Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Fatherhood and Family by Robinson Carol Jackson. Caroline "Carol" Branning was born in the East End of London to Jim and Reenie Branning on 3 October 1962. When she was a thirteen, with , he wanted to hitchhike one summer, into Europe. Staying in hostels, or sleeping on the beach. But when Carol fell pregnant they could no longer do it. Her family tried to force her to have an abortion but she refused to have the abortion and disagreed. However, Carol's brother Derek Branning hated David and after learning about Carol's pregnancy, Derek beat David up severely and terrorised his family. This resulted in David and his family leaving for Romford in 1976. Carol gave birth to a daughter, , in July 1977. By then Carol had lost contact with David. She had numerous relationships with men and had 3 more children, Robbie Jackson, in 1978 by a man named Gary Bolton, Sonia Jackson in 1985 by a man called Terry Cant, and Billie Jackson in 1988 with Alan Jackson, whom she settled down with and married. 1993-1999. Carol's is a feisty, loud and strong character, who is fiercely protective of her children. She arrived in Albert Square in 1993, as a worker in the launderette. She soon moves to Albert Square with her partner Alan, and her four children: Bianca, Robbie, Sonia and Bille. In January 1994, Carol is shocked to see that David has moved back to Walford, and is also living in Albert Square with his mother , stepfather and stepsiblings Ricky and Janine Butcher. Carol has to come to terms with her ex living near to her. When it looks like Bianca is about to start a relationship with David, Carol has to reveal to David that Bianca is actually his daughter, who David thought Carol had aborted. Carol starts a rivalry with Pat over this. In February 1995, Bianca is told by David that he is her father. Carol and Alan get married after Carol's sister April is jilted at the altar. This is despite Carol's father Jim and brother Derek disapproving of the marriage, because Alan is black. However, Alan soon becomes jealous of Carol's friendship with David, and starts an affair, which provokes Carol into having an affair with David. These affairs are short lived, and Carol and Alan soon reunite. After Billie witnesses an armed robbery, the Jackson family (without Bianca) are moved away from Walford on the Witness Protection Programme. During this time, Carol separates from Alan, and starts a relationship with Dan Sullivan. When the Jacksons return to Walford, Bianca realises that she had a relationship with Dan when she was fifteen. She keeps this from Carol, but they soon begin an affair. When Carol finds out about the affair, she kicks Dan out, tells Ricky Butcher (Bianca's husband), and disowns Bianca. She then moves to Balham with Billie. 2010-2015. Carol comes uninvited to Ricky and Bianca's second wedding, to try and stop her son Billie from attending. Despite initially feuding, Carol and Bianca make up, and Carol moves to Walford. Billie and Carol fight regularly over Carol's controlling parenting, and Billie's gang connections. When gets accidentally shot by one of Billie's gang members, who wanted to shoot Billie, Billie blames himself, and joins the army. Billie is allowed to come home on his birthday, and Carol organises a party for him and his friends. During the party, Billie drinks too much alcohol, and the next day, he is found dead on the sofa. Carol is distraught, and blames her family, until her brother, Max, tells her Billie only joined the army to get away from her. She bans her family from attending Billie's funeral, so only her, Alan, and Alan's mother Blossom attend. In her grief, Carol tries to kiss Alan, but he rejects her as he has married again, and has a son. Carol plans to commit suicide by overdose, but is interrupted by one of Billie's ex gang members, Connor Stanley. Connor and Carol comfort each other, and end up having sex. Carol however, disapproves of Connor's criminal background, and they break up and get back together many times. During one of the breaks, Connor starts dating Carol's step- granddaughter, . Connor sleeps with Whitney and Carol at the same time, until Bianca finds out and hits him with a metal pole, causing her to go to prison. In 2011, Carol started a relationship with Eddie Moon, until she finds out he is seeing Vanessa Gold. In 2012, when David returns to Walford to visit his dying mother Pat, old feelings start to resurface. Carol's brother Derek however hates David because of an old rivalry, and him getting an underage Carol pregnant, so he forbids the reunion. During an argument with Carol, Derek slaps her, which frightens her. The feud between David and Derek eventually escalates to violence. David persuades Carol to leave Walford with him, but after seeing how much she is needed by her grandchildren, he decides to leave without