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(Fhmttttttntt Ilatuj Gkmjjub Serving Storrs Since 1896 (fhmttttttntt IlatUj GkmjJUB Serving Storrs Since 1896 VOL. LXXVII NO. 96 STORRS, CONNECTICUT MARCH 20, 1969 | Board of Trustees Meet: 250 Demonstrate; Support Professors Colfax Denied Tenure By RICH COHEN On* of the demonstrator: In a yester- STEVE FAGIN day's protest looks over the shoul- JIM CONROY der of Trustee Joseph R. McCormick. Approximately 50 demonstrators unanimously granted tenure to Colfax" Over the Table The demonstrators were protesting crowded into an open Board of Trustees and many thrust their arms upward with the Trustee's powers of deciding fa- meeting on the second floor of Gulley hands forming a phallic-fingered ges- culty tenure. Hall yesterday morning to protest the ture. Board's power to decide faculty tenure. The UConn Board of Trustees then Another estimated 200 persons wai- went to the Faculty Alumni Center, and ted downstairs and around the building. everyone else was denied entrance. A u*i Demonstrator s began gathering a- few demonstrators tried to open the round Gulley Hall at 9:30. The crowd doors, but they were locked. At 1:30, swelled to approximately 250. At 10:00, the Board left via a side exit, escorted • r* about 75 marchers circled the building by a handful of Security of'icers. once and then entered through the front No results of the executive meeting doors. One or two snowballs were thrown were released. Friedman later said the ^ by anti-demonstrators standing across normal procedure for granting tenure is the street, but no one was hit. Other through letters, which would be sent early ^pc groups of demonstrators, including fa- next week to the professors involved. t^> culty members, members of the Women The consideration of faculty contracts ^ Intolerant of Vindictive EducationalSup- and promotion is customary for the pression (WIVES) and Students for Fa- March meeting. The inclusion of pro- ** r fessor J. David Colfax of the Sociology culty Freedom, followed into the build- r department and professor Charles Bro- ing. Some entered cautiously, wary of ver of the English department in the possible repercussions. Others remar- Board's considerations for tenure and ■i^Lj* ked on the familiarity of the scene, re- contract, respectively, drew a crowd of r membering 24-hour "occupation" last about 250 demonstrators expressing - > ' November. Larry Smyle said, "God, this their support of the controversial pro- // - ^ place looks familiar. I feel like I've been fessors' position. The professors were here before." involved in demonstrations here last - Once inside, demonstrators were told semester. that the Board would meet with repre- Ignoring the presence o f 50 student #^?l sentatives of the group. The crowd rotlp demonstrators crowding the small con- sentatives of the group. The crowd mil- ference room, the Board members ack- A group of demonstrators in the sec- led around for a few minutes and then nowledged the right of Larry Smyle, a cond half of yesterday's protest out- decided to ascend the stairs en masse representative of the student group, to Locked Oat side the Faculty Alumni Center.They to the room where the Trustees were speak In defense of the protestors' po- were refused entrance into the cen- meeting. sition on the condition that all other stu- dents temporarily leave the room. ter. (More photos page 5) Don Friedman, UConn Director of Public Information, stood in front of Smyle, a student senator, addressed the door and told the crowd to move the group as a "Board of Dictators" Project Dialogue Offers Panel back, but the demonstrators quietly fil- and accused them of basing all of their ed past him. decisions on "Money, not education". The Board continued the meeting, Smyle said "A teacher should be em- For Student Political Parties trying to ignore the demonstrators sur- ployed on the basis of his worth and without regard to class, next Wednesday rounding the table. Members eyed the popularity as an educator, not on the By LAURA PARKER during elections. Thev must present their demonstrators but made no comments basis of his political beliefs". Campus Staff Writer LD. 