A. Application Information


Applicant: 3393 LLC, James McNamara Property Owner: 3393 LLC, James McNamara Agent for the Applicant: Lucido & Associates, Morris Crady County Project Coordinator: Matthew Stahley, Senior Planner Growth Management Director: Paul Schilling Project Number: S261-002 Record Number: DEV2020080003 Report Number: 2021_0518_S261-002_DRT_Staff_Final Submittal Received: 08/14/2020 Transmitted: 08/18/2020 Date of Report: 09/28/2020 Resubmittal Received: 04/01/2021 Transmitted: 04/02/2021 Date of Report: 05/18/2021

This document may be reproduced upon request in an alternative format by contacting the County ADA Coordinator (772) 320-3131, the County Administration Office (772) 288-5400, Florida Relay 711, or by completing our accessibility feedback form at

B. Project description and analysis

This is a request for final site plan approval for the proposed development of two (2) industrial flex space totaling approximately 48,455 square feet with associated infrastructure. The approximate 4.76 acre vacant parcel is located on the south side of SW Sand Trail approximately 1400 feet west of SW Armellini Avenue in Palm City. Included in this application is a request for a certificate of public facilities reservation.

C. Staff recommendation

The specific findings and conclusion of each review agency related to this request are identified in Sections F through T of this report. The current review status for each agency is as follows:

Section Division or Department Reviewer Phone Assessment F Comp Planning Review Matthew Stahley 772-320-3047 Non-Comply G Site Design Review Matthew Stahley 772-320-3047 Non-Comply H Community Review Santiago Abasolo 772-288-5485 NA Development Review Staff Report

H Commercial Design Review Santiago Abasolo 772-288-5485 NA I Property Mgmt Review Ellen MacArthur 772-221-1334 NA J Environmental Review Todd Warren 772-288-5414 Comply J Landscaping Review Lindy Cerar 772-320-3055 Comply K Transportation Review Lukas Lambert 772-221-2300 Comply L County Surveyor Review Thomas Walker 772-288-5928 NA M Engineering Review Stephanie Piche 772-223-4858 Non-Comply N Addressing Review Emily Kohler 772-288-5692 Comply N Electronic File Submission Review Emily Kohler 772-288-5692 Comply O Wellfield Review James Christ 772-320-3034 Comply O Water and Wastewater Review James Christ 772-320-3034 Non-Comply P Emergency Mgmt Review Sally Waite 772-219 4942 NA P Fire Prevention Review Doug Killane 772-288-5633 Comply Q ADA Review Stephanie Piche 772-223-4858 Non-Comply R School Board Review Kimberly Everman 772-219-1200 NA R Health Review Todd Reinhold 772-221-4090 NA S County Attorney Review Krista 772-288-5923 NA T Adequate Public Facilities Review Matthew Stahley 772-320-3047 Pending

D. Review Board action

This application complies with the threshold requirement for processing as a minor development. As such, final action on this application will be taken by the Growth Management Director.

Pursuant to Sections 10.1.E. and 10.2.B.2., Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2019), it shall at all times be the applicant’s responsibility to demonstrate compliance with the Comprehensive Growth Management Plan (CGMP), Land Development Regulations (LDR) and the Code.

The applicant is required to re-submit materials in response to the non-compliance findings within this report. Upon receipt, the re-submitted materials will be transmitted for review to the appropriate review agencies and individuals that participate in the County's review process. A revised staff report will be created once the next review cycle has been completed.

E. Location and site information

Parcel number(s) and : 143840000035000003 3920 SW SAND TRL Existing : LI-Limited Industrial Future Land use: Industrial Gross area of site: 4.78

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Location Map

Site Aerial

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Zoning Map (LI-Limited Industrial)

Future Land Use Map (Industrial)

F. Determination of compliance with Comprehensive Growth Management Plan requirements - Growth Management Department

Unresolved Issues:

Item #1: Generic Comp Plan Compliance This application cannot be deemed to be in compliance with the Martin County Comprehensive Growth Management Plan (CGMP) until the issues identified in this report have been satisfactorily resolved. Martin County, Fla., CGMP, § 1.3

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G. Determination of compliance with land use, site design standards, zoning, and procedural requirements - Growth Management Department

Unresolved Issues:

Item #1: The square footages for the sub-categories of pervious and impervious are not adding up to the total pervious and impervious square footages.

Remedy/Suggestion/Clarification: Please revise the sub-categories of pervious and impervious square footages so they add up to the totals.

Item #2: The boundary survey and Exhibit A legal description total site area square footage provided is inconsistent with the square footage shown on the site plan.

