REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF EMERGENCY RESPONSE SERVICES (108 SERVICES) 1 Request for Proposal for Operation and Maintenance of Emergency Response Services (108 Services) Address: Commissioner of Health & Family Welfare Government of Andhra Pradesh, Sulthan Bazaar, Koti, Hyderabad URL: Email:
[email protected] Telephone: 8897000108, 040 24650365 RFP No: 3463/PPP/G1/2009, Dated:27-06-2016 1. Commissioner of Health & Family Welfare, Government of Andhra Pradesh Herein after referred to as CH&FW, Andhra Pradesh invites Proposals from eligible bidders for operation and maintenance of Emergency Response Services (108 Services) for a period of three years. The scope of services required is enumerated in Section-IV of this document. 2. This document contains eight sections as follows: 1. Section I : Introduction 2. Section II: Instructions to Bidder 3. Section III: Procedures for evaluations of Bids 4. Section IV: Scope of Services 5. Section V: Eligibility Criteria 6. Section VI: Terms and Conditions 7. Section VII: Formats of Appendices (A to F) 8. Section VIII: Format for Service level Agreement 3. Schedule Sl. No. Description Date 1 Date of publish of Bid Documents 27.06.2016 16.07.2016 at 11:00 AM, CHFW 2 Pre bid Meeting (Date & Time) conference Hall, 2nd floor, DM&HS Campus, Koti. before 12:00 noon on 3 Last date for receipt of any clarifications 17.07.2016 2 4 Date of uploading corrigendum and clarifications if any 17.07.2016 5 Closing date and time of receipt of EoI 3:00 pm on 11.08.2016 6 Time, Date and Venue of Opening of Technical Bid 12.08.2016 7 Time, Date and Venue of Opening of Financial Bid Will be informed later 3.