328 illustrations, 38 colour plates; very good in dust-wrapper. 218 BOUTELL, Charles. The Monumental Brasses of England. A series of engravings upon wood... by Mr R.B. Utting ... with brief descriptive notices. George Bell, 1849. £135 FIRST EDITION, LARGE PAPER COPY, folio (450 x 290mm), pp.xii,53(12)indexes; frontispiece & 146 full-page wood engravings 'from every variety of these interesting and valuable memorials'; some light spotting, largely confined to margins, pencilled numeration of plates, otherwise well preserved in contemporary half morocco, lettered in gold; neatly repaired at head of backstrip & coners. 219 BRASSAI. SAYAG, Alain & LIONEL-MARIE, Annick [Editors] Brassai. 'No Ordinary Eyes'. With contributions by Jean-Jacques Aillagon, Brassai, Gilberte Brassai, Roger Grenier, Henry Miller, Jacques Prévert, Werner Spies. Hayward Gallery, 2001. £25 Lg.4to., pp.319; 308 illustrations, 14 in colour; a fine copy in original pictorial card cover. 220 BUCKLAND WRIGHT, John [Illustrator] GRESHOFF, J. Gedichten 1907 - 1934. [With wood-engraved frontispiece by John Buckland Wright, foreword by J.C. Bloem, bibliography with introduction by G.H. 's-Gravesande, typography by A.A.M. Stols.] Folemprise, 'S-Gravenhage, 1934. £35 FIRST EDITION, limited to 600 copies (+ 40 specials); pp.xxiv,267(7) + colophon; a good untrimmed copy in original buckram over bevelled boards, gilt, backstrip a little faded. A fine example of Buckland Wright's early white-line wood-engraving. 221 BUCKLEY, Chris. Tibetan Furniture. Identifying Appreciating Collecting Thames & Hudson, 2005. £35 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.xii,227; over 200 illustrations in colour; new in dust-wrapper.200 illustrations. The first comprehensive account with excellent illustrations of many beautiful pieces, mostly 17th - 19thC. Buckley describes the main types of Tibetan furniture, their origin, use and principal designs. 222 CAMBRIDGE. An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the City of Cambridge. [In two volumes + Map & Plans] Royal Commission on Historical Monuments England, 1959. £45 FIRST EDITION, 2vols., 4to.; pp.cxxx,136; xviii(137-)480; 310 half-tone plates, numerous folding plans; large folding map & plans of King's, St. John's & Trinity Colleges in separate cloth box; a very good set in original cloth & dust-wrappers of this magnificent survey. 223 CARROLL, Lewis. The Complete Illustrated Lewis Carroll. With an introduction by Alexander Woollcott. Illustrations by John Tenniel. Wordsworth Editions, 1991. £15 First Edition of this collection; folio, pp.xvi,1165; illustrations in line; a good copy in dust-wrapper. Includes ten pieces here first collected. 224 CESCINSKY, Herbert & GRIBBLE, Ernest R. Early English Furniture & Woodwork. Waverley Book Company, 1922. £120 2 vols., folio, pp.xvi,382; viii,387; 2 colour & 928 full-page half-tone plates; a very good set in original tan buckram-backed cloth, morocco labels, top edges gilt. 225 CHAPBOOK. TOM STEADY. A pretty history for good children. American Tract Society, New York, [c.1840]. £25 32mo., (93 x 66mm.), pp.16; each with wood-engraved vignette; light stain & spotting but well preserved. From the Haley & Arnold Collection. 226 CHILDREN'S BOOK. Ruth and her friends. A story for girls. Copyright Edition. bound with: BROWN, John. Horae Subsecivae. Rab and his Friends, and other papers. Bernhard Tauchnitz, Leipzig, 1860, 1862. £15 16mo., pp.300; wood-engraved frontispiece; (8)340(2); good copies in contemporary half calf, morocco label, a little rubbed but sound. 'Ruth...' first appeared in 1857 and is anonymous in NSTC.

227 CLARK, Kenneth & BALNIEL, Lord. [Editors.] A commemorative catalogue of the Exhibition of Italian Art held in the... Royal Academy, Burlington House, 1930. [In two volumes.] Oxford University Press, 1931. £55 FIRST EDITION, 2vols., folio; pp.xxviii,350; xiv; colour frontispiece & 252 collotype plates; a good uncut set of this deluxe production in original green buckram & lightly worn dust-wrappers; ex libris George Vernon. Introduction by Roger Fry; includes sections on: Paintings, Drawings, Manuscripts & Bookbindings, Sculpture, Maiolica, Glass, Metalwork, Textiles & Cassoni. 228 CLIFT, Bessie H. [Editor] Nursery Rhyme Plays. A selection of 24 nursery rhymes to be sung and acted in character... Arranged to traditional airs, with easy accompaniments, by W.H. Clift. Second Edition. E.J. Arnold, Leeds, [c1915] £20 Sm.4to., pp.58 + 6pp. illustrated catalogue; a few pencil marks but well preserved in original pictorial green cloth. 24 rhymes with words, music & instructions. 229 COX, J. Charles. English Church Fittings Furniture and Accessories. With an introduction by Aymer Vallance. B.T. Batsford, 1922. £25 FIRST EDITION, sm.4to., pp.xii,320; 275 illustrations in half-tone & line; very good in original blue cloth, gilt, & slightly frayed dust-wrapper (price torn away). 230 CRUIKSHANK, George. Illustrations of Time. W. Kent & Co., Late David Bogue [c1860] £55 Landscape folio, 275 x 375mm, pictorial title & 35 illustrations on six etched plates printed on heavy paper; stabbed as issued, backstrip reinforced, preserved in cloth-backed card folder. First & final leaves browned, edges somewhat bruised & frayed, thumbnail hole at foot of final plate affects imprint but well clear of etchings. 231 DAVIES, Randall. Victorian Water-Colours at Windsor Castle. Country Life, 1937. £30 FIRST EDITION, no.23 of 750 copies; 4to., pp.viii,52; 30plates; a good copy in lightly rubbed original maroon cloth. 232 DAY, Harold A.E. Life and Work of Joseph Stannard 1797 - 1830. Eastbourne Fine Art, 1965 £35 FIRST EDITION, limited to 200 copies, sm.4to., pp.56; 9 half-tone plates; several margins & corners creased with several short tears but no loss, clear of text; otherwise a well preserved copy in original cloth of this scarce monograph on the Norwich School painter. Inscribed in 1967 by the author to the Ipswich Gallery owner Jack Haste. 233 ENGSTROM, Albert. Anders Zorn. Albert Bonniers Forlag, Stockholm, 1928. £35 FIRST EDITION, lg.4to., pp.(4)220 + colophon; 28 colour plates and numerous other illustrations in line & monochrome; a very good copy in contemporary half tan Niger morocco, morocco label, blind-decorated with 8 raised bands, top edge gilt, others uncut; original card cover bound in. 234 FESTIVAL OF BRITAIN. BIRD, Kenneth [pseud. Fougasse] Editor. The Festival of Punch. 1851-1951. Punch Office, Bouverie Street, April 30 1951. £15 4to., pp.lxxxiii,114; illustrations in line & colour throughout; very good in original colour-printed wrappers. A wonderful period piece as much for the 80pp. adverts.; also incorporates a history of Punch with many facsimile pages. 235 FISHER, Stanley W. English Blue and White Porcelain of the 18th Century... With a foreword by Bernard Rackham. B.T. Batsford, 1947. £38 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.xvi,190; 45 plates (4 in colour) & various facsimile marks & border patterns; a good copy in original cloth & frayed dust-wrapper. 236 FRASER, Eric. BACKEMEYER, Sylvia. Eric Fraser designer & illustrator. With an essay by Wendy Coates-Smith. Lund Humphries, 1998. £35 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.151; 47 colour plates & 169 black & white illustrations; a very good copy in dust-wrapper of this excellent study with check-lists of Fraser's book jackets & book illustrations. 237 FRY GALLERY. WEAVER, Nigel [Editor] Artists at the Fry. Art and Design in The North West Essex Collection. With essays by Olive Cook and Andrew Lambirth. The Fry Art Gallery, Saffron Walden, 2012. £10 Sm.4to., pp.64; illustrations in colour throughout after Bawden, Eric & Tirzah Ravilious, Minton, Ayrton, Aldridge, & many others; new in pictorial card covers. Essays by Olive Cook, Andrew Lambirth & the editor, with extensive notes on the artists by Olive Cook, augmented by Martin Salisbury. Substantially revised from the original edition of 2003. 238 GARDINER, Sons & Co. Ltd. Catalogue No.175. Gardiner, Sons & Co. Ltd., Bristol, March, 1936. £75 Pp.xl,1088; illustrations in line & half-tone throughout including several colour plates; a good copy in original red cloth, a little marked, backstrip faded but sound. A marvellous period record of architectural domestic & industrial fittings and equipment from tiled fire-places to stained glass; bathroom fittings, rainwater goods, cast-iron stoves, war memorials, &c., &c. 239 GARDNER, Arthur. Alabaster Tombs of the Pre-Reformation Period in England. Cambridge University Press, 1940 £45 FIRST EDITION, pp.xix,218; 305 half-tone photographic illustrations; a good copy in worn dust-wrapper of this uncommon study which includes a 16pp. table of effigies by county. 240 GIBBINGS, Robert. KINGLAKE, Alexander. Engraved by Robert Gibbings. A Portrait of Lady Hester [Stanhope] from Alexander William Kinglake's Eothen. Libanus Press, 1987. £45 250 numbered copies (+ 50 specials), pp.32; ten vignette wood-engravings by Robert Gibbings (seven printed from the blocks) originally commissioned by Michael Clapham for a Kynoch Press Specimen book; a handsome production on Rives rag paper; very good in linen-backed decorated boards. 241 GOODDEN, Susanna. At the Sign of the Fourposter. A History of Heal's. Foreword by Sir Hugh Casson. Heal & Son Ltd., 1984. £45 FIRST EDITION, sm.4to., pp.(6)138; illustrations throughout, a few in colour; a very good copy of this beautiful production in pictorial laminated card covers. 242 GREEN, Oliver. Underground Art. London Transport Posters 1908 to the Present. Studio Vista, 1991. £15 Lg. 4to., pp.144; 214 illustrations, 203 in colour; very good in pictorial laminated card covers. 243 HEAL, Sir Ambrose. London Furniture Makers from the Restoration to the Victorian era 1660-1840. A record of 2500 cabinet-makers, upholsterers, carvers and gilders... with a chapter by R.W. Symonds on the problem of identification... B.T. Batsford, 1953. £35 FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.xx,276(2); illustrations & facsimiles throughout; a very good copy of this handsome production in original buckram-backed marbled cloth & dust-wrapper. 244 HOROLOGY. BAILLIE, G.H. Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World. N.A.G. Press, 1947. £15 Second Edition, enlarged, pp.xxvi,388(16)adverts.; a good copy in frayed dust-wrapper. This edition adds 10,000 names to the 25,000 in the first edition of 1929. 245 HUGHES, Stephen [& Others] Collieries of Wales. Engineering & Architecture. Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales, 1994 £15 FIRST EDITION, sm.4to., pp.176; illustrations in line & half-tone throughout; fine in pictorial laminated card covers. 246 JACKSON, Charles James. An Illustrated History of English Plate ecclesiastical and secular in which the development of form and decoration in The Silver and Gold Work of the British Isles... is delineated and described... [In two volumes] B.T. Batsford, 1911. £110 FIRST EDITION, 2vol., folio, pp.xxxviii(2)466; (4)(467-)1085; coloured frontispiece, 76 photogravure plates and 1500 other illustrations; a very good set of this magisterial account in original half green morocco, gilt, top edges gilt. Quaritch invoice from Nov.1976 ($170) laid in. 247 JOKELSON, Paul. Sulphides. The Art of Cameo Incrustation. Galahad Books, New York, 1968. £15 FIRST EDITION, sm.4to., pp.159; 31 colour & 108 half-tone illustrations; a good copy in dust-wrapper of this study of the art of cameo manufacture. 248 JONES, David. BLISSET, William & HORNE, Alan. David Jones Artist & Writer 1895-1974. A Centennial Exhibition. Thomas Fisher Library, Toronto, 1995. £15 FIRST EDITION, sm.4to., pp.56; full-page & vignette illustrtaions throughout, 8 in colour; very good in pictorial card wrappers. 249 JONES, David. GRAY, Nicolete. David Jones. Inscriptions. [Catalogue of a exhibition.] Anthony d'Offay, 1980. £12 Pp.(20); 8pp. of half-tone reproductions; well preserved in original printed card wrappers. 29 inscriptions, catalogued in details with introductory essay by Gray. 250 JONES, David. HILLS, Paul. David Jones. Tate Gallery, 1981. £25 FIRST EDITION, sm.4to., pp.144; 17 colour & numerous illustrations in line & monochrome; corner bumped, otherwise a very good copy of this excellent catalogue in pictorial dust-wrapper. With an essay by Nicolette Gray on Jones' inscriptions. Three Wolseley Fine Arts catalogues & other Jones ephemera laid in. 251 JONES, David. HOARE, Lottie. David Jones: A Centenary Exhibition. Catalogue of paintings, drawings, carvings, inscriptions, engravings & illustrated books with an introduction by Lottie Hoare. Wolseley Fine Arts, 1995. £12 FIRST EDITION, pp.40; illustrations throughout, six in colour; very good in pictorial card wrappers. 123 items with detailed catalogue notes. 252 JONES, David. JAMES, Merlin. David Jones 1895-1974. A Map of the Artist's Mind. With contributions by Arthur Giardelli, Nest Cleverdon and Kathleen Raine. Lund Humphries, 1995. £20 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.72; eight colour plates & 32 illustrations in half-tone, many full-page; fine in pictorial laminated card. 253 JOURDAIN, Margaret. Regency Furniture 1795-1820. Country Life Ltd., 1949. £20 Third edition, revised & enlarged; 4to., pp.xvi,188; frontispiece & 235 half-tone illustrations; a very good copy in original cloth & frayed dust-wrapper (repaired). 254 KELLY, Felix. READ, Herbert. Paintings by Felix Kelly. Introduction by Herbert Read. Falcon Press, 1946. £12 FIRST EDITION, sm.4to., pp.10 + 41 plates (6 in colour); a good copy in rather browned dust-wrapper; two Arthur Jeffress Gallery Kelly exhibition catalogues laid in. 255 KELSALL, Moultrie R. HARRIS, Stuart. A Future for the Past. Oliver an Boyd, Edinburgh, 1961 £12 FIRST EDITION, pp.xii,151; 16 plates & 40 illustrations & plans in line; very good in dust-wrapper. Pioneering advocacy of conservation over demolition of even the 'humblest sort of old buildings' which could 'be made into the most comfortable of homes, suited in every way to our modern pattern of living, while yet preserving their character and individuality'; with interesting case studies. 256 KING, William. English Porcelain Figures of the Eighteenth Century. Medici, 1925. £28 FIRST EDITION, sm.4to., pp.xii,16; 8 colour & 72 half-tone plates; good in original blue cloth. 257 LATHAM, Charles. TIPPING, H. Avray. In English Homes. The internal character, furniture & adornment of some of the most notable houses of England. Historically depicted from photographs specially taken by Charles Latham. The Letterpress edited and an introductopn written by H. Avray Tipping. [In three volumes] Country Life, 1907/09 £220 FIRST EDITION of vols. II & III (vol.I 2nd. Ed.); 3vols., folio, pp.xxxii,421; xl,436(6) adverts.; xl,443; illustrations in half-tone throughout; a good set of this massive compilation in original blue cloth, gilt, all edges gilt; extremities rubbed and two vols. with extensive speckled fading to covers, but sound; ex libris Casimir I. Stralem. Hard to find complete: vol. I was twice reprinted, but vol. III is distinctly uncommon, sales presumably having declined. 258 LEIGHTON, Claire. Country Matters. Written and engraved by Clare Leighton. Victor Gollancz, 1937. £60 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.160; illustrated with wood-engravings throughout; a very good copy in frayed (& repaired) pictorial dust-wrapper.

