SPRING 2021 FOOD, WARMTH AND SHELTER THAT’S OUR MISSION! INSIDE, MORE ON WHAT WE’RE DOING TO BUILD COMMUNITY news FOOD WARMTH SHELTER A Letter from Director Carrie Borgen Dear Community, I am excited to introduce myself as the new ACCESS Executive Director. As an Arizona transplant, I was thrilled to learn about this incredibly generous community, our collaborative nonprofit partners, and the supportive government agencies. After the COVID-19 and local fires crises, seeing the results from the community’s generous support and the ACCESS team’s hard work for our neighbors was incredibly heartwarming. I am proud to call Jackson County my new home! It has been a pleasure working with the exceptional ACCESS Board, the talented ACCESS leadership team, and meeting the dedicated professionals on our staff who strive to provide food, warmth, and shelter to Jackson County’s most vulnerable every day. I bring to ACCESS several years’ experience as an executive director for a large domestic violence shelter. I also spent 20 years as a healthcare executive leading various organizations, ranging from venture-backed startups to Fortune 100 companies. I welcome input from the community as we work to ensure that our Jackson County neighbors’ long-term needs are met. Please reach out to me directly at
[email protected] or 541-779-6691. SNAPSHOTS 12th Annual Mayors Food for Hope a Huge Greystone Court Food United Event Success Drive Feeds the Hungry Please join ACCESS for a virtual December’s Food for Hope A special thank you to the celebration at the Mayors United grocery bag drive was a huge Greystone Court neighbors, Event on Friday, March 5th, success thanks to donors like Asante, and all of you for helping from 6 pm - 7 pm.