A Summary of 1Ertiary Volcanic Stratigraphy of the Southwestern High Plateaus and Acljacent Great Basin, Utah
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A Summary of 1ertiary Volcanic Stratigraphy of the Southwestern High Plateaus and Acljacent Great Basin, Utah GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 1405-B A Summary of lertiary Volcanic Stratigraphy of the Southwestern High Plateaus and Aqjacent Great Basin, Utah By PETER D. ROWLEY, JOHN J. ANDERSON, and PAULL. WILLIAMS ' CONTRIBUTIONS TO STRATIGRAPHY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 1405-B Stratigraphic setting of rocks of the south flank of the Marysvale volcanic pile and intertonguing regional ash-flow tuffs. of Great Basin sources, southwestern Utah UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1975 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR THOMAS S. KLEPPE, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY V. E. McKelvey, Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Rowley, Peter D. A summary of Tertiary volcanic stratigraphy of the southwestern high plateaus and adjacent Great Basin, Utah. (Contributions to stratigraphy) (Geological Survey Bulletin 1405-B) Babliography: p. Supt. of Docs. no.: I 19.1405-B l. Geology, Stratigraphic-Tertiary. 2. Volcanism-The West. I. Anderson, John Jerome, 1930- joint author. II. Williams, Paul Lincoln, 1932- joint author. III. Title: A summary of Tertiary volcanic stratigraphy of the southwestern high plateaus ... IV. Series. V. Series: United States Geological Survey Bulletin 1405-B. QE75.B9 no. 1405-B (QE691) 557.3'08s (551.2'1] 75-619290 For sale by the Sup~rintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D. C. 20402 Stock Number 024-001-02752-6 CONTENTS Page Metric-English equivalents........................................................................................ IV Abstract....................................................................................................................... BI Introduction ............................................................................................................... Acknowledgments................................................................................................ 4 Geologic setting.......................................................................................................... 4 Lower 1"ertiary sequence............................................................................................ 5 Claron Formation................................................................................................ 5 Local unit............................................................................................................ 9 Needles Range Formation................................................................................... 9 Middle Tertiary sequence........................................................................................... 9 Rocks of the eastern Great Basin volcanic province adjacent to the High Plateaus................................................................................................. 9 Isom Formation............................................................................................ 9 Quichapa Group.......................................................................................... 12 Leach Canyon Formation............................................................................ 12 Condor Canyon Formation.......................................................................... 13 Harmony Hills Tuff..................................................................................... 13 Rocks of the Marysvale volcanic province.......................................................... 13 Mount Dutton Formation............................................................................ 13 Buckskin Breccia.......................................................................................... 15 Bear Valley Formation................................................................................. 15 Older basalt flows......................................................................................... 15 Osiris Tuff.............................................. ..................................................... 16 Dry Hollow Formation................................................................................ 16 Horse Valley Formation............................................................................... 16 Mount Belknap Rhyolite............................................................................. 17 joe Lott Tuff................................................................................................. 17 Upper Tertiary and Quaternary sequence................................................................. 17 Sevier River Formation ........................................ ....... ........................................ 