BOOKPLATE OF GRACE LOVAT FRASER 259 LOVAT FRASER, Claud. NODIER, Charles. The Woodcutter's Dog. Translated from the French. Illustrated by Claud Lovat Fraser. Daniel O'Connor, 1921. £35 FIRST EDITION, pp.18; frontispiece & 12 other illustrations in line & colour; a good copy in original boards, paper label; differentially faded; with charming Lovat Fraser bookplate of the artist's wife Grace. 260 MACQUOID, Percy. A History of English Furniture. With Plates in Colour after Shirley Slocombe, and numerous Illustrations selected & arranged by the Author. The Age of Oak [Walnut... Mahogany... Satinwood. In four volumes.] Lawrence & Bullen, 1938. £220 FIRST EDITION, 4vols. folio, c.250pp. in each vol; over 1000 text illustrations & colour plates; a good set of this excellent account in original buckram, lettered in gold; backstrips slightly faded but a nice set, gilt-lettered 'Medici Society' at foot of backstrips. 261 MACQUOID, Percy. EDWARDS, Ralph. The Dictionary of English Furniture from the Middle Ages to the Late Georgian Period. With a general introduction by H. Avray Tipping. [In three volumes] Country Life, 1924-27. £220 FIRST EDITION, 3vols. folio, pp.xl,262; xii,360; (10)340; 51 colour plates and illustrations in half-tone throughout; a very good set of this justly celebrated work in original green cloth, gilt; ex libris Claud Nigel Hamilton. 262 MANKOWITZ, Wolf. Wedgwood. E.P. Dutton, New York, 1953. £40 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.284; 8 colour plates & 116 items illustrated in monochrome; a very good copy in original blue buckram & frayed pictorial dust-wrapper. 263 MARTIN, Douglas. The Telling Line. Essays on fifteen contemporary book illustrators. Julia MacRae Books, 1989. £25 FIRST EDITION, sm.4to., pp.320; 183 illustrations, many in colour; very good in dust-wrapper. Artists include: Faith Jacques, Brian Wildsmith, Shirley Hughes, John Lawrence, Raymond Briggs, Quentin Blake; with a complete checklist of the work of each. A fine production. Published at £35. 264 MAYNE, William. A Grass Rope. Illustrated by Lynton Lamb. Oxford University Press, 1957. £25 FIRST EDITION, pp.(8)167; illustrations in line throughout; a good copy in slightly faded original cloth & pictorial dust-wrapper (worn at edges, lacks two-inch section at head of backstrip fold).

265 MELVILLE, Herman. STONE, Reynolds. Omoo. With a new introduction by Van Wyck Brooks. Wood Engravings by Reynolds Stone. Printed at Oxford for the Members of The Limited Editions Club, 1961. £45 Limited to 1500 copies, signed by Stone; pp,273 + colophon; title lettering & vignette, eleven large and 26 vignette wood engravings by Stone; designed by John Dreyfus & printed on specially-made paper by Vivian Ridler at the University Press; a handsome edition in original, specially-designed wave-marbled linen, leather label, buckram slip-case (a little soiled). 266 MICHAUD, Joseph Francois. DORE, Gustave [Illustrator] History of the Crusades. Illustrated with one hundred grand compositions by Gustave Doré. [Translated from the French by William Robson. In two volumes] George Barrie, Philadelphia, [c1880] £220 2vol., folio; pp.viii,364; 362; engraved portrait frontispieces & 100 plates with red-printed captioned guards; a good set of this relatively uncommon edition; original half morocco, decorated in gold, all edges gilt; sometime rebacked retaining original backstrips; extremities rubbed but a reasonable set of a very heavy book. 267 MULLINS, Edwin.. Alfred Wallis Cornish Primitive Painter. Macdonald & Co.Ltd. 1967 £40 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.111; illustrations in colour and half-tone throughout, a very good copy in slightly frayed dust wrapper. 268 NECTOUX, Jean-Michel [Editor] NEAGU, Philippe [& others] Afternoon of a Faun. Mallarmé, Debussy, Nijinsky. The Vendome Press, New York, Paris. 1989. £30 First English Edition, folio, pp.141(3); illustrations in sepia, half-tone & colour throughout; very good in dust-wrapper. Includes Baron De Meyer's wonderful album of thirty phototypes, Bakst's designs, Nijinky's choreography, Debussy's score, and various works of art inspired by the ballet. 269 OTTEN, Rupert. Portrait of the Artist. Self Portraits and Portraits of Artists in Print. Catalogue of a Touring Exhibition. Wolseley Fine Arts, 1999. £15 FIRST EDITION, A4; pp.80; illustrations throughout; very good in pictorial card covers, revised price list (Sept. '99) laid in. 74 later 19th & 20thC images from Bellaart to Zorn, via Brangwyn, Derain, Epstein, Gill, Hermes, John, David Jones, Lewis, Power, Raverat, etc. 270 PHIPPS, Howard. Twenty Five Wood Engravings. Cassian de Vere Cole Fine Art, 1996. £15 FIRST EDITION, pp.(4)28; title vignette, tail-piece & 25 full- or half-page engravings; short biography, note on wood engraing and catalogue of the engravings; very good in printed card wrapper; price list laid in. 271 PICASSO, Pablo. Picasso Linocuts. [Catalogue of an Exhibition] 28 June - 4 August 1990. Marlborough Graphics Ltd., 1990 £20 FIRST EDITION, landscape folio, pp.32; 29 plates, the majority full-page & in colour; very good in pictorial card wrappers.