her. When Bianca is sent back to prison in Suffolk for theft and assault, Carol, along with her grandchildren move away from Walford in order to be closer to her. Carol and her family return to Walford a few months later. On Christmas Day 2012, Derek dies of a heart attack, which upsets and relieves the . On the day of Derek's funeral, Carol clashes with Max's secret wife Kirsty, telling her that Max doesn't want her in his life. In late 2013, Carol begins a relationship with , but when they arrange a quiet night in at Carol's house, David returns with a whole lot of trouble. He has been having an affair with his boss's wife Naomi, and he has money which his boss, Don, wants. Don orders his henchmen to beat David up, which is severe. The next few weeks, Carol is torn between David and Masood, and doesn't know who she loves. She eventually opts for David, and leaves Masood to go on a meltdown. In January 2014, Carol finds a lump on her breast and fears she may have breast cancer. She has the lump checked out and a few weeks later, Carol is diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer. This devastates Carol, and only tells David, Bianca and Sonia. In July 2014, She joins Tina to secretly sell weed. Carol stops doing it and reveals that Tina was the one keeping drugs in the cafe when Tiffany takes them. When Charlie leaves his phone at the Butchers, Carol hears 's voice in a message and confronts him. After months of debating, Carol decides to have a double mastectomy and after the operation, Charlie comes to explain what she heard on his phone. Where EastEnders' Jackson family stars are now – from scandalous bed-hopping and divorce to storming off GMB. THE Jacksons made history when they arrived in EastEnders in 1993 with them being the original nightmare neighbours. It only took a few years for the nation to fall in love with Carol Jackson and her brood and they soon became Walford legends. But what happened to them all and where are they know? Follow our soap spoiler s live blog for more news and gossip … Bianca – . Eldest daughter Bianca has been played by Patsy Palmer since day one – and she is the most famous of all the Jacksons. She played the role for three stints – 1993 to 1999, 2008 to 2014 and then made a return in 2019. Bianca was all set for another comeback last year for Whitney Dean’s murder trial but the Covid pandemic put a stop to that. And recently actress Patsy made headlines after storming off Good Morning Britain – via Zoom – because they mentioned her being a former addict while she was trying to plug her new business. She later went on a rant about the show on social media. Patsy currently lives in California with her husband and children. Sonia – . Sonia Fowler is the currently reigning matriarch of the Jackson family – or what’s left in them. Played by actress Natalie Cassidy she is the last Jackson standing on the show. Her high profile storylines included her teenage pregnancy, coming out as bisexual and supporting her daughter Bex through her suicide bid. Natalie has played Sonia for three stints – 1993 to 2007. 2010 to 2011 and finally returning in 2014 for good. She took an extended break earlier this year, leaving in January, but she will be back on screens soon. Natalie went on to release a best-selling fitness DVD but later admitted she regretted it because it fed into her yoyo dieting. In 2010 she had her own Channel 4 reality series called Becoming Mum. Alan – Howard Antony. Alan gave the family their name – despite not being married to matriarch Carol. The plumber held the family together by sticking around where none of Carol’s exes – the fathers of her three eldest children – had bothered. They shared son Billy together. Actor Howard Antony played the role from 1993, arriving alongside his new on-screen family. He reprised his role for a handful of episodes in 2010 as Alan discovered the death of his son Billy and attended his funeral. After leaving the soap, Howard has appeared in a short film and a crime drama. Robbie – . Robbie Jackson was played by Dean Gaffney in EastEnders. While Robbie’s on-soap behaviour saw him become a trouble market, a dog owner and later a market inspector, Dean’s off-set behaviour got him into trouble. Hitting the headlines for partying too much, the star made a name for himself as a womaniser. Dean left the show abruptly in 2019 after bosses axed him over concerns about his off-set behaviour. But over the years he had the most stints on the soap. He originally played Robbie from 1993 to 2004, later returning in 2010, 2015 and 2017. He was later axed, and called his firing “harsh”. "I took on board what they said and I 100% respect their decision,” he said. “I did think it was harsh, but then I understand they had to act on it.” He added: "Sometimes in life you have to hold your hands up and admit what you've done wrong and own your