17 Younger basalt flows........................................................................................... 18 References cited........................................................................................................... 18 ILLUSTRATIONS Page FIGURE 1. Index map of southwestern Utah............................................................. B2 2. Correlation chart o1 Cenozoic stratigraphy of the southwestern High Plateaus and adjacent Great Basin....................................................... 10 TABLE Page TABLE 1. Summary of petrologic and stratigraphic characteristics of volcanic rocks exposed in the southwestern High Plateaus and adjacent Great Basin...................................................................................................... B6 III METRIC-ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS < Metric unit English equivalent Metric unit English equivalent Length Specific combinations-Continued millimetre (mm) 0.03937 inch (in) litre per second (1/s) = .0353 cubic foot per second metre (m) 3.28 feet (ft) cubic metre per second kilometre (km) .62 mile (mi) per square kilometre [ (ma;s) /km2] 91.47 cubic feet per second per Area square mile [ (ft3/s)/mi2) metre per day (m/d) = 3.28 feet per day (hydraulic square metre (m2) 10.76 square feet (ft2) conductivity) (ft/d) square kilometre (km2) .386 square mile (mi2) metre per kilometre hectare (ha) 2.47 acres (m/km) - 5.28 feet per mile (ft/mi) kilometre per hour Volume (km/h) = .9113 foot per second (ft/s) metre per second (m/s) = 3.28 feet per second metre squared per day cubic centimetre (cm3 ) 0.061 cubic inch (ina) 2 litre (1) 61.03 cubic inches (m /d) = 10.764 feet squared per day (ft2/d) cubic metre (m3) 35.31 cubic feet (ft3) (transmissivity) C") cubic metre .00081 acre-foot (acre-ft) cubic metre per second 0 cubic hectometre (hm::) = 810.7 acre-feet (ma;s) = 22.826 million gallons per day z litre 2.113 pints (pt) (Mgal/d) ~ cubic metre per minute litre 1.06 quarts (qt) 3 tTl litre .26 gallon (gal) (m /min) =264.2 gallons per minute (gal/min) z cubic metre .00026 million gallons (Mgal or litre per second (1/s) = 15.85 gallons per minute 10a gal) litre per second per ~ cubic metre 6.290 barrels (bbl) (1 bbl=42 ~al) metre [ (1/s) /m] = 4.83 gallons per minute per foot [(gal/min) /ft] Weight kilometre per hour (km/h) = .62 mile per hour (mi/h) gram (g) 0.035 ounce, avoirdupois (oz uvdp) metre per second (m/s) = 2.237 miles per hour gram per cubic gram .0022 pound, avoirdupois (lb avdp) 3 tonne (t) 1.1 tons, short (2,000 lb) centimetre (g/cma) = 62.4::1 pounds per cubic foot (lb/ft ) tonne .98 ton, long (2,240 lb)· gram per square centimetre (g/cm2) = 2.048 pounds per square foot (lb/ft2) Specific combinations gram per square centimetre = .0142 pound per square inch (lb/in2) kilogram per square centimetre (kg/cm2) 0.96 atmosphere (atm) Temperature kilogram per square centimetre .98 bar (0.9869 atm) degree Celsius (°C) 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) cubic metre per second degrees Celsius (ma;s) 35.3 cubic feet per second (fta/s) (temperature) = [ (1.8 X °C) +32] degrees Fahrenheit CONTRIBUTIONS TO STRATIGRAPHY A SUMMARY OF TERTIARY VOLCANIC STRATIGRAPHY OF THE SOUTHWESTERN HIGH PLATEAUS AND ADJACENT GREAT BASIN, UTAH By PETER D. RowLEY, joHN J. ANDERSON, and PAULL. WILLIAMS ABSTRACT Recent geologic mapping of the southern flank of the volcanic pile centered at Marysvale, Utah, as well as the eastern edge of the Great Basin ash-flow tuff province, has necessitated changes and additions in nomenclature of Tertiary rocks. Nine formation names are re tained, and five formation names are adopted: Mount Dutton (Oligocene and Miocene), Buckskin (Miocene), Bear Valley (Miocene), Osiris (Miocene), and Horse Valley (Miocene). The Dry Hollow Formation (Miocene) is redefined. Six new formal members are adopted: the Blue Meadows Member of the Isom Formation; the Narrows and Table Butte Members of the Leach Canyon Formation; and the Beaver, Kingston Canyon, and Antimony Members of the Mount Dutton Formation. The Baldhills Member of the Isom Formation is redefined. In our area the Leach Canyon Formation, Condor Canyon Formation, and Harmony Hills Tuff are lumped together as the Quichapa Group, in accord with the usage of Williams ( 1967). The Sevier River Formation and overlying younger basalt flows are demonstrated to be older (Miocene) than previously thought. The name Wasatch Formation is not used in the area that we have mapped. The names Brian Head Formation and Parunuweap Formation arc abandoned. INTRODUCTION Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature of Tertiary volcanic rocks in southwestern Utah are necessitated by the results of a detailed mapping program, from 1963 to 1975, of 5,000 km2 of the southwestern flank of the volcanic pile centered at Marysvale (fig. 1). Stratigraphic revisions sum marized herein are from a more detailed