Pennsylvania (Jeman DICTIONARY,

WITH SUPPLEMENT, Revised and Enlarged.

Containing fieafly All the Pennsylva-

nia German UUoPds in Con^mon iJse.

JAMES C. UNS, Proprietor,

PUBIvISHED BY ÜAMES C. lilNS, READING, PA. 1895.' Entf-rod according to Act of Congress, in tiie year 1895, By JAMES C. LINS. !u tl\e Oftice of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, Ü. C.

Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1887, By JAMES C. LINS, in the Oflk-e of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C.


The only apology that is offered for bringing an other dictionary before the public is the want of a com- mon sense treatise of the Pennsylvania German lan- guage to the wants of the Pennsylvania German who is studying the English language.

This revised edition was not prepared at haphazard.

It is the outgrowth of many 3' ears and a gr- at experience and careful study of the Penns3'lvania German language, and will be found far superior and much more simplified than the first edition.

Many consider such a work as folly and of little use, but after all, its information cannot be picked up upon the street, nor found in the fields

Its aim is not money and its object not praise. It is not intended to instruct those who consider their educa- tion completed, but to aid such Pennsylvania Germans as are anxious to acquire a knowledge of the English lan- guage. -I do not claim this work to be a standard, be- cause there is nothing of that kind in the Pennsylvania German language, but after a careful study, of different waiters, I feel confident that it compares favorably with it any, and is far superior to man}-. . I a. fact I Qonsider

' ' ' far superior to the first edition. • * The necessity for such a treal ise c aniiot be questioned, when we are aware of the fact that there are not less than eight hundred thousand Pennsylvania Germans in East- ern Pennsylvania alone, whose brains and abilities are fully enual. if not superior, to those whose mother-tongue is the English, or high German.

Their only deficiency is a written language. The question now arises, how shall those eight hundred thousand inhabitants to whom English is as much a dead language as Latin or Greek, acquire a fair knowledge of the English language? A very good method is to take a Pennsylvania Ger- man word and define it in English. For this purpose the Common Sense Dictionary is offered to the public. In defining the English equivalent of the German word is always given. The spelling is taken from the English, that being much more simple than the German, as the English language, practically or exclusively is taught in our common schools, thus making it very simple or eas}' for anj-one having a fair knoweldge of the English lan- guage to pronounce the words correctly. In the hope that this dictionary may facilitate the acquisition of the English language, it is given to the public, for the use in schools and families.

Reading. Pa , September, 1S95. TAMES C. LINS. A DICTIONARY


Able, able. Administrator, administra- About, about. tor. Accept, accept. Admishun, admission, Acce^ta, to accept. Admit, admit. Accommodate, accommodate Admitta, to admit. According, according. Advansa, to advance. Accordingly, accordingly. Advantage, advantage. Account, account. Advice, advice. Accounta, to account. Advisa, to advice. Acknowledga, acknowledge Afforda, to afford. Acknowledge, acknowledge. Aga, own, to harrow Ackshun, action. Agaloab, egotism. Act, act. Agent, agent. Acta, to act. Agree, agree. Acter, actor, performer. Agreea, to agree. Actif, active. Agreed, agreed. Adarn, horehound. Aicha, oak. Add, add. Aichabawm, oaktree. Adda, to add. Aichel, acorn. Address, address, Aich-haws, squirrel, Addressa, to address. Aid, affidavit. Adjourna, to adjourn. Aifeldich, foolish. Administrashun, adminis- Aifocht, single. tration Aig, harrow. AIGA ID ARFAWRUNG Aiga, to harrow, own. AUahecka, alder bushes. Aigadum, propert}-. Alley, alley. Aigasinish, selfish. Amend, amend. A/gna, to own. Amenda, to amend. Aigner, owner. Amendment, amendment. Ail, oil. Amount, amount. Aila, oiling. Amounta, to amount. Aildooch, oilcloth. Announce, announce. Ailend, misery. Announcement, announce- Ailendich, miserable, poorly ment. Ailetsich, single Anty, aunt. Aimer, bucket. Ar, he. Aimerhenk, bucket handle, Arbardich, particular. Aimer-rafe, bucket hoop. Arbeera, strawberries. Aimohl, once. Arblich, contagious. Ainer, one. Arbsa, peas. Ains, one. Arbsinda, original sin. Ainich, any, agreed. Arbshoft, inheritance. Ainichepper, anybody, any- Ard, earth. one. Arda. earthen. Ainlichkeit, resemblance. Ainsich, only. Air, honor. Ardepel, artichoke. Airgeitz, ambition. Ardfla, plant lice. Airgeitzich, ambitious. Artgeisht, gnome. Airlich, honest. Ardlich, earthly. Airlichkeit, honesty. Ardlicht, ignisfatuus, will-o- Airnbreis, speedwell. the wisp or jack with the Airwardich, honorable. lantern. Aishtlich, eastly. Ardreich, globe Aisel, mule, ass. ArdshuUa, clod. Aiseldreiver, muledriver. Ardshwom, mushroom. Aiva, level, even. Arfawra, to experience. Alcohol, alcohol. Arfawrung, experience. ARFINDA ri ARWA Arfinda, invent, discover. Armawu'd, reminded. Arfinder, inventor or discov- Armay, Army. erer. Armel, sleeve. Arfindung, discovery. Ärmlich, poorly. Arfrish, refresh, recreate. Arn, harvest. Arfrisha, to refresh, to re- Arnara, to support, provide-

create. Arn f eld, harvest field. Arfrishung, refreshment, re- Arniedrich, degrade creation. Arniedricha, to humble to Arga, argue. humilitate. Argament, argument. Arnire, renew. Argreifa, to comprehend. Arnkarrich, harvest home Argreifung, comprehension service. Arhold, support. Arnsht, earnest. Arhol'd, recovered. Arnshtlich, earnestness. Arholda, uphold, maintain Arnsleit, Reapers. Arholdung, maintenance. Arnta, harvesting. Arholung, recovery. Arraicha, attain. Arkeuna, to recognize. Arranga, to arrange. Arkennung, recognition. Arrangement, arrangement. Arkennt, recognized. Arretta, to rescue, to save. Arkwick, refresh. Arrick, very. Arkwicka, to refresh. Arricksht, worst. Arkwickung, refreshment. Arrinnera, to recollect. Arlais, redeem. Arrinner'd recollected. Arlaiser, redeemer. Arshina, to appear. Arlaisung, redemption. Arshoflfa, to create. Arlawb. allow. Arshoff'd, created. Arlawbnis, allowance. Arshpawra, to save. Arlawbt, allowed. Arshrecklich, terrible, horri- Arlawva, allowing. ble.

Arlonga, to attain. Arsht, first.

Armawna, remind, exhort, Arshtens, firstly. entreat. Arwa, to inherit. . .


Arwail'd, elected. Awblonsa, to plant. Arwer, heir. Awblosa, to start by blowing ^ Arwet, work. Awbora, to tap, to bore. Arworda, await. Awbossa, to fit. Assess, assess. Awbrea, to scald, to seethe. Assessa, assessing. Awbrenna, to scorch. Assessed, assessed. Awdale, part. Assessor, assessor. Awdechtlich, devout, atten- Assign, assign. tive. Assigna, assigning. Awdenka. keepsake. Assigned, assigned. Awdler, eagle. Assignee, assignee. Awdoo, dress. Assignment, assignment. Awdreffa, to meet Association, association. Awdreiva, to carry on. Associata, associating. Aweck, away. Audit, audit. Awfarrichta, to draw fur- Audita, auditing. rows for seeding Auditer, auditor. Awfechtung, controversy Augoosht, August. Awfeera, to fool, to disap- Author, author. point Authoriza, authorized. Awfeichta, to moisten. Authority, authority. Awfeuger, beginner. Authorize, authorize. Awferdrowa, to entrust. Ava, even, level. Awfingra, to touch.

Average, average. Awfitta, to fit. Aw, too, also. Awfong, beginning Awbafohla, to request. Awfonga, to commence, Awbafohla requested. Awfressa, to gnaw at. Awbalonga, to belong. Awfawla, to rot, to decay. Awbata, worship. Awg, eye. Awbeeta, to offer. Awga, eyes. Awbendmahl, Lord's Supper Awgablick, moment, Awbinna, to tie fast. Awgablicklich, momentari- A wblicka, to view. ly, immediately. ARGABORA 13 AWRICHTA Awgabora, iuborn. Awhong, appendage. Awgabreed. scalded. Aw'horricha, to heed. Awgabut, first bid. Awich, eternal. Awgabutta, offered. Awichkeit, eternity. Awgadoo, dressed. Awich-rutser, glanders. Awgadeckel, eyelid. Awkemling, new comer. Awgaduckter, oculist. Awketta, to chain fast. Awgagriffa, attacked. Awklawga, to accuse. Awgagookt, looked at. Awknippa, to button on, to Awgahore, eyebrow. tie on.

Awganame, agreeable. Awlaga, to invest to la}^ in. Awganumma, accepted. Awlonda, to arrive, to land. Awgaoppel, eyeball. Awlucka, to allure, entice. Awgaroda, counseled. Awraa3^a, to begin mowing. Awgaroofa, to call upon. Awmen, amen.

Awgawana, to accustom. '^wmessa, to fit Awgawanet, custom, habit. Awmocha, to mix, to get Awgawissa, instructed. ones grace or affection. Awgawoxa, liver-grown. Awnaya, to sew on. Awgeld, purchase money. Awndraos-dawg, Saint An- Awgevva, to make complaint drew's Day. Awg'feer'd, fooled. Awnemma, to endure, to ac- Awg'fonga, begun. cept. Awghorricht, paid attention. Awngsht, fear. Awg'shlussa, ioined, chained Awnogla, to nail fast. Awg'shoft, acquired. Awrada, to address. Awg'shpel'd pinned. Awradung, address. Awgreifa, to attack. Awraga, to touch. Awhara, to listen. Awreara, to mix, to disturb. Awhava, to hold on, Awreisa, to take a part for Awhenka, adhere, use. Awhenker, adherer, follower Awreiva, to rub against. Awhetza, to incite. Aw^icht, dish dresser. Awholda, to continue. Awrichta, to stir up. AWRM 14 BADBIRLICH

Awrm, poor, needy. Awshooa, to fox boots to Awrmahouse, poor or alms- new vamps house. Awshpella, to pin on, Awrmsalich, poor, needy. Awshplitta, start to split. Awronka, to fasten by means Awshpritsa, sprinkle. of tendrils. Awshpruch, application Awronstzwivel, Indian tur- Awshprung, a short run. nip. Awshrowva, to screw fast. Awrushta, to rust fast. Awshtse, become. Awsafa, to lather. Awshtawla, re-steel. Awsahna, to look at. Awshtecka, to kindle. Awsahnlich, pleasant to be- Awshteckich, infectious. hold. Awshtosa, adjoin. Awsawga, announce. Awshtosung, abutment. Awsetsa, to start. Awshtreicha, to paint. Awsettla, to settle. Av,^sht reich er, painter. Awsettler, settlers, colonists Awshtreich - pencil, paint Awsheinlich, evidently. brush. Awshicka, behave, Awshtricka, to knit on. Awshlogga, post up. Awlziega, attract. Awshmaichla, coax by flat- Awtzook, attire. tery. Awtzwinga, to force on. Awshmeera, to oil, to grease Awweisa, instruct. Awshnarra, to snap off. Awwenda, investing. Awshnolla, to buckle on. Awwoxa, liver grown. Awshoffa, to procure.


Ba-ardicha, to bury. Badarfnis, necessity. Baboon, baboon. Badecka, to cover. Backsie, ugly. Badeena, to serve. Badarfa, to want. Badeender, servant. Badarfdich, poor, needy. Badeirlich, pitiable. BADEITA 15 BAILA

ßadeita, to mean. Bagagna, to meet. Badeitung, meaning. Bagara, wish, desire, request Badeuka, to conf^ider. Bagarich, greedy, desirous. Badenklich, thoughtful. Bagin, origin. Badolya, battalion. Baglaida, to clothe. Badonka, to thank. Baglaidung, moulding, ap- Badovra, pity parel. Badrawga, behave- Baglicka, meet with success. Badrawgung, behavior. Bagnawdicha, to set free. Badreebt, sad. Bagnawdichung, pardon, Badreega, to cheat. Bagrawb, bury. Badreeger, one who cheats. Bagrawbnis, burial place. Badreegarrie, fraud. Bagrawva, to bury. Badreegung, cheating. Bagreifa, to understand. Badreffa, befall. Bagreiflich, easy, plain, sim- Badrochta, observe. ple. Badroga, cheated. Bagrif, idea. Batrook, deceit, fraud. Bagooka, to observe, to see. Badrowra, bewail. Bahartsicha. to take to heart

Badruflfa, befallen. Bahaiflich, complaisant, at- Badrunka, drunk. tentive. Bafalil, command. Bahawpt, contend. Bafahla, to command. Bahawpta, contending. Bafeshticha, to fasten. Baheeda, to guard. Bafinna, state of health. Bahelfa, to make shift Bafolla, to befall. Bahoft, afflicted with. Bafreia, to be glad, to make Baholda, to keep. free. Baid, pray. Bafreiung, rescue. Baida, to pray. Bafriedicha, to satisfy. Baid-dawg, Thanksgiving Bafriedichung, satisfaction. Day. Bafulga, to obey. Baidhouse, house of prayer. Bafroga, to consult. Bail, bail. Baggage, baggage. Baila, to bail. BAIM i6 BARRICK

Bairn, trees. Bamea, to care, to trouble. Bakara. convent. Band, band. Bakard, converted Band box, band-box. Bakarder, proselyte, convert Bander, panther. Bakarnug, conversion. Bandy, bantum, Bakenna, confess. Banennung, denomination. Bakentnis, confession. Bank, bank, embankment. Bakesliticlia, to board. Banker, banker. Bakimmera, to concern. Banknote, banknote. Baklaida, to clothe, to dress. Bankrupt, bankrupt. Baklauchta, defendant. Banner, banner. Baklawga, to accuse. Baomda, officers. Baklawger, accuser. Bar, bear, bar. Baklawgt, accused. Barawbt, robbed. Bakonta, acquaintances. Barawva, to rob. Bakonter, acquaintance. Barbawrish, barberous. Bakontmacha, to announce, Bardsel, rump. to introduce. Bardselbawn, somersault. Bakontmochung, announce- Bardselbawm shlogga, throw ment. a somersault. Bakontshoft, acquaintance. Bardsla, to tumble. Bakrefticiia, corroborating. Bareemt, renowned, famous. Bakumma, given. Bareia, regret, repent. Balance, balance. Bareid, repented. Balansa, balancing. Baricht, report. Baleebt, liked, loved. Barichta, reports. Baleeg. belie. Bari, barrel. Baleega, belied. Barmadickle, pendulum. Balobt, praised. Barmhartsich, merciful. Balona, to reward. Baramhartsichkate, mercy. Balonung, reward. Baroda, deliberate. Ballot, ballot. Barodeshlockt, deliberated. Ballota, balloting. Barrick, hill, mountain, bar- Bamarricka, to remark. row. .


Bariicka, birch. ' Baweis, proof. Barricka-bawin, birch-tree. Baweisa, to prove. Barsht, brush. Bawissa, proven. Barshta, bristles, brushes, to Bawm, tree. brush. Bawm-gorda, orchard. Barya, bargain, hills, to trust Bawm-messer, pruning hook Base, cross. Bawmocha, to open a pas- Basem, broom. sage through snow. Basem-shteel, broom-stick. Bawm-olich, sweet oil, olive Base-ding, felon. oil. Basem-welshkorn, broom- Bawmshool, nursery. corn. Bawohra, to guard. Base-fever, typhoid fever. Bawoon, inhabit. Bashadicha, to injure. Bawoona to inhabit. Bashadicht, injured. Bawooner. inhabitants. Bashenka, to present. Bawr, cash. Bashful, bashful. Bawra, hay mow. Bashreiva, describing. Bawrfeesich, barefooted. Bashrei vung, description Bawrgeld, cash. Basits, beset. Baws, boss, master. Basitsa, to possess. Bawsa, to command, to rule. Basitser, occupant. Bawwul, cotton. Battery, battery. Bay, leg. Battle, battle. Bayawa, to affirm. Battow, bateau. Bayommera, to bemoan. Batzawl, pay. Beat, beat. Batzawlt, paid. Beata, to beat. Batzawla, paying. Bech, shoemakers' wax. Batzawluug, payment. Bechar, goblet. Batzeiga, testify. Beck, peck, trestles. Bawaga, to move, to stir. Becker, baker. Bawaglich, movable. Beckerrei, bakery. Bawbsht, Pope, priest. Bed, bed, couch. Bawda, to wade. Bedla, to beg. BKD LAGERICH i8 BBLIv

Bed-lagerich, bedfast. Beifoos, mug-wort, arteme- Bedlawd, bed-stead. sia.' Bed-pushta, bed-post. Beigabrucht, introduced. Bed-sh trick, bed- cord. Beihola, to fetch. Bed-soch, bedding. Beiholda, to keep near. Bei-kind, a child born out of Bedtzeech, case for a feather- wedlock. bed. Beikumma, to come near, Bedtzeit, bed-time. arrive. Beed, bid. Beeda, bidding. Beil, hatchet. Beilaga, to lie near, to save. Beef, beef Beiler, boiler. Beefshtake, beefsteak. Beeg, bend. Beilaw, by-law. Beega, bending. Beim-beck, by the peck. Beer, pear, beer, berry. Beim-beind, by the pint. Beera, pears, berries. Beim-glana, retail. Beera-bawn, pear-tree- Beim-grosa, wholesale. Beer-fos, beer-keg. Beinau, nearly, almost. Beevel, bible. Beinawma, nickname. Beevel-shprooch, scriptural Beind, pint. sentence. Beind-bawm, pine tree. Behafe, behave. Beindblech, tin cup. Behafung, behavior. Beindhortz, pine resin. Bei, near by. Beindtzoppa, pine cone. Bei-arwer, co-heir. Beis, bite. Beibringa, to introduce Beisa, itch, biting. Beichta, to bend the knee. Beishoflfa, to provide, Beidla, to bolt as flour. Beishpiel, example. Beidle, bolt, scrotum. Beishpringa, to run together Beidle-dooch, bolting-cloth. Beisich, acrid, pungent. Beidrawga, to bring near. Beistzong, pincers. Beidricka, to hug, to press Beiwake, by-road. against. Beiwoona, to attend. BeifoUa, to recollect. Bell, bell. BELLA 19 BLACKA

Bella, to ring the bell. Bigbuggerrei, aristocracy. Bella-knipple, bell clapper. Bigla, to iron. Bels, pelt, fur, robe. Bigeleisa, smoothing iron. Belsa, to lamm. Bild, picture. Belsnickle, Santa Claus. Bilder, pictures. Belt. belt, Bilder-booch, picture-book. ßembla, to waste, to hang Bilder-shtecher, engraver. loosely. Bildung, refinement. Bendle, string. Bill, bill. Benefit, benefit. Billiards, billiards. Benefishel, beneficial. Billich, cheap. Bengle, a stout fellow. Bin, bandage Bank, benches, Bindle, bundle, package. Benkle, little bench. Binna, to bind, to tie. Bens, penny, cent. Binner, binder. Besht, best. Bint, pint, pine. Beshtlie, small calabash. Bintblech, tincup. Besra, to repent, to better, to Binthorts, pine-resin. improve. Binsa, rushes, sedges. Besser, better. Bishop, bishop. Bettla, begging. Bisht, are, art. Bettle, beg. Biskotz, skunk, pole-cat. Bettler, beggar. Biskotza-fet, skunk-oil. Bevel, bevel. Biskotza-growd, skunk cab- Bicher, books. bage. Bicher-binner, book-binder. Biskotza-howd, skunk fur.

Bicher-shonk, book-case. Bisnis, business. - Bick, stoop. Bissel, a little, a bit. Bicka, stooping. Bitch, bitch. Bicks, rifle, vagina. Bitrashtengel, wormwood. Bicksa-mocher, gunsmith. Bitrazulawd, dandelion. Biflfel, blockhead, pollard. Bitter, bitter. Bigbug, aristocrat. Black, black.

Bigbuggish , aristocratic, Blacka, to blacken. BLACKBBERA 2 . BLONKA Blackbeera, blackberries. Bleshter kel, trowel. Blackshmit, blacksmith. Blesseer, pleasure. Blaich p ale Bletcha, saucer. Blaicha, to bleach. Bletsha, to whip with the Blaid, bashful. open hand. Blaidheit, bashfulness. Bletslich, immediately. Blaidla,to inoculate,budding Blick, plows, glance, to open Blaim, blame. with the thumb and fin- Blaima, to blame. gers. BUcka, glancing. Blank, blank. Blanket, blanket. Blind, blind. Blara, to bellow. Blindamisel,blind-man's buff Blawd, leaf. Blindhate, blindness. Blee, bloom. Blinsla, to blink, to wink. Bleea, to bloom, to blossom Blitz, lightning, menses. Bleeknep, flower-buds. Blitza, lightning. Blech, tin, tincup. Blitza-blo, dark blue. Blechel, porringer. Bio, blue. Blechag'shar, tinware. Bloarfidriole, blue vitriol. Bleck, logs. Bloar-hooshta, whooping- Bledder, leaves, blades. cough Bleet, blossoms. Bio barrick, Blue mountain. Blei, lead. Blo-baryar-tse, golden rod. Blei-mind, lead-mine Block, pitch, spot Bleip, stay, remain. Blöder, blister. Blei-pencil, lead pencil. Blodra blisters. Bleishoffer, plumber. Bloflfa, to bark. Bleitzooker, sugar lead. Blo-fogel, blue bird. Bleiva, stay, remain. Blo-hooshda, whooping- Bleiweis, whitelead. cough. Bles, mouth. Blohuls, logwood. Bleshter, plaster. Blonk, plank. Bleshtera, plastering. Blonka, planks, to cover Bleshterer, plasterer. with planks. BLONS : BOIvGA

Blons, plant. Blowdra, talk, Blonsa, planting. Bluck, log. Blonswelshkorn, seed corn. Bluckheisel. log-cabin. Blood, blood Bluckhouse, log house. Blooda, bleeding Bluckshire, log barn.

Bloodich, bloody. Blufi-, bluff-. Bloodrode, red as blood. Bluffa, bluffing. Blood-suckler, leech. Blush, blush. Blood -wartzel, blood-root. Blusha, blushing. Blook, plow, Blut, bare, bald. Blook shlafe, plow shoe. Blutkeppich, bald-headed. Blook-share, plow-share. Bo, beau. Blooks grandla, plow-beam Bobbagoi, parrot Blooknaws, point of a plow Bobbeer, paper. Blookszech, colter, coulter. Bobble, chatter. Bloom, flower. Bobbla,, chattering. Blooma, flowers. Bobblemoul, chatterbox. Bloomafogel, humming bird Bobbler, chatterer. Blooma-grons, flower border Bobkarn, popcorn. Blooma-hoffa, flower-pot. Boch, brook. Blooma kenner, botanist, Bock bake Blooma lond, flower bed. Bocka, baking, hounds. Blooma-ring, wreath. Bockashtae, brick. Blooma-shtuck, flowerstalk. Bockatzaw, molar tooth. Blooma-sooma, flower seed Bockatzse, molar teeth. Blose, bladder, bare, naked, Bockmole, doughtray. blow, scold. Bocksoda, baking soda. Blosa, blowing, scolding. Bockuffa, bakeoven. Blosebolk, bellows. Bockuffa kitch, oven scraper Bloshter, salve, plaster. Bockuff"asheeser, baker's peel Blots, place. Body, body. Bloum, plum. Bodder, bother. Blouma, plums. Bodderashun, botheration. Blouma baum, plum tree. Boga, bow, arch. BOGA-FENSHTER 22 BOOTSA

Boga-fenshter, bay-window- ' Bonka bay, bench leg. Bogaflint, bow and arrow. Bonnet, bonnet Bol, soon. Bonnet-box, band box. Bolla, ball. Boo, boy. Bolla-britcli, bat. Boova, boys. Bolla butter, roll butter. Boova-lice, tick seed. Bold, bold, fearless. Boova-rootch, a fast girl. Bolka, joist, beam. Booch, book, BoUoon, balloon. Boocha, beech. BoUoony, bologna. Boocha bawm, beech -tree. Bolsem, mint, balsam. Boochwaitza, buckwheat. Bolsom-de-moldaw, balsam- Book, brace. de-malta, Booker, rascal. Bolsenieera, embalm. Bookie, back. Bolweera, shave. Booklewse, backache, lum- Bolweerer, barber. bago. B olweerbox, shaving cup. Books, laurel, wintergreen. Bolweermesser, razor. Booksbeera, teaberries.

Bol weer pencil , shaving Boomp, pump, brush Boompabeet, pumphood. Bolweer safe, shaving soap Boompa box, pump valve- Bolweer shade, razor sheath. Boompa droke, pump-trough Bolweer shtrap, rasor strop. Boompa shpout, pump spout Bombla, to dangle, to loaf. Boompa shtuck, pump staff. Bomblich, loosely, negligent Boompashwengel, pum-p- Bon, charm, brake. Bonna, to charm. Boon, bean. Bond, hinge, ribbon. Boona, beans. [ory. Bond-worm, tape-worm. Boonagreidel, summer sav- Bonfire, bonfire. Boonashtecka, beanpole Bong, afaid, uneasy. Boondle, bundle Bongichkate, fear. Boosh, woods Bongonet, bayonet. Bootsa. core, to clean. Bonk, bench. Bootsamon, scarescrow. BOOTER 23 BREE

Booter, butter. Bouchwse, bellyache. Booter buck, churn horse. Bouchtzoover, bucking tub. Booter fos, churn. Bouts, hob-goblin. Booter millich, butter milk. Bowa, build. Booter muddle, butter print Bower, farmer. Booter shisel, butter dish. Bowera, farming. Booter tzoover, butter tub. Bowera house, farm house. Bora, auger, to bore Bowerei, farm. Borebonk, boring bench. Bowhuls, building lumber. Bord, board, beard, chin. Braid, wide, broad. Bord karrich, gallery. Braider, broader. Borgamot, bergamot Braid-beil, broadaxe. Borrick, wig, peruke. Braiding, width, braid. Bortzard,a fowl without atail Braidsht, broadest. Boseheit, malice. Brandis, apprentice, Boss, boss, employer. Brandy, brandy. Brase, Bossa, to fit. brace. Bosgeik, bass viol. Brase bora, abger bit. Bosht, husk, rind, Brass, brass. Boshta, husking. Braw^f, brave, smart. Boshtard, a low land- Brawfheit, bravery. Boshthuls, husking pin. Bren. burn. Bosht-knawda, parsnips. Brenna, burning, distilling. Böslich-, middling. Brenaisel, nettle. Bossem, opossum. Brennerrei, distillery. Bos-shtim, bass voice. Brecha, to break, to vomit. Boss singer, bass singer Brechmiddle, emetic. Botch, botch. Brechtich, splendid. Botreesel, quail. Breckla, to crumb. Bouch, belly. Breckle, crumb. Bouchfellich, delapidated. Breddich, sermon, discourse Bouchgard. belly band. Breddicher, minister, preach- Bouch grivles, griping in the er. bowels. Bree, juice, gravy. BREEAH 24 BRUSHTWORTS

Breeah, hatch, scald. Broda, frying. Breech, breech. Brodedake, bread dough. Breed, breed. Brode grimm el, bread crumb Breeda, broods. Brodegrusht, bread crust Breeder, brothers, Frodehonk, bread safe. Breederlich, brotherly. Brode pon, frying pan. Breedershoft, brotherhood. Brodeshonk, bread safe. Brei, pap. Brode warsht, sausage. Breich, juicy. Brof., professor. Breicha^ to need. Brofit, profit. Breidichom, bridegroom. Brol, brag. Bribe, bribe. Brolla, bragging. Brief, letter. Broiler, boaster. Briefbobbeer, letter paper. Broud, gangrene ergot. Briefshade, envelope. Brondawie, whiskey. Briefshreiva, letter writing. Brooch, rupture, quarry. Briefwecksel, correspon- Broochbond, truss dence. Brooder, brother. Brick, bridge. Broodermord, fratricide. Brickpeiler. pier. Brouch, need. Brigel, club. Brumma, to hum. Brigla, clubbing. Brummer, steam whistle. Brigelsoup, whipping. Brunn a, well. Bril, cry, spectacles. Bmnnagress, water cress. Brilla, to cry, to roar. Br una mower, well curb. Bring, bring. Bruns, urine. Bringa, bringing. Brunsa, urinate. Brisk, .brisk. Brusht, breast Britch, bat. Bruset-karn, sweet-bread. Britcha, bats, to flock. Brusht-knucha, breastbone. Britching, breeching. Brushtkummet, breast collar Brivy, water closet. Brushtloppa, vest. Broacha, to fallow. Brushtsims, wainscoting. Brode, bread, fry. Brushtworts, breast nipple. BRUTSA 25 CHANCE Bully, bully. Brutsa, to pout. 1

Brutseck, pout corner. I Bulsoder, artery.

Brutskind, one prone to 1 Bundle, bundle. pouting. Büro, bureau. Brutsla. fine rain. Bushel, bushel. Bubble, baby. Bushknipple, country jake. Bublie, infant. Bushtawb, letter. Buck, ram, trestle. Bushtaweer, spell. Budboi, potpie. Bushtaweera, spelling. Budda, bottom ground. Bus, kiss, Buddem, bottom ground Bussa, kissing. Buddem riegel, fundamental Bussel, bustle. rail. Bussy, cat. Budshoft, message, news. Butcher, butcher. Buffalo, buffalo. Butchera. butchering. Buffalo-howd, buffalo[]robe. Buttle, bottle. Buggy, buggy. By, by. Bull, bull. Bywohna, to be present. Bulla, testacies, bulls

Cabinet, cabinet- Captain, captain. Calculate, calculate. Car, car. Calculata, to calculate. Carpet, carpet Calculashun, calculation. Cash, cash. Camp, camp. Cashier, cashier. Campa, encamp. Cassimer, cashmere. Campane, campaign. Casting, casting. Campment, encampment, Celebrate, celebrate. Candy, candy. Celebrata, to celebrate. Cap, cap. Celebrashun, celebration. Caps, caps. Cent, penny. Capacity, capacity. Certificate, certificate. Cape, cape, Champion, champion. Capers, capers, doings. Chance, chance. CHARGA 26 COMPARA

Charga, to charge. Coax, coax, Charge, charge, Coaxa, coaxing. Charter, charter. Coffee, coffee. Chartra, to charter. Coffee-con, coffee-can. Chasa, to chase. Coffee pot, coffee-pot. Chase, chase. Coffee-meel, coffee-mill. Chaw, chew. Colbosfit, calabash. Chawa, chewing. Collar, collar. Check, check. Collect, collect. Checka, to check. Collecta, collecting. Chilla, to chill. Collecter, collector. Chockey, jockey. Collectshun, collection. Chockey-shtecka, guide-pole Collenner, calendar. Choke, choke. Colledge, college. Choka, choking. Collick, lime. Choose, choose. Colmus, sweet- flag. Choosa, choosing. Colp, calf. Cider, cider. Colp flaish, veal. Circus, circus. Com, comb. Citizen, citizen- Comma, comma, cogs. City, city. Commale, cammel. Circler, circular. Command, command. Claim, claim. Commanda, commanding. Claima, claiming. Commander, commander. Clear, clear. Commission, commission. Clera, clearing. Commissioner, commission Clever, clever. er. Cloak, cloak. Common, common, plain. Coach, coach. Communicont, communicant Coal, coal. Compare, compare. Coala, coal. Compara, comparing. Coal-ail, coal oil. Comparison, comparison. Coal-ail-con, coal-oil can. Compete, compete. Coal-ail-fos, coal-oil barrel. Competa, competing. COMPLETE 27 COUNSEL Complete, complete. Connoon, cannon. Completa, completing. Consdrawva, currants. Compliment, compliment. Consel, pulpit. Complimenta, compliments. Consider, consider. Compose, compose. Considera, considering. Composa, composing. Constitushun, constitution. Composishun, composition. Consult, consult. Compound, compound Consulta, consulting. Compounda, compounding. Contest, contest Compromise, compromise. Contesta, contesting. Compromisa, compromising. Contract, contract Comrawd, cogwheel. Contracta, to contract. Con, can. Convinse, convince. Consert, concert. Convinsa, convincing. Conclude, conclude. Convict, convict. Concluda, concluding. Convicta, convicting, Conclushion, conclusion. Convickshun, conviction. Condense, condense. Cop, cap. Condensa, condensing. Copbittle, chapter. Condemma, condemning. Coppy, copy. Condem'd, condemned Coppia, copying Condidawd, candidate. Coppy-booch, copy-book. Condidawda, candidates Collar-button, collar-button. Condishun, condition. Cord, 1 , Conducktor, conductor. Cord-beudle,j^°^^' Conference, conference. Corda, cording, cards. Confess, confess. Corda-dish, gambling table. Confessa, confessing. Corder, tom cat. Confess'd, confessed. Cord-mosheen, cord machine Confeshion, confession. Cross-cut-sake, cross-cut saw Congress, congress. Court, court. Connect, connect. County, county. Connecta, connecting. Cousin, cousin. Conneckshun, connection. Counsel, council. COUNTER 28 DARRICH- LAUF

Counter, counter. Cura, curing. Counterfit, counterfeit Cultivata, cultivating. Countermand, countermand. Cultivater, cultivator. Crowd, crowd. Cupcha, cup. Curb, curb. Curf, curve. Curbshtae, curbstone. Currawsha, courage. Cure, cure. Cushen, cushion. D.

Dabei, with. Dargla, to reel, to stagger. Daichlich, daily. Darlodle, tar keg. Dafor, before, in favor. Darm, bowels, intestines. Dagaga, against. Darmel, giddiness, swoon. Dahame, home, at home. Darmlich, giddy. Daiga, sword. Darmsaid, cat-gut string. Daik, dough. Darn, thorn. Daikich, doughy. Darnich, thorny. Daik-mocha, dough kneeding. Darrabadeen, turpentine. Daik-shofFa, kneeding dough Darrich, through, done, tary Dail, part, partly, divide. Darrichbora, bore through. Daila, to divide, to share. Darrich-b rech a, break Dair, door. through. Dairich, foolish. Darrich-b renn a, burn Dairly, small gate. through. Dait, would, Darrich-bringa, to squander, Daitzember,'December. Darrich-bringer, spendthrift. Dalya, dahlia. Darrich-broda, to fry well. Dampa, to coddle. Darrich-falla, to fall through Danky, thank you. Darrich - fawra, to drive Danser, dancer. through. Dar,[^tar, dry, lean, that. Darrich -gae, to escape. Dara, to tar, to dry. Darrich - gooka, to look Darbadeen, turpentine. through. Darf, dare. Darrich-lawf, diarrhoea. DARRICHLAWFA 29 DECK

Darrich - lawfa, flo w i n g Datzwisha,, between, be- through. twixt. Darrich'uonner, mixed up. Daw, dew. Darrichous, by all means Dawb, deaf, without a ker- Oarrichous-net, by no means. nel. Darrich - reisa, tearing Dawdem, date through Dawdy, father, daddy, papa. Darrich- sahna, to see through Dawf, christen, baptize. Darrich seia, to strain, to Dawfa, to baptize. filter. Dawfshei, baptismal certifi- Darrich-sheina, to shine cate. through Dawg, day. Darrich-shleicha, to sneak Dawga, days. throuifh. Dawg-booch, day book. Darrich - shlogga, to drive Dawg-deeb, sluggard, idler. through, to support scan- Dawg-lenner, day laborer. tily. Dawg-luch, lintel. Darrich-shluppa, to creep Dawg's arwed, day's work. through. Dawgweis, by the day. Darrich - shoffa, to work Dawl, dale. through Dawler, dollar. Darrich - shneida, to cut Dawler rose, aster. through. Dawrm, intestine. Darrich-solsa, salt through. Dawrum, because. Darrich-sucha, to search, to Daymeedich, humble, meek. ransack. Daymood, touch-me-not. Darrich-wox, boneset. Deadlatch, deadlatch.

Darrich - yawga, to chase Deal, deal, through. Deala, dealing. Darrich-tzook, girder. Dealer, dealer Darrichtzwenga, to force Debate, debate. through. Decide, decide. Dasha, dashing. Decida, deciding. Dasher, dasher, dash-board. Deck, cover. DECKA 30 DBLLBR

Decka, to cover, to roof. Defense, defense, defence. Deck-bed, feather-bed. Defeusif, defensive,

Deckel, cover, lid. i Define, define. Deckel-glaws, tankard, Defina, to define. Decksel, adze. Defy, defy. Declara, to declare. Defya, defying. Declarashun, declaration Degree, degree. Declina, to dec'ine. Dei, your. Deduct, deduct. Deiar, dear. Deducta, to deduct. Deif, dive. Deeb, thief. Deifa, diving Deebshtawl, theft, robbery. Deifel, devil. Deed, deed. Deira, dearer. Deef, deep. Deirsht, dearest. Deefer, deeper. Deichla, conduit pipes. Deefsht, deepest. Deiksel, thill, wagon tongue, Deen, serve. or pole. Deena, serving. Deikselket, pole-chain. Deener, servant, waiter. Deikselnogel; thill pin. Deer, animal, door. Deikselshuol, pole-piece. Deera, animals, doors. Deimling, thumbstall. Deera-bond, door hinge. Deiter, pointer. Deera-knup, door knob. Deitlich, clear, distinct Deera-riegel, bar, bolt. Deitsch, German, Dutch. Deera-shlus, door lock. Deitschlenner. German. Deercha, gate. Deitschlond, Germany, Deerashow, menagerie. Deivel, devil. Deerashwell, threshold, door- Deivelsdreck, asafoetida.

sill. Delicate, delicate. Defeat, defeat. Delegate, delegate. Defeata, to defeat. Delegashun, delegation. Defectif, defective. Deliver, deliver. Defenda, to defend. Delivera, delivering. Defendant, defendant. Deller, plate. DEM 31 DINSHT-MAD EL Dem. that one- Desk, desk. Demada, timothy. Desmohl, this time. Demadasooma, timothy seed Determined, determined, Demand, demand. Detshla, patting. Demanda, to demand. Detzember, December, Demnoch, according to. Diagram, diagram. Demograwd, democrat. Diamond, diamond. Demograwdish, democratic. Dichter, poet. Den, this. Dick, thick. Dengle, to sharpen a scythe Dicker, thicker. by hammering. Dicksht, thickest. Dengle-hommer, scythe ham- Dick-bockich, full cheeked. mer Dick - keppich, dull. Dengle-shtuck, scythe anvil. Dicky-millich, curd. Denk, think. Dick-kup, blockhead, dunce. Denka, thinking. Dick-seckich, punch bellied. Denktzettle, reminder. Dickshunary, dictionary Denwake, this way. Differ, differ. Department, department. Differa, diflferiug. Deputy, deputy. DiflSculty, difficulty. Der, the Din, thin. Derbei, with. Dinner, thinner.

Derfore, before, for it. Dinsht, thinnest. Derfun, from. Dinda, ink. Dergaga, against. Dinda-blocka, ink-spot. Derhame, at home. Dinda-flecka, ink-spots. Dernoch, after, afterwards. Dinda-fos, ink keg.

Dertzu, with it, to it. Dinda-glaws, inkstand. Des, this. Ding, thing. Design, design. Dinga, things, to hire. Designa, to design. Dinshdawg, Tuesday. Desh, vagina. Dinsht, service, employ. Deshelgrout, she pherds' Dinsht-madel, maid, servant- weed. girl. DIPLICH 32 DODE Diplich, spotted. Dispatch, dispatch, message. Dire, dear. Display, display. Direr, dearer. Displaya. displaying. Diresht, dearest. Disposa, disposing Direct, direct. Disposed, disposed. Directa, directing. Disrespect, disrespect. Direckshun, direction. Disreshpectful, disrepectful. Disagree, disagree. Dissecta, dissecting. Disagreea, disagreeing. Dissolve, dissolve. Disadvantage, disadvantage Dissolva, dissolving. Disappeara, disappearing. Dissolushun, dissolution. Disappointa, disappointing Distance, distance. Disbanda, disbanding. Distributa, distributing. Discharge, discharge. Distribushun, distribution. Discharga, discharging. District, district. Discussa, discussing. Dits, teat. , Discushion, divide. discussion. I Divide, Discount, discount. Divida, dividing, I Discounta, discounting. D'no, then. Dish, table. Do, here. Dishbadawd, dispute. Doba, paw. Dishbadeera, disputing. Doch, roof Dishbay, table leg. Dochdrups, eaves. Dishd'ra, to sooth, to quiet. Dochfarsht, ridge-pole Dishdle, thistle Doch fenshter, dormer win- Dishdla, thistles. dow. Dishdleera, to season, to fo- Doch-kondle, spouting. ment. Doch-lawda, hatchway. Dish-dooch, table-cloth. Doch-shtool, strut and purlin. Dishfliegel, table leaf. Docks, raccoon, or ground- Dishmesser, table knife. hog. Dismiss, dismiss. Docksbanich, badger. Dismissa, to dismiss. Document, document.

Dismiss 'd, dissmissed. Dode, dead. DODES 33 DOPPLE

Dodes, corpse. Doomeldich, hurry up. Dodadraik, bier. Doompich, close, hot, unven. Dodaglaid, shroud. tilated. Dodalawd, coffin. Doomhate, ^^^^^^"^^• Dodawogga, hearse. Doomhata, Dode-shlogga, to slay. Doomkup, blockhead. Doddledoub, turtle dove, Doon, ton. Dodge, dodge. Dooner, thunder. Dodga, to dodge. Doonera, thundering. Dollar, hither. Doonershdawg, Thursday. Doll, Doonk, dip. Doll. Dollbup Doonka, dipping, immersing Dom, dam. Doonker, Baptist. Domino, dominoes. Doonkle, dark. Domohls, at that time. Dooner-wedder, thunder Domp, vapor. storm. Don, then. Doonkes, gravy. Donk, thank. Doonkle farwich, dark color- Donka, thanking. ed. Donkbawr, thankful, grate- Doonsht, vapor, mist. ful. Doop, make a spot, point. Donkesward, worth thanking Doopa, pointing,points, spots Donksawga, to offer thanks Doopmeisich, sneaking

Donksawgung. thanksgiving Doo's, do it. Dons, dance. Dooshper, dusk. Donsa, dancing. Doowock, tobacco. Doo, you. Doowockshtick, tobacco Dooch, cloth. patch. Doodle-sock, bagpipe. Doowocksbree, tobacco juice Doodsend, dozen. Dop, walk heavily. Doodsendwise, by the dozen. Doppa, walking heavily, to Doom, dumb. grasp for. Doomel, hurry. Doppich, clumsy. Doomla, hurrying. Dopple, a clumsy fellow. DORE 34 DREI-FOOS

Dore, large gate Draiargel, grind-organ Dorm, gut Draibonk, turn bench, turn- Dorrigle, stagger. ing lathe. Dorrigla, staggering. Draid, kick, step. Dorrich, through Draida, kicking, stepping. Dorrichgse, abscond- Draider, a kicker, treadle. Dorsht, thirst Draid power, tread-power. Dorshtich, thirsty. Drai-handle, winch. Dort, there Draina, tears, train. Dorta, there. Draw, at, to, into. Dos, that. Drawer, drawer. Dos dich der gook gook het, Drawg, bier, carry. go to grass. Drawga, carrying. Dose, dose. Drawm, dream. Drawma, dreaming. Drawmbuch, dreambook. Double-g'sichtich, double- Drechter, funnel. faced, hypocritic Drechter-blooma, morning- Double-sinnich, ambiguous. glories Dow, dew. Drechter-koocha, funnel Dowb, dove, pigeon. cakes. Dowbert, male dove. Dreck, dirt, mud. Dower, pity, last, dower. Dreckluch, mud hole. Dowera, pitying, duration. Dreeb, cloudy, Dowerhoft, durable. Dreebsawl, grief, sorrow. Dowma, thumb. Dreffa, hit. Dowsand, thousand, i,ooo. Dreftsa, cheat. Dowsendgildergrout, genti- Drei, three. an. Dreib, drive. Dowva, doves, pigeons. Drei-bainich, three-legged. Dowva-koshta, dove cot. Drei-eck, triangle. Draft, draft. Drei-eckich, triangular. Drai, turn, curve, crank. Drei-foch, three-fold. Draia, to turn, to twist. Dreifoos, tripod DREISICH 35 DRUMSAKE

Dreisich, thirty. Drimmiugs, trimmings. Dreisichshter, thirtieth. Drin, in, inside.

Dreitzain, thirteen. i Drink, drink, Dreiva, driving. Drinka, drinking j Dreiyarich, three years-old Dripla, to walk with small Dreuk, a watering place. steps. Drenka, to water animals. Dripple arwed, chore. Drenkaimer, watering-buck- Driva, over, across. et, Drivver, over, across, done. Drep, step. Driveleera, to pester, to Dreppa, steps plague. Drepsla, a slight shower. Droch, dragon, kite. Dresh, thresh. Drocha-luch, cave, cavern. Dresha, threshing. Drode, wire, waxends. Dresher-bril, goggles. Drode-gorn, shoemakers' Dresh-den, thresh-floor. thread. Dreshder, pomace, pummace Drodeshtumpa, shoemakers' Dresh- flegel, flail. ends. Dresh mosheen, threshing- Drode-tzong, pliers. machine. Droke, trough Dress, dress. Drom, rum. Dressa, dressing. Drom rot, toper, tippler, Drick, squeeze. drunkard, sot,

Dricka, squeezing. < Droof, on, upon. Drickla, drying. Droofg'shnopt, died. Drickning, drouth, drought- Drook, print

Dridel, dower, one-third, (>^) Drooka, printing, dry. Drill, drill. Drooker, printer. Drilla, drilling, sowing with Drookerei, printing office. a drill Drook dinta, printing ink.

Drill-bora, whimble, steel Drum, drum, about it. Drill-sake, hacksaw. Drumma, drumming. Drim, trim. Drumbade, clarion. Drimma, trimming. Droom-sake, crosscut saw. EI-AIGA DROON . 36 Drowva-shtuck, grapevine. Droon, whale-oil. I Droona, down, below. Drowva wei, grape wine Droonar, under, below. Drull, a slow run, troll. Droonk, a drink, trunk. DruUa, to run slowly. Droop, drove, flock D rumple, jews' harp. Drous, out, outside. Drussel, trestle. Drover, drover. Druvva, up, above. Drowa, to trust, to marry. Du, you. Drowb grape. Dub. top of a tree. Drowrich, sad, sorry. Duchter, daughter. Drower-leit, mourners. Duchter-mon, son-in-law. Drowra, mourning. Duckter, doctor. Drowva, grapes. Ducktera, doctoring. Drowva hen gl e, cluster of Dudder, yolk of an egg. grapes. Dulla-bloom, tulip. Drowva-karn, grape-seed. Dulmetsher, interpreter. Drowva-ronk, grapewine. Duty, duty.

Eadricha, to chew the cud. Eckshtaenich, checkered. Earn, bee, him, his. Eckshonk, corner cupboard. Eama, bees. Edita, editing, to edit. Eama fresser, bee eater. Effa, stoves. Eamakarb beehive. Effect, effect. Eama koshta, J Effecta, effecting. Eama rose, honey comb. Effectif, effective. Eamashtond, bee stand. Effentlich, public, openly. Eama shwarm, bee swarm. Effengalish, Evangelical. Eamens, ant, pismire. Effengalium, gospel. Ean, him, himself. Eana, their. Eck, corner. Ehra, her, hers. Eckich, cornered. Ehna, theirs.

Eckshtse, corner store. ', Ei aiga, to harrow in as seed. .

EIARNDA 37 EISAYA Eiarnda, to harvest. Eigaweid, dedicated. Eibeesa, to suffer loss, to be Eigevva, to hand in. hurt Eigong. entrance. Eibendla, to cover, to hem. Eigonga, shrunk, consented. Eibicka, to fold in the edges Eihakla, to hook in. Eibild, vision. Eihenka, to hook in. Eibilda, to imagine. Eihocka, to cut in, to hoe in Eibildung, imagination. Eihola, overtake.

Eibinna, to bind . to wrap up. Eiholda, to keep back, to Eibringa, to collect. slacken, Eibrooch, burglary. Eihoucha, inhale. Eich, you. Eikawfa, to buy, to purchase. Eidarra, to shrink in drying. Eikucha, to decrease by boil- Eider, udder. ing, to boil down. Eidex, lizard. Eikumma, income, to recol- Eidrawga, to yield, to store lect. up, to carry in. Eil, hurry, owl. Eidreiva, to collect. Eila, hurrying owls. Eidrook, impression. Eilaga, to lay in, to salt. Eifaidla, to thread, to lace. Eilawda, to load in, to invite Eifeera, inducing. Eilawduug. invitation. Eifeichta, to moisten. Eileidung, introduction, pref- Eifensa, fencing in. ace. Eifer, ardor, zeal. Eimocha, preserve. Eiferich, zealous. Eimovera, to immure, to Eifloos, influence. wall in. Eifol, random or sudden Einaia, sew in, to sew up in. thought. Einemma, to take in. Eifolda, to fold in. Eir, your. Eifolla, to fall in, to cave in, Eireiva, rub in to recollect, to remember. Eireara, to mix. Eigae, shrink. Eis, ice. Eigalawda, invited. Eisa, iron. Eigaricht, fixed, arranged Eisaya, to sow. EISAGA 38 END

Eisaga, to saw into Eiweia, dedicate, initiate. Eisaigna, consecrate, bless Eiweiung, dedication. Eisakeidel, iron wedge Eiwendung, objections. Eisamind, iron ore. Eiwickla, wrap up. Eis cream, ice cream. Eiwanderer, immigrant. Eiserlich, outward Eiwooner, inhabitant. Eisetsa, install, set in. Eiyawga, to chase in. Eisharra, scrape in. Elbadritchelcher, a mythical Eisharfa, to remind, to en- bird, join urgently. Elboga, elbow. Eishenka, to pour in. Eld, age Eishleasa, lock in. Elder, older. Eishlofa, fall asleep Eldera, parents Eishlummera, fall into a Eldeshter, elder, presbyter. slumber. Eidlich, elderly. Eis-hoka. ice hook. Eldsht, oldest. Eishlogga, to stike by light- Eleckshun, election. ning. Element, element. Eis house, ice house. Elevate, elevate. Eishponna; hitch up. Elevashuu, elevation. Eishter, oyster. Elevata elevating.

Eishtuppa, to stuff in, to fill. Elevater, elevator.

Eishparra, to confine, to pen Elf 1 eleven. up. ^^f; I Eishreiva, subscribe. Elf-mohl, eleven times. Eisich, icy. Elft, eleventh. Eisicht, insight. Elefont, elephant. Eis kold, ice cold. Emsich, active, diligent, in- Eisolsa, to salt. dustrious. Eis shivel, lump of ice Encurrage, encourage. Eis soup, hyssop. Encurraga, encouraging. Eis tzoppa, icicle. Encurragement, encourage- Eis tzong, ice tongs. ment. Eiwaicha, to soak. End, end, duck. ENDA 39 ESSER Eiida, ending, ducks. Entertaina, entertaining. Enderich, drake. Entertainment, entertain* Endecka, discover ment. Endecked, discovered. Entitla, entitles. Endlich, finally, at last Entitled, entitled.

Endorse, endorse Ep, if, whether. Endorsa, endorsing. Epmoles, sometimes. Endorser, endorser. Epper, somebody, some one. Endwakes, endways. Eppes, something. Enforsa, enforcing. Epple, apples. Eng, strait, narrow, asmathic Epplebame, apple trees. Engaga. engaging. Epple bawm, apple tree, Engaged, engaged. Epple blooma, apple blos- Engagement, engagement. soms Eng-brishtich, asthmatic. Epp1eboi,1 , . /apple pie. Engle, angel. Epple pie, Eng hartzich, narrow minded Epple dumplins,apple dump- Engkeitel, coecum. lings. Englenner, Englishman. Epple karna, apple seed. English, English. Epple koocha, apple tart. English sols, English salt. Epple jack, applejack. English gronkhate, scrofula, Eppel lawb, apple leaves. King's evil. Epple mawla, crushing ap- Endwedder, either. ples. Engrava, engraving. Eppel sas, apple sauce. Engsht. most narrow, fear. Equal, equal. Engshtlich, anxiety, fear. Equaliza, equalizing. Enkel, grand-son. Etlicha, several.

Enklin, granddaughter. Es, eat, that, it, the. Enjoya, enjoying. Esh, ash, ashes. Enjoyment, enjoyment. Esha bawm, ash tree. Enroll, enroll Esh lawk, lye. Enrolla, enrolling. . Essa, eating. Entra, entering. Esser, eater. ES SHTICK 40 FAIIv

Es shtick, lunch. Execushun, execution. Es shtoob, dining room. Exercise, exercise. Essich, vinegar. Excuse, excuse. Essich fos, vinegar barrel. Excusa, excusing. Essich grook, vinegar jug. Excused, excused. Essocha, eatables, victuals. Exhibita, exhibiting. Estzeit, meal time. Exly, a little ox, or ax. Evada, evading. Expenda, expending. Evashun, evasion. Expense, expense. Evil, evil. Expensif, expensive. Evidence, evidence. Expella, expelling. Ewa, but, though. Experiment, experiment. Evvafeel, immaterial. Experiment a, experimenting Ewer, boar, hoggish man. Exposa, exposing.

Evversich, upwards. I Express, express.

Ex, axes. I Explain, explain. Exact, exact. Explaina, explaining. Exactly, exactly. Explanashun, explanation Examine, examine. Exploda, exploding. Examina, examining. Expressa, expressing, to send Example, example. by express. Except, except. Extenda, extending. Excepta, excepting. Extensif, extensive. Executa, executing. Extra, extra. Executer, executor. Extracta, extracting. Executif, executive.

Face, face. Faig, clean. Facing, facing. Faiga, cleaning. Fact, fact. Faiger, cleaner, scavenger. Factory, factory. Faigfire, purgatory.

Faich, fit. Fail, fail, miss. FAILA 41 FARTZ^

Faila, failing, missing. Farshda, heel, heels Fail'd, failed, missing, ailing Farshich, forwards. Fail drit. misstep. Farsht, ridge. Failer, mistake, error, fault. Farsich, forwards Fail grif, mistake, blunder. Fart, away, off. Failure, failure. Fart blosa, to blow away. Fail yohr, a year of scarcity. Fart dowra, to continue. Fair, fair. Fart dreiva, to chase off. to Family, family. drive away. Fan, fan Fart fawra, to haul away, to Fancy, fancy. drive away. Fanna, to fan. fanning. Fart fieega, to fly away. Fardilk, eradicate, Fart gae, to go away, to leave Fardilya. to eradicate. Fart gablosa, blew away. Fardraid, twisted. Fart gadrivva, chased away, Ferdreesa, to displeas. drove off or away. Ferdrussa, displeased. Fart gayawgt, chased off. Farling, farthing. Fart g'fawra, hauled away. Farnicht, destroy, annul. Fart g'flugga, flew away. Farnichta, to destroy, to an- Fart g'hulfa, helped along. nul, to annihilate. Fartg'shickt, sent away. Farnemma, understand. Fartg'shproodga, ran away. Farnoomma, understood. Fartich, finished, complete. Farrawell, farewell, adieu. Fart koomma, to get along. Farreb, color, paint, Fartle, quarter Farreb pensil, paint brush. Fartle dawler, quarter dollar Far^richt, fear, furrow. Fartle-yarich, quarterly, [on. Far richt^, to do, to execute. Fart mocha, continue, keep Far richt^a,üoing, executing Fartshicka, send away. Far^richta, fearing, to be a- Fart shpringa, run away. fraid. [fearful. Fartyawga, to chase away. Farrichterlich, dreadful, Fartz, fart. Farry, forwards. Fartza, farting. Farshd, verse. Fartzae, fourteen. FARTZ.E DAWG 42 FEINDSHOFT

Fa-tzae dawg, a fortnight. Fedra fees, fore feet. two weeks. Fedra tzse, front teeth. Fartzich, forty. Fee. cattle, fee. Fartziega, move away. Feeder, feed. Farva, coloring, dyeing, col- Feedra, feeding. Farver, dyer, colorer. [ors, Feega, to join, joining. Farvich, colored, variegated Feeish, beastly. Fasa, facing. Feel, much, many, feel. Fashion, fashion. Feela, feeling. Faver, favor. Feelarlei, various Fa vera, favoring. Feelerrei, to feel about. Fawbla, fable. Feel frose, glutton. Fawda, thread. Feer, four, lead. Fawdem, thread Feera, to lead, four.

Fawn a, flag, corn tassels. Feerd, fourth. Fawr, ride, haul, drive. Feer eckich, square, four Fawra, driving, hauling. cornered. Fawraun, fern. [riding. Feer feesich, four footed. Fawrd, bars, drive. Feerfeldich, four fold. P\iWsnocht, Shrove Tuesday. Fees, feet. P'awsnocht koocha, dough Fegel, birds. Februwar, Februar}', [nuts. Fegel misht, guano. Fecht, fight. Fegel's nesht, birds' nest. Fechta, fighting. Feicht, moist, damp. Fecliter, fighter. [gilist. Feig, fig. Fecht boolly, champinn pu- Feiga, figs. Fedder, pen, feather, Feiga bawm, fig tree. Feddera, feathers, pens, Feil, file Fedder deck, feather bed. Feila filing. Fedder fee, poultry. Feina, to fine, fining. Fedder fossing, bed ticking. Feind, foe, enemy, fine. Fedder keidel, quill, [bacon. Feiner, nicer. Fedder shoouka, shoulder of Feindlich, hostile. dislike Feddersht, foremost. Feindshoft, hostility, enmity .

FEIv 43 FERBODDER Fei. skin, pelt. Fer aryerwis, vexatioti.

j Feld field Fcrbeeg, bend out of shai e. |

Feld bredicher, chaplain. j Ferbeega, to bend out of

Feld marshal, field marshal. ; shape- Felder, fields. [ver Ferbeet, forbid, prohibit. Feld hinkle, field fare, plo- Ferbeeta, forbidding, pro- Fellich, fully. hibiting. Felsa rock, rocks. Ferbei, past, over. [teeth. Felsich, rocky, Ferbeis, to crush with the Felya, felloes, Ferbeisa, crushing with tlie Ftndoo, vendue, public sale. teeth. [ing Feudoo groyer, auctioneer. Ferbesra, repairing, improv- Fens, fence. Ferbesser, better, repair, im- Fensa, fences. prove, [tered, repaired. Fensamouse, chipmonk. Ferbesserd, improved, bet- Fenshter, window. Ferbin, bind. Feushler laida, shutters Ferbinna, binding. Fenshter lawda, shutter. Ferbinnung, covenant. Fenshter rawm. window- Ferbiacka, blackening. sash Ferbleet,bloomed, blossomed Fenshter sheib, window pane Ferblenna, to dazzle, to Fenshter sits, window sill. charm, to blind. [craft. Fenshtra, windows. Ferbleuuerrei,sorcery,witch- Fens pushta, fence post. Ferbloot, besmear with blood Fens riegel, fence rail. Ferbloota, besmearing with

Ferainich, unite. ^ blood. [ink or dirt Ferainicha, uniting. Ferblotcha, to smear with Ferainich' d, united. Ferblotched, besmeared with Feraira, beqfieath. ink or dirt. [ing- Ferair'd, bequeathed. Ferblutsa, to injure by fall- Feraryera,to irritate, to tease, Ferblutst, injured by falling to vex. Ferbocka, used in baking. Fer arj-erlich, provoking, Ferbodder, bother, confuse, vexatious. perplex. FBRBODDERA 44 FERFAIIv'D Ferboddera, bothering, con- Ferdatva, spoiling, spoiled fusing, perplexing. Ferdawa. digest Ferboga, bent out of shape Ferdawung, digestion. Ferbombla, to neglect. Ferdeeu. earn, deserve. Ferbookert, spoiled, crippled Ferdeena. earning, deserving Ferboonna, bound, tied. Ferdeened, earned, deserved

Ferbootst, ill favored, small. Ferdeensht, do you earn ? Ferbrotcha, spoiling through Ferdeiheukert, excessivel)'. ignorance or carelessness. Firdinsht, employment. Ferbowa, building up. Ferdom, damn. Ferbow'd, built up closely. Ferdomma, damning. Ferbracka, to boast, to brag. Ferdomnis, damnation. Ferbrea, scald, hatch. Ferdomt, damned. Ferbreed, scalded, hatched. Ferdoonkle, darken. Ferbrech, break. Ferdoonkla, to darken. Kerbrecha, breaking. Ferdoonkled, darkened, Ferbrecher, criminal, felon. Ferdraid, twisted. Ferbren, burn. [scorch. Ferdraida, to trample. Ferbrenna, to burn up, to Ferdraya, to twist. Ferbrend, burned, scorched. Ferdreesa, displeasing. Ferbrild, prone to crying. Ferdreiva, to drive away. Ferbrucha, broken, fractured Ferdroos, offense Ferbudda, forbidden, pro- Ferdrussa, offended. hibited. Ferdrowa, trust, confidence. Ferbust, burst, exploded. Ferdubled, doubled. Ferbusta, exploding, burst* Ferduld, confounded F erdail, divide, share, [ing. Ferenner, change, alter. Ferdaila, to divided, to share Ferennera. to change, to alter Ferdailed, divided, shared. Ferennerd, changed, altered. Ferdailung, division. Ferennerlich, changeable Ferdarb, spoil. Ferennerung, alteration. Ferdard, withered, dried up. Ferfail, miss. Ferdarsht, dried from thirst. Ferfaila, to miss Ferdarshta, thirsting. Ferfail'd, missed. FERFEER 45 FERGUNNA Ferfeer. mislead, seduce. Ferges, forget. Ferfeera, seducing. Fergessa, forgotten. Ferfeered, seduced, misled. Fergevva, forgiven. Ferfeerer, seducer, tempter. Fargifta, poison, poisoned. Ferfeerung, seduction. Ferglaid, disguised. Ferfelsha, to adulterate, to Ferglaida, to disguise. counterfeit. Ferglawga, to make com- Ferfelsht, adulterated Fergleich, compare, [plaint. Ferfelshung, adulteration. Fergleicha, comparing. Ferfinshtered, eclipsed, ob- Fergleichlich. comparable. Ferfleck, stain. [scured. Ferglennera, to lessen, to di- Ferflecka, staining. minish. Ferflecked, stained [demn. Ferglicha, compared. Ferfloocha, to curse, to con- Fergneacha, to satisfy, con- Ferflooch, condemn. tentment. Ferfloocht, cursed, cou- Fergneach, contentment Ferfolla, due. [demned. Fergneach'd, satisfied. Ferfowl, rot decay. Fergonga, past, gone, dis- Ferfowla, rotting, decaying. solved Ferfowled, rotted, rotten. Fergraiser, magnify, enlarge Feifreera, to freeze. Ftrgraisera, magnifying, en- Ferfressa, to bite, to gnaw larging, [fied. Ferfronseld, fringed. Fergraiser'd, enlarged, mag- Ferfulga, to persecute. Fergraiserings glaws, micro- Fergabens, vain, una wailing scrope. Fergse. evaporate, dissolve, Fergrawva, to bury, to inter. pass away. Fergroasta, to mould. Fergeb, forgive. Fergroatst, moulded. Fergelsa, to geld, to castrate Fergrots, scratch. Fergelsd, castrated, gelded. Fergrotsa, to scratch. Fergelser, gelder, castrater. Fergrotst, scratched. Fergelshter, to scare, to Fergun, begrudge, envy. terrify, to frighten, [ened. Fergunna, begrudging, envy- Fergelshter'd, scared, fright- ing. FERGUN D 46 FERI.HNGER Fergun'd, begrudged, envied Ferhous'd, spoiled. Ferhaila, to conceal, to keep Ferkartza. to shorten. Ferhailed, secreted, [secret Ferkartz'd, shortened. Ferhair, reprimand. Ferkawf, sell Ferhaira, to give a hearing, Ferkawfa, selling. reprimanding. Ferkawf'd, sold Ferharta, to harden. Ferkclda, to catch cold. Ferheed, prevent. Ferkeshdicha, to furnish Ferheeda, preventing. board Ferheila, proiiC to crying. Ferkeshdicht, boarded Ferheldnis, relation. Ferkindich. announce. Ferhex, bewitch. [witch. Ferkindicha, to announce. Ferhexa, bewitching, to be- Ferkindiched, announced. Ferhext. bewitched. Ferknippa, to knot. Ferhinner, prevent, hinder. Ferknipt, knotted.

Ferhinnera, preventing, Ferknuttled, knotted. '^ hindering. [dered. FerkuUabeer'd. spoiled, con- Ferhinner'd, prevented, hin- fused, terrified. Ferhobost, overlooked, neg Ferkwetsha, to bruise lected. Ferkwetsht, bruised. Ferhocka, to cut to pieces Ferlaid, downhearted. Ferhocked, cut to pieces. Ferlaiga, to mislay. Ferhoonger, starve Ferlaig'd, mislaid. Ferhoongera, starving. Ferlaigla, to deny. Ferhoongert, starved. Ferlaigled, denied, [away. Ferhoonsa, to spoil. Ferlaina, to rent, to lease Ferhoonst, spoiled. Ferlaisa, to read. Ferhootle, entangle. Ferlarna, to forget. Ferhootla, entangling. Ferlawfa, to go astray. Ferhootled, entangled. Ferleebt, fond, loved. Ferhousa, to spoil. Ferleer, lose. Ferhost, hated. Ferleera, losing. Ferhous, spoil. Ferleicht, perhaps, may be. Ferhousa, to spoil, spoiling. Ferlenger, lengthen. FERLENGERA 47 FERSHENNERA Feriengera, lengthening Fernochlussa, neglecting. j

Ferienger 'd,lengLhened, pro-• Fernumma, understood tracted. Ferocht, despised. Ferlesha, to quench. Ferochta, despising. Ferleshter, defame. Ferochtung, dierespect. Ferleslitera. defaming. Ferordna, enacting. j Ferletz, injure. Ferraiter, betra3'er. Ferletza. injuring. Ferreis, tear. Ferlong, desire, crave. Ferreisa, to tear. Ferlonga, desiring, craving Ferreiva, to rub. Ferlougt, desired, craved Ferrick, displace. Ferloompa, delapidating. Ferricka, to displace. Ferloampt, delapidated. Ferrickt, displaced. Ferloosht, loss, damage. Ferrissa, torn. Ferlooshteera. to enjoy, to F'erriva, rubbed. relish. Ferroonsled, wrinkled. Ferlora, lost, astray. Ferrote, betray. Ferluffa, astray, [don, leave Ferrota, betraying. Ferluss, rely, depend, aban- Ferroeter. betrayer. Ferlussa, relying. depending, Ferruppa, to tear to pieces. abandoning, leaving. Ferrupt, torn to pieces. F^ermaig^ property. Ferrusht. rusted, corroded. Fermaira, to increase, to Fersaiga, to saw- [vide for propagate Fersaina, to mistake, to pro- Fermawla, to grind. Fersanka, to singe, to scourge Termissa, to miss. Ferseima, to neglect, to miss. Fermixa, to mix, to blend. Ferscimt, neglected. Fermixt, mixed, blended Fersetsa, to change. Fermocha, to bequeath Fersheedlich, varied.

Fermooka, to move, to stir. Fersheedna, various. Fermoota, presuming Fershen, despoil. Fermootlich, probably. Fershenna, despoiling. Fernemma, mistaking, [nul. Fershenner, to beautify Fernichta, to destrov, to an- Fershennera, beautifying. FERSHINNA 48 FERSHTECKLKD Fershinna, to skin, to tear Ferslioona, to protedl, to the skin. Fershoonna, spinned. Fershit, spill. Fershpawra, to rot, to decay. Fershitta, spilling. Fershpow, bespit Fershlaif, lose, carry away Fershpowa, bespitting. Fershlaifa, losing, carrying Fershpow'd, bespitted. Fershlees, lock. [away. Fershprech, promise. Fershleesa, locking. Fershprecha, promising. Fershlofa, sleepy, [pieces. Fershprenga, to burst, to Fershlogga, to break into explode. Fershloop, hide. Fershpring, burst [plode. Fershloopa, to hide. Fershpringa, to burst, to ex- Fershloppa,to spill carelessly Fershpritz, besprinkle. Fershlussa, locked Fershpaitza, to besprinkle. Fershmeer, besmear. Fershpritzt, besprinkled. Fershmeera, besmearing. Fershproonga. bursted. Fershmeer'd, besmeared. Fershprucha, promised, be- Fershmels, melt. thaw. [ing. Fershreck, fright, [trothed. Fershmelsa, melting, thaw- Fershrecka, frighten. Fershmock, taste. Fershrucka, frightened. Fershmocka, tasting. Fershtae, to understand. Fershmockt, tasted, [smoke. Fershtair, disturb. Fershmoke, to blacken by Fershtaira, disturbing. Fershmoka, blackening by Fer.shtair'd, disturbed. smoke. [smoke. Fershtar, bestir. Fershmoked, blackened by Fershtara, bestirring. Fershmulsa, melted. Fershtar'd, bestirred. Fershneid, cut to pieces, Fershtarrick, strengthen. castrate. [to castrate. Fershtarricka, strengthening

Fershneiea, to cut to pieces, Fershtarrick 'd, strengthened Fershnidda, cut to pieces, Fershtecha, to pierce, to castrated. Fershteckel, hide, [sting. FershofFa, to work up. Fershteckla, hiding. Fershoft, worken up. [save. Fershteckled, hid, concealed FKRSHTELL 49 FKRUHRSOCII'D

Fershtell. disguise Fersicher, make secure, J*'ershtella, disguising- guarantee. Fershtendlich, I'ersichera, guaranteeing, se- I ^^,,^-j3l^ Persh ten inch, » curing. r'ershtick, suffocate. Fersicher'd, secured, guaran- P^ershticka, to suffocate. teed. Fershtick'd, sufTocated. Fersindicha, to sin. Fershtinipla. to spoil. Fersindiched, .sinned. Fershtimpled, spoiled. Fersinka, to sink. Ferslitond, sense, reason. Fersommel, assemble. Fershtonna, understood. Fersomla, assembling. Fershtorva deceased. Fersooch, taste. Fershtose, reject, disown. Fsrsoocha, tasting. Fershtosa, rejected, disowned Fersoocht, tasted. Fershtowna,to be astonished, Fersowa, to soil, to make to be surprised airty. P^ershtroovel'd, disheveled. Fersowf, drown. Fershtucha, pierced, strung, Fersowfa, drowning. Fershtup, stop, to choke. FersufFa, drowned. Fershtuppa. choking. Fersuffner, tippler, drunk- Fershtupped, choked, stop- ard, sot.

ped. Fertzail, relate, tell. Fershtuping, con>tipation, Fertzaila, relating, telling. costiveness Fertzail'd. related, told. Fershwara, to swear, conjur- Fertzaru, enrage, anger, ing Fertzarna, to enrage, to Fershwecha, weakening. make cross. Fershwecht, weakened- Fertzarn'd, enranged Fershwop, trade, swap. Fertzawk't, afraid, timid. Fershwoppa, trading, swap Fertzeega, warping, linger- ping. ing Fershwopped, traded. Fertzugga, crooked, warped. Fershwora, vowed, sworn. Feruhrsocha, causing. Fershwunda, disappeared. Feruhrsoch'd, caused FERUNGLTCKA 50 FILIvA

Ferunglicka, to fail, to spoil Ferwohr, secure- l^'erunglick'd, failed, spoiled. Ferwohra, to make safe. I'erwaina, to spoil. Ferw-ohrd, secured, m a d e Ferwaisa, to decompose to safe. decay. Ferwonda, relatives. Ferwaislich, liable to decay. Ferwoond, wounded. Ferware, prevent. Ferwooner, astonish Ferwara, to prevent. Ferwoonera, astonishing. Ferwarfa, to reject, to throw- Ferwooner'd, astonished. away. Ferwos, why, what for. I'erwarra, to confuse, to de- Fer3'awg, chase away. range. Fer3'awga, chasing awaw Ferwart, confused, delirious. Feryawkt, chased away Ferwarrick choke Fesht, fesHval, fast, feast. Ferwarrickt, choked. Feshticha, fastening. Ferwarya, to choke. Fessel, keg. Ferweila. to linger, to stay Fesser, barrels, casks. Ferweil'd, lingered, stayed Fesser-macher, cooj^er Ferwelka, to wither. Fessly, keg.

Ferwelkt, withered. Fet, fat. Ferwexle, exchange. Fet-ous-dricker, lard press. Ferwexla, exchanging. Fet-ous-broda. extract hird. Ferwexled, exchanged. Fettich. fat. Ferwexlung, alteration. Fever, fever. Ferwickle. involve. entangle. Ficks, foxes. Ferwickla, involving, en- Fiddle, fiddle violin. tangling. Fiddleboga, fiddle bow. Ferwickled, involved, en- Figer, figure. tangled. Figera, reckon. Ferwillich, consent Figers, figures.

Ferwillicha, consenting. Fil,colt. fill.

Ferwillicht, consented, File. file. Ferwish'd, caught in mis- Fila, filing.

chief. Filla, filli g. FILIvER 5 FISH Filler,colts, inside of a cigar. Firedawg, holiday. Filsel, stuffiing. F^irefogel firefly. Fils-louse, crab-louse, Fire hard, hearth. Fin, find. Fire hole, trammel. Finna, finding, gargol. Fierich, fiery. Fierlich, solemn. ^'^^• Fine, j F^iermon, fireman. Fierovet, suadown, evening Finf, 1 ^ r five. T^. t time. Finit, fifth Fier rode, red hot, red as

Fiufter-ket, fire.

Finf bicher-Moses, P e n t a - Fier ship, fire shovel. teuch Fiershtae, fiint. Finfeckich, pentagon F'iertzong, tongs. Finffinge rgrout, cinquefoil Fierwarrick, fireworks. Finger, finger. Fish, fish. Fingera, to finger. Fish bae, whale bone. Fingerhoot, thimble. Fish bloonger, plunger. Fingerling, fingerstall. Fish brood, spawn. Fingernogel, fingernail Fisha, fishing. Finish, finish. Fisher, fishing. Finisha, finishing. Fisherrei, fishery. Finkle, to sparkle, to hurt. Fish gard, fishing rod. F^'inner, finder. Fish gils, gils. Finshter, dark, window. Fish goru, fish net. Finshterniss, eclipse. Fish grawna, fish bones. Fip, sixpence, 6% cents Fish hommer, hand net Fira, firing, celebrating. Fish line, fish line. Fire, fire. Fish ongel, fish hook. Fire aw macha, kindle a fire. Fish royer, fish hawk, crane. Fire bell, fire bell. Fish shippa, fish scales. Fire boona, kidney beans Fish shloop, week Fire brond, brand, a burning Fish shtecher, fish gig.

stick. Fit, fit. FITS 52 FLUCKA Fits, lash, whip. Flexa, sinews. Fitsa, to lash, to whip. Flick, mend. Fitta, fitting. Flicka, mending". Fix, fix. Fligel, wing, wings. Fixa, fixing. Flind gun. Fixerrei, fixtures Flinda g'sheft, . ) stock.^ Fixyawga, T^i- J 1 1 ^S^^u* foxchasing, Fhnda kulva, j Fla, flea Flinda lawf, gun barrel. Fla grout, smartweed. Flink, quick, smart Flaish, meat. Flo, flea

Flaish govel, meat fork, Floch, flat. Flaish hoffa, meat pot. Flocker, flare Flaish hoka, meat hook. Flockera flaring. Flaishich, fleshy. Flockerich, flickering. Flaish soup, broth, pottage. Flom, flame. j Flannel, flannel. I Flomma, flames, flaming. Flatter, flatter. Flongeera, to arrange, to

I Flecht, plat. rove.

Flechta. platting. Flo«h, flask, Fleck, stain. F^looch, swear Flecka, stain, spots Floocha. swearing Fleckich, spotted, soiled. Floocher, swearer Fleeg, fly. Floocht, flight, escape. Fleega, flying. Floor, floor. Fleesa, floating. Floos, flood, inflammalion. Fleesend wosser, running Fl 00s fedra. fins of fishes. water. Floos korrella. amber bev^ds. Flegel, flail. Flox, flax Fleis, industry, zeal. I'lox brech, flax break Fleisich, industrious, zeal- Flox hechel, flax hackle. ous. Flox seida, dodder. Flettermous. butterfly. Flox shtick, flax patch. Fletterwish, wing, eather F ox soonia, flax seed. brush. Flucka. flakes. FODDER .^, FOREGANUMMA

Fodder, father, r'ooder sock, feed sack.

l-'ockel, torch, Fooftzaiu, fifteen, 15. i'ogel, bird. Fooftzaint, fifteenth. I'ogels karsha,\vihl cherries. Fooftzich, fifty, 50. Pogels uesht, bird's nest- Fooftzichsht, fiftieth.

Fol, fall, incident, trap, case Fooi, nasty. Fol brick, draw bridge. Foouka, spark. Fold, fold. Foor, team I'olda, folds, plaits, gathers. Foor gaishel, cart whip. I'^oldeer, trap door. Foormon, teamster. Folder, bars. Foorwarrick, vehicle. Folderol, nonsense. Foos, foot. Folia, falling, tumbling. Foos bawd, foot bath Folia gronket, epilepsy, Foosgenger, pedestrian. lH)lliwolder, pound apple. Foos sola, sole of a foot. F dsh, false, cross, ccuccit. Foox, fox. Folshershtuck, sham skirt. Fooxgowl, sorrel horse. Folshhate, cross-tempered. Fooxyawga, foxchasing. Fomih'a, family For, for. Fong. catch. Forb, paint, color. I'onga, catching, Forbeed, forbid. l-'onger, cstcher. P'orbeeda, forbidding. Fongtzae, canine teeth Forbit. flume. Fonna, Front. Ford a while ago, a ford. Fonnadravv, foremost, in the Forderhond, beforehand. front Fordrefflich, excellent. Fonnanous. in advance. I'ore, ahead, before, appear Fonnes. furnace- I'^orebringa, bring forth. Founish, furnish. Fore-eltra, ancestors. Fonnisha, furnishing. Forefader, forefathers, an* I'ooder, feed, fodder cestors.

Foodergong. feed entry Forefit, forfeit. Fooder Schneider, feed cut Forefol, event. [termined. ter, fodder cutter. Foreganumma, resolved, de- FOREGROOND 54 FRAILICH I'oregrooncI, foreground Form, form. Foreg'shmissa, accused Forma, forming. Forehar, previously, before. Formiddawg, forenoon. F"oreholda, to upbraid. For ich. furrow. Forehong, curtain. Forrissair, Pharisee. Forelasich, negligent. Fortmacha, continue. Foremou, foreman. Fortshritt, progress. F^'orenaimslit, foremost, best, FortshrittiT, progress.

first. Fortune, fortune. Forenawma, given name, Forwarts, forward. initials, christened name. Fos, cask, barrel Forenemnia, to propose, to Fossa, to put up in bags, to resolve. put into hives (as bees). Foreous, advance. Fo thinner, cooper. Fore-rode, hoard. Fosdawb, cask stave. Foresaina, to provide for. Foshd, fast. Foresawga, foretell. Foshda, fasting. Foreshtair, deacon. Fosht tzeit. Lent. Foreshtella, example, idea. Fosuocht, Shrove Tuesday. Foreshtellung, imagination, Fowl, decay, rot, lazy Foreshus, overshoot. Fowla, decaying, rotting. Foresicht, foresight. Fowlatzse, decayed teeth. Foresichtich, discrete, pru- Fowlenser, drone, sluggard. dent, cautious. Fowlhate, 1 .^^^^^_

Foreshmeisa. accuse, cast up. Fowlheit, t Foreshtoob, ante room. Fowl hols, diphtheria. Foretrefflich, excellent, sur- Fowl hüls, decayed or rotted prising. wood- Foretzeega, preferring. Fawsht, fint, Foretzook, preference, ad Fowsht henshing, mitten or vantage. mittens. F'orewitsich, rash, impru- Fracture, fracture. pent, heedless. Fraida, joy. Forge, forge. Frailich, joyful. FRAM A 55 FULGENDA

I'lama, framin^y;. Frem, strange. I"rame, frame. Fremmer, stranger.

I 'raw, wife. Fressa, to eat voraciously.


I'raya, to be gh.d, rejoice. i Fressdeer, glutton Free, early. Frickshun, friction. Freearmor3'a, daybreak. Frish. fresh, new, cold. I'reedas gre.k, war for inde- F'rish brode, fresh bread. pendence. Frisla, frizzles. r'reedlich, peacable Fri.ssel, rash, fringe. Freeling, spring. Fro, glad. Free oppel, harvest apple. Froga, asking. I'reer, freeze. Frock, frock. Freera, freezing. Froke, question, ask. Fieeyohr, spring. Frollick, frolic Frei, free. From, pious Freida fire, bonfire. Fronsaish, French. Freidawg, Friday. Fronsel, fringe. Freigae, go free. Fronslich, fringed. Freigavish, hospitable, char- I'ronsosa, Frenchmen, pox, itable gonorrhea. Freigevva, release, set free. Froocht. grain. Froochtbawr, fruitful Freihate, r , } freedom, liberty.i-i ^ Freiheit, I Froochtblonsa, cereals. Freilich, certainly, to be Froocht karn, grain, kernel. sure. Froocht kommer, granery. I'reimocha, to -edeem, to TYotshons, a saucy fellow, a free. fop. Freimower, Free Mason- Frotsich, foppish. Freind, friend. Frush, Irog. F.eindlich, friendly. Frusht, frost. Freindshoft, relatives Fudder, demand, ask. I'rei shool, free school, pub- Fuddera, demanding, asking lic school [tary. Ful. full. Freiwillich, willing, volun- Fulgenda, following. FULK 56 GACI.KARED Fulk, people, nation. Fund fund.

Ful licht, > . F u n d a ni e n d, foundation, „ "^«^"• Fulmoond,)^^^^ fundament, Fulmocht, authority. Funka, spark or sparks Fulslitennich, complete. Funka fire, sparks of fire.

1 F u y a , consequences, t o Funkle nei, brand new. obey, to follow. Furcht, fear, fright. Fum, off, from. Fusser, fuzz. Fun, if, from Fussreich, fuzz}'. Q, Gabaid, toasted. Gabowt, built.

Gabail'd, bailed, baled. ' Gaboxed, boxed. Gabait, prayer. Gabreed, hatched. Gabait booch, prayer book. Gabreich, custom, Gabarrick'd, trusted. Gabreich ich. customary. Gabei, building-, edifice. Gabribed, bribed Gabelk, beams, framework. Gabroomel, grumbling. I Gabicked, stooped, bowed- Gabrouch, custom, habit j Gabis, bit. teeth. Gabrucha, broken, checked- Gabish, bushes. Gabrucht, brought. Gablaich'd, bleached. Gabunna. bound, tied Gablaim'd, blamed. Gabunt, bundle of straw (Tableed, blossomed, bloomed Gaburt, birth. Gablivva. loitered, lingered, Gaburts-dawg, birthday. remained, stayed. Gabut, command, bid, oiTer. Gabloot, bled. Gabutta, offered, beaten. Gaboga, bent, curved, Gacharged, charged. crooked. Gachartered, chartered. Gabora. born. Gaehoked, choked Gabord, bored, boarded. Gachoosed. chosen. Gaboort, birth. Gacured, cured. Gabootst. cleaned, cleansed, Gaclaimed, claimed. GaboLinced, bounced. Gacleared, cleared. GA ACT 57 GA ENNERT

Ga act. acted. I Ga dampt, stewed aigt, harrowed. Ga dart, dried. Ga I Ga anserd, answered. ' Ga dechtnis, memory. Ga blawned, planned Ga decked, coverrd. Ga blonked, planked. Ga deened, served. Ga blonsed, planted, Gh deera, animals Ga blookt, plowed. Ga denka, to remember. Ga bloomt, flowered. Gad fish, catfish. Ga blopper, chatter, idle talk Ga dicht, severe. Ga bloppered. chattered Ga dichtich, severe. Ga blusht, blushed. Ga dingt, hired. Ga blutst, bruised. Ga dingta, hireling. Ga bocka, baked. Ga donka, thoughts. Ga bond, charmed Ga donkalose, thoughtless. Ga boompt, bumped. Ga doo, did, done. Ga boonna, tied, bound. Ga doold, patience. Ga boont, bundle, bale. Ga dooldich, patient. Ga bopt, pasted. Ga draid, turned, twisted, Ga borricked, trusted, gave threatened. credit. Ga drawmed, dreamed. Ga bosht, husked. Ga drei, faithful, true. Ga bost, fitted, suited. Ga drenk, drink, beverage, Ga breddiched, preached. liquor Ga breich, habit, custom. Ga drink, drinking. Ga breiched, needed Ga droonka, drank. Ga brouch, habit, custom. Ga druld, ran a slow trot. Ga brouse. a rustling noise. Gae, go. Ga bruffatzeit, predicted. Ga eabt, tried to do, special Ga buUer, making a noise. stress. Ga bullert, made a noise Gaed, goes, going. Ga bus, kissing. Ga ehrt, honored. Ga bust, kissed, bursted. Gaegalust, let go, released. Ga coaxed, coaxed. Gaelussa, let gQ, release. Ga cowed, chewed. Ga ennert, changed. GA GAMKLD 5S GA MEET Ga gameld, gambled. Ga kutzed, vomited. Ga glaid, clothed. Ga laigenheit, opportunity, Cia glicha, liked, privilege. (xa glicked, successful. Ga laind, borrowed, loaned. Ga gookt, looked. Ga lair'd, lenrned, educated. (Ta greider, herbs. Ga laisa, read, picked. Ga griffa, grasped. Ga larn'd, learned, studied.^ Ga grish, low cry. Ga lawned, leaned. Ga grotst, scratched Ga lechert, laughed. Ga gussa, cast, sprinkled. Ga leek, layer. Ga gwulla, swelled Ga leed, leaded or lead. Ga heil, crying, howl. Ga leet, soldered. Ga heim, secret Ga leidered. rectified. Ga heimnis, secret. Ga letterd, whipped Ga horsom, obedient Ga lind, mild. Ga horsomkeit, obedience. Ga liner, lungs and liver. Gaiga, against, Ga lobt, praised. Gaigend, neighborhood. Ga longt, reacheJ, in the Gaigner, adversary. nick of time. Gail, yellow Ga lucked, enticed. Gailkup, copperhead. Ga lufFa, walked, run as Gailreeb, carrot. water. Gailreeva, carrots. Ga mse, congregation, mow- Gailsoocht, jaundice. ing. Gail weshp, yellow jacket Ga msesheftlich. in common Gais, goat, goats. union. Gaisbuck, he goat. Ga mailer, mailed. [ed. Gaishel, whip, lash. Ga maind, thought, imagin- Gaisht, spirit, will you go? Ga mawd, swath. Gais ledder, kid leather. Ga mawla, ground. Ga kept, beheaded, Game, game. Ga kicked, kicked. Ga mech, sexual organs. Ga kuched, cooked, boiled. Ga mees, vegetables. Ga kusht, cost. Ga meet, met, to meet. GA MEIN 59 GAS Ga mein, in general. • Ga rawbt, robbed. Gameinshoft, in general, fel- Gardeen. guardian. lowship. Gardla, gardening Ga misht, manured. Ga recht, just, righteous. Ga mist, compelled. Ga rechtifchkate, righteous- Gamla, gambling. nes-;, justice. Gamier, gambler. Ga leggert, rained.

( Vshickt, sent, ingenius. G'shplised, spliced. O'slilecht, generation, G'shplit, split. pleasure, fun. (r'shleckt, licked. , G'shpos, G'shliffa, ground, G'shpraich, conversation, (r'shlip, slip talk. G'slilipt, slipped. G'shpraid, spread, G'shlofa, slept. G'shribe, writing. G'shlogga, struck. G'shrivva, wrote, w-ritten. (T'slilookt, swallowed G'shroda, ground coarsely, G'shlussa, locked. chopped. G'shmeered, greased, oiled. G'shrowbt. screwed. G'shmidner nogel, clinch G'shtae, acknowledge, con- nail. fess G'shrjiock, taste G'shtell, frame tasted. stench. . (;'sliniocked, G'shtenk, (r'shmoked, smoked. G'shtimmed, voted. ('r'shmulsa, melted. G'shtola, stolen. (Vslinidner nogel, wrought G'shtonna, stood, confessed. nail, clinch nail. G'shtoombeered, abused, (Vshuitta, cut. casteated bluffed. (V'shnitzed, snit/.ed, sliced. G'shtrained, strained-. (V'shnitzled, whittled. G'shtrecked, stretched, ex- (;'shnorrixed, snored. agerated. (Vshnowfed, breathed, G'shtritta, quarreled. (x'shoft. M'orked. G'shtucha, stung, stabbed. G'shooldered, shouldered. G'shtudered, stammered. G'showfled, shoveled. G'shtuddeert, studied. G'shpawred, saved. G'shtupt, stopped, darned. G'shpeeled. played. G'shunna, ran away, scud- G'shpelled, spelled, pinne'l. ded. G'shpend, spent. G'shussa, shot. G'shpichta, tales, stories. G'shwara, boil, boils. G'shpiked, spiked G'shwell, swell. G'shpised, spiced. G'shwella, swelling. G'SCHWETST (Vshwetst. talked Geigamocher violinraaker. G'shwint, quick. Geiga said, fiddle string G'shwinter, quicker. Geiga soddle, violin bridge. G'shwinsht, quickest Geiger, fiddler, violinist. G'sliwindichkate, quickness. Geil, horses. G'shwindled, swindled- Geils duckten veterinary G'sliwishter, brother or sis- surgeon, farrier. ter. Geils kesht, horse chestnut. G'shwishtera, brothers and Geils misht, horse dung. sisters Geils shtol, horse stable. G'sliwishter kinner, cousins Geisht, spirit G'shwora. swore. Geishtlich, spiritual. G'shw-ulla. swollen. Geitz, avarice, covet. G'sicht, face, countenance. Geitzhols, miser. G'sichts farb, complexion. Geitzich, stingy. G'signed, signed. Geld, money. G'soaked, soaked Geld sock, purse, portemon- G'song, song, h3'mn. uaie.

G'soocht, hunted Gelta. isn't it so ? G'sookled, sucked. Gens, geese. G'soond, well, healthy. Gens bloom, daisy. G'soondhate, health. Gens blooma, dasies. G'soonga, sang, sung. Gens fedder, quill. G'suffa, drunk, intoxicated. Gens wei, water G'suffered, suffered. Geography, geography. Geb, give. Geshter, yesterday. Gebt, gives. Gessa, guessing, ate. Gees, cast, sprinkle. Gettlich, divine, godly. GvCsa, casting, sprinkling. Gevva, give. Geeser, founder, sprinkler. Gibble, top, summit. Gees kon, watering or Gibs, gypsum. can j sprinkling can. Gicht, gout.

Geig, fiddle, violin. Gichtra, fits, convulsions. Geiga, fiddling. Gicht rose, peony. GIFT 64 GLIPPA

Gift, poison. (ilawb, believe. Gift shwom; todstool. Glawbs, believe it. Gillerree, killdeer. Glawg, complaint. I Ginny hinkle, Guiuea fowl. Glawga, complaining. Givvel, gable. Glaws, glass. Givvel end, gable end. Glaws icorrella, glass beads. Gla, clover, small, little. Glawva, believing, faith, Gla blawd, clover leaf. creed Gla butzer, clover huUer. Glead, limb, member. Gla feld, clover field, small Gleadich. red hot. field. Gledda, burdock, Glaich, link. Gledda wartzel, burdock Glaid, garment. root. Glaida, clothing. Glei, soon, right away. Glaider, clothes, garments. Gleia, bran Gl aid er barsht, clothes Gleich, equal, alike brush. [or hooks. Gleicha, to like, to 'ove, Glaider hoka, clothes hook Gleichgeltich, unconcerned. Glaider kommer, clothes Gleichheit, equality. room. Gleichnis, paral)le. Glaidermacher, tailor. Glemma, to pinch. Glaider shonk, wardrobe. Glensht, smallest, least. Glai hinkle, pullet. Glensich, brilliant. Glaina tzwivla, seed onions. Gles awg, wall eye. Glainer darm, small intes- Glessoor, lacquer, glazing. tines. Glick, luck. Glainer deivel, imp Glicka, having luck. Glainer hawna, small roos- Glickers, marbles, testicles. ter. Glicklich, lucky. Glainy shlonga wartzel, Sen- Glidsera, to glitter, to shine, eca snake root. Glidserich, glittering, shin- Glais, rut. ing Gla shprow, clover chaff. Glip, clip. Gla wausum, clover sod. Glippa, clipping. GLITCHICH 65 GOOMERA SHTICK

Glitchich. slippery. Gofifa, to look idly, to stare. Gloa, cloven, claws. Goll, gall, gallon, bile. Gloafder, cord, 128 cubic Golla blech, gallon measure, feet Gollerich, souse.

Gloa fet, neat's foot oil. Golya, gallows Olobboard pale, picket. Gom, rubber, gum. Globboard fens, pale fence. Gomber, camphor. Globe, chinine\\ Gom bolla. gum ball. Glof, key of an organ or Gomhenshing, rubber gloves piano Gom hood, rubber hat. Gloffeer, piano, melodeou. Gom hussa, rubber breeches Glom, clamp Gom ruck, gum coat, Glomhoka, dog. mer. Glons, splendor, shine. Gom shoe, rubbers. Gl 00k, cluck Gom shtivel, gum boots. Gloompa, lump. Gonga, went, gone. Glot, smooth. Gonk, corridor, entry, hall. Glova, staple. Gons, entire, whole, goose. Gluck, a large bell Gousert gander Glucka bloom, columbine. Gook, look, appearance blue bell Gooka, looking Gnadich gracious, merciful Gook-gook, cuckoo. Gnawda, grace, mercy Gook-gooks koshta, raree Gnawda tzeit, time of grace show. Gnick, neck joint. Gooma, gum. Gnovera, to gnaw. Gooma beera, gum berries. Gnucha, bone, bones. Gooma brecher, jawbreaker. Gnuchich, bony. Gooma hüls, gum wood. Gnup, button, lump. Goomer. cucumber. Gnupluch, buttonhole Goomera, cucumbers. Gnuvvelluch, garlic. Goomera ronka, cucumber Goat godmother. vine. Goalleskarn, coculus. indi- Goomera shtick, cucumber cus. patch. GOOMERATZULAWI) 65 GREKIv

( Toomeratzulawd, cucmiibe (riais, size slaw, Graiser, larger, greater,

(yoona, to wish ill luck taller. (ioot, good. Graisht, largest, greatest, (Toothartzicli, good hearted tallest. benevolent. Grammer, grammar. (TOot mocha, to prove, to Granbeera, cranberries. substantiate. Grandaddy< grandfather. Gorda, garden Grandle, plow beam.

Gorda hock, garden hoe. I Grape, crepe. Gore, done, entire Grape hoot, crepe bonnet, j

( jore kenny, none at all. I mourning hat. Goreuet, not at all. Gravel, gravel, j Gorn, yarn. Gravel sht^e, gravel stones- j <;ott, God. Graver, digger. j

Gottheit, divinity I pall-bearer Gottlose, depraved, wicked Grawbshtce, tombstone.

I Govvel, fork. Grawbshta:'hocker, sculptor. I Govvela, forking Grawd, straight, right away.

(Tovveltzinka. prong or tine ! Grawna, faucet, spigot. of a fork. Graws, grass. Gowl, horse. Graws holm, grass blade Gownd, dress, frock. Grawsich, grassy. Gownsh. swing. Grawsom, cruel. Gownsha, swinging. Grawva, gutter, ditch, dii Gowtz, bark, ging. Gowtza, barking. Gray awg, corn. Gox, cackle. Gree, green Goxa, cackling. Greed}^ greedy. Grab, grab. Greega, getting. Grabba, grabbing. Greek, war. GREKLICn 67 GROTIvA Greelich, greenish. (Trishtdawg's candy, clear- j (Treener Dnunershdawg, toys. Maundy Thursday [ber. Grishtlich, pious Greesa, to greet, to remeui- Grisht moonet, December. I Grishtus, Christ. Crreeva, cradkles, I

(rreish. hollo, cry. [cryiii.g. ! Grisla, distasteful. (xreisha, holloing, shuitiiig. Grislich, horrible, terrible, Greislich, remarkable dreadful. (ireit, chalk, cr.iyon. Gro, gra3% grey, hoar\-. Greitz, spine, cross [bago Groats, mould, Greitzvvae, backache, lum- Groatsich, mouldy. Gretz, itch Grobsh. grab. Grevver, coarser. Grobsha, grabbing, to gral>.

Grex, grunt Grockgaila, quarrelin .

(rrexa, grunting, (irockgailer, blatherskite. . Grib, crib, a small bed. (rrode, stitch. Gribba, cribbing. Gro keppich, gray haired, Gribble, cripple. hoary headed. Gribblebisser. cribber. Gromonsela, fringes, flum- Grick. crutcli, creek, get mery. Gricksel, cricket Gromp, cramp Grick't, gotten., optained. Grons, wreath, border. Griff, grasp, clip of a horse- Groog, jug, mug, pitcher. shoe. Groomla, grumbliug Grimdo.m, large intestine. Groond, grouud. (xrind, scab. Groonduis, groundnuts, pea- Grindich. sc.ibby, positive. nuts. Cxrishdeera. to purge, to (xroosel beera. goose berries clean oiit (rrop, crow. Grisht wartztd. winter-a- Grose, large, big. tall. conite oi black liellebore. Grosehols, loudmouthed. Grishtdawg, Christmas. Grosemowl, boa.ster. brag- Grisht bawm, Chri.stmas tree gart. Grishtdawg, Chiistmas. GroLla, crawl, climb. GROTLICH < » HAMBEERA Grotlich, straddling. Grup heit, cruelt}^ Grots, scratch Grusht, crust. Grotsa, scratching. Grushtich, vexed, cross. Grotsich, hard, rancid. Gruslich, gristly, curly Grounsich, ill-natured. Grut, toad. Grout, cabbage, vegetables, Grutta bolseni, pennyroyal. wort. Grutta gickser, toad-bleeder Groomlich, fretful. Guld. gold Grout darsha, cabbage heart. Gulda^ golden. Grout shtick, cabbage patch Gulda gail, yellow as gold. Grout sooma, cabbage seed. Guldendure, golden tincture Groutzulawd, coleslaw. Guld mine, gold mine. Growl, growl. Guld omsliel. oriole. Growla. growling. Gwidda, quinces. Grup, cruel, maw, coarse. Gwndda karn, quince seed. pie, quince pie. Grup hate, cruelty. j Gwidda H Hae, up in the air. Hail holda, keeping a secret. Haib. hold. Hailinger, secretl}', on a sly. Haib blawt, windlass. Haincha, cockerel. Haib gorn, dip net Hair. hear. Haibt, holds, holding. Haira, hearing. Haibter, bundles, stalks Hair'd, hears. Haich, height. Hais, hot, order, command. Haicher, higher. Haisa, foot, feet, to order, Haigsht, highest. to command. Haiflich. courteous, hospit- Haiser, hotter. able. Haisht, hottest, name. Haikelcha, crochet needle. Hale, heal. Haikla, crocheting, clawing Hala, healing, as a cat. Haling, secretly. Haikle, crochet, claw as a Hailinger, secretly. cat. Hall, hall. Hail, secret. Hambeera, raspberries. HAME 69 HARTZLICH Haine, home Harhola, fetch. Hamebringa, bringing home. Harkumma, come here. Hamedickish, selfish, de- Harlich, happy, merry, ceitful. glad Hameg'feel, homefeeling. Harlichkaie, happiness. Hamelich, secretly. Harlichkeit, happiness. Hamet, home Harmocha, come here. HamewLe, homesick. Harn, brain, master, horn. Hametzus. homewards Harnaisel, hornet. Handla. handling. Harning, February. Handle, handle. Harnshawl, skull, cranium Har, here. Harr. Lord, master, Hara, come here, at this Harrich, listen, hear, place Harrous, out of it, get out. Harafogel, jay. Harrum, about, around- Harbringa, bring here Harsfvwga, to say, relate, re- Harbsht, fall, autumn. peat. Hard, hard Harsh, deer. Harda, hardening Harshagraws, millet. Hardatzeita, hard times or Harsharnsgeisht, hartshorn, panic. ammonia. Hardgelt, coin. Harshbuck, male, deer. Hardhartzich, hard hearted, Harsflaish, venison. Hard harich, hard of hear- Harshicka, send here, ing. Harshkoo, doe, hind. Hardich, quick. Harshoft, lordship. [from. Hardlarnich, dull, stupid Harshtomma, to descend Hardleivich. costive. Hartz, heart, courage. Hardmeilich, hardmouthed. Hartzfel, pericardium. Hardship, hardship. Hartzkluppa, heart beating, Harf, harp. palpitation of the heart. Harfa, harps. Hartzkommer, venticle. Hargae, come here. Hartzlich, heartily, wil- Hargevva, give away. lingly. HARTZOFTICH o HELM Hartzoftich. bold, courage- Heffuer, potter.

I ous. Heft, hilt I Hartzwartzel, tap root. I Heftich, strong, violent. Hat, hat. Heichla, to feign, to pre- Hatchet, hatchet. teud. j Hat trimmer, milliner. Heichler, hypocrite, pre-

Hawbt, principal. ' tender.

Hawbt karl, leader, princi- I Heichlerrei, In-pocrisy pal fellow. Heid, heathen, to-day Hawbtmon. principal man. Heida, heathens, to-da}- Hawbtsechlich, mainly. Heidichdawgs, at the pres- Hawbt sum, principal. ent time. Hawna, cock. Heidish, he.itljenish Hawna kom. cock's-comb. Heifich, abundantly, freely Haws, rabbit Heifla, heaping up Hawfca, rabbits. Heifts, heaves.

Hawsafet, hare oil. Heil, weep, cry.

Hawsafol. rabbit trap Heil I, weeping, crying. Hawsagltie, French clover Heiiich, sacred, holy.

Hawsa yocht, rabbit chase ! Heilond, Jesus, Messiah, the Hecht, pike or pickerel. Savior.


Hecht grout, pickerel weed. ' Heir, marry.

