UNIVERSITY^ PENNSYLV^IA UBKARIE5 COMMON SENSE Pennsylvania (Jeman DICTIONARY, WITH SUPPLEMENT, Revised and Enlarged. Containing fieafly All the Pennsylva- nia German UUoPds in Con^mon iJse. JAMES C. UNS, Proprietor, PUBIvISHED BY ÜAMES C. lilNS, READING, PA. 1895.' Entf-rod according to Act of Congress, in tiie year 1895, By JAMES C. LINS. !u tl\e Oftice of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, Ü. C. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1887, By JAMES C. LINS, in the Oflk-e of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. aß PREFAGB. The only apology that is offered for bringing an other dictionary before the public is the want of a com- mon sense treatise of the Pennsylvania German lan- guage to the wants of the Pennsylvania German who is studying the English language. This revised edition was not prepared at haphazard. It is the outgrowth of many 3' ears and a gr- at experience and careful study of the Penns3'lvania German language, and will be found far superior and much more simplified than the first edition. Many consider such a work as folly and of little use, but after all, its information cannot be picked up upon the street, nor found in the fields Its aim is not money and its object not praise. It is not intended to instruct those who consider their educa- tion completed, but to aid such Pennsylvania Germans as are anxious to acquire a knowledge of the English lan- guage. -I do not claim this work to be a standard, be- cause there is nothing of that kind in the Pennsylvania German language, but after a careful study, of different waiters, I feel confident that it compares favorably with it any, and is far superior to man}-. I a. fact I Qonsider ' ' ' far superior to the first edition. • * The necessity for such a treal ise c aniiot be questioned, when we are aware of the fact that there are not less than eight hundred thousand Pennsylvania Germans in East- ern Pennsylvania alone, whose brains and abilities are fully enual. if not superior, to those whose mother-tongue is the English, or high German. Their only deficiency is a written language. The question now arises, how shall those eight hundred thousand inhabitants to whom English is as much a dead language as Latin or Greek, acquire a fair knowledge of the English language? A very good method is to take a Pennsylvania Ger- man word and define it in English. For this purpose the Common Sense Dictionary is offered to the public. In defining the English equivalent of the German word is always given. The spelling is taken from the English, that being much more simple than the German, as the English language, practically or exclusively is taught in our common schools, thus making it very simple or eas}' for anj-one having a fair knoweldge of the English lan- guage to pronounce the words correctly. In the hope that this dictionary may facilitate the acquisition of the English language, it is given to the public, for the use in schools and families. Reading. Pa , September, 1S95. TAMES C. LINS. A DICTIONARY — OF THEJ- PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LANGUAGE. ABIvE AIG Able, able. Administrator, administra- About, about. tor. Accept, accept. Admishun, admission, Acce^ta, to accept. Admit, admit. Accommodate, accommodate Admitta, to admit. According, according. Advansa, to advance. Accordingly, accordingly. Advantage, advantage. Account, account. Advice, advice. Accounta, to account. Advisa, to advice. Acknowledga, acknowledge Afforda, to afford. Acknowledge, acknowledge. Aga, own, to harrow Ackshun, action. Agaloab, egotism. Act, act. Agent, agent. Acta, to act. Agree, agree. Acter, actor, performer. Agreea, to agree. Actif, active. Agreed, agreed. Adarn, horehound. Aicha, oak. Add, add. Aichabawm, oaktree. Adda, to add. Aichel, acorn. Address, address, Aich-haws, squirrel, Addressa, to address. Aid, affidavit. Adjourna, to adjourn. Aifeldich, foolish. Administrashun, adminis- Aifocht, single. tration Aig, harrow. AIGA ID ARFAWRUNG Aiga, to harrow, own. AUahecka, alder bushes. Aigadum, propert}-. Alley, alley. Aigasinish, selfish. Amend, amend. A/gna, to own. Amenda, to amend. Aigner, owner. Amendment, amendment. Ail, oil. Amount, amount. Aila, oiling. Amounta, to amount. Aildooch, oilcloth. Announce, announce. Ailend, misery. Announcement, announce- Ailendich, miserable, poorly ment. Ailetsich, single Anty, aunt. Aimer, bucket. Ar, he. Aimerhenk, bucket handle, Arbardich, particular. Aimer-rafe, bucket hoop. Arbeera, strawberries. Aimohl, once. Arblich, contagious. Ainer, one. Arbsa, peas. Ains, one. Arbsinda, original sin. Ainich, any, agreed. Arbshoft, inheritance. Ainichepper, anybody, any- Ard, earth. one. Arda. earthen. Ainlichkeit, resemblance. Ainsich, only. Air, honor. Ardepel, artichoke. Airgeitz, ambition. Ardfla, plant