THE CAMPUS Community April 5, 2001 Since 1876
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Vol. 124, Issue 19 Serving the Allegheny College Thursday THE CAMPUS community April 5, 2001 since 1876 I do not agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. - Voltaire Frat Members To ROCKIN' D.C. Fill RA Positions By ERICA ERWIN would be placed in the fraternity News Editor houses, brothers in Phi Psi and Delta Tau Delta were concerned about After a brief search process, the whether a brother or a non-member Office of Residence Life has placed would be given the position. two , students, juniors Russ Adkins Because of the tight-knit nature of a and Jake Nagel, in Resident Advisor fraternity, many brothers were con- positions in the Phi Kappa Psi and cerned that a non-member wouldn't Delta Tau Delta fraternity houses. "fit in." "I think it was the goal of all Both students are also brothers of the involved to put a brother in the posi- fraternities, respectively. tion," said Adkins. "It was just a The selection process was a joint matter of finding someone qualified. effort between the Office of I'm glad we could do this :Amicably." Residence Life and Greek Life. The "We took into consideration their students will begin to take on their concerns," said Miller. "We took new roles at the beginning of next their comments and feedback into semester. said Director of Residence consideration when deciding, and Life Joe Miller. told them we would consider having A group of 29 Allegheny students traveled to Washington, D.C. for a protest Of the policies of the military School of the Americas last "I thought the two students inter- a brother in the house, but it wasn't a weekend. —photo by Matt Gonzalez viewed very well," said Miller. guarantee." "They indicated a willingness to do "Our concern was 'how is that this. One of the applicants talked person going to handle being in that about building community, and position, as a brother,'" said Miller. ASG Admits Rules Snafu that's something I really like to hear. He stressed, however, that he is opti- By NEETU SEHGAL proposing organizations, usually said that there have been weeks in Now, that person is in a position to mistic about the arrangement, and is Assistant News Editor clubs. Vice president of the junior the past where voting on constitu- do so as a residence life member and confident of the chosen students. class Jenn Antonini said that some- tions could have taken place but did a brother." —see STAFF, page 8— Confusion over Senate member times this adds to the delay, howev- not because it was thought the "two- When it was announced that RAs attendance at Allegheny Student er, she remembers one week in par- thirds" mandate meant two-thirds of Government meetings have resulted ticular where, "We were trying to get all Senate, not two-thirds of Senate Compost More Than in consideration of a constitutional three or four constitutions passed, present. amendment, and has delayed a num- and we just didn't have enough "Some of the constitutions not ber of clubs' constitutions from be- Senate members there to even vote being passed also had to do with the ing appt'oved. on the issue." Rules Committee problems," said Rubbish for College The ASG constitution mandates A club needs to have ASG ap- Halfhill. Halfhill said normally con- that "two-thirds of Senate" must ap- proval to become officially recog- stitution approval should just be a By JOHN REILLY prove a constitution two weeks in a nized and eligible for funding. two-week process, if the Rules Staff Reporter row in order for it to pass. At last "Dean Mclnally and Ellen Committee meets and approves the week's ASG meeting, president Kauffman, our advisors, told me that constitution, the constitution needs Juniors Dustin Eatonand Robin Boldosser do pretty much everything to- Jenny Halfhill raised concern that at- in the past 'two-thirds of Senate' has no revisions, and if enough of Senate gether. They have been a couple since the end of December and do all the tendance records showed that at always been defined as Senate pre- is present to vote two weeks in a row. normal "couple" activities. They go out to dinner, frequent parties, watch times, ASG had less than the two- sent that night," Halfhill said. "So, I Antonini said that constitutions movies, and just sit around and relax in each other's company. Tonight, how- thirds, or 27 people of its 40 mem- was reading the Constitution too lit- weren't being presented to the ever, is a little different. bers, required