272 PICASSO, Pablo. GONGORA Y ARGOTE, Luis de. Gongora. Introduction by John Russell. Poetry by Luis de Gongora y Argote. Translated by Alan S. Trueblood. George Braziller, New York, 1985. £40 Folio, 385 x 285mm, pp.(176); twenty full-page portraits with accompanying manuscript text and printed translation of twenty sonnets by the sixteenth century Spanish poet, Luis de Gongora y Argote. The first full-size facsimile of the original limited edition livre d'artiste of 1948 with new introduction & translation here first printed. 273 PIPER, John. Decrepit Glory: a Tour of Hafod. [Illustrated article in] The Architectural Review. A Magazine of Architecture and Decoration. Vol. LXXXVII, No.523. The Architectural Press, June 1940. £35 Lg.4to., pp.xxxiii(2), (196-)226; illustrations in line & half-tone throughout; well preserved in original printed wrappers. Also includes: Library Interiors; Some Recent Italian Buildings; Calverton Colliery, Notts. 274 POSTERS. HEWITT, John [Editor] The Shell Poster Book. [Posters from the Shell Art Collection, National Motor Museum, Beaulieu.] Profile Books, 1998. £20 Landscape folio, pp.(8) 108 full-page colour posters + 12pp. biographical index of artists; very good in pictorial laminated card covers. Some wonderful images by Ardizzone, Vaness Bell, Freedman, Duncan Grant, McKnight Kauffer, Cedric Morris, Ben Nicholson, Paul Nash, Piper, Rex Whistler, &c. 275 RACKHAM, Arthur. WAGNER, Richard. The Rhinegold & The Valkyrie. With illustrations by Arthur Rackham. Translated by Margaret Armour. William Heinemann, 1920. £85 4to., pp.x,160; 34 tipped-in colour plates on tinted mounts with captioned tissue guards, title vignette & various text illustrations in line; a very good copy in slightly marked original decorated grey cloth, gilt, a little rubbed at head & tail of backstrip. 276 ROSENGARTEN, A. A Handbook of Architectural Styles. Translated from the German by W. Collett-Sandars. A new edition. Chatto and Windus, 1888. £20 Pp.xxii,509 + 32pp. publishers' catalogue; 639 full-page & vignette wood-engravings; a good copy in slightly rubbed & marked original decorated cloth, uncut & partly unopened. 277 ROTHENSTEIN, William. Twelve Portraits. Faber, 1929. £20 FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.(8); 12 plates in black or sepia with captioned tissue guards; very good in heavily foxed & frayed dust-wrapper. Includes: Einstein, Eliot, Shaw & Beerbohm. 278 ROUALT, Georges. Miserere. Foreword by Anthony Blunt. Trianon Press, 1950 £35 First Edition thus, pp.(4)xiv, frontispiece & 59 plates (one in four states); a good copy in original cloth and slightly rubbed & frayed pictorial dust-wrapper. The engravings were first published in 1948, in an edition of 450 copies. 'This edition, produced under the direction of the artist himself... [adds an] English translation of Roualt's preface... and an introduction by Professor Anthony Blunt.'

279 RUTHERSTON, Max. Albert Rutherston 1881 - 1953. An appreciation written on the occasion of an exhibition of the artist's work. [The Author] 1988. £25 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.viii,24(2) + 18pp. of plates, most full-page & in colour; fine in decorated card wrappers. With a note & short bibliography of Rutherston as book illustrator by Ian Rogerson. 280 SHAPLAND, H.P. The Practical Decoration of Furniture. [In three volumes] Ernest Benn, 1926/27. £35 FIRST EDITION, 4to., 3vols in 1; pp.xvi,44 + 48 plates; xviii,40 + 48 plates; xiv,18 + 48 plates; a good copy in slightly rubbed original cloth. Includes: Veneering, inlay & marquetry, gilding & painting; Moulding, pierced work, turned work, twisting & carving; Applied metalwork, leather & textile covering, &c. 281 SHAW, Bernard. FARLEIGH, John [Illustrator] The Adventures of the Black Girl in her Search for God. Constable, 1932. £25 FIRST EDITION, pp.75 + colophon; full-page & vignette wood-engravings throughout; a very good copy of this tour-de-force in original pictorial boards & most of the glacine wrapper; ex libris J.R. Abbey. 282 SIMONSON, Lee. The Art of Scenic Design. A pictorial analysis of stage setting and its relation to theatrical production. Harper & Brothers, New York, 1950. £30 FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.(14)174; colour frontispiece & c.250 illustrations in line & half-tone; a very good copy in original cloth & frayed dust-wrapper (sketches on lower wrapper); label of George G. Harrap, the English distributors, on title. 283 SOLON, M.L. A Brief History of Old English porcelain and its manufacturies... Bemrose & Son, 1903. £25 FIRST EDITION, no.1020 of 1250 copies; pp.xvi,256 + advert. leaf; 20 colour plates & 74 in black & white; original two-tone cloth, rubbed & soiled but sound, top edge gilt, others uncut.

284 SPARROW, Walter Shaw. British Sporting Artists from Barlow to Herring. Spring Books, 1965. £15 4to., pp.xii(2)249; 86 plates, several in colour; a good copy of this standard work in repaired dust-wrapper. 285 STOLL, Robert. Architecture and Sculpture in Early Britain. Celtic Saxon Norman. with photographs by Jean Roubier. Thames and Hudson, 1967. £20 First English Edition, folio, pp.356; 260 photogravure plates; very good in dust-wrapper. 286 STRACHAN, W.J. HEWETT, Christopher [Editor] The Living Curve. Letters to W.J. Strachan 1929-1979. Taranman / Carcanet, 1984. £15 FIRST EDITION, pp.xxiv,230; two colour & ten half-tone plates, several drawings in text; very good in dust-wrapper. A remarkable correspondence from writers, painters, calligraphers & makers of fine books, including: Bawden, Will Carter, Cockerell, Cunard, Gooden, Hassall, Van Krimpen, Meynell, Henry Moore & Beatrice Warde. 287 SYMONDS, R.W. Old English Walnut & Lacquer Furniture... with a foreword by Percival D. Griffiths. Herbert Jenkins Ltd., 1923. £30 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.176; 65 illustrations on forty plates a few of which are lightly bruised along fore-edges but a good copy in original buckram, backstrip lightly faded. 288 TABNER, Len. A Voyage to the South. September to December 1990. Agnew's... In association with The University of Teeside & The Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle upon Tyne. Thos. Agnew & Sons, 1992. £45 FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.96; illustrations in colour throughout, many double-page; very good in dust-wrapper (short closed tear). Sea paintings, South Georgia, Falkland Islands, Saunders Island & the South Atlantic. 289 TIPPING, H. Avray. English Homes. Period II - Vol. I. Early Tudor, 1485-1558. Country Life, 1924. £110 FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.lx,396 + advert. leaf; c500 half-tone illustrations & plans; a very good copy in original blue buckram, slight rubbing at extremities. 290 TIPPING, H. Avray. Grinling Gibbons and the Wood-work of his Age (1648-1720) Country Life, 1914. £75 FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.xii,259 + 16pp. illustrated publisher's catalogue; frontispiece portrait & 234 full-page & smaller half-tone illustrations; a very good copy in original cream buckram-backed boards, paper label; extremities rubbed and a little marked but a good copy of this deluxe production. 291 TRANTER, Nigel. The Fortified House in Scotland. [In five regional volumes] Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, 1962-70. £75 FIRST EDITION, 5vols., pp.191; 183; 185; 178; 252; illustrations in line throughout; a very good set of this magisterial work; dust-wrappers lightly rubbed; ex libris Andrew Dudgeon of Inchgarth. 292 TUER, ANDREW W. Old London Street Cries and the cries of today with Heaps of Quaint Cuts including hand-coloured frontispiece. Field & Tuer, The Leadenhall Press, 1885. £28 FIRST EDITION, 16mo., (135 x 100mm), pp.(4)138 + 6pp. publishers' adverts.; coloured frontis & illustrations in line throughout; a good uncut copy of this delightful collection in original marbled boards with ties, paper label; extremities rubbed & a little worn but sound. 293 WEISSENBORN, Hellmuth. The Joyful Year. An Anthology From the Garden of English Poetry and Prose. Decorated with Wood Engravings of Flowers Plants & Fruits by H. Weissenborn. The Acorn Press, 1947. £8 FIRST EDITION, pp.94; 12 full-page and numerous vignette & border engravings in green or russet; a good copy of this early work in original grey cloth.