lice. Airgeitzich, ambitious. Artgeisht, gnome. Airlich, honest. Ardlich, earthly. Airlichkeit, honesty. Ardlicht, ignisfatuus, will-o- Airnbreis, speedwell. the wisp or jack with the Airwardich, honorable. lantern. Aishtlich, eastly. Ardreich, globe Aisel, mule, ass. ArdshuUa, clod. Aiseldreiver, muledriver. Ardshwom, mushroom. Aiva, level, even. Arfawra, to experience. Alcohol, alcohol. Arfawrung, experience. ARFINDA ri ARWA Arfinda, invent, discover. Armawu'd, reminded. Arfinder, inventor or discov- Armay, Army. erer. Armel, sleeve. Arfindung, discovery. Ärmlich, poorly. Arfrish, refresh, recreate. Arn, harvest. Arfrisha, to refresh, to re- Arnara, to support, provide- create. Arn f eld, harvest field. Arfrishung, refreshment, re- Arniedrich, degrade creation. Arniedricha, to humble to Arga, argue. humilitate. Argament, argument. Arnire, renew. Argreifa, to comprehend. Arnkarrich, harvest home Argreifung, comprehension service. Arhold, support. Arnsht, earnest. Arhol'd, recovered. Arnshtlich, earnestness. Arholda, uphold, maintain Arnsleit, Reapers. Arholdung, maintenance. Arnta, harvesting. Arholung, recovery. Arraicha, attain. Arkeuna, to recognize. Arranga, to arrange. Arkennung, recognition. Arrangement, arrangement. Arkennt, recognized. Arretta, to rescue, to save. Arkwick, refresh. Arrick, very. Arkwicka, to refresh. Arricksht, worst. Arkwickung, refreshment. Arrinnera, to recollect. Arlais, redeem. Arrinner'd recollected. Arlaiser, redeemer. Arshina, to appear. Arlaisung, redemption. Arshoflfa, to create. Arlawb. allow. Arshoff'd, created. Arlawbnis, allowance. Arshpawra, to save. Arlawbt, allowed. Arshrecklich, terrible, horri- Arlawva, allowing. ble. Arlonga, to attain. Arsht, first. Armawna, remind, exhort, Arshtens, firstly. entreat. Arwa, to inherit. ARWAIL D 12 AWGABLICKILCH Arwail'd, elected. Awblonsa, to plant. Arwer, heir. Awblosa, to start by blowing ^ Arwet, work. Awbora, to tap, to bore. Arworda, await. Awbossa, to fit. Assess, assess. Awbrea, to scald, to seethe. Assessa, assessing. Awbrenna, to scorch. Assessed, assessed. Awdale, part. Assessor, assessor. Awdechtlich, devout, atten- Assign, assign. tive. Assigna, assigning. Awdenka. keepsake. Assigned, assigned. Awdler, eagle. Assignee, assignee. Awdoo, dress. Assignment, assignment. Awdreffa, to meet Association, association. Awdreiva, to carry on. Associata, associating. Aweck, away. Audit, audit. Awfarrichta, to draw fur- Audita, auditing. rows for seeding Auditer, auditor. Awfechtung, controversy Augoosht, August. Awfeera, to fool, to disap- Author, author. point Authoriza, authorized. Awfeichta, to moisten. Authority, authority. Awfeuger, beginner. Authorize, authorize. Awferdrowa, to entrust. Ava, even, level. Awfingra, to touch. Average, average. Awfitta, to fit. Aw, too, also. Awfong, beginning Awbafohla, to request. Awfonga, to commence, Awbafohla requested. Awfressa, to gnaw at. Awbalonga, to belong. Awfawla, to rot, to decay. Awbata, worship. Awg, eye. Awbeeta, to offer. Awga, eyes. Awbendmahl, Lord's Supper Awgablick, moment, Awbinna, to tie fast. Awgablicklich, momentari- A wblicka, to view. ly, immediately. ARGABORA 13 AWRICHTA Awgabora, iuborn. Awhong, appendage. Awgabreed. scalded. Aw'horricha, to heed. Awgabut, first bid. Awich, eternal. Awgabutta, offered. Awichkeit, eternity. Awgadoo, dressed. Awich-rutser, glanders. Awgadeckel, eyelid. Awkemling, new comer. Awgaduckter, oculist. Awketta, to chain fast. Awgagriffa, attacked. Awklawga, to accuse. Awgagookt, looked at. Awknippa, to button on, to Awgahore, eyebrow. tie on. Awganame, agreeable. Awlaga, to invest to la}^ in. Awganumma, accepted. Awlonda, to arrive, to land. Awgaoppel, eyeball. Awlucka, to allure, entice. Awgaroda, counseled. Awraa3^a, to begin mowing. Awgaroofa, to call upon. Awmen, amen. Awgawana, to accustom. '^wmessa, to fit Awgawanet, custom, habit. Awmocha, to mix, to get Awgawissa, instructed. ones grace or affection. Awgawoxa, liver-grown. Awnaya, to sew on. Awgeld, purchase money. Awndraos-dawg, Saint An- Awgevva, to make complaint drew's Day. Awg'feer'd, fooled. Awnemma, to endure, to ac- Awg'fonga, begun. cept. Awghorricht, paid attention. Awngsht, fear. Awg'shlussa, ioined, chained Awnogla, to nail fast. Awg'shoft, acquired. Awrada, to address. Awg'shpel'd pinned. Awradung, address. Awgreifa, to attack. Awraga, to touch. Awhara, to listen. Awreara, to mix, to disturb. Awhava, to hold on, Awreisa, to take a part for Awhenka, adhere, use. Awhenker, adherer, follower Awreiva, to rub against. Awhetza, to incite. Aw^icht, dish dresser. Awholda, to continue. Awrichta, to stir up. AWRM 14 BADBIRLICH Awrm, poor, needy. Awshooa, to fox boots to Awrmahouse, poor or alms- new vamps house. Awshpella, to pin on, Awrmsalich, poor, needy. Awshplitta, start to split. Awronka, to
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