even present at meet- erally." Senate in a timely manner. First, they get dressed in layers upon layers of clothing. Robin puts on ings. Per Halfhill's interpretation, she —see ASG, page 4— two pairs of tights, knee-high socks, long underwear, seven shirts, and the ASG always requires a quorum, dirtiest, oldest pair of jeans she can find. Dustin opts for just sweater shirt, which is 50 percent plus one mem- old, "ratty," jeans covered with hip-waders used for fishing, and covers his ber – 21 people, to be present to con- Inside This Week... face with a dust mask. duct meetings. Halfhill said having a Finally, they each put on a pair of crumbling, decrepit shoes and exit the quorum has never been a problem, Parlez-vous "foreign-language training"? 4 door, grabbing of all things, the bathroom scale, as they leave. When they ar- but attendance has lacked by one or Dave Holmes: Exclusive Campus interview 9 rive at their destination around 10 p.m., they meet several other students who two people in order to fill the "two- Springfest: Reel Big Fish & Sevins Road 11 have also dressed as cautiously as they have. thirds" mandate on a number of oc- Dustin climbs up on the Dumpster and jumps in, disappearing from view casions. Equestrian club plans trotting along 13 into the darkness and landing with a crash on top of dozens of garbage bags. "Sometimes constitutions would Robin climbs up as well, but does not follow Dustin into the filth. Rather, she be passed one week," said Halfhill, Editorial: "Hey Dubya, It's Pretty Hot Out Here" 5 stands on the lid as the beginnings of a human chain. "but the following week we would Unpleasant Thoughts 12 Dustin then hands her bag after bag, which she passes along as quickly not have enough people present to as she can to another person waiting below. "It's a bleeder," warns Dustin, as vote again. So approval would be de- Contact The Campus at Box 12 or he passes along another dripping bag. The bags eventually make their way to layed." the bathroom scale where one person holds the bag on their lap as they squat Other times constitution ap- [email protected] on the scale. proval has been delayed because of —see COMPOST, page 8— revisions needing to be made by Page 2 News April 5, 2001 The Campus Asks... CRIME BLOTTER "What was the best April Fool's trick you •On March 14th at 8:00 a.m. an am- reported stolen. The theft was be- hide was found in a parking lot on bulance was called. A woman fell in lieved to have occurred sometime campus. The owner apparently for- played, or one that someone played on you?" the Oddfellows parking lot sustain- between 9:15 a.m. and 2:15 p.m. got where the vehicle had been —compiled by Erica Erwin, News Editor ing a laceration on the head. The am- Security was notified at 4:50 p.m. parked. bulance transported her to the that the owner's girlfriend had come Meadville Medical Center for treat- and picked up the vehicle. •On March 30th at 2:18 a.m. a con- ment. frontation between three students •On March 27th at 10:40 p.m. a occurred on Park Avenue. Two stu- •A theft occurred from Brooks Hall propulsions of missies incident oc- dents were observed in wrestling- "I've never played sometime between February 25th curred along North Main Street be- type behavior. Nobody was injured. an April Fool's and March 4th. A student reported tween Caflisch Hall and Alden Hall. joke...I'm not a the theft of $150 in cash from her A snowball was thrown at an auto- •On March 30th at 11:00 p.m. an un- deviant person." room. Security has no suspects. mobile. This matter will be handled derage drinking incident occurred in by the college judiciary process. Baldwin Hall involving two stu- —Kristen Gall, '03 •A theft occurred from the Baldwin dents. Hall 2C lounge sometime between •On March 28th at 1:00 a.m. a mari- 5:00 p.m. on March 17th and 10:00 juana incident occurred in Lot #23, •On April 1st at 10:06 a.m. an auto- p.m. on March 20th. The 19-inch the parking lot on Highland Avenue mobile collision occurred. The col- Zenith color television was stolen. across from College Court. Security lision, involving 14 students, oc- Security has no suspects. noticed the smell of marijana when curred on Amherst Avenue. No one of the three students in an auto- damage was done to the vehicles and "Tim Carl, unbe- •On March 25th at 12:07 a.m. the mobile opened their door and called nobody was injured. knownst to Grey fire department alerted security to a the Meadville city police for assis- Bonners, moved his fire at an off-campus house on Park tance.