294 WHISTLER, Rex [illustrator] WHISTLER, Helen. A Sample of Aesop. recalled by Laurence Whistler. Betram Rota, 1993. £30 FIRST EDITION, no.75 of 175 printed at The Libanus Press; pp.(8); two full-page pencil drawings & RW cipher, all here reproduced for the first time; very good in original silk-sewn yellow printed wrappers; Rota compliments slip laid in: 'Sorry this is so late: we are rather in turmoil here!' 295 WOOD, Walter. WILKINSON, C.A. [Illustrator] Fishing Boats & Barges from the Thames to Land's End. Twenty woodcuts by C.A. Wilkinson. Text by Walter Wood. John Lane, 1922; £40 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.(12)96; 20 full-page illustrations; a very nice copy of this handsome production in original decorated tan cloth & frayed dust-wrapper (with minor loss).

PART III - d. Natural History, Sport, Transport & Miscellaneous

296 COOK, E.T. [Editor] The Century Book of Gardening. Country Life Library. Country Life and George Newnes... [1903] £30 Folio, pp.x,610xiii(index); colour frontispiece and full-page & vignette illustrations in half-tone throughout; a good copy of this attractive period piece in original pictorial cloth, all edges gilt. Evidently the first book-form edition of a work which originally appeared in parts, 1899-1900. 297 CREW, F.A.E. Organic Inheritance in Man. Oliver and Boyd, 1927. £25 FIRST EDITION, pp.xxviii,214 + advert. leaf; frontispiece & 37 figures in text; original cloth a little worn at head & tail of backstrip from which an accession number has been largely erased, library marks on endpapers but none on printed pages. 298 DOMESTIC ECONOMY. CASSELL'S Household Guide: being A Complete Encyclopaedia of Domestic and Social Economy, and forming a Guide to Every Department of Practical Life. [Four volumes.] Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, [1870s] £150 4vols. 4to., each c.400pp.; 8 colour plates and wood-engraved illustrations throughout; a very good set in original decorated brown cloth, gilt, of this popular & wide-ranging guide which first appeared in parts 1869/71. Revised in 1877/8, this is probably the reissue of 1873/4. Includes: Cookery, Gardening, Management of Children, Medicine, Furniture and The Toilette... 299 DRUMMOND, Henry. The Ascent of Man. Hodder and Stoughton, 1894. £25 FIRST EDITION, pp.xiv,444 + advert. leaf; original blue cloth, rubbed & a little worn but sound. Professor Drummond's Lowell lectures on evolution, doubtless influenced by his anthropological observations made during expeditions in central Africa. 300 HAWKER, Lt. Col. Peter. The Sportsman's Pocket Companion. Introduction by John Marchington. Anthony Atha, 1980 £65 No.122 of 500 copies; pp.127; facsimile illustrations in line throughout; very good in original quarter leather, buckram sides, morocco labels, top edge gilt. A well produced facsimile of this shooting rarity, originally published by Hawker in six parts, 1801. 301 HYAMS, Edward. Capability Brown and Humphry Repton. J.M. Dent, 1971. £12 FIRST EDITION, pp.viii,248; 49 half-tone plates; a very good copy in the dust-wrapper. Ex Libris William Dudgeon. 302 KARSON, Robin. Fletcher Steele. Landscape Architect. An Account of the Gardenmaker's Life 1885-1971. Abrams, 1989. £15 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.xxiv,344; 231 illustrations iincluding 18 colour plates; inscription on endpaper, otherwise very good in dust-wrapper. 303 MOTORING. The Highway Code. Issued by the Minister of Transport with the Authority of Parliament. (With Supplementary Notes) His Majesty's Stationery Office, [c1935] £20 Pp.24; various diagrams in line; a very good copy in original printed blue wrappers. 304 MOTORING. JUDGE, Arthur W. Modern Motor Cars and Commercial vehicles... [In four volumes.] Caxton Publishing, [1931]. £35 FIRST EDITION, 4vols., 4to., pp.x,273; viii,279; viii,270; viii,278; four 'coloured models'; 24 half-tone plates & 1293 illustrations & figures in text; a good set in slightly marked original cloth, backs a little faded. 305 NASH, John. [Illus.] GATHORNE-HARDY, Robert. The Native Garden. Illustrated by John Nash. Thomas Nelson, 1961. £20 FIRST EDITION, pp.xii,175; six full-page colour lithographs & 30 line drawings in text by Nash; a very good copy in pictorial dust-wrapper. Colvin 1.45. 306 POLO. SIMMONDS, L.V.L. [Editor] The Polo Monthly. An Illustrated Record of the Game at Home and Abroad. Vol.I March to August 1909. Walter Goldsmith & Company, 1909 £45 FIRST EDITION, pp.(2)492; six monthly parts with individual titles & collective title; illustrations in half-tone throughout; six monthly issues, well preserved in original cream linen, lettered in gold; lightly soiled & speckled fading but sound. The first volume of this monthly periodical which was to run for thirty years (56 vols.). 307 REDOUTE, P.J. Roses. 18 Prints with original text. The Ariel Press, 1959. £36 FIRST EDITION, lg.folio, 18 fine colour plates printed by Lohse of Frankfurt with Eva Mannering's essay and Redouté's original French text on versos; a very good set in original printed card folder. 308 [RENNIE, James.] Insect Architecture. Second edition. Charles Knight, 1830. £25 12mo., pp.xii,420; wood-engraved vignettes throughout; a nice copy, partly unopened, in original buff linen of Knight's Library of Entertaining Knowledge; double green paper labels; minor wear at head & tail of backstrip, otherwise well preserved. Includes much on bees, wasps & ants. 309 RHIND, William. A History of the Vegetable Kingdom; embracing the physiology of plant, their uses to man and the lower animals, and their applications in the arts, manufactures, and domestic economy. Illustrated. Blackie and Son, 1857. £85 Lg.8vo.,. pp.xii,720; frontispiece, extra engraved pictorial title (browned) & 41 engraved plates (22 hand-coloured with multiple images); old repair to one plate (no loss), light waterstain in gutter margins at head, otherwise well preserved in contemporary half green calf, backstrip gilt with morocco label; marbled sides worn at head but sound. A massive compilation which first appeared in 1840. 29 plates were added in 1855 including seven relating to Australian plants with new accompanying text 'by a gentleman long resident in these colonies'. 