SEPTEMBER, 2008 St. John's Episcopal Church, Norwood Parish
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THE DIAPASON SEPTEMBER, 2008 St. John’s Episcopal Church, Norwood Parish Bethesda, Chevy Chase, Maryland Cover feature on pages 30–31 Sept 08 Cover.indd 1 8/13/08 8:31:35 AM “It was superb!....Brilliant, astonishing, almost American organist Daniel Sullivan’s creative unbelievable, a tour de force...a memorable interpretations, musical depth and engaging and entertaining concert by a very promising stage presence, combined with his command of young organist with style and a formidable a varied repertoire ranging from Renaissance to technique.” (Hexham Courant, England) contemporary works, have earned him a prominent place among the next generation of “A splendid, assured and memorized concert organists. His performances have taken performance.” (The Diapason) him to cities across the United States, including San Francisco, Albuquerque, Chicago, “Organist elevates instrument’s status.” Indianapolis, Cleveland, Boston, Philadelphia, (Albuquerque Journal) Washington DC, Atlanta, and many other venues in other states. “Daniel Sullivan’s warm interaction with an audience and his fiercely beautiful playing He collaborates with pianist Jason Cutmore as need to be experienced by everyone who loves the New York Piano-Organ Duo, and performs the organ, and especially by those who don’t!” with the Second Instrumental Unit, a chamber (Paul Jacobs, organ department chairman, ensemble of diverse instruments devoted to The Juilliard School, New York) playing the new music of current composers. He also performs music written for two organs with Isabelle Demers. In 2007 they premiered their original two-organ transcription of Prokofiev’s “Peter and the Wolf” to the enthusiastic delight of audiences. Sullivan has been a featured soloist at New York City’s Basically Bach Festival, the Piccolo Spoleto Festival in Charleston, and the White Mountain Musical Arts Annual Bach Festival in New Hampshire. He has performed in Scotland, and England, and has been a prize winner in numerous competitions. His degrees are from Oberlin Conservatory, Yale University, and the Juilliard School where he will join the organ faculty this autumn. instrument, rather than a hard and fast inevitable discussion that the sonatas have designation of an exact physical form. In- not much to do with the classical sonata THE DIAPASON deed, we would not consider a “continuo and its defi ned form. Funny: with Widor, A Scranton Gillette Publication organ” a “portative” despite the fact that it is hardly questioned that his symphonies Ninety-ninth Year: No. 9, Whole No. 1186 SEPTEMBER, 2008 it can be moved. This organ, however, is have not much to do with symphonies, more closely related to its earlier cousin besides using the term for multi-move- Established in 1909 ISSN 0012-2378 in size and form. The Ab Yberg prints re- ment form. Both were obviously looking An International Monthly Devoted to the Organ, fer to that organ as a “Positive,” in part for a contemporary handling of the organ the Harpsichord, Carillon, and Church Music because its intended purpose was to pro- and invented something new, in quite dif- vide music in the family chapel, rather ferent ways, without forgetting the past, than be transported for use. or transforming traditional material in a Christopher Walton new frame. CONTENTS Editor & Publisher JEROME BUTERA [email protected] New England Organbuilders Michael Gailit 847/391-1045 Vienna, Austria FEATURES Symphonic style Inaugurating the new Craighead-Saunders Organ After reading the interesting article Paul Manz book review at the Eastman School of Music Associate Editor JOYCE ROBINSON by Joris Verdin (“Aspects of French I am writing in response to Sarah by Hans Davidsson 21 [email protected] Symphonic Organ Music,” The Dia- Mahler Hughes’s review (June Diapa- 847/391-1044 pason, June, pp. 26–29), I meditated a son) of my book on the life and work of From the Dickinson Collection: Memorizing Controversy few minutes on the term “symphonic” Paul Manz, “The Journey Was Chosen: by Lorenz Maycher 22 Contributing Editors LARRY PALMER and how it appears in the organ world. The Life and Work of Paul Manz,” pub- Harpsichord Apart from my experience that some lished by MorningStar Music Publish- Celebrating the Cathedral Church of Christ still divide the repertoire into good or- ers. While I am genuinely grateful for Choir, Lagos, Nigeria, at Ninety JAMES MCCRAY gan music and symphonic organ music, Ms. Hughes’s work, and appreciative of by Godwin Sadoh 25 Choral Music the term “symphonic” is often identifi ed much of the tone in her review, there are with “romantic,” as it is with “orchestral,” two points that need correcting. NEWS & DEPARTMENTS BRIAN SWAGER as if there were no orchestras in the ba- The fi rst point is a somewhat small Letters to the Editor 3 Carillon roque or classical periods. So then, is point, but those who know, or have