Moves Issue34.Pdf
2 MOVES nr. 34, published August/September 1977 Opening Moves "It seems we've stood and talked like thb before . " Variation versus Innovation One of the most powerful words in advertis- Circulation: 9100 ing is "new" - probably because in Western culture that which is new is almost always Editor/Executive Art Director Redmond A. Simonsen considered automatically better than that Managing Editor Robert J. Ryer which is old or familiar. The impact of the Art Director Manfred F. Milkuhn concept of newness, however, is subject to Contributing Editors modification by context; i.e., the quality of Richard Berg, James F. Dunnigan, Frederick Georgian, newness must be perceived as an improve- Phil Kosnett, Steve List, Mark Saha, Jerrold Thomas ment upon a familiar benefit rather than as a threatening global change wrenching the MOVES Magazine is copyright O 1977, Simulations Publications, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. All rights reserved. All user into unfamiliar pathways, creating that editorial and general mail should beaddressed to SimulationsPublications lnc.,44East 23rd Street, N.Y., N.Y. 10010. of tension (created by too-rapid in- MOVES is published bimonthly. One year subscriptions (six issues) are available for $8.00 (U.S.). Back issues or singlecopiesofthecurrentissueareavailableat$2.50percopy.Pleaseremitbycheckormoneyorder(U.S.fundsonly) trOduction of unknowns) "future- Printing and Binding by American Press, Inc., Gordonsville, Va. shock." ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS: Readers are invited to submit articles for possible publication in MOVES Magazine. wargamers hunger for new games, but Manuscripts must be typewritten, double-spaced, on 8%x 11 white bond, with generous margins. Pleaseinclude your we full name on each MS page, and your name and address on the cover page.
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