THE N° 370. NEWCASTLE JOURNAL. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Published by I. Thompson and Company. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll SATURDAY, May 10. 1746. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll We request those who send ADVERTISEMENTS, to write the Number of Times they are to be inserted; and that our Correspondents may send their LETTERS free of Postage. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll e gladly embrace this first Maxims of an arbitrary Government; where Reli- SUNDAY’s POST. From the GENERAL Opportunity of communi- gion is a Superstition, and Loyalty a Slavery. Brit- EVENING POST, cating to the Publick the ons love Liberty, and they securely enjoy the sa- following ESSAY; which we cred Blessing under a Prince, who seeks no greater May 1. GENOA, in Italy, April 9. ON the 5th are favour’d with from an Power than that of promoting and preserving their inst. the French Minister here demanded a Pas- excellent Hand, and which Welfare. Here I must observe, that it was a signal sage for seven Regiments of Foot, arrived at An- cannot fail of giving Pleasure Instance of his Majesty’s Goodness and Prudence, tibes, to reinforce M. Maillebois. We receive daily, to our Readers, as well as Credit to this Paper. to send forth his Royal Son in the critical Con- from Barcelona, Recruits, Military Stores, and Barbarorum Claudius Agmina Ferrata vasto diruit juncture and appoint him Commander of his Money. There arrived here Yesterday 40 Mules, Impetu; Primosque & Extremos metendo Stravit Forces. He is a General whose Merit all laden with part of Don Philip’s Baggage; and we Humum, fine clade victor, HOR. the private Fam- acknowledge, whole Conduct all approve, whose perceive clearly, by the Preparations making, that ily of a Friend, of a Neighbour, or an Acquaint- Valour all applaud, and whose Clemency all ad- he will quickly follow. The Apprehensions of our ance, has been threatened with a great Danger, or mire: He gains the Hearts of his Soldiers by Good Government are so strong, that the principal Per- visited with a violent Distemper, we always have nature, the Affections of his Officers by Affability; sons intrusted with the Administration had ad- the Benevolence to congratulate a Rescue from the And none, except his passions, are his Slaves. G. vanced great Sums for the publick Service, to avoid one, or a Recovery from the other. Must we not This Humanity in his Command endears the Au- laying new Taxes at a Juncture when most People then admit and express all the Sentiments of Grat- thority of it, and causes all his Orders to be execut- are out of Humour, and the Populace to such a itude and Joy, when the whole Kingdom is deliv- ed with Delight as well as Duty. In short, the Ac- Degree, that it is not safe to irritate them. The ered from an audacious Invasion, and an impious complishments of the Royal Duke make him ami- Reason of so great a Call for Money, is the Reso- Rebellion? Must we not return the warmest able to his own Army, and terrible to that of his lution lately taken to increase our Troops to Thanks to the Almighty God of Battle, who has Enemies. We are all very sensible the unnatural 20,000 Men, which can be no otherwise done than appeared, and owned our Cause, blessed the Royal Rebels could never hear of his Military Virtues by engaging the Deserters from all Nations; and to Duke’s Person with Safety, and his Courage with without Dismay; nor have they put him upon ex- hinder them from pursuing their old Trade, they Success? Shall we not constantly offer up the high- erting them without Destruction. They have fatal- are to have double Pay while they remain with us. est Praises to Heaven, for a Victory over the inso- ly found that he is an able, not a rash General, Calais, in France, April 27. According to the last lent Disturbers of our Peace, and for the Preserva- warmed by Courage, and cooled by Wisdom; un- Letters from Brest, the Fleet, consisting of 26 tion of every thing dear to True Protestants, and wearied in Toll, and undaunted in Danger. Thus Men of War, 110 Merchant Men, and a great valuable to Free Britons? This is an Incense that the illustrious Commander, calm in the Storm of Number of Privateers, is now actually at Sea. Most ought to be daily burning, the Altar should never the Battle, and serene amidst the Horrors of the of the Vessels that ran ashore upon the Coast are cool. Indeed the exceeding Joy of the People for Field, has made all Opposition fall before him; lost, and the People are busy in saving all they can the Prosperity of his Majesty’s Arms, displays a conquered a Savage Host of Men, and crushed the of their Cargoes. Brussels, in Flanders, May 2. ‘Tis passionate Love of their Prince, their Country, and Combination of Rapine, Perjury, and Treason. assumed that the King has granted Leave to the the. Constitution; but tho’ this publick Spirit is This is an important and glorious Victory, gives second Son of the Pretender to make the Cam- truly laudable, it will still become more so, when Pleasure to the Hearts, and Joy to the Souls of all paign under Marshal Saxe, and has assigned him Piety keeps Pace with Loyalty, and a fervent De- good Subjects. We can never sufficiently. applaud the necessary Appointments for that Purpose. Ex- votion to God accompanies a zealous Affection to the Hero, who hath thus animated the Land with tract of a Letter from the Imperial Camp on the the King. .. Next to a religious Thanksgiving to Gladness, and adorned it with Honour; nor can we Taro, April 22. which the Imperial Minister at the God, who is become our Salvation, our Gratitude enough admire his ardent Zeal in bringing about Hague received the 4th inst. On the Night of the is due to our gracious Sovereign, for his tender and this happy Event. What indefatigable Pains has he 19th and 20th, the Spanish Troops in Garrison at watchful Care over the Happiness of his Subjects. taken to secure the Blessings, and dissipate the Parma found Means to retire, without Interrup- In the Day when the Enemy said, I will pursue, I Woes of his Country! How vigorous has he been tion, towards the Mountains, leaving only 500 will overtake, I will divide the Spoil; my Lust shall to support our pure Religion and suppress a pesti- Men to garrison the Castle, where they have de- be satisfied upon them, I will draw my Sword, my lent Rebellion! How vigilant to protect that Liber- posited the greatest Part of their Baggage, Am- Hand shall destroy them; he was anxious and as- ty which we adore, and prevent that Slavery which munition, and Stores. They are followed in their siduous in guarding the national Blessings, and we abhor! How has he sacrificed his Repose to Flight by Gen. Nadasti, who has entirely sur- spared no Pains to secure them from the Treach- restore our Peace, and despised the greatest Dan- rounded them, and stopt up all the Passages. We ery of false Friends, and the Malice of fierce Foes. gers to reestablish our Safety! Glorious Prince! the have a great Number of Deserters come into our Goodness inspires him with a Love of his People; greatest Veneration is due to him, since the Deliv- Camp, who all agree, that the Fugitives have not Fortitude engages him in the Defence of them; erance of the Nation was the Motive of his Cour- Bread for two Days; and, upon the whole, will find and neither as a Father, nor as a Captain of Free age, and the Happiness of it the Measure of his it extremely difficult to escape. The Castle of Par- Britons, will he ever suffer French Haughtiness to Conduct. It is this Magnanimity that makes his ma capitulated this Day, and the Garrison, com- trample on their Necks, or Highland Violence to Royal Highness so lovely in the Eyes of all True posed of 500 Men, besides 350 Sick, are made triumph over their Rights. We are happy under so Britons. The very Sight of him gives them Trans- Prisoners of War, but are to retain their Baggage. good a King, and we know ourselves to be happy. ports of Affection, and raises “all Beholders into The Troops which retired from the Town are said Tho’ the great Disturber of Europe, like Nebu- Admirers.” It is this Magnanimity that has gained to amount to about 6000 Men, whom we hope to chadnezzar, should prepare a Fiery Furnace, for him a wide and illustrious Fame; and in truth it is give a good Account of. There is arrived in the those who are too obstinately good to sacrifice the but just that the same Virtue, which hath sustained Camp this Day about 350 Deserters.” Principles of Piety and Liberty, to the Dictates of the Labour of Publick Good, should be distin- LONDON May 1. We learn from several private Idolatry and Tyranny; we shall utterly abhor to fall guished by the Reward of Publick Glory, Letters, before and since the gaining the late Vic- down. and worship the Image that he hath more tory over the Rebels, that in the March from Ab- than once set up. We detect to have one rule over erdeen to Inverness, his Royal Highness took the us, who has been bred in the violent Politicks and

NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE: Printed by JOHN GOODING, in the BURNTHOUSE ENTRY on the SIDE: where SUBSCRIPTIONS and ADVER- TISEMENTS for this Paper, and Orders for all manner of Printing Work, are taken in. Pains to confer with every Battalion of Foot, on Highness has given them Passports to go Home. sent him hither. Last Night one James Hay, a the proper Method of using the Musket and Bay- Lord Sutherland is with 8 or 900 of his People in Scots Man, who calls himself Captain and Pay- onet to Advantage against the sword and Target; the Heart of the Frazer’s Country, and near the master of Lord John Drummond’s Regiment, sur- and that the Success of the Engagement was Chisholms of Strath Glass. Lord Loudon, who is rendered himself to the Lord Justice Clerk, and unanimously ascribed to the seasonable Instruc- at present with 1300 Men in the Isle of Skie, is was by his Lordship committed to our Castle. This tions of his Royal Highness. We are likewise in- ordered by his Royal Highness to land in the Man says the French, viz. Drummond’s regiment, form’d, that the Advantage taken of attacking the Country of the Cianronalds, and to march up to the Irish Picquets, and Fitz James’s Horse, at the Enemy in Flank, by which they were in a great Fort Augustus. Lord Cobham’s Regiment is this Time of the late Battle, amounted to between 6 Measure deprived of the Benefit of the Athol Day marched for Montrose, to guard the Sea and 700 Men; that of the First 50 were killed in Men, upon whom they greatly depended, was ow- Coast. ulm, in Germany, April Z9. Letters from the Battle, and of the Second about 100. He far- ing to the personal Penetration of the Duke; who, Inspruck say, that an Estasette passed there the ther says, that he parted from Lord John Drum- notwithstanding, consulted the General Officers 25th, from Italy for Vienna, who gave out, that mond at Ruthven, who took the Money belonging before Orders were given for that Purpose to the Gen. Nadasti had attacked and defeated the Body to the Regiment from him, and divided it amongst Horse and Dragoons. We are assured that the Re- under M. de Castellar; and that of those who had his Officers, desiring every one to shift for himself, bel Army had the Superiority in Number over the escaped from the Battle, 250 had deserted to the as he intended to do; that the Rebels had not re- King’s Troops, to the amount of above 1200 Men; Austrians. Vienna, in Germany, April 27. Valentia ceived any Pay for some Weeks before the Battle; our Forces being under 7000 Men, and theirs con- was invested on the 13th inst. and the Artillery that their Magazine of Provisions being very low, siderably above 8ooo. We hear his Royal Highness was expected on the 18th; during which Interval, they were forced to try a battle; that the Night the Duke of Cumberland is to have his Yearly In- the King of Sardinia’s Intention was to allow the before they were extremely harrassed by marching come of 15,000l. augmented by Parliament to Spaniards an honourable Capitulation, if they de- and counter marching, and before they could get 40,000l. per Ann. Both Houses of Parliament will sired it; but in case they waited till the Arrival of any Refreshment, they were surprised by the sit for the Dispatch of Business most part of the the Artillery, to make them Prisoners of War. The Duke’s quick March. Gen. Campbell is marched Summer. On Tuesday, about Noon, Charles Infant’s Baggage and the Spaniards Great Artillery towards Lochabar, to clear that Country of the Palmer, Esq; Deputy-Serjeant at Arms of the are arrived in the Genoese Territory; while M. Rebels, who are at present dispersed all over it, and Hon. House of Commons, set out in a Post- Maillebois is making such Motions, as seem to are beginning to rob and plunder. On Wednesday Chaise for Scotland, with the Congratulatory Ad- indicate a Design to join M. Gages. last Glengyle, with about 120 Men well arm’d, in dress of Thanks of the House to his Royal High- their Retreat from Sutherland, passed the Tay near ness the Duke at Cumberland, for his defeating Rotterdam, in Holland, May 6. Letters from Finlayrig in their Way home to Balwhidder. We the Rebels., We hear that a Proclamation will Mechlin and Antwerp mention the French King’s have Advices here, that Lord Pitsligo, with many speedily be issued to appoint a Day of General Arrival at Brussels on Wednesday Night, and that of the Foot that followed him, are lurking about Thanksgiving for the late glorious Defeat of the their Troops were in Motion on every Side; and the Coast of Buchan, in hopes of finding all Op- Rebels in Scotland by his Royal Highness the some Letters even say, that they were advanced portunity to make their Escape to France. Vienna, Duke. On Tuesday the brave Captain Philips, of near Mechlin. Willemstadt, in Holland, April 26. in Germany, April 30. Our Accounts from Italy the Alexander Privateer, who cut the Solebay Man The Transports, with the Recruit Horses belong- affirm, that upwards of 1200 Men have been of War cut of St Martin’s in France, and brought ing to Lord Stair, Lord Rothes, and Gen Cope’s found and made Prisoners in the Town and Cita- her into Bristol, was introduced to his Majesty; Regiments, are arrived safe this Morning. White- del of Parma, and that the Artillery is more con- who was graciously pleased to receive him with hall, May z. The King has been pleased to grant siderable, than we believed at first. ‘tis like wise particular Marks of Favour, and to commend his unto Diederick Wessell Linden, Doctor of Phys- said, that M. de Castillar’s Corps was still wander- Bravery. On Tuesday the House of Peers waited ick, his Royal Letters Patent, for making of Salt ing in the Mountains in the Snow, and in the ut- on his Majesty with their Congratulatory Address Petre. most Want, without having been able to reach any on the Victory obtained over the Rebels; to which LONDON, May 3. They write from Dunkirk, beaten or known Route. Brussels, in Flanders, his Majesty return’d the following most gracious that on the 29th past, a Vessel arrived in that Port May a. On Friday Night last M. Lowendahl set Answer. My Lords, the Success of my Arms from the North of Scotland, and landed several out from hence with a Corps of 5000 Men. ‘tis against the Rebels is the more agreeable to me, as Officers and forty private Men, taken Prisoners by given out, that his Intention was to surprize Lou- it gives such universal Satisfaction to all my loving the Pretender’s Party in that Kingdom. We hear vain, and that there has been a Skirmish near that Subjects. your Joy on this Occasion is a fresh Mark that Orders are sent to the Prince of Hesse to hold Town between the French and the Austrians, to of your Zeal and Affection for me and my Family; himself in Readiness for the immediate Embarka- the Advantage of the latter. Hague, in Holland, and the Approbation you express of the Services of tion of the Forces under his Command for Flan- May 10. By Pr. Waldeck’s Letters Yesterday, the My Son, the Duke, gives me great Pleasure. You ders. We hear that the 5000l. alloted by the Allied Army was all ranged behind the Dyke. The may depend on my utmost Care to improve this Guildhall Subscription, as a Reward to such Reg- Hussars and Irregulars kept moving up and down Success, to re-establish the Tranquility and Securi- iments as shou’d behave well in the Time of Ac- between Aeischot and Louvain; near which latter ty of my Kingdom. Yesterday the Speaker of the tion, agreeable to the Opinion of his Royal High- Place a smart Skirmish had just happened between House of Commons, with 3 great Number of ness the Duke of Cumberland, is immediately to a Party of them, and a Detachment of French Members, waited on his Majesty with their Ad- be transmitted to Scotland, to be disposed of as his Hussars, to the Disadvantage of the latter, who left dress for his Majesty’s late Success against the Re- Highness thinks proper. A List of those who are 60 Men behind them on the Spot. The French are bels, and received the following most gracious An- to be attainted is handed about, and consists of likewise formed; and, when the Letters came away, swer: Gentlemen, I return you my hearty Thanks Fifty-five Lords and others. FRIDAY’s POST. they were said to be beginning to make some Mo- for this Address, so full of Affection to me and my From the LONDON GAZETTE, May 6. tion. Pr. Lichtenstein’s Letters of the 27th past, family. The Satisfaction I feel at the Success of my WHITEHALL, . 