Hechtsa, to loll, to pant ! Heira, to marry, to wed. Hecka, brushes Heirawd, marriage. Hecksel, fine-cvit straw. Heiser, houses Heeling, hollow, cavit}-, He lenglich, enough, suffi- cave. cient. Heet, hats, , watch Helf. help. Heeta. nursing, watching Helfa, helping Heeter, heater He'.fcr, helper, assistant. Heet mocher, hatter. Flelft. half Heffa. crocks, pots. Hell, hell, clear. Heffa mocher, potter. Helling, light. Heffa mocherrei. pottery. Helm, helve. HEM r HINKLK NEvSHT, shirt. Hickery hüls, hickory woo*]. Hemmer, shirts. Hickery wid, hickory withe Hemmer boosom, shirt bo- Hickle, limp som Hickla, limping Hemmer breis, wrist band. Hickler, one who limps. Hell, have, to possess. Hie, down, there. Hend, hands Hie gse, go there. Hendich, handy, conveni- Hift, hip ent. Hifta, hips. Hengel, bunch, train. Hilf, help, aid. Hengsht, stallion. Hilflose, helpless. Heiik, handle, hang. Hilsa, wooden. Henka, hanging. Hiisa bit, wooden leg. Henka glaws. tankard. Hilsner deller. pallet. Henk bouch, punch belly. Hilsner hommer, mallet. Henkmon, hangman, rascal. Himmel, Heaven, heavens, Heushing. mittens, gloves. sky. He richta, to spoil, to ruin Himmel ferdawg, Ascension Hesich, of this country, not Day. foreign. Hinmielisli, Heavenly, celes- Hesitata, hesitating. tial. Heslich, ugly, dreadful H inkle, chicken, chickens. Het, had, would. hen, hens Heveisa, crowbar. Hinkle ben, chicken pen. Hevel, club. Hinklebeuna, chicken pens. He W'Cisa, to show there. Hinkle darem, hen -bit Hex, witch Hinkle heiser, hen houses. Hexa, witches • Hinkle house, hen house. Hexa duckter.witch doctor. Hinkle kevich chicken coop Hexa maishter, wi/^ard Hinkle koshta, chicken Hexerrei, witchcraft. coop Hibsh, handsome, pretty Hinkle louse, chicken louse. Hickernis, hickor3P.uts, Hinkle lice, chicken lice Hickerv, hickorv. Hinkle nesht, lien's nest HINKLE NESHTER 7^ HOLBLHINA Hinkle neshter, hens' bests Hitsich, fervent, heated. Hinkle shtol, heu house, Hits pucka, prickly heat. chicken coop Hivel, hill. Hinkle shtel, heu bouses, Hivelich, hilly, undulating. chicken coops. Hob, have, did. Hinkle shtong, hen roost. Hoch, high. Hinkle shtonga, hen roosts Hochbanich, elite, grand Hinkle soddle, hen roost. Hoch Deitsch, German. Hinna, back, behind. Hochmeedich, proud. Hinna draw, late, behind. Hochmood, pride. Hinna drin, in the hind Hochmoods nar,dude, dandy part Hochmoods tzipple, dude Hinna droof, on the hind Hochochta, to respect, to part. esteem, to honor Hinna nei. into the hind Hochshtendich. eminent. part. Hochshtond, eminence Hinna no, in the rear, after Hoch shook high school. Hinner, hinder, behind, Hoch shtool, high chair, hind. Hock, hoe, chop. Hinner, to prevent, to hin- Hocka, hoeing, chopping. der. Hockglutz chopping block. Hinner deer, hind door Hock messer, cleaver. Hinnergte, to cheat, to de- Hofe, yard, lawn. ceive, Hofe fens, yard fence. Hinnergonga, cheated, de Hoffa, pot, crock. ceived. Hoffa deckle, pot cover. Hinnerlich, backward. Hoffa' sharva, pot sherd. Hinnerlussa, to leave be- Hoft, h(^k hind Hofta, hooks Hinnersht. last, hindmost. Hoka blook, shovel plow. Hinner shoonka, ham. Hola, to fetch History, history. Holaboona, nothing in it. Hit, hut. Holb, half. Hits, heat Holb leina, linsey woolsey.. no LB NOCHT 73 HOODLA Holl) uocht, midnij^lit Hommer shlock, dross-

1 lolb shtivel.half hoot,slioe. Hond, hand Holb shtreng. half traces. Hond board, plasterer's H')lb wake half way. hawk Holb )'arich, semi annually, Hond dooch, towel. half yearh'. Hondel, trade. Hold, hold, halt stop. Hondful, handful Holda, holding, halting, Houdla, trading, doing busi- stopping ness, Hole, hollow, fetch, came. Hondle, trade, business. Hole wake, defile. Hondlonga,to assist masons. Holfter, halter. Hondlonger, hod carrier. Holfter, ket. halter chtiin. Hondlung, trade, doings, Holfter reema, halter strap business. Holm, haum, blade, stalk. Hond riegel, handrail, ban- Hols, neck, throat ister. Holsbond, necklace, collar. Hond sake, hand .saw. Holsdooch. tippet, necktie, Hondshrift, handwriting, neck-cloth. autograph. Holsgnick, neck joint. Hondwarrick, trade, craft. Holsgrawga, cravat. Hondwarrick's g'.shar, tools. Hjlsoustzairung, bronchitis. Hondwarricks mon, me- Hols rosa, holly hock. chanic Hols shtarricli, stubborn, Honft, hemp obstinate. Honk, slope, declivity, sus- Hols unkle.back of the neck pended shelf for putting Holswae. sore throat, quinsy. on eatables Holver, half Honswarsht, clown. Holver dawler, half dollar. Hoobsa, to hop, to jump, to Holver goul, dock. skip. Hommel, wether. Hoobera, to go roughly. Hommer, hammer, fish net. Hood, hat. Hommer shteel, hammer Hoodie, hurr}', [rags. handle. Hoodla, hurrying, tatters, HOODLE IvOOMPA 74 HOUCH Hoodie loompa, oven rag, Hoora bull, whoremonger. oven cloth. Hoora henghst, whoremon- Hoodie shtro, tangled straw ger, whoremaster. Hoodie wish, hasty person. Hoora house, bawdy house Hoof, hoof. Hoora kind, bastard. Hoofa, to back. Hoosht, cough Hoofeisa, horse shoe Hooshta, coughing. Hoofnegel, horse nails, Hootch, colt Hoomel, bumble-bee. Hootchel, colt Hoond, dog. Hootchley, colt Hoondish, doggish. Hoops, hop, jump, skip. Hooudly, little dog Hoopsa, hopping, jumping, Hoonger, hunger. skipping. Hoongerich, hungry. Hopper, hopper. Hoongersnode, starvation, Hore, hair. famine. Hore barsht, hair brush. Hoonich, honey, sweetheart. Hore bindle, hair bag. Hoonich fogel, hvimming Hore bond, hair ribbon. bird. Hore schmear, hair oil. Hoonich grout, toad flax. Hore shpel, hair pin. Hoonich koocha, honey Horich, hairy. cake. Hortsich, resinous Hoonichsookle, honey- Hos, hateful, grudge. suckle. Hossa, hating, grudging. Hoonna, down, below. Hosier, hostler. Hoonert, hundred. Hospittle, hospital. Hoounerdsht, hundredth. Hossei hecka, hazle brushes. Hoonnertyahrich fesht, cen- Hosselnis, hazlenuts, filbert. tennial. Hoshpel, reel, sill}^ bustling Hoonert yohr, century. person. Hoons blooma, dog flowers. Hoshpla, reeling. Hoons grout, toad flax. Hospower, horse-power. Hoonshuls, dogwood. Hoswip, cowhide. Hoor, whore. Houch, breath. HOUCHA 75 HULLER FLINT Houcha, breathing. Hovas wart, worth having. Houd, skin. Howbt shtick, principal part- Houfa, heap Howfa, heap. Houiis, hound. Hoxet, hogshead. Hous, house, outside. Hoy, hay Housa, keeping house, rag- Hoy bora, hay mow. ing. Hoyet, haymaking. Housarwed, kitchen work. Hoy govel, hay fork. Hous deer, outside door. Hoy howfa, hay cock Housholda, to be frugal, to Hoy messer, hay knife. keep house. Hoy mocha, making hay. Hous middle, house remedy, Hoy recha, hay rake. house cure. Hoy ref, hay rack. Houserote, furniture. Ho}^ shreck, grasshopper Housrote mocher, cabinet- Hoy shrecker. grass hopper. maker. Hoy shrecker, grasshoppers. Hous rote shreiner, cabinet- Hoy shtuck, hay stack. maker. Hubba, hops Hous shreiner, carpenter. Hubba shtong, hop pole. Hous shtire, wedding pres- Hubble, hobble, stackle. ent. Huchtzich, wedding, mar- Hous uhr, house clock. riage. Hous wocks, house leek. Huck, sit. Hova, have. Hucka, sitting. Hover, oats Huckle beera, huckleber- Hover feld, oats field. ries, whortleberries. Hover gase, katydid. Huckshter, huckster Hover kam, oats seed. Huckshtera, huckstering. Hover kisht, oats bin. Huff, hope Hover male, oat meal Huffa, hoping. Hover shprow, oat chaff. Hufning, hope. Hover shtick, oats patch. HuUer, elder. Hover shtro, oats straw- Huller beera^ elder berries. Hover sock, oats sack or bag Huller flint, pop-gun. HÜLS 76 INDECENT Hüls, wood Hüls shlegel. maul. Hüls blots, wood place. Hurry, hurry. Hüls buck, saw-horse. Hurrya, hurrying. Hüls coala, charcoal. Hussa, pants, trousers. Hüls epel, crab apples. Hussa bae, pants leg or legs. Hüls fawra, sweet fern, Hussa drayer, suspenders. Hulsheisel, wood house, Hussa lots, flap, pants fly. wood shed. Husla, raffling. Hüls hocker, wood choppei Hussel. raffle. Hüls howfa, wood pile. Hussel metch. raffle match. Hulsich, wooden. Huvvel, plane. Hüls kisht, wood chest. Huvvel bonk, carpenter's Hulskup. blockhead bench, joiner's work bench Hüls ox, wood axe Huvveleisa, plane bit. Hüls sake, wood saw. Huvvel shpse, shavings.

1. ice, ice Improof. improve

Ich, I. Improofa, improving Illegal, illegal. Improofment, improvement. Ilond, island. Import import Imber,. ginger. Importa, importing. Imitata, imitate [tinually Ims, meal Immer, always, ever, cou- Imstzeit, meal time. Immerfard, always, ever- In, in. lasting, perpetually, ever- Inactif, inactive. more. Innerlich, internalh-. Immermae, more and more Inaugurate, inaugurate. Immer-un-avich, eternally, Inaururrta, to innigurate. everlasting. Inaugurashun, inauguration Impose, impose. Include, include. Imposa. imposing. Includa, including, [tion. Impressa, impressing. Incorporation, incorpora- Impression, impression. Indecent, indecent. INDEPENDENCE 77 EISA HOFFA

I lulependent, independent. Inshura, to insure. Index, index. Inshurance, inshurance. Indirect, indirect. In.sist, insist. Indressa, interest, Insista, to insist. Inflama, to inflame. Insinuate, insinuate Inflaniashun, inflammation. Itisinuata, to insinuate. Inflata, to inflate. Institute, institute. Influence, influence. Institushun, institution. Influensa, influencing. Instruct, instruct Influenshal, influential, Instructa, to instruct Ingawei, intestines. Instructer, irstructor. Ingenuity, ingenuity. Instruction, instruction. Inhold, contents. Insult, insult. Initiata, to initiate. Insulta, to insult. Initiation, initiation. Intend intend Innerlich, inwardly, Intenda, intending. lush, Indian, Intenshun, intention, Insha, Indians Interfera, to interfere. Insha dnwock, lobelia. Interfere, interfere. Insha rubber, India rubber, Introduce, introduce caoutchouc. Introdusa, to introduce. Inshei, engine, Invent, invent. Inshineer, engineer. Inventa, to invent- Inshlich, tallow. Invention, invention. Inshlich licht, tallow candle, Inventory, inventory. I Inshlich lichter, Invest, invest. tallow can- j dles. In vesta, to invest

Inshlich lichter mocher. I Investigate, investigate Investigata, investigating, to tallow chandler. i Tnshpect. inspect investigate. Inshpecta, to inspect. Investigashuu, investigation. Inshpecter, inspector. Inwennich, inside, internal. Inshterment, instrument. Isa. iron. [cooking pot, Inshure, insure. Isa hoffa, iron kettle or ISA MIND 78 IVVERvSETZUNG Isa mind, iron ore Ivverhond, to overcome. Isa warrick, iron works, Ivverhussa, overalls. Ishue, issue. Ivverich, over, left over. Itemiza, itemizing. Ivverlaiga, to consider, de- Ivver, over, past, above. liberating. Ivver'nwile, after a while. Ivverlaigt, considered. Ivverbeeda, to outbid, to Ivverlaiva, to outlive. overbid. Ivverlawfa, to chill, to over- Ivverbinna, to bind over. run. Ivverboona, bound over. Ivverlivra, to deliver. Ivverbudda. overbidden. Ivverlussa, to relinquish Ivvercharga, to overcharge. ivvermasich, extravagantly. Ivverdeck, bed quilt, cover- Ivvermarya, day-after-to- let morrow. Iveerdoo, overdue. Ivver mocha, to repeat, to do Ivverdreffa. to excel [tremes again. Ivver dreiva, to carry to ex- Ivvernemma. to overtake. Ivverdrivva, exaggerated Ivvernoomma, overtaken. « IvverdrufFa, excelled, sur- Ivverall, everywhere. passed. Ivverous, very, exceedingly. Ivvereilt, hasty. [nant. Ivverous-shse, exceedingly Ivveresht, remainder, rem- nice, exceedingly pretty, Ivverflisich, superfluous, very nice, very pretty. Ivverfloos, abundance, plenty. Ivver roola, overruling. Ivverfolla, to surpass. Ivversahna, oversee. Ivvergalarn'd, crack-brained Ivversahuer, overseers. Ivvergooka, to overlook. Ivversetz, translate. Ivvergookt, overlooked. Ivver setz, reset. Ivverg'sheit, conceited. Ivversetza, translating. Ivverhara, overhear. Ivver setza, resetting, Ivverhaird, overheard. Ivversetzer, translator. Ivverhawbt, in general. Ivversetz'd, translated [set. Ivver-hols-un-kup. over Ivver setz'd, having been re-

head and heels ' Ivversetzung, translation. IVVER SCTOOR'D 79 KAR BED WAVER

I wer shtoodeer'd, overstud- Ivverweisa, convince, prove. { ied. Ivverweldicha, overpower, Ivvershrift, superscription. Ivverwelma, overwhelm. Ivverslioo, rubber, overshoe. Ivverweisa, overturn. Ivvershoos, overshoot. Ivverwinna, to conquer, to Ivvershwemung, inundation. prevail. Ivversichtich, crosseyed. Ivvertzook, cover. Ivverstzeiga, to convince. Ivvertzwanich, contrary, Ivvertzeigt, convinced, crosswise subdue, vanquish, con- Ivvel, nauseated, nauseous, quer. bad, evil. J.

Jackline, checkrein. Jointa, joining. Jail. jail. Joka, joking. Jealous, jealous Joke, joke. [pansy Jelly, jelly. Jonn}^-jump-up, heart's-ease, Jerry, Jerry, Jeremiah. Journal, journal. Jigger, a drink of liquor. Judge, judge. Jobba, jobbing. Judgment, judgment. Jobber, jobber. Jury, jury. Join, join. Jury mon, juryman. Joina, joining. Justis, justice Joiner, joiner. Justify, justify. K.

Kse, none. Kara, sweeping, ought to be, Kala, to choke. belongs. Kale, throat. Karb, basket Kale bond, throat band. Kare, sweep, curve. Kan, can, jar. Karbed, carpet. Kanna, canning. Karbed loompa, carpet rags, Kanich, king. Karbet tzettle, carpet chain. Kanich reich, kingdom. Karl:)ed waver, carpet weaver. KA.RBER 80 KASE KOOCHA

Karber, body. Karricha gong, church aisle. Ivarb macher, basket maker. Karricha g'shicht, ecclesias- Karbs, pumpkin. tical history. Karbsa custerd, pumpkin Karrich gowl, cart horse custard Karrich hofe, churchyard, Karbsa karu, pumpkin seed graveyard Karbsa pie, pumpkin pie. Karricha leid, church peo- Karbsa ronka, pumpkin vine ple. Karbsa shawl, pumpkin peel Karricha rawd, consistory. Karbsa shtick, pumpkin Karricha shtool, pew. patch. Karsh, cherry Kard, hardened, tempered. Karsha, cherries. Kardsagrawd, perpendicular, Kasha bame, cherry trees, vertical. Karsha bawni. cherry tree. Kardslich, recently. Karsha boy, cherr}- pie or Kards ochtemich, asthmatic. pies. Kards sichiich, nearsighted. Karha hard, cherry tray. Kards sichticher, myope. Karsha hüls, cherry wood. Karl, fellow. Karsha koocha. cherry tart Kam, kernel, rye. or tarts. Karn air, r\'e ear or head. Karsha lawb. cherr}- leaves Karn brode, rye bread Karsha pie. cherry pie or pies Karn feld, rye field. Karsha shtie, cherry stone or Karn male, rye flour. stones. Karn shprow. rye chaff Kasha shtan er, cherry stoner- Karn shtro, rye straw. Kartz short Karn shtuck, rye stack, rye Kartza, to shorten. stalk. Kartzer, shorter. Karrich, church, cart, carts. Kartzlich, recently. Karricha, churches. Kartzsht, shortest. Karricha deer, church door, Kase, cheese. Karricha gie. church going. Kase bobla, marsh roots, Karricha genger, church- Kase koocha, cheese cake or goers. cakes. KASTERKIL 8i KETSEL

Kastereil, castor oil. I Keiser grone, imperial crown Kawder, torn cat Keitle, wedge. Kawf, buy, purchase. Keitla, wedging. Kawfa, buyin». Kel, trowel. Kavvfer, buyer Kelch, cup chalice. Kawf leit, buyers, shoppers, Kelder, cider press Kawfmon, merchant. Kelder house, press house. Kawft, bought, purchased. Keller, cellar. Kechra, lintels. Keller aisel, cellar bug. Kee, cows Keller deer, cellar door. Kee bitters, tansy Keller grate, cellar grate Kee bloom, dandelion. Keller kich, basement Keedreck, cow dung. kitchen. Keedreck roller, tumble bug. Keller luch, cellar hole. Kee driver, drover or drovers Kellich. cup, chalice Keefer. cooper Ken, none, know. Kee ket, cow chain. Ken mole, not once. Keel, cool. Kenna, can, to know- Keela, cooling. Kenner, none. Keeler, cooler. Kent, knows, could. Kee misht, cow manure. Kentzaicha, mark of distinc- Keen, chin, shrewd. tion. Keen bocka, jaw. Kesht, chestnut. Keeper, keeper. Keshta, chestnuts. Keepulfer, cattle powder. Keshta bame, chestnut trees Kee pulver, cattle powder Keshta bawm, chestnut tree, Kee roos, lamp black. Keshta farb, chestnut color. Keffer, bug. Keshta hüls, chestnut wood. Keicha, to pant., Keshta pife, chestnut whistle. Keichich, panting Kesht igle, chestnut bur. Keim, germ, sprout. Kessel kettle. Keima, sprouting, sprouts Kessel flicker, tinker. Keimed, sprouts. Ket, chain. Keiser, emiperor. Ketsel, kitten, young cat. KETTA 82 KOLK

Ketta, chains, to fasten with Kinshtlich, ingenious, arti- a chain or chains. ficial. Ketta boomp, chain pump Kinskind, grandchild Ketta shtreng, iron traces. Kinskinner, grandchildren. Ketta shtrong, iron trace Kinsmawd, child nurse. Ketta-koogel, chain-shot. Kip. grudge, envy, hatred. Kevvich, cage or cages. Kippich, jealous, envious Kich, kitchen. Kis, gravel, kiss. Kicha deer, kitchen door. Kisht, chest, intoxicated. Kicha dish, kitchen table. Kissa, pillow, to ki,ss. Kicha dripple, waiter. Kissle, sleet. Kick, kick. Kisslich, sleety. Kicka, to kick. Kit, putty. Kicker, kicker. Kitch. scraper. Kimmel, chervil, caraway. Kit henshing. kid glove or Kimniera, grieving, gloves. Kimmerlich, needful, pitiful. Kitsen, female cat. Kin, chin Kitsla, to tickle Kin bocka, jaw bone. Kitslich, ticklish Kind, child Kivvel, bucket Kmdhate, infancy, childhood. Kobboot wornout. dead. Kindish, childish, babyish. Koddoo, calico, prints. Kindle, pupil. Koddullish, Catholic. Kindlich, filial. Kollenner. almanac. Kinner, children. Kolbosht, calabash. Kinner deep, kidnapper or Kold, cold. kidnappers Kold feever, ague. Kinner glaider, children's Kold maisel, cold chisel. clothes Kold stick, lunch. Kinner marder, infanticide. Kold wedder, cold weather. Kinner mord, infanticide. Kold wanser, cold water. Kinnish, childish Kole shwartz, black as coal. Kinner shoe, children shoes. Kolledge. college. Kinshtler, wizard, conjurer. Kolk, lime. KOLK 83 KORNISH Kolk breuna, burning lime. Konsel tzooker, rock candy. Kolk brenner, lime burner. Koo, cow. Kolk shtae, linie stone. Koocha, cake, cakes. Kolk shtce brooch, lime stone Koocha blot, griddle. quarry. Koocha reddle, jagging iron Kolk ufFa, lime kiln. Kooddle, tangle, entangle. Kolk wosser, lime water. Kooddled, tangled, entan- Kolmus, sweet flag. gled Kolp, call. Kooddle fleck, tripe. Kolpfel, calf hide Koogle, bullet, ball. Kolpflaish, veal. Koogla, bullets, balls. Kolpledder, calf skin. Koogla form, bullet mould. Kom, cog, cam. Koom, come. Komma, cogs, cams Koombos, compass. Kommail, camel. Koommet, horse collar. Komnier, bed chamber Koommet deck, housing. Kommilla, chamomile. Koommet shpae, haraes.[ers. Kom rawd, cog wheel. Koonna, customer, custom- Kon, can. Koonna meel, grist mill. Kondel, spout. Koonsht, art, science, skill. Kongress, congress. Koonshdawvler, constable Kongressmon, congressman. Koonshoft, patronage Konnawl, canal. Koopper, copper. [tie. Konnoon, cannon. Koopper kessel, copper, ket- Konsdrawb, currant. Koopper mine, copper mine. Konsdrawva, currants. Koopper roos, copperas. Kondsdrawva boi, currant Koopper schmit, copper pie. smith. Konsdrawva shtuck, currant Koos, kiss. bush Kootch, coach, carriage. Konsdrawva wei, currant Kord, cord, card. wine. Korda, cards, to cord. Konsel, pulpit. Kor Freidawg. Good Friday Konsel raider, pulpit orator. Kornish, cornice. KORRASEERA 84 LAIG HINKLE

Korraseera, to court. Kuch kessel, boiler, boiling Korrawsha, courage. kettle.

Korreb, basket. Kuch leffle, laddie [pan.

Korrebful, basketful. • [ei, Kucli pon, sauce pan, stew Korreb mocher, basket luak- Kuch uffa, cooking stove Korrella, beads. KuUick, colic. Korrella weida, osiers. Kulrawva colerabi. Korrockter, character. Kulwa, ear. Koryouner, coriander. Kup. head. Kos, money box, treasury. Kupakissa. pillow. [work. Koshta, cage. Kup arwed, head or brain Kosset, corset. Kupcha, cup. Kotz, cat. Kuppatzeech, pillow^ case. Kotza, cats. Kup wfe, headache. Katza grout, catn-ip. Kusht. cost, board. Kow, chew. Kushta, costs, costing, [sive. Kowa, to chew, to masticate. Kushtbawr, costly, expen- Kowm, scarcely, hardly. Kushtgenger, boarders. Krutten ale, croton oil. Kusht shpeelich, expensive, Kuch, cook, boil. costly. Kucha, cooking, boiling. Kuts, vomit KuchhofFa, pot, boiler. Kutsa, vomiting.

Lady, Lady. Laider wogga, ladder wagon Laib'd, lives. Laidich, tired, fatigued. Laib hoft, enlivening. Laidmeedich, sorrowful, Laib wohl, live well, fare- disheartened, solitar}'. well, adieu. Laifer, runners Laid, sorrow, grief, regret. Laifer sei, shoats Laider, ladder. Laig, lay, place, deposit, Laider bawm, ladder beam. Laiga, to lay, to put. Laider sphrussa, ladder run- Laigeisa, axle plate. die. Laighinkle, laying hen. LAGLA 85 LAWFER

Laigla, to deny. Laivestzeil, goal, or end of Laima, clay. life. I.aimich, clayey. Laivestzeit, lifetime. Lain, loan, borrow, lend. Laiveswondle, biography- Laina, to loan, to lend, to Laivich, alive. borrow. Landing, landing, Lainer, lender Laiie, lane. Lainich, alone. Lappa, to lap. I Lains house, tenant house, Larbsa, to drawl. Lains mon, tenant Lare, learning, education. Lair, empty, learning edu- Larma, alarm, noise. cation. Larmich, noisy. J^aira, to teach, to instruct. Larn, learn. Lais, read, pick. Larna, to learn. Laisa, reading, picking. Larniug, learning, education Lnish'd, do you read? Larrich, lark. Laisht, shoemaker's last. Lash, whip, ferrule, Laisht hooka, last hook. Lasha, lashing.

Lava, life, live, living. Latch, latch. Laivalong, lifetime. Law. law. Laivensbashreiver, biog- Lawb, foliage, leaves. grapher, Lawb frush, tree frog. Laivensbashreivung, biog- Lawd, load, casket, coffin. graphy. Lawda, loading, shutter. Laivens grout, live forever. Lawdamocher, undertaker. Laivenslawf, biography. Lawd mose, loading measure. Laivensmiltle, provisions. Lawd shtecka. ramrod. Laivens bolsem, restorative Lawendich, alive. balsam. Lawendichy mous fol, cat. Laivens fersicherung, life Lawf, walk, way, course, insurance. gun barrel. Laivens g'for, in danger of Lawfa, to walk, to be a can- life. didate for office, flowing.

Laivestzaicha, sign of life. Lawfer, walker. IvAWFICH 86 LEID

Lawfich, rutty. Lectura, lecturing. Lawftzeit, rutting season. Ledda. clay. Lawful, lawful. Ledder, leather, flog. Lawg, lye. Leddera, to flog, to lash. Lawm, lame. Ledder-fartich-mocher, cur- Lawmasich, legal, lawful. rier. Lawsuit, lawsuit. Leddern, leathern. Lawyer, lawyer. Leddich. single, unmdrried Leabsta, dear, love, darling Leeg. lie.

sweetheart. Leega, lies, to lie. Lead, lead, solder. Leffel. spoon. Leada, leading, to solder. Lefts, lip. Leader, leader. Leftsa, lips. Lease, lease. Legal, legal. Leasa, leasing. Legislata, legislating. Leava, love, fondle, like, Legislater, legislator. admire. Leia, lying. Leaver, rather, lever. Leiar, old ways, old ruts. Lebbish, tasteless, unsavory. Leira, to work slowly. Lebdawg, cuorse of life. Leib, belly, abdomen. Lebkoocha, honey cake. Leibcha, corset, bodice. Lebra, to drink, to sip. Leibhofiich, identical. Lechel, small hole. Leibshtick, favorite tune. Lecherich, laughable, redic- Leibshmartza, belly-ache, ulous, full of holes. pain in the stomach. Lecherlich, laughable redic- Leibwae, diarrhae ulous, full of holes. Leicht, funeral, easy, simple Lechla, to smile. Leichta, illuminate, give Leek, lick light. Lecka, to lick. Leichtfeesich, swift, light- Leckshun, lection. footed. Leckshuneera, electioneer, Leichtsinnich, thoughtless, canvass. frivolous, careless. Lecture, lecture. Leid, suffer, people. LEI DA 87 LIKENESS

Leida, to like, to suffer, to Letsht, last allow, to bear. Letz, wrong. Jveidhos, cavalry. Level, level. Leidlich, agreeable. Levela. ]eveling. Leim, glue. Levergrout, liverwort. Leinia, to glvie. Liverwarslit, pudding, liver Leitn ledder, glue scrap, pudding. scraps of leather. Liable, liable Leims, lemons. Liability, liability. Le'mswosser, lemonade. Liberal, liberal. Lein, line. Library, library. Leina, lines, linen. Lice, lice. Leindooch, bed sheet. License, license Leiuich. linen. Licht, light, candle, lamp. Leio ich, linseed oil. Lichtbootzshare. snuffers. Leis, lice. Lichter, lights, candles, Leisht, slat. lamps. Leishthuvvel, ogee, or head Lichter farrem, candle mould plane. Lichterglobe, lamp chimney. Leit, people, suffer. Lichtermocher,tallow chand- Lemon, lemon. ler. Lemons, lemons. Lichter shtuck. candlestick Lemonade, lemonade. Lichter weecha. lamp wick. Lendlich, rural, rustic. Lichtmess, Candlemas. Leng, length. Lickerish, licorice. Lengsht longest, long ago. Liddelhouse, water closet, Lenner, garden beds, coun- Lidderlich, naughty. tries. Lied, song, hymn. Lesh. slake, quench, extin- Lift, lift guish. Lifta, lifting. Lesha, slaking, quenching, Lifter, lifter. extinguishing. Liftich, airy. Leshdera, baspheming. Ligner, liar. [graph Lesson, lesson. Likeness, likeness, photo- .


Lilack. lilac. Loch, laugh. Lil)^a^ lily Lockseera, physic Lime. glue. Lockseering, physic. Lime ledder. glue scrap. Locomotif. locomotive. Limit, limit Locus, locust. Limitation, limitation. Lod. lath. Lina, lines, to line. Lodda, laths. Line, line. Loddarn, lantern. Lining, lining Loddeinish, Latin, Links, left, left-handed. Lodge, lodge Linna, linden, linen, lime Lodga, to lodge. tree Lodger, lodger. Linna bawm, linden or lime Lodging, lodging. tree. Lodle, drunkard, tippler, Linna hüls, linden wood. drinker. Lip, lip. Lodla, to loaf around and L'sht, list. drink Lishta, to enlist. Lodnogle, lath-nail. Literature, literature. Lodwarrick, applebutter Lively, lively Logic, logic Livver, deliver. Lo gfroob, tan pit. Livvera, delivering. Lorn, lamb. Lo, tan. Lo meel, tanning mill Load, load, Lomma, lambs. Loaf, loaf. Lommadeera, lament, com- Loafa, loafing-. plain. Loafer, loafer. Lommel, boor. Loan, loan. Lomp, lamp. Lobba, rag, patch Lompes, lampus. Lobbish, negligent. Lomtzeit, ewing season. Lobe, praise, reputation Loud, land, soil, country. Locate, locate. Londaigner. land owner. Locata, locating. Londkord, chart, map. Location, Lond laifer, tramp. LOND I.AIVA 89 LOSESHROWVA

IvOiid laiva, country life. Loompa carpet, rag carpet. Lond messer, surveyor. Loompa mon, rag man, Lond regga, extended rain, scares-crow. incessant rain. Loompich, ragged. Lond sbilgrut, tortoise. Loona, linch-pin. Ivondshoft, vicinity. Loosht, humor. Ivonely, lonely. Looshta, desire, delight, Lonesome, lonesome. Looshteera, enjoy. Long, long. Looshtich, jolly, merry, de- Longa, reaching, handing. lightful. Long bainich, long-legged. Lootser, lantern. Longmeedich, forbearing, Loox, lynx. Longniood, longsuffering. Lo rode, tan color. Long roond, oblong. Los, careless, negligent. Longsichtich far-sighted. Lose, loose, sow. Longsom, slow. Losebrecha, break loose. Longweilich, tedious, lasting Losegarissa, broke loose, tore long, slowly. loose

Longwid. coupling pole. 1 Lose g'shussa, fi)-ed off. Lonna, shafts, thill. Losekawfa, to ransom, to re- Lonsmon, countryman. deem. Loo wages. Losekawft, ransomed, re- Looder, carrion, deemed. Looder fuggel, turkey buz- Losekoomma, become free, zard. emancipated. Loodser, lantern. Loselussa, let loose, set free, Looft, air, atmosphere. dismiss, emancipate. Looft luch, air hole. Losemocha, untie, let loose. Looft rore, wind pipe. Losereisa, break loose, tear Looft rora, wind pipes, loose. Looftich, air}' Losesheesa, fire oif, dis- Loomerich, limber. charge a firearm, Loomp, vagabond. Loseshprecha, to acquit. Loompa, rags, tatters. Loseshrowva, unscrew. LOSHT 90 MALE KOSH LA Losht, burden, load. Luch sake, compass saw. Loshter, vice, crime, very Luck, call, decoy.

much. ! L/Ucka, decoying, calling. vicious. Luckich, having locks. Ivoshterhoft, j

Lossichkate, lassitude i Ludderish, Lutheran. Ivouch, leek. Luff, love. Loud. loud. Luff-letters, love-letters. Louder, louder, nothing but Lung, lung Louse, louse. Lunga fligel, lung lobe Lova, praise. Lunga grout, lung wort. Lover, listen, watch. Lus, let. Lovera, listening, watching Lusht? Will you let? Loxeer, purge. Lussa, letting. Loxeera, purging Lust, lets Loxeer'd purged. Lut, lot. Lo warm, tepid, lukewarm. Lutta, lots Luch, hole. Lutteiree, lottery. M. Mable, maple. Mail, mail, letters. Mabla, maple Main, mean. Mabla bawm, maple tree. Maina, meaning. Mabla hüls, maple wood. Mainer, more. Mabla wosser, maple sap. Maintain, maintain. Mabla tzooker, maple sugar. Maintaina, maintaining. Magnetise, magnetize, mes- Maining, meaning. merize. Maishter, master. Magnetisa, to magnetize. Maishter wartzel, master Magnetised, magnetized. woit. Magazine, magazine. Majority, majority. Maid, maidens, girls, lasses. Male, flour, meal. Maidel, girl, damsel, maiden Malebry, meal pap. Maid lice, tick seed. Male kisht, flour chest. Maiglich, possible, probable. Male koshta, flour chest. MALE SECK c MAWL . Male seek, flour sacks. Marrosht, mud, slush, mire. Male shtawb, flour or meal Marshal, marshal. dust. Mart, Martin Male soup, porridge, gruel, Martz. March. Mailich, floury, mealy. Marvel, marble. Maltz, malt. Marya, to-morrow. Mam, mother, ma. Maryaessa, breakfast. Ma mosheen, mowing ma- Maryagabait, morning chine prayer. Manage, manage. Maryarode, morning light, Managa, managing. aurora Manager, manager. Maryashtun, morning hour, Mane, mean. Maryeds, in the morning, Manung, meaning, opinion, Masel, chisel. intention, definition. Masla, chiseling. Map, map. Masich, frugal, economical, Mar, mare. temperate, saving. Marra, mares. Match, match March, march. Matcha, to match. Marcha, marching Matchbox, match safe. Mard, murder. Matches, matches Marddawd. murder case. Mattress, mattress. Marder, murderer, assassin. Mawd, maid. Marderg'shicht, murder case Mawdar mortar. Marehate, majority. Mawdar fogel, hod. Mareheit, majority. Mawg, may, poppy. Marereddich, horse raddish. Mawga, stomach. Mareshtens, mostly. Mawgabolsem, mint. Marreb, ripe, mellow. Mawgadricka, cardialgy. Marrick, mark, market. Mawgagromp. stomach Marricka, marking, to mark. cramp Marrickdawg, market day. Mawger, lean, sterile. Marricks, marrow, Mawgsht, you may. Marrickwardich, remarkable Mawl, grind. MAWIvA 92 MER Mawla. grinding. Meiselfol, mice trap. Mawna, mane. Meisora, saxifrage. May, mow, more. Melda, to apply, to announce Maya, mowing. Melk, milk. Mayor, mayor. Melka, milking Mean, mean. Melkaimer, milk pail. Mechtich, mighty, powerful. Melk shtool milking stool. Medadisht, Methodist. Melloon, melon. Iledal, medal, a prize. Melodee, melody. Meddla, to meddle. Mencha, small man, male Medatzeen, medicine bird. Medsla, massacre, butcher. Meng, multitude, herd. Meel mill. Menlich, manly. Meel dom, mill dam Menner, men, husbands. Meel mocher, millwiight. Mensh, human being. Meel race, mill race. Mensha, people. Meel shtse, mill stone Mensha deep, kidnapper. Meesalich, wearisome, tire- Mensha feind, misanthrope, some. man hater. Meesich, idle. Mensha fershtond, common Meet, tired, meet. sense, human understand- Meeta, to meet. ing. Meeting, meeting Mensha freind, philanthrope Mei, my, mind, mine Mensha fresser, man eater, Meida, to avoid, to shun. cannibal. Meiler, mouths Mensha hilf, human aid. Meind, mine. Mensha kind, human being. Meinda, to notice, to mind, Mensha olter, generation. to heed. Menshhate, mankind. Meindwaga, on my account. Menshlich, human. Meis, mice. Mensht, most. Meisel, mouse. Menshun, mention. Meiselshtill, very quiet, pro Menshuna, mentioning. found silence. Mer, we. MES 93 MISDROWISH Mes, to measure, brass. Mile, mile. Mesht, fatten. Mileage, mileage. Meshta, fattening. Mile shtae, mile stone. Mesrawd, perambulator. Miller, miller. Mesrawm, foot measure. Millich. milk Messa. to measure, brass. Millich bry, pap. Messer, knife. Millich grout, milk weed. Messer gliiig, knife blade Millich hoff"a, milk crock. Messier heft, knife handle. Millich hore, down. Messerly, small knife, pen- Millich house, dairy. Messer rick, back of a knife. Millich sei, milk strainer, Messershpitza, point of a little pigs. kr.ife. Millich seicha, little pig. Messer shteel, knife handle. Millich soft, chyle. Mich, me. Milliner, milliner. Mick, fly [paper. Millitz, militia. Micka bloshter, Spanish fly Mils, spleen. Micka grout, fly weed. Milsgronke", menancholy. Micka g'shar. fly-net Milywon, million Micka warer, fly brush. Milyoona, millions. Micka weddle. fly brush. Mine, mine, my own. Mixle fooder, mixed proven- Mine, mine Midda, middle, centre, [der. Miner, mine, miner. Middanocht, midnight. Mineral, mineral. Middawg, dinner, noon. Minnoot, .minute, [hand. Middawgessa, dinner, [care. Minnootatzoyer, minute Middle, sore hand, remedy, Misbehafe, misbehave. Middlemaisich, middling Misbroucha, to misuse, to Middlemale, middlings. abuse. Middlemose, golden means. Mischief, mischief. Middle punk, middle, centre. Misdrow, mistrust, [trusting.