s**t.” Carol – . The matriarch of the Jackson family burst onto screens in 1993 with partner Alan and her four children. Brought in as ’s replacement in the launderette, Carol was quickly joined by her family in situ on the square. Her high profile storylines saw affairs, the death of her son and a cancer battle. Actress Lindsey quit the soap after her third stint in 2015, leaving the show behind for good. She went on to star in The Level, Bulletproof and The Bay. Billy – Devon Anderson. Carol’s youngest child was Billy. He arrived with his family in 1993 and stayed until 2007 when the family left Walford. Billy returned in 2004 – played by another actor, Bluey Robinson – and eventually returned in 2010 with original actor Devon Anderson in the role. Visit our EastEnders page for the latest gossip Find all EastEnders spoilers here. He was killed off in 2010 when Billy was found having choked on his own vomit. Devon has appeared in small roles since then with an episode of Casualty being the most high profile in 2018. Billie Jackson. Billie's mum is Carol Jackson and his dad is Alan Jackson. He grew up in Walford from a young age and has always been the apple of his mother's eye. He has been portrayed by Devon Anderson between 1993-1997, Bluey Robinson in 2004 then Devon returns for 2010. He is one of four children. He first appeared when he was five years old he is the youngest out of four children. Storylines. Billie is the only son of Carol and Alan Jackson and he arrives in Walford in 1993 along with his half brother Robbie and his half sisters Bianca and Sonia. He is very close to his father and when Alan has an affair with the malicious Frankie Pierre and moves out of the family home, Billie takes the separation badly. On Christmas Day 1996, he becomes so upset that Alan is not there for the festivities that he runs away from home, prompting most of the Square's residents to abandon their Christmas dinners to search for him. He is found by and Clare Bates, hiding in a derelict building. They return him to his worried parents and the Jacksons eventually have a happy Christmas together, including Alan. In February 1997, Billie accompanies his great grandmother Blossom Jackson on a trip to a local building society. Whilst there, the building society is held up at gunpoint and robbed by a gang of masked thieves. Billie and Blossom are unharmed, but another man is shot and killed and Billie, the only witness, gets a glimpse of the thieves without their masks on. Billie is asked to provide testimony and help identify the thieves in a police line- up, which leads to several arrests. Carol remains apprehensive about Billie's involvement throughout the ordeal. In September 1997, the Jacksons hear news that the court case to try the suspected robbers is soon to take place. The family then suffer intimidation from the gang, in order to stop Billie from testifying against them. After picking Billie up from school one day, a woman claiming to be a supply teacher approaches Carol and asks if she can talk about Billie's behaviour. Whilst she is distracted, some men jump out of a van, bundle Billie inside, and drive off. After several days of investigation, the police trace Billie and he is reunited with his family. After this, the Jackson family, apart from Bianca, are placed in a witness protection program and rehoused away from the Square for their own safety. They depart on 16 October 1997. Following the trial, Robbie and, later, Sonia return to Walford and Carol also returns in 1999 when she splits up with Alan for a second time. Billie remains living with his father and grandmother in Balham and Carol later returns to live with them. Billie returns to the Square briefly in June 2004 to attend Sonia's wedding to Martin Fowler, and flirts with Martin's niece, Vicki Fowler, at the reception and gets drunk. Billie returns to Walford in 2010, calling at Bianca's home, and later attends her wedding. After his cousin Bradley Branning dies, Carol and Billie move back to Albert Square and Billie starts seeing Bianca's adopted daughter Whitney Dean. It is revealed that Billie is hiding a handgun in Bianca's home. He tells his former gang mates, Kylie, Connor Stanley and Mitch Gannon, that he has disposed of it, but after they arrive in Walford and find the gun, and plan to hold up public house. However, Billie is unmasked during the raid and it is revealed he used a water pistol. He then chooses Whitney over his former gang members, so Kylie takes revenge by attempting to shoot Billie with his gun, but accidentally shoots his uncle Jack Branning instead, who is left critically ill in hospital. Blaming himself, Billie announces his plan to join the army, but Carol is opposed to the idea until she discovers the gun came from Billie and tells him the army is the best place for him. When he is accepted into the army, Whitney promises to