6. Yesterday a Messenger ar- represent M. Castillar’s Corps, as still obstinately Arms against the Rebels, is greatly increased by rived from his Royal Highness the Duke of Cum- pushing his Retreat towards Tuscany, and M. your kind Expressions towards my Son, the Duke, berland with the following Advices. Inverness, Nadasti as obstinately pursuing it. The Prince and your Approbation of his Services on this Oc- April 30. Lt Col Leighton of Blakeney’s Regiment adds, he was then laying Bridges over the Taro, to casion. I will not fail to improve this Advantage to is order’d to take the Command of Stirling Castle, pass and present Battle to M. Gages. The trenches the utmost of my Power, towards establishing, and Gen. Blakeney is to come hither, to take that before Valentia were opened on the 19th. upon a lasting Foundation, the future Security and of the Troops which will be left here. Lord An- From the LONDON EVENING POST, Happiness of my People. Last Night Ld Chester- cram is marched To day, with Lord Mark Kerr’s field arrived in Town from Ireland. Regiment, for the Eastern Coast. . His Royal May 6. The French King arrived the 2d of May at TUESDAY’s POST. From the Highness the Duke has issued a Proclamation for Brussels, and was received in a triumphal Manner. LONDON GAZETTE, May 3. seizing all Rebels and their Arms. The greatest All our Accounts from Flanders seem to agree, Diligence is using to get a sufficient Number of that the French are determined, and accordingly WHITEHALL, April 29. THIS Day an Express Boats upon Loch Ness; and as soon as that is are preparing vigorously to attack M. Bathiani in arrived from his Royal Highness the Duke of done, his Royal Highness proposes to march with his Entrenchments; the Decision of which Battle, Cumberland, with the following Advices. Inver- 15 Battalions, and Kingston’s Horse, to Fort Au- in all Probability, will determine the Fate of the ness, April 23. On Monday Mr Grant, with 600 of gustus, in two Marches; and Ld Loudon, with the Dutch, and of all Flanders. And We can with his Followers, came to join us, and are ordered to Argyleshire Militia and the Independent Compa- good Grounds assure our Readers, that the Report be quarter’d in the Macintosh’s Country. The nies will march, thro’ the Hills on the Right and which prevail’d Yesterday, of the Austrians having Grants having taken the Ld Balmerino, delivered Left, in Pursuit of the Rebels. WHITEHALL, defeated the French, with the Loss of 7 or 8000 him up to his Royal Highness. He is the Person, May 4. This Day an Express arrived from Edin- Men, is entirely without Foundation; such good who, after the Battle of Dumblain in the last Re- burgh, with the following Advice. Detachments of News being more to be wished for than expected. bellion, deferred to the Rebels at Perth. He was the Edinburgh Regiment were sent some Days ago We are assured, by good Letters from the Hague, then Capt. Elphistone, of Shannon’s Regiment of along the South Side of the Firth, to intercept that the Naval Armament at Brest goes or with the Foot. Almost all the Pretender’s Son’s Servants are Rebels; and Yesterday at the Queen’s Ferry they utmost Vigour, and considerably increases every come in; and as they were all French, and had not seized one Robert Murray, a Writer in Edinburgh, Day; and that they were in such Forwardness, as to been with him before he came to France, his Royal a Life Guard Man in the late Rebel Army, and be soon able to put to Sea, where they were to be

NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE: Printed by JOHN GOODING, in the BURNTHOUSE ENTRY on the SIDE: where SUBSCRIPTIONS and ADVER- TISEMENTS for this Paper, and Orders for all manner of Printing Work, are taken in. joined by. the Ferrol Squadron, and the Ship with The Earl of Loudon, Laird of MacLeod, and Sir Leith, May 4. On Saturday Forenoon sailed the the Swedish Officers from Gottenburgh: And, by Alexander MacDonald, who had raised his Clan Salamander arm’d Ship, Convoy for the English all Accounts, the Arms, Ammunition, Men and previous to the Battle, were marching thro’ Loch- Iceland Fishery, consisting of 24 Sail. Arrived the Money, that is put on board all these Ships, is abar and Badenoch at the Head of 17OO Men, Benjamin, from Newcastle, Nailor, with Wheat, amazing. The Pretender’s youngest Son, ‘tis said, and had Orders to scour these Parts. ‘General Bottles, and Hops; the Richard and Jean of Scar- is also to go on board, and that they arc to sail for Campbell moved last Tuesday with the Ar- borough, Morison, from Newcastle, with Stores some Part of Great Britain; tho’ ‘twas the general gyleshire Men from Inverary, towards the same for the Fleet; and the Francis, from Whitby, Ai- Opinion at Brest, that they were bound for Ire- Place. Upwards of 600 Grants are sent into the liss, with Barley. May 6. Yesterday arrived the land. Be that as it will, ‘tis certain, by Circum- Frazers Country The Monroes MacKays and Catharine of Lynn, Taylor, with Wheat, Flower, stances, and the Number of small Vessels that at- Sutherlands, are taking Care of Ross shire, and Barley; the William and Susannah, of ditto, tend them, that they cannot be bound for any long Cromarty, Caithness and Sutherland. The Lord Brilliard, with Wheat; the Success of Scarborough, Voyage; and give out, that they defy any English Fortrose is raising the Mackenzies, to secure the Burlingson, from Lynn, with Wheat and Oats; the Squadron’s attempting to molest them* We hear Passages towards the Isles; and the Regiments William and Francis, of ditto, Cartice, with Oats; that a farther Sum of Two Millions of Money will which are ordered up with the Prisoners, as well as the Prince of Orange of Boston, Taylor, with Oats be wanted and raised this Year: so that, in all the Dragoons, who are on their Way, will make and Pease; the Hally, of ditto, More, with Oats; Probability, something of what they call Sir John the Low Countries quite clear. On the Whole, it is the Lion of Yarmouth, Taylor, with Wheat, Oats, Barnard’s Scheme will take place. On Saturday last certain there is not any Body of the Rebels togeth- and Rye; the Success, of ditto, Gilson, with ditto; Capt. Chambers’s Company of Bombardiers and er. Sir James Kinloch, his two Brothers, and his the Phoenix of ditto, Alderson, with Wheat and Gunners, with some additional Men, bring in the Brother in law, are taken by the Hessians, near the Cheese; the George of Hull, Crane, with Wheat; whole to 140, embarked at Woolwich, and the Grampian Hills, and are confined in Perth. And the Jean of Leith, Wauchop, from Anstruther, same Evening fell down the River, to sail round to 0n Thursday last Count Mirobel, an officer of with Bear; and the Hopewell, of ditto, Brown, Spithead. And we hear that 10,000 Men will be high Rank, and Engineer General to the Pretend- from Dunbar, with Barley. P. S. The Passage over immediately embarked at Portsmouth. er’s Army, with three Servants, were likewise to Kinghorn, and other Towns, was stopt last brought into Perth, by a Party of the Earl of Night. NEWCASTLE, May 10. Extract of a Let- PREFERMENTS, from the Gazette. Bredalbane’s Men, who made them Prisoners. ter from Inverness, April 26. “Our Intelligence William Pitt, Esq; Paymaster of the Forces—D. Some Letters mention, that a French Ship had about the Mock Prince is, that he went as far as Edward Wilmot, Physician General to the Land appeared off Tongue, and made the proper Signals Fort Augustus with 12 Attendants, and there dis- Forces. for Boats; but finding none would venture out, she charged eight of them; and from thence he and his hover’d till a Sloop of War came in Sight, when four went towards Lochaber, with a Design to go BRITISH CAPTURES, from the French. she crowded her Sails and made off. There is a back to his Friends the French, ( or rather his Talk that his Royal Highness the Duke, the Prince Foes.) Yesterday a great Number of the Rebel A Martinico Ship, homeward bound, with 300 of Hesse, and the Lord President, will all be this Prisoners were put on board some tenders lying at Hogsheads of Sugar, & c. and a Snow, brought Week in Edinburgh. May 6. We hear that two this Harbour for London. Lord President arrived into Bristol by the Sheerness Privateer, Captain Regiments of Grants and Macdonalds are to be here Yesterday, and dined with the Duke. He Richardson, of Bristol.