Erkenntnis An International Journal of Editors ISSN 0165-0106 CARL G. HEMPEL, WOLFGANGSTEGMULLER,andWILHELM K. ESSLER is a philosophical journal publishing papers on foundational studies and scientific methodology covering the following areas: that field of philosophy associated today with the notions of 'Philosophy of Science' and 'Analytic Philosophy' (in a wide sense); the philosophy of language, of logic, and of mathematics; the foundational problems of physics and of other natural sciences; 'the foundations of normative disciplines such as , philosophy of law and of aesthetics; the methodology of the social sciences and the humanities; the history of scientific method. Subscription Information 1984, Volume 21 (6 issues) I nstitutional rate: Of!. 190,- / US $ 76.00 including postage and handling Private rate: Df!. 65,- / US $ 26.00 including postage and handling Private subscriptions should be sent direct to the publishers. D. Reidel Publishing Company P.O. Box 17,3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands 190 Old Derby St., Hingham, MA 02043, U.S.A.

Philosophical Studies An Internationl Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition Editor-in-chief: JOHN POLLOCK ISSN 0031-8116 Associate Editor:KEITH LEHRER Philosophical Studies, a journal devoted to work in analytic philosphy, publishes articles in all general areas of philosophical investigation, philosophy of science, epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, and so forth, including the history of philosophy. The main criterion of articles published is that they contain rigorous argumentation and precise of key concepts. Articles in the journal are intelligible to philosophers whose exoertise lies outside the subject matter of the article. It is intended that a diligent reader of the journal will be kept informed of the major problems and contributions of contemporary analytic ph i losophy. Subscription Information 1984, Volumes 45-46 (6 issues) Institutional rate: Of!. 175,- / US $ 70.00 per volume including postage and handling Private rate: Df!. 60,- / US $ 24.00 per volume including postage and handling Private subscriptions should be sent direct to the publishers. D. Reidel Publishing Company P.O. Box 17,3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands 190, Old Derby St., Hingham, MA 02043, U.S.A. THE JOURNAL OF CRITICAL ANALYSIS A Philosophical Quarterly


STEPHEN BERNHARDT Frege on Identity 57

BRENDAN P. MINOGUE Dualism and Opacity 67

ELIZABETH POTIER Armstrong and the Direct Realist Theory of Perception 7S

JEFFERY BLUSTEIN Parents, Paternalism, and Children's Rights 89

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Manuscripts and related correspondence are to be sent to: Dr. Lowell Kleiman, Journal 0/ Critical Analysis, Dept. of Philosophy, Suffolk Community College, 533 College Road, Selden, N.Y. 11784. All other correspondence is to be addressed to: Dr. Pasqual S. Schievella, Journal o/Critical Analysis Box 137, Port Jefferson, N. Y. 11777; book reviews to Dr. Edward Erwin, University of Miami at Coral Gables, Fla. 33134.