310 ROWAN, Ellis. HAZZARD, Margaret [Editor] Flower Paintings of Ellis Rowan From the collection of the National Library of Australia. With an introduction by Margaret Hazzard and note on the flowers by Helen Hewson. National Library of Australia, Canberra, 1987. £45 Folio (420 x 290mm); pp.x,22(2) + 20 colour plates, each with accompanying leaf of text; a fine copy of this handsome production in original pictorial laminated card covers. A revision with new preface of the original edition of 1982. 311 STEAM ENGINE & SHIP MODELS. Catalogue of Fine Historical Stream Engine Models and Ship Models, Railway Relics, Locomotive Name Plates, etc.... and Gypsy Moth IV Sails which will be sold at auction...on Wednesday, May 7... Christie, Manson & Woods, 1969. £15 Sm.4to., pp.86(2); 46 full-page plates; a good copy in original printed wrappers. 312 TAVERNER, Eric. Salmon Fishing. With contributions by G. La Branche, Eric Parker, W.J. Menzies, &c. The Lonsdale Library Volume X. Seeley, Service, [1948] £15 Pp.472; colour frontis. & 110 half-tone plates, 214 illustrations in text; a very good copy in original two-tone buckram, gilt. 313 TYNDALL, John. Heat. A mode of motion. Sixth Edition. Longmans, Green, 1880. £25 Pp.xx,591; folding frontispiece & 125 wood-engraved illustrations in text; a sound copy of Tyndall's best-seller in original cloth, backstrip faded, light crease in upper cover. 314 WEIR, Capt. Robert. BROWN, J.Moray. Riding [with] Polo. Illustrated by G.D. Giles [& others]. Longmans, Green and Co., 1891. £25 FIRST EDITION, pp.xiv,423; frontis. & illustrations throughout; a little rubbed but a good copy in original decorated brown cloth of the Badminton Library. 315 WISDEN. PRESTON, Norman [Editor] Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1950. Sporting Handbooks Ltd. for John Wisden and Co., 1950. £20 Pp.viii,1003; original limp printed linen, a little rubbed & creased along backstrip but generally well preserved. The 87th edition. 316 WISDEN. PRESTON, Norman [Editor] Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1951. Sporting Handbooks Ltd. for John Wisden and Co., 1951. £20 Pp.xvi,1019; original limp printed linen, slightly soiled, backstrip concave, but generally well preserved. The 88th edition. 317 WISDEN. PRESTON, Norman [Editor] Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1947. Sporting Handbooks Ltd. for John Wisden and Co., 1947. £110 Pp.xxxii,715; hardback in original brown cloth, slightly soiled, gilt lettering faded but legible, generally well preserved. The 84th edition. 318 WISDEN. PRESTON, Norman [Editor] Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1952. Sporting Handbooks Ltd. for John Wisden and Co., 1952. £35 Pp.viii,1030; hardback in original brown cloth, slightly soiled, gilt lettering faded but legible, generally well preserved. The 89th edition. 319 WITHERING, W. A systematic arrangement of British Plants. Corrected and condensed; preceded by an introduction to the study of W. MacGillivray. Third edition. Printed for Scott, Webster and Geary, 1835. £25 12mo., pp.viii,407; hand-coloured frontispiece & 9 other engraved plates with 155 figures (spotted); a sound copy in original green cloth, lettered in gold, short splits in upper hinge.

PART IV - A Miscellany of Recent Acquisitions 320 ADAM, Frank. The Clans, Septs, and Regiments of the Scottish Highlands. Revised by Sir Thomas Innes of Learney. Seventh Edition. W. & A.K. Johnston, Edinburgh, 1965. Pp.xii,624; 17 plates, folding map & 112 colour illustrations of tartans; a good copy in original cloth & frayed dust-wrapper. £20 321 ASIMOV, Isaac. The Tragedy of the Moon. Abelard-Schuman, 1974. FIRST UK EDITION, pp.xvi,220; a very good copy in lightly dust-soiled dust-wrapper. £8 322 AULT, Norman. [Editor] Elizabethan Lyrics. [with] Seventeenth Century Lyrics. Chosen, edited and arranged by Norman Ault. Longmans, Green and Co., 1949/50 2 vols., pp.xviii,560; xviii,562; a good set in lightly worn dust-wrappers. £15 323 BARNES, Julian. Cross Channel. Jonathan Cape, 1996. FIRST EDITION, pp.(8)211; fine copy in dust-wrapper. £8 324 BARTON, Margaret. SITWELL, Osbert. [Editors] Sober Truth. A Collection of Nineteenth-century Episodes, Fantastic, Grotesque and Mysterious. With a preface by Osbert Sitwell and seventeen illustrations. Duckworth, 1930. FIRST EDITION, pp.280; 17 half-tone plates; a good copy in original lightly dust-soiled yellow buckram. 46 'episodes' from Mermaids & Joanna Southcott to Tom Thumb, Jack the Ripper and Dreyfus, via Shelley's death, Fonthill, Madeleine Smith, The Marie Celeste, Tichborne Claimant, &c. £25 325 BELLOW, Saul. Him with His Foot in His Mouth and Other Stories. Secker & Warburg, 1984. First UK Edition, pp.(8)294; a very good copy in the dust-wrapper. £8 326 BELLOW, Saul. Humboldt's Gift. A novel. Secker & Warburg, 1975. First UK Edition, pp.(4)487; a very good copy in differentially faded dust-wrapper. £12 327 BERNERS, Lord. A Distant Prospect. A Sequel to First Childhood. Constable, 1945. FIRST EDITION, 12mo., pp.126; frontispiece & two plates; a good copy iin pictorial dust-wrapper. £8 328 BOEHEIM, Wendelin. Handbuch der Waffenkunde. Das Waffenwesen... vom beginn des Mittelalters bis zum ende des 18. Jahrhunderts. Akademische Druck, Graz, Austria, 1966. Pp.(2)viii,694(2); 662 illustrations in text and makers marks in index; a very good copy in dust-wrapper of this well-produced facsimile of the original 1890 edition. £25 329 BRITTEN, Benjamin. Peter Grimes. Essays by Benjamin Britten, E.M. Forster, Montagu Slater, Edward Sackville-West. Designs by Kenneth Green. John Lane for Sadler's Wells, 1945. FIRST EDITION, 12mo., pp.55; frontis. portrait & 12 plates of set, costumes & score; 31 musical quotations; a good copy in slightly rubbed original decorated wrappers. £12 330 BROOKE, Christopher. The Rise and Fall of the Medieval Monastery. [Revised with a new preface by the author.] The Folio Society, 2006. Sm.4to., pp.xxii,318; 124 illustrations in colour & half-tone, 23 maps & plans; a very good copy in original decorated cloth. £12 331 BROOKNER, Anita. A Friend from England. Jonathan Cape, 1987. FIRST EDITION; pp.205; slight edge browning but a very good copy in dust-wrapper. £8 332 BROOKNER, Anita. Latecomers. Jonathan Cape, 1988. FIRST EDITION, pp.(4)248; very good in dust-wrapper. £12 333 BROOKNER, Anita. A Misalliance. Jonathan Cape, 1986. FIRST EDITION, pp.191; slight edge browning but a very good copy in dust-wrapper. £10 334 BUCHAN, John. The Last Secrets, The Final Mysteries of Exploration, Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd., 1923 Pp.xiv,303; frontispiece & 11 half-tone plates, 10 sketch-maps, a very good copy in pictorial boards; same year as first edition. £15

335 BULLEN, A.H. [Editor] Lyrics from the Dramatists of the Elizabethan Age. Lawrence and Bullen, 1893. 12mo.,,301; a good uncut copy of this attractive edition, printed at the Chiswick Press; original maroon cloth with elaborate flower & leaf gilt decoration on upper cover & backstrip, top edge gilt, others uncut. £12 336 BURGESS, Anthony. Beard's Roman Women. A novel. Photographs by David Robinson. Hutchinson, 1977. FIRST UK EDITION, pp.155(3); colour & half-tone plates from photographs; a very good copy in pictorial dust-wrapper (with short tear). £25 337 CALVINO, Italo. Marcovaldo or The seasons in the city. Translated from the Italian by William Weaver. Secker & Warburg, 1983. FIRST UK EDITION, pp.(6)121; fine in dust-wrapper. £15 338 CAMPBELL, Lord Archibald. Highland Dress, Arms and Ornament. Dawsons of Pall Mall, 1969. Pp.xvi,176; frontispiece & 73 plates (two double-page); very good in original pink cloth; ex libris Andrew Dudgeon of Inchgarth. A useful facsimile of the original edition of 1899 which was limited to 250 copies. £45 339 CARROLL, Lewis. BLAKE, Quentin [Illustrator] The Hunting of the Snark. An Agony in Eight Fits. Drawings by Quentin Blake. The Folio Society, 1976. First Edition with these illustrations, pp.(50); illustrations in sepia throughout; a very good copy in original pictorial cloth. A splendid celebration for the centenary of first publication. £15 340 CLAUDEL, Paul. Three Poems of the War. Translated into English verse by Edward J. O'Brien. With the French Text. Introduction by Pierre Chavannes. Yale University Press, Humphrey Milford, 1919. FIRST EDITION, pp.53; slight spotting but well preserved in original cloth-backed printed boards, paper label, uncut. £30 341 CLEPHAN, Robert Coltman. An outline of the history and development of hand firearms, from the earliest period to about the end of the Fifteenth Century. Numerous illustrations. Walter Scott Publishing, 1906. [Facsimile reprint by] Standard Publications Inc., Huntington, West Virginia, [1960] Pp.66; 23 illustrations in text; very good in original brown cloth. £15 342 COPPARD, A.E. Silver Circus. Tales. Jonathan Cape, 1928. FIRST EDITION, pp.288; uncut in original cloth-backed silver boards, paper label; dust-wrapper a little soiled otherwise a very good copy. £30 343 COSTUME. MAXWELL, Stuart & HUTCHISON, Robin. Scottish Costume 1550-1850. With four colour plates and 24 drawings by Kathleen Mann. Adam & Charles Black, 1958. FIRST EDITION, sm.4to., pp.viii,184; 4 colour plates & 24 illustrations in line; a good copy in slightly worn dust-wrapper. £8 344 DE QUINCEY, Thomas. Essays sceptical and anti-sceptical, on problems neglected or misconceived. James Hogg, Edinburgh, 1858. Pp.(4)iv,352; two leaves torn in margin from clumsy opening, first & final leaves guarded, otherwise a sound copy in modern cloth. £15 345 DONNE, John. The Poems... Edited from the old editions and numerous manuscripts with introductions & commentary by Herbert J.C. Grierson. [In two volumes] Oxford, 1980. 2vol., pp.xxiv,474; cliii(3)275(1); a very good set in dust-wrappers; reprinted from the original edition of 1912. Volume II comprises an Introduction & Commentary. £20 346 DORSON, Richard M. [Editor] Peasant Customs and Savage Myths. Selections from the British Folklorists. [In two volumes] Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1968 FIRST EDITION, 2 vols. pp.x,402; v,(403-)751; a very good copy in rubbed dust wrappers. £20 347 DOWNES, Professor Kerry. Sir Christopher Wren and the Making of St Paul's. Royal Academy of Arts, 1991. FIRST EDITION, pp.56; illustrations in line & half-tone throughout; very good in pictorial card covers. Introductory essay & detailed catalogue of 110 drawings, paintings & models. £8 348 DURRELL, Lawrence. Clea. a novel. Faber and Faber, 1960. FIRST EDITION, pp.287; very good in lightly soiled dust-wrapper. £20 349 EWEN.C. L'Estrange, Witch Hunting and Witch Trials. The Indictments for Witchcraft from the Records of 1373 Assizes held for the Home Circuit A.D. 1559-1736. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1929. [Reprinted in facsimile, Muller, 1971] Pp. xiii,345; frontispiece and six full page illustrations; a good copy in original green rexine, gilt & defective dust wrapper. £30 350 FELLOWES, Edmund Horace. English Madrigal Verse 1588-1632. Edited from the Original Song Books by E.H. Fellowes. Oxford, 1950. Pp.xxiv,644; a few pencilled notes but a good copy of this standard work in original red cloth, gilt. £12 351 FELLOWES, Edmund Horace. The English Madrigal Composers. Second Edition (revised). Oxford, 1948 Pp.364; musical illustrations throughout; a very good copy of this standard work in original blue cloth, dust-wrapper lightly rubbed. £12 352 FREEMAN, Douglas Southall. Lee's Lieutenants. A Study in Command. [In three volumes] Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1970/71. 3vol., pp.lviii,773; xlviii,760; xlviii,862; 24 half-tone portraits & 107 'military maps'; a very good set in dust-wrappers of this 'monumental study in Command of the Confederacy'. £35 353 GIBBON, J. Murray. Canadian Folk Songs (Old and New) Harmonizations by Geoffrey O'Hara and Oscar O'Brien. Decorations by Frank H. Johnston. J.M. Dent, 1927. FIRST EDITION, pp.xxii,105; accompanying music throughout; good copy in linen-backed boards, slightly faded. £12 354 GOUDSMIT, Samuel A. Alsos. The Failure in German Science. Sigma Books, 1947 FIRST EDITION; pp.xiv,259; frontispiece & several facsimiles; very good in original grey cloth. £20 355 GREENE, Graham. A Sort of Life. Bodley Head, 1971. Pp.216; a very good copy in dust-wrapper. £8 356 GRIEVE, Alastair. Isokon. For Ease - For Ever. Isokon Exhibition. University of East Anglia, 1975. FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.16; nine half-page illustrations in half-tone of deigns by Gropius, Breuer, Jack Pritchard, Gerald Summers and Wells Coates; a very good copy of this scarce catalogue in original laminated card. £15 357 HARWOOD, Gina. Haphazard. Elkin Mathews & Marrot, 1933. FIRST EDITION, pp.viii,55; a very good unopened copy of this uncommon collection of verse in lightly dust-soiled original buckram-backed printed boards. £25 358 HENDERSON, W. [Editor] Victorian Street Ballads. A selection of popular ballads sold in the street in the nineteenth century. Country Life, 1937. FIRST EDITION, pp.160; facsimile frontis. & vignettes throughout; a good copy in original cloth-backed boards & lightly soiled pictorial dust-wrapper. £15 359 HOFF, Arne [Editor] Directory of Museums of Arms and Military History. International Association of Arms and Military History, Copenhagen, 1970. Sm.8vo., pp.128; very good in original green cloth, lettered in gold. £8 360 HOURANI, George Fadlo. Arab Seafaring in the Indian Ocean in Ancient and Early Medieval Times. Khayats, Beirut, 1963 FIRST EDITION, pp.xii,131; 8 plates & 7 sketch-maps; a good copy in frayed dust-wrapper but ex Canberra Library with stamps & labels removed from endpapers. £12 361 HOWARD, Hon. Edward. The Change of Crownes. A Tragi-Comedy. Edited from the manuscript prompt copy by Frederick S. Boas. Oxford for The Royal Society of Literature, 1949. FIRST EDITION, pp.viii,99(2); frontis.