Broken Social Scene A collection of b-sides.

This record seems to need a bio, so here it is.

Bee hives is a collection of what we consider b-sides. The earliest dating back to when we were in-between our first "" and our last album "".

Charles, Brendan and myself took advantage of our friend Daniel’s class project, which was to record a band. We spent many early mornings making noise while hooking up with our friend Emily to create a lo-fi anthem (backyards). Others came from wanting a break from the YFIIP sessions and going over to our friend Ohad’s to record while fooling around with sounds (hHallmark, ambulance for the ambience).

When releasing the UK singles Stars & Sons and Cause=Time, the idea of putting out old recordings as b- sides didn’t sit well with us -- so we recorded new ones at Newfeld’s studio Stars and Sons (marketfresh, da da dada, time=cause). The uk also brought us an opportunity to record for a radio session, which we did with our friend Feist (lover’s spit).

There is freedom in creating a b-side because it can be whatever you want it to be. It is something besides what is.

“You Forgot It In People” was an infection with a purpose. We made that record with determination to try something different. Something different from what we were doing in the past. Pop music was a sarcastic wonder to many of us, so it was obvious that something was going to happen. These songs infected the lives of those who wrote them and those lives affected the songs. Everyone got involved in different ways and we became a band.

We became a typical van ride of hope.

And we enjoyed it and want to keep enjoying it.

We’re excited to see what we do next. We’re excited to see what people want us to do next. We’re excited to record another record…but…until then, we shall remain soldiers of shitty food and will continue to cross borders with a silent mission. Touring, writing, and living with semi-new lives.

Over the years we have amassed a large collection of recorded material. Songs were made in friend’s studios, basement 8-track sessions and at Stars and Sons Studio. With this record we decided to take a feeling and remain with it throughout the album.

We chose these songs because of the calm nature that seemed to thread it all together. We found very few rockin’ numbers but instead, many songs for the come down.

Nothing felt abrasive and the past had a pattern we could follow.

Some songs were not to be released only to find that they fit with the sound.

The five GI Joe love-story can’t be heard -- only the whatever is left, and an idea of a b-side album for those who like our music.

Bee hives is our blue pill.

A moment while pressing record.

If you like it – that’s good- if you don’t then try to give it to someone that will. (. january/ 2004)

+ARTWORK... +ALBUM GRAPHIC High-res artwork available for download. ac006. bee hives: