2 10 "24 CORDweeklythe

LAURIER'S OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER NEW I.T. FEE GOES MASSIVE women's hockey - - QUAKE VOLUME 41 WEDNESDAY, jANUARY 31 2001 ISSUE 20 TO REFERENDUM HITS SOUTH INDIA WINS THREE Schlegel Schematics In Students' Unit troubled with planning process DILLON MOORE The project will also include There have also been town CORD NEWS two other major changes to the hall meetings regarding the university grounds, billed as the addition and the plans have Construction of Laurier's first "Superbuild" project, and fund- been up for viewing in the major building plan in ten years ed by government capital Peters building for quite a is set to begin in just a few improvement funds. while. months' time, but the way in The library will be renovated Kroeker dismisses the above which the school is handling so that the bottom two floors, as advisory roles, and not the planning phase is fast which are now comprised directly involved with the deci- becoming a very contentious mainly of classroom space, will sion-making process. issue. be available for library purpos- Rosehart, however, dis- Students' Union president es. This will bring the library agrees. Jeffrey Kroeker has informed the closer to the accepted standards "Their advice is treated very Cord that he is in the process of for a university the size of seriously," said Rosehart. contacting legal counsel, and Wilfrid Laurier. According to him, the filing a formal complaint with The third part of the plan Aesthetics Committee is one of University President Dr. calls for an. addition of halls of the most powerful groups Rosehart, over what Kroeker tiered-seating classrooms to be involved in the planning alleges was a breach in the added in parallel behind the process. Operating Procedures main arts hall. Diagrams of the proposed Agreement (OPA). Physical Plant & Planning building which are posted in The complaint stems from head Ron Dupuis remarked the Peters Building lobby for the method of selection that that, all-told, the construction students to see are not the latest was used to pick students to be should add up to a net gain of at version. on the "user groups" which had least twelve classrooms. The proposed site for the Schlegel Centre is in Kroeker has stated that he a say how the building the parking lot currently situated between the initiative should be designed. "supports the behind Library and the Peters Building The project began when the buildings", but more stu- Laurier approached Bob and dents' input should have been Merna Schlegel with a request put into the project. for funds. Bob Schlegel is a The issue of particular con- graduate of the Laurier business cern to Kroeker is the user Winter Carnival Ends program and a very successful group that gave input on the entrepreneur. The Schlegels Schlegel Centre. The students donated two million dollars appointed to that group were towards the building of the from the School of Business and planned Schlegel Centre of Economics and were chosen by Entrepreneurial Studies. members of the administration. The planned addition to the Kroeker argues the OPA stip- Peters Building would be built ulates the Student's Union over the parking lot that cur- should have been the body to rently exists between the select the students put in place Library and the Peters building. in that group. The new section would contain He feels their appointment a number of offices, including by administration has unfairly the relocated BBA office, as limited the input of the students, well as an Entrepreneurial and has led to many of the Centre. issues that concern students Dr. Scott Carson, Dean of the being overlooked in the plans, ACTIVITIES' School of Business and in favour of those features that Economics, envisions the appeal more to the administra- Schlegel Centre as becoming in tion. STUDENT!" the future something akin to the Both Dr. Rosehart and Dr. OF Laurier Enterprise Centre, a stu- Carson stress the important role dent-consulting program that they feel students have had to used to exist at Laurier. play in the development of The Schlegel Centre might these projects. COURTESY also serve as a sort of "business lUTACH (the Senate Participants spell'out this year's Winter Carnival title on Willison field in advance of this year's festivities incubator" providing services Committee responsible for IT Yet another Winter Carnical came to an end The former Spirit Cup winners took the and perhaps even micro-loans development), as well as the this week, y/ith a new champion being spot vacated by the perennial WC champions, to start-up businesses. The Aesthetics Committee and the crowned in tfte annual ice tournament. the now-suspended Waterbuffaloes. expansion would also provide a Space Committee all had stu- Foot emerged victorious from the This year's theme was WCI - taking it back grander entrance to the Peters dent representatives, some from Patrol pack, finally Stepping up from their near miss- to the beginning. Building, which would lead the Student's Union and the es of the last ;j|wo years. into the Atrium in the centre. Graduate Students' Association.

- Opinion. INSIDE: Find the feature it's election time and we've got everyone's platfop.m. More stuff in 2 News 6 Opinion 10 International 12 Student Life 14 Feature 18 Entertainment 22 Business 24 Sports 27 Classifieds NEWS 2 L.L.F.T. up in the air Major IT proposal goes to referendum next week ASAD KIYANI in the IT sphere. "We've come to realize that While the hottest topic in elec- the currrent IT level at WLU is a tions is who is and who isn't little bit lackluster," said running, the most substantial WLUSU Director Andy Bruce. changes are likely to come Bruce went on to note that where no candidates are Laurie is the only Ontario uni- involved - the referendum versity that does not have fully questions. Internet wired residence. The question which is likely The idea behind LIFT, he MARTYN to raise the most controversy is says, is to help create funds the

that of the LIFT proposal - a university has made plans to LUKE WLUSU initiative to improve spend but doesn't already have. LIFT, the new WLUSU information technology proposal, could potentially relieve the overcrowding seen here the level of information technol- Before LIFT can become a Timing is also a key issue. being set up in support of LIFT responsible for seeking out ogy at Laurier. reality, however, it has to pass The LIFT supporters are confi- and an email address where stu- matching external funds. The proposal, now in its referendum. Opposition is like- dent that given time to consider dents can send their questions School administrators would twenty-second draft, calls for a ly to come from the fact that it the information, most students has also been established have non-voting status on the new student levy of ten dollars will be an expensive project, would agree to the new fee. ([email protected]). Board, but the final say would per course (up to a maximum of costing the average full-time However, with the referendum The concerns don't stop remain with the students. $50 a term) of all undergraduate student an extra $100 annually, little more than a week away, should the proposal pass. The A key fact to remember, said students (including part-time). "Ideally, we wouldn't want time is running short. questions of who will adminis- Kroeker, is when the money will The money would be set aside to ask students for money up "I don't think it's the concept ter the fund and how remain. actually be allocated. in a student-controlled fund front," said WLUSU Director that will fail," says Bruce. "I According to WLUSU "The Board only releases the which various campus groups Ben Durrer. think it's the timing that would President Jeffrey Kroeker, the money after a project has been would apply to for funding their Yet the student money is lead to failure." fund itself would be run by a completed to satisfaction of the own IT projects. needed to attract matching "Now is the time to do it," board of seven WLUSU- Board," said Kroeker. The LIFT (Laurier Innovative funds from corporations, alumni says Durrer. "I don't know when appointed students. The Board Another concern that has Fund for Technology) proposal and the government that could the opportunity to do something would be considered separate been raised is potential compe- arose from concerns WLU was double or triple the student con- like this will come again." from WLUSU after the initial tition with IT groups such as falling behind other universities tributions. An information campaign is appointments and would be PRISM. Birds Can Write? Don't call it a comeback Foot Patrol Van set to return; DAVID FIELD where the publishing company thinks of an idea for a book and seeks out an Disappearance blamed on overuse The President of Penguin Canada author to write it. This way the publish- Cynthia Good spoke about publishing er remains in control because it supplies MICHELLE SCARFONE "It almost seems as though it was the and being published as part of a lecture the funding for the project. Good said extreme success of the program that presented by the English and that "a large percentage of books [non- For the past 4 months there has been a became the issue." Communications Studies departments. fiction] come from this". noticeable change in WLU's Foot Patrol With the van out of service, about The lecture was held on 24 January Cynthia Good also spoke about the Service. The Foot Patrol Van, leased from 27% of the service's walks, which the 2001. publishing industry in Canada and of the Scherer Pontiac Dealership was removed van was responsible for, must now be Good spoke of the ways that a writer various employment opportunities rang- from student services use in the middle reconsidered and new projections for the could have their work looked at by the ing from editor to sales positions. Good of September. year's final walk prediction must be large publishing companies. She said spoke of the proposed acquiring of The one-year lease had expired in maded. that the three major ways are through Chapters by Indigo. "65% of the market August and upon inspec- Students that used the manuscripts, literary agents, and com- will be controlled by one buyer if Indigo tion by the dealership, it service for a safe walk mission books. bought Chapters," continued Good. was decided not to Actual readings home were not the only Penguin Canada will not accept unso- She added that there is a "need for strong renew the contract. ones affected; the loss of licited manuscripts for fictional works. independent publishing companies" in The decision to were 33,000 km, the van also eliminated remove the van They will accept non-fiction proposals. Canada, citing that McClelland & from which was volunteer opportunities A writer wanting their fictional work Stewart is now controlled by Random Foot Patrol's use was for drivers. published would need to present their House, who now has a huge control of based on total accumu- double the Thanks to a partnership work first to a literary agent. publishing in Canada. lated kilometres for the estimated usage. with the university, the The literary agent acts as a filter, giv- Mentioning ways to gain further edu- past year. Scherer origi- van service will be up ing the work a first read. If the literary cation in the publishing industry con- nally predicted that and running in 3 to 4 agent then presents the work to the pub- cluded the lecture. Simon Fraser 15,000 km to about 20,000 km would be weeks. lishing companies, then the companies University in British Columbia offers a used. The Scherer dealership has offered a can be assured the work is of a specific two-year master degree in publishing. However, actual readings were deal that will either include a guaranteed km, quality and is worth the read. Simon Fraser also offers a two-week 33,0001 which was double the esti- three or four year financing agreement However, just because a work is sub- intensive summer program on the sub- mated usage. for a new van. mitted to a literary agent, does not mean ject as well. Through Ryerson it is possi- } Although there was never a kilometre Through joint effort on both Student that it will be read. That is why the work ble to obtain a publishing certificate. restriction placed on the van, it did Services and WLU, it was agreed that the must be summarized in a few sentences Good said that these education pro- exceed the average annual usage of cost of the new financing agreement and must grab the agent's attention. A grams are a great way to get started in 20,000 km. would be taken from the Student Life query letter is also beneficial; it is a page publishing because often those teaching "We basically depreciated the van 2 Levy, which is paid into by students as in length and about the book, author, the courses are prominent figures in the years in one, at which point it was part of their non-tuition fees. and perceived market. Canadian publishing industry. deemed to be 'to expensive' to support "It is a partnership with the university Another possibility for being pub- further," said Vice President of Student that will benefit the entire university lished is commission books. This is Service, Mohamed Bhamani. community," said Bhamani. WEDNESDAY - JANUARY 31 • 2001 N 3 Genetically Modified Lecturation SHEY YLONEN Toronto-based MDS Inc., whose CEO stated that the explicit purpose of their One of the hottest issues today is the business is "new tools to create new emergence of genetically modified (GM) drugs", evidently failing to mention any- foods. Two distinct views have formed, thing about human health. with pharmaceutical companies promot- One of the overlying themes to the ing the safety and benefits of CM foods. lecture was the need to change the way Supporters believe that by modifying the humans approach health and environ- genetic code of agricultural products, a mental problems. Instead of searching stronger, more resilient crop can form, for cures to treat the symptoms of illness, leading to superior yields. The opposing society should be trying to identify and view is comprised of a diverse group of resolve the root cause of the problem. ecologists and scientists who believe that In proving his point, Brewster men- CM foods could have devastating tioned "golden rice", which refers to the impacts on global ecology and human prospect of genetically engineered rice health. that is supplemented with vitamin A. The One such individual, Mr. Brewster purpose of "golden rice" is to help cure Keen, an activist and researcher on the SCHALL blindness in the third world, resulting subject, recently published a book titled from malnutrition. The inherent contra- Farmageddon, which attacks the estab- EDDY diction to this proposal, Brewster noted, 1 a outline, 1 asked what 1 features., sent lished corporate viewpoint. On the invi- When was my mother would I be. Would be sports, news, que sera was that the deficiency was a result of tation of WLU's Biology and Psychology wrong. Referring to an article from The nology as a sound, precise science. misguided agricultural practices devel- departments, Brewster visited Laurier last New Scientist, Brewster told the story of According to Brewster, these kinds of oped by agricultural scientists at the Monday to discuss an "alternative appre- a group of Australian scientists who cre- results are directly attributable to a cor- time. Simply put, genetic engineering is ciation of what's happening in the food ated a deadly human virus known as IL- porate culture that is obsessed with "war with nature", existing only as a system." 4, while attempting to develop a mouse progress, not ethics. means for scientists to achieve ultimate Brewster began his talk with an contraceptive. Lab horror stories like Affirming his argument, Brewster control over life, a truly dubious goal. account of biotechnology gone terribly these are shattering the myth of biotech- referred to a Toronto Star article on Gab fo Emirc dsylexics

: r .. , rfor. MISCHIEF 0330 HRS MON JAN 22/01 head on the gym floor @ University warded to the JAC. THEFT UNDER $5000 1125 HRS Person(s) unknown broke a window at Stadium. WED JAN 24/01 Person(s) unknown 205 Regina. CAUSE DISTURBANCE 0130 HRS stole a purse from a classroom in the CAUSE DISTURBANCE 0215 HRS THU JAN 25/01 Officers responded to a Peters Building when it was left unat- MEDICAL ASSIST 1015 HRS MON WED JAN 24/01 A WLU student was request for assistance with a fight at tended for a short period of time. JAN 22/01 A faculty member slipped on apprehended when he was observed Wilf's. On arrival the fight was over and a patch the south of ice outside entrance dropping his pants and "mooning" a res- r the parties separated. The matter is being TRESPASS 0115 HRS SUN JAN 28/01 to the Woods Bldg and injured her ident of MacDonald House. The individ- | I forwarded to the JAC. A non WLU male was issued with a writ- shoulder. She was transported to hospi- ual had justgotten off a bus that returned ? ten trespass notice when he refused to tal. from an off campus winter carnival event THEFT UNDER $5000 1430 HRS leave the Nichols Ctre after being evict- and was singing as he passed through the WED JAN 24/01 Person(s) unknown ed from the Turret. MEDICAL ASSIST 1215 HRS MON Mac House quad. He performed the act stole a purse from a desk in a classroom JAN 22/01 A faculty member was taken after someone in Mac House shouted for in the Arts Building. During this time period, two knapsacks

to hospital after falling and striking his him to be quiet. The matter will be for- - were turned in to Lost & Found. If you

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- WEDNESDAY - JANUARY 31 2001 N 4 '00-'01 Board Reports: consistently brought MATTHEW CADE because his focus quickly She stu- feedback DAVID FIELD became the Student dent on important ASAD KIYANI Publications Board. issues. Kristi was also seen as the strongest female presence the Every year, the Cord publishes Andy Bruce on BOD. its annual evaluations of elected A new director, Andy's work this Kally Lomonaco student officials at WLU ; as well as the key hired personnel (par- year focused on two areas. First, work on BOD ticularly Vice-Presidents) within as the BOD member responsi- Kally's was hampered by both the Students' Union and ble for information technology, severely personal Student Publications. he assisted on the LIFT propos- issues that plagued her from the a start of the Fall Term. The Board Reports are based al. As well, he is working on produced a primarily on the following crite- three-member marketing group Kally Marketing ria: to increase the BOD's profile Plan for the BOD over the sum- among students. mer. In November, however, resigned her 1. Interviews with all Board Andy regularly spoke his she posiiton as members (including Presidents mind during meetings. He was Marketing Representative, a and Vice-Presidents) of both also commended for bringing post that was not filled until the WLUSU and WLUSP. some needed enthusiasm and appointment of a three-member initiative to the BOD. group in January. Kally spent 2. Cord observation at WLUSU -most of her BOD time on the and WLUSP board meetings. Rina Clarke Grant Fund. As a returning director, more and 3. Comparison of accomplish- Students' Rina has spent most of her time leadership insight was ments with election platforms. weking on the Academic expected of Kally, which would Council. While.she has assisted have been particularly valuable Board members were asked to in establishing new ideas for for a young BOD. FHer lack of and led to comment on all aspects of their Union professor evaluations, nothing attendance input respective corporation. concrete has yet come of the questioning the need for her to That is, directors spoke about on Eric Davis and Ben Durrer of Compared to their immedi- work. be on the board. both BOD and Management the WLUSU BOD. As Chair and ate predecessors, this year's Rina brought a more repre- Committee work and vice versa. Vice-Chair, they were members Board was relatively passive as sentative role than most BOD Nancy Marshall of both the Management a whole. While BOD discus- members, bringing forth areas This year's Board Reports have Committee and the BOD. sions lacked the passion shown of concern for the average stu- Nancy chaired the Union Vision been broken into two parts. The in previous years, antagonism dent. She also volunteered to sit Commission and sat on first, published last week, focus- WLUSU Board of Directors, was greatly reduced. As well, on the Cord Review Board. ELections and Referenda. She es on the Management General Comments: meetings went quicker than in As a returning director, more also assisted in the federal elec- Committee of the WLUSU The Board is comprised of fif- past years. Fast meetings, how- guidance and leadership was tion setup and the OSAP review Board of Directors. teen elected Directors. It was ever, do not necessarily mean expected of her, particularly as headed by Paul Tambeau. This week, we present the selected in two separate elec- better efficiency or governance. a female leader. As well, Rina's As UVC chair, Nancy over- remainder of the WLUSU tions - the first ten Directors Two directory resigned from comments often seemed to be saw a reviewal of last year's Director reports and the com- were acclaimed; the remainder the BOD. Anik Merchea left irrelevant to the discussion at Union Renewal Commission. plete WLUSP reports. Reprinted were elected in a by-election because of time commitments. hand. Nancy liked to focus on the from last week are the reports held in the spring. Nathan Ludwig resigned smaller details of projects. She Huzaifa Doctor also brought a sorely needed representative role. However, With his work on the Finance & her passivity and reluctance to Building Committee, Huzaifa speak critically during meetings helped approve the capital meant she often faded to the budget and select the new background. accounting software package. As well, he is part of the newly- Karen Mcßride established three member BOD marketing group out to solicit Karen seemed to be unsure of v greater student feedback. what the role and responsibili- Huzaifa rarely spoke up in ties of a director were and often meetings. Despite solid atten- was lost among the rest of the dance and preparation, he pre- BOD. She was unelected to any sented little critical analysis or committees. On more than one 'questioning regarding even the occasion, she declined a nomi- most contentious of issues. nation because of lack of inter- est and time. Kristi Edwards Karen's attendance was poor and she rarely spoke during Kristi was widely recognized as meetings. She didn't seem to MUOJ being a hard worker, who was enjoy her time on BOD and was unafraid to challenge on any reluctant to get involved in any issue and a director with intelli- projects requiring committment. gent questions and comments. She was always the first to ask Dave Prang Binqemans Conference Cenre questions, particularly of the Tuesday, February 6 President, when most others Dave had a good attendance seemed too reluctant or disin- record and buttressed that with 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. terested to do so. tough and intelligent questions Her work with elections was and comments during discus- impressive. She helped hire the sion. Visit Career Services for further Chief Returning Officer, chaired Dave resigned his position and information or log on to our Web site: the Elections Fairness on the Constitutional Committee, organized student Operational Development for a www.wlu.ca/~wwwcs_co voting in the municipal and fed- lack of interest in the subject. eral elections and chaired the He instead focused upon the Electios and Referenda Student Housing Portfolio Committee. where he was not only interest-

WEDNESDAY ■ JANUARY 31 • 2001 N 5 '00-'01 Board Reports: Ed but able to provide useful tions were put on financing pro- behind an improved informa- information to the BOD. vided by Student Publications. tion campaign on campus for Dave was also one of the few A greater conflict seemed to Student Publications. However, Board members regularly will- centre around his inability to get more was expected from him. ing to offer a critical voice and things complete on time. At the beginning of the year, challenge anything that seemed The situation in finance does his attention seemed divided as suspect. show positive signs of improve- he was a member of both the ment, and hopes are that Students' Union and Student Shivani Ruparell Student Publications will be Publications Board of Directors. caught up financially by the end His carefree attitude brought Shivani brought energy and of the year. a unique perspective to the enthusiasm to an otherwise pas- Student Publications Board on almost all issues. He is sive Board. Whenever assigned Robert Borek, Chair of the most valuable to the organiza- any duties, she followed Board: tion as someone who looks at test of time. through on them entirely. One all the angles and offers con- WLUSP, General Comments: of the most visibile and easily If major successes were evident structive criticisms. Nathan is Dharmesh Makwana, VP: found Directors, Shivani gave anywhere on the Board this willing to take risks and it is Three Directors (Janette Roy, Finance: the Board a personality. year, they came from Rob and clear that he cares about the Beth Mullen and Kym Stasiuk) The main focus of her term his completion of the By-Laws. organization. resigned from the BOD this This year Dharm took on some has been on marketing the BOD Although an effective organ- year. All were Residence Dons new initiatives not previously both during last year's by-elec- izer and a hard worker, Borek's Sean Geobey: and all cited time committments done by his predecessors. The tion and in part of the team cre- weakness was in his leadership as the factor for leaving. Finance department has ated this January. As well, at meetings. Often seeming as To this point, Sean has not taken For the BOD itself, there expanded as four volunteers Shivani sat on the Grant Fund though the Board was in control any major steps with Student seemed to be a lack of specific were hired in the fall. Two of Council. of him, its efficiency as an Publications. He has been -an tasks for the Directors. An early these volunteers looked at busi- While the politics of the organization was hampered. On effective member at board corporate retreat seemed to ness operations and the other position seemed to dampen her the other hand, this allowed for meetings, continually making indicate more definite action two have in long-term enthusiasm for it, she was still aided freer debate which was impor- his concerns heard. However, would be taken, but the BOD Student Publication concerns, recognized as a dedicated, tant for a small Board. his interests seemed to be divid- quickly became more focused especially that of space issues. dependable and responsible Rob was very precise about ed with his early involvement in on short-term management Concerns have been raised Director. legalities and this became evi- the SBE publication The Atrium. issues planning. his erratic presence in the than long-term about dent through his work on the Currenty, his role within the office and his inconsistencies Paul Tambeau By-Laws, enforcing past poli- organization has increased, as Christian Pearce, President: with his financial work. He has cies, and by his decision to he has become involved with a been behind in his billing of Paul's dedication to the BOD often meet in camera. new magazine to be published As President this year, Pearce customers, his payments, as was exceptional. He stood out by Student Publications. While has faced several challenges. well as presenting financial as a productive Director who Nathan Ludwig: showing a lack of initiative out- His six-person Board has dwin- reporting to the Board of worked long hours, was always side the boardroom, Sean was dled to three since September as Directors. prepared, and brought intelli- As the only returning Director still effective within Board Directors have continued to His involvement in the gent thought and questions to this year, Nathan seemed to meetings. He often paid the quit. Also, he played an impor- movie 247 High Street has also meetings. show a lack of initiative. He put most attention to the more tant role with the various situa- been questioned. A possible As chair of COD, Paul over- a great deal of work into the By- minute details affecting the tions that arose regarding the conflict of interest can be debat- saw the creation of Drector Laws before the summer, and Board. Cord. ed although substantial restric- Accountability, Elections, and this year has placed his efforts Pearce provided much need- Human Resources policies. of large ed leadership and a degree Paul also took a repre- ' motivation to the Directors that sentational role. He consulted remained. As well, he has <-'r prescnt5 students about their experiences worked hard and done well to 1LIU®E with OSAP and then held a fol- stabilize the relationship low-up meeting with university between Student Publications, officials. He also helped organ- the Students' Union and the ize the All-Candidates debate administration at Laurier. for the federal election. Pearce's focus on issues such as the WLUSP website and a Pete Turkington proposed Laurier magazine has iHfMM been erratic. Although well- Pete's most memorable work intentioned, several initiatives this year came in promoting the held at were not completed. The Cord Wilfc M Canadian Alliance at the end of Guide, for example, which was BOD meetings. As a BOD supposed to have become an 7t)i member, he was indistin- at <:30 pm online feature with Student Wednesday February H*,, guished. Publications, was never finished Pete's main responsibility either. was the Portfolio for Part-Time Proceeds go the Canadian Cancer Society Not enough can be said Students. However, he did not about Pearce's ability to resolve ' produce any substantial body of /\ external conflict. When issues (other than a sweet eeleb!) inelude ski packages, work or new information Prizes arose surrounding "Macks 'Em", regarding the needs and wishes "r was r-\ tickets, 2, and much more!!! the joke insert, Pearce hoekey dinner , of part-time students. Cord for able to maintain open dialogue He sat on Elections & with all involved parties. Referenda before resigning in However, with the creation order to run for re-election. Pete of the Cord Review Committee, y was also on COD. Pete worked The tradition continues,,.//\\ his hasty decision making con- hard on others' projects but tributed to temporary internal showed a lack of independent conflict within Student initiative. Publications. He had good attendance, but While hoping to create some 7 his comments rarely brought sense of consistency for the new insight. organization, some of his initia- tives still lack a necessary direc- tion. It remains unclear how these initiatives will stand the

- c^ WEDNESDAY - JANUARY 31 2001 OPINION 6 the CORD EDITOR'S COMMENT Elections 2001 weekly The tie that binds since 1926 Making an educated choice A Wilfrid Laurier University Student Publication is a strong satire of the dealing with the administrative pres- Third Floor, Fred Nichols Campus Centre On February Bth, students once again ous platform sures that will increase in the next 75 University Avenue West, will go to the polls in our annual state of our Union. year. Watedoo, Ontario, N2L 3C5 elections. Traditionally, student elec- (519) 884-1970 ext. 3564 tions have been mocked as a grand WLUSU VP: University Affairs Fax: (519) 883-0873 popularity contest filled with candi- Simon Tunstall: Nathan Ludwig: Advertising: (519) 884-1970 ext. 3560 dates out to pump up their resumes. Finishing his second year on the www.wlusp.com That may or may not be the case. Simon's involvement with university WLUSP BOD, Nathan is still gunning e-mail: [email protected],ca What is true, however, is that this is administration, particularly the Board for a merger of the two student cor- You can fool some people the one chance students have to of Governors, gives him experience porations. His platform is seen by sometimes, but you can't fool select people to articulate their needs in areas his competition are weak. many as a poke at the relations all the people all the time. and desires. If, of course, they select, However, he is not the best at relating between both corporations. A vote for undoubtedly Peter Tosh the right candidates. to students, which could be a prob- Nate is a protest vote. I've watched these elections lem in a position where student rep- Editorial Staff develop and watched most of the resentation is a key issue. While he ELECTIONS 2001 Editor-in-Chief Asad Kiyani major candidates work in the buildup does have more experience in the General Comments: News Editors Matt Cade to this year's polling. What follows politicking aspect of UA, press him David Field are my impressions of the major can- for concrete plans to make sure he Don't expect radical changes. Apathy Opinion Editor Maneesh Sehdev didates. Don't take my word for it, can't coast on that reputation. will again reign supreme, and the Entertainment Editors Luke Martyn but store this information, get some state of the election so far (even Scott Cairns more on your own and make an edu- though they've only been campaign- Sports Editors Basil Botetzayas cated decision. Every vote matters - Regardless of who ing for a week) is once again showing Wilbur McLean just ask Al Gore. that trend. International Editor Yvonne Farah gets elected, Both Boards have been acclaimed. Features Editor Lynnette Visaya WLUSU President test them every Basically, this means if someone Student Life Editor Reagan Haire signed up on a lark, they're now a Business Editor Cathy Sweet Eric Davis: opportunity student representative. People with- Production Manager Danielle Fielder Eric's comparative strength in this out platforms or platforms that say the election lies in his policy work and you get. election process is a sham are now

Cord Staff interaction with university adminis- your student representatives - that's Classified Coordinator Ashley-Bree Nason tration. He brings a wealth of experi- both ironic and disturbing at the On-Line Editor Asifa Rahim ence from the WLUSU BOD and the Dave Wellhauser: same time. Production Assistants Jennifer Martin University Senate; that experience, Dave brings a solid blend of volun- As well, voter turnout will likely Anthony lantorno Raymond Sun Kit On however, is concentrated in writing teer-based work with external con- be low again. Unlike last year, there's by-laws, not interacting with volun- tacts. He is also the most people-ori- no grand ideological battle to arouse Dyk Copy Editors Evan Van teers and your average students. ented person in the running for a very people's passions and snare their Tracy Chris His big goal is on better student representational position. His time interest. Most of that has to do with representation, but test him on the with the Enviro-Club and his munici- the fact that none of the candidates Circulation and File Manager vacant concrete plans and his reasoning pal interaction give him a balance have the charisma or overriding Student behind them. And check to see if at neither Shellbie nor Simon have. vision that's been present in the past. least some of the things he's promis- What hurts Dave is his lack of Finally, there's another depressing Publications Staff ing in his platform aren't already WLUSU/Laurier administration expe- lack of female candidates for elected Cord Photo Manager Eddy Schall being done. rience. Check to see if he's got the positions. At a school in which 60% Yearbook Photo Manager Martin Kuebler knowledge on those issues. of undergraduates are women, there IT Team Alan Lew Dave Prang: should be more than four women Advertising Manager Angela Foster Dave is undoubtedly the "people's" Shellbie Wilson: running for election. Kipfer Ad Production Manager Jason candidate. His experience as a Don Shellbie has the inside track on the My advice is that regardless of Ad Production Assistants Chris Jacobson and a volunteer with WLUSU gives internal side of the UA portfolio. who gets elected, test them every Kelly Niki Lutz Keberer him the edge over Davis and Ludwig. She's risen through the ranks of the opportunity you get. Demand results Kellie Sumner As well, he brings some political UA committees to her position of from everyone and make them Heather-Ann Public Relations Coordinator Mendes experience with his work on the LUCK Co-ordinator and has also vol- accountable. They signed up to do a Human Resources Coordinator vacant BOD this year. However, it isn't as unteered in other WLUSU depart- job - make them do it. Administration strong as Davis'. ments. Her weakness is on the politi- Start now with the Open Forums, He doesn't bring the umbrella cal/external side of things. Test her on even with the candidates who've President Christian Pearce concept that Davis does, but his representational issues, both with been acclaimed. Remind everyone VP: Finance & Administration Dharmesh Makwana pragmatic approach is not necessari- regards to provincial lobbying and for office that they will work Board of Directors Robert Borek running ly worse. Test him on his knowledge the Laurier administration. for and have to act in your inter- Sean Geobey Nathan Ludwig you of the working of university adminis- ests. Make sure they understand their tration and the key issues facing stu- WLUSP President roles and responsibilities. Contributors dents. And don't forget to live up to yours Amy Carver, Wright, Jeff Jackie Drouin, Jeff "like Chris Ellis: - making an educated choice and Amy" Wnght, Jim Mina, Andrew DLxon, Marianna Nathan Hrkac, Woodie Brown, Melissa Howie, Jeffrey Hall, Ludwig: This year's Keystone Editor, Chris is keeping your elected officials Dillon Moore, Shey Ylonen, Mark Belcastro, David also an ex-officio member of this accountable. Wile, Lisa and everyone else; The Cure, Stereolab, Nathan is the ultimate protest vote. If year's WLUSP Board. He's got expe- Nine Inch Nails, The Charlatans, Propellerheads, Grandaddy, The Cardigans, Frankie Bones, Handome you feel the school is becoming too rience in both administrative and vol- ASAD KIYANI Boy, Asian Dub Foundation, Annihilator, Tricky, and corporate, too conservative or too unteer aspects of the organization EDITOR-IN-CHIEF that Josh Joplin crap. Thanks in advance to everyone uptight, then he's your man. He's got and stands out as a good leader. who comes to my birthday party this Friday ana thanks to everyone who was wiling to help out with experience on both the WLUSU and What Chris has yet to demonstrate is the cause... -Maneesh WLUSP Boards, but resigned his posi- a clear long-term vision for the organ- The opinions expressed in this editorial aw those of the author, reflect ofThe Staff, the LETTERS POLICY: tion with WLUSU. Still, his semi-seri- ization and whether he of and do not those Cord • capable All letters must be signed and submitted with the author's name, student is editorial board, or WLUSP. identification number, and telephone number. • All letters will be printed with the author's name. Letters can be printed with- out the author's name with permission from the EIC. • The Cord comes out on Wednesdays. Letters must be received by Hiesdav at 12:30, on disk, or via e-mail at 22cord@machl .wlu.ca. PROBLEM MANEESH SEHDEV • OF THE Letters must be typed or easily legible, double spacedand cannot exceed 350 WEEK words. • The Cord reserves the right to edit any letter. Spelling and grammar will be Problem: "I really hate it when people say offensive things in certain corrected. •The Cord reserves the right to reject an}' letter; in whole or in part, that is in publications, but sometimes I to same violation of existing Cord policies. like say the stuff. What do I do?"/ The Cord will notprint anything that is racist, sexist, or homophobic in nature, as deemed bv the staff as a voting body. The Cord will not print personal attacks or defamatory statements. Hie Cord wili not print anything in viola- tion ofits Code ofErnies, outlined in The Cord Constitution. Cord subscription Solution: 'join a Winter Carnival team. Then you can make up cheers \ rates are $20.0-0 per term for addresses within Canada. "Hie Cord is printed by I HamiltonWeb Printing. .Ml commentary is strictly theopinion of the writerand | that offend just about anyone and no one dare does not necessarily reflect that of the Cord staff", the editorial board, or VYLU will complain'about it. Student Publications. jSee how fun life can be with a little hypocrisy?

- WEDNESDAY JANUARY 31 • 200, O 7 Jeff Carver LETTERS Student Union pick. What I Students' Union to all of a sud- who would be great at that? Election mean is that every year the Water den proclaim they had no idea We need assistance in instilling existing Students' Union puts what occurred on spirit into the varsity events, Thoughts forth an unofficial nominee that Buffalo Waterbuffaloes tours consider- who can help us? Wait, is it the everyone else is supposed to Redemption ing members of the Union Waterbuffaloes who are the All right everybody, it's that recognize as the student who have been very much involved leading campus club, who par- exciting time of year: student "deserves" to be next year's in the Waterbuffaloes and their ticipate in more campus activi- election time! That means peo- WLUSU President. There's no It is outright frustrating to see "Secret Tours." I firmly believe ties raising more dollars for ple you don't really know are neED to single anyone out here; the Students' Union of Wilfrid that a warning should have good causes than any other coming up to you in the hall- I feel confident most people Laurier take such a visibly poor been handed down prior to club or group? Who has an ways, class, and, God forbid, realize which candidate is sup- approach to an infraction that this drastic and uncalled for enormous presence in Frosh even the Turret and Wilf's to posed to win. occurs frequently among stu- action by the Union. week, the Homecoming solicit your vote. There will be But this year there's another dent activities. I am speaking It seems that the Union parade, the Walk for Literacy, talk of student apathy and ways race that might be worth watch- about the Waterbuffalo suspen- clearly needed a scapegoat to the Bacchus bus pull, to solve it, concerns will be ing. In fact, the race for Student sion that occurred earlier on in alleviate the pressure being MacLean's Magazine, and raised regarding the growth of Publications President might January without warning for exerted from a higher force (the Winter Carnival? Do we dare Laurier and increasing enrol- even overshadow that of the the presence of open-alcohol administration). I do not have randomly select members of ment numbers. All in all, it's a Students' Union President. I on bus trips. It is somewhat a problem with the fact that the Waterbuffalo executive to rather preten- know there's ironic that the "Union" repre- something should be done examine their other contribu- tious affair, in There are someone out sentatives/bureaucrats located about the conduct of tions to our school? How about fact, whether those there smiling, and seated within the positions Waterbuffalo Tours. Flowever, I in the last 5 years; 10 you want to who want maybe even inside our student government have an issue with a complete Orientation Committee mem- believe it or not, nothing more smirking, at the have proved once again how and utter disregard by Union bers, 20 icebreakers, many of the irony of me close-minded and fearful of officials who knew about the Committee members of people running than to join the writing such a administration they have situation then decided to turn Bacchus, Foot Patrol, Winter for the various club statement. At become. Let's add some per- around and slap the Carnival, Health and Fitness, positions are exclusive the same time I spective to the suspension situ- Waterbuffaloes in the face Charity Ball, Boar's Head, looking to doc- here at Laurier. hope decisions ation, since I feel the when they are just as guilty. Undergraduate Business tor up their are not made Waterbuffaloes deserve at least What further disappoints me is Games, Fraternities and resume. I know you're probably based on the size of someone's that. The Waterbuffaloes, the fact that the Waterbuffaloes Sororities, Hawk Squad, and wondering how I can make ego or out of spite. I guess we Laurier's premier campus club, are a central role of promotion BOD? such a bold statement, but rest shall see... with the largest membership of of spirit and university life at In summary, I guess it makes assured these people are out The most I can hope for is any club on campus (450+), Laurier. Why don't we ask the sense then to suspend the most there. that people realize the best type have been running events in Union a few questions... charitable club on campus I will admit that there are of person to elect is someone the same manner for over 6 like...we need someone to do because they are most preva- some good people running and who thinks outside the box, years. It is weak for the a barbecue for Laurier day, lent in the student's mind. some people campaigning have someone willing to make Why, once again, wouldn't you good intentions. But the fact changes and will make Laurier Amy Wright USE the campus club you rely remains that there are those a better place to go to school. on the most to send a message people out there who want So for those running and of a play. Instead of physically to students, whether it is spirit nothing more than to join the those acclaimed: remember Art Or committing any type of violent oriented or a reprimand? Man, exclusive club here at Laurier you're still just a student here at act, he took another route - a don't I feel playfcd. known as the Students' Union. Laurier and aren't better than Violence? peaceful one. He then spent The race for Students' Union any other student here. Sure, over a month in jail before Brett Mooney President is one that I find you have a unique role with The sixteen year old boy arrest- being released on bail. amusing. Every year there is a unique responsibilities, but ed for reading aloud his play, Perhaps the horrifying and More letters on the next page! candidate that runs because never forget the fact that you are "Twisted", is receiving massive shocking violent acts that have You should really go look! they are that particular year's still just another student. amounts of support from some been committed at schools in of Canada's most prominent lit- both Canada and the U.S. in the erary figures. More than a past few years warrant a bit of dozen authors including extra caution from the school's Margaret Atwood and Michael administration. But this boy did Ondaatje made speeches in not deserve to be arrested or to support of the young author at a spend a month in jail for writing I' s 5 fundraiser held in his benefit. a story. One of the most impor- The play he wrote revolves tant things to remember in this around an alien- particular situ- ated high school Stifling artistic ation is that it student who was a fictional DAYS plants explosive expression story. A better |iyHHH devices in an route would attempt at is not going have been for revenge at his to make those con- classmates. The cerned to author of the play a school speak with the was allegedly any safer. student private- beaten up and ly to see if he teased repeatedly by his school- was indeed upset or unstable. mates. Several days following Then perhaps it could have the reading of his play the boy been determined whether or was arrested and charged with not he was capable of inflicting four counts of uttering threats. any serious harm. It is clear that what this par- It is understandable for the ticular student wrote was a fic- administration of the school to tional story. Granted, there are be concerned for the welfare of many parallels to be drawn their students. But stifling artis- between him and the main tic expression is not going to character in "Twisted." But make a school any safer. It is not what is art for if not to express a play like "Twisted" that is con- life? He has been portrayed by tributing to violent behavior in the school's administration as a schools. In providing the oppor- maladjusted teenager bent on tunity for a student to express the destruction of those respon- her anger and frustration, it is sible for his unhappiness. actually offering a peaceful Realistically, what he did do alternative. Why would we was take his sadness and frus- want to take that away? tration and express it in the form yjM^^^2^^^u^3l3iE[C2^^^^^BSlLSC^223E3^^EE^EEi£Ssn^^lSdiu2^2ffiSE^2lS2J3Ei^^^E2^nCiliLJE2i23Sls2iHßHli WEDNESDAY - JANUARY 31 - 2001 o 8 MORE LETTERS implementation of sexual har- mony. The battle, however, is Canadians". We have an dents. Although Still Not rasment policies is not only far from over. The province's opportunity here to set a prece- I am, as a rule, as hypocritical but completely out solicitor-general, Bob "boot dent for tolerance of others and pacifist, I will make a small in case. This Yo' Maid of line with the university envi- camp" Runciman, is refusing to be a shining light to the rest of exception your is that roment. I came to university to recognize the marriages, claim- the world. "15. (1) Every indi- fair warning I'm keeping a The Torque Room is not a not only receive a degree, but ing that to do so would violate vidual is equal before and small rock in my jacket pocket garbage can. Clean up after to expand my horizons and federal law. The federal gov- under the law and has the right to send a message to the next yourself! increase my ability to think. ernment has not yet offered an to the equal protection and one of you yahoos who tries to Apparently that's okay as long opinion on the issue. The lack equal benefit of the law with- scare me to make yourself feel Ami Shah as I read the appropriate mate- of leadership on all levels is out discrimination" - Canadian important. So if you want to rial and use the appropriate both disgusting and frightening. Charter of Rights and pay for a retouch paint job, by terms. Heaven forbid that Canada has long presented Freedoms. all means, try me. The Joke somehow I come across a itself as a country that recog- My one consolation is that piece of material that has not nizes and tolerates diversity. Ryan Harron some of you will get liver dis- Insert been officially sanctioned by For the government to recog- ease, alcohol poisoning, or will the powers that be. Since I nize heterosexual marriages by wrap yourselves around a tele- Recently The Cord was heavily can't think for myself, perhaps I other churches, while not rec- Yelling phone pole with your foolish- criticized for including a joke might become confused, disori- ognizing the homosexual mar- ness one of these nights, insert modeled after Maxim ented, and sad. God forbid that riages performed by the Down The though I hope that if you do magazine. The Cord included a this school confronts problems Reverend Brent Hawkes smells the latter, you will not take any disclaimer in the form of an that are relevant. Hmmm... of either homophobia or theoc- Street innocent bystanders with you. editorial that preceded the joke Anyone heard of date rape, racy; neither of which are val- insert. Unfortunately, the insert substance abuse, racism, vio- ues one traditionally associates This letter is directed to those John Connelly offended some members of the lence (against anyone), or even with Canadian society. mental defectives who have WLU community and com- censorship. Especially not by the governing nothing better to do than to plaints came from the harras- Hmmmmmmm... Censorship. Liberal party, who made an drive around and around the Problems ment office. While I sympa- issue during the last federal block after dark, and who think thize with those individuals Mike Krech election on how it respected all it's funny to startle pedestrians I don't know what to do! I've who were offended, I am dis- Canadians. The Liberal party they don't know by honking got a roommate on crutches gusted with the reaction of the website claims that "Liberal their horns and hollering out who's always complaining and school administration. The Tolerance governments have lifted barri- the window. grunting, co-workers who only Students' Union can invite ers to participation and I hate to break it to you peo- mock and laugh at.me behind XXX-rated comedians to ensured that all Canadians ple, but it's not amusing. It's my back and a bunch of dead offend/entertain the student benefit from the diversity with- annoying, alarming, and it dis- fish on my conscience. How population, or I can sit beside For those of you who haven't in Canada's borders." The rupts the public peace that citi- will I cope? How will I survive? some twisted pervert in any heard by now, history was question, then, is whether the zens should reasonably expect Ah well, at least Baraka's play- computer lab in the school made on Sunday, January 14th. government a) is a group of when walking on public side- ing this weekend... Come on, while they download pictures For the first time in Ontario, liars, or b) do not consider walks. This behaviour is everyone! that I find incredibly offensive, homosexual couples were mar- homosexuals to be a part of unworthy of 10-year-olds, to yet no action is taken. Selective ried in a legally binding cere- their definition of "all say nothing of university stu- Manny Weirdo


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The death cuers fought tough logistical among the shocked citizens. toll has recently reached 7000 battle to access the disaster "The needs on the ground but estimates place the possible areas and recover survivors and are overwhelming the capacity number of deaths as high as 100 bodies. Local drivers, fearing to respond to them," said Denis 000, while others have predict- further aftershocks, refused to McClean, spokesman for the ed 15 000 or 20 000. go to the stricken area to help International Federation of Red Specialized teams from all ship in supplies. Cross and Red Crescent over the world have been per- Societies. forming the difficult task of They have In the first estimate of the PHOTO searching and recovering as damage, the Federation of FILE many survivors as possible. resorted to Indian Chamber of Commerce Tuesday afternoon marked the and Industry put losses at $5.5 critical 100-hour mark since the sleeping and try- billion, in addition to a daily quake struck. on production loss of $111 million, "We talk about a limit of 100 ing to survive Secretary-General Amit Mitra hours, when after that the the rubble-cov- said. The government plans to chances of finding someone ask for a $1.5 billion loan from alive drop dramatically," said ered streets and the World Bank and the Asian Jochen Jakowski, the leader of a Development Bank for recon- German rescue team in Anjar. open fields. struction. The World Bank has "It is close to a world record if released $300 million in imme- we find someone after 100 Survivors have faced dire cir- diate relief assistance and has hours." cumstances as many hospitals assembled long-term "recon- Rescue workers in Anjar in the area of the quake were struction and disaster mitigation have begun using heavy equip- flattened. Many survivors refuse packages," for which a new ment to clear the debris - a sign to enter the few buildings left loan will be provided. PHOTO that they no longer fear injuring standing for fear of aftershocks "We have started a blood FILE exercise anyone still trapped alive. The knocking them down. They donation in our vil- Survivors try to pick up the pieces in light of an rising death toll stench of dead bodies is appar- have resorted to sleeping and lages. We would be shortly dis- mobile hospital and France has Liberation Front (JKLF), the main ently everywhere as mourners trying to survive on the rubble- patching blood to Bhuj, sent a C-135 air force plane pro-independence group in the are said to be wearing face cov- covered streets and open fields. Bhachau, Anjar and other with two medical teams totaling disputed state of Kashmir, has erings as they watch victims be "We have only ourselves to affected areas," Mahender Bhai 44 people and nine tonnes of said it would send 47 litres of cremated. Incense has been turn to," said Ramiklal Jaisa, 72. Masru, a volunteer from a a field hos- blood to Unicef has burned as soldiers continue the He and 5000 others have been neighboring district, said. material, including Gujarat. and food. assisted tens of grim task of recovering the camping in a field since Friday. Several countries have pital emergency by delivering Even India's rival Pakistan thousands of blankets, million deceased. Chronic food and water joined relief efforts. Not only a has sent a plane filled with tents chlorine tablets for purifying Martin Kelsey, India program shortages have plagued the have many countries sent funds and blankets. "I have come on a water, and plastic sheeting for director for Save the Children, area. The area, which has expe- but many have also contributed humanitarian mission," temporary said "This is one of the severest rienced a drought for the last various supplies. The United said shelter. llyas Khan, director of Pakistan's Relief efforts have continued earthquakes in history. It is two years, is already in great States has sent a 747 full of emergency relief agency, as the death toll continues to absolutely devastating, as if vil- need of water. water purification equipment, "People are suffering." rise. lages had been hit by an atomic Thousands of people have Denmark has sent a $500 000 The Jammu and Kashmir Internet Twins: A Fiasco LASALAS YVONNE FARAH Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on carry out a full investigation of the situa- out to assist charges of conspiracy and fraud. tion. One of the couples who is claiming cus- After the Kilshaws returned to Wales, The Kilshaws have been ordered not A NICE GUY tody of twin 6 month old baby girls are the Aliens contacted the authorities in to speak about the case by the High taking the other couple to court to over- the United States and got the proceeding Court judge. That order applies only to One of Laurier's top Campus Clubs is turn the The to adoption. couple, Richard rolling regain custody of the girls. The Britain and media within the United promoting a new charity event. and Allen are to Vickie going court to try twins were removed from the Kilshaws Kingdom. On Oprah, the Welsh couple Laurier's Association of Spanish and to overturn the twins' adoption by a and placed into foster care in the United is expected to speak via satellite to the Latin Amaerican Students is hosting a Welsh Kilshaw. until the couple, Alan and Judith Kingdom courts there can make Aliens. It is being speculated that the benefit for those affected by the recent The case which involves the selling of a final decision. Kilshaws wish to launch a joint law suit earthquake in El-Salvador. twin baby girls twice has caused contro- The Aliens say they were tricked and with the Aliens against the internet bro- On Friday, February 2nd. LASALAS versy on of want both sides the Atlantic. The the girls back. The biological ker who arranged the adoptions. will have a fundraising dance at Cuzca were first mother girls, Kimberley and Belinda, has now changed her mind and This entire situation came to light Jamai Restaurant in Kitchener. adopted Californians and by Richard says she wants the girls back. Ms. when the Kilshaws told their story to a The night will be focused on Vickie a Allen through private internet Wecker alleges that the Kilshaws were British tabloid newspaper. As the facts of merengue, bachata, cumbia and salsa based in adoption service San Diego. aware of the previous 'adoption' by the the story surfaced in the British press, dancing. They said they paid about $6 000 in fees Aliens however the Kilshaws deny this. the authorities on both sides of the The cost will be ten dollars, pauable to an adoption broker. The were girls In a new twist on case, a judge in St. Atlantic got involved. at the door. then taken from by natu- Louis awarded the Aliens their Missiori temporary cus- Meanwhile, the British immigration All proceeds from the event will go to ral mother, Wecker, and the Tranda given to tody to Aaron Wecker, biological service is investigating the circum- the El Salvador Relief Fund. the Kilshaws, who said they paid $12 father of the twins and Ms. Weckers ex- stances under which the six-month old Cuzca Jamai Restaurant is located at 000 to arrange the adoption. The no husband. ruling, however has girls entered the country. The twins were 1780 King Street East in downtown The Kilshaws then traveled with Ms. effect the United the immediate in Kingdom. brought into United Kingdom on a Kitchener, at the corner of Montgomery Wecker Arkansas to where they hired a The Welsh couple are now travelling holiday visa. The Kilshaws claim they Street. lawyer and finalized the adoption at the to the United States part on to take the believed they were following normal For more information call 896-2878 end of December. Winfrey show. The Oprah Kilshaws lost procedure when they brought the girls or LASALAS Co-President Colin Nuber The woman who brokered the adop- their court battle to continue looking into the United Kingdom. at 897-7453. Alternately, LASALAS can tion is now being investigated by the after the babies while social services be emailed at [email protected].

WEDNESDAY • JANUARY 31 - 2001 CHILE stripping" of thousands of body parts SOUTH AFRICA PHILIPPINES from dead babies. The fate of Genera! Augusto Pinochet Professor Dick van Velzen, who A South African woman is to be Newly inaugrated President Gloria is slowly being determined. Chilean works at Adler Hey hospital in hanged in Botswana following the Arroyo is having some difficulty Federal Judge Juan Guzman has agan Liverpool was directly responsible for failure of her appeal against the death installing her new cabinet. Her choic- laid charges against Pinochet for mur- the case. The report alleges that he sentence. Mariette Bosch has been on es fro National Security Adviser and der and kidnapping. Charges that took every opportunity to remove death row for a year after a court National Police Chief are both facing had been previously dropped. The organs from children that died at the found her guilty of killing her best allegations of corruption. has judge also placed the 85 year old hospital. The organs were then just friend. Ms. Bosch has been convicted She made members of her cabinet under arrest at his house villa on the stockpiled and not all were used for of killing Ria Wolmerans and then sign a code of conduct that included Pacific coast. any sort of medical research. The marrying her husband. The appeal showing 'respect for others', living families of the children, which was made to a group of simply and focusing on the poor. It BRITAIN ranged from stillborn babies to tod- Commonwealth judges, who said she appears these steps are being taken to dlers, were never asked for consent. did not have a valid case. The only combat the remaining feelings left by A pathologist may face criminal The authorites in Britain have already remaining option is to get a presiden- the demise of the preceeding govern- charges after a damning report found set in place the framework for crimi- tail pardon. She will be the first white ment which ended because of cor- that he had participated in the "illegal nal proceedings. woman to be hung in the country. ruption. worldwatch Learn more aboutLaurier Co-0p... i Backpacking Fumnp"in 4% I , Arts Co-op & Science Co-op I Applicant | 2o°i U B RiP So'l \ Ur Information Session . B / ... n L > J Jl ■ 112° ai uggapr i Applicant |BMk}your trip With (C 2801 I Information Session I\\ p^Sp'i, &TRAVELCUTS campus V (>|o 9,2001 fOBWAGES QL— ■Md Fb 5 <,qoi I j p||j