Remedy/Suggestion/Clarification: Please revise the site plan to be consistent with the boundary survey and Exhibit A legal description.

Additional Information:

Item #1: Timetable Of Development - Final The timetable of development for final site plans require all permits to be obtained within one year of approval and require all to be completed within two years of approval. MARTIN COUNTY, FLA., LDR, § 10.2.D.2 And § 5.32

H. Determination of compliance with the and community redevelopment requirements – Community Development Department

Commercial Design The proposed development is located within an Industrial designated land use abutting a Minor Collector therefore Article 4, DIVISION – Commercial Design - of the Martin County, Florida, Land Development is not applicable to the project.

Community Redevelopment N/A - Staff review for compliance requirements associated with this area of regulations is not applicable to this project as currently proposed.

I. Determination of compliance with the property management requirements – Engineering Department

N/A - Staff review for compliance requirements associated with this area of regulations is not applicable to this project as currently proposed.

J. Determination of compliance with environmental and landscaping requirements - Growth Management Department

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Findings of Compliance:

The Growth Management Department Environmental Division staff has reviewed the application and finds it in compliance with the applicable land development regulations. The environmental assessment submitted by the applicant shows that no wetlands or upland habitat exist on the property and these findings have been verified by county environmental staff. In addition, the wildlife survey shows that no listed species exist on the property. Therefore, the preservation requirements under Article 4, Division 1 and Article 4, Division 2 of the Land Development Regulations do not apply.


Findings of Compliance:

The Growth Management Department staff has reviewed the application and finds it in compliance with the applicable Land Development Regulations regarding landscaping. The applicant has proposed construction of an industrial flex space complex. The applicant has submitted landscape plans that provide 1.26 acres of landscape area which equates to 26% of the 4.76 acres of development area to document compliance with Section 4.663.A.1., Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2013). Pursuant to this regulation a minimum of 20% of the total development area shall be landscaped.

Section 4.663.A.3.b. Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2013) requires that all nonresidential developments provide at least one tree per 2,500 sq. ft. of site area: a total of 83 trees for this project. To demonstrate compliance the applicant has proposed the planting of 83 trees for this 206,346 square-foot site.

Section 4.663.A.4.a. Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2013) requires that all nonresidential developments provide a ten-foot wide strip of landscaping around the perimeter of vehicular use areas that includes one tree for every 30 linear feet or one tree for 300 square feet of landscape area (53 trees). To demonstrate compliance the applicant has proposed the planting of 53 trees for this perimeter of 1,583 feet.

Section 4.663.A.4.b. Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2013) requires that all nonresidential developments provide one 500-square-foot planting area for every 5,000 feet of vehicular use area. 27,672 square feet will be planted for the 95,565 square feet of vehicular use area.

The property borders residential developments along the north, east and south. The northern buffer may be reduced in half because there is 60-foot wide roadway separating the properties. A 15-foot wide buffer (half of a Type 3) is provided in addition to the existing ROW landscape areas. The applicant will provide an opaque 6-foot high fence along the east and south in addition to the vehicular use plantings and a 70-foot wide dry detention pond along the southern property border. There are existing 50-foot wide landscape buffers along the east and south provided by the adjacent multi-family residential community.

Alterations cannot be made to the plans after final site plan approval. Any alteration may require an application to amend the affected approved plans.

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The applicant is cautioned to consider the placement of utilities and any underground or above ground site improvement that could cause a conflict with the landscaping and possibly cause a change or amendment.

As-built landscape plans submitted prior to the release of a certificate of occupancy will be checked against the approved drawings. Inconsistencies may block the issuance of the certificate of occupancy and cause the applicant to begin the application process for a change or an amendment to the development order.

K. Determination of compliance with transportation requirements - Engineering Department

Findings of Compliance:

The Traffic Division of the Public Works Department finds this application in compliance.

Compliance with Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance:

Staff has reviewed the Traffic Statement prepared by the MilCor Group, Inc., dated October, 2020. The MilCor Group, Inc. stated that the site's maximum impact was assumed to be 68 directional trips during the PM peak hour. Staff finds that SW Sand Trail is the recipient of a majority of the generated trips. The generalized service capacity of SW Sand Trail is 750. The project impact is 9.07% of the maximum volume of that roadway.

L. Determination of compliance with county surveyor - Engineering Department

N/A - Staff review for compliance requirements associated with this area of regulations is not applicable to this project as currently proposed.

M. Determination of compliance with engineering, storm water and flood management requirements - Engineering Department


Unresolved Issues:

Item #1: Right-of-Way Improvements 1. As previously stated, revise the proposed rumble strips along SW Sand Trail on Sheet 6 of the Construction plans to reflect Option P2 from FDOT Standard Plan Index 546-001, while maintaining a 3/10-inch thickness. Although note 2 the comment, the detail must be updated for consistency. 2. As previously stated, it is unclear how the outfall of the property line swale tie into the roadside swales at the northern corners of the site without interfering with the mitered end sections and roadside swales. Provide additional details and grading. The proposed rip-rap within the right-of- way does not meet the type and installation requirements of Martin County Standard Detail R- 38. 3. Pursuant to Martin County Board of County Commissioners' Resolution 09-2., the applicant is subject to the payment in lieu of construction of the required sidewalks along SW Sand Trail. The applicant shall pay the cost of construction within sixty (60) calendar days of the

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project approval. The cost of construction is $25 per linear foot for the total length of property fronting SW Sand Trail (327’) which equates to $8,175. [MARTIN COUNTY, FLA., LDR SECTION 4.843.G (2010)] 4. In addition to Final Site Plan approval, a Right of Way Use Permit Application will be required for this proposed development prior to scheduling a pre-construction meeting. It is recommended that the applicant submit the required Right of Way Use Permit Application at their earliest convenience, as it can be reviewed concurrently. Please submit the application to Carol Higgins (772-288-5462) in the Public Works Department. The application can be found at:

Item #2: Off-Street Parking Provide a construction specifications sheet within the Construction Plans.

Item #3: Stormwater Management Plan 1. As previously stated, although the wet season water table elevation (WSWT) is consistent with the adjacent stormwater permit and with the submitted geotechnical report, the geotechnical report indicates that this elevation is consistent with dry season conditions. Revise the WSWT elevation for consistency with wet season conditions and provide supporting documentation. Although the WSWT has been increased by 1.5-feet, supporting documentation has not been provided substantiating this elevation. 2. As previously stated, revise the pre-development runoff rate to account for predevelopment conditions (prior to any development, land disturbance, or farming activities). Additionally, based on the soil survey provided, the soil storage depths utilized should be consistent with uncompacted flatwoods, not depressional soils. [MARTIN COUNTY, FLA., LDR SECTIONS 4.382 (2015)]. 3. The inputs for the control structure into the ICPR model include both an upstream and down stream pipe, but only a downstream pipe is included in the construction design. Revise for consistency.

Item #4: Stormwater Mgmt Construction Plans As previously stated, the paving, grading, and drainage plans indicate that the toe of the existing swales will be shifted further towards the adjoining properties. Existing off-site flows cannot be blocked. The swales cannot rely on grading, or conveyance on the adjacent properties, and must be contained on-site, while maintaining a maximum 4:1 slope (3:1 slopes are not permitted as proposed). Demonstrate that the cross-sectional volume captured/conveyed within the site is the same as pre-development. The conveyance swale may need to be piped to achieve this.

Development Order Conditions: 1. Pursuant to Martin County Board of County Commissioners' Resolution 09-2., the applicant is subject to the payment in lieu of construction of the required sidewalks along SW Sand Trail. The applicant shall pay the cost of construction within sixty (60) calendar days of the project approval. The cost of construction is $25 per linear foot for the total length of property fronting SW Sand Trail (327’) which equates to $8,175. [MARTIN COUNTY, FLA., LDR SECTION 4.843.G (2010)]

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2. The Owner is not authorized to haul fill off of the site and must coordinate with the County Engineer regarding the routes and timing of any fill to be hauled to the site. The Owner must comply with all County excavation and fill regulations.

N. Determination of compliance with addressing and electronic file submittal requirements – Growth Management and Information Technology Departments


Findings of Compliance:

The application has been reviewed for compliance with Division 17, Addressing, of the Martin County Land Development Regulations. Staff finds that the proposed site plan / plat complies with applicable addressing regulations. All street names are in compliance. They meet all street naming regulations in Article 4, Division 17, Land Development Regulations. Martin County, Fla. (2018).

Electronic Files

Findings of Compliance:

Both AutoCAD site plan and boundary survey were received and found to be in compliance with Section 10.2.B.2., Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2019)

Both AutoCAD site plan and boundary survey were in State Plane coordinates and found to be in compliance with Section 10.2.B.2., Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2019)

O. Determination of compliance with utilities requirements - Utilities Department


Unresolved Issues:

Item #1: Drawings Must Be Approved The construction drawings must be approved by the Utilities and Solid Waste Department prior to sign off by the Department of permit applications and agreements. [ref. Code, LDR, s.10.2.B.5. Code, LDR, Art.10]

Item #2: The applicant must submit an executable, final draft water and wastewater service agreement to the Growth Management Department for review by the Legal and Environmental Services departments prior to approval of the final site plan. The 'Water and Wastewater Service Agreement' must be executed and the applicable fees paid within sixty 60 days of final Martin County approval of the request.


