An Investigation of Post-Conflict Property And

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An Investigation of Post-Conflict Property And A GEOGRAPHY OF PEACE: AN INVESTIGATION OF POST‐CONFLICT PROPERTY AND LAND ADMINISTRATION IN ACEH Arthur Gerrish Green IV Department of Geography McGill University Montréal, Québec April 2013 A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy © Arthur Green 2013 There is no image, no painting, no visible trait, which can express the relation that constitutes property. It is not material, it is metaphysical; it is a mere conception of the mind. ~Jeremy Bentham Metaphors in law are to be narrowly watched, for starting as devices to liberate thought, they end often by enslaving it. ~US Supreme Court Justice Benjamin N. Cardozo ABSTRACT This dissertation contributes to the understanding of how the social embeddedness of property impacts post‐conflict natural resource management and peacebuilding. While the idea of property as rights is naturalized in many current discourses, working with this idea that property is merely rights can cause unanticipated problems. This is especially the case in post‐conflict scenarios, where rights‐focused approaches to property do not recognize how property is deeply linked to social identity, livelihoods, and political authority. In fact, in failing to understand the complexity of property, rights‐focused approaches may also fail to grasp how post‐conflict natural resource management can contribute to peacebuilding opportunities. The dissertation argues that failure to design policies that reflect the complex ways in which natural resources, property, social identity, livelihoods, and violent conflict are interlinked can undermine post‐conflict natural resource management and lead to missed opportunities to support peacebuilding. Using an analytical framework that draws key ideas from literature on property, post‐conflict natural resource management, legal geography, legal pluralism, and social identity, this dissertation critically examines experiences and debates regarding property in post‐disaster/post‐conflict Aceh, Indonesia, from 2005 through 2009. Research for this dissertation included semi‐structured interviews, focus groups, archival research, and observations from four field visits (totaling five months) between August 2006 and June 2008 to the city of Banda Aceh and the regencies of Aceh Jaya, Pidie, and Aceh Barat. The central theoretical contributions of this research include: (1) insights into how narratives surrounding property impact post‐conflict natural resource management policy and project design; (2) a reconceptualization of the multi‐scalar nature of property; and (3) development of a policy tool that identifies ways in which social identity interacts with natural resources and violent conflict in post‐conflict scenarios. The primary practical contribution of this research is the analysis of lessons learned from the land titling project undertaken in post‐disaster/post‐conflict Aceh, Indonesia and the distribution of this analysis to fieldworkers and policymakers. i RÉSUMÉ Cette étude a pour but de comprendre comment les facettes sociales de la propriété affectent la gestion de ressources naturelles ainsi que la consolidation et le maintien de la paix en milieux post‐ conflits. Bien que le concept de la propriété défini en tant que droits soit commun dans de nombreux discours intellectuels, simplifier la propriété à des droits entraîne de nombreux problèmes. Cela s’avère à être particulièrement le cas dans des zones post‐conflits où des approches axées sur les droits légaux ne reconnaissent pas comment les régimes fonciers peuvent être associés à une identité sociale, à des moyens de subsistance, ou à une autorité politique. En ignorant les dimensions sociales de la propriété, une approche centrée sur les droits juridiques sous‐estime le potentiel de la gestion de ressources naturelles comme outil stratégique pour favoriser le maintien et la consolidation de la paix. En effet, la thèse centrale de cette étude souligne l’importance d’étudier les interrelations entre la propriété, les ressources naturelles, les identités sociales et les moyens de subsistance en présence de conflits. Ignorer ces liens peut non seulement miner une gestion des ressources naturelles de manière durable, mais sous‐estime l’opportunité de créer et consolider le maintien de la paix. Le cadre conceptuel de cette recherche s’appuie sur plusieurs outils théoriques tels que la littérature sur les dimensions philosophiques de la propriété, les théories en matière de gestion des ressources naturelles, la géographie et le pluralisme juridique, ainsi que la théorie de l'identité sociale. Cette étude examine les expériences et les débats concernant la propriété dans une région post‐désastre/post‐conflit en Indonésie (la province de Banda Aceh), de 2005 à 2009. Cette étude qualitative a été réalisée à travers des entretiens semi‐ directifs, des groupes de discussion participatifs en zones rurales et péri‐urbaines, de la recherche en archives, ainsi que de l’observation directe à travers quatre visites de terrain (totalisant cinq mois) entre août 2006 et juin 2008 dans á Banda Aceh et les régions Aceh Jaya, Pidie et Aceh Barat. Cette recherche apporte plusieurs contributions théoriques, notamment : (1) une étude sur les discours et récits conceptualisant la propriété et son impact sur la gestion de régimes fonciers; (2) une conceptualisation géographique de la dimension multi‐scalaire de la propriété; et finalement, (3) le développement d'un outil stratégique identifiant les types de liens entre identité sociale et ressources naturelles en contexte de conflits. Finalement, cette étude apporte une contribution pratique à travers une analyse approfondie des leçons tirées du projet de restructuration des régimes fonciers entrepris par le gouvernement indonésien suite au tsunami de 2004. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I deeply appreciate the time that the people of Aceh gave to my research and work. I hope that this dissertation provides a window into their world and voice for their struggles. There are no words that are able to express the deep debt of gratitude I feel for the loving support of my life partner, Claire Tugault‐Lafleur. That frigid winter evening that the bus never came and we walked kilometers to get home through Montreal was the first time I knew the true warmth of love. I hope that I will have the opportunity to return your love as amply as you have given to me. I thank my mother, Dr. Claudia Green, for providing me the inspiration to pursue a career in education and the belief that anything is possible. I thank my father, Dr. Arthur Green III, for teaching me the root of the word ‘doctor’ and for planting a core belief in me that we can make our world a better place. I thank Steve Hundley for introducing me to the art and science of geography and being a good hiking buddy. I thank Carolyn Green for encouraging my sense of exploration and love of science. I thank Mike Robson for literally providing a roof over my head while I did this research. Thanks to my friend Skee for being the flip of my flop. My advisor, Dr. Jon Unruh expressed his constant belief in the value of my work and provided me with several opportunities over the course of my research – for this, I thank him. Funding for this research came from the McGill Major J.W. McConnell Fellowship, the United States‐ Indonesia Society (USINDO) Sumitro Fellowship, the Indonesian Social Equity Project Fellowship, and a grant from the Institute for the Study of International Development. I take all responsibility for errors or deficiencies in the text. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….i Resume……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….ii Acknowledgements………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…iii List of Figures……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………vii List of Tables………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…ix Chapter One: Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Problem Statement ..................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Research Context ........................................................................................................................................................ 5 1.3 Research objectives ................................................................................................................................................. 14 1.4 Outline of Dissertation ............................................................................................................................................ 15 Chapter Two: Literature Review and Analytical Framework ............................................................................. 18 2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................ 18 2.2 Post‐Conflict Natural Resource Management (PCNRM) ........................................................................... 21 2.2.1 PCNRM and Peacebuilding ........................................................................................................................... 23 2.2.2 Post‐conflict Property Issues .....................................................................................................................
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