Middler, meditation. Misdrowa, mistrusting, di,:.- Mier, we. Misdrowish, suspicious, jeal- Mildaw, mildew. ous. MISFERGOONA 94 MOLS Misfergun, euvy. Mitg£E, go along Misfergund, envied. Micganooina, took along. Misfergunna, to envy. Mitgevva, to give along. Misfergunnish. euvious. Mitgonga went along. Misfershtandnis, misunder- Mitg'hulfa, helped along. standing. Mitglieder, congn gation. Misferstond, misunderstand- Mithelfa, help along. ing. Mitbola, fetch along Misht, manure, dung Mitlawfa, walk along Mishtben, barnyard. Mitleid, sympathy, pity Mishtgovel, dung fork. Mitleida, to sympathise, Mislich, uncertain, critical. compassion. Miss, miss. Mitleidung sympathy. Missa, to miss, must, com- Mitlucka, to entice. pelled. Mitmocha, to participate.

Misserrawvel , miserable Mits, Mitts. Mission, mission. Mittle, remedy, cure Missionary, missionary. Mitwuch, Wednesday. Missione, missionary. Mix, mix Missionesbreddich, mission- Mixa, mixing ary services. Mixle, Mixture Missione breddicher, mis- Mob, mob. sionary preacher. Moch, make Mission es geld, money for Mocha, making. foreign missions Mocher, maker Mistake, mistake. Mod, weary, faint Mistaka, mistaking. Moda, fashions. Mistaken, mistaken. Moddaring, pus. Mit, with, along. Mole, draw, one time. Mitbringa, to bring along Mola, to draw, to paint. Mitbrooder, fellowman Moler, drawer, painter, scar, Mitdaila, participating. mark. Mitgadailed, participated. iVjolossich, molasses, syrup. Mitg'feel, sympathy, pity. Mols, malt. MOMMY 95 MOOSHDER BOOCH Mommy, mother. Mooderwae, hysterics. Mon, man. Moodich, spirited, coura- Moücher, many a one. geous. Mon eher lei, various, or dif- Moodlose, dejected, disheart- ferent. ened, discouraged. Mondek rn. almond, Moodmosa, to have suspi- Mondle, mantel, mantle, cion cloak. Moodwilla, mischief. Mongle, wants, necessities, Moodwillich, mischievous. destitution. Moof, move, remove, Monglehoft, destitution. Moofa, moving. Monichmohl, many a time, Moofment, movement. often. Mook, fly. Monkey, monkey. Mooka, flies.

' Monneer, manners Moolly kup, tadpole. Monneerlich, polite, having Moomps, mumps. manners. Moon, moon. Monneerlichkate, politeness. Moond, moon. Mounisht, Mennonite. Moondawg, Monday. Monopoly, monopoly. Moonder, action, lively. Monshoft, crew, garrison. Moonet. month. Moiiskarl, man, male. Moonetlich, monthly. Mousleit. men. Mooushei, moonshine. Mon's ruck, man's coat Moonufgong, rising of the Montle, mantle, mantel, moon. cloak. Moonunnergong, setting of Monument, monument. the moon. Mood, humor. Moonwexel, changes of the Mooder, mother. moon. Moodder grout, mother wart Moos, must. Moodder karn, ergot of rye. Mooshder, pattern. Moodder shofe, ewe. Mooshder booch, pattern or Mooder shproach, mother sample book. tongue. Mooshgrut, muskrat. MOOSHGRUT 96 MOWLTSH

Mooshgrut, musk rat. [fur Mot, faint, tired. Mooshgrutta liowd, muskrat Motif, motive Mooshkata muskets. Motion, motion. Mooshkate, musket. jMotto, motto. Mooshkawdnus, nutmeg. Mould, mould. Mooshkeeter. mosquito. Moulda, moulding Mooshle, mussel, shell. Moulder, moulder. Mooshla, mussels, shells. Moulding, mouldinef.' Moosick, music. Mouse, mouH, mouse. Moosickond, musician. Mousa, changing feathers as Morawl, moral, morality. birds, moulting. Morawlish, politeness, pos- Mower, wall. [son work sessing good habits. Mowera. walling, to do ma-

Mord, murder. Mowere r, mason. Morda, murdering. Mower kel, trowel. Mordbrenna, arson, incen- Mowersankle, plummet, diary, plumline. Morddawd, assassination. Mowershtse, building stone. Moroshd, mire, mud. Mowl, mouth Morrick, market. Mowla, to scold, to grumble. Morricks, marrow. [non. Mowlaisel, one prone to Morter, mortar, a short can- scolding Morgage, mortgage. Mowlargel, mouth organ. Morya, to-morrow. Mowlbeer. mulberry. Morya-es^^a, breakfast. Mowlbeera, mulberries. Mose, measure. Mowlbeera bawm, mulberry Mosheen, machine. tree. Mosheena, machines. Mowlful, mouthful. Mosht, mast, fertile. Mowlgrisht, hypocrite. Moshtfee, fattening cattle. Mowlkarreb, muzzle. Moshtsei, fattening hogs. Mowl-nei-henka,to interfere Moshtdorm, rectum. Mowl-uf-shparra, to yawn. Moshy, taffy. Mowl warref, mole. Mosserich, gnarly. Mowlish, saucy, insolent. MOWS 97 NATURALIZE

Mows, mouse, moult. I Mulka, whey. Mowsa. to catch mice, to Mulka beera, cloudy berries,

nioul t knot berries. Mows dode, mouse dead- Multiply, multiply. Mow-, fol. mouse trap. Multiplya. multiplying. Mows kotz, mouser. Mush, mush. Mows tzeit, moulting season Mush kup. dunce,blockhead. Moy, May Mush male, corn meal. Moy bloom, lily of the val- Mush-uu-millich, mush and ley. milk. Mo}^ oppel, mandrake. Musleen, muslin Mo}'^ oppel grout, mandrake. My, my. Muddle, mould, pattern. Myroon, sweet marjoram. N Nade. seams, sews, neces- Narda, north. sary Nardlich, northward, or Nadelich, touchy, cross, northern. vicious Nardlich*^, aurora borealis, Nadich, necessary, invite. northern light. Nadicha, to invite. Narf, nerve. Nager, negro. Narfa, nerves Nahra. to support, to nourish Narfa fever, nervous fever. Naicher, nearer. Narhate, folly. Naichera, approximate. Narheit, folly. Naigsht, next, near, nearest. Narriets, nowhere. Naikarvel, work box. Narrish, foolish, crazy, in- Naitz, thread. sane. Namelich, namely. Narrish g'shwetz, foolish Naxnesake, namesake. talk. Nar, lunatic, fool. Nashun, nation. Nara, fools, lunatics. Natif, native. Nara house, lunatiq asylum. National, national. Narashtraich, tomfoolery. Naturalize, naturalize. NAVÄ 98 NEIDISH Nava, aside. Nay, no, sew Navabei. besides. Nay a, sewing.

Navadrons, aside, out of the 1 Nayern, dressmaker. way. Nay karrep, work basket, Navagabeiar. outbuildings. etui. Navahar, at the side. Nay mosheen, sewing ma- Nava kushta, extra expenses chine. Navanonner, side by side. Nay mosheen agent, sewing Navanous, aside. machine agent. Nava shtrose, by-way, by- Neara, kidneys. road Neara grout, sneeze vvort. Nava socha, non-essentials. Neara gronket, Bright's di- Navig'ite, navigate. sease. Navigata, navigating. Neara vShtick, romp of meat. Navigation, navigation. Neat, neat, clean, tidy, clinch. Navigable, navigable. Neata, rivet, clinch. Navy, navy. Neatichkate, tidiness. Nawb, hub, nave. Neat nogel, clinch nail. Nawga, to gnaw, to wear, to Necksich, tantalizing. waste. Neesa, sneeze. Nawma, name. Negatif, negative. Nawma grisht, pretended Negel. nails. christian. Negelcher, cloves, small nails Nawmens, by name, Negociate, negotiate. awra, nouriseing. Negociata, negotiating. Nawrhoft, nutritious. Nei, new. Nawrung, nourishment. Neia, new. Nawrungs groft, chyle. Neia moda, new ways Naws, nose. Neiarwaild, recently elected. Nawsadruppa, snivel. Neias, news, something new. Nawsaluch, nostril. Neibrecha, to break in. Nawsalecher, nostrils. Neibringa, to bring in. Nawsapetzer, goggles. Neid, spite Nawsharn, rhinoceros. Neidish, spiteful. NEIGABRUCHA 99 NOCHBRINGA Neigabruclia. broke in. Nevel, fog, mibt, vapor. j Neigabrucht, brought in, Nevelich, logg}-, misty, Neigarich. inquisitive. Nevla, drizzling. Neig'slitimd, elected. chosen Nib snath handle. Neiichkata, news Nibba, snath handles. Neiichkeita, news. Nichter. temperate, sober. Neilich, lately, recently. Nicknawma, nickname. Nei licht . Nidder, low. Nei mjoiid, new moon. Nidderer, lower. Nein, nine, no. Niddersht, lowest. Neina, nine. Nidderdrechtich, vile, base, Neint. ninth. despicable. NeintzLe, nineteen. Niddershlogga, discouraged, Neintzaiu, nineteen. dejected, to knock down. Neiutzaiut, nineteenth. Niemohls, never. Neintzich, ninety. Niemond, no one. Neiutzichsht, ninetieth. Nimmy, no more, never. Neisahna, to comorehend, to Nimmermae, never more. understand Nits, nuts, nits Neishpara, to lock up, to lock Nissich, nitty. in. Nishtla, nestle. Nei Yohr, New Year. Nisshisser, gadfly. Nem, take. Nitslich, useful, profitable Nemina, take. Nivver, across, over. Nemols, never Nix, nothing Nemond, nobody Nix noots, good for nothing, Nenn a, name. worthless. Nesht, nest, branches, limbs, Nixuootsich, good for noth- wetest. ing, worthless. Neshter, nests. No, afterward. Nesht oi, nest egg. Nob, knob. Net, not, nor. Noble, noble. Netz, net,midriflF,diaphragm Noch, after. [bring after. Netzwarrick, network. Nochbringa, to bring up, to NOCHDEM loo NODEGALITTA Nochdem, afterwards, after i Nochmohls, afterwards. this Nochmocha, to imitate, to Nochdenka, to meditate, to ape. consider, to reflect. Nochorda, to take after. Nocheila, hnrry after, follow Nochricht, news, notice, in- quickly. formation. Nochenonuer, one after the Nochsawga, to repeat, to re- other port.

NochfiUa. to fill up. Nocht, night. Nochfroga, to inquire. Nochtarwed, night work. Nochfulya, to succeed, con- Nochtbloom, night bloom- sequences, to imitate, to ing cereus. follow. Nochteil, owl, night owl. Nochfulyer, follower, sue Nochtessa, supper, cessor. NochthofFa, chamber, pot. Nochgaburt, after birth, pla- Nochtmohl, communion, centa. Lord's Supper. Nochgamocht, imitated, Nochtshodda, night shade. forged, counterfeited. Nochtwechter, night watch- Nochgevva, to yield, to re- man. cede, to give up. Nochweis, proof, evidence. Nochhar, afterwards. Nocker, knocker. Nochhelfa. to assist, to im- Nockich, naked, nude.

prove, to help. ' Noda, seams, bank-bills, Nochkemling, descendant, notes, offspring. Noddeerlich, natural. natural- Nochkooma, to follow. Noddeerlichkate, ness Nochkoomer, descendant, Noddoor, nature follower. Noddoorforsher, naturalist. Nochlessich, heedless, care- Noddoorgawva, natural gifts. less, negligent. Node, need, distress, seam, Nochlessichkate, negligence bank-bill, note. Nochlussa, to give away, to Nodegalitta, suffered, dam- relax, to abate, to slack. aged. NODEGTvAICH loi NUCHMOHL Nodeglaich, open link. Noomer, number. Nod'ileek. white lie, a lie of Noomera, numbering necessity. Noomer'd numbered. Nodeoppel, pipin. Nooner, down Nodeslitol, trave, Noonertzoos, downward. Nodewennich, necessary. Noos, nut. Nodeweunichkate, necessity. Nootsa, benefit, advantage. Nodewenuichkeit. necessit}-. Norecha. to glean, to rake Nodrochta, to follow up, to afier a ^ ad of hay or grain. aim at. Nos, wet. Nofember, November. Nosawga, to repeat. Nogevva, to yield, give way, Nosht, bough, limb, wetest. gave way. Noshun, notion. Nogla, to nail. Notary, notary Nogle, nail. Note, note.^ bill, money. Noglebora, gimlet. No'-ice. notice. Noglefesbt, immovable. Notify, notify. Noglefloos. whitlow. Notifya, notifying. Noglegrout, burnet. Notified, notified. Nog'sawt, repeated. Nous, out. Nominate, -nominate. Nousdoo, eject. Norainata, nominating. Novel, navel Nomination, nomination. Novelbin navelband Nommidawg, afternoon. Novelbrooch, navel rupture. Nonner, one another. Novelshnoor, umbilical cord Nonsense, nonsense. navel string. Non-suit, non suit Now. now. Noodla, noodles, vermicilli. Nuch, yet, still. [again. Noodle, noodle. Nuchamohl, once more, Noodle sup, noodle soup, Nuchbar, neighbor. Noof, up Nuchberlich, neighborly. Nook, nod. Nuchbershoft, neighborhood Nooka, nodding. vicinit}'. Nooma, just, only, well. Nuchmohl. again, once more. .

NUCHNET I02 OBGARIVVA Nul, zero, naught, cipher, Nuchnet not yet. j Nurse, nurse. Xuckle, knuckle, j Nuffeniber, November. Nursa, nursing Nursery, nursery. Nuisance . nuisance. o.

O. Oh. Obdahla, to separate, to Oabsht, fruit. share, to dissolve. Oabsht bame, fruit trees. Obdecka, unroof, uncover, Oabsht bawm, fruit tree. unveil. Oasht, east. Obdonka, discard, cast aside. Oashter, Easter. Obdrawga, to clean off. Ob, off, from. [ecary. Obdrawk, duty, excise, Obbarlaik, drug store, apoth- tax, impost. [twist. Obbadaiker, druggist. apoth- Obdraya, to turn off, to Obbadit. appetite*. [ecary. Obdrenna, to rip off. Obbaditlich, appetizing, de- Oblussa, to leave off licious, savory, dainty. Obdrickla, to dry.

Obbarsbta. brush off. Obdrickle loompa^ drying

Obbeisa, bite off. cloth or rag. Obbinna, to hoop, to bind ObfoU, offal. [tatize. vidth hoops or tires. Obfolla, to fall off, to apos- Obblaicha, to bleech, to Obfuddra, to demand. fade. Obfressa, to browse, to eat

Obblawda, to strip off leaves. off, to nibble. Obbleddra, stripping off Obg'folla, fallen off Obble, apple. [leaves. Obgakartzt, aVjbreviated, Obble bawm, apple tree. shortened Obbootsa, wipe oiT. Obgaluffa, walked away, Obbrea, to seeth, to scald. started, came to pass, re-

Obbrecha, break off. sulted, [tographed. Obbrenna, burn down. Obganumma, decreased, pho- Obbril, April. Obgaritsht, slipped off. Obbrooch, injury, damage. Obgarivva, polished. OBGAROOTSHT i es O BN EMMA Obgarootsht, slipped oif Obhenkish, sloping,inclined obgarissa. tore off. Obhocka, to chop or cut off. Obgatzaird, emaciated, lean. Obhola. to meet. Obgatzugga, skinned. Obhondla, to trade, to ex- Obgawaina. to wean- change Obgawaind, weaned. Obhong, slope, declivity. Obgawicha. strayed, left the OVjhuvla, to plane. right way or path, Object, object. Obgawoga, weighed off. Objecta, objecting. Obgawora, worn off- Objection, objection. Obgetterei, idolatry. Obkara, to sweep. Obglora, to clear off, to Obkartza, to shorten, to ab- clarify. breviate. Obgong, egress. Obkartzung. abbreviation. Obgrotsa, to scrape off Obkeela, cool off. Obg'sawt, denied, refused, Obkeppa, to decapitate, to excepted behead.

Obü'setst, discharged. Oblaga, to lay off. Obg'shmocht, tasteless, ab- Oblagla, to deny. surd Oblawda, unload. Obg'shoft, abolished, work- Oblawfa, to come to pass, to ed off, polished. [ed. come off, to walk away, to Obg'shoona, skinned, abrad- start. Obg'shtonna, stale, stood at Obi e via, to level, to grade a distance. Oblus, gutter, allowance.

Obg'shussa, fired off Obmaisla, to chip off, to Obg'shwora, sworn off. chisel off. Obgut, idol. Obmavvgra, to emaciate, to Obhala, heal off. become lean. [vev. Obhara, to give a hearing, to Obmessa, measure off, sur- moult. Obmola, to paint, to draw. Obharricha, to give ear, to Obnemma. to diminish, to listen. [is3g. decrease, to photograph, Obhenka, haugiug off, slop- to amputate, to accept. OHOCHT 104 OBSHTROFA Obocht, care, caution, heed Obshelda, to scold. Obrawma, to skim, to clear Obslielding, a scolding. things away. Obshicka, to discharge. Obrecha, to rake off. Obshiijna, to skin, to flay, to Obrechla, to deduct. scud. Obreisa, to tear off, to make Obshittla, shake off a diagram. Obshleifa, to grind off. Obreiv«; to polish. Obshlogga, to knock down, Obrigoash, apricot. as an auctioneer, to brush Obrig asha, apricots off with the open hand. Obris. diagram, plan. Obshneida, to cut off.

Obritsha, to slip, to slide off. Obshofifa, to work off, to Obroda, to dissuade. polish, to rid.

Obroofa, to call off. Obshrecka, to scare off. to Obsaloot, absolutely, by all intimidate. means. Obshreiva, to copy. Ob.sarf, observe. Obshrowva, to unscrew. Obsarfa, to observe. Obsht, fruit. Obsahna, to learn by seeing. Obshlse, to become stale, in- Obsawga, to reject, to re- sipid or tasteless.

fuse, to revoke. Obshtaila, to sneak off, to Obseina, sign off. slip away. Obsets, heel, heels. Obshtarma, to chase off. Obsetsa, to dismiss, dis- Obsht bawm, fruit tree. expel, set off. charge, Obshteiga, to dismount, to Obshala, to peel, to sneak get off, off from work. Obshtecka, to stake off. Obshawma, to skim, to scum. Obshtella, to stand oif, to • Obsheed, departure, [tory. unload. Obsheeds breddich, valedic- Obshtimma, to vote, to veto. Obsheeva, to scud to leave Obshtreicha, to stroke or hastily, to push off. scrape off. Obshei, abhor, detest, hatred to curry, [mand. Obsheilich, detestable, abom- Obshtrigla, inable. Obshtrofa, rebuke, to repri- OBSHWARA 105 ODDKR

Obsliwara, abjure, swear off. Obvvitsha, to slip away un- Obsliwarung, abjuration. ob.served ObvShweuka, to rinse. Obworda, to wait on, to Obshworda to cut off slabs, nurse. to o-ive a beating-, to skin Obworder, nurse, waiter. pork. Obwordern, female nurse. Obsicht, object, intention, Obwordung, attendant, at- purpose. tention.

Obsots, ledge, heel, [i^g- Obyawga, to chase off.

Obsowfa, to weaken by suck- Och ! oh ! Obtzarrickla, to mark off Ocht, eight, attention, care, with a comp.iss. esteem Obtzawma, to unbridle. Ocht-dawg uhr, eight-day Obtzawna, to lose the teeth. clock Obtziega, skinning. Ochtem, breath. Obtzook, discount, deduc- Ochtgevva, taking care. tion Ochtsom, careful, attentive. Obtzoppa. to tap, to bottle. OchtzEe, eighteen. Obtzuppa, to pull off by Ochtzich, eighty, [eight. slight jerks. Ocht-un-ochtzich, eighty- Obtzwinga, extorting Ockadeera, to get along. Obvrada, to graze. Ocker, acre. Obwake, bywa}^ or road, Okerbow, agriculture. wrong way or direction. Ockshun, auction. Obwara, to oppose, to wear Octafe, octave

off. Octover, October. Obweicha, deviating. Odar, artery, vein. Obweiser, gutter Odara, arteries, veins. Obwelka, to wither, to fall off Odarlosa, venesection, to Obwenda. averting. bleed. Obwexla, to change off. Odarmancha, agrimony. Obwisha, to wipe off, to Odarmanly, agrimony. clean, to dust. Odder, order, condttion, Obwisher, wiper, duster state. ODDERA ] 06 OMLOE

Oddera, to order, on, all Odders, orders, commatid. OUadawg. every day. Odern, breath. Ollai, alone. Of, ape. Ollainich. alone. Ofderg'shar, gear. OUamohl, every time. Offa, apes- Ollaweil, just now Uffag'sicht, mask, Ollemnoch, accordingly. Offenda, to oßeucl. Oiler, all. Offer, offer. OUerairsht, first. Ofifera, to offer. Ollerdings, sure enough, to Office, office. be sure. Officer, officer. Ollerhond, various things, Official official. various kinds. Ohr, ear. Oilerhondle. monopoly. Ohra, ears. OUeriei, various. Ohra ring, ear ring,* ear Olles, all. rings. Oil nix, all nothing, in vain. Old, old, stale 01 low, alum. Older, beau. age. Olmechtich, almighty. Older-weiver glawva, old Olminonner, altogether. granny's belief. Olmosa, alms. Older-weiver-soomer, Indian Olenswartzel, elecampane.

summer. Ols, always, still, than. Old maid, old maid. Olsamohl, sometimes. Old}', old, girl, sweetheart, Olsfort, always. wife Olwisent, all-knowing, om- Ole, eel. niscient. Ola. eels. Om, at, on. Olahowd. eel skin. Ombose, anvil. Olgamse, common, com- Ombrel. umbrella. monly, in general. Ombrella, umbrellas. Olgamein, common, com- Om erella karsha, morella monly, in general. cherries.

Olich, linseed oil. Omole, also, once OMSHEIv 107 ORMSALICH Onishel. robin. Opposa, opposing. Omt, office. Opposishun, opposition On, on, at. Oppushtle, apostle. Ondifty, ejdiv.i\ Oppushtle gaschichta, Acts Oukel, uncle. of the Apostles. Onker, anchor. Ore, ear. Onkera, anchoring, to an Ora, ears. chor. Ora bloser, tell-tale, tale- Onna, there, down. bearer. Onuer, other Ora loppa, ear muff. Onuersht, otherwise. Ora ring, ear ring. Oauershter, otherwise. Ora slimols, ear wax. Onshtot, instead OrawcC, earache. Ontwart, answer. Orawox, ear wax. Oomet, rowen, eddish, after- Ord, place, sort, kind math, second crop. Ordlich, middling, queer, Oor, clock. singular, strange. Oora, clocks. Ordning, order, discipline. Oorag'vsicht, face of a clock, Orensh, orange. dial. Oreustzwivel, Indiah turnip, Oorakoshta. clock case. Orfeiga, boxing the ears. Oora shelf, clock shelf. Organize, organize. Ooraslipring. clock spring. Organiza, to organize. Oor -grose- fodder, great Organizashun, organization. grandfather. Organized, organized. Oor haver, progenetor, ori- Origin, origin. ginator. Originata, to originate. Oorsoch, cause. Originashun, origination. Operate, operate Orm, arm, poor. Operata, operating Ormae, army. Operation, operation. Ormer, pauper. Operator, operator. Ormood, poverty. Opinion, opinion. Ormsalich, needy, poor, Oppose, oppose. helpless. ORKAMENT loS OUSFECHTA Ornament, ornament. Ousbeettzettle, qui* notice. Ornamenta, ornamenting. Ousbleiva, delay, stay out. Orndlich, decent. C'u-bionsa, to transplant. Orrich, ark. Ou-^blooga, dig, fiiirow, Orrick, very. plow out. Orrigle, organ. Ousbootsa, to clean out, to Orrigle shpeeler, organist. reprimand, to ridicule. Orrigle shtool, organ stool, Ousbrecha, to break out, to Orsh, breech, rump begn Orshbocka, buttocks. Ousbrooch, outbreak. Os, as that. Ousdaila, to distribute, to Oäe, carrion. share. Osha Mitwuch, Ash Wednes- Ousdreiva, drive out day- Ousdenka, consider, plan, Oshba, asp, aspen. contrive. Osht, east, orient. Ousdeena, to serve a full Oshler, Easter. term Oshtera. Easter. Ousdoo, to cancel. Oshter Moondawg, Easter Ousdowra. to hold out, to

Monday- la.^t. Oshter haws, Easter present, Ousdraya, to wring as clothes* a mythical creature. to turn out. Oshter Soondawg, Easter Ousdrayer, wringer, clothes Sunday. wringer. Ouf, up. Ousdreiva, drive out, expel, Oufershtauug, resurrection. exterminate. [press. Ounce, ounce. Ousdricka. pre^^s out, ex Ous, out. Ousdrinka, drink out. Ousaweunich, by heart, out- Ousdrook, expression. side. Ouscva, to show distemper. Ousbacka, backing out. Ouäfarrichta, to draw^ fur- Ousbatzawla, paying out. rows. Ousbatzawlt, paid out. [quit. Ousfawrung, eruption. Ousbeeta, to give notice to Ousfechta to fight it out. OUSFEERA 109 OUvSGAWESSERD

Ousfeera, to cai r}' out. Ousgadrickled. drit-d out. Ousferkawfa, sell out. Ousgadrivva, drove out. Ou^ferk.twft. sold out. Ousgae, go out, leave out. Ousfilla, fill out, iiil up. Ousgagrawva dug out, ex- (^usfiiina, fiv;d out. ascert iin. cavated. Ousflevisa. to emit Ousgalaibt, outlived. Ou.->floos. euiissiou Ousgakirnt, outleanied, fin- Ousfol. fall out, disa,^'ree- ished learning. nient. Ousgamaiselt, mortised. Ousfolla, falling out, dis- Ousg miisht, cleaned a stable agreeing, [out. of manure, dunged. Ousfressi, to gnaw or eat Ousgamocht, outened, quen- Ou.-fronsla. to fri:ige or wear ched, decided upon to fringes. Ouganiulka, milked out. Ousgabrecd. hatched Ousganoomma, drawn, un- Ousgabissa, cut out, left be- less, [ed. hind. [loiTg Ousgaort, degenerated, mix- Ousgablivva. delayed, stayed Ousgapickt, picked out. Ousgablonst, set out, plant- Ousgapockt, unpacked ed out, replanted. Ousgarechled, reckoned out. Ou.-^gablookt, plowed out. Ousgarissa, absconded, slip- Ousgabootst, cleaned out. ped away. [out. Ousgabrucha, broke out. Ousgarivva, erased, rubbed Ouj-gabutta, given notice to Ousgaroofa, called out c[uit, requested to leave. Ousgaroogt, rested. Ousgadailt, distributed. Ousgarulled, rolled out,thin- Ou-gadeent, served out. ued out by rolling. Ousgadeirt, besiege^l, tired Ousgarut, exterminated, to* out, exhausted. tally destroj-ed. Ousgadowered, held out, Ousgawesha, washed out, outlasted. [out. scrubbed. Ousgadrayed. wrung, turned Ousgawesserd, soaked, fresh- Ousgadrickt, expressed, ened from salt b}' water, pressed out. as meat. OUSGAWICHA I lo OUSLAIGER Ousgawicha, turned away, Ousg'shpread, spre id out. avoided. Ou.^g'shprucha, pronounced. Ousgawisht, rubbed out, Ousg'shput. mocktd, lidi- erased, effaced culei, tMunted. Ousgawitslit, slipped away. Ousg'shteird. fitted out. Ousgawoxa, sprouted. Ousg'shtonna, endured, suf- Oasgatzocked, scalloped. fered. Ousg'farricht, furrowed. Ousg'shtorva, died out Ousg'feered, carried out. Ousg'shwenkt, rinsed out. Ousg' filled, filled out, Ousti'suffa, drank out. Oasg'folla, fallen out, dis Ousgevva, give out. agreed. Ousgevver, distributor, Ousg'foonna, found out, dis- Ousgawb, expenditure. covered. Ousgoug, exit. Ousg'fressa, eaten out, done Ousgonga, went out, ad- eating. journed, dismissed, left O u sg' fron sei ed, fringed. out. Ousg'fuchta, fought out. Ousgrawva, to excavate, to Ousg'holta, reserved, exempt dig out. [efface. Ousg'hoongert, famished, Ousgrotsa, scratch out. erase, starved. Oushala. to heal perfectly. Ousg'said, sown, seeded. Ousheelicha, to hollow out. Ousg'sawt, declared, an- Oushenka, to unhook nounced. Oushensia, to ridicule. Ousg'setst, set out, trans- Ousholda, to endure, to bear, planted. to stipulate. Ousg'shawlt, shelled, peeled Ouskara to sweep. Ousg'shend, reprimanded. Ouskoomma, get along, to Ousg'shenkt, poured out. fare, to live within means. Ousg'shittled. shaken out- Ouskucha, extract, clean by Ousg'shlussa, locked out. boiling. Ousg'shoft, carved out. Ouslaiga, explain, expound. Ousg'shpeeld, played out. Ouslaiger, interpreter, ex- worn out. positor. OUSSICHT I ir OUSSICHT

Oiiylaira, to empty, to pour Ousrooga, to rest aw.iy, Ousrutt.i, to exterpate, to Ouslaisa, sort cut, pick out, root out. to destroy tota'ly. assort. Oussa3'a, to sow, to seed. Oublaiva. outlive Oussawga, to declare, to an- Ouslawfa. to expire, to end, nounce. to run out. Oussetsa, transplant. Ousleimer, foreigner, alien. Ousshawla, to shell, to peel. Ouslennish, foreign Onssheesa, shoot out Ouslifla, to ventilate. Ousshenka, to pour out Ouslifling, ventilation. Ousßhenna, to reprimand. Ousmaisla, to mortise. Ousshitla, to shake out. Ousmelka, milk out Ousshlake, young shoots or Ousmishta, to clean a stable sprouts. of manure Ousshlecka. to lick out. Ousmocha, extinguish, de- Ousshleesa to lock out. to cipher, to plan, to dig out. exclude. Ousmoverra, to wall out, to OusshofFa, to carve out. curb. Ousshpreada, to spread out. Ousna3'a, to emibroider, to Ousshprecha, pronounce. stitch. Ousshprooch, pronunciation, Ousnemma, to exchai^ge, to verdict. empty, to draw Ousshputta, to mock, to Ouspicka, to pick out. taunt, to ridicule. Ouspocka, to unpack. Ousshtae, to endure, to bear, Ousorda, degenerate. to suffer. Ousrechla, to reckon out, to Ousshtarra, to stir out. calculate. Ousslitarva, die out Ousret, excuse, pretext, Ousshteiga, to dismount. Ousreisa, to abscond, to tear Ousshteir, outfit.

out. to slip away. [out. Ousshteira, to fit out. Oubreiva, to erase, to rub Ousshwenka, to rinse out. Ousroofa, to call out, to an- Oussicht, prospect, expecta- nounce. tion, view. A .

OUSSrCHTA ii: PARDON Oussichta, prospects, expe:- Ovet evening, west, eve. tcitions. [suck. Ovet lied, evening hymn. Oussoufa, to drink all, to Ovets, in the evening. j

Oustzaring, consumption. I Ovver, but, be carelul Oustzocka. to scallop. Ovverglawva, supe: stition Oustzurichta, to perform. Ovet ode, evening sky. red Ouswarfiing, an imperfect eveni;ig sky. specimen,, seconds. Ox. axe, axle. to Ousweicha, to turn out, Oxa-air, axe-e3-e. . avoid. Oxa-helm. axe-htlve. Ouswennich, outside exter- Oxle, shoulder. nal, by heart, committed Oxlegnucha, shoulder blade.

to memory Oy, ej.-g. Ouswennich larna, to com- Oyer, eggs. mit to memory, to learn Oyer dutter, yolk of an egg. by heart. [scrub. Oyer farreb, egg d3'e Ouswesha, to wash out, to Oyer koocha, omelet. Ouswesra, to immerse, to Oyer slitucli. ovary. soak, to freshen from salt Oyer shawl, egg shell Ouswitsha, to slip away. Oyer wei, egg nog Ouswisha, to efface, to erase, Oyshter, oyster to rub out. Oyshter boi, oyster pie. Ouswonderer^ emigrant. Oyshter pie, oyster pie. Ouswoxa, to sprout, to Oyshter shawl, oyster shell. spring shoots. Oysher sovip, oyster soup.

Paddle, paddle. Painla, to paint Paddla, to paddle. Painter, painter. Pafa, behave. Parade, parade. Pafement, pavement. Parada. parading Page, page. Parasawl, parasol. Paga, paging. Pardon, pardon [don. to par- Paint, paint. Pardona. pardoning, PARDONED I 13 PEIN Pardone.l, pardoner). Peffer box, pepper box. Pdrfect, perfect Pei, pie.

Parfecta, to perfect Peif, whistle, fife, pipe. Parfectiou, perfection. Peifa, to whistle, to pipe. Parform, perform. Peil, arrow. Parforma, to perform. Peilar, pier, pillar. Parforuier, performer. Pein, pain, torment. Parlor, parlor Peinicha, to torment. Parribes, purposely. Peinlich, painful, torment- Parsanelich, personal. ing. Parsliing, peach. Pensil, pencil. Parshiug bawm, peach tree Pensilfaw^ner, Pennsylvaniaa Parshing boongard peach Pensilfawnish, pertaining to orcliard. Pennsylvania. Parshing shtai, peach stone. Pensilfawny, Pennsylvania. Parsone, person. Pensilfawnish Deitsch, Penn- Partition, partition. sylvania Dutch. Party, party. Pensilvanian, Pennsylvanian Passa, to pass. Pensilvany, Pennsylvania. Passage, passage. Pensilvany Deitsch, Penn- Passenger, passenger. sylvania Dutch. Paste, paste. Pero, bureau Paterly, parsley. Pesht, rest, pestilence. Patty pan. patty pan. Peshter, pester. Pawd, path. Peshtbloder, blister. Pawr, pair. Pet. pet Pawra, to pair. Petishun. petition. Peckcha, pimple. Petishuna, to petition, peti- Peddle, peddle. tioning. Peddla, to peddle. Petter, godfather. Peddler, peddler. Petz, pinch. Peepa, to peep, peeping. Petza, to pinch, pinching. PefFer, pepper. Petzer, punch, pliers. PefFera, to pepper. Pein, torture. PEINICHÄ I 14 PALM SOONDAWG Peiniclia, to torture. Pint-blech, pint measure, Pflacha, to foster tin cup. Pflicht, duty, obligation, Pishber, whisper- Pflichtich, dutiful Pishbera, whispering. Pxk, pickaxe, pick, choice, Pishtole, pistol select, choose Pitch, pitch. Picka, to choose, to select, Pitcha. pitching. to pick. Platform, platform. Pickle, pickle. Pleasa, to please. Picter, picture. Pledge, plerige. Picter frame, picture frame. Pledga, to pledge. Pif, whistle, shrill whistle. Plenty, plenty. Pile, arrow, pile. Pock, pack, bundle, wrestle, Pila, arrows, to pile up. arrest. Pill, pill. Pocka, packing, wrestling, Pilla, pills. arresting. Pinbora, pegging awl. Poetry, poetry. Pingshta, Whitsuntide. Pof, minister, preacher, Pingsht bloom, pink, lilac, priest. swamp pink. Pohawna, peacock. Pingsht Moodawg, Whit- Pohinkle, pea hen. JVjonday. Poke, poke, to work slowly Pingsht Soondawg, Whit- Poka, to poke, to work Sunday. slowly. Pink, pink. Poke beera, poke berries Pinkeye, pinkeye, a disease poke weed. of horses Poke wartzel, poke root Pinklich, exact, punctual. Pokich, slow, poky. Pinnegel, shoe pegs. Policy, policy. Pinnogel, shoe peg. Polish, polish. Piss, piss, urinate. Polite, polite. Pissa, pissing, to urinate. Pollosht, mansion, palace. Pisspot, chamber Palm, palm. [day. Pint, bint. Palm Soondawg, Palm Sun- PON 115 PROTECTA

Pon, pau. Preis, price. Ponhaws, scrapple. Preisa, prices, to price. Poniia, pans. Prentis, apprentice. Ponna deckel, pan cover. Prepare, prepare. Ponnakoocha, pancake, frit- Prepara, preparing ter. Prepared, prepared. Ponnashteel, pan handle. Present, present, gift Poodle hund, poodle dog. Preserve, preserve Poond, pound. Preserva, preserving. Poonk, punk. Preserved, preserved. Poonkt, period. Prisoner, prisoner. Poont, pound. Principal, principal, chief. Popla, poplar. Principle, principle, char- Popular, popular. acter. Porbla, small-pox. Proclaima, proclaiming. Porbla blontza, vaccinate. Proclamation, proclamation. Porra, preacher, minister. Proceed, proceed Porradies, Paradise. Proceeda, proceeding. Porraleit, clergy. Production, production. Porrashriftlich, clerical. Producta, products. Porraskinner, catechumens. Produsa, producing. Poshdore, pastor. Professa, professing. Portrait, portrait. Professor, professor Postpone, postpone. Promota, lo promote. Postpona, to postpone. Promotion, promotion. Postpone, postpone. Proof, proof. Potsient, patient. Proofa, to prove Potsienta, patients. Propose, propose. Poul, Paul Proposa, to propose. Powder, powder. Proposition, proposition. Powdara, powdering. Prosecuta, to prosecute. Practise, practice. Prosecution, prosecution. Practisa, to practice, prac- Prosecutor, prosecutor. ticing. Protecta, to protect. PROTECTION I 6 PUSHT Protection, protection. Public, public Protesht, protest. Publish, publish.

Proteshta, protesting. 1 ublisha, publishing. Proteshtond, Protestant. Publisher, publisher. Protesta, to protest. Puck, pimple.

Provid t, to provide. Pucka, pimples. Providing, provided Pud, bud Prunelagrout, heal-all, self- Pudda, buds. heal. Puff, puff. P'setsa, to trim. Puifa, puffing. P'setsung, trimmitigs. Pulfer, powder. P'sheisa, to cheat Pulferharn, powder horn or P'shimpa, to disgrace, to flask, abuse. Pulfer meel, powder mill. P'shissa, cheated. Pulse, pulse. P'shleesa, to concluded. Pulsoder, artery. P'shlogga, shod. Pulver, powder. P.shloos, conclusion Pulver harn, powder horn or P'shlussa, concluded. flask. P'shtel, order Pulver meel, powder mill. P'shteVd ordered. Punch, punch. P'shtella, to order. Puncha, punching. P'shtellung, appointment. Punctuata, punctuating. P'sinna, considering. Punk, punk. P'solter, Psalter. Push, push. P'sonders. particularly. Pusha, pushing. P'sooch, visitors, guests, Pusher, pusher. visit. Puslita, post. P'soocha, to visit Pushta bora, boring po.sts. P'soouna, decided, consid- Pushta borer, post auger ered. Puahta fens, wost fence. P sorrict, provided for, at- Pushta luch, post hole. tended to. Pushtmaishter, postmaster.

P'sorya, to provide for. Pusht ofifis, post office. POOSHTOOR 117 RANK Pushtoor, posture. Puzzle, puzzle.

I Pushtreider, mail carrier. Puzzla, to puzzle. I Q.

Quack, quack. Quantity, quantit}'. Quality, quality. Quart, quart. R.

Rabe, vine. Raif, hoop. Race, race. Raif shtecka, hoop pole R ce slipringa, running race. Raiga, to stir, to move, to Race gowl, race horse, hurry. Race g'shproona, ran a Raigle, rule. race. Reigla, rules. Raffle, raffle. Raiglemaisich, regular, Raffla, to raffle. punctual. Raffle m-tch, raffle match. Raiglemaisichkate, regu- Raft, raft. larily. Rafta, rafting. Raigt, moves, stirs, touches, Rageera, to reign, to govern, hurries to rule. Railing, railing, Rageerung, government. Railwake, railroad. Ragishter, register. Raimer, Romans. Raich, reach, Rais, race, journey, raise. Raicha, reaching. Raisa, to raise, to race, to Raid, talk, oration, speech. travel. Raida, talking, to talk. Raisade, receipt. Raidel, red chalk, boom Raisht, roast. pole. Raishta, to roast. Raider, speaker, orator, Raitsel, riddle, conondrum. talker. Rale, real. Raidla, measles, to fasten Rally, rally. with a boom pole. Range, range, wrench. Raidsel, riddle, conundrum. Rank, rank. RANKS I 8 RECOMMENDATION Ranks, rank. Rawver, robber. Ranka, ranking. Ratzept, recipe, prescrip- Rap, rap. tion. Rappa, to rap. Ready, ready. Rare, pipe stem. Ream, ream. Rascal, rascal. Recha, rake or rakes, to Rate, rate. rake. Ratify, ratify. Rechla, to calculate, to cy- Ratifya, ratifying. pher. Ratification, ratification. Rechle booch, arithmetic Ravish, ravish, rape. Rechler, mathematician. Ravisha, to ravish, to com- Rechling, problem, sum, ac- mit rape. count Ravisher, ravisher. Recht, right. Ravishment, ravishment. Rechta, rights. Rawb, rob. Rechter brooder, blood- Rawb deer, beast of prey. brother. Rawb fogel, bird of prey. Rechtfartich, to clear, to Rawchgcerish, greedy, ava- purify. ricious. Rechtmaisich, legally, law- Rawd, wheel. fully, justly. Rawda, cockle. Rechtmaisichkate, legality. Rowm, cream. Rechts, right-handed, to the Rawma, to draw cream. right. Rawm greegel, creamer. Rechtshoffa, virtuous, relia- Rawm lefifle, skimmer. ble, honest, just, uprignt. Rawna, stripes or marks Rechshtella, vindicate. from violent beating. Recite, recite. Rawr, scarce, rare. Recita, to recite, reciting Rawrichkate, scarcity. Recollecta, to recollect. Rawsa, to rage, raging, Recommenda, to recom- Rawserrei, fury, frenzy, mend. rage. Recommendation, recom- Rawva, to rob. mendation. RECORD 119 REIFDRAWVA

R.ecord, record. Reflector, reflector. Recorda, to record. Reform, reform. Recorder, recoider. Reforma, to reform. Recovera, to recover. Reformer, reformer. Redder wheels. Ref shprussa, rack rundle. Reddich, raddish. Regga, rain. Reddich shtick, raddish Regga booga, rainbow. patch. Regga wosser, rain water. Reddich so Jtna, raddish Regga wedder,rainy weather seed Regga fogel, plover. Redeema. to redeem. Regga worm, rain worm. Redeemed, redeemed. Regiment, regiment. Redoos, reduce. Register, register. Redoosa, to reduce, reduc- Regular, regular. ing Regulata, to regulate. Reeb, turnip. Regulashun, regulation. Reeb sooma, turnip seed. Regulater, regulator. Reecha, to smell. Rei, in here, baste, stich. Reecher, nose, smeller. Reia, to stich, to baste, to Reema, strap, to praise, regret, instep. throng. Reib, rub, grate.

Reera, to stir, affect. Reibloom, everlasting. Reerand, affecting, touch- Reich, rich, wealthy ing. Reichdoom, riches, wealth. Rees, giant. Reichlich, richly, abundant, Reesel, snout, proboscis. abundantly, bountifully, Reeshter, a patch on a shoe. bountiful. Reeva, turnips. Reida, to ride, to go on Reeva shtick. turnip patch. horseback. Reeva tzulawd, turnip salad. Reider, one who rides, rider. Reff, rack, grain cradle. Reif, ripe, mellow, Refferree, arbitration. Reifa, frost, hoar frost. Refferreemon, arbitrator. Reifadem, basting thread. Refifermeared, Reformed. Reif drawva,chicken grapes. REIFIvE 1 20 RETREATED

Reifle, rifle. Repeala, repealed. Reiford, tansy. Report, report. Reim, rhyme. Reporta, reporting. Reima, to rhyme, to agree. Reporter, reporter. Reimeedich. repentant. Republic, republic. Rein, pure, clean, chaste. Republican, Republican. Reinicha, to cleanse, to Republicawnisher, Republi- purge, to purify. can. Reis, rice, tear. Rashpect, respect. Reisa, griping, tearing, to Rashpecta respecting. tear. Reshpectable, respectable. Reisend, ferocious, wild, Reshta, to arrest, to bring savage. suit. Reisheit, slider, sway bar. Resolf, resolve. Reiva. to grate, to rub, to Resolfa, to resolve. scrub. Resolushion, resolution. Reiveisa, grater. Resign, resign. Reject, reject, discard. Resigna, resigning Rejecta, to reject, to throw Resigned, resigned away. Resignation, resignation. Rejoisa, rejoicing. Ressaid, receipt. Releas, release. Retch, tattle, tell tale, tale- Releasa,*releasing. bearer. Released, released. Retcha, to tattle, tell tales. Relyone, religion. Retcher, tell-tale, tale- Remoof, remove. bearer. Reinoofa, removing. Retail, retail. Remoofed, removed. Retaila, retailing. Renewa, to renew. Retailer, retailer. Renna, to butt, to thrust, to Retreat, retreat, fall back. ram, to run against. Retreata, to retreat, to fall Rent, rent. back. Renta, to rent. Retreated, fallen back, re- Repeal, repeal. treated. RETZ ] I RISHTERREI Retz, a tease. Ridla, to shake, to cast up, Retza. to tease. to accuse. Revife, revive. Rig, rig. Revifa, to revive. Rigga, rigging. Revifal, revival. Riggle, rail. Revolfa, revolving. Riggle reida, see-saw. Revolfer, revolver. Riggle shlus, stock lock. Revoliishion, revolution. Rilps. rogue, rough fellow. Revver, river. Rilpsich, rough, unmannerly- Reward, reward. Rime, rhyme. Rewarda, rewarding. Rima, rhyming. Rib, rib. Rin, leak, bark. Ribba, ribs, Rind, heifer.

Ribba fel, pleura. [ribs. Ring, ring. Ribba shtosa, butt in the Ringa, ringing, to ring. Rice, rice. Ringle blooma, marigold. Rice soop, rice soup. Ring-ou.s-shlogga, to play Richta, to direct, to judge. Copenhagen. Richter, judge. [true. Ring shlock shpeela, to play Richtich, correct, acurate, Copenhagen. Richtichkate, settlement, Rings-room, all around. accuracy. Ringworrem, ringworm. Richtsheid, straight-edge. Rins fee, cattle. Richtshnoor, plubline. Rinsflaish, beef. Rick, back, Rins ledder, kip leather,

Ricka, to move a little neat's leather. [tie. Rick gronket, rickets. Rinsshtick fee, head of cat- Rickniaisel, backbone. Rins tzoong, beef tongue, Ricksthennich, arrearages. neats tongue. Rickshtond, arrears. Riot, riot. Rickshtrong, spine, [ache. Ris, crack, fissure, rent. Rishpla, panicles. Rickwae, lumbago, back- Risht, prepare. [prepare. Ride, ride. Rishta, to make ready, to Rida, riding. Rishterrei, preparation. RISHTHOUSE i 22 ROOR

Rishthouse, arsenal. Rodesome, safe, advisable. Rishticli, healthy, vigorous:. Rode wartzel, blood root, Rishting, preparation. Rof. to grab or gather up Risk, risk. hastil}'. [up quickly. Riska, to risk, Roffa, grabbing or gathering Ro, raw. Rohr, pipe. Roan, roan. Ronft, brim, rim. Roasht, roast. Ronk, vine, tendril Roashta, rosating, to roast. Ronka, vines, tendrils. Roasht grade, grid iron. Roo, rest Roasht gravy, dressing. Rooder, rudder, oar. Roasht pon, roaster, roasting Roof, call. pan. Ruf, up, upon, Rocha, mouth. [breaker. Roofa, calling. Rocha bootzer, napkin, jaw- Roog, rest Rochgeer, greed. [cious. Rooga, resting. Rochgeerish, greedy, avari- Room, around, about Rockgoon, raccoon, [guess. Roomlaifer, tramp. Rode, red, advice, counsel, Roomlawfa, to walk around, Roda, to guess, to advise, to to tramp. counsel. [selor. Roon, run, brook Rode gevver, adviser, coun- Roond, round. Rode gleedich, red hot. Roonding, roundness. Rode hüls, log wood. Roondlich, roundish, cylin- Rodelawfa, inflammation. drical. Rodelich, reddish. Roond maisel, gouge. Rode Mon, Red Man. Roondtzarrickle, callipers. Rode Menner, Red Men. Roonga standard. Roder aichhaws, red or fox Roonganeera, to ruin. squirrel. [precipited. Roonley, brooklet. Roder brinsabadawd red Roonner, down. Rodereep, redbeet, beet Roonsel, wrinkle. Roder peffer, Cayenne pep- Roonsla, wrinkles. per Roonslich, full of wrinkles Rodereeva, redbeets, beets. Roor, dysentery. ROORGROUT 3 RUTZ NAWS Roorgrout, cudweed. Rowboshtich, rough, un- Roos, soot gentlenianly. Roosich, soot}', [swallow. Rowda, rue Roos-shwollem, chimiiey- Rowva, caterpillars. Rootch, slide, slip. Roya, rows. Rootsha, sliding, slipping. Rubarb, rhubarb. Ropple, rattle, clatter, rustle. Ruck, coat. Roppla, rattling, clattering. Ruck fligel, coat flap. Roplich, rattly, dilapidated. Ruff, rough. Rose, rose. Ruffle, ruffle. Rosa, roses. Ruffla, to ruffle, ruffling. Rosa shtuck, rose bush. Ruffler, ruffler. Rosh, hasty, quick. Ruffles, ruffles.

Roshpel, rasp. Ruich, quiet, still. Roshpla, rasping. Rule, rule. Rössel, rattle. Ruler, ruler. Rossla, rattling. Rula, ruling. Rosselshloug, rattlesnake. Rull, roll. Rosselshlong howd. rattle- Rulla, rolling. [bacco. snake skin. Rull doowock, twist of to- Rosem, rosin. Rull hüls, rolling pin. Rouns, rounds, circuit. Rull meel, rolling mill. Rous, out Rum, around. Rousend, rousing. Rup, pull. Rouser, rouser. Rups, muss, trouble. Rousfudra, to challenge. Rush, rush. Rousgevva, to publish, to Rusha, rushing. give out, Rusht, rust. Roush, spree, rustle. Rushta, rusting. Rousha, to rustle, to rush. Rushtich, rusty. Row, rough. Russich, rutty. Rowbels, a rough, unman- Russina, raisins. Rutz, snot. nerly fellow. [ish. Rutzich, snotty. Rowbelsich, rough, rowdy- Rutz uaws, snot nose. 124 SECHT

Sse, see, sea, sons, ocean Saminaur, seminar3^ Sae rawver, pirate, sea rob- Samly, assembly, Ivegislature. ber. Samlymon, member of Con Safe, safe, soap. gress [Congress Safa, to soap, to save. Samlymenner, members of Safa shawm, lather. Sankle, plummet. Safa shissel, soap dish. Sankleshnoor, plumbline Safa wosser, soap suds. Santannial, centennial, cen- Sagooud, second. [hand. tury, one hundred years. Sagoonda tzoyer, second Sard, kind, sort. Saig, saw. Sarda, assort, sorts, kinds. Sahn, see, look. Sarrick, provide, care Sahna. seeing, observing. Sarrickfeldich, careful, cau- Saiga, sawing, benediction, tious blessing. Sarricklose, careless [ous. Saiga richter, saw wrest. Sarricksome, careful, dubi- Saigbuck, sawhorse. 'Sarsht, first. Saiger, sawyer. Sarya, provide, care. Saigle, sail. Saryafrei. free from care. Saigla, sailing. Sash, sash Saigmale, sav^dust. Satisfaction, satisfaction. Saigmeel, sawmill. Satisfia, satisfying. Saigna, to bless. Sawden, Satan. Saigraws, seagrass, seaweed. Sawdonish, satanical. Said, cord, string. Sawg, say. Sail, soul, band. Sawm, hem, seam. Sailich, blessed, blissful. Sawma, to seam, to hem. Sailichkeit, salvation. Sawmadros, marigold. Sailor, sailor. Sawmasailich, tardy. Sair, very. Say, sow. Salary, salary. Saya, sowing, seeding. Saloon, saloon. Saymon, sower. Saloot, salute. Sech, colter. Saloota, saluting. Secht, says. SECHTZAIN 25 SEI.

Sechtzain, sixteen. Seida, silk. I Seclitzaint, sixteenth. Seida bledder, side traces. Seclitzich, sixty. Seida flaisch, flitch, Sechtzichslit, sixtieth Seidagraws, dodder. Seek, pockets, sacks, bags. Seida warrem, silk worm. Secretary, secretary. Seider, cider. Section, section. Seider mocha, making cider. Seech, victory. Seider press, cider press. Seecha, winning. Seidooch, straining cloth Seechreich, victorious. Seidroke, pig's trough. Scenery, scenery. Seifenger, pig catcher. Sees, sweet. Seiflaish, pork, bacon. Seeser, sM'eeter. [bread. Seifos, swill barrel Seesflaish. pancreas, sweet Seiftza, to sigh. Seeshuls, licorice root. [toes. Seiftzar, sigh. Seesgrumbeera, sweet pota- Seigrumbeera, chat potatoes. Seesgrumbeera ronka, sweet very small potatoes, gener- potato vines, ally fed to swine Seesgrumbeera shtick, sweet Seiish, hoggish, dirty, glut-

potato patch. tonous. . Seeslich, sv>^eetish. fc'eikivel, swill bucket. Seftich, to have a bad repu- Seil, awl. tation, bad. indecent. Seiledder, hog leather. Sei, swine, his. Sein, sign. Seia, straining. Seina, to sign. Seiaimer,swill bucket, strain- Seiner, his. ing bucket. Seiohra bletter, plantain Seiarlich, tart, acrid, acid. leaves, hog weed. Seiarrei, hoggishness, glut Seishneida, gelding. tonous. Seishneider, gelder. Seibarshta, pig's bristles. Seisowfa, swill, Seibartsel, purslaiu. [bean. Seivera, to cleanse. Seiboon, horse bean, hog Seiverlich, tidy, clean. Seid, are. side, since. Sei, that. SEIvBSHT 126 SHARE

Selbsht, self. Shsehate, beauty. Selbshtmord. suicide. Shaeheit. beauty Selda, seldom. Shade, sheath, scabbard. Select, select. Shada, to shade, to divorce, Selecta. selecting. to separate. [bone. Selection, selection. Shadel, crease, skull, skull- Sellamohls, that time. Shadelhowd, pericraiiiun. Seller, that one Shadelich, injurious, nox- Selly, those, she. ious. Selvan, selvedge. Shadewosser, aquafortis, mu Sennit, Senate. Shafe, vShave. [rialic acid. Sen niter, 'Senator. Shafa, shaving. Sens, scythe. Shafer, shaver, pawnbroker. Sensaworref, snath. Shafing, shavings. Sentence, sentence. Shaft, shaft. Sentiment, sentiment. Shaifel, lamb. Separata, separating. Shail, peel, pare, blind in Separation, separation. one eye. Separator, separator. Shaila, peeling, paring.

Sessa, assessing. » Shailcha, saucer. Sesser, assessor. Shailgrout, calandine. Sessment, assessment. Shailmeelcha. apple paier. Set, should Shailshtse, hull- mill-stone. Sets, set, sit. Shaimel, bolster. Setsa, sitting. Shaimel bret. bolster bed. Setta, should. Shaimel nogel, bolster pin. Settee, settee. coupling pin. Settle, settle. Shain, nice, pretty. Settla, settling. Shair, scissors, shears. Settlement, settlement. Shaira, shearing, cutting Sex, six. hair. Sexa, six. Shaker, shaker Sext, sixth. Shape, shape, sheaf, sheaves. Shse, nice, beautiful. Share, share. SHARE I 27 SHEPPER Shara. sharing, dividinpc Shees brigel, fowling-piece, Sharf. sliarp, shrewd, keen. gun. Sharfa, sharpening Shees pulfer, gun powder Shartz. apron, sweet-heart, Sheeva, to shove, to push. treasure, treasury. Sheever, drawer. Shartzfel, leathern apron. vSheeverly, trundle-bed. Shartz kommer, treasury. Sheia, to frighten, to scare Shartz maishter, treasurer. »Sheib, pane, target. Sharva, sherd. Sheilich, hypocritical. Shawb, scrape, moth. Sheiheilicher, hypocrite. Shawd, a pity. [j^iry- Slieiheilichkate, hypocricy. Shawda, damage, harm, in- Sheiledra blinkers [seem. Shawdalose, free or exempt Sheiu, shine, appearance, from danger. [bond. Sheina, shining, seeming, Shavv'dalosebond, indemnity appearing. [pears. Shawl, shawl, shell, [shell. Sheiut, seems, shines, ap- Shawla, parings, shells, to Shelf, shelf Shawl woke. Balance scale. Slielm, knave, rogue. Shawm, shame, scum, foam, Shemdich, be ashamed. froth Shemma, to be ashamed. Shawmich, frothy, foamy. Shemt. ashamed. [able. Shawm leffel, skim ladle Shendlich, disgraceful, piti- Shawr, share, plow-share. Shenk, grant, bestow, give, Shawrbuck, scurvy. donate, present. Shawva, moths, to scrape. Shenka, to grant, to bestow,

." heckich, spotted, veriegat- to donate, to present ed, dappled, piebald. Shenker, donor, presenter. Shed, shed. Shenkel, thigh.

Sheena, splints. Shenkiug, donation. [ful. Sheena basem, splint broom. Shenner, nicer, more beauti- Sheer, nearly, almost. Shep, dip, crooked, lopsided. Sheera, to urge, to stir. Shepbowl, dipper. Shees, shoot, spring. Sheppa, to dip, to shovel. Sheesa, to shoot, shooting Shepper, dipper. SHBPBOWL I 28 SHPARRICKA Shepbowl, dipper. Shindla-mocher, shingle- Sliepfung, creation. Shindle, shingle [maker. Shep kivvel. dip keg. Shinrl-mar, jade Shep leffel, ladle. Shinka, shoulders. Shetz, estimate. Shin-looder, scamp Shetza. estimating. Ship, shovel, spade. Shetzel, sweet-heart, lover. Shippa, shovels, dandruff. Shetzung, estimation. spades. Shick, send. Shipshoft, concern. Shicka, sending. [ent. Shissel. dish. Shicklich, suitable, conveni- Shisla. dishes. Shicksawl, fate, doom. vShit, pour. ShifF, ship, vessel. Shitta, to pour, pouring. ShifFawrt, navigation. Shittle, shake. Shiif brooch, shipwreck Shittla, shaking, to shake. Shifile, weaver's shuttle. Shittle-govel, v/ooden fork. Shiffleit, sailors. Shittler, shaker. Shift, shift, temporary. Shitz, marksman, hunter. shift as cars, to pro- Shitza, to protect vide for temporarily. Shivel, lump, chunk. Shild, sign. Shivera, shivers, to shiver. Shild grout, scull cabbage. Shiverich, speckeled, slaty, Shilgrut, tortoise. gravely. Shilsheid, single-tree. Shkate, skate. Shimmel, a white horse. Shkata, skating. Shimmelich, mouldy. Shkater, skater. Shimmerich, to glimmer. Shkates, skates. Shimp, disgrace, dishonor. Shkeem, scheme. Shimpa, to disgrace, to dis- Shkip, skip. honor. Shkippa, skipping. Shimpnawma, nickname. Shkramble, scramble. Shin, shin, flay, scud. Shkrambla, scrambling. Shinbae, shin Shkrape, scrape, plight Shindla, shingles. Shkrapa, scraping, to scrape SHKVVARL I 29 SHLIVER

Shkwarl squirrel. 1 Shleicha, sneaking. Slilack, si ;clc Shlcif, slide, grind. j

Slilaif, drag , vShleifa, grinding, sliding. Shlaifa. to drag. Shleifshtse, grindstone, Shlaiericli, sleep}-, drows}'. Shleim, slime Shlafe gorii. sei^e Shleiniich, slimy. Slilake, whipping, flogging, vShlenk, sling, latch. Shlap, slap Shlicht hüls, sleeking stick. Shlnppi, slapping. Shlicht huvvel, smoothing ablate, slate. plane. Slilate decker, slater. xShlick, slick, cunning, sly. Shlate doch, slate roof. Shlickser, hiccough. Shi ate honimer, slate ham- Shlide, slide. mer. Shlida, sliding Shlatich, slaty. Shliffle, a big, stout fellow. Shlate negel. slaters' nails. Shlim, sad, slim, bad. Shlate pencil, slate pencil. Shling, hot punch, sling. Shlate shtae, slate stone. Shlip, slip. Shlecht, naughty, wicked, Shlippa, to slip. bad. [or boy. Shlipper, slipper. Shlechter, worse, a bad man Shlippich, slippery. [sills. Shlecatie, a bad woman or Shlippers, slippers, sleepers, girl. Shlissel, key. Shlechsht, worst. Shlissel bletcha, escuctheon. Shlechtichkate, wickedness. Shlissel bloom, primrose. Shleck, lick. Shlissel luch, key hole. Shlecka, licking, lapping. Shlissel ring, key ring. Shleckerrei, dainties. Shlits, slit, hole, rent. Skleckerwaiser, sweet mieats Shlitta, sleigh, sled. Shlees, lock. Shlitta baw, sleighing. Shleesa, locking. Shlitta fawra, sleigh riding. Shleeslich, in conclusion. Shlitta laifer, sleigh runners. Shleggle, sledge. Shliver, splinter. [lings. Slileich, sneak. Shlivera, splinters, kind- SHLOCHT 130 SHMOCKA Shlocht, butcher, slaughter. Shlosa, hail, hailing. Shlochta, butchering, Shlovver, slaver. [ben slaughtering Shlovvera, slavering, to slab- Shlocht fee, fattened Cnttle. Sh lower doocb, bib. Shlock, strike, paralysis Shlow, sly, shrewd, cunning Shlofe, sleep, temple. Shluss, lock. Shlofa, sleeping. Shly, sly, cunning. Shlofe konimer, bed room. Shmaichle, flatter, cajole. Shlofe koomrawd, bed fel- Shmaichla, to flatter, to ca- low. jole, to entice. Shlofe shtoob, bed room. Shmaichlich, insinuating. Shlogga, to strike, to beat. Shmall, narrow. Shlom, mire, slime, mud. Shmaltz, lard. Shlompich, slovenly. Shmart, smart, diligent. Shlong, snake, serpent. Shmartza, pain. Shlonga, snakes. Shmartzlich, painful. Shlonga heeter, dragon-fly, Shmase mick, blue bottle fly. snake-feeder. Shmear, grease, oil. Shlook, swallow. Shmeara, greasing Shlooka, swallowing. Shmear kase, cottage cheese. Shloommer, slumber. Shmear kon, oiler, oil can. Shloommera, slumbering. Shmear saif, soft soap. Shloop, tie, bow, loop, to Shmeis, throw. creep through a narrow Shmeisa, throwing. passage Shmeis gorn, cast net. Shloopa, creeping through a Shmeis, melt, thaw. narrow passage Shmeisa, to thaw, to melt, to Shlop, swill, slop. dissolve. Shlop aimer, swill bucket. Shmit, smith, blacksmith. Shlope, slope. Shmit shop, smithy, black- Shlopa, sloping. smith shop. [tongs. Shlop hoot, sun-bonnet. Shmit tzong, blacksmith Shloppa, to slop, slopping Shmock, taste. Shloppich, sloppy, dirty. Shmocka, to taste. SHMOCKSHT 131 SHNEI.LA

Shmocksht? do you taste ? Shnai wosser, snow water. Shmodich, sultry. Shnapper, snapper, trigger. Shmoke, smoke. Shnar, jerk, twitch. Shmoka, smoking. [nier. Shnar fogel, humming bird. Shnioke dawga, Indian sum- Shnarra, to jerk, to twitch. Shmoke doowock, smoking Shneck, snail. tobacco. Shnecka, snails. Shmokich, smoky. Shnecka hous, snail shell. Shmoke peif, smoke pipe. Shnecka shtaik, winding Shmoke peifa, smoke pipes. stair. Shmoke peifa rare, pipe Sneek, sneak. stem Shneeka, sneaking. Shmols, lard. Sheekich, sneaky. Shmols press, lard press Shneer, lines. Shmols shtenner, lard can. Shneera, to lace, to cheat. Shmootz. fat, grease, filth Shneer leivel, corset. Shmootz blocka, grease spot. Shneer shtivel, lace shoes. Shmootzich; greasy, oily. Shneid, edge, keen edge, cut. Shmoontzle, smile. Shneida. to cut. Shmoontzla, to smile. Shneid bonk, cooper's or Shmoontzlich, smiling. drawing beench. Shmots, smack. Shneideisa, screw tap, die. Shmotsa, to smack. Shneid messer, cooper's or Shnai, snow. drawing knife. Shnaia, to snow, snowing. Shneider, tailor, daddy-long- Shnai bloom, snow drop. legs, crane fly, father-long- Shnai boUa, snow ball. legs. Shnaid, snows, snowing. Shneidera, tailoring. Shnai flucka, snow flake. Shneidern, tailoress. Shnai g'shtivver, snow Shneidsa, to blow through squall. the nose. Shnai shtarrem, snow storm, Shnell, quick, swift, sudden. blizzard. Shnella, to fillip, to let fly, Shnai weis, snow white. to hurry, to fling. SHNELLER I 32 RISHTERREr

Shneller, spring, trigger, fil- Shnoopdoowock, snuff. lip, kicker. [swiftness. Shnoopdoowock box, snufF Shnellichkate, quickness, box. Shnell shreiver, short hand Shnooper, meddle. writer, stenographer. Shnoopera, to meddle. Shnellwoke,^ steelyard. Shnoor, line, string, cord. Shnep, snipe, woodcock, pry Shnoor bord, mustache Shneppa, snipes, to pry Sbnoot, snout, wry or ugly Shuipelcha, small piece, mouth snip. Shnop, limp Shiiipla, to snip. Shnoppa, to limp, to gasp. Shnippler, snipper. Shnops, a dram, a drink of Shnipsa, to sob. liquor. Shnit, cut. Shnopsock, knapsack. Shnitloch, cutleek, chives. Shnorrix, snore Shnits, dried apples. Shnorrixa, snoring Shnitsla, to carve, to cut, to Shuovel, beak, bill. whittle. [apple pie. Shnowf, breathe Shnits pie, snitz pie, dried Shnowfa, to breathe. Shnockerich, tender,slender, Shnowsa, to eat clandes- slim. tinely, to sneak at eata- Shnoddera, to shiver, bles Shnoke, gnat. Shnowsich, taking eatables Shnoka, gnats. on the sly. Shnokafol, one who stands Shnuck. snug, slim, slender. and stares with open Shnuff, snuff. mouth. Shnuffa, to snufF. Shuol, buckle. Shode, pod, husk. Shnolla, buckles, to buckle. Shoda, pods, husks. Shnoofla, to sniffle, to pry. Shoda booiia, pod beans, Shnoop, snuff. Sliodda, shade, shadow. Shnoopa, to snuff, cold, hay Shodda bawra, shade tree fever, catarrh. Shoddich, shady. Shnoopdooch, handkerchief. Shofe, sheep. SHOFE BELS i 33 vSHOOL vSUPERINTEND

Sliofe bels, sheep rol)e, sheep Shonk, cupboard. Shofe buck, ram. [skin. vShoo, shoe Shofe flaish. mutton. Shoo barsht, shoe brush. Shofe hommel, wether, Shoe bech. shoe wax. Shofich, sheepy. Shoe bendel, shoe string. iShofegnuttla, sheep berries, Shooblawd, drawer. sheep excrement. [tick. Shoobkarrich, wheelbarrow. Shoie louse, sheep louse, Shoo bootser, door mat. Shofe niilich, sheep's milk, Shoo dinda, shoemaker's Shofemisht, sheep's dung. blacking. Shofe ribba, yarrow, Shooflicka, to mend shoes. Shofe .»ihare, sheep shears. Shooflicker, cobbler. Shofe shtol, sheep fold. Shool, school. ShofF, work. tihoola, schools. Shoffa, working, to v^'ork. Shool boo, school boy. ShofF dawg, working day. Shoold, debt, cause, crime, Shoff leit, working people. guilt. ShofFman, working man. Shoolda, debts. Sholk, rogue, wag. Shoolder, shoulder. Sholkhate, cunning, igno- Shooldera, shoulders. rance, roguery. Shooldich indebted, guilty, Sholk yohr, leap year. obliged. ShoU, echo.' Shooldner, debtor. [dent. Sholla, echoing. Shooler, scholar, pupil, stu- Sholloch fever, scarlet fever. Shool house, school house. Sholloch frissel, scarlet rash Shooling, schooling, learn- Shoud, shame, disgrace, dis- ing, [mate. repute, dishonor. Shool koommerrawd,school- Shondbawr, shameful, dis- Shool maidel, school maid. graceful. Shool maishter, school- Shondbawrlich, shamefully, master. disgracefully. Shool shtoob, school room. Shondlich, shameful, dis- Shool superintend, school graceful, infamous. superintendent. SHOOL TOX i 34 SHPECKDEEF Shool tox, school tax. Showfelaik, cultivator. Slioomack, sumach. Showm, froth, scum, foam. Shoomacher, shoemaker. Showmich, foamy, frothy. Shoona, to favor, to aid. Showm lefflel, skimming Shoo negel, shoe nails, pegs. ladle. Shoon, already. Shpae, chips. Shoonka, ham, gammon, Shpaich, spoke. Shoo rawma, welt, [string. Shpaicht, flicker. Shoo reema, leather, shoe Shpair, spare, Shoos, shot, blast, hurry, Shpaira. to spare. haste Shpaiter, later, afterwards. Shoos blöder, stye. Shpaitsht, latest. Shoos board, tail board. Shpar, brake. Shoo shnol. shoe buckle. Shpara to brake, braking. Shoo shtore, shoe store Shparagraws, asparagus. Shoo sole, shoe sole. Shpar bolka, brake beam. Shoo sola, shoe soles, to sole Shparit, spirit. shoes. Shpar ket, log chain, brake Shootz, shelter, protection. chain. [rough block. Shop, shop, work room. Shpar glutz, brake block. Shoushtse, chimney. Shparling. sparrow. Shonshtse bootzer, chimney Shparrick, court. sweeper. Shparicka, cotirting. Shose, lap. Shparvla, persimmons. Show, show, Shpawd, spade, Showder, shudder. Shpawda, spades, spavin. Showdera, shuddering, [ful. Shpawr, save Showderhoft, terrible, fright Shpawra, to save. Showderlich, terrible, fright- Shpawrsom, saving, frugal. ful. Shpawrsomkeit, frugality. Shower, shower. Shpeck, flitch, bacon. Showfel, scoop-shovel. Shpeckdawgel, spectacle, Showfela, scooping, scoops, strange sight. [scope. to cultivate. Shpeck deef, spy- glass, tele- SHPECK DRAWVA 135 SHPONKICH Shpeck drowva, fox grapes. Shpetsel, sparrow. Shpeck mouse, bat Shpetter, mocker. Slipecksliword, bacon rind. Shpiggle, looking-glass, Shpecklate, speculate. mirror Shpecklata. speculating. Shpike, spike. Specklater, speculator. Shpika, to spike, spiking. Shpeel, play. Shpin, spin, spider, purr as a Shpeela, playing. cat. Shpeelcha, small spool. Shpinna, to spin, to purr. Shpeeler, gambler, [mate Shpindle, spindle, pivot. Shpeel kooomrawd, play- Shpindle pon, step box. Shpeel loompa, dish rag, Shpinna nesht, cob-web. dish-cloth. Shpinna waib, cob-web. Shpeel shisel, dish pan. Shpin rawd, spinning wheel, Shpeelsocha, playthings. jenny. Shpeel wosser, dish water, Shpite, malice. swill. Shpita, to spite. Shpees, spear, helbard, pike. Shpiteful, spiteful, cross, en- Shpeesa, to spear,to harpoon vious, [dor. Shpeicher, garret, loft. Shpit box, spittoon, cuspi- Shpell, pin, spell. Shpits, penis. Shpella, to pin, pins, to spell Shpitsa, to sharpen, to make Shpella kissa, pin cushion. pointed, point. Shpelling booch, spelling Shpitsboo, villain, thief. book. Shpitsich, pointed. Shpend, spend, squander. Shpiyoon, spy, scout. Shpenda, to spend, to squan- Shplisa, to splice. der. Shplit, split. Shpending, spending money. Shplitta, to split. Shpeugler, tinker, tin-smith. Shpolt, section. Shpengla, tinkering. Shpolta, to split, to hew. Shpetla, to mock, to scoff. Shpon, span. Shpetlich, mockingly, sar- Shponk, spunk, temper, [ed. castic. Shponkich, spunky, temper- SHPONNA I 36 SHPUTTA Shpoiiiia, spanning, stretch- Shprech, talk, speak. Shponnish, Spanish [iug. Shprecha, to talk, to speak. crossbeam Shprech er, orator, speaker. Shponpet j Shp:>iish, sponge, sponge Shpree, spree, carousal. cake. [dish. Shpreea, spreeing. carousing, ShpoDbh shissel, sponge Shprenga, to chase, to blast, Shpoochla, capers, [ghost Shpraich, verses, passages, Shpook, spook, hobgoblin, sayings. to spook, [spool. Shpaichward, ad;'ge, prov- Shpooka, j to erb, Shpoola. spool, spools, j maxim, Shpooud, split, that part of Shpricks, sprigs, brads. to the bark. Shpring, spring, run. [ning. wood nearest ] bung. Shpringa, springing, ruii- Shpoonda, j Shpoonda bora, gouge. Shprings, springs. j Shpoonda luch, bung-hole. Shpring shtuck, lancet Sphpoor, track, trace. Shprings wogga, spring j Shpoora, to track, to trace. wagon. [sprinkle. Shpora, spurs. Shpritz, splash, squirt, to

Sbporra, rafter, rafters. ! Shproach, language.

Shport, sport, fun 1 Shprooch, verse, passage, Shpuss, sport, fun. saying. [leap. Shposäich, funny, sportive. Shproong, leak, crack, jump, Shpote yohr, fall, autumn Shproong reema, martingale Shpots, sparrow. Shprout, sprout, shoot. Shpotsa, sparrows. Shprouts. sprouts, shoots. Shpotseera, visiting, Shprow. chaff. Shpout, spout. Shprow kissa, bolster. Shpow, spit. Shprow sock, chaff-bag. Shpowa, to spit, spitting, Shprussa, rundle. Shpow box, spittoon, cuspi- Shput, mock, scorn, derision, dor deride. Shpowts, saliva, spittle. Shput-fuggel, mocking-bird. I Shpray, spread. [iug» Shput-nawma, nick-name. j Shpraya, to spread, spread- Shputta. to mock, to scorn. SHQUARE 137 SHTARDSA

Shquare, square. I Shrowvatzieger.screw driver. Shquara, squaring. Shtae, stone, .«-tones, stand. Shquarl, squirrel. Shtae brecha, to quarry Shquire, esquire. stones. Shreck, fright. Shtte brooch, stone quarry. Shrecka, fear. [horrid. Shtae buck, Capricornus.

I Shreck lieh, frightful, awful, Shtae coala, anthracite coal. Shraiks, slanting. Shtae dreppa, stone steps. Shreef, sheriff. Shtae drook, lithograph. Shreib. write. Shtae fens, stone wall Shreib dish, writing desk. Shtae grook, stone jug. Shreiner, carpenter. Shtaidich, steady, always. Shreinera, carpentering. Shtaig, stairs. [at a sale. Shreiva, to write. Shtaiga, stairs, to purchase Shreiver, writer. Shtaiga glender, banister. Shreives, writing, written Shtaik, stairs, foot-bridge, agreement. steak. Shrep kep, cupping heads. Shtaiks, stakes, steaks. Shreppa, to cup. Shtail, steal. Shrift, handwriting, Bible. Shtaila to steal, stealing. Shriftlich, in writing, pious. Shtailer, stealer, thief. Shriftshteller, author. Shtaina, of stone. Shrit, step, steps, Shtainich, stony. Shritta, to step. Shtamp, stamp. Shritweis, step by step. Shtampa, to stamp. Shroat, shot, chop. Shtamps, stamps, money. Shroata, to grind coarsely, Shtand, stand. [to allow. Shroat meel, chop mill. Shtanda, to stand, to endure, Shroat sock, shot pouch. Shtar, stir. Shronklich, unsteady. Shtara, to stir. Shroonna, chaps, cracks. Shtarb, die, expire. Shrowb, screw. Shtarblich, mortal [to chop. Shrowb shtuck, vice. Shtarblichkate, mortality.

Shrowva, screws. Shtardsa, stump, to fall. .

SHTARKEPPICH i 38 SHTEIGA vShtarkeppich, headstrong, Shtawla, to steel, to stall. stubborn. Shtawr, blackbird, cataract. Shtarkup, stubborn person. Shtawvich, dusty. Shtarm, storm, tempest Shteady, steady. Shtarmich, stormy, tempest- Shteam, steam, uous. Shteamboat, steamboat. Shtarn, star, forehead. Shtech, sting, pierce, stab. Shtarna, stars. Shtech opple, thorn apple, Shtarn ah el, starlight. belladona. Shtarna himmel, firmament. Shteck, stick. Shtarna kenner, astronomer. Shtecka, sticks, to stick. Shtarn bloom, aster, hya- Shtecka boona, pole beans. cynth. Shtecka gowl, hobby-horse. Shtarnich, starry. Shteckla, hide and seek. Shtarns, confounded. Shteckla shpeela, playing Shtarrick, strong, starch. hide and seek. Shtarricka, to starch. Shtedel, town, village. Shtarricker, stronger. Shteef-brooder, step-brother. Shtart, start. Shteef-dawdy, step-father. Shtarta, starting. Shteef-fodder, step-father. Shtartz, tumble, fall. Shteef-kind, step-child. Shtartza, tumbling, falling. Shteef-kinner, step-children. Shtarva, to die, to expire. Shteef-mommy, step-mother. Shtarves gronk, dangerous Shteef-shweshter, step-sister

ly ill. Shteel, chairs, handle. Shtate, state. Shteiber, prop. Shtatement, statement. Shteibera, to prop. Shtawb, dust. Shteibigle, stirrup. Shtawd, State, Common- Shteif, stiff. wealth, pride. Shteifing, canvas, buckram. Shtawka, stake. Shteif ket, stay-chain. Shtawka fens, stake or Shteif g'suffa, dead drunk. worm fence. Shteiga, to rise, to ascend, Shtawl, steel. to mount. SHTEIR 139 SHTOOP Shteir, steer. Shtink keffer, stinking-bug. Shteira, to steer, steering. Shtivel, boot, boots. Shteir rooder, helm, rudder Shtivel hüls, boot tree. Shtell, place, office, stables. Shtivel gnecht, boot-jack. Shtella, to place, to stand. Shtochle, prick, thorn. Shtell ung, attitude. Shtochla, pricks, thorns. Shtelsa, stilts. Shtochlich, pricky, thorny. Shteugel, stalk or stalks, Shtock, stock, share. stem or stems. Shtocks, stocks, shares. Shtenner, vat, Shtod, city. Shtich, stitch, sting, prick. Shtoll, stable, stall. Shtick, slice, piece, part. Shtom, tribe, trunk, stem, Shtickfloos, suffocation or Shtomp, stamp. croup. Shtompa, stamping, to Shtickla, patching. stamp. [tion. Shtickle, small piece, stake. Shtand, stand, able situa- Shtickle fens, stake fence. Shtondhoft, steadfast, sub- Shtickly, bit, little piece, tautial, firm, resolute. Shtill, still, silent, yet. Shtong, pole, rod, Shtillshtoud, unchanged, Shtonga glaws, goblet. stagnation. [to mum. Shtoodeera, to study. Shtill shweiga,to keep silent, Shtoodent, student. Shtim, voice, vote. Shtoodsa, to hesitate. Shtim box, ballot box. Shtool, chair, stool Shtim govel, tuning fork. Shtoolgonk, passage of the Shtimma, voices, to vote, to bowels. [dumb. tune, Shtoom, mute, deaf and Shtimple, small remainder. Shtoompa, stump, stumps. Shtim recht, a right to vote. Shtoomp shwons, bob tail. Shtiuk, bad odor, stink, Shtoon, hour. stench. [bad odor. Shtoouna, hours. Shtinka, to stink, to emit a Shtoonna tzoyer, hour hand. Shtink case, Dutch cheese, Shtoop, room, stir. Ivinburger cheese. Shtooppa, to stir. SHTOOPPA 140 SHTROFA Sbtore, store, blackbird. Shtreich hüls, rule to strike Sbtore keeper, merchant, off used in measuring Shtore soch, merchandise. grain.

Sbtore tse, China tea. Sbtreit, strife, quarrel. Shtory, story. Shtieita, quarreling. Sbtose, push, thrust, gore. Sbtreis, tassel, tassels. Sbtosa, to push, to thrust, Sbtreisa, tassels ,to gore Shtreisel, a small tassel. Sbtose woy, sparrow-havt'k, Shtrerig, skeins, traces, Shtouch, jar, jolt. severe, strict. Sbtouch, to jar, to jolt. Sbtricha, stroke or strokes, Shtout, stout. line or lines, teat or teats. Shtraich, stroke, blow,move, Shtrick, rope, knit. blunders, tricks, jokes. Shtricka, knitting. Shtraifa. stripes. Shtrick holfter, rope halter, Shtraifich, striped. neck rope. [needle. Sbtraifich graws, puzzle Shtrick nodle, knitting grass. [snake. Shtrict, strict Sbtraifichy shlong, garter Shtriggle, curry comb. Shtrail, comb. Shtrimp, stockings. Shtraila, to comb. Sbtrimp shtuppa, darning Shtrail box, comb case. stockings. vShtraima, stripe, stripes. Sbtrimpmocber, hosier. Shtraimich, striped. Shtrip, strip. Sbtrain, strain. [i^ig Shtrippa, to strip. Shtraina, to strain, strain- Shtritz, syringe, squirt. Shtrap, strop, strap, [rays. Shtro, straw. Sbtrawla, beams, streaks, Shtro bonk, feed cutter. Shtrawlich, rajdike, streaky. Sbtrock, straight, erect. Sbtraya, to litter, to strew. Shtro doch, thatched roof. Sbtreck, stretch. Sbtrofe, punishment, pen- Sbtrecka, stretching. alty, fine. Shtreich, stroke, pat. Sbtrofa, to punish, to fine. Shtreicha, to stroke, to pat. Shtrofebawr, punishable. .

SHTROFKBAWR 141 SHWAREMEEDICH Shtro fockel, straw torch. Shtulber, stumble. Shtro holm, straw haulm. Shtulbera, to stumble. Shtro ho(jd, straw hat. Shtul foos, club foot. Shtro kissa, bolster. Shtulla, calkins. Shtrorabia, to kick, to Shtuls, proud. trample. Shtulser, prouder. Shtrome, creek, stream. Shtulsht, proudest. Shtroiig, trace, skein. Shtup, stop. Shtroomp, stocking, hose. Shtup-nodle,darning-needle. Shtroomp bendel, garter. Shtuppa, darning, stopping. Shtroop, hames hook, loop. Shtupper, stopper, wad. Shtroop-hoot, sun Bonnet. Shtutter, stammer. Shtroop-ijodle. bodkin. Shtuttera, stammering. Shtroovelich, disheveled, Shtuvverich, stubborn. uncombed. Sht5de, style, mode. Shtrose, street. Shuckel, cradle, rock. Shtro sail, straw-band. Shuckla, rocking, to rock Shtro sock, straw bag, straw Shuck el-shtool, rocking- mattress, chaif-bag. chair. Shtro wish, straw wisp. Shun, already. Shtubble, stubble. Shup, shed. Shtubbla, stubbles. Shuppa, arm. Shtubbla feld, stubble field. Shuttle, shuttle. ShtubDlich, stubbly. Shwagar, brothers in-law. Shtuck, story, cane, stick, Shwan, swan. stack, staff stalk. Shwar, father-in-law. Shtuck boona, bush beans. Shwara, to aflSrm, to swear, Shtuck dawb, stone deaf. to curse, to take an oath. Shtuddy, study. Shware, swear, heavy, curse, Shtnddia, studying, to plan, take an oath, [weight. to deliberate Shware gawicht, gross Shtuddera, to stammer Shwarelich, heavy, hardly, Shtudent, student. scarcely, burdensome. Shtuft, stuff, goods. Shwaremeedich, melancholy SHWARM 142 SHWORDA Shwarm, swarm. Shwiegar-moodder, mother- Shwarma, to swarm. in-law. Shwartz, black, Shwift, swift, quick. Shwartza parbla, small-pos. Shwill, swill. Shwartz brow, dark brow. Shwill aimer, swill bucket. Shwartz darn, black thorn. Shwill fos, swill barrel. Shwartz rode, dark red. Shwim, swim. [ming. Shwartz wartzel, comfrey. Shwimma, to swim, swim- Shwase, sweat, weld. Shwimmer, swimmer. Shwasa, to weld. Shwindle, swindle. Shwase druppa, sweat drops. Shwindla, to swindle. [er. Shwase lecher, pores, sweat Shwindler, swindler, default- glands. Shwindlich, giddy. Shwase Inch, pore. Shwing, swing. [to whip. Shwechlich, weak. Shwinga, to swing, to flog, Shwengle, handle, swingle, Shwinna, sweeney. swing bar. Shwitz, sw^eat, perspire. Shwenka, to rinse. Shwoch, weak, feeble. Shwensel, wag the tail. Shwochheit, weakness. Shwensela, wagging the tail. Shwoger, brother-in-law. Shweshter, sister. Shwolm, martin, swallow. Shweshter kind, niece or Shwom, meadow, sponge. nephew. Shwonger, pregnant, im- Shwetz, talk. pregnated. Shwetza, to talk, talking. Shwonhoggle, buckshot. Shwetzer, talker, orator, Shwons, tail. speaker. Shwons reema, crupper. Shwetzich, talkative. Shwop, trade, swap, ex- Shwetz-koonsht, elocution. change. Shwevel, sulphur, brimstone. Shwoppa, to trade, to swap. Shwevel bleed, flower sul- Shword, slab, the skin of phur. swine, whip, flog. Shwiegar-fodder, father-in- Shworda, slabs, to whip, to law. to flog. SHY 143 SOCK-DEEP Shy, shy. Sinder, sinner. Shya, shying, to shy. Sindhoft, sinful. Sich, ones self, [protected, Sindicha, to sin. Sicher, certain, safe, secure Sinflood, Deluge. Sicherhate, certainty. Sing, sing. Sicher mocha, to make safe Singa, to sing, singing. or secure Singern, songstress. Sicht, sees, observes. Sing shool, singing-school. Sichtbore, visible, seen. Sink, sink, sink. Sichle, sickle. Siuka, to sink, sinking. Sidder, since. Sinna, senses. Side, side. Sip, sieve. Seida flaish, flitch. Sirrup, syrup. Sidewards, sideways. Sistern, cistern. Siffer, drunkard, tippler. Sitz, seat.

Sigel, seal. Sitza, sitting, to sit. Sigla, to seal, sealing. Sivva, seven. Sigle wox, sealing wax. Sivva oohr, seven o'clock. Silver, silver. [coin. Sivva shlaifer, seven sleeper. Silver gelt, silver money, Siwatzse, seventeen. Silver gled, litharge. Sivvatzaint, seventeenth. Silver mine, silver mine. Sivvatzich, seventy. Silvershmit, silversmith. Sivvatzichsht, seventieth. Silver sond, silver sand. Sivvet, seventh. Simetery, cemetery. So, so, such as. Simbild, emblem. Soak, soak. Simbilder, emblems Soaka, to soak. Simid, cinnamon. Sober, sober. Simid-box, cinnamon-box. So bol, as soon as. [fairs. Simid rinna, whole cinna- Soch, things, matters, af- mon, [mind. Society, society, [slowly. Sin, are, sense, intention, Sochta, gently, silently, Sind, sin. Sock, bag, sack, pocket. Sinda fol, fall of man. Sock-deep, pickpocket. SOCKMKSSBR 144 SOOMMER Sock inesser, pocket knife. Solven, selvedge. Sockrament, sacrament. Solvent, solvent. Soddle, saddle. Solwei, sage Soddle-bag, saddle-bag. Somla, gathering, to collect. Soddle deck, saddle cloth. Somling. assembly. Soddle gard, girth. Somshdawg, Saturday. Soddle gnup, pommel Somt, together with. Soddle gowl, saddle horse, Sond, sand. wheel horse. Sond bank, sand back. Soddle kissa, pavilion pad, Sonderbawr, strange, unex- saddle pad. pected. Saddler, saddler. Sondich, sandy. Sofa, sofa. Sondshtse, sandstone. Soffron, saffron. Sonft, gentle, mild, meek, Soft, juice, sap. Sonftmeedich,mild, meek, Softich, juicy. humble. So gawr, even, yet, so much. Sonftmood, meekness. Sohn, son. Song, song. Soldawd, soldier. Soo, son. Soldawda, soldiers. Sooch, seek, hunt. Sole, sole. Soocha, seeking, hunting. Sole ledder, sole leather, Soockle, suck. Solicit, solicit. Soockla, to suck. Solicita, to solicit. Sood, south, [weather. Solicitation, solicitation. Sooddle wedder, rainy Solid, solid. Sooddlich, wet, rainy. Solpater, saltpeter. Soodra, to summer. Sols, salt. Soom, sum Sols bexel, salt cellar. Sooma, seed. Sols floos, saltrheum. Sooma shtawb, pollen. Sols fos, salt barrel. Sooma kup, seed pod, Sols gloompa, lump of salt. Soommer, summer, [pears. Solsich, salty. Sals lock, brine. Soommer beera, summer Sols wasser, salt water,brine. Soommer fleck a freckles. SOOMMER 145 SUBTRACTA

Sootnmer fleckich, freckly. Sot, satisfied, enough, sati- Soommer gronket, summer Sote, seeding time. [ated. complaint. [weather. Sote brenna, heart burning Soommer wedder, summer Sote froocht, seed grain. Soommensa, to summon, Sots, yeast. subpoenas. Sots hofFa, yeast pot. Soomp. marsh. Sound, sound. Soompich, marshy. Sounda. sounding, to sound. Soon, sun Sover, sour. Soondawg, Sunday. Sover dake, leaven. Soondawg-shool, Sunday- Sovergrout, souerkraut. school. Soveromble, sorrel. Soonna, to sun. Sow, pig, hog, swine. Soonna bloom, sunflower. Sowa, to smear, to daub. Soonna finshternis, Solar Sowerrei, hoggishness, filthi- eclipse. ness. Soonna shei, sunshine. Sowf, guzzle. Soonna shtich, sunstroke, Sowfa, to drink excessively, siriasis. to spree, swilling,guzzling. Soonna shtrawla, sunbeams, Sowferrei, debauchery. sun rays. Sowf gichtra. delerium tre- Soonich, sunny mens. Soonsfraw, daughter-in-law. Sowf lodel, drunkard, sot, Soonsht, otherwise, other tippler, inebriate. place, vain. Sowver, clean, tidy, nice. Soon uf gong east, sunrise. Subject, subject. Soon unner gong, west, sun- Substitute, substitute. set Substituta, to substitute. Soop, soup. Subscribe, subscribe. Sooppa lefFel, table spoon. Subscriba, to subscribe. Sooppa shissel, soup dish. Subscriber, subscriber. Sos, sat. Subscription, subscription. Sossafril, sarsaparilla. Subtract, subtract. Sossafros, sassafras. Subtracta, to subtract. SUCCEED 146 TOWNSHIP

Succeed, succeed. • Support, support. Succeeda, to succeed. Supporta, to support, sup- Sucka, stocking feet. porting. SufFera, to suffer. Suppose, suppose. [ing. Suit, suit. Supposa, to suppose, suppos- Suita. to suit. Supposition, supposition. Sull, shall. Suspect, suspect. Sullicli, such. Suspecta, to suspect.

Sull ich ? shall I ? Suspenda, to suspend. Superintend, superintendent Suspension, suspension. Superintenda, superintend- Suspicion, suspicion. ing. 'S-wosser-op-slogga, urinate. Superviser, supervisor. System, system. Supervisa, supervising. Systemiza, systemize.

Tse, tea. Tawsla, tassels. Tae box, tea chest, caddy. Teach, teach, instruct,

Tse grout, golden rod. i Teacha, teaching, to teach Tae kessel, tea kettle. Teacher, teacher, instructor. Tae kon, tea pot. Temper, temper, Tae lefFel, teaspoon, Temperate, temperate, mild. Tae put, tea pot. Temperence, temperance. Tack, tack Tend, tend, attend. Tacks, tacks. Tenda, tending, attending. Tamberine^ Tambourine. Teshtament, testament. Tape, tape. Ticket, ticket. Tarm, term, session. Ticket agent, ticket agent. Tarn, turn, steeple, spire. Ticket offis, ticket office. Tattle, tattle. Tiddle eara, to coax. Tattla, tattling, to tattle. Tockt, bar in music, Taws, toss. Tolleuda, talents Tawsa, to toss, tossing. Town, town. Tawsel, tassel. Township, township. TOX 147 TZOMMA DRAYA Tox, tax. Tzawn, tooth, cog. Tox batzawler, tax pa^^er. Tzawrt, tender. Toxbore. taxable. Tzaya, toe, toes, ten. Tox co.lecler, tax collector. Tzeiga, witness. Trei, faithful, true. Tzeigniss, testimony. Trei lose, untrue, uufaithful. Tzeit, time Trick, trick. [tricks. Tzeita, times. Tricksful, tricky, full of Tzeitferdreib, pastime. Trifle, trifle Tzeitich, ripe, mature. Trustee, trustee. Tzeiting, newspaper. Tuck, tuck. Tzeitlong, awhile. Tucka, to tuck, tuckiug. Tzell, cell. Tucker, tucker. Tzellerich, celery. Twine, twine. Tzettle, chain, note. Type, type. Tzieg, pull, move, draw. Type setzer, type setter. Tziega, pulling, moving, Tzadra, cedar. drawing. Tzadra biwm, cedar tree. Tziel, aim, goal. Tzadra hüls, cedar wood Tziela, aiming, to aim. Tzas, teeth, tough. Tziffer, figure. Tzail, count. TzifFera, figures. Tzaila, counting. Tzin, solder. Tz.ailer, counter. Tzink, zinc. Tzaicha, sign, the hand of a Tzitter, tremble. watch or clock. Tzittera, trembling. Tzain, ten. Tzitterich, shaky, nervous. Tzait, tenth. Tzitterly, souse. Tzar, tease. Tzivver, tubs.

Tzaru, wrath, anger. Tzomma, together. [er, Tzarra, teasing, to tease. Tzomma boppa, paste togeth Tzawl, number. Tzomma binna, tie together. Tzawlreich, numerous. Tzommabringa, bring togeth Tzawni, tame, bridle. er. [er. Tzawma, taming, to tame. Tzomma draya, twist togeth- TZOMMA DRICKA 148 TZWONGA

Tzomma dricka. compress, Tzoom, to it, to him. squeeze together, [gether. Tzoonawm, increase. Tzomma dripla, tramp to- Tzoonawma, surname Tzomma haila, heal together Tzoonemma, increasing. Tzomma hava, hold together Tzoong, tongue. Tzomma helfa, help together Tzoorecht, aright. Tzomma koomma, to come Tzoorick, back. together [ing Tzoorick handa, to return. Tzomma lawf, social gather- Tzoorick henka, hanging Tzommalawfa, run together back [back. Tzomma lucka, call together Tzoorick holda, retain, keep Tzomma reisa, tear down. Tzoosetza, increase Tzomma reiva, rub together. Tzooshreiva, ascribe, [tion. Tzomma shpringa, run to- Tzoosotz, addition, annexa- gether, [convene. Tzoover, tub. Tzomma roofa, call together, Tzoowidder, adverse. Tzommatziega, concentrate, TzuU, inch. to draw together. Tzullshtawb, foot rule. Tzong, tongs, pliers. Tzup tziegle. check -rein. Tzonk, scold. Tzup line, check-line. Tzonka, scolding, to scold. Tzwae, two. Tzoo, shut, too. Tzweifel, doubt.. Tzoocht. noise Tzweifelhoft, doubtful. Tzoofellich, incidental. Tzweifla, doubting. Tzoafloocht, refuge. Tzwelf, twelve. Tzoofol, incident. Tzwelft, twelfth. TzoofoUa, devolve. Tzwet, second. Tzoofoos, afoot. Tzwettens, secondly. Tzoofreeda, satisfied. Tzwilling. twins. Tzooganoomma, increased. Tzwing, compell. Tzoogevva, forego, allow. Tzwinga, compelling. Tzook, draft, twitch, pull. Tzwisha, between Tzooka, to twitch. Tzwisha drin, in between. Tzooker, sugar. Tzwisha nei, in between. Tzooker bole, sugar bowl. Tzwivvel, onion. Tzookoomma, accrue. Tzwivvela, onions. Tzookoonft, future. Tzwonsich. twenty. Tzoolawd, salad. Tzwonsichsht, twentieth. ÜB 149 UFGADRICKT

üb, if, whether. Uffa black, stove polish. üb shun, although. Uffa blacka, to polish a stove Udder, or except Uffa blot, stove plate. Uf, open, on, upon. Uffa deckel, stove lid. Ufaigna, own up, confess. Uffa deer, stove or oven door Uf barricks, on credit. Uffa eisa. lifter. Uf beisa, to bite open. Uffa grate, stove grate. Uf binna, to bind, to tie up. Uffa poker, poker. Uf blaya, to swell, to puff up Uffa rohr, stove pipe, [ten.» Uf blosa, to explode, to Uf feedra, to feed well, to fat- blow up. Uf feera, to behave. Uf blucka, to pile up. Uffenbawr, clear, manifest. Uf bootsa, to clean, to polish Uffenbawrung, revelation.

to winnow or fan grain Uf filla, fill up. Uf bossa, to watch, to pay Uf folia, to fall on. attention, to be vigilant. Uf fonga, to catch, to gather Uf bowa, to build up. Uf fressa, devour, eat up Uf brecha, to break open, Uf frisha, refresh. to adjourn, to fail in busi- Uf frishung, refreshment. ness. Uf gae, rise, sprout Uf brenua, to burn up. Ufgabissa, bit open. Uf coaxa, to coax, to per- Ufgablosa, blown up, bloated suade, [tainly. Ufgaboonna, bound, tied up Uf course, of course, cer- Ufgabootst, cleaned, dressed Ufdecka, to uncover. up. [mated. Uf draida, to step upon. Ufgabrend, burned up, cre- Uf draya, to happen, to un Ufgabrucha, broke open, in- twist solvent, [veiled. Uf drenna, to rip open Ufgadeckt, uncovered, un- Uf dricka, to squeeze open. Ufgadraid, turned up, turn- Uf ennera, to enter. ed open. Uffa, stove, oven. Ufgadraida, tramped upon Uifa bae, stove leg. Ufgadrend, ripped open. Uffa barsht, stove brush. Ufgadrickt, squeezed open. UFGADRICKLED i 50 UFGNIPPA Ufgadrickled, dried up. Ufgawarm'd, warmed up. Ufgaglored, cleared off. Ufgawecked, awakened. Ufgaglupped, cracked open. Ufgawickled, wound up. Ufgagnipped, unbuttoned. Ufgawocht, waked up. Ufgagwulla, swelled by wet- Ufgayawkt, chased off ting. Ufg'hard, quit, stopped. Ufgakucht. enlarged by boil- Ufg'held, cleared off. ing. Uf g'hockt, cut open, hoed. tJfgalaigt, protested. Ufg'holda, delayed. Ufgalaisa, picked up. Ufg'hova, lifted, reserved, Ufgalawda, loaded up, Ufg'shlogga, posted, raised, Ufgalovered, waylayed advanced in price. Ufgaluffa, swollen or bloated Ufg shlussa, unlocked. walked up to. Ufg'shnolled, buckled on. Ufgalust, left up, left open. Ufg'shova, postponed. Ufgamarricked, recorded, Ufg'shpeel'd, washed the marked down. [opened. dishes. Ufgamocht, made up, raised Ufg'shrivva, written down. Ufganoomma, taken up, ac- Ufg'shtecked, put up. wager- cepted, nominated. ed. Ufgapetzed. pinched open, Ufg'shtelled, raised, put up. Ufgapickt, picked up, Ufg'shtigga, mounted. Ufgarawmed, put in order Ufg'shtonna, rose, risen. Ufgaricht, erected, built. Ufg'shtosa, belched up. Ufgaripped, ripped open or Ufg'shtucha, opened with a Ufgarissa, tore open, [apart. pointed instrument. Ufgarivva. rubbed open, [up Ufg'shwella, swelling, bloat- UfgaruUed, unrolled, rolled ing. Ufgatzaird, dissolved, wasted Ufg' shwuUa, bloated, swollen away, used up. Ufgevva, to abandon, to give Ufgatzawuied. bridled. up, to cease, to discontinue Ufgatzugga, raised, wound. Ufglora, clear off. Ufgatzwoonga, forced upon. Ufgluppa, crack open. Ufgawaiched, soaked. Ufgnippa, unbutton. UFHABE REEMA i 51 UFTZIEGA

Ufhabe reema, back strap ! Ufrichtich, sincere, upright,

Uf haiva, to lift, to keep back I honest, true Uf hara, to quit, to close, to Ufrichtung, construction. cease, to end. Ufriddla, to share up. Uf hella, to clear off. Ufrippa, rip open or apart. Uf hocka,to cut open, to hoe. Ufroor, uproar, clamor, noise Uf holda, to keep up, to keep UfruUa, to roll up. open, to hinder. Ufsawga, to recite. Uf holdung, detention. Ufsetsich, obstinate. Ufkoomma, to prosper, to Ufsheesa, to shoot up, to pick up. grow fast. Uf laiga, to lay up. Ufsheeva, to postpone. Uf laisa, to gather, to pick Ufshneppa, to pry up. up, to absorb. Ufshleesa, to unlock. Uf lawda, to load. Ufshlogga, to raise, to shoe, Uf lawfa, to swell up. to advance in price Uf lovera, to waylaid, to lurk Ufshnolla, to unbuckle. to watch for. Ufshpeela, to wash dishes. Uf loverer, lurker. Ufshreiva, to write down, to Uf lussa. to leave open, to record. leave up. Ufshtae, to rise, to get up. Ufmarricka, to note, to mark Ufshtecha, to open with a down. pointed instrument. Ufmocha, open, make up. Ufshtecka, to put up as mon- Ufnemma, to take up, to ar- ey in a wager. rest, to entertain. Ufshteiga, ascend, mount. Ufpetza, to pinch open. Ufshtella. to put up, to raise Ufpicka, to pick up, to gain, Ufshtosa. to belch up. to increase. Uft, often, frequently. Ufrawma, to put in, order, to Uftzaira, to consume, to use arrange, to cleanse, to fix. up, to waste away. Ufreisa, to tear open. Uftzawma, to bridle. Ufreiva, rub open. Uftziega, to wind up, to raise Ufrichta, to erect, to build. as a family, &c. UFTZUKOOMMA 152 UMG'SHOVA Uftzukoomma, to get along, Umgawished, knocked down to meet requirements, to Umg'folla, fallen down. prosper, to flourish. Umg'hocked, hewn or cut Uftzwinga, to force upon. down. Ufwaicha,to soak, to moisten Ung'shlogga, knocked down Ufwarma, to warm up. Umg'shova, pushed down, Ufwecka, to awaken, to wake Umg'shtartzt, fallen over, up [wind. dropped down Ufwickla, to wind up, to un- Umg'shussa, shot down. Ufwocha, to awaken. Unigenglich, sociable, Ufyawga, to arouse, to start. Umgong, the way of going Uhr, clock. about it. Uhra, clocks. Umgrase, circuitous route. Uhrhaver, originator. Umhenka, to enclose with Uhrshpringlich, original. curtains- [curtains. Uhrshprooug, origin, Umhenkt enclosed with Ulirsoch, cause. Umhocka, to cut down. Uhrtile, judgment. Umhong, curtain. Um, deprived of, cheated, Umkara, to turn around or defrauded, to lose as life about. or a limb Umkoomma, to be killed. Umbartzla, tumble over. Ummechtich, unconscious. Umbennich, uncontrolable. Ummiglich, iupossible. [ity. Umbringa, to kill. Ummiglichkeit, impossibil- Umbrell, umbrella. Umneeda, to clinch. UnifoUa, to fall over. Umreisa, tear down. Umfossa, to encircle. Umringa, surrounding. Umfossed, encircled. Umringed, surrounded. Umgabartzled, tumbled over Umsahna, to look around.