The project is located within a Wellfield Protection Zones and will be required to comply with the Wellfield Protection Ordinance. The project is located in Zone 2. [ref. Code, LDR, s.4.148, and s.4.151Code, LDR, Art.4, Div.5]

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The proposed lies within Zone 2 associated with Division 5 – Wellfield Protection, Martin County Land Development Code. The applicant shall obtain a Wellfield Protection Permit per Section 4.151 and have structural requirements in place prior to certificate of occupancy.

Wellfield Protection

Findings of Compliance:

The application has been reviewed for compliance under the Wellfield Protection Program. The reviewer finds the application in compliance with the Wellfield Protection and Groundwater Protection Ordinances. [Martin County, Fla., LDR, Article 4, Division 5] (2016)

P. Determination of compliance with fire prevention and emergency management requirements – Fire Rescue Department

Fire Rescue

Findings of Compliance:

The Fire Prevention Bureau finds this submittal to be in compliance with the applicable provisions governing construction and life safety standards of the Florida Fire Prevention Code. This occupancy shall comply with all applicable provisions of governing codes whether implied or not in this review, in addition to all previous requirements of prior reviews.

Emergency Management N/A - Staff review for compliance requirements associated with this area of regulations is not applicable to this project as currently proposed.

Q. Determination of compliance with Americans with Disability Act (ADA) requirements - General Services Department


Unresolved Issues: 1. As previously stated, provide additional proposed elevations demonstrating that the sidewalk/pedestrian walkways do not exceed a 5% running slope and 2% cross slope. Pay particular attention to the areas that include ramps/transitions. As proposed, curb ramp CR-C is inconsistent with the requirements of CR-C (FDOT Standard Index 522-002). Per the plans, the landing is shown as having a slope that exceeds 2% and the elevations for the ramps are not shown. 2. As previously stated, revise the locations of the proposed ADA stalls to spread them out among the different building entrances. The U.S. Access Board requires that accessible spaces be dispersed among accessible entrances and be located on the shortest accessible route to the entrance they serve.

R. Determination of compliance with Martin County Health Department and Martin County School Board

Health Department

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N/A - Staff review for compliance requirements associated with this area of regulations is not applicable to this project as currently proposed.

Martin County Schools N/A - Staff review for compliance requirements associated with this area of regulations is not applicable to this project as currently proposed.

S. Determination of compliance with legal requirements - County Attorney's Office

N/A - Staff review for compliance requirements associated with this area of regulations is not applicable to this project as currently proposed.

T. Determination of compliance with the adequate public facilities requirements - responsible departments

The following is a summary of the review for compliance with the standards contained in Article 5.32.D of the Adequate Public Facilities, Land Development Regulations (LDR's), Martin County Code for a Certificate of Adequate Public Facilities Reservation.

Potable water facilities (Section 5.32.D.3.a, LDR) Service provider – Martin County Findings – Comply Source - Utilities and Solid Waste Department Reference - see Section O of this staff report

Sanitary sewer facilities (Section 5.32.D.3.b, LDR) Service provider – Martin County Findings – Pending Source - Utilities and Solid Waste Department Reference - see Section O of this staff report

Solid waste facilities (Section 5.32.D.3.c, LDR) Findings – in place Source - Growth Management Department

Stormwater management facilities (Section 5.32.D.3.d, LDR) Findings – Pending Source - Engineering Department Reference - see Section M of this staff report

Community park facilities (Section 5.32.D.3.e, LDR) Findings – in place Source - Growth Management Department

Roads facilities (Section 5.32.D.3.f, LDR) Findings – Pending Source - Engineering Department Reference - see Section K of this staff report

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Mass transit facilities (Section 5.32.D.3.g, LDR) Findings – in place Source - Engineering Department Reference - see Section K of this staff report

Public safety facilities (Section 5.32.D.3.h, LDR) Findings - in place Source - Growth Management Department Reference - see Section P of this staff report

Public school facilities (Section 5.32.D.3.i, LDR) Findings - in place Source - Growth Management Department Reference - see Section R of this staff report

A timetable for completion consistent with the valid duration of the development is to be included in the Certificate of Public Facilities Reservation. The development encompassed by Reservation Certificate must be completed within the timetable specified for the type of development.

U. Post-approval requirements

Approval of the development order is conditioned upon the applicant’s submittal of all required post approval documents and fees pursuant to Section 10.11., LDR, Martin County, Fla. (2019).

Please submit all of the following items in a single hard copy packet and in electronic pdf format (on disk or flash drive) with the documents arranged in the order shown in the list below. The 24” x 36” plans should be submitted rolled and in separate sets as itemized below.

Item #1: Post Approval Requirements List: After approval the applicant will receive a letter and a Post Approval Requirements List that identifies the documents and fees required. Submit a copy of the Post Approval Requirements List.

Item #2: Post Approval Fees: The applicant is required to pay all remaining fees when submitting the post approval packet. If an extension is granted, the fees must be paid within 60 days from the date of the development order. Checks should be made payable to Martin County Board of County Commissioners.

Item #3: Recording Costs: The applicant is responsible for all recording costs. The Growth Management Department will calculate the recording costs and contact the applicant with the payment amount required. Checks should be made payable to the Martin County Clerk of Court.

Item #4: One (1) copy of the recorded warranty deed if a property title transfer has occurred since the site plan approval. If there has not been a property title transfer since the approval, provide a letter stating that no title transfer has occurred.

Item #5:

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Original of the executed Unity of Title, consistent with the draft Unity of Title approved by staff during the review process. If there has been a property title transfer since the approval, provide an original and one (1) copy of the Unity of Title, executed by the new property owner, consistent with the County approved format.

Item #6: One (1) 24" x 36" copy of the approved construction plans signed and sealed by the Engineer of Record licensed in the State of Florida.

Item #7: One (1) copy 24" x 36" of the approved site plan.

Item #8: One (1) 24" x 36" copy of the approved landscape plan signed and sealed by a landscape architect licensed in the State of Florida.

Item #9: One (1) blank USB flash/thumb drive, which will be utilized to provide the applicant with the approved stamped and signed project plans.

Item #10: Original of the construction schedule.

Item #11: Original of the Engineer's Design Certification, on the County format which is available on the Martin County website, signed and sealed by the Engineer of Record licensed in the State of Florida.

Item #12: Pursuant to Martin County Board of County Commissioners' Resolution 09-2., the applicant is subject to the payment in lieu of construction of the required sidewalks along SW Sand Trail. The applicant shall pay the cost of construction within sixty (60) calendar days of the project approval. The cost of construction is $25 per linear foot for the total length of property fronting SW Sand Trail (327’) which equates to $8,175. [MARTIN COUNTY, FLA., LDR SECTION 4.843.G (2010)]

Item #13: The applicant has submitted the information for a draft Water and Wastewater Service Agreement as requested. The applicant must execute the Agreement and pay the resultant fees within sixty (60) days of final Martin County approval of the request. [ref. Code, LDR, s.5.32.D.1, 2.(a)(b) and (c)Code, LDR, Art.5, Div.2]

V. Local, State, and Federal Permits

Approval of the development order is conditioned upon the applicant's submittal of all required applicable Local, State, and Federal Permits to Martin County prior to scheduling the pre-construction meeting.

W. Fees

Public advertising fees for the development order will be determined and billed subsequent to the public hearing. Fees for this application are calculated as follows:

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Fee type: Fee amount: Fee payment: Balance: Application review fees: $9,040.00 $9,040.00 $0.00 Inspection fees: $4,160.00 $0.00 $4,160.00 Advertising fees*: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Recording fees**: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Impact fees***: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

* Advertising fees will be determined once the ads have been placed and billed to the County. ** Recording fees will be identified on the post approval checklist. ***Impact fees are required at building permit.

X. General application information

Applicant: James McNamara 3393, LLC 3393 SW 42nd Ave., Ste. 1 Palm City, FL 34990

Agent: Morris Crady Lucido & Associates 701 SE Ocean Blvd Stuart, FL 34994 [email protected]

Y. Acronyms

ADA ...... Americans with Disability Act AHJ ...... Authority Having Jurisdiction ARDP ...... Active Residential Development Preference BCC...... Board of County Commissioners CGMP ...... Comprehensive Growth Management Plan CIE ...... Capital Improvements Element CIP ...... Capital Improvements Plan FACBC ...... Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction FDEP ...... Florida Department of Environmental Protection FDOT ...... Florida Department of Transportation LDR...... Land Development Regulations LPA ...... Local Planning Agency MCC ...... Martin County Code MCHD...... Martin County Health Department NFPA ...... National Fire Protection Association SFWMD ...... South Florida Water Management District W/WWSA .... Water/Waste Water Service Agreement

Z. Attachments

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