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• WEDNESDAY JANUARY 31 - 2001 STUDENTLIFE 12 Alumni and Students Unite CSAAN brings it all together with conference MELISSA HOWIE numerous fundraising events. leadership development ses- Sessions will also deal with sions. The keynote address will This week, Laurier will wel- issues that are important for any be presented by Fred McLean, come over 100 students from 1 3 student organization, including vice chair of Laurier's Board of Canadian universities to our volunteer recruitment, and run- Governors, and a Laurier gradu- campus. The WLU Student ning effective meetings. ate. Alumni Association is hosting Special speakers have also Laurier students involved CSAAN Laurier, the 2001 annu- been invited to present at the with the WLU Student Alumni al Canadian Student Alumni conference, including a number Association have attended Association Networking of people from the Laurier com- CSAAN conferences in past

Conference from February 1 - munity. years at the Universities of 4th. Arthur Stephen, Laurier's Saskatchewan, Victoria and CSAAN is the largest annual Vice President of University New Brunswick. conference for members of CSAAN Laurier's co-chairs, Student Alumni Associations decided that the theme for this PHOTO across Canada. The purpose of The purpose of year's conference was the conference is to bring these "Discover the ENERGY!!" student organizations together the SAA is to Their idea is that other to share COURTESY ideas and learn from schools can learn from Laurier's create a link See past asnd present come together! one another. SAA. To help display this, WLU The purpose of Student between stu- volunteers known as "Boundary is their ability to have a good mal dance party. The entire Alumni Associations is to create Breakers" will welcome dele- time. CSAAN Laurier promises CSAAN Laurier committee, a link between current students dents and gates to Waterloo. These volun- an array of entertainment activi- consisting of eight WLU stu- and alumni. alumni. teers, according to CSAAN, ties to live up to this. Delegates dents, is looking forward to At CSAAN Laurier, school have the spirit of Icebreakers will enjoy a winter sleigh ride in joining the delegates in these representatives will present and the campus knowledge of St. Jacobs, a Yuk Yuks comedy activities. informational sessions about Advancement and Dr. Don Ambassadors. show at the Turret, live enter- common SAA activities such as Morgensen of the psychology Another legend that Laurier tainment by Adam and Annette CSAAN 2001 starts Thursday. Homecoming, grad parties, and department will both present representatives have left behind at Wilfs, and a MuchMusic for- Go Discover the Energy. Laurier scholars receive their dues queer theory Unthinking REAGAN HAIRE school has to offer and together "Post-Feminism" they form a unique group repre- Every now and again, the uni- senting Laurier's diverse JEFFREY HALL "Marxism") is somehow "over" itself through the concept of versity recognizes and awards strengths," says Pamela Healey, or "irrelevant". When one "man" and "woman". its prestigious and outstanding the Director of Development In recent weeks, while still in speaks of "post-colonialism", These radicals believe that students; the cream of the crop. and Alumni Relations at the spirit of The Cord joke insert one does not assume that colo- early feminist thinkers have These particular students shine Laurier. "And controversy, a number of dis- nization has ended or is irrele- merely taken the (jest attributes in academics and their involve- as a group, they have a number cussions have risen regarding vant. It appears though, as I that an oppressive heterosexu- ment in the Laurier community. of responsibilities to meet in the importance of "feminism" in have recently learned, that ality has ascribed to them, and This Thursday, February Ist at order to remain Garfield a "post-feminist" culture; that there seems to be a struggle for constructed a concept of 4:30 p.m. in Kitchener, is one of Weston scholars in their third "post-feminism" is a position or a definition of the term between "woman". When someone said, those times when the university and fourth years of study." discourse that reacts against academia and popular media. ''Lesbians are not women", she

« \ will reward its The particular feminism as a whole. : said this because the concept of students. responsibilities Let me just get this out right "woman" only has meaning in Four sec- The scholarship that the recipi- now: What,you call ''post-femi- heterosexual .systems of ond-year stu- ents have are nism" is not post-feminism. Queer Theory is thought. consists of Post-feminisms (often now • dents will be that they meet born out of post- Since these theorists radical- the recipients £5000, which is on a regular called "post-industrial femi- ly critiqued the very perspective of the Garfield basis, they par- nisms") are those feminist per- feminist senti- with which they were identify- Weston renewable every ticipate in multi- spectives that critically interro- ing, feminism, they laid the Scholarship. disciplinary gate the very subject of femi- ments. groundwork for writers such as This scholar- year. tasks, they must nism itself: "woman". That is to Judith Butler (thought to be the ship began in also provide say, that a Post-feminist per- original post-industrial feminist 1997 and is something to the spective is one that challenges and Queer Theorist) to take a awarded every three years to broader university community. the assumption that there is one The definition here is the origi- feminist perspective, and "criti- one second-year student from The first set of scholarship single, stable identity of nal definition; but magazines, cally examine the discourses of each faculty of the arts, music recipients went to Geneva in "woman". television, and newspapers feminism itself. and science and the Laurier their third year and learned It is a reaction to earlier fem- seem to have taken the term What is lesbianism? School of Business and much about human resources. inist assumptions that there is and are altering its meaning. Lesbianism, some would say, Economics. As well, they held a conference I one universal,"female" identity But let me say it again: post- and did say, is a change in per- The scholarship consists of on campus in their last year of | and that every woman (regard- feminism is not anti-feminism. spective. It is a shift away from $5000, which is renewable for study at Laurier. This confer- less or race, class, religion and Having cleared that up, what a heterosexuaiity that is con- the recipient every year, pend- ence includes a seminar on sexuality) fits into that category. does this have to do with Queer structed by oppression. ing that they maintain a B+ modern economic, scientific, Post-feminists are critical of Theory? It is that very shift in per- average in their academics. ethical, and cultural issues. early .feminist politics for not Well/ Queer Theory is born spective; that makes Queer Funding for the scholarship On Thursday, Rowland taking historical and cultural out of post-feminist sentiments Theory so'-unique;,and interest- comes from the family of the W. Smith, Laurier's senior scholar contexts into account, when such as these. In the 1980s, rad- ing today. It is a perspective (or Garfield Weston Foundation. and Vice-President, will present formulating their philosophies. ical lesbian theorists rejected perspectives) that everyone, The scholarship is unique to the scholars with their scholar- So why all the confusion? the idea that there is no all- regardless of gender and sexual- Laurier in that it is the only uni- ships at his home. Because when we, read the inclusive category of "woman", ity, can learn a great from. They versity to offer this particular prefix "post" attached to any because/'woman" was (and is) are perspectives that encourage award. Rowland: I don't care if they're word, we assume that the word merely a category that is invent- and allow people to exist as

"The four students represent scholars, keep your eye on the being described (be it "femi- ■' ed by heterosexuality - a het- themselves at any 'givpn the best that each faculty or nism", "modernism", erosexuality silver. •M or that naturalizes moment in time. 1



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STUDENT BODYV 14 J ~ platforms en & referendum questions t

a~ u Do you want better Food Services? Do you want a fall Reading Week? Do you want more say as to how your univer­ a sity is governed? Do you want more vibrant volunteer opportunities? Do you want a better textbook buy-back system? a If so, then you want to vote for me, Eric Davis, on February 8. I feel the Students' Union can be much more than it is. The organizations needs to continue to increase representation, to ensure that the student voice is heard, and to focus more on academic issues, which is, after all, why we're here. This year, as Chair of the Board, I've worked hard on both issues but still more needs to be done. While serving on the Board for the past two years, I've helped restructure the Students' Union and introduced more equitable hiring practices. I've also been on Foot Patrol and I've had experience in numerous Campus Clubs. I have the experience, drive and vision to bring the Students' Union to the next level. Vote for me on February 8 and you'll be ensuring your voice is heard. If you have any questions, please email me at '[email protected]' or visit my website at www.ericdavis.ca. eric davts

I love Laurier! That is why I am seeking your support for WLUSU President. We all share in an extremely special expe­ rience in being students at this university. I value ALL the experiences of being a student at Laurier and I wish for every student to enjoy themselves during their time here. As President, I will hold bi-weekly open forums to inform and involve as many people as possible, and to revive excitement within WLUSU. I want YOU to have an incredible expe­ rience at Laurier! With the several changes that have taken place over the last few years, now is the time to evaluate these initiatives and find out how we can improve quality-of-life issues, like hours of operation, prices, and the avail­ ability of used (and inexpensive) books. I want you to feel comfortable approaching me at anytime, and will make myself available to hear your concerns. Through my four years, I have enjoyed serving students in a variety of ways, including Foot Patrol, Discover Laurier, the Board of Directors, and being a Residence Life Don for the past two years. I will make Laurier a better place, with your help. On February 8th, vote Dave Prang for WLUSU President!

dave prang R Vote for the NLO (New Laurier Order) ti It's time for a change. Student issues and more importantly student's money have been mishandled by our own student g organisations. Our situation requires a new leader to enact massive restructuring and change. The Student's Union has li for too long promoted a puerile, anti-school spirited agenda of negativity and free speech. By forcing this critical and c liberated ideology, many students have been offended and now seek recourse. Through this time Student Publications 0 has been their acting as the student's harmful agenda. This is why I, Nathan Ludwig, as president of both organisations, c will mastermind the take-over of the Student's Union by Student Publications to prevent students from suffering further s indignities. I will also, as the schpol's new enlightened despot, privatize both organisations to take them out of the stu­ dent's hands to make them more profitable. It seems students have lost sight in the importance of greed. After this I w!ll create a more efficient two-tiered student services structure that will allow only the deserving to benefit. JOIN ME AND MY STRUGGLE TO ESTABLISH THE NLO nathan luJmg

sheltbie wtTson david wellhausu simon t:unstaU SIZE: Recipe: How to make an EVP:UA This is an election about issues. I believe that the university should be held accountable to - 5 hrs weekly volunteering for K-W "Out of the Cold" - This university is scheduled to possibly grow in size provide the same quality, standards and class sizes that have Homeless Shelter Program by 28% over the next few years. Our strength and come to be expected of our small school environment. Both - 1 Tbsp of active membership in the WLIJSU Men attractiveness of being a small school with a close com­ professors and facilities should increase proportionately with Against Violence Against Women munity is in danger. I will fighi against growth. the influx of students entering in the 2002 double cohort. - 1 President of the Environment Club - For several years the university has blocked attempts The issue of size includes many aspects; such as residence - 1 experienced member of the K-W polit1~al process to have professor evaluations made public. Progress is space, parking, administration lineups and even on campus Mix ingredients; let sit for 22 years. being made, and I will work towards completion of this food services, the University must be made conscious and How will I put these credentials to use? project. held liable to its capacity to accommodate students. Every -There is a lack of quiet study areas outside the library - WLUSU is in need of hiring a full-time researcher as effort should be made to uphold our well-respected and and I am determined to work towards solutions to this was recommended in the Union Renewal Commission enjoyed community atmosphere at WLU. problem. document a year ago. I will ensure that this happens. REPRESENTING STUDENTS AT OUSA: -Meeting students' meal requirements is a key concern. I -As vacancy rates decrease and rents increase, I will As EVP:UA I would represent students' interests on the will lobby for on-campus reform and the addition of off­ work with the university administration and the mayor Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA) ensuring campus destination(s). of Waterloo through the new Student Housing Task that the issues that most directly affect students, such as - I'll work to improve community sponsorship of WLU Force to obtain a greater quantity and quality of hous­ tuition costs, fees, the double cohort and student bursaries athletics. Other university athletes have a ~ompetitive ing. and funding, are also priority to the administration and vari­ advantage due to higher levels of commu')ity sponsor­ -Academic Council has not accomplished anything and ous levels of government. I would also venture to obtain a ship. needs to be scrapped in its current format and replaced greater amount of student feedback regarding the issues in -My involvement in the local community will help me in with an Academic Issues Committee with a coordinator, order to accurately represent student interests at the lobbying lobbying to increase parking time from 3 lv 4 hours on executive, and volunteers, to help address topics such level. streets surrounding Laurier. as class sizes, faculty-student ratio, and student debt. INTERNAL COMMITIEES: -I'll increase on and off-campus voluntee~ opportunities. I humbly ask for your support and your vote for Vice Having worked in the University Affairs department for the I will work to unify and improve student lile, campus cul­ President: University Affairs so that these issues will be last three years, I believe I would be able to build on the ture and services. I'm for the students, not the administra­ addressed. current/ tion. We will protect and build on the uni11ue sense of community at Laurier.


James Morgan, WLUSU Board of Directors Candidate has I have been actively involved in WLUSU and WLU since my created the Democratic Union Party to act as a new, first year. I have the experience within the university to pro- grassroots base of students who are committed to voke positive change for students. accountability and democracy within the student union. Student representation must be the primary concern for the James Morgan will ensure that your dollars are spent wise- Board of Directors. I will increase representation by giving ly and ethically by WLUSU, and that the services which students easy ways to give feedback on relevant issues. the union provides students are both financially efficient Students must know who their representatives are so I feel and practical. James Morgan believes that both the exec- that it is essential for the BOD to be visible on campus. The utive and legislative branches of the union have a moral James Morgan Kristi Edwards BOD has the opportunity to help make Laurier a better uni- and financial responsibility to students. James Morgan will versity that is more accountable to students. also establish new ways of strengthening democracy and Vote Kristi Edwards for WLUSU BOD accountability within the union.