& one other plate of the original ms. of 1667 from which this first printing was taken; very good in original blue cloth. £12 362 HUXLEY, Aldous. Brave New World Revisited. Chatto & Windus, 1959. Pp.164; a very good copy of the second impression in slightly soiled dust-wrapper. £25 363 KIPLING, Rudyard, Limits and Renewals, Macmillan, 1932 FIRST EDITION, pp.viii,400; a very good copy in original russet cloth with gilt elephant's head, top edge gilt, and slightly frayed dust wrapper. £25 364 LAWSON, Cecil C.P. A History of the Uniforms of the British Army. Volume III. Kaye & Ward, 1974. Sm.4to., pp.xii,264; colourplate frontispiece & 113 line illustrations in text; very good in original cloth & slightly soiled dust-wrapper. £15 365 LEES-MILNE, James. Prophesying Peace. Chatto & Windus, 1977. FIRST EDITION, pp.(8)254; frontispiece portrait; one corner bumped, otherwise well preserved in dust-wrapper (by Reynolds Stone). His second volume of wartime diaries, 1943-45. £20 366 MARSHALL, Roderick. William Morris and his Earthly Paradises. George Brazillier, New York, 1981. Pp.xviii,315(3); a very good copy in slightly soiled dust-wrapper. £12 367 MEGROZ, R.L. [Editor] Letters of Women in Love. Disclosing the Female Heart from Girlhood to Old Age. Thornton Butterworth, 1929. FIRST EDITION, pp.318; first & final leaves spotted, otherwise well preserved in frayed dust-wrapper. £10 368 McWILLIAM, H.D. [Editor] A Black Watch Episode Of the Year 1731. Compiled from contemporary records. With introduction and notes. W. & A.K. Johnston, 1908. FIRST EDITION, sm.4to., pp.viii(2)150; frontispiece & two facsimile letters; very good in original blue cloth, gilt; slightly rubbed at extremities. £25 369 NASH, John. English Garden Flowers. Duckworth, 1948. FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.32; title vignette & 32 full-page colour lithographs by Nash; a very good copy in original holland-backed pictorial boards; rubbed at extremities. Colvin 1.35 £15 370 NASH, John. BLYTHE, Ronald [& others] The Ninth Aldeburgh Festival of Music and the Arts. 15-24 June, 1956. Aldeburgh Festival Council, 1956 FIRST EDITION, sm.4to., pp.86(2); cover design (in green), title vignette & six line drawings in text by John Nash featuring local scenes & plants; 8pp. of half-tone illustrations; very good in printed wrappers. Colvin 1.39. £10 371 OPIE, Iona And Peter. The Singing Game. Oxford, 1985. FIRST EDITION, pp.xxii,521; half-tone & music illustrations; very good copy in dust-wrapper of this important study, fully indexed. £20 372 PEAKE, Mervyn. PEAKE, Sebastian. Mervyn Peake and Sussex. [4pp. illustrated article in] Robin & Lucienne Day: Design and the Modern Interior. Pallant House Gallery, 2011. Pp.56; illustrations in line & colour throughout; very good in printed card covers. Also includes: Shanna Shelby on 'Days of our Lives'; Wayne Hemingway and Sir Terence Conran on 'Designers on the Days'; Paul Rennie on 'A Tonic to the Nation'. £8

373 POWER, Eileen. Medieval English Nunneries c.1275 to 1535. Cambridge University Press, 1922 FIRST EDITION; pp.xiv,(3)724; frontispiece and 7 half tone illustrations, folding map at end; backstrip a little faded but a very good copy; ex libris Diana Albemarle. £35 374 PRITCHARD, Alan. Alchemy. A bibliography of English-language writings. Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980 FIRST EDITION; pp.vii,439; a good copy in slightly marked original cloth. £15 375 ROSE, David. Off the Record. The Life and Letters of a Black Watch Officer. Revised Edition. David Rose, 1998. A4 format; pp.(8)153; illustrations throughout; a good copy in slightly creased pictorial laminated card wrappers; inscribed for 'Willie Dudgeon With my very best wishes and fond memories of old times. David Rose.' From early days in India & Argyll, via Sandhurst & Colchester to WW II in Somaliland, India, Haifa, Cairo & Tobruk; then Korea and the Mau Mau Rebellion in Kenya. £18 376 SITWELL, Edith. Collected Poems. Macmillan, 1958. Pp.xlvi,445; a very good copy in the dust-wrapper; ex-libris John Hadfield. £8 377 ST. JOHN, Charles. A Scottish Naturalist. The Sketches and Notes of Charles St John 1809-1856. Andre Deutsch, 1982 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.192; 27 colour plates (5 double-page) and numerous illustrations in line; a handsome production; very good in dust-wrapper. £10 378 STONE, Reynolds [Illustrator] PAUL, Leslie. The Living Hedge. with wood-engravings by Reynolds Stone. Faber, 1946. FIRST EDITION, pp.180; title vignette, one half- and four full-page wood-engravings by Stone; a good copy in frayed pictorial dust-wrapper (neat repair at head). £10 379 TILLOTSON, Geoffrey And Kathleen. Mid-Victorian Studies. The Athlone Press, 1965. FIRST EDITION, pp.x,335; very good in dust-wrapper, review slip laid in. George Eliot, Clough, Arnold, Newman, Harriet Mosley, The Heir or Redclyffe, &c. £10 380 WALLACE, John. Scottish Swords and Dirks. An illustrated Reference Guide to Scottish Edged Weapons. Arms and Armour Press, 1970 FIRST EDITION, pp.80; illustrations throughout; very good in dust-wrapper. £20 381 WEBSTER, David. Scottish Highland Games. Reprograhia, Edinburgh, 1973. FIRST EDITION, sm.4to., pp.143; illustrations throughout (lots of kilts); very good in dust-wrapper; ex libris Andrew Dudgeon of Inchgarth. £8 382 WILLIAMSON, Henry. In the Woods. St Albert's Press, 1960. FIRST EDITION, no.692 of 1000 copies; pp.(4)54(4)colophon & device; very good in pictorial dust-wrapper over card; faint price stamp on upper wrapper. A fragment of biography. £20