Distribution of Fire Blight Erwinia Amylovora and Its Control at the District of Tirana, Albania
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Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST) ISSN: 2458-9403 Vol. 3 Issue 3, March - 2016 Distribution Of Fire Blight Erwinia Amylovora And Its Control At The District Of Tirana, Albania Harallamb Paçe Dhurata Shehu Plant Protection Department, Plant Protection Department, Agricultural University of Tirana Agricultural University of Tirana Plant Protection Laboratory, Durres Plant Protection Laboratory, Durres Albania Albania [email protected] [email protected] Aleksandra Aleksoska State Phitosanitary Laboratory – Skopje, Macedonia Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and water Economy REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA [email protected] Abstract—Fire blight is a bacterial disease caused by the parts of the plant host [1, 7]. While the following plants have bacterium Erwinia amylovora (Burrill) Winsolow et al and is been considered to be the most important host plants from considered as one of the most dangerous diseases of pome fruit the economic and epidemiologic perspective: Amelanchier, worldwide. It is listed as a quarantined disease Plant A.alnifolia, Canadensis, Malus, Chaenomeles spp., Protection Directive of the European Union and is one of the Cotoneaster spp., Crataegus spp., Cydonia spp, Eryobotrya, main pests in the list A2 European Organization Plant Mespilus, Pyrus, P. amygdalifformis, Pyracantha spp., Protection (EPPO). It destroys apple, pear, quince crops and Sorbus spp. This disease has caused major economic losses other species of Rosaceae family. Seeing it’s devastating in many countries of Europe and the Mediterranean, where effects, huge economic damages and higher control costs, it commercial varieties of apple and pear are often susceptible was attained a monitoring of this disease in the district of to fire blight [3, 9]. Fire blight is big threat for the region Tirana city for 2015 year. During vegetative period of pome fruits, apple, pear and quince observations have been EPPO and Erwinia amylovora is one from the most conducted in orchard production, the orchard in production important diseases in the list A2 to European Organization and the production of planting nurseries. From these for Plant Protection (EPPO) [8]. This disease is on the list of observations have resulted to suspicious symptoms of the quarantine facilities A2 of the European Union where disease, considering it as the first step of the pathogen currently being strengthened quarantine regulations against diagnosis. During this period, plant samples were collected this pathogen. Every year decreased the level of infection in with suspicious signs of the disease, which were brought to the the apple and pear orchard because of to quarantine laboratory and underwent laboratory tests to determining the measures [5]. All plant organs except the seeds are final identification of the pathogen Erwinia amylovora on considered as possible sources for the spread of the Laknas area and Zhurje village. Then were conducted control pathogen. In many cases, is difficult to determine the origin measures with Cu fungicides reducting bacterial infection till of the fire blight in the protected areas, non-epidemic [4,6]. 30 %. II. MATERIAL AND METHODS Keywords: Fire blight, observation, Erwinia amylovora Sampling in the districts of Tirana was done between May and September primarily in trees indicating an I. INTRODUCTION unnatural development and growth in which one could The name "bacterial fire" (referred to as “Fire Blight” in suspect symptoms of disease onset. The samples comprised the international literature and in the traditional literature in in the main leaves, green growths, parts of twigs and Albania as “bacterial scorch of fruit trees” is attributable to branches, bits of bark, blossoms and ripe fruits. They were the quick and destructive effects of the pathogen on the put into plastic bags and taken straight to a laboratory where vegetative mass, on certain branches or on the whole tree, they were preserved in refrigerators at temperatures within which wilts and blackens rapidly in few days upon the onset the 4 - 5° C range until the point when they were inspected of the disease [11]. Erwinia amylovora is most destructive and analyzed. The study also made use of other laboratory to pears, apples, quinces and crab-apples, as well as several analysis for final identification of the disease. other species of Rosaceae family [12]. The fire blight affects the host trees by causing the flowers, leaves and young For purposes of pathogen isolation was used the method shoots to become limp and wilt, by creating cankers as applied according to E. Billing et al., [2] and R. A. (cancerous wounds) in the bark of tree trunks, causing the Lelliott [10]. To this end tissues from the areas between tree to ultimately dry all over. Pathogen infects all aerial discoloration and the healthy parts were obtained from the leaves and shoots which