— The Larketta Privateer, raised. From Dunfermline, that five Rebels had came from Lord Loudon three Days ago, who was of Cherburg, ( Capt. Vincent, with 4 Carriage and been taken up in that Country, and are confined in well then in the Isle of Sky with his Men, and this 10 Swivel Guns, ar. d 48 Men, brought into their Jail, viz. one Macnaughton, Butler to the Day he designed coming from thence. Lord Presi- Weymouth by the Jamaica Sloop of War, Capt. Duke of Perth, whom, with his Brother Lord John dent says, that the whole Way as he came, there Web. Drummond, he left at Ruthven of Badenoch some was no Rebels; which is a Confirmation that they FRENCH CAPTURES. Days after the Battle, three Irish in Disguise, be- are dispersed. There will in a little Time be a longing to Lord John Drummond’s Regiment, and Hunting Match after the Runaways. Here are the The John and Mary, Hancock, from Carolina, an Ensign of the Rebel Hussars, taken Prisoner at Grants, Monroes, and Sutherlands, besides the carried into St Malo’s;— The St Andrew Snow, of the Action near Falkirk, as he gives out, and Campbells, whom we have always had with us, Glasgow, laden with Tobacco, carried into Flush- obliged, by the starving Condition be was in to and brave Fellows they deem to be, all well arm’d ing by a Calais Privateer. enlist with the Rebels. We have an Account, that for that Purpose. Yesterday the Talk was, that the certain Information had been received of Ld Lov- EDINBURGH. May 1. The News from the brave Duke will set out for very soon.” at’s Lurking place, and that a Party had been de- North is that the Rebels were pick’d up in all Cor- Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman in the army tached to seize him; and it was not doubted but ners; 2o have been taken at Montrose, and several at Inverness,: dated April 30. The Loss of the Re- they had made him a Prisoner, along with several here. Those who had best Access to know, declare, bels by the late Battle was 4000, killed, wounded, others who were concealed in the same Place. and taken Prisoners, of which above 2000 were That they had a very scanty Subsistence for three From all Parts of Scotland, even as far South as Weeks before the Battle; that the Loss of the Haz- killed. v Our Loss killed and wounded is 310, of Dumfries, we have repeated Advices of the Vigi- ard Sloop, struck a Damp amongst the Chiefs not which Number those killed on the Spot were un- lance of the Country People in taking the Rebels, to be expressed; but as it was carefully concealed der 50; but reckoning those that have died since of in which they had been very successful, Glasgow, from the private Men, they were under no Con- their Wounds, they are 53. I believe Lord Loudon May 5. We hear from Saltcoats, that four Rebels cern. The Pretender fled first, mistaking an Order will join us in a Day or two. Glengary, one of the have been taken up there, and three of them sent given to retreat 20 Paces, to save them from the Heads of the Clans, came in last Sunday. > Our to Irvine Prisoners; the other could not be trans- Duke’s Cannon, which gall’d them extremely - Lines, and Disposition for action, exceeded every ported by reason of his Wounds. The Officers who thing I ever saw before and were entirely the About 2000 were next Day at Badenoch, but find- lately arrived here from Fort Augustus, again re- ing no Subsistence, they dispersed. Lord George Duke’s own Contrivance. He has certainly a vast turned, having ( as we hear) received Orders to be Murray, & c. begg’d two Hours to make his Es- Military Genius, with a Spirit scarce to be equall’d; sent at the Trial of the Officer who commanded cape without any Observation. ‘Old Lochiel is so that if he lives, he will be a Scourge to our En- the delivering up of that Fort to the Rebels. From dead, and the young Gentleman wounded, but is emies.” Extract of a Letter from Edinburgh, May Bristol we hear, that five Privateers, the smallest of with the Chevalier; who, it is supposed, has gone 6. “All the Army is coming shortly from Inverness, which carries 36 Guns, are fitted out there to to the Western Isles. The Prisons at and near Ab- except six Foot Regiments. The Horse already are cruize in the South Sea. Extract of a Letter from erdeen are quite crouded, and the Rebellion seems as far South as Aberdeen, and not one Rebel is to Inverary, May 2. “Gen. Campbell has sent 800 be seen any where, the Affair being quite ended. totally suppressed. For each of the 1 2 Standards, Men towards Lochaber, to which Place it is said or Colours taken from the Rebels, his Royal The Jacobites here have shut up their Houses of Gen. Bland, with a Detachment of the Troops and Highness gave the Soldiers 16 Guineas. May We Worship, for fear of Insults from the Mob; and the Argyleshire Men, are sent from Inverness; hear that the Transports have got the Length of many Jacobites have already conform’d, to save which must effectually disperse the Rebels, who, Nairn,’ where the Men were landing on the 28th. themselves and their Effects.” By Letters from some Days ago, were said to be gathering together Letters from Inverness agree, that the Rebellion if, Cleveland in Yorkshire we hear, that on Tuesday in those Parts.— We hear the President and Lord in a Manner, entirely Suppressed. His Royal the 29th of April, upon the Confirmation of the Louden have joined the Duke at Inverness; and Highness the Duke was still these in perfect late compleat and glorious Victory over the Rebels, that a large Detachment of Lord Loudon’s Men gain’d by his majesty’s British Forces near Inver- Health, and the Place quite crouded with Prison- from the Isle of Sky will Join Gen. Campbell.— ers, which were every Hour fought in. The Misery ness, under the Command of his Royal Highness We have Advice that there is a Ship hired by the of the Rebels is inexpressible, Hundreds being the Duke of Cumberland, Cholmley Turner of French from Amsterdam coming for our North found dead of their Wounds, and thro’ Hunger, in Kirkleatham, Esq; Member of Parliament for the Coast, with 12.000 Stand of Arms, and Ammuni- the Hills, at the Distance of 12, 15. or 20 Miles County of York, celebrated that signal Deliverance tion conform; the Ships on that Station have Or- in the following Manner. At Nine in the Morning from the Place of Battle. Many of the Macpher- ders to keep a good Look out after her. Capt. Fer- sons have come to Inverness, and several Chiefs of a large Union Standard was display’d upon the guson in the Furnace has landed A Party on the an inferior Degree, who never aided the Rebels. Tower of the Church, when the Bells began to Island of Barra, and taken Macneil of Barra Pris- ring, and was answered with hoisting a large flag The Prisoners are obliged to be put aboard Ships; oner, in whose House he found 150 Stand of and we hear that several Regiments are detached and the Discharge of Cannon from a Battery of Arms, and a large Quantity of Spanish Gold.” to escort a great Number of them to Edinburgh. seven Pieces planted on the Summit of a Hill in

NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE: Printed by JOHN GOODING, in the BURNTHOUSE ENTRY on the SIDE: where SUBSCRIPTIONS and ADVER- TISEMENTS for this Paper, and Orders for all manner of Printing Work, are taken in. his Park. At Ten Mr Turner, with several Compa- Regiment late Bligh’s, is now Lord George Sack- ternoon. Samples out of each Casks will be pro- nies under Arms, the Drums beating and Colours ville’s; that of Legonier’s, Conway’s, Monro’s, De- duced at the Time of Sale. A MEETING of the flying, march’d from his House to the Park, where jean’s; and the Scots Fusileers, Campbell’s. Last gentlemen, clergy, and Freeholders of the County he was met by several neighbouring Gentlemen Week died, at York, the eldest Son of Godfrey of Northumberland is requested at Morpeth, on and Volunteers, and a very numerous Appearance Wentworth, Esq; Member of Parliament for that the 14th of May inst, at the Town hall, at Eleven of People of good Rank, whom he entertain’d in a City. On Monday last the French Prisoners o’clock in the Forenoon, in order to prepare and very splendid and generous Manner, at a Camp brought here on Friday 7night set out for Carlisle, sign an Address to his Majesty, to congratulate mark’d out for that Purpose. An elegant cold En- escorted by a Party of Soldiers. The same Day the him on the Success of his Arms against the Rebels. tertainment of 140 Dishes was provided for the Society of Florists and Lovers of Gardening held to be sold Pleasantly situated at Ellerington in the Ladies in the Summer house, for the Gentlemen their annual Feast for the Shew of Auriculas; when Parish of Nether Warden, and within four Miles in a large Tent, and for the Officers and Volun- the Prize was won by the Duke of Portland Auric- of Hexham in the County of Northumberland. teers at six Tables of green Turf erected for that ula, belonging to Mr Francis Rudston, and Mr THE ESTATE belonging to Mr Robert Ellering- Occasion. After Dinner were drank the ten follow- Thomas Hutchinson: After which Mr George ton, deceas’d, consisting of a very commodious ing Healths. 1. His Majesty King George, under a Lisle, and Mr Thomas Thoresby were chosen Capital House, fit for a Gentleman’s Seat, a Discharge of seven Cannons. 