BALTIC JOURNAL OF LAW & POLITICS VOLUME 2, NUMBER 1 (2009) ISSN 2029-0405 Cit.: Baltic Journal of Law & Politics 2:1 (2009): 135-165 DOI: 10.2478/v10076-009-0008-6 THE WEB OF THE EU’S NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICY: BETWEEN BILATERALISM AND MULTILATERALISM Sima Rakutienė Doctoral Candidate Vytautas Magnus University Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy (Lithuania) Contact information Address: Gedimino str. 44, LT-44240 Kaunas, Lithuania Phone: +370 37 206709 E-mail address:
[email protected] Received: June 30, 2009; reviews: 2; accepted: August 10, 2009. ABSTRACT This article examines the divergence in the EU‘s strategies towards neighbours. The goal is to connect different EU neighbourhood initiatives into one framework in making a correlation between national and supranational levels. The distinction between bilateralism/multilateralism and Russia inclusion/Russia exclusion is made within both levels. The division is between European Neighbourhood policy and Eastern Partnership (within bilateral framework) on the one hand, and Northern dimension initiative and Black Sea Synergy on the other. These different EU‘s strategies towards neighbours reflect contradictory EU development models. The argument is made that national preferences and interests precondition a variety of the EU‘s neighbourhood initiatives and create a web in EU‘s neighbourhood policy that is filled with many contradictions. KEYWORDS European Neighbourhood policy, regional/interregional cooperation, EU‘s foreign and security policy, Finland, Lithuania Brought to you by | Vytautas Magnus University Authenticated Download Date | 3/1/18 12:49 PM BALTIC JOURNAL OF LAW & POLITICS ISSN 2029-0405 VOLUME 2, NUMBER 1 2009 INTRODUCTION This article examines the divergence of the EU‘s strategies towards neighbours.