5· Experiment in Autobiography, Ch. 8, V, P. 623. 2. William Paley, Evidences of Christianity (1794) and Natural Theology (1802
Notes INTRODUCTION 1. George Orwell, 'Wells, Hitler and the World State' in Collected Essays (London, 1961), P· !64. 2. George Steiner, 'Imagining science', Listener, LXXXVI, No. 2225 (18 Nov. 1971), p. 686. 3· M. R. Hillegas, The Future as Nightmare (New York, 1967), pp. 5, 34· 4· E. I. Zamyatin, Herbert Wells (St Petersburg, 1922), p. 54· 5· Experiment in Autobiography, Ch. 8, v, p. 623. I. THE CONVERSION TO SCIENCE 1. Huxley, well known as an agnostic, if not an atheist, was highly amused at his title. He wrote to Sir john Donnelly, 'I am astonished that you don't know that a letter to a Dean ought to be addressed, "The Very Revd." I don't generally stand much upon etiquette, but when my sacred character is touched I draw the line.' Leonard Huxley, Life and Letters rif Thomas Henry Huxley (New York, 1901), II, P· 38. 2. William Paley, Evidences of Christianity (1794) and Natural Theology (1802). 3· T. H. Huxley, 'Mr Darwin's critics', Contemporary Review, xvm (Nov. 1871), 443· 4· H. G. Wells, 'Huxley', Royal College rif Science Magazine, XIII (Apr. 1901 ), 21 1. 5· Experiment in Autobiography, Ch. 5, i, pp. 201, 204. 6. Ibid., Ch. 5, ii, p. 210. 7· Ibid., pp. 220-1. 8. Ibid., Ch. 6, vi, pp. 356-7. 9· VanWyck Brooks, The World of H. G. Wells (London, 1915). 10. Short Stories (London, 1929), p. 1076. 11. Marriage, m, Ch. 4, vi, pp. 514-15. 12. Short Stories, vol. x, p. 570. 13. Love and Mr. Lewisham, Ch. 1, p.
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