2. The Prince and Stewards, and Mr Richard Liddel, Secretary to the Farmhouse, very good necessary Outhouses, and Princess of Wales, under the Discharge of five Society, for the ensuing Year; and it was agreed to several commodious Closes and Fields, well fenced Cannons. 3. The ever glorious Duke of Cumber- meet again at Mr Michael Davison’s, on Thursday and watered, of the yearly Rent of 801. with a fine land, with Thanks to him for his heroic Behaviour next, the 15th inst. at Three o’Clock Afternoon, Spring of young Oak Wood, of considerable Value and excellent Conduct in the late Battle near In- for the Shew of Tulips. On Wednesday last the at this Time, and by a few Years more Growth will verness, under the Discharge of five Cannons. 4. brave Gen. Guest went thro’ here for London. ‘Tis be of much more Value. . Also the Manor, or re- All the rest of the Royal Family, five Cannons. 5. expected by many that his Royal Highness the puted Manor of Ellerington aforesaid, with the Success to his Majesty’s Forces by Sea and Land, Duke of Cumberland will arrive at this Town next Services, Fines, heriots, Customs, and Duties due particularly the brave Men that fought the Battle Week, on his Way to London. Tomorrow, in the from and payable by several customary Tenants near Inverness, three Great Guns. 6 The Arch- Afternoon, will be preached in St Nicholas’s thereto belonging. Also a Freehold Estate, pleas- bishop of Canterbury, the Duke of Newcastle, the Church, a Sermon, for the Benefit of the Charity antly situated at Humshaugh, within four Miles of Lord Chancellor, and Mr Pelham, three Guns. 7. Children of that Parish.: Arrived at Shields since Hexham aforesaid, with several very good Dwell- The Arch bishop of the County of York, and all our last, The Providence, Ward, from Rotterdam, ing-houses, Barns, Byers, Stables, and other Con- Mr Turner’s fast Friends, three Guns. 8. To the with Goods; the Two Brothers, Fowler, the Eliza- veniences, and a considerable Interest in a Place glorious and immortal Memory of our great Deliv- beth and Mary, Midforth, and the Nightingale, called Haughton Green, not far from Humshaugh erer King William, under a Volley of Small Arms. Sharpe, from London, with Goods; the Rose in aforefaid, thereto belonging, of the yearly Value of 9. Everlasting Disappointment to the Popish Pre- June, Blagdon, from Arrundel, with Timber; the 601. And also another Freehold Estate, called tender, and all his Adherents, a Volley of Small Edward and Elizabeth, Scot, from Ipswich; the Blakelaw, situate within three Miles of Hum- Arms. 10. May Great Britain always bear the Bal- William’s Adventure, Anderson, from Yarmouth; shaugh aforesaid, with a good Dwelling-house, lance of Power in Europe, a Volley of Small Arms. the Barbara and Peareth, Finch, from Lynn, with Outhouses; and other Conveniences thereto be- And several other loyal Healths, which were ac- Corn; the Providence, Smith, from Southton, with longing; and also a Right upon a large Common companied with loud Huzzas, repeated by the Timber; the Catherine, Moncur, from Leith, with near to the same, of the yearly Value ef 9 1. For Populace. ( computed to be no less than 2000) Goods; the Success, Grimers, and the Owner’s further Particulars, enquire of Cuthbert Wilson of amongst whom were distributed several Hogs- Goodwill, Brown, from Hull, with Goods. Arrived Warwick, Esq; to be lett, against LAMMAS next, heads of Punch and Strong Beer. The Evening also 57 light Ships. On his Royal Highness the THE HOUSE in the Round Stone Entry in the was concluded with ringing of Bells, firing the Duke of Cumberland’s victory near Inverness. TI- Close, in which Mr Henry Eden now lives. En- Great Guns, Platoons of Small Arms, Fireworks, a TUS, the Flower of Rome’s Imperial Race, deem’d quire of Mr Thomas Mather, in the Fleshmarket. very large Bonfire, and burning the Pope and Pre- that day lost which knew no Acts of Grace. Our to be lett, And Entered on immediately, tender in Effigy. The Whole was conducted with BRITISH Titus, arm’d with regal Power, La- DINSDALE SPAW and COLD WELL, with a great Order and Decency, to the general Joy and ments and languishes to lose an hour. Impatient small Farm of Pasture and Meadow Ground, and a Satisfaction of all the Spectators. We are also as- when, by Storms and Floods confin’d, He could convenient House and Stable, for entertaining sured from Cleveland, that the whole Wapentake no more than exercise his Mind: And yet the La- such Gentlemen or Ladies that drink the Spaw or Hundred, distinguished themselves in a very bours of his active Thought To what a signal Exe- Water or bathe, the Tenant being lately dead. En- particular Manner upon the News of the late total cution brought When milder Skies had smooth’d quire of Mr Ralph Stobbs in Darlington, Situate Defeat of the Rebels; that not only the Market the windy Way; Nor Prince, nor Troops endur’d on KEYSIDE, Newcastle, A House, with a Brew- Towns, but every Village and Grange ( or Farm the least Delay. All march;—the Clans advanc’d; house and two Shops, late in the Possession of Mr house) expressed their Joy by Bonfires, Illumina- our Thunders flew, And pour’d swift Vengeance Rapier Barker. Also two Houses, with two Shops tions, & c, to such a Degree, that for five Nights o’er the Rebel Crew. In vain the Foe insulting in , in the Occupation of Mr Robert successively the whole Country seem’d in a Blaze. stands, and braves; In vain his Sword with Osten- Chambers, Mrs Pinkney., and others. Enquire of As soon as a Confirmation of the joyful and trans- tation waves; Whom neither Sword avails, nor Mr Henry Wilkinson, in Westgate, Newcastle. To porting News to every loyal Britain, of the entire Target saves. Expiring Wretches spread the Crim- be lett, against MARTINMAS next, THE well Defeat of the base Banditti and inhuman Savages son Field; while others drop their useless Arms accustomed INN of Mrs Robson’s in , that pester’d the Nation so long, reach’d West and yield. Fear wings the rest; but vengeful Rage with great Conveniences. Enquire of Mrs Ettrick, Matsen, all the Inhabitants in and about that Place outflies: by ignominious Wounds the Ruffian dies; in Bishop-Wearmouth. to be THE BEST BID- met in a triumphant Manner, to congratulate each To GARDNER and MONRO a promis’d Sacri- DER, Ov Wednesday June 9 next, between the other on his Royal Highness’s Success, and their fice. O all accomplish’d Youth! Britannia’s Pride! Hours of Five and Seven in the Afternoon, at the happy Deliverance from arbitrary Power and the Whom heav’nly Wisdom prompts, and Angels House of Mr Richard Hill, at the White Hart in gross Errors, Superstition, Dark ness and Tyranny guide; What Thanks, what loud Acknowledge- the Fleshmarket, in Newcastle upon Tyne, A of the Church of Rome, with which they Were ments are due, From this whole Land, to Provi- Freehold Estate called Barwiss Hall, situate about threaten’d by a Popish and abjured Pretender, dence and You! How will your Virtues grace the a Mile from Appleby, in the County of West- brought up under the Eyes of the Pope. The Royal Line? And great Achievements in our An- moreland, now lett at the yearly Rent of 70 1. and Muzick play’d, and all the Fire Arms that were to nals shine! Boast we a SECOND MARLBOR- pays an annual Prescription of 7 s. in lieu of all be found were fired incessantly the whole After- OUGH of our own? Let Lewis hear, and fortify Tythes. and a Free Rent of 5 s. Together with a noon, amidst the joyful Acclamations and repeated his Throne. Another WILLIAM? Formidable large Quantity of Oak, Ash, and Asp, and also a Huzzas of the People; the Evening and remaining Name! The Omen fatal to Ambition’s Flame. No young Spring of Wood growing on the said Es- Part of the Night was concluded with Bonfires, Colours need we, no fictitious Rays, To gild Your tate; which is also entitled to a large Common Illuminations, and the greatest Demonstrations of Name, and celebrate Your Praise. Pure simple Right: Which Estate is now in the Possession of Joy that have been known for many Ages past in Truth exalts Your Glories higher Than Art can Thomas Shepherd, who will shew the Premisses. that Place; whilst the Healths of his Majesty, reach, or ev’n the Muse inspire. Return, victorious Any Person inclined to purchase the same, may in Prince Frederick, his Royal Highness the Duke, Prince, to feast our Eyes, And hear Fame’s Trum- the mean time, apply to Mr William Wharton, at Gen. Husk, Sir William Middleton, and many pet sounding to the Skies. Who thus protects the Newcastle upon Tyne aforesaid In ONE VOL- other loyal Healths went round, with Success to Realm, and guards our Laws, Devoted firmly to UME, Octavo, Price 6S.; Embellish’ d with the the British Arms, and down with the accursed his Country’s Cause, Claims all our Hearts, as well Heads and Monuments of the several Kings and pretended Highland Prince and all his nasty Crew, as our Applause. ‘there shall You live, and triumph Queens, curiously engraved on Copper, THE & c. The Infantry of the Duke’s Army at Cullod- there secure, While Merit, Virtue, gratitude en- HISTORY of ENGLAND, from the earliest Ac- en, as presented to his Royal Highness, consisted dure, To be publickly Sold to the highest Bidder, counts, to the Accession of his present Majesty of 29 Field Officers, 84 Captains, 122 Subalterns, at the Custom house, Newcastle, on Wednesday King George II. including the history of Scotland 330 Sergeants, 225 Drummers, and 5521 Men. the 21st inst. Three Hogsheads. two Terces of and Ireland, so far as they have any Concern with The Horse, Lowdon’s, and Argyleshiremen, were French Wine, and a large Quantity of Geneva in the Affairs of England. Collected from the most reckon’d 2400 Men. The whole Army 8811. The Casks. The Sale begins at Two o’clock in the Af- impartial Writers, and digested into the molt easy

NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE: Printed by JOHN GOODING, in the BURNTHOUSE ENTRY on the SIDE: where SUBSCRIPTIONS and ADVER- TISEMENTS for this Paper, and Orders for all manner of Printing Work, are taken in. and familiar Method; whereby may be seen the Mr Foster and Mr Twizle, in Order that the same admitted to start, that appears to be above three Connexion one Period, or Reign, has with anoth- nay be discharged, pursuant to the Directions of Lunar Months more than the Ages required at the er: With proper reflections through the whole, the said Mr Wood, in and by his last Will. STO- Day of running; and no Horse, & c. to be admit- tending to illustrate the Narration, and to fix the LEN or STRAY’D, On Friday the 18th past, ted, but such whose Owner hath subscribed and amiable Sentiments of Liberty in the Hearts of the From Acomb, nigh Hexham, in Northumberland, paid three Guineas on or before the Day of enter- British Nation. By an Impartial Hand. London: TWO MAREs: One of them about eight years ing, for and towards a Purse of 50 1. to be run for Printed for T. Cox, at the Lamb under the Royal old, 13 hands and a half high, of a dark brown afterwards. The Articles are mostly after the Royal Exchange J and sold by m. Bryson and R. Colour, has Splinter on one of her Forelegs’, and is Manner; and all the Horses, Sec. that run for the Akenhead, Booksellers in Newcastle. Where may bobtail’d The other a black Filly, three Years’old, above Prizes, are to be enter’d at the Guildhall of be had, FOUR DISSERTATIONS, via, T. On about 14 Hands high, her Far hinder Foot white, Newcadtle upon Tyne, on Wednesday the 4th Day the history of Melchizedeck. From which it ap- and switchtail’d. Neither of them had Shoes on. of june, 1746., between the Hours of Ten and pears, that Abraham did not give Tythes to Mel- Whoever inform where they are, or bring them to Twelve in the Forenoon, the Owner of each chizedeck, but Melchizedeck to Abraham. z. On Mr Thomas Charleton, of Cockley, the Proprie- Horse, & c. paying One Guinea at Booking, the Temper and Behaviour of Esau and Jacob, the tor, or to Mr John Hudson, Smith, at Acomb, which will be given to the second best deserving of two sons of the Patriarch Isaac. Whereby it ap- shall be well rewarded. BUGS DESTROY’D, By each respective Prize. Any Person that shall sub- pears, that Esau was much the better Man. 3. On a new invented CHYMICAL LIQUOR, calculat- scribe and contribute to the Innkeepers Subfcrip- the Conduct of Balaam. In which that Prophet’s ed for eradicating those nauseous vermin and their tion of 50 1. shall have Liberty to set up Tent or Character is cleared of those Reproaches and Im- seeds which it never fails to do at once using; and Hut upon the Town Moor for retailing Liquor, putations Viier.’ with t has; eeu ft* ned. 4. On Dr is allowed to be the most excellent Preparative for and to mark out Ground for that Purpose; the Sherlock, Lord Bishop of Salisbury’s Assertion, v that Purpose ever found out THIS incomparable Freemen paying for retailing Wine 5s. for Ale, 2s. z. Thus far all is well, as grounded upon, or is an LIQUOR, by large Experience in private Practice, 6d. each as are not free paying, for retailing Wine, Inference or Conclusion from the following Prem- has proved absolutely effectual for destroying these 10s. for Ale, 5 . which several, Contributions shall ises, namely, And the People the Lord all the Days Vermin, wherever harbour’d, tho’ they swarm nev- be paid to the Person, or Persons, appointed to of joshua, and all the Days of the lived Joshua, er so much, and be of the longest standing; tor it collect the same, before the Tent or Hut, &c. be- who had seen all the great Works of the (or Israel; not only in. . / kills them upon the slighted Touch longing to the Person contributing as aforesaid, be which Premises are the Text to his lordships pub- of a Feather dipt in this excellent liquor ) . at ( set up or fixed, or the Ground marked out for that lished. By THOMAS CHUBB. TH E several which cannot be said of any other Preparative of Purpose. j N. B. Every Person who shall have a Owners or Occupiers of Tenements in Newbiggin, this kind, most certainly prevents their Return; so Tent or Hut, & c. shall, within | three Days after by the Sea, Heckley Grainge mouth, North that no Bed or Room, well tie ‘‘., according to the the Races are over, level the Ground where the Shields and , in Northumberland, and in Directions given with each Battle, will ever be in; same stood, or shall be for ever excluded having Gateshead, in the County of Durham, are requird u with them again, if Furniture where they are another., No Hut or Tent to be set up sooner than to attend at the George Inn Gateshead aforesaid, lodged be not afterwards brought into the House. 14 Days before the Races; and all such Tents or on Monday the 26th of this inst and pay the Fees This Liquor is transparent, will not soil or damage Huts, Sec. to be placed according to the Directions Farm Rents and Arrears, due to Anthony the finest Furnture, has nothing poisonous or of- of Henry Partis, Esq; Sheriff, or whom he shall Dumcombe, esq; and these veral Owners or Occu- fensive in it, nor any ways dangerous if a, r Jentally appoint. -| If any presume to set up a Tent or Hut, piers of Lands or i .• of Durham and Stockley, drank. One Bottle, Pr. I s. is sufficient to cleanse a before thy have paid into the Hands of such as are Northpittington, Elmer Hall, . Seaholm, Dalton, Bed; and the Publick may depend on its answering appointed by the Managers to collect the above East Errington, East , Sunderland, mouth, their utmost Expectation, in freeing them of those Contributions, the same will be pulled down, and Ferryhill, Wheatleyhill, Hawthorn, Little Eddon, domestick Plagues Sold at the New Printing-office the Person, or Persons, so offending, will be prose- Longwhitworth; Newbiggin, Iveston, Breerton, on the Side, and at J. GOODING’S Shop at the cuted. The Horses, & c. that run for the four Plawsworth,: v . ol, Sedgfield and Fishburn, in the Foot of the Burnthouse Entry. At the same Places Years old, Hunters, and six Years old Prize, are to said County of Durham, C:: 1 ... o attend at Mr. may be had. An Excellent Tincture for the Tooth- start at Hall’s Post; and those that run for the five Abraham Taylor’s in Durham, on Wednesday the ache. The extraordinary Virtues of this Tincture is Years old Prize, are to start at the usual Post. A 2iJu ‘K and pay the Fee Farm Rents and Arrears, verified by its surprising Effects. It penetrates and Main of Cocks to be fought at Mr Parker’s Pit in due to ( J e laid Mt Doucom;: And the several resists Putrifaction in the Teeth and Gums, in the the Nolt Market, during the Races, between his Owners or Occupiers of Lands or Tenements in highest Degree, and wholly relieves of that tor- Grace the Duke of Cleveland, and Sir Edward Barnard Castle, Staindrop, Whitton, Setoncarew, menting Pain in a few • Minutes, to the Admira- Blackett, Bart. shewing 31 Cocks on each Side, Bishopaukland, Westaukland, escomb, Dinsdale, tion of the distracted Patient. It fastens the Gums, and 10 for Bye-battles, or 10l. a Battle, and 100l. Hilton, Darlington, Great Aycliff, high Cuncliff, stops their Fluxes, and cleanses the Head, by caus- the Main. Be To the highest Bidder, at the Post Heighington, Haughton, Gainsforth. Bolam. ing the Patient to avoid offensive Water, Pr. 1s., house in Thirsk, on Monday the 19th of May inst, Peirslebridge. Sellaby. Headlam, Coatham and the large Bottle, or 6d, the small. between the Hours of Ten and Twelve, situate at Wackerfield, in the fa d County of Durlnni, are Cold Kirby, near Black Hambleton in Yorkshire, required to attend at the King’s Head, in Darling- NEWCASTLE RACES. To be RUN for, ON A COPYHOLD ESTATE, consisting chiefly of ton aforefaid, . i Friday the 30-/ 1 inst. and pay the Monday the 9th of June 1746 a Purse of 501. ( the several Inclosures of Meadow Ground, some of FeeFarm Rents and Arrears, due to Mr Dun- Innkeepers Subscription) by four Year old Horses, which adjoin upon the Moor or Common called combe, and bring with them their last Acquittanc- & c. carrying nine Stone, Bridle and Saddle in- Hambleton, whereon the Race for his Majesty’s es; otherwise a Messenger will bs sent forthwith to cluded, and no Allowance for Waste; Heats, two Plates and other Races are usually run, with a levy the same. t0 be Situate at Easington in the Miles each. On Tuesday the 10th, a Purse of 50l. Right of Common upon the said Moor. In one of County of Durham, A Considerable Quantity of (the Gentlemens Subscription) by any Horse, & c. which said Inclosures, adjoining to and fronting Freehold and leasehold Land, a Part of the Lease- that has been a common Hunter the last Season; the said Moor opposite to the Winning Post, is hold being undivided, and capable of great Im- that never won, either Plate or Money, to the Val- lately handsomely built with Stone, and covered provement. Whoever have a mind to purchase the ue of 501. at one Time; nor started for any Prize, with Slate, a large and convenient Dwelling-house, same, may apply to Mr Christopher Paxton, at except a Hunters Plate, ( Matches excepted) of with five several good Stables, and Granaries, a Easington, who will treat with them about it. to be which a Certificate to be produced, and signed by over the same, and other convenient Out-offices. TOGETHER or SEPARATE, ALL those Mes- the Owner and three other Gentlemen in the The same is commodiously situate for an Inn, and suages and Tenements, belonging to Mr Ralph Neighbourhood, to the Satisfaction of the Persons for the Purpose of keeping of Race Horses. The Wood, deceas’d, situate at Haining Hall, Soppit, appointed to determine all Disputes 5 each Horse, Estate ( exclusive of the said new House and Sta- Ferny Clough, and Girson’s Field, in the Parish of & c. to carry 12 Stone, Bridle and Saddle included, bles) is lett at f 5 1. a Year. It pays a small yearly Elsden and Coldrise, and Parish of Rothbury, in and no Allowance for Waste; Heats, four Miles Rent of 4 s. 4d. to the Lord of the Manor, and a Northumberland, now let at 1 10 1. ayear. Whoev- each. On Thursday the 12th, a Purse of 50 1. ( small Fine certain. Enquire of Mr Burton, attorney er is desirous to purchase the whole, or any Part given by the Corporation of Newcastle) by six Year in Yarm. Christopher Wind of Cold kirby will thereof, mayapply to Mr George Foster of Low old and aged Horses, & c. The six Year old Horses shew the said Premisses. to be lett, Against Angerton, or Mr William Twizle, of Hartburn carrying 10 Stone, Bridle and Saddle included, and MAYDAY next, Situate at , in the Grange, who are empowered to sell the same. All no Allowance for Waste; and aged Horses carrying County of Durham, messUAGe With the Appur- Persons who stood indebted to the aforesaid Mr 10 Stone, TO lb. Bridle and Saddle included, and tenances, consisting rooms, a Garden, and other Ralph Wood deceas’d, at the Time of his Death, no Allowance for Waste; Heats, four Miles each. Conveniences, agreeably fresh Water adjoining to are hereby required immediately to pay their re- On Friday the 13th, a Purse of 50 1. ( the Free- the fame. Enquire of attorney at Law, at his Office spective Debts to the aforesaid Mr George Forster, mens Subscription) by live Year old Horses, & c. in the Head of Thomas Armstrong, at Whickham or Mr William Twizle, Executors of the last Will carrying 10 Stone, Bridle and Saddle included, and aforesaid, who same, t0 Be lett, Against a. d Testament of the said Mr Wood, otherwise, no Allowance for Waste; Heats, three Miles each. MAYDAY next, Situate in the County of North- without further Notice, they will be prosecuted for Certificates of the Age of each Horse, Sec. enter- umberland, two FARMS at Stannington. For fur- the same. And the Creditors of the said Mr Wood ing for the above Prizes to be run for by four, five, ther Particulars enquire of Mr Richard Peck, at are desired, with all convenient Speed, to send an and fix Year old Horses, & c. must be produced at Newbiggin, or of William Bigge, Esq; at Little Account of their respective Demands to the said the Time of entering; and no Horse, & c. will be Benton. N. B. There are very good Conveniences

NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE: Printed by JOHN GOODING, in the BURNTHOUSE ENTRY on the SIDE: where SUBSCRIPTIONS and ADVER- TISEMENTS for this Paper, and Orders for all manner of Printing Work, are taken in. upon each Farm, and are both very well watered, several Freehold Estates of the yearly Rents fol- in the preceeding Actions; or, perhaps, then es- t0 Be sold Situate at ALDSTON, in the County lowing, viz. Crosbycoat, 125l. Thornton le Moor teemed of little Importance. The First is the Man- of Cumberland, an estate, call’d HUNDY HALL, and Thornton le Beans, 85l. Kirkbyhill and Gale, ner of placing the Cannon, which were so disposed consisting notice is hereby given, s Dwelling- 60l. Newsham, 35l. brumpton upon Swale, 18l. among the respective Regiments, that no Impres- houses and Tenements, with several Shops, situate Melsonby, 100l. all situate in the North Riding of sion on any particular Part of the Line could divest in the Market Place of Aldston aforesaid; also one the County of York, well tenanted, and in. good us of any significant Part of our Artillery; and by Field or Close contiguous to the said houses. En- Repair. For further Particulars, enquire of Thomas being placed in the Center of each Regiment, quire of Mr John Reah, in Aldston aforesaid N. B. Gyll, Esq; of the City of Durham, Mr John some Pieces were always capable of flanking the Two Hundred Pound of the Purchase Money (if Smales of Spennythorn, Mr Thomas Smales of Enemy, let their Attack be on which Part of the required) may be left in the Hands of the Purchas- Aldborough, and Mr Laurence Brockett of Head- Line soever. This answered the End proposed ef- er, on proper Security. THE Creditors of Mr lam, each of whom will contract for the Sale fectually, and, as far as we could conceive, more of LANCELOT TURNBULL, Merchant, deceas’d, thereof, either together or in separate Farms. to Be the Enemy fell by the Fire of the Cannon with are desired to meet at the House of Mr William sold, Situate at Morden, in the County of Cartridge Shot, from our Right, than by the Mus- Parker, at the Sign of the Turk’s Head in the Durham, A Very improveable FREEHOLD ES- quetry and Sword on the Left. His Highness had Bigmarket, on Thursday the 12th of June next, to TATE, of the yearly Value of 75l. or thereabouts, likewise taken Care to observe which Way the consider of proper Measures for the Recovery of and certain Free Rents, or Quit rents, amounting Wind sat. This may seem of little Importance to their respective Debts. TO all such unqualified to 7l. a Year, late the Estate 0f Mr Read Hodshon, some People; but as many Battles have been lost or Persons who still continue I ( notwithstanding deceased, with good Conveniences, well wooded, gained by it, on Land as well as at Sea, and for former Advertisements) to hunt, fish, shoot, and | watered, and fenced, lying within eight Miles of exactly the same Reason, and as we have a very destroy the GAME within the manors of Mor- Durham and Darlington, a. id two of Sedgefield, remarkable Instance in our view, we can’t help peth, Bothal, and Heppel, in the County of and near Coal and Lime. Enquire of William esteeming it of Consequence; as those who have Northumberland that they will be prosecuted as Peirse Hutton Bonvile, and Thomas Peirse of the Wind, see the Enemy clearly, and neither have the Law directs, by Robert Bulman of Morpeth, Peirsburgh, in the County of York, Esqrs. Thomas their Nostrils filled with Sulphur, nor their Faces Gentleman, In pursuanr. e of the Power given him Gyll of the City of Durham, Esq; or of John Airey, burnt with Wadding. the next was the Direction by the Right Honourable the Earl of Carlisle and Esq; in Newcastle upon Tyne, to Be lett, against given about the Use of the Bayonet; the Alteration the Countess of Oxford and Mortimer. And who- LAMMAS next, HE HOUSE in Pilgrim street, was mighty little, but of the last Conference; Be- ever will inform him of the Persons who shall de- Newcastle, now inhabited by Mrs Clavering. En- fore this, the Bayonet Man attacked the Sword stroy any Game in any of the Manors aforesaid, so quire of Mr John Baynes, in the To be Lett imme- Man Right fronting him; now the Left-Hand as they may be lawfully convicted thereof, shall be diately, A very good Colliery, on the Estate of Bayonet, attacked the Sword fronting his next well rewarded, and all Charges paid, by the said