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Plan-And-Manage-A-Science-Park-In Projet1 3/12/09 15:57 Page 1 Projet1 3/12/09 15:57 Page 2 Projet1 3/12/09 15:57 Page 1 Projet1 3/12/09 15:57 Page 2 Projet1 3/12/09 15:57 Page 3 SUMMARY PAGE 4 INTRODUCTION PAGE 11 CHAPTER I SCIENCE PARK PLAYERS AND PARTNERS 1. The stakeholders 13 2. The role of the State 15 3. Strategies to mobilize the private sector 17 4. Enhancing the innovation environment 20 PAGE 25 CHAPTER II STRATEGIC POSITIONING OF SCIENCE PARKS 1. The positioning of the science park 28 2. Consensus building in positioning strategies 35 3. Sustainability of the science park 39 4. Project development and opportunities 44 PAGE 51 CHAPTER III DEVELOPMENT OF A SCIENCE PARK OR TECHNOPOLE AND URBAN INTEGRATION 1. The science park development context 55 2. The programming chart and the implementation of inputs: facilities, land and services 58 3. Conditions for integrating a science park into the host metropolis 63 PAGE 66 CHAPTER IV FINANCING SCIENCE PARK ACTIVITIES 1. Introduction 68 2. The financial environment 70 3. The funding options 79 4. Key points 89 PAGE 90 CHAPTER V SUPPORT FOR FIRMS AND PROJECTS Part A: Individual services 1. The role of coaching and mentoring in supporting innovative projects 93 2. Strategic marketing and operational positioning 98 3. Strategic alliance support 102 4. Financial assistance and relations with investors 105 Part B: Collective services 1. Marketing and communication for innovative projects 109 2. Stimulate and support networking and development of collaborative projects 112 3. Business Development (BizDev) actions 116 4. Managing strategic information in an innovative environment and providing business intelligence services 119 PAGE 123 ANNEX ANNEX 1: Different approaches to technopoles and science parks 124 ANNEX 2: Connecting the technopoles and the power of networking 128 ANNEX 3: Challenges and main features of the financial sector in the Mediterranean countries 139 PLAN AND MANAGE A SCIENCE PARK IN THE MEDITERRANEAN GUIDEBOOK FOR DECISION MAKERS Projet1 3/12/09 15:57 Page 4 INTRODUCTION The genesis of science parks and technopoles Economic conditions have changed Peter Drucker’s book, “Innovation and considerably in the world’s industrialized na- Entrepreneurship”, is a goldmine of insights in- tions in the last decades. The break with pre- to how innovation can happen: locate an oppor- vious trends has become so marked that the tunity, analyze local strengths, assess the accepted development model is facing a funda- community’s receptivity, maintain a focus on a mental crisis. These developments have led to simple central idea, and exercise leadership. the structural modification of urban and regio- Following Drucker, many attempts have been nal economic organization, with growth being made to structure the thinking about the dyna- influenced by the technological revolution, eco- mics of innovation and the process of forming nomic globalization, and the emergence of a technopoles and ensuring their sustainability, new productive system. The combination of but very few educational initiatives have taken technologies and economies of scope has a broad cross-border approach and set chal- emerged as an important source of job creation lenging goals. Several flourishing technopole and growth. initiatives around the world make clear the im- portance of identifying structured development During the 1960 and 1970s, and particu- models, governance approaches, and strategic larly following the oil crisis, most countries in- orientations for dealing with the cultural and creasingly recognized that innovation was a institutional dualisms relating to private / public crucial element of competitiveness in the ma- partnerships, research / industry collaboration, nufacturing and service sectors. They began to inter-ministerial cooperation and local / inter- develop technology policies either to stimulate national orientation. the transfer of public research results to create new products and processes or to enhance pri- vate sector efforts to innovate, notably through Technopoles and science parks increased investment in research and develop- ment (R&D). These policies have taken the form In this guidebook, a “technopole” is a of large public programs and procurement in structured community dedicated to the high-technology sectors, incentives to engage development of innovation (i.e. the in R&D, assistance in patenting, and deregula- science park in an urban environ- tion of utilities. Over the last decade, a policy ment1). A technopole usually brings to- shift has taken place. Recent academic analysis gether in one location (or spread of empirical evidence on the innovation process across a region) the components ne- has shown no mechanical relationship between cessary for making innovation happen: investment in R&D and innovation; rather, new academics, research institutions, and products and processes appear to be the result enterprises. However, it mostly relies of the involvement of many companies and ins- on momentum and a long-term vision titutions in a common endeavor. Innovation is elaborated by community leaders. The therefore seldom an outcome of the effort of a intangible side (energy, scientific single company or institution. As a result, go- knowledge, social consensus, entre- vernments have begun to direct resources to preneurship) is as important as the stimulate the emergence and strengthening of material side (“hard” infrastructure, clusters of firms, links with research institu- technology facilities, R&D investment). tions and universities, and knowledge dissemi- This dichotomy reveals the challenge of setting up a technopole. nation. Technopoles and science parks are par- ticular features of these new policies. 1 See Chapter 3, Section 3.2 4 Projet1 3/12/09 15:57 Page 5 While there is the potential for esta- sized companies, with offices, laboratories blishing new parks and technopoles in most and production units located within an attrac- countries, as a number of relatively important tively landscaped setting. They are frequently cities do not yet have the necessary infrastruc- located within a defined area that contains ture, absorption capacity has certainly dimi- both public and private sector higher educa- e nished at territorial and national levels. Sup- tion institutions (HEI) and technical research port policies increasingly depend on the establishments. This space draws together high- capacity of parks to contribute to the develop- technology economic activities working to- ment of entrepreneurship, to participate in wards future innovation, a set-up which theo- cluster initiatives, to generate spillover effects, retically encourages mutual assistance. The and more generally to enhance the regional fundamental nature of the “technopolisation” culture of innovation. For policy makers, parks process can be summarized as follows: and technopoles are not to be developed for their own sake but must contribute to the buil- • The technopole is essentially an image for ding of learning regions and knowledge-based the perceived framework of economic forces territorial economies. The bursting of the hi- and thus defines the productive space of the t gh-technology bubble at the end of the 1990s twenty-first century; c made clear the need to respond to local and regional demand rather than systematically • The technopole provides the space for a new c embarking on high-technology research. In economic organization. It favors the installa- certain cases this means more encourage- tion of a new logic of production by seeking ment of virtual activities and less concentra- links between innovative industry, private and tion of high-technology activities. Quasi-parks, public research, and higher education. One of incubators or network policies could be the its essential functions is technology transfer; most appropriate policy instruments for a de- velopment strategy. • The technopole offers a particular form of location. Its planning, architecture and lea- According to many authors, cross- dership are all conceived to promote the esta- fertilization is at the heart of technopole pro- blishment of a new socio-productive order; jects. Pierre Lafitte, the founder of Sophia An- tipolis, for example, has defined it as “the brin- • The technopole creates a form of territorial ging together, within the same location, of polarization within a wider geographical spa- high-technology activities, research centers, ce. It thus provides an interface between pro- companies, universities, and financial institu- ductive relationships based on proximity and tions. Contact between these entities is pro- a broader global perspective and a stimulus moted in such a manner as to produce syner- for dynamic development. gies from which new ideas and technological innovation can emerge, and therefore trigger The organization of technopoles and off the creation of new companies.” science parks can thus be explained as an at- tempt to increase innovation by minimizing the Operationally, technopoles and scien- transaction costs due to institutionalized ce parks are groups of research and business constraints that previously hindered collabo- organizations with a common interest in all ration by economic bodies. Technopoles and aspects of scientific development, from the la- science parks therefore play a new and boratory to manufacture and commercia- dynamic role in the spatial division of labor lization. They constitute industrial zones, com- that characterizes contemporary industrial posed predominantly of small and medium- organization.
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