We must plan for the future so that we can continue to Do you want a Students' Union that you feel actually relates offer Student Services effectively and the increase capaci- to you? One that truly represents and addresses your needs ty in the Turret and Wilf's. We must continue to ensure that as an individual, not just as a student? I do. The wheels of the University is growing responsibly. We must continue to this vision are already turning, but for the changes we all cut red tape in the Union to better meet the needs of stu- desire to become a reality, continuity must be ensured with- dents. Directors must start doing more research and col- in the Students' Union. As a current Director on the WLUSU lecting more feedback. We must reinvest the Health Plan Board, I have proven my determination and leadership, now surplus to offer better coverage. These are a few of the ini- all I request is the opportunity to continue. More important tiatives that I will implement as a Director. Vote for respon- Paul Tambeau Andy Bruce that promises of representation, I bring experience, knowl- sibility and accountability. VOTE PAUL TAMBEAU. edge, passion and a vision to the Students' Union.

Hello my name is Regan Watts. As a Foot Patroller, My name is John Bond and I'm a second year Political Icebreaker and Executive Assistant in Student Activities, I Science Major taking the business option. As a member of have been involved in many aspects of the WLUSU com- the Board of Directors for the Wilfrid Laurier University munity. My experience has showed me that students want Students' Union I will dedicate myself to the betterment of concrete input on the issues that surround them. As a our university community. I bring skills such as leadership Director I would make it my priority to make decisions and integrity to this job, and I will use these qualities to based on those issues brought forth that concern students make progress in areas such as financial responsibility and the most, particularly focusing on representation of all stu- the advancement of our technological resources. Given the dents. Student voices would be my greatest resource. Vote Regan Watts John Bond chance, I will not let you down. Regan Watts for 8.0.D. want to continue to represent you on BOD because there My name is Jonathan Raymond and am running for a I I are still some issues that we, the students, must address. position on the Board of Directors in the upcoming elec- consultations over the past weeks and months, stu- tion. We all know why Wilfrid Laurier is a school that is Through dents have shared their concerns with me. It is time for some growing at an increasingly fast rate. This is why would I more tables and benches in the concourse so you can work, like to focus my platform on housing issues. My main con- to address the lack of parking on campus and make voting cern is to increase the amount and quality of housing for more convenient networking the polling off-campus students. would also like to increase the by electronically I stations. have also heard concerns of wasteful spending of communication between our Students' Union and the I tuition money...let's hold the university accountable. On school community. currently have experience working Jonathan Pete I February Bth RE-ELECT PETE TURKINGTON with WLUSU as the Personal Assistant to the President. Raymond Turkington

As your First Year Council representative on BOD this past Why would a third year biz student like me want to run for year, I worked hard on behalf of my class to improve the a Board of Directors position on SU? Well I feel Laurier state of Information Technology on campus, and helped lacks the multicultural atmosphere I have grown accus- to set several reforms in motion that will greatly improve tomed to coming from Toronto. Where's the mix, the colour- Campus Clubs for years to come. A vote for Overholt ful rainbow. I don't see it. There's no integration (or lack of). would be a vote in support of improved school structures So what did students say? Some kind of mosaic, a year end and facilities, such as residences and academic buildings. event, maybe in Fashion 'N Motion, a committee consisting A vote for Overholt would be a vote for leadership, expe- of executives from multicultural clubs. rience, and hard work. Just vote for Overholt for WLUSU Michael Tina Kapoor Basically, the point is, more awareness of our differences BOD, you could probably do worse... Probably. Overholt and how they can make us come together.

I'm James Court. I am running for WLUSU BOD because I am a first year student in Political Science and a member I believe in the integrity of the students and I would like to of First Year Council. I am running for the BOD because of dedicate myself to representing our concerns. Some of the my belief in the positive role student government can play projects I would like to undertake concern... in improving student life in all areas. There are many criti- - A project I have started as an E.A. to the President, that cal issues facing Laurier: our need for more Information is a landlord quality control agreement in K/W, working Technology; our school's burgeoning population and its with WLU and the Municipality. impact on our "small school" atmosphere; and WLUSU's

- Lobbying to decrease University tuition. role in dealing with these and other issues.

- Bringing Karaoke Monday's to Wilf's James Court Colin Shank If elected, I will endeavor to make the BOD more effective,

- Above all to listen to the real concerns of students at cooperative and representative of students. WLU and bring them to the attention of WLUSU. On February Bth, I ask for your support.

Quick! Can you name the 1 3 BOD members? Thought so. I have three fundamental mandates: Help me change that. Through utilizing the Marketing - I will endeavour towards the abolishment of school spirit department, the Cord, and other mediums, I would like to as an institution that threatens the individual's inherent make sure that the students know who the members of the rights and freedom. BOD are and how easily they can be approached. I - I will endeavour to ensure that this is an educational insti- believe putting a name to a face is very important. tution first and foremost, and a resort and summer camp Knowing where to send an email sometimes does not cut only second. it. Stopping BOD members in the hall and talking with - I will demonstrate that this election process is an empty them is a great way to get your opinions heard. I want to David Sterling and ultimately powerless representation of the needs of the make sure you know who they are. Washburn prentice student body. I plan to further the voice of the student body in all WLUSU matters. To do this I will make myself available to all comments and concerns improving the services that most directly impact our school. As a first year student, I have new and creative ideas to bring to WLUSU. If elect- ed, I will work hard for Laurier and the Laurier communi- ty-

Darryl Byrne L WEDNESDAY • JANUARY 31 • 2001 F 16

I am a technocrat. I like to see things running properly and smoothly. This philosophy may sound boring but it works, because of this approach to things I am the best person for the job of Student Publications President. Student Publications needs continuity from year to year; projects get started and then left idle, new ideas never get the chance to grow, there is no focus. Aside from the everyday working of Student Publications, I plan of making sure the ideas of this year will not go to waste. Ideas such as the publication of a campus magazine where all views on campus can have a fourm. More Student Publications involvement on campus, co-involvement in events such as the upcoming WLUSP/DECA case study competition or the LETTERMAN/WLUSP dollar party. These are the things that are beneficial for other groups on campus and for Student Publications. On election day you are not just placing a singe vote, you are essentially hiring the next Student Publications President. So, hire the best person for the job. Any questions, want more info, email me: [email protected] president cKris dlis Vote for the NLO (New Laurier Order) It's time for a change. Student issues and more importantly student's money have been mishandled by our own student organisations. Our situation requires a new leader to enact massive restructuring and change. The Student's Union has for too long promoted a puerile, anti-school spirited agenda of negativity and free speech. By forcing this critical and liberat- ed ideology, many students have been offended and now seek recourse. Through this time Student Publications has been their acting as the student's harmful agenda. This is why I, Nathan Ludwig, as president of both organisations, will mas- termind the take-over of the Student's Union by Student Publications to prevent students from suffering further indignities. wlusp I will also, as the school's new enlightened despot, privatize both organisations to take them out of the student's hands to make them more profitable. It seems students have lost sight in the importance of greed. After this I will create a more effi- cient two-tiered student services structure that will allow only the deserving to benefit. JOIN ME AND MY STRUGGLE TO FSTABLISH THE NLO Nathan ludwig

wlusp toard of directors nicolc Student Publications belongs to the students. If elected as a member of the board of directors I will ko^lclci do the utmost to see that the needs of the students are met in every possible way: from equality issues, to ensuring that what matters to students is covered in a fair and objective manner. I will ensure that a larger presence on campus is created for the publications put out by students. As well, securing the future of the corporation is of the utmost importance for me. After all, student publications is the voice of the students, and without a voice we have nothing.

Bringing experience from my outside financial work, I want to help guide WLUSP to financial trans- parency and accountability. Students should know how their money is spent and students should feel confident that they are receiving value for fees they invest into WLUSP. It wili also become increas- ingly important for the WLUSP Board to set forth on a process of redefining Student Publications, and a campus wide strategic planning process should be undertaken to define what Student Publications should do to enhance itself in the eyes of students and the University Community. watts

No platform available wlusp referendum questions

Be it resolved that Wilfrid Laurier University Student Publications separate its fee from the Wilfrid Laurier University Students' Union and be allowed to levy its own indexed fee of $4.26 per term independently.

Be it resolved that the 1999-2000 Wilfrid Laurier University Student Publications audited financial statements be passed as presented.

Be it resolved that Collins Barrow be appointed the auditor for Wilfrid Laurier University Student Publications for the 2001-2002 fiscal year. benjamin martin Be it resolved that Wilfrid Laurier University Student Publications' By-law 1 be repealed and replaced with By-law 3. wlusu questions 1

Be it resolved that the 1999-2000 Wilfrid Laurier University Students' Union audited financial statements be passed as presented.

Be it resolved that Collins Barrow be appointed the auditor for the Wilfrid Laurier University Students' Union for the 2001-2002 fiscal year.

Be it resolved that the Wilfrid Laurier University Students' Union establish and fund the Laurier Innovative Fund for Technology, which is to provide additional funding for Information Technology initiatives, by assessing a mandatory fee not to exceed $50.00 per academic term for full-time undergraduate students, and that the Wilfrid Laurier University Students' Union Board of Directors be empowered to make the final decisions regarding its implementation.

Be it resolved that if the answer to the Wilfrid Laurier University Student Publications referendum question number one is "yes", that the Wilfrid Laurier University Students' Union reduce its student fee by 15% from the 1999-2000 fiscal year rate in the fiscal year 2001-2002.

Be it resolved that all Part-Time undergraduate students be assessed the Wilfrid Laurier University Students' Union fees on a proportionate basis.


I He It resolved that Wilfrid Laurier |j I University Student Publications | | separate its fee from the Wilfrid ia | Laurier University Students' I & Union and be allowed to levy its 112? |j I own indexed fee of S4.BG per jjT „ JSm I / j| term independently. |J j . |

@ y > / 1 W , i

| • Nothing changes. ESE3SS3 | • Nothing Improves. I

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* & » j <*Lmj «#■ .««. ««#> « I |jj M«. wiw Bs®®gBf ®8I %I sm'W 'master am WSx Wmßm «K «￿«EK*B smma&x jg ! 1*! [a asfftfflW* C* a Mn^fPf^f^famigMagMagMßMMgMgMaaaagMagMgMaßMgM^fEMgMaasMMagMaagMaaaagMagMagMag^^ ENTERTAINMENT 18 Don't Traffic stopthe Grit and yellow hues come to life in drug drama

JEFF WRIGHT chances to destroy a local car- tel, to the dealers themselves,

OK, 50... drugs are bad, right? and as scary as it may sound - At least that's what we've been every view seems to have its brought up to believe as true. merits. But how do we conceive of Stephen Gaghan, who eliminating addictive sub- recently snagged the Best stances without providing ade- Writing Golden Globe, com- quate social services to assist posed the intricate story in the users, and, more pertinent, Traffic, and he confessed in his why would we want to elimi- acceptance speech that many of nate drugs when they are as the plotlines were drawn from important to America's econo- his own difficult youth. In that my as automobiles? context, I guess all the detri- Not that any of these are mental effects of using drugs simple questions, and Traffic, aren't true, because only a fully- Steven Soderbergh's latest film, functioning cranium could have chooses not to editorialize and pulled off such an expansive remains objective throughout its and encompassing opus, foray into the US's attempts to Steven Soderbergh is frankly stop the problem of drugs. The one the best directors out there. film's many questions are posed In addition to that credence, he from every viewpoint, from the also apparently manned Traffic's well-off girl who indulges in cinematography, crediting the Yeah, so, what kind ofsmack should 1 do after a long run? crack-cocaine, to the small- alias Peter Andrews. His choic- feel that makes Traffic seem less with his downtrodden face and narcotics are not working, and town Mexican police officer es of filters and film stock gave like a finely-crafted film, and docile voice. Don Cheadle is an he may not have the answers who the film real grit and a resonant more like a truthful recreation of FBI agent tracking a local US demanded of his position. sense of immediacy, and the way things are in the world. drug czar, and even though he Drug addiction is a serious Soderbergh divided geographi- Few films ever reach that seems to talk and act the same issue, and as (at least semi-) regions cal by colours: a yellow plateau, but Traffic is able "to way in all his movies, there are intellectual university students, and a tint signifying Mexico hold, as 'twere, the mirror up to few who pull off cool lines like we should be endeavoring to blue wash for the good ol' US of nature." (That's Hamlet - the 'to him. find solutions where the govern- A. The camera is hand generally be or not to Topher Grace, better known ment cannot. It's really easy to held and in constant be' guy from as "That 70s Show guy", cut the avoid or even partake in the motion, but that only I ' Grade 1 2 Skywalker locks for an exquisite problem, but there is something the reality and increases English). performance as the rich boy seriously wrong when the youth documentary Another of with just a bit too much money. of society feel that they need to Soderbergh's directo- Catharine Zeta-Jones, pregnant escape or heighten their reality l rial trademarks is and maternal (so none of those with narcotics. It seems we're ft positively great act- laser-defying posterior maneu- treading into a Brave New

I ing from his cast, vers like we saw in Entrapment), World (yes - ANOTHER high 112 Some performances is aghast to discover that her school lit reference) and all peo- of note: Benicio del husband is involved in drug traf- ple need to seriously consider Toro, who rivals only ficking, only to find herself the how they will act under the ' Helen Hunt for most appear- rightful heir to the business. guise of constant drug abuse. ances on celluloid this year, is Michael Douglas is also terrific Traffic is, I suspect, a film that is clearly the moral fabric of the as the government's 'Drug powerful enough to seriously story, and brings the struggle Czar', who realizes that all the change people's lives. It certain- against drugs to a humane level generic platitudes against illegal ly rattled mine. Bands your mother wants you to see JACKY DROUIN lation. you off from going to their shows. Case in Point's first EP, The Music "We're really nice guys," Liam con- You wouldn't know it by looking at the Unites, is a split with the former United tinues. "I give really good hugs." students, but Wilfrid Laurier has got Youth Crew of K-W. Every song on the He turns over to a redhead sitting one some punks. No, it's not the kids with the split is played with intensity, and the table over. "Do you want a hug?" He rainbow colored hair floating around the show (keep your ears to the ground) is asks. Torque room (That's too easy. It's like filled with moshing, floor punching and The girl shakes her head, no. "Well, I saying all preps wears the Gap. Oh, no wind milling. Case of Point offers up tra- still give great hugs." wait...). You have to look closely ... and ditional Hardcore at it's best with To find out more about what bands there you go! A student in the Solarium screamed vocals and lyrics of a politi- are playing in the K-W area, walk on wearing a Misfits T-shirt. Another student cal/traditional straightedge nature. down to the Orange Monkey, situated on walks by with a Hot Water Music Hat. There's lots of energy here, my favorite Princess Street, right across from the And another with an At the Drive in T- being track seven, the 'Happy Song', a Princess Cinema. If you don't feel like shirt. catchy, enthusiastic youth crew tune. leaving the comforts of your home (and We're everywhere and we're your The music of DieHumanDie is dark we thought you were hardcore), send a worst nightmare. and heavier, filled with the same tradi- shout out to [email protected]. Well, I suppose that's not entirely tional straight edge lyrics backed up by The guy who runs this keeps a tab on all true. But it just goes to show you that you an aggressive hardcore style beat. "We the hardcore and punk events in the K-W wouldn't know it by looking at them that will kill you, that's how good our shows region, and within a few days you'll they're punks, the same way you would- are," explains Liam Cormier, a second receive a listing of all shows in the area. n't know that Laurier has got some Rock year Communication student and drum- Just because you can't find the punks Stars wandering around the hallways. mer of the band, DieHumanDie. doesn't mean they're not there: find your And members of DieHumanDie and The band has been compared to way to the next show and remember, if Case in Point, two hardcore bands in the bands of the grindcore punk nature, with we can't walk together, we can't rock Kitchener-Waterloo Hardcore Scene, just a f**k-you-core attitude that goes along together! MARTYN happen to be amongst the student popu- with all the songs. That shouldn't scare LUKE WEDNESDAY - JANUARY 31 • 2001 E 19 Candy from the dead to censor this type of music, thing mildly productive. To call cause after listening to Carnival this album mid-tempo dance Diablos for an hour I felt like music is a personal insult and I going out and ripping it up. wish to "Step Up" if you feel this Excuse me while I go kill some- way. As you may have gathered, one. by "Stepping-up" I wish to lay The primary focus of the the beats down on you.

album - I don't know, but I do A more appropriate general- know that these guys need some ization of this album would be lessons and a few chops to describe it as an eclectic of the scissors in order to move lounge recording not to be com- into the new millennium. My pared with the likes of overall rating: crapola! Stereolab. Various sounds and textures are added from many Anthony lantorno sources including sitars, latin- influenced percussion, mild hip Annihilator hop beats and sweet vocals. Carnival Two songs stand-out as per- Diablos sonal favourites mainly due to my terrible weakness for French women. "Le Monde" and "Shadows of Ourselves" both Crapola! feature the vocals of Bebel Mullets beware, Annihilator is Gilberto singing in French to the back with a vengeance, and this organic music produced by time Satan is with them. Thievery Corporation. Gilberto Reminiscent the Pepsi Power has been featured with such Hour, Carnival Diablos is defi- artists as Towa Tei and Kenny G. nitely the album for you if your The latter is really not a high- idea of a good time head bang- light in her career, but I'm sure ing at the local watering hole she was paid well. with other trailer park trash. The Thievery This album makes me feel Carnival Diablos is a perfect Corporation funny every time I listen to it. If example of a bad use of judge- Mirror you want to feel funny too, I ment at the record company. Conspiracy strongly suggest you purchase it Write for Whoever 'discovered' these from your local music retailer. guys should lay off the crack, The sweet melodic sounds will cause death meta! has been Super-fantastic keep you coming back for more. E ntertai nment. dead for years (or at least I Thievery Corporation's newest No cure is available. thought). Filled with ripping gui- album The Mirror Conspiracy tars solos and the piercing has been in my constant rota- Luke Martyn You only have vocals of lead man Jeff Waters, tion pile for about three months Carnival Diablos just does not now. It seems that once you're Anthony lantorno calls Timmins cut it in today's 'Top 40' society. hooked to this Washington DC home. Do we really believe his 8 weeks left! After listening to the album based duo (Rob Garza and Eric CD review? I didn't think so. through and through, I can now Hilton) you'd rather stay home actually see how parents want and listen to more than do any- leacherSecondary ~m pEducation ®fTTr\——— vrannon University, Faculty of Education

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• WEDNESDAY - JANUARY 31 2001 E 20

Faculty ofArts Pre-Registration In February, the faculty of Arts pre-registers all returning students for the next academic year. Your Department is responsible for counselling and registering you in your courses.

February 5-16 Look for notices in your department to attend information sessions

; These information sessions will prepare you for your course selection, j : program requirements, graduate requirements, etc. You will also :

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February 26 Pick up Pink Pre-registration Forms

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February 28 Return pink pre-registration forms with WW* ' '^ major choices only OS| mS^m . mm' | ,:^.jm March 1-6 Departments determine I. ■ - --. students registration in courses

» March 7 Pick up approved pre-registration forms from your departments

March 7-9 Submit approved pre-registration forms to Registrars office

After Pre-registration

May - You will receive a white Intent to registrar form. Follow the instruction and submit to the Registrars Office by the date specified on | this form. July/August - You will receive a pink registration form from ; tne Registrars office. Further course/program changes will be made in September.


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> WEDNESDAY - JANUARY 31 2001 your Resources J Writing Skills Media Resources | Writing Centre Media Technology . Re OUR C E S (for nerly Audio Visual) I .... ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I * Individual 45-mLnute appointments with provided for academic use in fOniMizEtrained peer tutors or the co-ordinator Support is ij • tt j \ , and learning with: If 11 , i . the teaching3 process • Hand-outs on all typical writing problemsi

* • Discipline-specific resources on all major Film and video programs

" • v:'Y.;z /' f'- - - writing issues Video and sound recording ; • with all • ~ Web site handouts on-line and links Video editing facilities to great academic writing sites • Data presentations ||

• Class presentation on writing by co-ordinator • Image and text scanning

• Preparation of 35mm slides and overheads

• AV equipment and instruction fjr ? 112 | U HffMTzTrr i====^^=^=^^=i

" ~ Study Strategies ~ 77. ~ T ° 77 J Specialized Learning StrategiesL h The Study Skills Program Special . Needs , , Office Professional Learning Consultants and trained If volunteer Peer Learning Assistants help you Students with disabilities can work with 112h v maximize your study skills. Special Needs Office staff for support in:

' >' • , Time management and procrastination T L * 'earning strateg.es U- • Textbook learning and note taking * \ • Critical thinking Time management and organizational strategies

**' * • • Essay preparation • Determining individual examination 1 * Memory and concentration accommodations | '

# Exam Pre P aration and performance . Understanding own learning styles v. - 4 j °^ handouts • £ er workshops, individual consultation, Accessing campus and community resources

r • • . .. . and in-class seminars...... - and irt-residence :--^r .3111 • i ®mk. Utilizing non-print and other technical■ || - support material

Information Resources and Services for Research Computing Skills Library The Information Technology 1' ■ • Access to print, non-print and electronic information SERVICES in the Library building, using networked campus J _ A\ computers and from remote locations via the Internet Learn basic computing application skills:

# one million volumes on More than equivalent campus . Wofd a wQrd processor/ for your essays/ • More than seven million equivalent volumes resumes etc. w,thin TriUniversity Library Group | . Excel 97< for your spreadsheet needs | Document delivery , PowerPoint 97, for making "slide" presentations i • Extensive program of orientation tours and tutorials H * CWMail e-mail fundamentals I • 64 hours of professional reference service weekly jj * Web browsing skills with Netscape I • Building open nearly 100 hours weekly gj Hi\ . o y |

§1 _ Classes in these applications are offered in September 3 If and October, and again in January and February. \: ||gjsBSsl^— Information about the classes, including schedule and descriptions, is posted on the Web at Ij] http://www.wlu.ca/~wwwccs/classes/ | |j ll || wmmmma cn If

■! iiiiiJffAVlViVAVll'en> BUSINESS 22 Co-op Kids Aren't Just Fetching Coffee Waterloo Students Keep Business in Canada CATHY SWEET cation development and to build partnerships with key Adam Zimmer and Mike service organizations. Neame are two skilled entrepre- In a recent interview with neurs who have chosen to stay Adam Zimmer, he stated, "This in Canada despite lucrative hi- is the next logical step for our tech opportunities available in business and we are pleased the United States. with the endorsement we've Adam, President and CEO, received through this early and Mike, Vice President of financial support from our Product Development, are the investors. We selected sea- founders of 'Arius Software', a soned experts in the technology business designed to help com- and investment community as panies automate their e-com- our investors and advisors to merce web applications. ensure that we have the right Initially, it acted as a consult- strategy to grow our business." During a consulting project, ing firm for companies who Their promise is to make Arius Software recognized a wanted to inte- "corporate data need to automate the web- grate the available from appllcation development Internet with anywhere, any- process and designed a toolkit their business- Their promise is time - from a called ConnectedDß to address es. eel I phone, a this need. Currently, to "make corpo- idesktop, or over The toolkit enables develop- Arius continues rate data avail- the web - all ers to rapidly generate graphical to supply con- from with the same user interfaces for a variety of sulting services able interface, with- platforms and connect those while marketing anywhere, out having to re- interfaces to either current exist- a web-based write a single ing or legacy databases. accounting anytime." line of code." The founders were recently package. Arius special- interviewed on CBC as skilled Despite the izes in web- entrepreneurs who have chosen company's short existence, based database solutions, e- to stay in Canada. Arius Software received $1.5 commerce store-fronts, security Arius employs about 7 or 8 million dollars during its initial payment systems and complete Are we having fun yet?? The people ofArius get busy. university co-op students per round of funding. But what's business-to-business solutions term. kers and a common web-based us fast and easy access to imme- even more impressive: the com- for small, medium and large interface. diate financial data and client So the rumors aren't true. pany was founded during co-op companies. Not all kids are Pacific and Western Trust is information from the desktop or co-op perform- work terms, Adam and Mike Arius Software has devel- menial tasks their one of Arius' largest customers. web-based interface, we were ing during have yet to graduate from the oped solutions for many clients four work terms, It operates in several provinces able to put the customer first." month some university. in the financial services sector, and is making advances to Arius is also involved exten- are starting their own business- They are both in their last security industry and education- become a national trust compa- sively in system design projects es, keeping hi-tech talent in term at the University of al markets throughout North creating jobs ny and chartered bank. With for Silicon Valley start-ups. The Canada and Waterloo, Adam in computer America. assets of $500 million and team has been successful partic- for...me. engineering, and Mike in com- Within the financial sector, 50,000 customers, Pacific had ularly in the educational puter science. Arius created a financial data- mar- provided a challenging oppor- ket. Cathy Sweet, having been sum- Arius Software plans to use base system for Pacific and fired her as tunity. Success in the IT world is marily from position the $1.5 million to develop their Western Trust that consisted of David Taylor, CEO of Pacific achieved by recognizing the business editor with The Cord, professional services organiza- an internal administrative sys- & Western Trust commented on consumer's need and finding is now seeking employment, tion specializing in web appli- tem, an extranet for their bro- elsewhere. Smart-aleck. the project and said, "By giving creative ways to fill them. Business Bites

Global to Profit from Survivor II: Schwartz Sweetens Bid Canadian Tire Can't Take a Joke IT Salaries at All Time High

A 30-second spot on Survivor II: The Gerald Schwartz offered to sweeten his Jeremy Wilson, a 28-year-old systems Ever increasing demand for information Australian Outback sold for as much as bid for Chapters Inc. if their directors administrator may be sued by Canadian technology professionals is pushing up $80,000 (Canadian), up from $55,000 recommend the Trilogy Retail Enterprises Tire for up to $20,000 in damages for salaries in the high-tech sector. RHI for advertising on the final Survivor LP offer to shareholders. Schwartz and reproducing his Canadian Tire credit Consulting reported that senior Internet episode that aired last summer. Global is Reisman are willing to add 25 cents a card on a personal web site. His site, site developers are achieving base $98,000 currently asking for for a spot share onto the $17 cash offer, if the titled "What's in my Wallet?" lists the salaries ranging from $69,250 to on the finale of 11. Survivor In compari- Chapters insiders tender their holdings. contents of his wallet: mall photos, $100,000 a year, up 16.7% from last son, commercials during the top-rated The cost to Trilogy is about $2-million. video-rental cards, and other parapher- year. Chief technical officers can also show Friends would fetch between Wednesday, Chapters will ask the nalia in excruciating detail. Although expect a 16% increase in average start- $50,000 and $70,000. The Super Bowl Ontario Securities Commission to force the site doesn't use the credit card to sell ing salaries this year. The highest also drew in the advertisers to $17 cash as paid Trilogy extend its offer to 100% of anything, he could be charged with demand is for experienced specialists Global as much as for a rather $85,000 30-sec- Chapters' share, than the current copyright infringement and receive with expertise in "networking, ond the II spot during game. Survivor 73%. Chapters is arguing that Trilogy statutory damages. Currently, he is refus- Internet/Intranet and software develop- the commercials of the views as part violated securities laws by engaging in ing to remove the image from his site. ment." marketing mix by associating the show private agreements to purchase with Bud Light, Reebok and Doritos. Chapters' common shares.

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The week started on remains sharp with BELCASTRO Wednesday a game against heading into the the struggling team from MARK Western whom Laurier beat the playoffs. previous week by a score of 3-1. Laurier's bench watches avidly as the team skates to another victory On that occasion, rookie the division to compete with the home stretch of the season and occured early in the season, will goaltender Heidi Snutch earned as the Mustangs scored three Hawks. help keep the team's current 1 5 only be redeemed if the women her first OUA victory and in this goals in the first few minutes of Lisa Backman had another game winning streak and OUA can play a tighter, cleaner game another first year player, the third period. However, that's stellar week for the Hawks as championship hopes alive. match against the Blues who Nadine Urscheler, was given all the Hawks would give them she finished with six goals and With four games remaining have rarely been tested this her first opportunity for the as WLU held on to win 5-3. two assists. She was also named in the season it is vital that the year. Hawks. The Hawks other two games Laurier's female athlete of the team remains sharp heading Leading up to the Toronto The first period, as expected, this week also provided positive week. into the playoffs. The most game, this week will be another was dominated by the Hawks results with victories over Backman still leads the CIAU important game of the season busy one for the Hawks as they who scored two goals, one by Guelph and Brock by scores, of in scoring and is quite possibly still lies ahead on February 10th will play Brock on Wednesday, Lisa Backman and the other by 2-1 and 6-1 respectively. the best player in Canadian against the number one ranked followed by Queen's on Friday Alison Goodman. The Hawks The Guelph victory was University hockey right now. U of T Blues, who are the only and Ottawa on Saturday. The didn't relent there as they added especially significant as the With goaltender Joyce team to taint the Hawks' record team then receives a week off three more goals in the second Gryphs are the second-place Torrington receiving two con- this season. before playing U of T to finish period with Backman and team in the OUA West and thus secutive games off, she'll be Toronto's humiliating 7-1 off the regular season. Goodman each notching their far have been the only team in more than ready to face the victory over WLU, which No Rest for the Weary BASIL BOTETZAYAS minutes. rebounding and out-shooting While one single knockout The Hawks also had four In a heartbeat, the Hawks the Marauders to take a 39-35 blow was not delivered, there players score in double figures, The outlook was bleak, the had ran the table on the lead in to the break. was a flurry in the second half. a very difficult task to accom- Laurier men's basketball team Marauders when Darren Viera In the face of exceptional The Marauders were scoring at plish. Yet they still came out on was siting at 1-5 having just lost capped off a 12-2 run with a defense on the last possession, will off fast breaks, half court the short end of the stick. to the second ranked team in pull up three pointer on the fast the Marauders hit a turnaround offense and ultimately On this day, only one num- Canada. The University of break. shot at the buzzer to cut the turnovers. ber mattered for the Hawks, 23. Western Ontario let the horses As he pumped his fist in the margin in half to 39-37 gaining Laurier seemed to acomplish While some may hope it was for run free all over Laurier in a 42 air afterwards, he was sending a a shot of momentum. many tasks on this day that have the exceptional play of point point thrashing Wednesday message to the Marauders, the With the first half under their been elusive to other teams. guard Darren Viera, it was not. evening in London. belts, the Hawks came out Rather, 23 for the number of With the McMaster ready to continue where they turnovers the Hawks commit- Marauders next up on Saturday left off. The Marauders on the Only one ted. It seemed more like 100 afternoon, the Golden Hawks Darren Viera other hand were just getting num- turnovers watching the second would learn the facts of life: In capped off a 12- started. ber mattered for half, as the Hawks lost more of the rough and tumble OUA Their leader, Doug Doyle, the on their bravado with each West division, there is no rest 2 run with a having been kept in check the Hawks turnover. They started to second for the weary. pull up three first half with three points start- this day, 23... for guess their every move, setting In the Marauders, Laurier ed to show his all round basket- the number of up the next turnover. would be taking on the fifth pointer on the ball skill, finishing with 17 In the West, there is no rest ranked team in Canada. points as the catalyst of many turnovers they for the weary and the Hawks With dim chances of suc- fast break. plays. committed. will travel to Guelph University cess, the Hawks took to the The Marauders picked up the on Wednesday evening to face floor with a slightly altered line- pace and in the face of their the tenth-ranked (in Canada) up, starting Argentino Filia at crowd, and anyone else inter- relentless pressure defense, the Twice they shut down the Gryphons. On Saturday they point guard due to his strong ested. His team was not a bunch Hawks all but wilted. Against a Marauders biggest threat. square off again against the play of late. of lame ducks, a cream-puff on deep, experienced, and In the first half it was Doug Mustangs at the AC. In looking The Marauders and the other teams' schedules. superbly talented team like Doyle and in the second half of at this team it is evident they Hawks proved to be an enter- Having been served notice, McMaster, there is little room the game it was the former Mr. have talent and heart yet they taining match-up. The game the Marauders took a timeout to for error. Basketball Ontario (1997) need to put these two together started off like a boxing match, regroup. Yet the Hawks still had Mac pushed and pushed the Rodney Baptiste, who ended over a full forty minute period with both teams their number, six threes just feeling hitting Hawks, backing them down just with 14 points after 12 in the without any lapses to beat the each other out for the first few in total in the first half, out- setting up the knockout punch. first half. teams in their division.

■ WEDNESDAY - JANUARY 31 2001 SP 25 Women's B-Ball struggles continue MARIANNA HRKAC nents showing that they were in fact con- tenders for competition. And the argu- All the heart, havoc, and hustle dis- ment is that they left a lasting impression played this past week in basketball for their next duels; the counter argu- action was for naught due to the Hawks' ment is that their first impression stunk. failure to prevail over the opposition. Rookie Kyla Rutherford was the name This past week the lady Hawks compet- that surfaced upon investigating superior ed against both the Western Mustangs performances. Her intensity and tough- and the McMaster Maurauders respec- ness were characteristic of her usual tively, and lost by significant margins on play, and during these past two games both occasions. she has been able to capitalize on these Assistant Coach Anne Weber assets. She showed up as a force on both explained the battles as "losses to simply the boards and the scoreboard, peaking better teams." A downbeat comment, but at 1 5 points and five rebounds in the last nonetheless true, since there is no real game. way to glaze the situation in light of a As well, guard Olivia Bailey played a 2:12 record. characteristically strong game. Weber To their defense, the girls are playing said, "she did the same stuff she always better against these teams the second does; tough, good, solid, hard nosed and third time around, with obviously defense." A portfolio of features that the more ground to cover than they bar- team has come to count on her for, and gained for. A tough stretch in their sched- the spectators have always enjoyed ule it was, as the second and third place watching. teams in the division overpowered and As far as fleeting playoff prospects are defeated the Hawks for the third time this concerned, "The games we need to win season. to make playoffs are coming up, and we Strange enough, in both encounters can't afford to be down as a result of the Golden Hawks buried themselves these last few losses." Assistant Coach similarly in the first half of competition. Weber continued to rationalize that this Down by 27 points and 19 points is when the team must be supportive of TATTOO respectively by the half, the climb out of each other and come together. It's the RFI the hole they dug for themselves was just hardest time to maintain a positive atti- too much to muster. tude but simultaneously the most crucial MARK Even odder was the fact that both time to do so for survival's sake. Laurier's women's basketball team has been unable to play with any consistency this year. alike took a turn for the better in Their record now stands at 2-12 in games dictable and unruly journey separates stands as to whether the pressure will get the second half of play. The Hawks league play, but believe it or not, playoff this team's playoff opportunity inten- the best of them; or bring out the best in played virtually even with their possibilities do still exist. An oppo- unpre- tions. With a lot on the line, the question them. Jeff Ambrosio and Daryl Moor Labatt Players of the Game

Labatt Blue Hockey Player of Labatt Blue Hockey Player of the Game vs. Ryerson the Game vs. Brock

- - Jeff Ambrosio Daryl Moor

Ambrosio, a fourth year Moor, a first year Arts student from Communications student from Schomberg, ON, had an excellent game Mississauga, ON, has been theHawks for theGolden Hawks in their 6-4 loss to leading scorer all season. With the the Brock Badgers on Saturday. While Hawks desperate for a win on only contributing one assist in the game. Wednesday against the Ryerson Rams Moor played extremely well at both ends last week, Ambrosio stepped up his play of the ice. With only one year in the and notched two goals in the 4-2 Laurier books for the Hawks, look for Daryl to win. A former draft pick of the St Louis be a force for the Golden Hawks for Blues, look for this Golden Hawks to years to come play a key role in keeping the Hawks playoff hopes alive.

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• 56St. George's Square, Downtown Guelpb • 821-9639 WEDNESDAY JANUARY 31 - 2001 SP 26 Men's hockey wins, then loses...damn WOODIE BROWN about because of his team's Goaltender Chad Marshall control over Ryerson, the has played well all season but This past week was another up Golden Hawks had to play the struggled against Brock and was and down week for the Golden Brock Badgers on Saturday. unable to keep Laurier in the Hawks men's hockey team as Brock managed to score only game. they beat Ryerson 4-2 and then 21 seconds into the game, and "Marshall has carried us all lost to Brock 6-4. despite tying the game later in year, but tonight he needed to Laurier, despite scoring eight the period this seemed to be a be picked up and we couldn't goals in these two games, con- serious confidence killer for the do it," said Martindale. tinues to struggle offensively Hawks. Marshall is Martindale's forcing them to depend on their "Any time a team scores on choice for the Golden Hawks' defence and goaltending too their first shift, it gets you back MVP to date and the coach is much, making winning on a on your heels," commented confident he will continue to regular basis difficult. This over- Martindale. help his team win games down reliance nearly cost them the "We need to get the first goal the stretch. Ryerson game and caused the because of our scoring prob- The Hawks are now one loss to Brock. lems." point ahead of Windsor in the Laurier dominated the game After tying the game at one, playoff race but must travel to on Thursday against Ryerson as SCHALL Laurier was unable to keep up York and Guelph this week. soon as the puck dropped. The with Brock allowing the Although the Hawks tied Golden Hawks controlled the EDDY Badgers to pull out a 6-4 victo- York earlier in the year, the play, keeping the puck almost This is the winning part of the Men's Hockey team week. ry. Yeomen are one of the hottest in Ambrosio played another teams in the OUA right now, entirely the Ryerson end and move between his legs and then Laurier 10-3 in the third period Jeff out-shot the Rams 13-2. terrific game, collecting two having beaten both Western went top shelf to give Laurier a during the first fourteen min- Laurier would not assists and playing at his best and Windsor on the weekend. allow 2-0 lead. utes. Ryerson scored on a Ryerson do get anything going when the team really needed to Suddenly, a game that had Laurier penalty and then tied win. on offense and appeared to be been peaceful became ugly. the game one minute later when with the playing keep-away Ryerson had won only four the Laurier defender turned the puck throughout the first period. games all year and were being puck over behind the net, However, great despite some dominated on the ice and the allowing Ryerson to score an scoring chances including a tension boiled over. finally easy goal. _ Student up to J\f§X) three-on-one started by Rick The Ryerson goalie held Laurier finally woke up after White who stepped out of the Bullock on the ground while this, and on a Ryerson penalty penalty box ahead Discounts of the several other Rams' players for too many men on the ice, defenders, the remained Ti/ game went after the other Golden Jeff Ambrosio scored the win- s °^er tied at zero. Hawks on the ice. There was ning goal from the point. K Ih' val'd for all %| regularly scheduled Finally, halfway through the almost a large fight, and it took After this Ryerson self- second period, the puck services operated by the officials a few minutes to destructed, taking another ten | bounced in right to Chris Hill pull the players apart. When minute misconduct and a game the slot, (Montreal Corridor, Niagara who beat the goalie they finally did, the teams were misconduct for checking from with a quick shot through the - assessed with a total of 50 min- behind, allowing Laurier to hold I , Southwestern Cities.) five-hole. utes in penalties. on for the win. Ambrosio scored Then with only one minute After this scuffle, the Golden on the empty net. For Fare & Schedule Information Call left in the period, Jason Bullock Hawks came out flat in the third After a game that Coach Ryerson 741-2600 Coach Canada undressed the defender period. The Rams outshot Tony Martindale felt strongly at the blue line with a great 1-800-461-7661 trentS^ar^.

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