's in order to vote. until a few persons bega n whistling Professor Howard Reed, represen- Elite Goldstein and Alan Lee repre- "The Star-Spangled Banner" and "A- ting a group of "concerned" faculty in Several student senators were among sented the All Students Party (ASP). merica". Board member Karl Nielson the College of Arts and Sciences, was the 14 persons attending a panel dis- Members of the International Stu- looked up and said to Chairman John granted permission to address the Board cussion to acquaint voters with the plat- dents Organization (BO) present were Budds, "I'm here to hear a board meet- and informed them of a petition signed forms of the UConn student political par- Jeff Gelfon, Judy Doneiko, and Jim ing, not to hear the *Star-Spangled Ban- by several faculty members that asked tips Tuesday night. Conroy. ner' whistled. Either it's going to be the Board to defer consideration of ten- "Project Dialogue," a new organ- Larry Williams, Ron McKnlght, and quiet or the room is going to be clear- ure until a more extensive examination ization campus, sponsored the dis- Mike Wlnkler represented Students for ed." of the Issue could be conducted. cussion. Representative Government (SRG). Professor J. David Colfax, standing A Board member noted that no de- Students may vote for any candidate, Bonnie Smyth is running as an In- at the doorway, asked everyone to leave cision of the Board is binding until a dependent, with ASP endorsement. because the Board was "using the people month has passed and a new meeting Alan Lee, (ASP) said he wants stu- here as an excuse for intimidation." He of the trustees has been held. dents to have more responsibility in said the Board would not discuss tenure Before the Board moved to closed Colloquium to Focus running campus affairs, such as initia- in the presence of demonstrators. session to consider tenure and promo- ting a student honor court to handle all Colfax has been recommended for tions, President Babbidge voiced his student infractions. tenure unanimously by the Sociology- solid opposition to the proposed tuition On Fascism in '30's Larry Williams, an SRG candidate, Anthropology department. hike now before the State Assembly favored more black participation in stu- Smyle, was allowed to address the and said that if the Board is ever cal- dent government. Board as a student representative only led upon to advise the legislature on this A colloquium on fascism will be held Conroy said he favors forming a lob- after demonstrators left the room. issue his recommendation will reflect tonight at 9 in Rm. 55 of the Social Sci- by In the state legislature toprotectstu- He emphasized the demands con- these lines of opposition. ences building after the scheduled Se- dent interests. cerning Colfax's tenure, the Board thank- Standing policy does not permit the mester of the 30's lecture on "Super- During the panel discussion and the ed him for his comments, and he left. Board to devulge this Information to the highways". following question and answer period, The Trustees said every instructor's public, a trustee said. the meeting had to be called to order tenure comes up for consideration be- Participants will be UConn Profes- several times as persons from thepanel fore the Board every March, and that sor Norman Kogan of the Center for and floor were out of order. Colfax's tenure is being considered only University of Connecticut Profes- Italian Studies, Curt Beck, a UConn McKnlght accused the present student in the light of his academic qualifications. sor David Colfax says the University' professor of political science and Hen- senate of adjourning three out of four History professor Howard Reed then has denied him tenure because of — ry Marks, a professor of history. times because It lacked a quorum, and invited the Board to meet with faculty to what he calls — "political Pressure in accomplishing nothing. discuss tenure. He asked when he would the state." Colfax says he received a Both Goldstein and Smyth denied know If they would meet, and Babbidge pnone can last night informing him McKnlght's charge. replied, "Certainly today." of the disciplinary measure adopted Weaker Cotiock McKnlght and Wlnkler claimed that Returning to the lobby, demonstrators at a closed door meeting earlier In the student senate was not representat- sat on the floor, smoked cigarettes, and the day by the UConn Board of Trus- ive of the student body with regard to the read copies of the'Husky Handjob.'-One tees. Colfax has been Involved in anti- Today, variable cloudiness and sea- moratorium vote last fall. secretary, asked what she thought of the war protests at the University. Colfax sonable, trie afternoon high in the up- Questioned by Goldstein as to whether situation, said, "I don't think." complained the action was taken - In per 4) «. Tonight, mostly cloudy with he would support slavery if the majority At 11:20, demonstrators returned to his words - "despite the unanimous recommendation of the department of fog and drizzle developing Tha night wanted it, McKnlght said, "If the people the Board room. Ten minutes later, Budds ordered the room cleared, saying sociology" that he be granted tenure. time lows in ffie mid thirties. Tom- want slavery, I will give it to them." the Board was going into an executive A petition signed by 11 faculty mem- morrow, variable cloudiness again Smyth, Goldstein and Conroy said that the voters had not expressed opposition sesslo n which is not open to the public. bers was presented tothe Board today and cool.
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