Helmpark, in the County of Durham, within two Right-Hand Man; he was then covered by the Robert Bulman, LL persons that were indebted to Miles of Woolsingham. Enquire at Mr Airey’s Enemies Shield, were open on his Left, and the Mr WILLIAM FAWCET, late of Newcastle Office, Westgate, Newcastle. to be sold, At Mrs Enemy’s Right open to him. This Manner made upon Tyne, Apothecary, deceased, are desired Elizabeth Crooks’s Shop, in the Middle street, an essential Difference, and stagger’d the Enemy, without further Notice, to pay their respective Newcastle, Superfine Cloth, & c. of all Colours who were not prepared to alter their Way of Debts to John Fawcet, of the City of Durham, and Prices; German Serges, Druggets, Frizes, fighting; and destroyed them in a manner rather to Esq; his Administrator. And any Person that hath Hairbinds, Sagathies, Double and Single be conceived than told. When the Rebels made any Demand on the deceased’s Effects, are desired Alapeens, Duroys, Baragons, Velvets, Shags, Sha- some little Impression on Barrel’s Regiment, their to deliver the fame to the said Mr Fawcet. N. B. loons, Buttens of all Sorts, Shamy Skins, Sec. 3ec. giving Ground prov’d fatal to Lord Robert Kerr; The Drugs and Utensils of the Deceased are to be The Goods will be sold at prime Cod. All Persons who not observing his Men’s giving back, re- sold, and may be seen at the House of Mr Robert indebted to the said Mrs Crooks, are desired to mained a few Yards forwards alone. He had struck Snowdon, who now is Journeyman to Mr Thurs- pay her on or before Mayday next, or they will be his Pike into the Body of an Highland Officer; but by, Apothecary on the Side, Newcastle. M. sued for the same; and all to whom she is indebted before he could disengage himself, was surrounded ASHWORTH and P. SANDERSON, are desired to send in their Accounts., The House by several, and cut to Pieces; and only left us to Booksellers,’ in the Market Place, Durham, SELL and Shop, in which Mr Thomas Hindmarsh, bewail the Fate of a brave young Gentleman. It all sorts of Books of Divinity, History, Law Phys- Glover, now lives, is to be Lett against Lammas will be extremely difficult to distinguish such of ick, Mathematicks, Plays, Novels, Sec. Also Bi- next. Enquire of the above Mrs Crooks. To be the common Highlanders who were in Arms, from bles, Common Prayers, Testaments, Psalters, Pri- FOUGHT for, At Mrs Beaver’s Pit in the Flesh- those who were not, if they throw their Arms mers and Hornbooks. Likewise all sorts of Sta- market, Newcastle upon Tyne, on Whitsun Mon- away; but it is immaterial, since nothing but their tionary Wares, as Writing Paper, Parchment, Vel- day, 1746, ONE Hundred Guineas, by sixteen own Pertinacity can occasion their Destruction, his lumAccompt books, Copybooks, with or without Cocks, a Welsh Main, each Cock not to exceed Royal highness seeming best pleased when he Copperplates, musick books, Pocketbooks, Letter- four Pounds four Ounces, and to draw five Guin- finds them disowning their having any Hand in cases, Ivory books. Slates, pens, Pencils, Standish- eas each Battle. To weigh the Saturday before, the Battle. Extract of a Letter from Edinburgh, es, Sandboxes, Sealingwax, Wafers, Japanink Indi- between the Hours of Ten and two, and to fight April 22.’ On Saturday last the Jacobites spread an-ink, Inkpowder, and the best common Ink. with round-pointed Silver Spurs. Civic. Extract of abroad the News of our Army’s being defeated, Also Maps, Landskips, Prospects, History pieces, a letter from inverness, April 18. “I went early to and the Duke taken Prisoner; but Sunday Morn- Metzotinto’s, with or without Frames, Copper- the Field of Battle Yesterday, where I spent at least ing changed their Notes, and baulk’d their Wishes; plate Prints, and Pictures of all s0rts; Scales, Two- three Hours in viewing the Dead. The Sight was for, about Three 0 Clock, the Castle and Ships in foot Rules, Sliding Rules, and other Mathematical something shocking, but the Numbers of the Slain the Road fired, upon . formation of the Duke’s Instruments; Daffy and Stoughton’s Elixir, Dr soon made it familiar; and the Aversion every hon- having entirely defeated the Rebels. Early on Anderson’s Pills, & c. At the same Place Country est Man must naturally have to such an infamous Wednesday Morning Mr Sullivan advised, that Shopkeepers and Chapmen may be furnished at Crew, left very little room for Compassion; espe- they should fall upon the Duke, as his Army the very lowest Prices; and Gentlemen may de- cially when I reflected on the Orders given out the would be overwhelmed with Sleep and Wine, the pend upon having their Orders speedily and faith- Night before in their Army, to give no Quarter to Day before, being his Royal Highness’s Birth-Day. fully executed, their Books bound, gilt, and letter’d any of our Troops. These Orders they endeav- But the Rebels were not a little surprized to find after the neatest Manner, and being dealt with in oured strictly to comply with, even in their last the Duke had Intelligence of their March, and was every Respect upon the best and lowest Terms; Moments; for several of the Highlanders that were ready to receive them. They at first retreated, but where also Books are lent cut at 10s. the Year, 5 s. mortally wounded, when they lay on the Ground, soon feeling the Weight of the Duke’s Cannon, 6 d. the Halfyear, or 3 s. the single Quarter. N. B. fired their Pistols at our Officers and Men. The they returned and made their Attack boldly in They give Ready Money for any Library or Parcel Rebel Army at the Time of the Engagement, con- their ordinary Way by Columns, in some Places 10 of old Books. t0 Be Situate at Yarm, in the County sisted of 8530, and OURS not quite 7000. Their or 12 Men deep. The Duke’s Disposition was ex- of York, A LEASEHOLD ESTATE, of the clear Slain amounted to between three and 4000, and tremely fit to receive them; far be bad his Horse on yearly Value of 170 1. for 26 Years, from the 15th those of them taken Prisoners to about 1500. The their Flunks, and Bodies of Infantry behind the of March lad pad, from my Lord Viscount rest of their Army fled with the greatest Precipita- Line ready to oppose any Wedge of the Enemy. Faulconberg to Mr James Cook of Stockton: As tion, with the Pretender, who, we hear, waded And the Soldiers, by keeping up their Fire, soon also a large Dwelling-house, in which the said Mr thro’ a River as high as his Chin in Water. It was ended the Affair, whole Ranks of the Highlanders Cook now lives, with good Cellars, Garden, observable that the Rebels, when they found the falling at once. The Chevalier fled by the Way of Coach-house, Stables, and other Conveniences, furious Attack they made, so strongly repulsed, Fort Augustus; be was not within Cannon shot of with several other Dwelling-houses and Granaries they took up the Stones that by on the Ground, the Field of Battle. At the Beginning our glorious in Stockton. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr and threw them with great Violence at our Men, Duke came up to Cobham’s Dragoons, and clap- James Cooke, or Mr William Maddeson, Attorney in hopes that Way to accomplish their Ends; but ping some of them on the Shoulders, call’d out, at Law in Stockton aforesaid. To be Sold immedi- the Men stood so well that they could not break One Brush, my Lads, for the Honour of Old ately, Pursuant to the Will of FRANCIS them. Extract of a Letter from Inverness, dated Cobham; upon which, rather like Devils than SMALES, Esq deceased, ( Which Will is properly April 20. Our Success on the 16th was greatly ow- Men, they broke thro’ the Enemy s Rank, and a proved in the High Court of Exchequer) THE ing to three Points of Generalship, not thought of total Rout followed. The Dragoons and Light

NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE: Printed by JOHN GOODING, in the BURNTHOUSE ENTRY on the SIDE: where SUBSCRIPTIONS and ADVER- TISEMENTS for this Paper, and Orders for all manner of Printing Work, are taken in. Horse pursued, calling out. Cut hard, pay ‘em home, &c. Mr Rose, Minister of Nairn, having been instrumental in some Prisoners making their Escape, was seized by the Rebels and tied to the Croft, where they most inhumanly gave him 500 Lashes. The Duke, as he passed his House, said, He felt every Lash the poor Gentleman had re- ceived, and would revenge it. Our Men have really been pretty severe, and gave little Quarter, being exasperated at the Treatment our Prisoners met with, they being found in dark Dungeons at In- verness, almost naked and eat up with Vermin.

NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE: Printed by JOHN GOODING, in the BURNTHOUSE ENTRY on the SIDE: where SUBSCRIPTIONS and ADVER- TISEMENTS for this Paper, and Orders for all manner of Printing Work, are taken in.