indicated suspicious symptoms of www.jmest.org JMESTN42351430 4197 Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST) ISSN: 2458-9403 Vol. 3 Issue 3, March - 2016 disease. These tissues were pounded into a sterile mortar g. Rinsing with water and drying by means of blotting paper combined with 1 - 2 droplets of sterile distilled water until a which is later examined in a microscope. homogeneous concoction was formed. This mass of concoction (suspension) was planted through a sterile loop into petri dish fitted with a NSA feeding setting, by sliding Examination in a microscope was conducted with the object the hook over the setting in a free manner as if drawing. The immersed, where the cells of the bacterial cells were plates planted in this way were incubated in thermostats at detected along with their shapes, form, etc. temperatures 25 - 27°C. After a period of 2 - 3 days, once Then treatment with fungicide for to limit fire blight is the bacterial colonies emerged in the planted plates they performed in a parcel, which is defined in Zhurje area. The were transferred into other plates with the same NSA land, which is located experiment is part of the orchard, feeding setting in place. Transferals occurred twice in a row which is pure good, has uniform fertility, etc. Treatments are in order to obtain cleaned colonies. The clean colonies were performed in the apple tree cv. “Gala”, the pear tree cv. transferred into other Petri-type plates with a NSA subtract “Williams” and quince (quince country). and with the other King B subtract. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION NSA substracts [1] As seen from the data presented above, some pear and Bacto nutrient broth 8.0 gr apple samples failed to prove the presence of bacteria E. Sucrose 50.0 gr amylovora despite displaying suspicious symptoms the trees from which the samples were collected. From these samples Bacto agar 15.0 gr were isolated bacterial colonies that even though they had Distillate water 1000.0 ml some similarities with those of the pathogen in word, again showed some different qualities and gave not pathogenicity The ingredients are dissolved in Mary wash for 15 min, during artificial inoculation in pear fruit. They can be pH 7.0 is properly regulated and is distributed in bottles considered saprophytic bacteria. Following are the results of (elermayer) of 150 ml each and later sterilized in autoclaves monitoring. as in the case of the NSA setting. The observations performed in pears, apples and quinces Description of colonies in nurseries, orchards under mature trees and those already under production have revealed the presence of symptoms similar to those of the fire blight (table 1). The colonies which are obtained, acting on the basis of knowledge and experience gained, underwent a macroscopic TABLE 1. THE PRESENCE OF FIRE BLIGHT - E. AMYLOVORA IN SAMPLES description by taking fully into account these elements: COLLECTED IN 2015 YEAR a-The shape of colony (round, erratic). b-The size of the colony. Sample The origin of the Culture Cultivar The result c–The color of colony. sample achieved d - Position on the setting (flat, elevated, convex, Positive + Negative - hemispherical, etc.). P Zhurje – Tirana Pear Williams + - Nature of the colony (mucoid, dry, etc.). 1 P2 Laknas – Tirana Pear Gentile + f - Opacity (transparent, opaque) Bianca g - Structure (homogeneous or not) P3 Laprakë – Tirana Pear Gentile - k - Area (wrinkled, smooth, etc.) Bianca P4 Ndroq - Tirana Pear Koshia - prekoçe There might be some other characteristic element which P5 Sauk – Tirana Pear Koshia - may have been mentioned in the description. prekoçe P6 Kurorë – Tirana Pear Gentile - Coloring of bacteria Bianca P7 Bathore – Tirana Pear Koshia - For the purpose of coloring bacteria fixed bacterial prekoçe microscopic preparations were created at an early stage. To P8 Tapizë – Tirana Pear Abate - this end a droplet of sterile distilled water was placed on a fetel clean microscopic slide. Then, a little bit of material A Zhurje – Tirana Apple Gala + obtained from the 24 hour old bacterial culture to be Q Zhurje – Tirana Quince Q. country + examined was placed in this droplet of water which was mixed with water. The mixture was evenly distributed on the slide and was left to dry in the laboratory temperature. After drying the slide was fixed over the flame of the lamp which was later subjected to coloring using the Gram method based on the following procedure: a. Coloring with Gentian violet for 2 minutes. b. Rinsing with water. c. Lugoli solution 1-1.5 minutes. d. Rinsing e. Rinsing with alcohol for 1 minute. f. Coloring with Fuchsine for 2 minutes. www.jmest.org JMESTN42351430 4198 Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST) ISSN: 2458-9403 Vol. 3 Issue 3, March - 2016 Monitoring results in the district of Tirana for the 2015 year are presented in the figure 1. Fig 2: Severity scale of disease affection: 1. 100% of crown affected; 2. 90% of crown affected; 3. 80% of crown affected; 4. 50% of crown affected; 5. 40% of crown affected; 6.