stud- Here & There 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 there any symphonic music before the ied with Paul Manz will understand my HERBERT L. HUESTIS Appointments 6 OrganNet Forum romantic period? What a question. Just need for clarifi cation and correction. Ms. Nunc Dimittis 10 Osiris Organ Archive straight another one: What characterizes Hughes claims that I “lapse into adula- In the wind . by John Bishop 12 “symphonic” music? The symphony was tion,” and she pulls a quote from p. 32 On Teaching by Gavin Black 14 e-mail: [email protected] developed in the Viennese classical era, of the book: “Paul Manz had a healthy and it forms a main part of the Viennese amount of ambition, an almost voracious classical style, developed by Haydn and capacity to learn and grow, and has never REVIEWS Prepress Operations DAN SOLTIS Mozart, and perfected by Beethoven, been one to let the grass grow under his Music for Voices and Organ 16 the one who “received Haydn’s spirit feet.” Anyone who has encountered Paul Book Reviews 17 through Mozart’s hands.” Manz as a colleague, student or friend New DVDs 18 THE DIAPASON (ISSN 0012-2378) is published monthly by Scranton Gillette Communications, Inc., 3030 W. Salt Main compositional features of the will immediately understand that this New Recordings 19 Creek Lane, Suite 201, Arlington Heights, IL 60005-5025. symphonic style are the thematic work isn’t hyperbole; it is merely a statement New Organ Music 20 Phone 847/391-1045. Fax 847/390-0408. Telex: 206041 and the so-called obbligato accompani- of fact. There is no other way to put it. MSG RLY. E-mail: <[email protected]>. New Handbell Music 20 Subscriptions: 1 yr. $35; 2 yr. $55; 3 yr. $70 (Unit- ment (accompaniment voices partici- The other point in need of clarifi cation ed States and U.S. Possessions). Foreign subscrip- pating in thematic content and devel- is Ms. Hughes’s statement that, “Disap- NEW ORGANS 32 tions: 1 yr. $45; 2 yr. $65; 3 yr. $85. Single copies $6 opment). Another feature is a frequent pointingly, Hyslop does not include any (U.S.A.); $8 (foreign). CALENDAR 33 change of textures, often put into the sample programs . .” There is a com- Back issues over one year old are available only frame of the sonata form, setting the sec- panion website (<www.morningstar- ORGAN RECITALS 37 from The Organ Historical Society, Inc., P.O. Box 26811, Richmond, VA 23261, which can supply information on tions in dramatic sequence to each other,>) to the book, which in fact CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 38 availabilities and prices. inventing music to make this possbile. includes hundreds of recital and hymn Periodical postage paid at Rochelle, IL and additional mailing offi ces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes Frequent change of orchestration also festival programs, many photos, essays Cover: Berghaus Pipe Organ Builders, Inc., to THE DIAPASON, 3030 W. Salt Creek Lane, Suite 201, plays an important role. written by Dr. Manz, reviews of his Bellwood, Illinois; St. John’s Episcopal Church, Arlington Heights, IL 60005-5025. Now, French symphonic music: Is performances and numerous images of Norwood Parish, Bethesda, Chevy Chase, Routine items for publication must be received six rich sound enough to enter the hall manuscript copies of his compositions. weeks in advance of the month of issue. For advertising Maryland 30 copy, the closing date is the 1st. Prospective contribu- of symphonic fame? Franck’s Grande There is also a link to the April 2001 tors of articles should request a style sheet. Unsolicited pièce symphonique certainly follows Pipedreams program where Michael reviews cannot be accepted. guidelines of the style, but what about Barone hosts a lengthy interview with This journal is indexed in the The Music Index, an- notated in Music Article Guide, and abstracted in RILM the “symphonic” composers Widor and Manz, and another link will take you to Abstracts. Vierne? Widor: sonata form? thematic a brilliant video clip of Manz performing Send subscriptions, inquiries, and ad- Copyright ©2008. Printed in the U.S.A. work? obbligato accompaniment? dra- a hymn festival in Seoul, South Korea in dress changes to THE DIAPASON, matic change of textures and registration the mid 1990s. 3030 W. Salt Creek Lane, Suite 201, THE DIAPASON accepts no responsibility or liability in a movement? Vierne: sonata form in 5 We knew that including much of this Arlington Heights, IL 60005. for the validity of information supplied by contributors, out of 6 symphonies, one or two common material in the book would make the vendors, advertisers or advertising agencies. themes in some of them—but obbligato book cost-prohibitive, so we created accompaniment? change of textures and a website, which features all of these No portion of the contents of this issue may be reproduced in any form without the specifi c written permission registration?—well, quite some contra- materials in a user friendly format.