2010 International Journal of Applied Aviation Studies Federal Aviation Administration Volume 10, Number 1 A publication of the FAA Academy International Journal of Applied Aviation Studies A Publication of the FAA Academy Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Volume 10, Number 1 2010 REVIEW PROCESS 1 The Federal Aviation Administration Academy provides traceability and over- sight for each step of the International Journal of Applied Aviation Studies (IJAAS). IJAAS is a peer-reviewed publication, enlisting the support of an international pan- el of consulting editors. Each consulting editor was chosen for his or her expertise in one or more areas of interest in aviation. Using the blind-review process, three or more consulting editors are selected to appraise each article, judging whether or not it meets the requirements of this publication. In addition to an overall appraisal, a Likert scale is used to measure attitudes regarding individual segments of each article. Articles that are accepted are those that were approved by a majority of judges. Articles that do not meet IJAAS requirements for publication are released back to their author or authors. Individuals wishing to obtain a copy of the IJAAS on CD may contact Kay Ch- isholm by email at
[email protected], or by telephone at (405) 954-3264, or by writing to the following address: International Journal of Applied Aviation Studies Kay Chisholm AMA-800 PO Box 25082 Oklahoma City, OK 73125 International Journal of Applied Aviation Studies Volume 10, Number 1 ISSN Number: 1546-3214 Copyright © 2010, FAA Academy 1st Printing August, 2010 The International Journal of Applied Aviation Studies 1 POLICY AND DISCLAIMERS Policy Statement: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Academy strongly supports academic freedom and a researcher’s right to publish; therefore, the Fed- eral Aviation Administration Academy as an institution does not endorse the view- point or guarantee the technical correctness of any of the articles in this journal.