Umgae to go about it, Umshlogga, to knock down. Umgagend, vicinity, neigh- Umshmeisa, to throw down, borhood, surroundings to upset. Umgakared, turned about. Umshtartza, to fall over. Umgarissa, tore down. Umshtenda, circumstances. UMSOONvSHT 15 ^ UNGLICKUCH Umsoonsht, in vain. Unferhuft, unexpected. , Umwake, detour. Unferniixt, unmixed. j Umwisha, to knock down. Unferninftich, unreasonable Un, and. Unfershamed, impudent. Unainich, disagreed, Unfershtennich, foolish, un- Unainichkeit, disagreement. wise, [ignorance. Unains. divided, disagreed. Unfershtord, want of sense, Unairlich, dishonest, Unfersichert, unguarded. Unaiva, uneav-en, undulating Unfertzawkt, undismayed, Unarfohra, inexperienced. undi^unted, courageous Unawrtich, naughty. Unfreindlich, disagreeable, Unbadenkt, unexpected, iu- unpleasant, unfriendly. advertentl}". [hensible. Ungabootst, unmannerly. Unbagreiflich, incompre- Ungaboora, unborn. Unbakond, unfamiliar. Ungadoold, impatience. Unbarmhartzich, unmerciful Ungadooldich, impatient. unmercifully Ungafair, about Unbarmhartzichkeit, unmer- Ungahire, huge, immense. ciful n ess, cruelty. [ful. Ungahoresom, disobedient. Unbashtimt. dubious, doubt- Ungalarnd, untutored, igno- Unbawakelich, immovable. Ungarecht, unjust [rant. Unblesseerlich, unpleasant. Ungarn, reludtantly. Unboddeiish impartial, neu- Ungatziffer, insedls, vermin. Unbroweed, untried. [tral Ungatzugga, illbred [ful.

Uncle, uncle Ungawis, uncertain, doul t- Uncommon, uncommon. Ung'sheit, unwise, foolish. Undonkbawr, ungrateful. Ung'shickt, clumsy, awk- Undeitlich, indistinct. ward. Unendeckt, undiscovered. Ung'soond, unhealthy, foul, Unendlich, endless. unwholesome, unwell Unferdailt, undivided Unglawva, unbelief. [ilar. Unferdeent, unmerited. Ungleich, not alike, dissim- Unfergleichlich, incompar- Umgleibich, credulous. able. Unglick, misfortune, accident UNGLICKLICH i 54 UNSER Unglicklich, unlucky, unfor- Unnernemsht? do you under Ungrawt, crooked, [tunate. take? Ungrout, weed, weeds, t^res. Unnerhemung undertaking. Unhanielich, uneasy, haunt- Unnerruck, petticoat ed, gloom3^ uncomfort ib'e Unnersina. undersign. Unhendich, unhandy, incon- Unnershit, difference. venient. Unnershitlich, various, dif- Unite, unite, join. ferent [subscribe. Unita. uniting, joining. Unnershreiva, undersign, to Uniform, uniform, alike. Unnershrift. signature, auto

Unkushta, costs - graph [end. TTnleidlich, disagreeable. Unnersht, lowest, at the tail Unmasich, intemperate. Unner^htse, venture, try, Unmenshlich, inhuman, cru- attempt.

el, brutal, [unmannerly. Unnershtitza. to patronize. Unmonneerlich, immoral, Unnershtitzung, patronage. Unna, under, below. Unnoddeerlich, unnatural. Unnadrin, underneath. Unnersooch, investigate, ex- Unnanei, in below. amine, search. Unnawma, nickname. Unnersoocha, to investigate, Unner. under, below, down. to examine, to search. Unner bleiva, to stay down, Unnersoochung. investiga- as staying under water. tion, inquiry, search. Unnerdricka, to oppress. Unochtsom. careless. Unnergse, tosink, to go down Unochtsomkeit, carelessness Uunerglaider, underwear. Unordich, incorrigible. Unnergonga, set, sunk. Unordnung, disorder. Unner hem, undershirt. Unrecht, wrong, unjust. Unner hemmer, undershirts- Unrode, dirt, rubbish, waste. Unnerhold, support Unroo, restlessness, uneasi- Unnerholda, to keep under ness water. Unrooich, uneasy, restless. Unnerhussa, drawers- Uns, we, us. Unnernemma, to undertake. Unser, our, ours. UNvSHICKUCH I 55 WATCH MOCHA Unshicklich, inconvenient, Unwillich, unwilling improper. Unwissend, unknown. Unshoold, innocence. Unwohl, downhearty. dis- Unshooldieh guiltless, inno- couraged unhealthy. cent, blameless. Unwohr, untrue, false. Unsichtbawr, invisible Unwohrhate, untruth. Unsin, nonsense. Unwohrsheinlich, beyond a Unsmnich, nonsensical. Uvva. upon, above, [doubt. Untzeitich, green, unripe, Uvvadroof, on top, above. premature Uvva druvva, up above. Uutzufreeda, dissatisfied. Uvverden,"loft. Unwedder, disagreeable or Ux, ox, steer. inclement weather. Uxa, oxen, steers

Vacancy, vacancy. Velvert, velvet. Vacashun, vacation. Verdidl, verdicl;. Vale. veil. Vessel, vessel Valley, valley. Violate, violate. Valleys, valleys. Violata, to violate. Valve, valve. Vote, vote Valves, valves Vota, to vote, voting. Vannadisher darrabadeeu, Voter, voter. Venice turpentine. Volunteer, volunteer Varnish, varnish. wVolunteera, to volunteer. Wterd, word. Waib, weave. Waerda, words. Waib shtool. loom, [chain. Waerda booch, vocabulary. Waib tzettel, warp, carpet Waerd-fer-waerd, verbatim. Waich, soft. Wahl, choice, election, pick Waicha, to soak Wai, sore, hurt, smart. Waicher, softer. Waias, sore, wound. Waich mocha, to soften. WAICHSHT I 56 WARYA Waichsht, softest. Warma. to warm, to heat. Waid, pasture. Warmer, warmer. Waid a, grazing. Warmet, wormwood, [warm? Waidsa, wheat. [ear. Warmsht, warmest, do you Waidsa air, wheat head or Warmts? does it warm? Waidsa feld, wheat field Warn, warn. Waidsa lice, Hessian flies. Warna, to warn, to notify Waidsa shprow, wheat chaff. Warud. wararnts, warrant Waidsa shtro, wheat straw. Warning, warning. Waigadoo, hurt, Warrem, worm Waik, road, street, way Warremich, wormy. Waik maishter, supervisor. Warremshtich, worm eaten. Waik mocha, repairing road Warremshtichich, worm eat- Waik mocher, road repairers Warrick, tow, choke. [en. Waik weiser, guide post. Warricka, made of tow, to Wail, veil, choose, select choke. Waila, to choose, to ele(5l. to Warrick govcl, distafi^, seledl. Warrick house, work house, Wair, defend. penitentiary. Waira, to defend, defending Warrickhuls, rolling pin. Wais, know. Warricklehuls, rolling pin. Waisa, fuss. Warricklich, really, in reality Waisht? do you know? Warrick messer, butteris. W^aiter, waiter. Warsht, saus ge. [stuffer. Waiver, weaver. Warsht drechter, sausage War, who. Warsht mosheen, meat chop- Ward, worth, value, continue per. Wardich, worthy. Wart, landlord, hotel keeper Wardsel, root. [roots. Wartshouse, hotel, tavern. Wardselcher, rootlets, small Wartzel, root. Wardsla, roots. Wartzla, rooots. Warehouse, warehouse. Wartzlich, full of roots. Warend, during. Warvel swivel, to whirl. Warfel, dice, to dice. Warya, to choke. WAWDA 157 WEIBSHEM Wawda, calf of the leg. Wecklaiga, lay away, store Wawrum, why, what for. away. [decoy. Wawsom, sod. Wecklucka to entice, to Wear, wear. Weckoohr, alarm clock. Weara, to wear. Week reisa, to tear down. Weasht, ugly, disagreeable. Week roofa, call away. Weashterlich, very ill tern Week shicka, to send away. pered. Week shmeisa, throw away. Weashtgoshtich, very ugly. Week springa, run away. Wechentlich, weekly. Week yawga, chase away. Wechlich, weekly [rusk. Wed, would, to let, wager, Week, away, wake, awake, bet. Wecka, to awaken, to wake. Wedda, to wager, to bet. Weckdoo, put away Wedder, weather, against. Weckdreiva, to drive away. Wedder boarding, siding, Wecker, one who awakens, clapboards. a rattler. [squander. Wedder glass, baromter. Week to foola, fool away, to Wedder laicha, lightning. Weckgadoo, put away Wedder shamel, blind bol- Weckgadrivva, drova away. ster, [oppose. Weckgae, go av\ ay, leave Wedder shtae, to resist, to Weckgalaigt, laid away. Weddle, paddle, besom. Weckgalucked, enticed, de- Weecha, wick. coyed. Weecha gorn, wick cord. Weckgarissa, snatched away Weedich, mad, rabid. tore away. [summoned. W^eeg, weigh, cradle. Weckgaroofa, called away, Weega, to weigh cradles. Weckgayawgt, chased away. Weel, root, as hogs. Weckg'foold, fooled away, Weela, rooting as hogs. squandered. Wei wine. Weckg'shickt, sent away. Weib, wife, woman. Weckgevva, give away, gave Weibsbild, woman. away, present, presented. W^eibcha, female bird. Weckgonga, gone away. Weibshem, chemise. WEIBSLEIT 158 WENNICH

Weibsleit, women folks. I Wei, which, wave, well. Weibsmensh, woman. Welbawm. a wooden shaft Weicha, retreat, give way. Welk, wilt, wither. Weida, far. wide. Welka, withering, willing. Weida, willow. Wella, waves, we will. Weida baum, willow tree. Weiler which one. Weida, karreb, willow bas- Weisa, to wallow, to roll. kets. Welsh hawna, turkey gob- Weida korreb^ willow basket bler, [keys. Weider, further, farther. Welsh hinkle, turkey or tur- Weidleftich, far distant. Welshkarn, corn [crusher Weid un breid. far and wide. Welshkarn brecher, corn Wei fos, wine keg or barrel. Welshkarn chopper, corn Wei gorda, vineyard. chopper. Wei glaws, wine glass. Welshkarn feld, corn field. Weil, while, because. Welshkarn-grootsa, corn cob Weina, to weep. or cobs. Weinochta, Christmas. Welshkarn heisel, corn crib. Weis, show, white. Welshkarn hore, corn fibres. Weisa, to show, to whitewash Welshkarnkoocha, corn frit- Weisa house, orphans' home ters. Weisa kind, orphan. Welshkarn kulva, ear of corn Weisa kinner, orphans Welshkarn lawb, corn fodder Weisawga, prophesy, foretell Welshkarn ous mocher, corn Waisawgung, propecy. sheller Weis darn, hawthorn. Welshkarn pie, corn pie. Weiser glaya, shamrock Welshkarn shtick, corn patch Weis grout, boiled cabbage Wem, whom. Weishtae, cream of tartar. Wen bred, mould board. Weisheit, wisdom. W^enna, to turn, to ted. Weisla, to whitewash. Wenner, tedder. Weis pencil, white wash Welt, world brush. [ter nuts. Weltlich, worldly. Weis wolnis, butter nut, but- Wennich, few, little. WENNICHER i 59 WIDL FIvAISH Wennicher, less. Wexle, change. I Weiinichsht, least Wexla, to change. Wenriiig, cant hook. Wexlefeever, intermittent Wesh, wash. fever. Wesha, washing W^exlich, changeable Wesh biler, wash boiler. Wichtich, important. Weshblo, indigo. Wick, whig. Republican. Wesh bole, wash .basin. Wickle, wind. Wesh bnck, bucking stool. Wickla, winding. Weshdawg, wash day. Wid, withe, will you Wesh fraw, washer woman, Widder, again. laundress. Widdergabora, regenerated. Wesh house wash house. Widdergaboort, regenera- Wesh karb clothes basket. tion. Wesh kich, wash house. Widderhola, to repeat. Wesh line, clothes line. Widderlich, disgusting, nau- Weshloompa, wash rag. seating, [repeal. Weshraosheen, washing ma- Widder roofa, to revoke, to chine, wash board, washer. Widdershprecha, to contra Weshp, wasp. diet Weshpa wasps. Widderwardich, misfortune. Weshpanesht, wasp nest. Widdish, witty. W^esh ringer, clothes wringer Wide, far, wide. Weshshissel, wash basin. Widfraw, widow. Wesh shpell, clothes-pin. Widmon, widower. Wesh tzoover, wash tub- Widra, to refuse, to resist. Wesser, water. Wil, how. similar. Wessera, to water. Wilbert, venison. Wesstrich, watery. Wild, wild. Wetz, whet, rub. Wilderbolsem, spearmint. Wetza, to whet, to rub. Wildernis, wilderness. Wetz koomp, whet horn. Wilderwarmed, wormwood. Wetzshtae, whetstone. Wild fire, erysipelas. Wetzshtawl, butchters' steel. W^ild flaish, proud flesh. WILDY LADYSHLIPPER i6o WOGGA BODDY Wildy lady shlipper, touch Wip, whip, lash, ferrule. me not. Wiply, switch. Wilkom, welcome. Wippa, to whip, to flog. Will, will wish. Wipperwill, whippoorwill. Willa. to will, woolen. Wish, wipe- Willens, willing. Wisha, to wipe, wiping. Willich, willing Wisher, wiper, mat. Win, screw-jack, windlass. Wiskers, whiskers. Wind, wind Wiskey, whiskey. Windich, windy. Wiss, meadow. Wine, wine Wissa, knowing, to known. Wine glaws, wine glass. Wissbawm, boom-pole. Windgabrucha, heaves. Wissel, weasel. Windle, diaper. Wissendlich, knowingly. Windla, diapers Wissenshaft, knowledge, Windle shpeel, safety pin. learning. Windmeel, fanning mill, fan. Witsel, little pig Windshtill, calm. Witz, wit. Wind shtose, gust. Witzich, witty. Wind warvel, whirlwind. Woch, wake. Winka, to beckon, to wink. Wocha, waking. Winkle, square. [bits. Woch hulder, juniper. Winkle bora, brace for auger Woch hulder beera, juniper Winkle eisa, square rule. berries. Winna, bind-weed. Wochtsom, vigilant. Winnish, crooked, warped. Wdcka, quartz. Wiush, wish. Wocker, awake, alert. Winsha, to wish, to desire. Woffle, waffle. Winsla, to whine. Woffla, waffles. Winter, winter. Woffle eisa, waffle iron. Winter beera, winter pears. Woga, to venture, scales. Winter eppel, winter apples^ Wogga, wagon. Winter oppel, winter appel. Wogga bocka, hounds. Winter waitsa, winter wheat Wogga boddy, wagon bed. WOGGA BOX I 6 1 WORET LAWGER

Wogga box, wagon box. Woo he, where to ? Wogga boxa, wagon boxes. Woollashtengel, mullein,

Wogga deiksel , wagon tongue mullen. Wogga felga, felloes. Woon, reside. Wogga glase, wheel rut. Woona, to dwell, to reside. Wogga lonna, shafts, thills. Woonblotz, residence, abode Wogga rafe, tire, [spokes. Woond, wound, chafed, sore Wogga shpaich, spoke, Woonhoft, residing, living. Wogga shup, wagon shed., dwelling house Wogner, wheel-wright. Wooning, habitation, dwell- Wogner shop, wheel-wright ing place shop. Wonner, wonder. Wohl, well, happy, healthy. Woonera, wondering. Wohlgafolla, well plased. Woonner bawr, wonderful. Woi, hawk. Woonnerfitsich, inquisitive. Woke, scales, double tree, Woonnerlich, inquisitive. whiffle tree, balance. Woonnernaws, inquisitive Wolfish, whale. person. Wolnis, walnut. Woonnerselda, rarely. Wols, windlass, roller, waltz Woonsh, wish. Wolsa, to roll, to waltz. Woorum, where about ? Womba, maw. [bout Wooslich, active, lively. Womtnes, jacket, round-a- Woot, fury, rage.

Won, when, if. Woots, hog, swine. Wond, wall, [iög. Wootsley, shoat. Wond baglaidung, wainscot- Word, word, wait, [stay, Wond bobbeer, wall paper. Worda, words, to wait, to Wondle, conduct, life, de- Words, wart, nipple of a teat portment, behavior Wore, true, was, ware, goods Wondla, to walk. [doubt. Wora, have been, were. Wonklemeetich, fickle, in Woret, truth. Wonsa, bed bugs. Worehoftich, verily. Woo, where. [from? Woret sawger, fortune teller,

Woo har, whence ? where- clairvoyant. WORNUNG I 62 WULI.SHTTAIMICH

Wornung, warning Wrangle, wrangle. Worrem, worm Wrangla, wrangling. Worricksa, to vomit. Wrapper, wrapper. Worsht, sausage. [stuffer. Wretch, busybody, tell tale. Worsht dreckter, sausage Wretcha, tattling. Wos, what. Writ, writ. Wosser, water. Wuch, week. Wosser aimer, water bucket Wucha, weeks. Wosser blose, bubble. Wulf, wolf. Wosserbobbla, button wood. Wulfel, cheap. Wosser droke, watering Wulfeller, cheaper. trough. [ter. Wulf howd, wolf robe. Wosser druppa, drops of wa Wulfiich, avaricious, greedy, Wosserich, watery. voracious. Wossermaloon, watermelon. Wulg, cloud. Wosser parbla, chicken pox. Wulga, clouds. [sage. Wosser pitcha, water beech Wulga moond, mountain Wosser shlong, water snake. Wulgich, cloudy. Wosser soocht, dropsy. Wulgrout, mullen, mullein. Wotch, watch. Wulk, cloud. Wotcha, watching. Wulka, clouds. Wotcha glaws, watch crystal Wulkich, cloudy Wotcha ket, watch chain. Wulkshtraimich, brindled. Wotcha shlissel, watch key. Wulkshtraimichy koo, brin- Wotcha sock, watch pocket. dled cow. [died cat. Wotch case, watch case. Wulkshtraimichy kotz, brin- Wox, wax, grow. Wull, wool. Woxa, to wax, to grow. Wulla, wish, intend, we will Woxich, waxen, thrifty. Wullich, woolen. Wox gnep, swollen groin. Wullrawd, spinning wheel. YADEM i6.^ YUCKLY Yadem, each one. Yohra, years. Yaderer, every one, each. Yohrstzeit, season. Yadermon, everyone, every Yommer, to pity. body. Yooble fesht, jubilee. Yaders, every one, each one Yood, Jew. Yadertzeit, every time, at all Yoodda, Jews. [cherries. times. Yoodda karsha, ground Yadoch, even. Yooly, July. Yaiger, hunter. Yoong, young. Yaira, to ferment. Yoouga bara, cubs. Yairich, yearling. Yoonga dowva, squabs. Yairlich, yearly. Yoonga hawna, cocks, cock- Yamera, to moan. erels [chickens. Yanky, Yankee. Yoonga hinkle, pullets, Yar, yes. Yoonga hoond, pups. Yard, yard. Yoonga laib, whelps. Yarrick, George. Yoonger bar, cub. [erel. Yasus, Jesus. Yoonger hawna, cock, cock- Yawcob, Jacob, [drive fast. Yoonger hoond, pup. Yawga, to chase, to hunt, to Yoonger laib, whelp. Yea mohls, evermore, [able. Yoong fraw. Virgin. Yemmerlich, pitiful, deplor- Yoong hinkle, pullet. Yenner, January. Yoongy dawb, squab. Yetzt, now, at present. Yoony, June. Yinger, younger. Yoosht, just, only. Yingling, youth. Yooshtes, justice of the peace. Yingst, youngest. Yoosht om end, exactly so. Yingsht dawg, doomsday, Yord, yard. judgment day. Yord shtecka, yard stick. Yo, yea, yes. [roar. Yowdsa, to bark, to shout. Yocht, noise, tumult, up- Yuch, yoke. Yohonnes, John. [wort. Yuch hüls, yoke. Yohonnes grout, St. John's Yuckle, Jacob. Yohr, year. Yuckly, Jacob.


Brolla, bragging, to brag. Broiler, bragger. Awwenna, to apply, to use. Broweer, try, attempt, [trial. B. Broweera, to try, to give a Broweerd, tried, endeavored. Blawn, plan. [able. Bruifait, prophet. Blesseerlich, pleasant, agree- BrufFatzeiga, prophesy, to Bletch, spank. predict. [prediction. Blets, places. Bruflfatzeingung, prophesy, Blobbera, chattering. Blobbermowl, chatterbox. C. Blocka, patch, piece, spot. Chocklawd, chocolate. Bloga, to plague, to pester. Choke gard, choke strap. Bloke, plague. Choomp, jump. Blondawsh, plantation. Choompa, jumping. Blonnade, planet. Coala breuner, char coal Blooga, to plow. burner. Blookshore, plow share. Coal aimer, coal scuttle. Blotsha, to tattle, to splash, Coal box, coal bin.

to clap. Coal fire, coal fire. Breddicha, preaching. Coal group, colliery. Breddichompt, ministry. Coal house, coal bin. Bresent, prison. Coal kessel, coal scuttle. Brigel hüls, slick wood. Coal mine, coal mine. Brocht, magnificence, splen- Coal shwartz, black as a coal dor, [ficent. CoiFee grouns, coffee grounds Brochtful, splendid, magni- Coffee kessel, coffee pot. Brol, brag. Coller shloop, necktie. 165 GAGLEPPER SVPPI,EM:BNT. MUPSICH Gloafter-huls, cord-wood. G. Glup, knock, beat, strike.

Gaglepper, rattling. Gluppa, knocking, beating, Gaglepper'd rattled. striking. [lion. Gagluppt, knocked. Gluphengst, castrated stal- Gagrisha, cried out, haloed. Glupt, knocks, beats, strikes Garoppled, rattled. Glutz, log block. Ga tzopped, tapped. Gnechel, ankle. Gatzovvel'd, kicked, sprawl- Gnee, knee. ed, struggled. Gneekale, houck. Gawarb, joint. Gnep, buttons. Gaweck'd, awakened. Gnoach, fondle. Glaider shtoob, clothes room Gnoacha, fondling. scant. Glaines, small one, little one Gnops, Gnopser note, hardly, barely Glainichkate, trifle. Gwail, torture. Glainichkeit, trifle. Gw^aila, torturing. Glarnet, clarionet, [soms. Gwell, well, spring Glay blooma, clover blos- Gwella, swell Glay hoy, clover hay. to up by water crush, prune. Glay sooma, clover seed. Gwetch, to crush. Glenner, smaller. Gwetcha, Glepra, rattling. I. Gletz, blocks. Glevis, clevis. Insha fisick, Indian physic. Gliafos, bran barrel. Ivverdem, pretty soon, Glimple, small lump. nearly. Gling, blade. Ivver shtuck, skirt, drapery. Glingla, tinkling, jingling. Gliugle, tinke, ball. Glingle shtae, cling stone. Judge, judge. Glitcha, slipping, sliding. Glitchich, slippery. n. Gloafter, cord. Mupsich, stupid, apish. i65 OBG'LHLECKT SUPPl,nMnNT, TZINKA o. Tzeck, tick. Tzelt, tent. Obg'shleckt, licked off. Tzepche, uvula. Obgapetzt, pinched off. Tzieg gowl, draught house. Obpetza, pinch off. Tzieg ox, draught ox. Oofer, beech, shore, bank. Tzeit beeta, to salute or recognize. [early. Tzeitlich, in time, punctual, Richter, judge. Tziel, object, aim, goal. Reisheit, fifth-wheel. Tziela, to aim. [rily. Tzimlich, middling, ordina- Tzeera, embellish, deck, Tzsebarsht, tooth brush. adorn. Tzsebootser, tooth pick. Tzeerawd, ornament. Tzaeduckter, dentist. Tzichtich, chastice, punish. Tzaegnarsha, gnashing of Tzichticha, chastising, pun- teeth ishing. Tzse pulfer, tooth powder. Tzie einer, gypsy. Tzse ruppa, extracting teeth. Tziggle, reins. Tzaerupper, teeth extractor. Tzimberlich, weak, delicate. Tzaidadale, tenth part, tithe. Tzimlich, nearly. Tzaia mohl, ten times Tzimmer, to work in wood. Tzaingabutter, Ten Com- Tzimmera, working in wood mandments. Tzimmermon, carpenter. Tzaira, to consume, to waste Tzind, ignite. Tzarrickle, compasses. Tzinda, to ignite. Tzaw, tooth. Tzindluch, touch hole. [der. Tzawflaish, gums. Tzind poolfer, priming pow- Tzawlawd, gums. Tzingla, to tingle, to wag Tzawmtzeigel, reins, [teeth. the tongue like a snake. Tzawna, teething, shedding Tzingle, tinkle, wag the Tzawshlipper, wren. tongue like a snake. Tzawwse, toothache. Tzinka, tine, tines, prong, Tzeech, tick, case. pronges.

167 TZOCKA S UPPI^nMnNT, TZOOFORE Tzocka, teeth, notches. Tzommag'shickt, sent to- Tzocklich, toothed, notched. gether.

Tzomma bossa, to fit together. Tzommag'shtosa, collided, Tzomma doo, put together. adjoined, joined together. Tzomma folia, to collapse. Tzoramalaiga, to fold, to lay Tzomma gse, to go together, together. to congregate, to decrease Tzommalaisa, to gather to- or shrink. [gether. gether, to collect; [tily. Tzomma drawga, to carry to- Tzommaroffa, to gather has- Tzoomma draya, to twist to- Tzomma rulla, roll up. gether, [gether. Tzomma shicka, to send to- Tzommagabost, fitted to- gether, [to adjoin. Tzommagadoo, put together Tzomma shtosa, to collide, Tzommagadrawga. carried Tzomma tzeiga, to draw to- together. [together. gether, to move together. Tzommagadrayed, twisted Tzomma woxa, to grow to- Tzommagalaigt, folded. gether, [up. Tzommagalaisa, gathered, Tzoo binner, to tie or bind collected [hastily. Tzoo bleiva, to remain shut. •Tzommagaroft, gathered Tzoo bringa, to pass away Tzommagarulled, rolled up. time. Tzommagatzugga, moved to- Tzoocht hengsht, stallion. gether, drawn together. Tzoocht house, whore house- Tzommagawickled, wrapped Tzoocht mar, brood mare. together. [gether. Tzoo decka, to cover up. Tzommagawoxa, grew to- Tzoodreffa, to coincide, to Tzommag' folia, collapsed. pass, to occur. Tzommag'freera, to freeze Tzoodrit, admission. together, to congeal. Tzooferdrowa, confidence, re Tzommag'frora, froze to- liance, trust. gether, congealed Tzoofloocht, refuge, shelter Tzommagonga, went togeth- Tzoofol, instance. er, shrunk. Tzoofore, formerly. i68 TZOOFREEDA SUPPI^J^ME^NT. TZOOWICKI.A Tzoofreeda, content, satis- Tzooker sees, sweet as sugar fied. Tzooker soch, candy, sweat Tzoofreeda hate, content- meat. ment, satisfaction, [occur. Tzook wosser, maple sap. Tzoogse, to close, to shut, to Tzook Inch, air hole, draft Tzoogablosa, drifted shut. hole, flue TzoogabriStht, whiled away. Tzoo koomma, to appertain. Tzoogahare, appurtenance. Tzoo letsht, at last. Tzoogaricht, spoiled. [ed. Tzoo mocha, to close, to Tzoogariggled, barred, lock- shut. [expect. Tzoogarisht, prepared. Tzoomooda, to enjoin, to Tzoogenglich, approachable Tzoorichta, spoil. Tzoogevva, to make an al- Tzoorishta, to prepare. lowance, to consent. Tzoorick bringa, to bring Tzoogang, admission. back, to return. Tzooganga, closed, shut up. Tzoorick gae, return, to go Tzoog'sprucha, encouraged, back. [to come back. urged. Tzoorick koomma, to return, Tzoohaila, to heal up. Tzoorick nemma, to take Tzoohara, to hear, to give back. ear, to listen. Tzoorick springa, to run Tzooharricha, to listen, to back, to rebound. hear, to give ear. Tzoosahna, to look on. Tzook, draught, move, pull, Tzooshprecha, to encourage, cover, twitch. to urge. [destinely. Tzook bloshter, plaster. Tzooshtecker, to give clan- Tzooker arbsa, sweet peas. Tzooshtond, condition. Tzooker fos, sugar barrel. Tzooshtuppa, to cork or Tzooker gloompa, sugar stop up. [hammer. lump. Tzooshlock hommer, sledge Tzooker mowl, dainty mouth Tzooshnolla, to buckle. Tzooker shtengel, stick of Tzoowickla, to wrap up, to candy. envelop. 169 TZOPI.ING SUPPLMMMNT. TZWONG

Tzopling, sapling. Tzwae yarich fil, hogget. Tzoppa, stopper, peg, to tap Tzwae yarich shofe, hogget. Tzoppa luch, faucet hole. Tzwarna, to twist, to puv. Tzovel, sprawl, kick, struggle Tzwarn rawd, twisting wheel Tzovel, to sprawl, to kick, Tzwarrich, dwarf. to struggle. [clock. Tzwarrich pife, fife, picolo. Tzoyer, hand of a watch or Tzweck, aim, object, design. Tzu arsht, first. Tzwedda, to happen twice. Tzup, twitch, pull, jerk. Tzweig, twig, limb, scion. Tzuppa, to twitch, to pull, Tzweiga, to graft, grafts. to jerk. [woman. Tzwelfa, twelve. Tzuttle, rag, tatter, a lewd Tzweuga, to force, Tzuttlich, ragged, tattered. Tzwitzer, twitter, glimmer, Tzwae keppich, of different glitter. mind or opinion. Tzwitzera, twitting, glim- Tzwae wucha, two weeks, mering, glittering. fortnight. [biennial. Tzwickel, clown, fool. Tzwae yarich, two-year-old, Tzwillich, twilled. Tzwae yaricher evver,hogget Tzwong, force. 70

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