make the most of their remaining two weeks together. However, he discovers that Leon Small kissed Whitney and is angry when she does not mention it, but she insists she has not cheated on him. Billie apologises, and they reunite before Billie goes away for army training. When Billie is due to return on leave, he tells Carol that the army have denied it. However, Carol, Whitney and Bianca discover that he is taking his leave with friends instead of returning to Walford. When Billie finally does return to see Whitney, he upsets her by ending their relationship, saying he has changed. He reveals he has started a relationship with a female recruit named Siobhan, and decides he should leave. Whitney's brother punches him in the face. Carol overreacts as she wipes the blood off him so Billie snaps at her, saying she causes carnage wherever she goes. He then says she does not have to worry about him as he has a new life now. For Billie's birthday, Carol arranges a birthday party, but discovers from Whitney that he is having a party in Southend-on-Sea. Bianca brings him back to Walford on his birthday, and he makes amends with Jack. At the party, Billie's friends bring lots of alcohol and his cousin, Lauren Branning brings a bottle of vodka, which Billie drinks in one go. Carol decides to let him keep on drinking as he is an adult and makes his own choices. The next morning, the family think Billie is sleeping on the settee, but Bianca finds him dead when she tries to wake him, having died from choking on his own vomit from alcohol poisoning. His body is later taken away by undertakers. Whitney later discovers a text message on her phone from Billie, saying he still loves her and wants to make a go of things again. Billie's personal possessions are brought home to Carol, one of which is his laptop, on which Carol discovers a video of Billie saying he wishes she would drop dead. Billie's funeral takes place on 29 October 2010. Soap characters similar to or like Billie Jackson. Fictional character from the BBC EastEnders played by Patsy Palmer. Introduced by executive producer Leonard Lewis and appeared initially from 1993 to 1999, when Palmer opted to leave. Wikipedia. Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders. Originated by Madeline Duggan, who first appeared on 3 July 2006. Wikipedia. The Branning family, together with the Jackson family are a fictional, extended family in the BBC soap opera EastEnders. Introduced in 1993 were the Jackson family, consisting of Carol Jackson (Lindsey Coulson), her partner (later husband) Alan Jackson (Howard Antony), and Carol's four children, Bianca Jackson (Patsy Palmer), Sonia Jackson (Natalie Cassidy), Robbie Jackson (Dean Gaffney), and Billie Jackson (Devon Anderson). Wikipedia. Wanderer Forum Honors Boland, Mrs. Robinson, Marshner. Three persons received awards at the Eleventh National Wanderer Forum at an awards banquet on Saturday evening, June 28th, at the Hilton Hotel in St. Paul. The awards are given by the Wanderer Forum Foundation to Catholics who have defended Magisterial teachings in their work for the Faith. Carol Jackson Robinson, Redding, Conn., was recognized for “her devotion to, and exposition of, the perennial philosophy of the angelic doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas… and her constancy and determination in promoting that philosophy and theology which the Church holds in singular esteem.” ,Mrs. Robinson, a convert who holds a master’s degree in theology, was co-founder and co-editor of Integrity magazine; she has published several books under a pseudonym with Sheed and Ward Publishers, and written many articles for The Wanderer. Mrs. Robinson spends her leisure time reading the Fathers of the Church and St. Thomas Aquinas. “For his valiant and persistent work in bringing to public attention the truth about the continuing subversion and indoctrination by Communists in this Country and abroad,” the Wanderer Forum saluted John D. Boland, of Godfrey, Ill., research director for the Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation. Boland’s published commentaries in the Mindszenty Report and the Red Line serve to inform and alert thousands about the true nature of Communism.” Before coming to the Mindszenty Foundation, Boland worked as a reporter for the Jefferson City News-Tribune and contributed articles to Human Events, The Wanderer, and other periodicals. He studies thirty Communist publications each month and writes the CMF’s Red Line to alert readers to the Communist threat. William H. Marshner received the third award “for his brilliant and incisive efforts in the Catholic Press Apostolate, which have provided invaluable perspectives on issues which vitally affect the Church and the Commonwealth.” Marshner’s reputation as a formidable adversary of those sowing confusion within the Church has international recognition.